Indestrucrable Body Mod On Nex Xmaxx

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is welcome to another video filming it live so for those of you watching i've got the comments up on the screen there uh for the majority of you it's gonna be a replay uh so anyway in this video i've got a brand spanking new xmaxx check it out guys what are you making of it there's my mini max look and here's another x max look at that body so what i'm going to do in this video and i've done it before and it's probably going to be the world's most boring live stream slash video ever i'm going to be doing the shugu and drywall tape modification on this and it takes ages it's probably going to take me a couple of hours to do it's probably going to use a couple of tubes of sugar but i've done a few now i'm getting better at doing it so hopefully this time around it's gonna it's gonna be quicker and these bodies they're quite expensive and here's one of the bodies that i've trashed in the past i mean a couple of wheelies and stuff i've already cut these corners off look there was it there because i normally take the wheelie bar off so this sometimes catches and then that sort of helps rip the body off so i cut that off a bit there we're gonna take all this stuff off all the roll cage off we're gonna put that stuff on it and at the same time chat with some of you guys i've got the comments up here as usual i'm going to try and get as many comments as i can but obviously i can't get all of them i've got to concentrate on what i'm working on and if you want the best chance for me to answer a comment leave it as short as you possibly can mr max worth buying somebody said yes right so we're going to start with by taking off all of this let's get rid of the x-max for now check it out guys look brand new oh there's gonna be a full unboxing video with this soon i'm just filming it at the moment yeah so right so to start off with let's get all the old cage off so what have you guys been up to today anybody been bashing us fees wrenching working what have you guys been up to oh my car from india envy says hi from germany working rc is working grass cutting van den's waiting for his lipos rebuilding a t-max at danger zone tristan's been at school sleeping doing paperwork oh yeah deep deep fried bent is like pose oh dear i've been knocked before and straightened them but i don't recommend it really six asus or success said uh connor um this one's at 8s alright so we got that bit off oh hiccups where's my ball ended allen key driver there get that out of there bam's been working hard and playing harder good man easton's been rc driving someone gaming tygo says hello from holland ap has been wrenching and driving bodyburst is high from estonia they're out there someone's just rambling to start up not today dude i just see a comment a bit earlier where somebody said i should make the raminator electric but no i like the noise of the laminator it's got to be noisy so if you look at rc tanks and trucks i think he's going to do an electric one working from canada said someone can't tell your name what happened to the bank vault of seth ah wow we can't use fire and we can't do sparks so that's going to kind of lower it down to drilling holes and stuff like that so we may have to get a locksmith to come and have a look at it have you spelt title wrong i don't care i'm dyslexic nobody's perfect everybody's got weaknesses i can't spell so if you look on this body actually look i've not liked this before but on this x-maxx look it's got some little protectors actually on the body the same on the front so i don't know when they started doing that i don't think i've ever got an x max add that on there nice x max keep it nice yeah i'm gonna try and keep it nice that's why i'm doing a body shell make your body last a bit longer because the russian indestructible bodies they do last they're really strong but they're not really the best looking bodies they look a bit ugly i've noticed the videos where i use an ugly body don't get many views so hopefully by putting a nice body on it will get more views and also when when you play with an rc car that's not really good condition and it looks good and everything it's just more enjoyable as a hobby you know if you've got an rc car it looks a bit crappy i don't know it's not quite as much fun playing with it you guys in the comments what is your favorite rc car why did you get another x max because my x max is three years old it has loads and loads of abuse it's kind of dual rebuild but i thought you know what if i get a new one off and do a comparison video to the new armor outcast and also i can keep my other one like a bit of a ratty ones for doing sort of i don't know sort of before abusing and then keep this one here to look nice now look after a bit more still bash it but not go out and sort of wreck it if you get me so i said build a wind turbine maybe when i get my land maybe minecraft says he likes the udr but it's too expensive someone's his favorite ones are max infraction all in faction's very nice yes can we see the 200 mile an hour project yeah later later we can have a look foreign cleaner now you have two nice x-men yeah well the other one see that one there that's supposed to be for water crossing so you want to bash that one we've put extra grease in the bearings extra grease in the transmission we've put holes in there today we're drying out so that one's really a shelf queen and for water crossing this one here is the one that gets the abuse and then here's a 200 mile an hour car well planned to go 200 miles an hour it might not go too it probably won't actually but that's the mission try and get it to go that fast so now we've got a new one that we can use for bashing but keep it a bit nicer will you review the harvey maybe after seeing it go at paddlesworth i'm very impressed so i am actually very tempted to get one but i don't know not at the moment let me review the cards that i've got i've got a couple of language specials to do and then maybe who knows someone says should i get the hpx rampage i need to bring the market for a tiny little rc car yeah sure one of the best cheap small ones that i've played with that's what she said stampede four before that's the beast someone says yeah i mean they look good but i've never actually used one before so i don't know i can only really comment the stuff that i've used but i am tempted possibly someone says to a lot of the style and attracts this horse yeah i think it looks really good i've seen a few people complaining it's just the same as a rustler the same with the slash and well yeah i mean it's on the same platform but i wouldn't say that's a bad thing you know if it shares in the same parts and everything that's a good thing because that means you don't have to get a whole new space bank is this shoe good swim tape trick again yes it is this is gonna be the most boring video ever literally guys if you've got something better to do go and do that you know if you're completely bored then yeah stick around but this is going to be a completely boring video i'm going to get a few questions we're going to waffle a little bit but i'm warning you guys this is going to be the most boring video ever i've done a few videos already with doing these modifications doing the sugar and everything so i don't blame you guys if you're going to get bored so that's the warning it's going to be the world's most boring video getting out of ammonia to make it leki power well i don't know i've got plenty electric rc's i mean the raminator is kind of like a use it once in a blue moon you know it's not practical anyway so there's not really any need to try and make it practical did you hear about the handbrake on the infraction version two says gabe's and i will probably try and get it to fit into my infection i was tempted to buy a whole new infection actually but but if i could just get the handbrake module and put it in mine that would probably make more sense christopher says he loves to shelf queen x-maxx what are you spraying i'm spraying bearing blaster so how long do body shells last you guys i mean on x-max's if i put a new body on it it normally lasts me about two outings and it starts falling into bits but you know i've got a bit hard on my stuff so with the shugu trick i'm hoping it's going to last like i know at least a year i'm hoping playing crazies as years long time three years all good four months so what do you guys do to make your body stronger i know some people they put this stuff on there the old gorilla tape other people put bed liner on there i've not tried that yet even though i'm very tempted to actually try it myself get the white tires for the felony on the infection someone says i don't think it will fit because the body's wider on the felony all right here we go so yeah let's go no idea how we're going to do it i'm just going to make it up as we go along oh someone has donated five pounds naughty don't start that game again guys rc world hello from rtwell discord server we're all big fans all big fans thank you rc world much appreciated but please please please please please if you want to donate give it to my favorite charity and the link to that is down below it's great allman street it's a hospital for sick kids i do a really great job i used to deliver there when i was a truck driver special place in my heart and that's the charity that i give to and it's a charity i encourage people to give to as well why did i get the as x-maxx because i could do with a new one i mean my one still works but it's been through hell and it's getting on a little bit now so i thought i'd get a nice one to look after still bash it but just a little bit nicer on it and have the other one someone says how is the lambo yes lambo's doing good so i'm gonna pay particular attention to the rear part of the bed because that is where they normally break they'll break around here they all split across here all around there so i'm gonna try and keep this back half of the bed you know give up the most time that's why i started there because once the time by the time i get to there probably gonna get bored what camera am i using i'm using a galaxy s9 i used to be an s10 but i broke it and i wasn't really very happy with that phone so i'm not gonna get another one favorite cheap rc crawler someone asked that would be the rgt front motor do you like xt or someone said yeah all right let's do a little bit on there first i think the only axle that i've got is the smt-10 get that one there kev show your beard you know you guys just want to make fun of me there we go look at that oh yeah i put it there for a joke but some of you guys said you like it so what do you reckon keep it or get rid of it do a boating video maybe bum fluff says pl yes get rid keep it keep it keep it get rid of the bum fluff keep it makes you look sexy [Laughter] thanks rc clown i'll see claire's got youtube by the way so check him out show them a little bit of love keep almost bunny most of you guys are saying keep it it probably will go at some point i'm going to rock it for a little while keep it on there for a little while for a bit of fun unbox the x-mac someone says i have unboxed it and it will there will be a video of that on the main channel soon i've been filming the unboxing today a bit you got not bored yet you should make an outro xo1 somebody said gemma smith