World's Best Monster Truck full build

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so this is a complete build video where we start off on a bear chassis and we built it up to the truck that we see today [Music] if you want to see the full 10 part build series i'm going to put a link to that up here this video is kind of condensed down into sort of like a couple of hours so i've been obsessed with monster trucks ever since i was a little kid and in 2014 i went to the monster jam world finals in las vegas and once i see these trucks for the first time in the flesh it was at that moment that i decided i had to build my own truck here we got the first part of the build arriving and probably the most important part of the build the chassis so this is a crd chassis the same chassis that many of the monster jam trucks use so here it is freshly delivered here we've got a few parts that come with it bumper lexan roof engine mounts [Music] [Applause] oh my god he's cuddling it already yes give it a kiss kevin first to come off of the axles now these weigh one ton each they cost forty thousand dollars each and i've had these custom made to be a little bit wider than a normal monster truck so here we got the body and this is a chevy c10 so here we've got the tyres these are 66 inches tall 44 inches wide and this is what makes it a monster truck so in this shipment we have nearly everything that we need to finish this monster truck last time oh [Music] any idea what that is [Laughter] instruction manual instruction manual for your rear sticker what's that how are we going to build this what is it well it's got tank cream on it oh no this is a hydraulic tank i think that's oh it's christmas every day look at that look at that that's piece of work though you haven't stopped smiling yet today prime joints they call it in the states we call it rose joined to a rod end over it's surprising that that actually holds the extra one in it that's the first box isn't by anything i think these are exhausts oh wow cables always those little bits break cylinder probably monster truck harness bag eight i think it's all pre-made look at that i better be heavily i don't know what a jackshaft is i know it's part of this side i think it's there so here we've got the transfer box nuts and bolts oh that's the cage yeah [Music] oh the first part oh yeah it's actually on yeah that was too easy i thought it's gonna be hard so here we've got the four link bars that hold the axles on everybody clearly so far everything is coming together very easily that's almost exactly the right place isn't it get really skinny next the front axle so these small wheels are just here for working on it and for transporting it next it's time to mount the shocks the fronts of 26 inch travel the rears are thirty in travel right hang on if you lean on the front i'm not heavy enough why is it so easy yep oh so here we've got the sway bars basically what a sway bar does is stops a car from leaning too much [Music] oh look at this oh car look at that this is the radiator for the engine coolant it is a shock off job when in doubt give it a clap [Music] [Applause] so here we got the transmission crawlers because these gearboxes get hot we got the fuel tank [Music] here we've got the brake pedal assembly now it's time to put the body on ah that looks so cool [Music] so somehow we gotta get that onto there no idea what we're doing here guys but i suppose we gotta figure it out somehow so do these come off oh yes we're professionals [Music] i hope we're doing it right guys [Music] this is too easy hey what are you doing stem it's having a bit of fun this is the one man look how easy that is and then that's where we put the lexan panel on and then he gets held on with his little zeus clips like that let's get a little bit of grease on there so you guys don't tell me off let me get one of these nuts on there and the rod end the rose joint time joint or whatever you want to call it a bit more grease nuttage heim so this here is the driveshaft safety loop it goes around the outside of this and in case this blows up or something it stops it all flying out and getting the crowd got the front one there ready as well look next we need to get this thingamajig here and bolt it on to that size we better put a bit of grease on there and a bit of lock tight and then we've got to get another one onto the front here on the transfer case the engine sits in there transmission goes there and the main transmission turns this shaft here in the transfer box that's got a load of gears in there it puts the power down into here there you go that's spinning around there and if we look on the other end that one they're spinning too then this driveshaft here connects this to the axle there it's pretty much exactly the same as an rc car postman oh it's christmas every day oh yes guys i've been waiting for these now we can bolt on that bearing block there and now we can get all this lot on somehow we've got to try and figure out how just look at the quality of these parts guys so next i think we got to get this piece here onto there so this has got to come off here i think and now we've got to fit it onto here [Music] so [Music] boom hopefully i did it right it looks good to me so here we're just making a few plates to hold the body together so we've got the body all mounted on now we've got it perfect in the right place and next we're