Cinema 4d Architecture Modeling Tutorial

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hi everyone here is alibaba from art motion studio and today we are going to model the uh twist museum designed by big architects and biax angles which is located in christopher sculpture park in yevnaka norway as you see it's a bridge that serves also as a museum and is created as a box as a horizontal block which is twisted in the middle so let's jump in cinema 4d and start modeling [Music] so to begin with i'm going to create a and i'm going to increase the z axis to something like let's see 1000 okay and i'm going to decrease the height to something like 110 and i'm keeping the the x direction as 200 okay and now i'm going to increase the z-axis but before that let me display activate the guard shading so we can see the lines and in here i'm going to give it 180 segments in zip direction and simply i can come in the formulas and add a twisty format and it is firstly i have to rotate it like this okay and now as you see here as i rotate it but before i i have i have to put it as a trial of the cue as i put it here as i rotate it this will also rotate and twist it okay like this this is the simplest way to create you know the scene this is the simplest way to create a model but the problem is that we lose some details here on the edges if i may show you a picture here that they have prepared for you as you see here we have some details here on the edges like this but here on this method we will lose all of this okay if it's not important for you to go so precise and it's okay but if you want to go precise and pay attention to the details this is surely not the way we want to go okay and as i say always the simplest way are not always the best ways so the other method that i use to preserve this detailing here is to using clones and fields so let me delete this twist and i'm going to make it set segment 1 again and instead of hunt 1000 i'm going to make one set and one object as with the size for z as three something like this okay now i'm going to copy this i'm going to hide it out in future if something goes right i have access to the alt and parametric cue and now i can just simply make it editable and come to surface and select these two sides and by shortcut e i can use inner extrude to get something like this okay and i'm going to bridge it to have something like this so this is just one element that i have and i put this in a cloner by default it will make a sorry by default it will make a grid array but i'm going to linear and i'm joining going to change the direction as we had before we had three as our segments here but i'm going to make it minus three and here zero one or zero two so that they are not completely connected you will see now later why i do this okay and now let's increase the segments i go to 200 let's see it's enough maybe not 250 okay i think 250 is a good value the count here and now what i can do is by coming here in the cloner and activate the plane effector and the plane effector i'm giving it fall off and the fallout surely i'm giving it a linear fallout okay and i don't like the colors i will just change it something like this and the direction it should be uh the follow-up direction should be minus in this direction okay by default the plane effect that will affect the position in the y direction i don't want that i'm deactivating this but i want the rotation to be activated and i want it to be on minus 90. so as i drag this linear field through the object you'll see that i have good and twist that form here as we had before but this time we have also these details that we were looking for as you see here okay as you see here i think the number of counts of the clones are not enough i make it 270 or make let's make it 300 for now we can change it whenever we want so i can drag this inside more we have something like this okay now what we want we want to make the glass part here so actually this part okay and this is a bit tricky but it's not so that difficult i'm going to just copy this cloner so let me first rename it to museum the twist museum twist museum and i'm going to copy that and this i'm renaming twist museum because i'm going to subtract this from this museum later so now i can come to the cube i'm going to type this one out firstly i'm going to reduce the count to 200 and even more to here let me see if i yes okay to here so we have 173 counts of this object now but we have to modify the form here so i can i come here i'm i'm going to deactivate the clone and i'm going to delete the unnecessary parts i'm going to pull point mode and adjust this to the way i want so i'm popping this here like this i'll do the same for bottom part so i'm selecting the y value and paste it here and by right click i'm going to close polygon holes and i'm closing the top and the bottom part okay great now what i'm going to do i'm going to surface mode again i'm going to select these two surfaces this side and this side i'm going to scale it out a bit i'm going to select this side this side and i'm going to give it the value 3.1 because i want this one to be a little bit bigger than this because later on we are going to use the boolean and if they have the both size they both distance between these two surfaces the boolean will not work because they are covering each other should not cover each other at all so now i'm going to bring it back we have something like this of course we have in effectors we have the same plane effectors here but the problem is that if i activate both of them you see we have we are close to what we want but the window part will get narrowed as they were at the way up if you see here is not going to be the same this will get narrowed as it goes up as in the other picture you see this here clear yes so to get that i'm coming to my sub form and i'm going to give it a stepper vector like this okay firstly which it will look like this it's not what you want of course but we are i'm going to uh deactivate the uniform scale so we are back again here and here i'm going to use uh the same linear field here let's see how it's how it is i'm dragging this here as well okay and here in parameter