said can you say my name there you go infection or felony i prefer to look at the infection but the felony does look epic it does really look not really good and if if there wasn't such a thing as an infection i would probably get one so the infection is actually one of my favorite rc cars it's definitely in the top list so guys what is your dream rc car someone said how to earn money on ebay we basically you just buy stuff for cheaper than what you sell it for that is the basic concept but there is more to it than that if you look at the people that are unsuccessful selling on ebay they try and sell at the cheapest the trouble is if you're trying to be the cheapest there's always going to be someone that's going to go cheaper and you're going to get into a price war and in the end nobody's going to make any money because you're going to go cheaper he's going to go cheaper you're going to go cheaper and in the end you're going to be selling it at a lost so what you need to do is find a way that you can sell your item more expensive than your competition and there's many ways that you can do it i know you can do a better picture you can do better a better description better better title there's many different things that you can do to make your items stand out and then once you've learned how to do that you can sell your article more expensive than everybody else then you can make a killing but if you're trying to be cheapest no chance why not make and sell rc i don't know i suppose you could do that i mean i'd love to one day design my own rc car and bring it to market but i haven't got any time at the moment i wouldn't have a clue where to start even but one day i'd love to do it and i'll tell you what guys if i built a c car i would make sure it's the toughest thing out there you wouldn't need any upgrades out of the box it would be absolutely done out the box it would be well nothing's unbreakable but try to make it as unbreakable as possible and you know price wise i'd price it you know obviously gotta make some profit but i wouldn't get greedy i'd rather make a product that everybody wants and can enjoy and try and bring something good to the rc community that would be epic if i could pull that off so maybe one day let me get some other projects out the way i've got monster trucks to build i've got monster truck shows i want to do i've got so many plans that i've got to do and if we get those done then maybe we'll look into designing an rc car what type is that so this is drywall tape this one here is fiber tape because it sticks better well it doesn't really matter you can use any stuff any cheapo stuff because i now get the hot glue out and kind of tack it down with a hot glue just to hold it in place when we glue it so this video is definitely going to be long-winded guys so i'm surprised there's 439 of you guys watching i'm surprised there's like it's not on to zero to be honest with you kev looks homeless with that beard i don't care do you know one thing about me i don't care what others think i really couldn't care less so i know a lot of people who live their life trying to always trying to you know trying to impress other people whereas i just couldn't care less what other people think as long as i'm happy that's what it matters a lot of people say why don't i get rid of a guinea you know why get rid of it it's a good car gets me it gets me from a to b it's reliable has never let me down i mean it's had a head gasket done but it's never broken down anywhere it's always got me homes always got me to where i wanted to go good as a cheap car we'll just dump it where i want i can park it in the shops not worry about people crashing into it so yeah i don't care what people think and once you can stop caring what other people think your life instantly becomes so much better because if you base purchases and place your life on what other people think and you're trying to look cool and all this stuff it doesn't bring happiness what brings happiness is fulfilling yourself and you know some people think that to be happy you've got to look good to other people so it's kind of a bit backwards because so then you've got to think that the other person thinks that that you're cool and end of the day it doesn't really matter if other people think you're cool or not i mean who cares what does it matter hello from north korea said jamie hello dude hello from finland how's the shop hunting going well i'm looking i'm still looking dude nothing really perfectly a lot of a lot have come up but nothing that's really ticked all the boxes you know getting shop and a house and some land it's quite a big commitment you know much more than just buying a car or something so it's got to be the right place really because if i get a place i'm planning to stay there for quite a few years you know i want to set it up i want to set all my shop up my studio yes i'll get a place i want to be there for at least the next well forever really but at least the next 10 20 years you know minimum so you know whenever the what place comes up i'm jumping in but really i'm i'm looking more towards christmas time because i've got a funny feeling the housing market's gonna maybe crash around time hello from south africa i said someone has the two people actually t-max or x-maxx x-max guys i'm an x-max fan so whenever you guys ask me to compare anything to the x-max it's always going to be xmx armor or traxxas someone says both they both call in their own way they both got pros and cons i mean obviously the x-max is my favorite but i've got many other cars they're like second favorites like the infection and the creighton's and that sort of stuff so end of the day the best rc is whichever one puts the biggest one on your face and for me it's the x-max i mean laminator is ultimate favorite but it's not really a practical rc you know deraminator sort of wins on sheer size and brute and everything but the x-max is just the best mound i would say you know you can crawl with it you can go fast you can go slow you can do stunts with it you can make it go fast i mean it goes around the track fairly okay-ish good for big air good for bashing i mean it does everything pretty good so i've got to say the x-max is the best all-around that bleeding fly get out of here he's bugging me over there earlier when i'm trying to eat my food and now he's here bugging me here [Music] dammit so just out of curiosity what is your guys's day job do you go to school have you got a job have you got a business what do you guys do with most of your day all right this one wants to do this one long piece go all the way across yeah we'll do it that way school youtube high school oh playing crazy build as a youtuber nice one school welder youtube school driver school refrigeration engineer all sorts of stuff carpenter school school gaming ebay courseway ebay full time someone says i want to donate a hundred dollars well don't donate it to me donate it to my favorite charity link to that is down below great ormond street high school school truck driver welding race stuff crawling welder fabricator i used to be a world of fabricator that used to be my everyday job i used to be a world of fabricator trouble is it ruined it ruined my health so i had to give it up and then i was a truck driver that was quite good fun potato couch potato you lazy sod a lot of high schoolers electrical engineer stuart works at mercedes-benz 3d printers carpentry a good variety good mix truck driver cnc machinists medical devices life safety industry ebay bashing 3d printing medical medical massage therapist someone says what's your favorite stadium truck it's got to be the udr wasn't it is that even a stadium truck though no oh hello no then before pimp someone's got youtube channel all right what is your guys's favorite youtube channel not my one though i know some of you guys are going to be kind and say mine but not including my one what's your favorite youtube channel i start off with i'll say youtube channel what's your favorite rc youtube channel someone's an astronaut really that's a cool job if it's true you're not fibbing hey you guys all say my channel that's cheating strod man yeah i watched rod man you gotta love a bit of stride man more kevin talbott everybody's saying you tommy rc sparks a main hobbies exo caged rc sparks clear rc's robin atwood you've heard me outwards been a bit quiet recently isn't he i'll see sailor scrap man tyler says he only watches me pewdiepie rc sparks nice variety rich duper bash joshua bodwell he's a he's a drone man isn't he dde yeah i'll just watch the dd video actually me two vids yes me too which is my favorite one harry mine is dave yes latest mcfarland great mixture there jacob says his all right this is gonna be really long guys you are warned i might not even do all of it you know i might get bored we're gonna go a little while we're going to do a few questions actually while we're here i should probably plug in the phone otherwise we're going to go flat what is your guys's favorite real car so my favorite car of all time is a volkswagen beetle 1964. so what is what is your guys's dream car do you have modulators on the stream someone says no i don't do it myself reason being is i don't i don't want someone else controlling my channel and also when somebody's a modulator they get a spanner and that's not fair everybody else because he makes their comment stand out more than everybody else's so i like everybody to feel equal drifter maniac someone says aussie sparks am i gonna lift andy no probably not it's already got two inch lift i mean when i get my new suspension i am probably going to make it a little bit higher on the front and a little bit lower on the back at the moment the back's too high guys stop copying and pasting those copy and pasting you're going to get banned ruining it for everybody else i'm not going to say it again that's it so anybody doing it for the rest of the stream it's going to get blocked what is your favorite song oh god i don't know i quite like the 70s and 80s music what's your guys's favorite song my word is actually answered what their favorite car is oh someone says mercedes bmw lambo audi rx7 mercedes or maybe there's a bit of a lag on the stream ah someone say bugatti dodge viper r8 v8 lambo tesla aventador svj oh yeah i'm very tempted with an svj but not at the moment definitely not at the moment die below someone says lancaster delta mitsubishi porsche says richard oh i'd like a gt3 os very nice eleanor ferrari rx7 or gtr v12 vantage ah oh someone says dodge hellcat red eye yeah i'd love one of those audi rs6 someone said someone says oh see sailors is the best so this is lamborghini humicha nice vw band someone says j someone said yes one day one day i'll get one cider or beer i don't actually drink any of them someone says muscle cars yeah i'd love a muscle car a nice 70s muscle car something like a hemi cuda something like that oh or dodge challenger all right next question what is your favorite monster truck i mean if i could have any monster truck personally it would be son of a digger or my keys v2 mid mics this is long-winded what's a long-winded job what a long-winded job this is guys [Music] do you odd motorbike someone says no no no no no i'm scared of him centenario someone says so it's a dodge demon oh i'd love a dodge demon dodge demons are sick i nearly got one actually very tempted