going to weld this little tubes in and hopefully it's going to be the right place there we go we've got the start of the front body mount made and next we've got to work on this one here we've cut these tubes here so we're just going to weld that onto there then that one to there next we've got a curved a plate to fit the body [Applause] [Music] hello it's only a toy [Music] we're gonna take the body back off again and have a go fitted interior no idea what we're doing but we're going to try and make it up anyway so next we've got to make some brackets to mount the seat [Music] i thought it'd be too close to here because when we try a back flip and it goes wrong we land upside down we need a little bit of a little bit of headway so next i've got to get some metal so we can make the seat belt mounts and also mount the seat to the back of the frame there i've just fitted the water pump to the roll cage here and then we need to get a load of tubes and stuff to pipe it all up but we'll do that later on once the engine's in so i'm leaving everything loose for now then when the build's finished i'm going to go around it and do i put the nuts and bolts next we've got to make some straps to mount the fuel tank so for that we're just going to use some of these flat stuff here [Music] look at that is it gonna fit is it gonna fit is it gonna fit oh perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] boom [Music] so that is in there still gotta make a little bracket here just to go around that so you've got to run this seat belt so tight that we actually run a ratchet on there so once you've got yourself all buckled up just crank away on here and really strap yourself in tight any movement at all in the seat could lead to injury we gotta get that there somewhere the old cut off engine controls we can reach it there we're still there [Music] you ready oh [Music] next we gotta lift the engine out of the crate i'm scared as soon as we lift it it's going to try and fall over so this is going to be sketchy if it goes wrong it's going to be really bad i was going to lift you off with these i won't go up tony for swamp thing he said no do not lift it off of these ian said don't lift off those it falls on the floor i see his fault it's not mine oh man look at that horsepower feels heavy so it's a 540 cubic inch engine built by richard who builds all the monster jam engines it's supercharged an alcohol injected v8 it's based on a chevy engine but i think there's nothing on here actually chevy everything is after market we've got aftermarket heads aftermarket crank ignition block alloy rods these here are straps in case the supercharger blows off to hold it on it's got mechanical fuel injection and if you look here you can see the injectors going in here and if you look in here you'll see them poking out just there look so as it sits it's probably running around about 1500 horsepower if we change this supercharger pulley here for a smaller one it's gonna overdrive it spin the supercharger faster we can suck more air into the engine or force it in and that should get our horsepower up to around about 2000. over here we have the transmission so this is based on a power glide it's fully custom built we've got a beefed up casing if you haven't if you've got a stock casing you've got to run a blanket in case they explode on these they've got the heavy duty casing anyway so you don't have to there's a torque converter you've got the flywheel up here which weighs like literally nothing and next we got to get the helmet off so there's a couple of screws in here that were really hard to get to got to make a special little spanner to get in there and take them off and next we've got to take these ones off a couple of fuel pipes and the whole thing hopefully will lift off you know what it looks like it looks like a shredder i didn't shred the video yeah i love them [Music] [Music] down here so there's only millimeters to spare all the way around and the novice forklift driver did not put a scratch in it anywhere oh jesus are so tight concentration on his face he's got proper serious look on his face [Music] next we've got some little screws in here that absolute pick to get to so we made this next we're going to fit the fuel pump assembly onto the engine so here we're attaching the fuel hoses [Music] oh we can get these on [Music] so there we go we've got the front ones on the idea of these is is to limit the travel of the shocks because if you haven't got these and the shocks get to their full travel there's a piston inside here it's only held on with a little bolt or a nut or something and it can easily get ripped off this protects it and next we're gonna put the back ones on and the rear ones are slightly longer because we've got longer travel shocks on the back boom there we go the back ones are on there all these clamps here look that clamp onto the roll cage the idea of these is that we can mount all our instruments the switches the gauges and everything onto these and then it's not welded to the roll cage and we can always take it off we can move it and i'd rather do it that way than to weld everything directly onto the roll cage so we gotta find somewhere for this to go i'm thinking probably here or i don't know we've got the rear steer handle that goes here so the front steering on a monster truck on a normal steering wheel just like a normal car rear steer there's a