i'm going to decrease this value to something like minus point minus 0.8 okay now we have the narrow but it says in the middle we want to push it up so i have to activate the position also and push it up something like this okay this is a good thing about uh this method that this is all parametric so you can define and move and position them whenever you want you can change the field here this will affect both of them as you see here so it's a great way to use this method i think because they have too many possibilities and to go and to go and work on okay so now that i have done this let's adjust it a bit more so i think this will be not bad if you push it here but as you see here the transition in step mode is a linear transition i don't want the transition to be linear i want it to be a curve so in what i'm going to do i'm going to my linear field and in remapping here okay i can make it a curve something like this okay but the problem here as you see here when i change the curve the curve of the structure will change as well so to prevent that i can come here and make it none i'm making a copy of the field linear field and drag in a step effector and i rename it step linear field curve okay and here in step effector in falloff i'm going to delete this one and i'm going to switch it with this one okay until now it's nothing change but here now i can control this linear fill separately so i can just come here in the contour and set it to curvature so now i have access to the this handles and i can make it more interesting i can drink bring it so here and this one as here here so we have a great looking transition between these two at the end as you see here as i change the form here the curvature here it will be changed here as well so now we don't have a linear transition anymore because we have a curvature transition that's exactly what we wanted yes okay and this looks cool so now to prevent misunderstandings i'm going to create two notes one i name it twist museum the other one i rename it twist museum on the landscape okay and i'm putting that object here as i want so the tourist museum here and the sub museum here this that just affects the uh twist this up so i can drag this also here inside and this plane affects both of them so i'm putting it just above okay now and now i'm going to create a boolean and i'm putting these two beneath it and as i do that you see that we get our result so exact and we have preserved all the details here that we could not have achieved with the first method that i have shown you okay so now this is also done the next part that we need to add to the structure is the glass part here this with this segmentation and this should also work fine here so the method here that i use i'm going to twist sub i'm going to bring it the cube and make a copy of it so i have this here okay now i'm going to select all the surfaces and i'm going to deselect this one and delete so we just have a plane here i'm going to select this i'm going to select this i'm going to move it inward a bit like this now i'm going to line mode and select this edge and i drag it out something like this okay but how much first i need to deactivate the plane where's my plane okay this is here i can bring it top okay i can deactivate this one sorry yeah there it is no now i can just select the cube again and drag it here so that it covers our hole here and now i'm going to solder it out and by kl i'm going to make some look cut so let's add the cut with bring it out from it from the solo mode i need more points okay i think this is enough for now and now i can come to the front view and just adjust the points here so i'm selecting these points i'm addressing this to get close to our form that we have here so like this it doesn't need to be so exact because this will go through the object and we will not see the entire form so now it's okay it looks fine just here i need i think i need to drag this a bit down and this also this is a bit tricky trick again but it's not a big deal so now we have this like this and we need to use a twisty formula now i'm going to rotate it 90 degrees i bring it here and i put it as a child of the cube i name it last glass part and let's see how it will look when i use the twist of course 90 degree and let's activate plane two so we skip something like this but the problem now here to we have to tweak the trees to make it match with the object so something like this and let's use the size a bit something like this and as you see we have our glass part also added to the structure okay we have something here goes on but this is not a big deal so now that i have the glass bot i'm going to copy it here and i'm going to hide it out in case something goes wrong now i can select the main glass part and make it connect object and delete so it is just an object here and now i can just select this point and drag it down a bit to resolve the issue and here also i can just play with these values to make it more natural like this okay and here for the angle i can give it 10 we have something like this okay because also in the image we have also the kinking or if we want we can give it 91 so we have a flatter looking this one i think it should go a bit inside okay and now we have added also the glass part and it looks great okay now i can select this one as well by holding ctrl key i can make a copy to this close and of course with kl i can make a loop cut again so as you see here you could model this this model with preserving the uh details also what is left here is the uh structure inside and by that i mean this uh thrust structure that you have inside so another picture this one you see that here better you have the truss and the diagonals attached to them so for that i'm going to select the glass part and i'm going to select this side you can add this side or let me select this one as well and firstly i'm going to copy it and rename it to truss a trust what choice okay now i can simply or let me come to the glass part and make it x-ray so i can see true now by selecting the truss surface uh i can simply come and use the d for extrude and make sure that the creek cap is off and i'm going to drag it inside something