someone says a thousand horsepower super i mean that's gonna go in it that is gonna go well isn't it the gassy someone says or bugatti whatever you want to call it i don't know what you how you say it we say the gatti over here mclaren speedtail vauxhall corsa hey whole mixture do you know what that's what makes the world great everybody likes different stuff there's never going to be one size fits all there's always going to be different people going to like different stuff that's great yeah that's what i don't get with the rc hobby when people try and persuade other people to like something different it's pointless you know have your favorite let the next guy have his favorite there's no point arguing which is better i know what's better for you might not necessarily be better for the next guy no it's just lucky that we've got so much choice as well look at it 40k this stream no we're not going to get 40k in the stream we'd be lucky to get 500. oh favorite monster trucks gravedigger son of a digger there must be a bit of a delay going on here with this stream must be a bit of a delay going on here all the comments are coming into like 10 minutes later gravedigger someone said club buster was was actually about real monster trucks but yeah you can say i'll see my bucks most people are saying saying the gravedigger wasting a lot of time yeah guys i told you it's going to be the most boring most boring livestream ever so i don't blame you if you don't want to watch it if you guys want to go off and do something else i don't blame you i don't blame you one bit because i'd be bored of watching this as well to be honest bigfoot and whistling diesel someone says i'd love to see whistling diesel take his monster truck into monster jam that'd be a great watch what do you guys think would happen if whistling diesel took his monster truck and took it to monster jam what do you reckon with nothing max maxim says he likes my lambo nice now someone said 1967 pontiac firebird nice this is so long-winded guys i'm bored i am so bad kev what is your favorite food my favorite food is pancakes savory ones [Music] um get that in there i was gonna say sorry for making a boring video but people can click away they don't have to watch it adrian says congrats on the long jump nice one dude thank you look at it we're starting to get there guys it's very long-winded i'm trying to do a good job of it because i really want this body shell to last look at it it looks so good am i gonna fully upgrade the x-maxx i'm gonna leave this one stock and upgrade it as a brake stuff so i'm guessing it's going to get the rpm rear the sennhinge pin braces or the rpms rpm to make them or pop um or proline i can't remember i might get those other than that probably going to leave it stocked for now maybe to get the spurgeon opinion please do more mud bogs yes i mean when winter comes yeah all right well these corners is normally where it goes so we'll try and get a bit in there is jlb cheater good for crawling no not really dude i mean they get quite high there's not much torque there i mean if you want to call it bashar i would say probably the x-max is the best that x-maxx is actually called pretty good for what they are i was done with these scissors all sticking do you drive your lambo often someone says well depends if i'm if i'm busy no i mean i do drive it not massively i mean i drive it to work sometimes and stuff like that but i don't really use it as a everyday car thomas says i'm his role model nice one dude am i going to put mac's hicks in it well i'm gonna leave it stock to start we ever see how it goes if i feel like i could do some more power i may very well put a mac six into it and then put the speed controller from this one into the mini max [Music] mini max torx max personally i'll play the x-max but it's entirely a personal choice they're both epic both really tough both really take a hell of a hiding so the one that's better is the one that you prefer at the end of the day uh how do we do this bit trying to mirror it and try and keep it the same to keep the ocd at bay where can i buy your car says hw hunt i don't tell my cars dude but if you do look at my videos i'll do put link often to the cars down below so you know where to buy them from not always sometimes i forget but sometimes i'll do put a link down there so you guys can buy the same stuff all the modifications normally down there as well but i don't sell my rc cars they're worth more to me to keep on the channel you know if you start selling stuff secondhand you might get a buyer that's going to give you grief and it's just not worth it i mean for what you're getting you know for what i'm going to get for a second-hand car it's not worth the potential hassle that i might get and off sometimes one video can pay for the whole car so if i sell that car that means i can't make any more videos about it i'll have to clean these scissors because getting the glue from the tape on there is making them hard to use buy a 3d printer yeah i've got getting to banggood for that they were supposed to be sending me one and then they gave me a new rep and they forgot about it so i have to ask him again is the rgt ex-86110 good for crawling oh guys i don't know the part numbers of these things if it's a front motor one yes it's epic i mean most of the rgt stuff that i've tried is actually really good yeah i've been finally getting in here fiddly you guys are copying and pasting i'm purposely not answering your questions if you keep doing it i'm going to block you because you're wearing it for everybody else it's impossible to get everybody's comment i only get a few [Music] why do you have three x maxes well one of them is my main beater the main bashing one which is getting a bit tired the other one's for water crossing and a shelf queen and this one here is going to be like let's just have a nice new fresh one because my bashing one it's getting on a bit now it's three years old it could do a rebuild so i thought i might as well get a brand new one so i've got a nice one again and then i've got another one if i want to go a bit silly if i want to take it to skate park and go mad on it i've got a record nice one i can make one that's already a bit tired matthew just donated five australian dollars hi care if you have any advice for small youtubers your big inspiration keep up the good work first of all please please please donate to my favorite charity instead and that's in the link down below but thank you very much much appreciated so advice for somebody wanting to start youtube um i'm guessing you want to do it so you can make money with it if you want to make money with it it's going to take a very long time for you to make any money not you know any worthwhile money and it's going to be a lot of work you have to treat it like a full-time job you have to put a lot of effort into all your videos spend long loads of time editing i mean i can spend anywhere from two three four hours on an edit if it's a quick one to anything to two or three days on an idea once you've edited your video watch your video back 10 times at least 10 times and if there's any boring bits you know if you get to a part in a video where it feels a bit boring delete it cut it out modify it you know whatever you have to do to that part of the video to make it not boring anymore because if you can't watch your own video 10 times in a row then nobody else is going to want to watch it at all so you know basically if you're going to do rc car videos you don't want to be hitting the same jump 20 times you know you hit it a couple of times but from different angles maybe a different stunt you know you've got to keep mixing up you can't just film for 10 minutes and just upload that clip that probably won't do too well uh just do it every day youtube every single day if you can i mean i don't do it every day anymore i mean sometimes i do but you know especially when you're first starting out and you want to grow as quick as you can you're gonna have to upload almost every single day so there's a lot of hard work you've got to treat like a full-time job you know don't be too repetitive with stuff try and mix things up keep things interesting make the thumbnail so people want to click on it you know spark a bit of curiosity maybe same with the title and then watch your analytics if you go into analytics as a graph audience retention is called keep a close eye on that graph and if there's a point in that craft where all your audience drop off take a mental note what happened what did you do i mean for me people were dropping off when i was making montages and when i was getting the drone out or waffling too much hitting the same jump over and over and over so you've got to figure out what it is just pull off your audience and then fix it don't do it anymore that's pretty much you know i could write a book about it i've actually made a youtube course that's like many many hours and hours and hours of videos so i can't really go over all of it here but they're basics i mean if you stick to those basics you're probably gonna do fairly well before but you know you could expect at least i would say three years before you make any sort of worthwhile money three years of youtubing almost every single day doing it full time now i see many youtubers they do one video a week and it's a half fast edit and then they wonder why they don't do well if you want to do well you've got to treat it like a full-time job there's not really any way around it if you want to make full-time money at youtube you've got to treat it like a full-time job but with all that said it's a lot of work but it's the best job that i've ever had i mean i love every minute of it i mean it takes up almost all my life but i love it so i would recommend anybody give it a go at least deep fallout he said he does youtube for fun well if you just do youtube for fun then there's no right and wrong way of doing it just do it any way you like do it whichever way brings you the most fun you know ignore everything that i just said if you're doing it for fun completely ignore what i just said if you're doing it for fun and just do it as you feel like it for fun you know if you're trying to make money with it then you gotta take note to what i just said cheeseburger burger says youtube is a ton of fun i mean i love it yeah i love youtube it's definitely a ton of fun a lot of work but a lot of fun buy a really rc car maybe one day what are your best batteries oh i don't know really i mean i've been using zot powers for the past god knows how long and they've been really good i've had bad zop powers and the bad ones were the hard case ones but all the soft case ones i've had they've all been perfect i've got ones that are like over a year old completely abused and they're still perfect so now oh flight get out of here do one go go bye you've got the whole workshop you can fly in what have you got to be here all right we are getting there so what i was saying about the batteries uh recently hobby king has sent me some and so far they've been really good they seem to have more power than the zom powers but it's not really a fair comparison because not powers are really old so it's not really a fair comparison and also i can't really say how good the hobby king batteries are yet until i've had them for a while and we can see if they're going to puff up or anything