little switch that goes into here and that's the left and right for the rear wheels so i've got a couple of these clamps on here we're going to put a tube on there and then weld that onto there but what we do have to be careful with is that a lot of the vision when you're looking out the window of a monster truck he can't see that much over the bonnet or the hood for you americans so a lot of the vision actually goes through the floors here so we don't really want to obstruct it with any gauges or anything so we've got to try and put everything in the blind spot so we've just joined two clamps together just to make the whole thing a little bit more secure we're holding on to this thing for dear life we don't want it moving about there we go got this piece all welded up so we can bolt this now onto the roll cage so here we got the rear steer switch that slots into there i think it just wedges in i think and then you've got your rear steer like that and then we've got this other switch that we have to put into here and this one is so you can turn off the self center with it one way the steering will automatically self-center when you flick it the other way it will stay wherever you leave the steering we still got to get all this not powder coated but for now we just want to assemble it all make sure that everything works so we'll take everything off get it all powder coated and then put it all back together again that is solid that is not going anywhere next we got about the shifter [Music] so we've just tacked it on for now we're going to put it on first see how it all fits and then later on when we're happy then we're going to weld it up fully so now we've got to get this shifter in position and we've got to get it in just the right place so i've taken the shifter back out again we've got it all tacked up for now we're not going to fully weld it just yet just in case we've got a movie in a monster truck you have to wire it up that you can only start it when you're in neutral or in park so we've got this little sensor here that we've got to fit in there's a little little ball valve on there look and these little rollers on there just sort of push onto it and that will just break the circuit to the starter motor so that it don't start i think i don't know probably got it wrong so next we got this cable here that comes out of the shifter and we've got it mounted here onto the transmission so we've got this little bracket there that bolts on there then we've got this little bracket there that bolts that on we've got to change this thing whatever it's called and put that on to there that onto there and make sure that it works make sure we can get all the gears and everything and then we're going to take it back off again so we can fit it because otherwise we'd have to do all this when it's inside the truck then it's easier to do it in there it comes with a longer screw a spring washer and we just bolt it back on oh look at this guys i found an rc car part so now we've got to set this up i'm not really fully sure how i think this is parks i think we got that's first second neutral reverse park so then if we put this into park which i think is um so then we put that on there and then that on there to hold the cable so now i watch this on tony swamp things channel so i learned something you adjust that until it falls in there easily i'll see your body clip in lock that up but we're gonna take it off again so we're not gonna bother just yet no hopefully our gears are gonna work oh yes look at that so now we can take all this not here off again because we gotta have it off when we fit this into the truck but we can't fit it yet because we're still waiting on bolts these bolts here they're only temporary i still got all some proper ones but anyway here you can see the ball switch so we're in neutral and it's pushing that down so it breaks the circuit or makes a circuit so you can start the engine and then you put this over into park which is all the way over here and then it clips into the second run look right in both of those two positions you can start the engine but when it's not in those positions then you can't start the engine health and safety got the shifter in next we've got to finish off mounting off this steering column we've got to make a little bracket that bolts on in here [Music] we're going to put a bolt through here to stop it from distorting i've also bolted these two together we've ground a little flat on here just like it sits on that tube nicely we've got a little bit more stuff to weld through man i love tig welding there's no sparks there's no spatter you can make it all nice and fluffy there we go we actually made two of them if you know why let me know in the comments so next i'm gonna mount these switches here so we got engine start we got ignition we've got fuel pumps even though we've got mechanical pumps i don't think we need them cooling lamps so we can have headlights on there i guess i've been looking at loads of pictures all over the internet and i think i'm going to do it a little bit like this gravedigger here so i made this piece of angle to put onto the box here and then we can weld it onto those clamps there so i want to put the gauges up on top here here we've got all these little pod things that hold these gauges into place and we can get four of them along here [Music] [Music] next we need some nuts and bolts and i ordered