like this okay this looks good and now i can simply come to the edges and select and deactivate the part that i don't want to be in my trust so this one this one let me select all these dissolve them and make it look cut again okay seems that you have some extra points here let me solo it out to see it better okay see that we have this extra part that we don't want them so by selecting this truss again in surface mode i can come to here and invert the selection and delete the undesired surfaces and now yes you see we have some extra points here we should get rid of them so just simply delete it and now i'm going to make some loop cuts two three one two three four five so we have five surfaces here and i can come here and select this one and this one and this one and dissolve them as well okay this is the place where our horizontal structure will be this side and this side as well so i can come and select all of them not this one this edge bone not this one and of course not this one now i come out of the solo and i'm going to bevel it with the pebble tool and i'm going to bury it something like this three is okay now i'm using extrude and this time by activating or i can come to surface now i can firstly i'm going to select these surfaces but i don't want this one this one this one i'm going to delete it well before that let me make a copy of the truss because i need them for the diagonals later on as well so now that i come to truss the undesired surface are selected i'm going to delete it so now i can come simply select all of them and use this extrude tool extruded inward but the cap should be selected and i make it minus one i'm going to inner inextric 0.9 is a good value and extrude again but this time the caps off minus for the good value again and again index root extruded outward this time minus nine and extrude outward again the value and i select all of them because the normals are turned inside i can just come here and reverse normals so here's our here are our horizontal our vertical structure of the truss and now we need to add the diagonals and if i activate the last part you see that we have this inside and it looks okay so i'm going to deactivate it again and i'm going to select this one this part i'm using extrude and the cap should be off and i move it inward so this was four is of one so the value of minus three should be in the middle of the structure something like this now i can oh sorry something i have should have done before but it's okay it's not a big deal i can now uh go to line mode i'm going to delete these parts like this i'm going to preserve this so i'm come here and select invert and get rid of this so now i'm going to use the knife tool and by sewing structure also by using knife tool i can create a diagonals like this so and by selecting them two three four five six seven okay something isn't correct here we'll come back to it later and i can right click and etched this line so i have now the sp lines i bring it out and i can't delete this one completely so i have this but here we have i think some extra points like this i can delete this let's make sure that we don't have not desired points okay this looks fine now i need to use a circle i give it a value one the reduce one and i'm using the sweep and put both in the sweep like this and i name it diagonals now i come out of the solo and we have something like this and by activating the truss we get something close to what we look for and the glass work and you see everything is positioned in the right place and looks fine okay here we may say okay this is not it's if it's short so i can the active last one truss i can select the inner part um rotate it so that you have almost the right angle go to top view and look it from here okay it's okay now i can just drag this [Music] the down of the truss should also be positioned in the right place something like this okay so as you see our model is finished but here i forgot something just tell you now as you see we have full opening here but the structure just have uh in opening in this side here actually so to correct that uh i need to come to the boolean to our main structure and make sure that to create single object is active and now i can right click and select create connect objects and delete so so just you have just a simple object here i can come to the edges i select this edge and move it inward like this at this edge i move it upward like this and we need a glass part here so we can simply come to close click on hold i think see let's see what no so instead i use polygon plan i select this point this point this one this point and so and i select it and i split it and delete the inside one and i have it less that's part as well we don't need this edge selection and i can just simply drag it inward a bit so it's now in the right position okay let's create and let's see i can activate the x-ray so so now our modeling is finished i hope that you have enjoyed it and make sure that uh you subscribe to our channel if you have not and like the tutorial if you liked it or dislike if you didn't like it and uh write us in the comments what you think or your idea that will help us to make better tutorials for you in the future and see you in the next tutorial and of course before that uh don't forget to check out our other tutorials that comes at the end of the this tutorial on the screen here we have also many interesting tricks and tricks used in each of them so make sure that you check them out as well so see you in the next tutorial and have a good time
Views: 255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcmotion, 2021, maxon, maxon cinema 4d, c4d, cinema 4d, modelling, 3d, animation, rendering, motion graphics, redshift, adobe, cinema 4d motion graphics, architecture drawing, architects, architecture visualisation, 3dmax, redshift cinema 4d, tut, tutorial, 3d software, 3d modeling, cgi, architecture, design, architecture tutorial, architecture modeling, metropol parasol, metropol parasol seville, metropol parasol cinema 4d, archviz artist, archviz c4d, archviz
Id: pMmv3gB9Nwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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