so at the moment it's hard to tell so far i've been really happy with them they've been really good long term we will see and this is long winded stevo d in the house zopski broski said steve od how you doing steve od people are leaving because this is getting boring yep i agree i'll be bored watching this as well but you guys are keeping me company if i was doing this on my own i would be completely bored you guys are keeping me company so i'm doing this as much to keep me occupied as you so you know if you guys are watching it and enjoying it great if you think it's boring then go watch something else i'm doing good stevo a bit bored doing this all the viewers are bored of me watching doing this yo from delhi wares or someone do you recommend the x-max yeah is england still in knockdown nope they do have some restrictions but i don't know what they are because i don't watch the news if you get a vr for the gaming channel i'm not really a gamer the idea the gaming channel was for lockdown you know so if there's another lockdown you're going to see more videos on my gaming channel but gaming's not really my thing you know i will do the odd video you know i'm not saying i'm not going to do any videos on there at all but i'll just prefer rc's so if i've got the option of making an rc video or gaming video it's going to be an rc video any day you know come winter if we don't go out as much possibly i'll do some we'll see but you know i'm not a gamer i don't game if i do it might be for 10 minutes or once a week or something usa is still in lockdown what everywhere i mean i'm sure south dakota there's no lock down spider really raptor a lot of people saying that i mean i i'll have a look but i don't know i'm not promising anything the body does feel a bit weak around this area here so i'm going to put definitely more sugar around that zone should i get a traxxas max yeah absolutely epic rc car phil says he quit going for rc's too nice i mean if you're out and about your friends you know you're actually doing real life things you know you're working your rent sheet you're working on these things you're out and about in the real world i mean to me that is better than gaming any day playing a game he's got a place you know if you've been working all day and you want to sit on the sofa you want to relax then maybe gaming's good for that but you know for me no not really for me carson says outcast blanks all the time what outcasts have you got the 6s i mean the one broke quite a lot so i modified it and now it is bulletproof hopefully this body's going to be pretty bulletproof as well we'll be done with it should i get him over in baja someone says if if you're in the market for that sort of thing yeah why not i mean they're not very practical not that good for everyday use but yeah i mean great rc great price very loud play fortnite oh no no no no no if i'm gonna play in the rc car any any computer game just gonna be car games for the most part you know never say never i used to back in the day a few years ago i used to play quite a lot of cod that was the only game i used to play that wasn't the card game i think was black ops one that's the only pod game that i'm actually half decent at so maybe i've gotta bust that out one day we'll see fortnight sucks play fours i said lewis yeah i mean i've got forza i've had to restart it because the place where i got to on the game it all crashed and i lost my game save so i had to start the whole game again and oh man i uh i'm struggling to sit there and play it to be honest with you is the x-max worth it yes definitely i mean it's not the cheapest rc car but i mean it's so epic i mean you get what you pay for in this hobby i would say personally the x-max is worth every penny i mean if it's double the price i'll probably still buy it absolutely love my x-maxx if i could only have one rc car it would be the x-max hands down not even any question should i get a version one or version two infection well if you're gonna get one you must get the version two how much is x max usd i'll probably about a grand i don't know exactly if slash two would drive vxl any good said someone yeah if you like two-wheel drive i mean i'm not very good with two-wheel drive i prefer four wheel drive so no person needs two wheel drive but yes good car what am i putting on the body i'm putting drywall tape on there then we're gonna sugar so someone says four-wheel drive is better i wouldn't say better i mean different i mean better for me some people prefer two-wheel drive i like four-wheel drive personally i mean two which i've got the advantages are cheaper they're easier to maintain there's less to go wrong on them so they got their place just not for me i'm getting there look what is the gaming channel it's called over gear just don't expect me to put much on there it's more of a lockdown channel [Music] over gear is the gaming channel if anybody wants to check it out go and check it out should i go to should i get a mac someone says yeah i love the mini max absolutely epic rc electric or nitro says someone well if you've got to ask that question i would say definitely get get definitely get electric nitrite does does have its place but there's a lot of messing about it's really messy a lot to go wrong if you're a beginner in rc it's definitely going to get frustrating very quickly so you know if you're not sure what to get i would say definitely get electric but i still love nitro no electric you're missing that sound and the smell someone says max or hoss i've not had a host yet but i'm guessing i'm going to prefer the max e-revo 2.0 versus max for me 100 max not really a massive fan of the revo 2.0 really i mean it's a cool car and everything but i've not really had that much luck with it so yeah i would go with a mini max definitely why don't you race said someone i used to race but they tend to take it really seriously and for me rc is supposed to be fun when people are arguing and they're shouting marshall come on marshall and they're telling each other off and they're swearing and getting at each other and you get those of the elitists that they're only going to talk to you if you're really good and if you're not any good they won't talk to you and to me that doesn't sound like fun that's what i don't race saying that though vinnie goes to a club in cambridge and that one's really friendly that's where i'll race the gt-12 up there this one here though so that club where they raised this one at they're actually really laid back and really chilled so i should really go there again but i don't think they're open at the moment with all the corona stuff but yeah maybe in the winter if i open up again i'll probably go should i get tractor spurs model version two if you're talking about x max hundred percent version two steve id said onroad racing is fun i used to do touring cars but man some of the people there they think it's life or death they forget this is a toy car and you know i can't deal with all that you know there's one one club i used to race at i used to turn up early i used to get all the carpet out i used to lay on the carpet down all by myself on my own isolated track down build all the track i didn't mind i was happy helping out i didn't get certain people come along no i don't want it like that and i'll take it all down and they'll change it all night i put that there put this there put that there and i was like you know what do it yourself so i didn't bother helping anymore setting it up i used to pack it away but i didn't bother setting me up anymore because i can't be asked to be bossed around you know i've not got a job i haven't got a job for that very reason that i can't be told what to do so i'm not gonna have some bloody idiot go no put that there put that there put this there and it's like you set it up then you turn up early and you set it up yourself then if you don't like it that was it didn't set it up anymore you know that sort of attitude that you tend to get a club not everybody you know most people really friendly really great bunch but there's a few idiots like that just spoil it another time they they were using this double-sided sticky tape to glue the carpet onto the floor and how they used to do it they used to lay down the carpet it's not felt this is laid out rolled out the carpet and it means to stick it down with this sort of stuff on the top and then people used to complain because this isn't as grippy as the carpet so they put double-sided sticky tape on the floor stuck it to the floor in the it's like in a gymnasium and then they stuck the carpet on top of that trouble is when when they took the carpet away at the end of the night it left all sticky stuff on the floor so i made a suggestion i said why don't we get get tight get this tape that we used to use on the top and stick it underneath the carpet because in that way it doesn't stick to the floor and it holds the carpet together and the bloke that ran the club no what a stupid idea what an egotic idea the carpet will slide all over the place he goes and i was gonna say to him well it was right when we stuck it on top i thought you know what forget it forget it i've left them to it and i haven't really been to that club for a long while because i just personally can't be dealing with it so that is why i don't race do you have a tick tock i do have a tick tock i don't really use it though do you have minnie's eggs no i don't i should get one what are you waffling about our waffling nonsense chatting loaded on sun someone asked me for if i do if i race rcs i told him no and i told him what now you get the same douchebag at flying clubs when you go to helicopter and playing clubs you get the same sort of douchebaggery there when you get people that got jets oh my god they're even worse they're not everyone not everyone you know i'm not going to tie everybody with the same flush but a lot of people i think what it is is that they're fully grown adults playing with toy cars and they feel ashamed of it so to make themselves feel a little bit more important they try to make it out to be something really important when really it isn't we just we're just big kids playing with toy cars that's all it is nothing nothing more nothing less i think because of that some people turn into douche bags they try and make it really serious and something really important and to me that's supposed to hobby i think we just got to be honest with ourselves with big kids we're playing with toy cars toy helicopters toy planes i think the sooner people can be honest about that what it is the sooner they can actually enjoy the hobby oh is a good first rc car depends what car you want and how much you want to spend i mean the x-maxx would be a good first rc car i mean it's a bit expensive but you can turn the power down you can make it slower it's durable easy to work on reliable if you don't want to spend as much something like a wrestler for before or outcast 4s maybe something like that a good start of rc car [Music] what about mini e revo yeah that would make a good start of our seeker i mean personally for me i prefer the bigger rc's but yeah i mean i might i might get one monday i may never say never is the max a good first rc car i mean yeah no reason why not i mean it's a bit fast for a first one but you can also get you know you can always get less lipos i can't remember if you might be able to run on 