them on ebay oh we have posts we have nothing voltage we got one more and this one's a big one so next we've got to figure out where to mount it i'm thinking probably there i'm guessing basically you want it somewhere where you're not going to block any vision anywhere we want to be able to see out through the floor and out the window so i think my eye level's about here but next i've got to make a bigger brake pedal bouncing around in here it's easy to miss the pedal so i'm gonna put that on there [Music] so [Music] so next we've got to figure out how to plum it up so i've got all these fittings here all these and fittings i've got to figure out which fitting goes onto which component and here we've got some smaller ones and then these can go on here on the oil coolers for the transmission a bigger one here number 12 for the cooling i've got to take all these off again to actually make the lines later on but for now i'm just going to put all the fittings on everywhere so i know what we've got so i know what we need and then we can take them off again and make up all the lines i've got to figure out what all these threads are in here for the water pump no idea what that is probably bsp i don't know and then i've got to figure out somehow where it all goes so looking at pictures i think it comes out of here and then goes into the bottom of the water pump and then out here i think we need a t piece or y piece and then it goes somewhere and i don't know where so i've just made up my first hose here for the oil coolers for the transmission so next i'm gonna have a go at making up a water hose to go from the radiator to the water pump so we've got to wind that all the way on there until you can see that rubber hose meet that shoulder tight but it's getting there there we go just like that and i've got these special jaws for the vice so i can hold the hose and the fittings i've got all these special spanners here so that you don't scratch the fittings next we've got to put a little bit of lube on here to help it go on now you can get proper lube apparently but i haven't got any and apparently wd-40 does the same or three-minute we're gonna put a little bit of tape on here because we want to make sure everyone the other fitting in there that it doesn't all come off and you can see it here if it does come off we'll see there we go it hasn't moved then just so that we know where to cut the hose i'm gonna put a little bit of tape on there just to mark it then we know that that is where we cut it now to cut the hose i'm gonna use these cutters here i know a lot of people are using angle grinder but the trouble is with that you can end up getting a load of dust inside the line you can blow it out but i just like the idea of that beautiful lovely jubbly [Music] beautiful [Music] boom so i've just folded up this piece of metal here a couple of notches in there a few holes on there so next we can bolt that on top off here like this and then we can weld a couple of things on there taco can go on there this is the riii when you get into trouble then they can shut you down beautiful so i want to mount it here somewhere so i've got a couple of clamps like that we're going to fit one on there one's already on there yeah i think something like that's going to be pretty good [Music] [Applause] him in there like that look at that guys that is our view we've got the rear steer we've got our clocks we've got the steering we've got all this malarkey tell me what all this does that is the cut off so your left hand lane right and i no idea what that one is yeah and then if you get in trouble then someone remotely can shut your engine off so here we got the fuel pickups but on this tank we actually want to have a fitting underneath so we gotta drill a hole and then we can come in we gotta get all that out of there that's all gonna come out of here it's give a birth what is it for kev all that prevents slush now we're going forward no no [Music] nice little deburring tool [Music] i think we're good so next we now have to cut this so we gotta put the phone back in beautiful so here i've just made another bracket to hold the battery kill switch and the fuel pump cut off cable and we're going to mount it just there boom so the reason for this little cut out here is is that when we're sitting in here we don't want anything obstructing the wheel wells we want to be able to see where we're going so that cable goes all the way from that t-switch over there and he goes down along here along there along there along there all along there and then goes on here on the fuel pump then we've got this little collar thing here and that screws on the end of the cable next we can hook up the throttle cable so this little bracket thing holds the throttle cable to the pedal so we're attached on there got a little holder thing on there then we're going to go the same route with this cable we're going to go along here and just follow it along next to the other cable same again it clips onto this little mount thing here shut the catch this one has a little paper clip that goes through there i suppose if that comes off it's going to be bad and this little ball socket thing goes on here and the trouble is it's miles away from there it's not going to reach so i think maybe the cable's got to be on the upper position that would bolt on there meaning it's closer to there which would give us more cable on the