2s you could always run it on 2xs you can get the bluetooth module and turn the power down you know have the power turned down till you get used to it and then you can speed up void tracks as well maybe possibly x-maxx or minimax said someone both but i prefer the x-max i just prefer bigger rc cars in general but i think they're both just as good as each other just depends if you prefer big or small that's what she said do you have a dhk hunter no i've got dhaka i don't know what it is what is it maximus i've got dhk maximus the max is a thousand pounds is it i don't think it's not that much i mean you do get what you pay for i mean i know traxxas can be quite expensive but you're getting a premium quality product i mean if you compare you know people always say armor's a lot cheaper but with the armors you've got to do a lot more upgrades so by the time you do all the upgrades it probably won't be cheaper and if you look at the a test like the a test kraton it's about the same price as an x-max anyway and the x-max needs less modifications well you get what you pay for end of the day what is the best cheap power system i don't know i mean hobby wing if you want to call hobby wing chief if not if you want to go really cheap maybe gold rc something like that i've never had a girl lastly but yes has had him and he's happy with them outcast success or e-revo i would say e-remo stock or outcast if you're gonna modify it with all the m2c stuff x-max or lossy dbo xl control better i've never had one so i don't know never had one dude so i wouldn't be able to tell you how to get the x max running not really sure what you mean you just plug your life hose in put the double a's in your in your controller turn on the x max tell them to control and go buy traxxas spartan possibly very possibly what materials are you using this is drywall tape this particular one is fiber tape it's called flipper fiba tip this is what a steve told me to get that's why i've got it is m2c parts only available in the uk no they're actually an american company bad touch breakers they sell it in england but they but if you want it anywhere else in the world just go to m2c direct and they will ship it anywhere in the world i believe slash versus evo i'll probably go with a slash to be honest do you like typhon yeah i mean it won the long jump didn't it what about mojave success someone says yeah i mean i was very impressed i saw it at paddlesworth and the amount of abuse that thing took i was very impressed i wasn't gonna buy one but now i'm tempted what is after drywall tape sugu yes some people said to me to use bed liner i will try that one day because it looks like a lot less work the trouble is with this shoe going it's very long-winded the whole process is long-winded i'm getting bored of doing it but if it makes a body shell last so much longer you may as well why not because when you're painting your body that can take hours so doing all this probably takes less time than doing a whole new body shell it's gonna cost about 30 30 pounds to do a body roughly 40 dollars but let's do a lot cheaper than keep buying new bodies all the time you should go bashing after i don't say dude no bashing today floyd do one why are you in here all right get in there a bit more around the front here and we're going to be pretty good are you getting the horse i am hoss or rustler i will let you know when i've got it liam says rage leading fly is going to give me rage [Music] um i hate fly said smash rc yeah they are annoying does xmax come with transmitter yeah it comes with everything you need all you need is batteries and charger comes with everything else i would say anybody that is quite seriously into this hobby into bashing you've got to have an x-max i mean every other rc car is optional but i think the next max you just gotta have it we obviously don't have to have it but fly do one uploading tomorrow someone says yeah maybe yes actually definitely yes there is a video tomorrow oh oh someone said be too big in the house how you doing mikey what's going on do you like the tamiya grasshopper i mean for its time yeah i mean it was brilliant i mean i don't have one for nostalgia but not to bash yeah v2b says sometimes his finger is too fat for the keyboard yeah my fingers too fat for the phone man celeb says kev you changed my life nice one dude hopefully for the better though me too says he's on the fence about the horse mike if you're on the fence i'll probably get the mini max instead the mini max will complement your ex max very well emily in the house how you doing paul lambo with rc cars i did it before but i've got to do it again outside i did it in the workshop and a lot of people thought i was faking it kev why don't you own techno no reason i like techno but i don't know there's a lot of makes i haven't got you can't have it all but yeah i should get one is there a new x-maxx out no i mean they pretty much nailed it with the 8s one i mean the 6s one was a little bit hit or miss but the a test one i mean that's about as perfect as you can get to an rc car it's not perfect it's got problems but it's about as perfect as you're going to get out the box what's the point of buying a horse it's not even brushless it is brushless i mean they might do a bust version who knows will this be a shelf cloud next shelf queen x max no this one's going to get used is x-max good for jumping yeah one of the best you should destroy stuff with the x-maxx hey mikey does that he just done the tv oh v2v just go and check out me two bits video he just well he he tries to destroy a tv but he missed good effort though best starter cheapo someone says oh slash rustler outcast 4s any of the armor 4 wrestle 3s jlb cheetah is good dha maximus is good for a beginner one recar bison successful a test motor in this one this one's a test i'm going to leave it as fly do one yeah so this one's gonna stay a test for now fly do one there's one fly in here i'll tell you what he's lucky i've not squashed it i just don't like squashing things that's why i haven't squashed it sorry the chinese four-stroke oh you'll see that in a minute in a minute you'll see it and tomorrow's video is about that engine can you put any radio in the x-maxx yeah you could it could be worse could be my house at smash rc you sod really bob will come out someone says i'm gonna leave it on for the first video maybe two videos and then i'm gonna take it off when i was a child where how was your first approach of rc models i've got a tamiya manta ray that's my first one hmm don't buy a yamaha rc car tell you what i didn't even know i made any have you tried fiberglass i haven't but i've seen somebody else do it trouble is with fiberglass quite brittle so it's gonna smash this stuff stays flexible when am i doing the unboxing video well i filmed the unboxing and i've got to take it out and bash it and that i don't know but it will be soon i don't know when but soon mini max or outcast 4s i prefer the mini max but with that said the outcast is a lot cheaper so if money is your main concern get the outcast i mean the mini max is a lot more durable outcast probably handles a little bit better maybe doesn't fall over as much but on a skate park i prefer the mini max but they're both good i mean mini max is quite expensive so uh yeah i don't know i really don't know which one i like them both i mean on the outcast you're gonna need to well not anymore now they put better radios in but before you had to change the radio the servo's a bit meh might be all right it might not be and you gotta put rpm arms on and the shocks leak but apparently on the new ones the shocks don't leak the radio is better so on the new outcast 4s all you've got to change really is get some rpm arms that bum fluff someone says have you ever used flex seal no but i want to try it somebody wants to see the carbon fiber car on the skate park yeah i mean yeah we got to do that right so next day you've got to plug in the hot glue gun i should have really plugged it in 10 minutes ago but oh well what do i think of etronic metrics yeah they're oh that's a budget they're definitely lower end but you know their budget so what do you expect best cheap lipo someone says i would say zot powers and someone said mojave or udr depends what you want to do bashing definitely mojave if you want the scale looks definitely the udr profit epic it just depends what you want to do i'm in the udr i mean when you've got the uds hat on the bench and you're looking at it it's just wow i mean udr's male factor the mojave hasn't really but then you can't really bastard udr so both are cool i love my max any reason to buy the x-maxx well it's not the same again but bigger is the max good for jumping oh my god yes amazingly good for jumping what's the two will drive a four-wheel drive i prefer the four-wheel drive someone says our venom batteries any good i've never had one no that's what's about tomorrow's racing i've never heard of it dude i've heard a couple of people bring it up but i've personally never heard of it is it day in london in london it is quarter past six 6 15. do you use model sport yeah sometimes what pc do you have someone says it's a custom built pc for editing don't ask me the specs there is a video on the main channel but i don't know what the specs are what the best driveshafts for the rust before before i've got the banggood specials on the back of it that's pretty good right so now that we've got this drywall tape on there i can put that away we don't need it anymore now i'm going to get hot glue and just go over the corners just to hold the tape down because once we shoe do it if we start sugaring and we're spreading it all in this stuff can lift off and then it comes up and then it's you end up making the right mess so i'll go around all the edges and i make sure that it's very lightly you know i'll get the nozzle point blank and just sort of zigzag over it any places where it might lift just to hold it down the first time i did this this tape always used to lift off as you're putting the shoe gear on i said to myself i'm never going to do it again what a load of hassle so now that i'm doing it with a hot glue and the edges it's been working out really well this is such a long-winded job guys but so worth doing someone says x-maxx for udr dude it depends what you want to do depends if you want to bash or it depends if you want scale if you want to bash definitely the x-max it all depends what you want to do with your rcas i mean if you're never sure about what rc to get i would say x-maxx is the best all-around rc car i can do it or we can crawl you can jump it can go fairly fast you can skate park it i mean the x-maxx is like a jack-of-all-trades master and none it does it all but you know not the best obviously a tier x-4 is gonna be better for crawling the udr's gonna be better for scale a fully decked out facing 6s he's going to jump further and probably be a bit more durable but you know x-max just does it all it's probably the most versatile rc car out there it hello guys it's boring oh no i'm bored doing it but you guys are keeping me sane udr or slash well depends slush for bashing udr for you realism concentration yeah i've been waffling so much as well i've gotta rest my voice a little bit [Music] we should thank kevin make this emoji naughty boy so ah you guys are more than welcome to chat amongst yourselves have a little conversation i mean i'm surprised there's even 464 people watching i mean if you guys watching this i'll be long gone well i do appreciate you guys being here if i was doing this on my own i would be completely bored but you guys are here keeping me occupied and entertained so i'm not bored so [Music] so yeah someone says traxxas sucks well if you don't like it don't get one i think traxxas are absolutely epic i think they make some of the best rc's out there for bashing so each of those that's what makes the hobby so great some people love them some people hate them but just because you think it sucks doesn't mean it actually sucks i mean i think traxxas are epic now there's a reason that they're the top brand out there the most popular brand [Music] because most people disagree with you so they might suck to you you know i'm not arguing that i'm not arguing the point it might suck to you but there's many more people that like them now whenever i say something it's only my opinion it's not fact you know just because the x-max is my favorite doesn't mean it's the best rc out there i mean it's my favorite it doesn't mean it's the best there's no point arguing with people which is better because whichever one's better that's the one that you prefer that's different you know if person a says no x max is not the best and i say well it is the best it's not both can be white i mean to me the x-max is the best so if someone's going to start arguing no he isn't the best is that well why are you arguing to me it is the best now your best one might be an outcast that's fine i'm not going to argue that's your favorite one now what i love about this hobby is variety if everybody had the same rc car i'd be boring i've seen so many different people have so many different cars it keeps it interesting imagine if the only cars out there was armor i mean that would be boring or only traxxas that'd be boring as well it's good to have a lot of different cars out there if someone keeps copying and pasting on there you're gonna get blocked you're making other people in the stream angry okay there guys what's your thoughts on the 3s typhoon i've never had one but i'm guessing it's pretty good because i've got a 4s outcast that's good i've had to go on a 4s rust and that was good i was next tuesday got a typhoon and it took an absolute meeting so i'm pretty sure it's going to be a good rc um [Music] so much glue no i'm not putting much on there i'm literally i'm holding it point blank there's not much coming out look if you look at it it's such a thin layer it's literally just to hold it there in place so that when we shoe glue it it doesn't lift off because it's actually saving glue if i didn't do this i'll be using so much more sugar trying to get it stick i'm literally holding it point blank and there's lit such a small amount going on it's probably got a glue sticks worth on there a couple of glue sticks worth but it's not as much as you think i'll tell you where you where you really got to pay attention to though it's where the tapes are overlapping around corners because that's once it stops spread once you start spreading on that sugar that's where it's going to start lifting off and peeling off so whatever you know around here where there's double layers of tape or maybe triple layers of the tape definitely make sure it's stuck right down otherwise you're gonna be pulling your hair out once you put the drawer the shoe goo on there and it keeps lifting off you'll be crying still 490 people watching kev jeff is copying all right well if i see him do it he's gonna get blocked i haven't seen him yet but once i see it i'll block him you guys can block people yourselves all you gotta do is click on his name click on block you won't see him again so you guys can block yourselves i mean i'll do blocking when i see it but i can't block everybody but guys please be courteous to other users we try to make it a friendly place for as many people as possible there's someone there hogging hogging the whole stream by copying and pasting you're ruining it it's very selfish you might not mean well but just think of others you need some moderators i said alex no i want to control it myself dude and you know people are fed up with someone they can block them themselves and the trouble is somebody's a moderator then they get a spanner and their comments are going to stand out well that's not fair everybody else you know i want equality in the stream i want everybody to feel and to be treated the same because some people have a span and they stand out more it's not fair when those that haven't got it and i don't want somebody else controlling my channel you know i want to control it myself that is why i don't have any moderators [Music] yama or woman i've only ever seen one yammer and from what i've seen i would definitely say woven that's only from the one yammer that i've seen there might be better ones out there i don't know so right we are getting there guys nearly done it next job is to get the shoe goo on and that's that takes ages as well just making sure we've got it everywhere i think we got it in most places someone says russell sucks i like mine you know just because you don't like it doesn't mean it sucks i think we're getting there guys when are you next going to paddle swift someone says i don't know no idea i mean definitely almost definitely when it's an event and then when it's just a normal day we never know it's not really planned that far in advance all right just checking i've got it everywhere a bit of time making sure it's really stuck down well it's going to save you a lot of sugar now once these edges start lifting up and you're trying to fight it with the sugar you're just going to waste loads of it now i'm just double checking making sure there's on there everywhere in all the corners there's a bit that i missed i'm there i think we're looking pretty good oh missed a bit there all right that will do right so if you look in there now i don't know if you can see it can you see the hot glue didn't go too mad tried to get it on as thinly as possible but it just holds it on there you know once we start getting that shoe goo out once we start rubbing that in it's going to make sure that it's all held down i like the color someone says yeah i mean it looks epic doesn't it i mean i'm hoping that you can get some protectors to put on the roof here i know rpm makes some but if you look at the actual roll cage it's got the holes there already so i'm wondering if tractors are going to come out with something that screws on top of that what's the word on the property still looking dude ben says it's the same color he has yes a nice color isn't it all right so now i'm going to go next door because this stuff stinks i'm probably going to get high i don't really want to breathe it in but i haven't got much choice let's do it outside but it keeps raining do you not like the cage yeah the cage is going back on i'm not just taking it off while i'm doing this right so we got that there and glovage someone says are you moving to usa maybe one day but not permanently i want to ideally have a house in both places someone said video quality is not good but it looks good on mine i can see it on there look and on there it looks really good so it must be your end dude flex for your lambo all right let's go next door you can see the lambo i'm gonna have to take that with me i'm gonna take the comments with me i'm gonna put the comments in there all right let's go next door there's lambos out there look all right time to high on fumes damn it dunk that there i'll put the light on we're starting to get a bit dark does it make any difference yes all right let's donk you down there yeah there's a laminator look these are some of the cars we took the paddles worth so i've got to do a little bit of wrenching on that nothing too bad that one's good that one's good uh laminator that's ready to go all right so comments we're gonna put the comments up here someone says tommy disapproves of flexing i'm not flexing is lambo your daily driver no no no no no definitely not a daily driver i mean you could definitely drive it if you wanted to but it's not really practical someone says tom lee rc sucks no tommy's on we're cool now me and tommy are cool we had our disagreements in the past but we're good all right let's get the old glovage on what is your favorite armored car i would say the creighton success modified that one there that thing modified with the m2c up on there my god that takes a beating so that is probably my favorite armor oh oil infection infection is really epic really like the infection how big is the ramona compared to the xmaxx body all right we'll show you that before we start xmaxx body is tiny compared to the laminator look marmalade people don't understand how big it is i mean people don't understand how big the x-maxx is x-maxx is big but raminate has on a whole different ball game this here is a real monster truck chassis and look at it it's as wide as a chassis crazy how many videos do you do in a day oh i can't do one a day but doesn't always happen is it worth sending all my nitrates for x-max i don't know dude only you can answer that i mean i would say that everybody that's into bashing rc cars i mean should probably have an x-max i would say but you know that's just my opinion some people don't like them but i love them kev how did the festival go brilliant great day out really enjoyed it all right so i'm going to start off in one corner because the trouble is you can get carried away and do too much in one go so i'm going to start off in one corner and then work my way around the whole body hopefully it's not going to take too long because i don't want to stand here all day breathing in all these fumes rustler or slash probably rustler for me i'm not really a short course fan to be honest because they parachute quite a lot when you dump them get a painting mask someone says ah the fumes surely still gonna go in aren't they but i'm out here in the workshop there's a lot of space out here so it's not too bad i mean it's not ideal but it's not not the end of the world i'll tell you what with the black stuff it was a lot easier to see where you've already done it with the clear stuff you can't really see it's probably better to do one section at a time and get the whole section done before you move on to the next section end of the stream you're going to be high dude the dude has been copying pasting for the past 10 minutes i've been ignoring it but i've had to block you now dude sorry you all know the rules about copy and pasting don't get silly how much you meant to use i would say get it on as thin as you possibly can but you want to make sure that it goes through the holes of the drywall tape and onto the body if you put too much on you're gonna remember it's gonna be expensive but more importantly you're gonna make the xmaxx too heavy we don't really want to add weight here the goal is is to make it stronger and not add weight because the more weight you add the more other stuff you're going to break so sort of compromise so we don't really want to add any weight too much weight if we can help we're probably gonna end up using two tubes of this i'm guessing that's what we use on the outcast how long does it take to dry someone says oh it's not too bad i mean in two hours you can probably bash with it but it's starting to go tacky now i can feel it already now that it's starting to dry don't forget ventilation yeah i know i mean it's quite a lot of space in here but it still doesn't smell great i'm trying to not lose track of where i've done it already where is your traxxas slash oh it's in it's in the studio i should really get it out i've got a lovely body in there that my bait and my um allen painted for me so i've got to do this trick to it to make it last i don't really want to slaughter it he spent so much time doing an airbrush on there looks so nice i don't want to kill it what time is it there someone says it's coming up to seven o'clock when i talk about parachuting what do you mean someone says good question uh with a short course because the body is so big when you jump in the air gets inside it and it starts flying funny it stops the wind gets under it and it like a parachute basically and then the rc just starts flipping around and doing all crazy stuff basically if you're bashing it's not good you don't want it to happen so that's why i'm not really a fan of short courses because that's what they do not so much with the udr and not so much with the mojave but with a slash in the center and the more lightweight stuff the wind really does get in there and it really affects it when they fly is that superglue no it's hugo i've just come across a bit i forgot to put hot glue on and now sort of skipping it out a little bit does it dry up or rock solid someone says it stays rubbery which is exactly what we want i'll tell you what since i've been doing this to bodies my bodies don't break anymore they just last and last and last what a test steve does he just does this trick to the repair body so the minute he gets the crack he'll just repair that section of where it was cracked i mean i'm just doing it beforehand so it doesn't even crack at all i mean it still will crack eventually you know it's not going to be indestructible but it's going to definitely make it last a lot longer i mean on martin's mini max he killed the body in like two outings and my mini max the body's still perfect where we've done it let's see the mini max body yep i'll show you when i've done this i'll show you if i remember i'm not forgetting nicktime says i'm the favorite youtuber thanks to hood someone said put flex seal on there literally takes 10 seconds i will try that dude i've heard a lot of people tell me that i will try it but i haven't got any i will get some what company do you recommend i've seen you pole stuff is that any good man this stuff stinks someone says when will i make more max videos i don't know when but yet soon no exact date but yeah there will be more well that's the front end done i believe it's the glue stinky yeah yeah it's quite nasty you should really do it outside someone says i can't get any ftx parts oh have you tried model sport massive glitch someone says not much i can do about that dude i'm afraid i mean youtube's youtube the internet's the internet how would it smell like in a factory yeah i guess so something like that just solvent you smell stinky af someone says definitely don't do it in your house definitely not even in nicaragua wooden i mean in here i'm doing it in a warehouse in here there's loads of space and even in here is quite bad so i'm just trying to get it done as quickly as possible so i don't kill myself will you get the lays on that i don't know what a laser that is smell well well worth it in the end yeah it is worth it hopefully it doesn't ruin your health but not like i'm doing it every day some people they work in factories they bring this sort of stuff in every day all day long no i'll just do it once in a blue moon but obviously not healthy do this method underway for getting crash tested someone said dear i don't think it'll work on big cars well guys thank you for all of you guys watching me do this completely boring job but you're keeping me sane i would be completely bored doing this on my own well actually i'll probably be listening to an ebook it's always nice to chat with you guys i should get a fan to move the air around yeah i probably should but then i'll probably ruin the stream i've got a big air blower over there and if i put that on all you'd hear is fan noises we're about halfway there i think we're getting there so and kevin says oh come on well dude oh didn't warn everybody you're gonna be bored watching this you know you can turn it off i mean if i turn off you're going to be gone anyway so you can always opt to go no one's forcing you here i know it's boring i'm well aware it's probably the most boring ice cream on the whole entire youtube at the moment live next bedliner oh i'll keep that in mind dude i don't know if you can get it in the uk i mean we got you pole bedliner here if it's not live it's boring yeah i can imagine so do you like hot wheels uh well they're quite cool but i've never i never really had them as i was a kid so yeah they're cool but when i was more of a matchbox person when i was a kid hot wheels weren't really such a thing get the horse i am i am getting the horse kev's watching himself got delayed by five seconds yeah it is a bit delayed [Music] will you get a sentence someone says possibly possibly one day i mean usually when i buy new rc cars i try and buy something this only just come out get something new but if nothing's news come out for a while i fancy something then maybe i'll get something old so allison says he loves to weeds nice one someone says minnie mac massive replaced your granite when they both i call have both you missed the donation oh if somebody's donated thank you very much but i can't really touch the screen because i'm all fingered up but thank you very much if anybody has but do not donate to me donate to my favorite charity the link to that is down below where's your rc tank oh upstairs we might just get it done with two tubes of this stuff where do i get some merchandise there's a link down below actually due to merchandise the stickers on their t-shirts all that sort of stuff oh pardon me someone said there's a new granite yeah i believe there is just trying to squeeze everything i can out of this shoe you can't see what i'm doing i'm just rolling it with this look trying to get as much out of the tube as we can there we go dom just donated 15 pounds to great ormond street dude you're a legend thank you so much it's so kind of you anybody else that wants to donate link to great ormond street is down below and if you don't know what great ormond street is it's a kids hospital in london and they help sick kids i used to deliver there when i was a truck driver so they got a special place in my heart [Music] lego says hi from sweden hello dude [Music] someone says am i going to get the felony no plans on getting it but who knows maybe i like your commentary there's not much commentary at the moment i'm trying to concentrate so i do apologize for the completely boring stream but here's what it is so here just on the corner of the picture you can see the little engine that we're going to do a video on tomorrow i've already made the video it's all uploaded and i'm going to publish it tomorrow at 4pm uk time someone says the orange tape matches the body nicely yeah it does i thought that as well actually yeah looks good i'll tell you what would be great if companies did this at the factory but i suppose it would cost loads more because all the time goes going into it how much weight does it add um it's not too bad i mean for a bachelor you're not gonna notice i mean if you're gonna do it to a race car yeah you'll notice but to a basha i don't think you'll notice it's definitely lighter than an indestructible body durability wise it's probably not going to be far off and you still get an epic looking rc car you know the only thing i don't like about the russian body is they just look a bit ugly so with this this way you get the best of both worlds you get the durability and you get your good looks and it's cheaper you know to get a indestructible body you must get a couple of tubes of sugar and it's cheaper and your rc is going to look better at the end of it all but on the downside it does take a lot of time i mean how long has your stream been going for a couple of hours is the granite fall before any good someone says yes very good i always found a bit i forgot to put the hot glue on and it keeps coming up so you look at that bit there it keeps lifting let me readjust the camera slightly so this piece here keeps lifting up now imagine if i wouldn't have put any hot glue on any of it the whole body would have been like that should i get a slash two-wheel drive someone says i mean yeah if you like two-wheel drives i mean personally for me i prefer four-wheel drive so i would recommend you get a four-wheel drive but if you like two-wheel drive absolutely get one if it keeps lifting you should hammer it someone says hey guys if you're gonna do that i would say definitely hot glue it down first i mean just that one little piece lifting there's annoying if that was over the whole body oh my god i'd be crying like i did the first time i did it i was like i'm never doing it again i hate this job but now that we've got the hot glue holding it down it's not so bad should i hydroplane 100 pound 100 rc car i mean yeah why not i mean if it gets wet you're gonna have to take the whole car apart so it's more than likely it's gonna fall in you have to strip it down clean all your bearings out all your motor bearings everything so it's not going to work if you don't want to do the maintenance afterwards yeah why not am i intrigued about the new hoss yeah i mean i can't wait to get one have i seen the car show mad man someone said yes not in real not in real life but i've seen it on videos someone says traxxas does not deliver to india really you sure about that i mean if they don't you can always order it from a different country i mean you could buy it from america couldn't you and they'll deliver it someone says upgrade to the armor fury yeah maybe is it worth spending more money for the four before in my opinion yes some people do prefer two-wheel drive but in my opinion four-wheel drive so much better how fast will that car go i think this one will do 50 mile an hour on the optional gearing that comes with it but i know some people have got their x-max's like 100 mile an hour john says how's life going yeah good reaching goals getting closer to dreams i've got my dream job doing youtubing i get to chat with you guys so yeah at the moment everything is great all right i think we're running out of this stuff now just trying to ooze the last of it out then we're going to open a new packet right new packet that one's done someone's let's do something more interesting well dude if i was gonna do something more interesting i would probably be filming it as a main video so i know it's boring well you don't have to watch you know if you're bored just turn it off and watch something else this is a lively chat isn't it someone says when are you doing a project 200 mile an hour rc car yeah there will be more of that soon i'm just waiting for another esc but there will be more videos like coming up soon don't worry someone said this is interesting oh thank you dude well i can fully understand why some of you guys are completely bored watching me put shugu on a body for two hours is there anybody that was here from the start is there anybody that's watching this stream from the start if there is massive high five your dedication is good funny hell me me me a lot of people right from the start bloody hell you're not bored oh there are a lot of people from the start how long's the stream going on for someone says oh i don't know we're probably going to come to an end soonish once we've got the last of the sugar on then we're going to end the stream and then i might do another stream tomorrow bolting all the wall case back on and repairing something else this is relaxing someone says well i suppose it could be relaxing to someone i know i know it's not the most exciting thing to do but you know you guys are keeping me occupied if i do this on my own i'll be pretty bored so thank you for everybody that's standing by me through these tough times carry on the stream someone says yeah well i want to keep the stream rolling you know i know some people get bored of it but those can go someone says what are you doing i'm putting drywall tape and sugar onto this brand new x-mex body very boring stuff but it makes the bodies last like 10 times longer probably even more than 10 times longer literally i used to kill x-maxx bodies i used to last me like two outings so with this i'm guessing it's going to last me probably like over a year maybe we will see that's definitely going to last longer than stock anyway less waffling oh i could do less waffling but then there's no talking at all and then all you're gonna see is me putting glue on my finger hopefully two troops of sugar is going to be enough it should be enough oh oh new glovage someone says when am i taking the planes out next i don't know but i should do soon i've got it fixed again i've got to do helicopter i've got to try out so soon don't get high from the glue ah try not to dude glue sniffers would be in paradise but not for me i'm trying to get away from it as quick as possible sorry i can't get more comments but i'm trying to concentrate on it if i look away i might mess it up are you a hard basher i would say yes now this is where i'm going to put most of this stuff is around the rear bed because this is where these x-max bodies usually die it's all around the back here they start cracking and splitting so that's why i want to make it the strongest you sponsored by epoxy do you have any red caps someone says no i don't actually maybe one day but when that's more of a budget brand and if i buy rc's myself i would rather spend it on sort of more of the upper market ones if you get me so you know i've got nothing against redcat i've never had one i've never even seen one but if i spend my hard earned cash on rc cars i want to spend it on ones that i really want for myself when will we get the laminator out next someone says i don't know i mean i need to get it out soon i mean it's ready to go i mean it all works all right you've got yourself blocked if you spam you get blocked simple as that boys duct tape on on laminator wheels oh yeah that would be a good fun yeah i might try that someone says i don't deliver to india surely they do there must be a hobby shop that delivers to india there must be have you tried a main hobbies have you tried wheel spin hobbies have you tried model sport there must be dude i mean if there really isn't dude there you go gap in the market i mean you could you could start your own dealership start you know you can start importing them if really no one brings them into the country you can't get them you've got a big opportunity there someone says s works faults i've never had one dude so i don't know i've been told they're good but because i've never used one myself i can't really say i'm really paying extra attention here putting all the stuff on the back because i know these bodies like splitting around the back area they like getting their rear end destroyed someone says should i get hoss i don't know i'll let you know once i've played with my one when it comes how's the rustler fall before when the master 404 needs a new front bulkhead and possibly a new diff so i may well do that in maybe we'll do it tomorrow in a live stream we'll see someone says what charger do you recommend well i've got a dynamite profit sport quad i can charge four batteries at the same time on there i've had it for a little while now and it's been really good to me so yeah dynamite profit sport quad very happy with that charger someone's just getting on my nero well you can't get the parts for him anymore dude so probably not a good idea having an rc car that you can't get parts for oh i know i've gone someone keeps saying about the yellow bike next to the monster truck like that years ago i might get it out at some point let him concentrate someone says okay if you keep messaging me okay if you keep missing messages yeah i know i can't get them all dude there's so many messages coming in i'm trying to concentrate on getting this body done it's impossible to get all the comments so i said get him a harvey yeah maybe do you like rc speedboat i mean there they're quite cool i mean it's not my first choice of rc car but i mean i've got a couple of boats and i'm tempted to get maybe a traxxas one put double glove someone says yeah i suppose you could is your finger saw yet no not really and hopefully this is going to be enough glue i believe it will be i mean if we have to i'll open another packet i'm definitely going to put a little bit more around the back of here because i know that is where the body is split someone's watching from bangladesh hello dude bye spammer funky is watching from us hello dude someone's watching from canada somebody's watching from germany all over the world so guys let me know in the comments what is your favorite rc cars someone says that uh their dad says that why do fully grown men play with rc cars growing old is mandatory and growing up is optional i mean you never told to have fun are you so if you're getting fun out of it why would you why would you stop someone says revo 2.0 x max senten e revo 2.0 xo1 lossy slash 4x4 so what rc car would you have money no object money no object what rc car would you have where do you get shugu from uh ebay i mean here in the uk it's quite expensive this is 15 pounds for a tube here which is about 20 and we need two of them to do an x-max body possibly a little bit more so i'm on the last little bit now i'm just making sure we really get enough of it around the back because at the back is where these bodies are prone to breaking someone says they missed most of the stream no not too badly dude he didn't miss much we're only putting glue onto stuff do you still use indestructible bodies i mean i do on my other x-maxx i still have it on there and it's still in really good condition the trouble is i mean if you're just bashing it's fine indestructible bodies are cool but i've noticed that videos that i make with the instructable bodies don't get many views because the body doesn't really look that nice so i've been using more sort of standard bodies doing this to them because the bodies look nicer they get more youtube views and also it's just for me this is a better experience when you're playing with an rc car it looks nice someone says do a review on some losses yeah maybe one day when i should get some i should get lossy really [Music] i think we've done most of it now i mean it is a little bit heavy that's not too bad cheeky goatee in the corner someone says they missed a stream eating food oh you didn't miss much dude i've done a few live streams while i'm doing just this stuff here to the bodies it's not the most enjoyable watch i must admit have i tried proline high racks um no i don't think so i've heard they're really good best channel in the world said someone thank you dude much appreciated we get it all i think we've got most of it guys we've got most of it what happened to the world's first rc car build well it's more of a joke really and yeah i'm not gonna turn it into a project but as more bad parts come along maybe we'll turn into something one day see the front of it now is pretty much set the front of it's drive so you know probably like an hour or so we can take it out and bash it but we're not going to bash it today now we've got most of it i think we've got most of it guys we're just checking out in the light make sure we haven't missed any bits i think for the most part we've got most of it while replacement body's so expensive someone says i don't know i mean there's not really that much work into making the clear ones i just vacuum form it i mean they are business the business is there to make money do you know rc4 four-wheel drive i've heard of them i've never had one though someone says are you getting a horse yes i am getting the horse so i says ftx any good i mean they're good for a beginner basher they're not going to keep up with like an xmax or anything like that but for beginner basher brilliant oh another glove bites the dust but we're pretty much done now so i'll use another finger for now when you're going to test out the 200 million now project car someone says no set date dude i have no idea i mean i've got i'm waiting on parts but there's no set date i never like to set a date because then if i can't make it you know it's sort of i feel pressurized to get videos out and then i wouldn't enjoy doing youtube so you know i never promised any dates put three gloves on it once said someone yeah oh one finger again if someone says cannot shout them out you can shout yourself out dude the trouble is if i start shouting everybody out then everybody's going to want to shout out so you can check yourself out you're more than welcome to do that rustler or e revo oh [Music] hello they're both pretty good i'll tell you what i don't like about the e weaver those weird toe links that's what really lets it down for me do you like hbo maverick i mean hpi yeah a little bit dated now though i mean they do really need to revise some of their cars i mean they are really getting dated now i mean those savage wheel nuts they're awful and they're still doing them so hbr really have got to pull their finger out and start revising some of their models because yeah their designs were good ten years ago but now they're gonna have to up the game or they're gonna get left behind are you working in the garage yeah i'm just putting the last of this shoe on i've nearly used up the whole tube so i might as well just use all of it now i mean it's the rear end where these bodies normally die so that's where i'm going to put most of it well i think we're going to call it at that oh i want me something around here i missed a bit there luckily we've got some left over someone says what's up with the first ever rc car when it works first ever i'll see come on tommy
Channel: More Kevin Talbot
Views: 224,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remote, control, car, kevin, talbot, RC, Car, Traxxas, Xmaxx, Maxx, Speed, Jumps, Jumping, Crash, Crashing, Destruction, Fail, Fire, Lipo, 8s, 6s, Backflip, Stunts, Run, 60mph, 70mph, 80mph, 90mph, 100mph, Skate, Park, BMX, Track, Broken, Air, Scale, Rock, Crawling, rc cars, radio control car, radio contoled cars, rustler, trx-4, traxxas udr
Id: JiKps2ld-KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 27sec (9867 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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