other end [Music] boom there we go fitted it on there now hopefully it's gonna fit and i'll just bang my head on that thing oh that looks better look at that i think it's better anyway now that bit goes on to that bit and boom we're on yes so i've just had some more fittings turned up so this is an adapter so i can screw that into the water pump and then go over to these am fittings and i've also got this nice little white piece here so we'll get that into there then that into the end of that and then we've got to take a couple of hoses and then go into the engine and that's all for the water cooling so we've got this gasket stuff here i'm just going to paint a little bit of it just around the end of these fittings and i'm making the right mess of it so we give it a couple of minutes to go off a little bit and then we can put it together [Music] a little bit luck tight [Music] so next we're going to make a hose to go from there on to there and from there on to that one over there i'm not gonna bother filming it because i've already filmed making a couple of hoses and it's exactly the same i'll just put it back on when the hoses are ready to go on so there we go we've got one hose made and that one is gonna go from there who put an alternator in the way and then the other end onto here so you've got radiator into water pump into the bottom there into this piece and into that and then into the block boom and here we have our next hose that goes in here and then we go around here and he goes on there and then this end goes on our little white piece here boom so next we're gonna make up some brake hoses [Music] [Applause] [Music] boom so next we gotta bolt it onto the caliper we've got the union just there look then we're gonna go along this falling bar along the chassis and then up to the brake pedal so there we go it goes all the way along there along the top falling bar along the chassis and then i've just put the front buttons in as well and then both the cables here are running along the chassis rail here up there around there and then it's coming out here i just need to get myself a little union to put into the back of the master cylinder so i've just had my little brake fittings turn up and these go into the back of the cylinder and then we can attach the brake hoses there we go there's two of them now we get the hose and attach it also just bolted on the starter motor i didn't film it but there's only two bolts under there to hold it on so that engages there to the flywheel or flex plate as you not keep telling me what it's really called here's a load of stuff from the last video that we just got back from powder coaters so we've got to shove all that lock back on but first let's have a look to see what we got in this box then we're going to fit it all and then we're going to try and start the engine yes oh it's christmas every day header tank another header tank oh this must be the front steering pump yes front power steering pump oh we need this to start the engine yes check it out guys this is the control box that starts the engine the manifold oh yes guys this is what we've been waiting for these are the flywheel bolts some more stuff i'll show you that in a sec here we have the rear steering pump and bits are falling off oh has someone dropped it and broken it oh look there's all the parts here but luckily this part here we can just buy that separately and we can see now how it all works so this thingy magic here goes on here and then we gotta grub screw it on [Music] [Music] there we go hose made and now we've got the last coolant hose coming out of this y piece coming around and into the top of the radiator boom there we go that's the coolant system fully plumbed in and the fuel system fully plumbed in now all that we got to do is get the transmission in and plumb that in so now we can put some of this into there because that's what it says in the instructions and you guys said you could put some in there first otherwise you might kill it then we can put that onto there and then we can put that into the truck well first of all we need to get this thing off the top of here it says in here one quart this is one liter so most of it not all of it next we gotta open up the transfer case get this shaft out and then we've got room to get the transmission in hopefully we give it a little tapage on here a bit of persuasion and you're holding it oh it's coming it's coming it's coming so these are the quick change gears uh over there i've got some different ratios so you can gear up for long tracks and gear down for short tracks i think this is probably like an intermediate one so now i think if we can pull this gear out it should just slide out of there we one up on here there you go push that shaft out i'll do look at the quality of that machining who's feeling stronger today a big girl garden garden muscles don't drop it you've got 10 g sitting there for lift i'd trip over that next we need to get that onto there don't forget all your shaft i will hopefully someone's going to come out here get a bit on there [Music] all right so now we've got to get the rest of it in the hole if it moves his head out of the way is we have to get this bolt bolted through the flywheel and onto the converter with the washer so now that we've got that one in we have to turn over the engine he doesn't like red threadlock i'm just bothered that you'd never get it out again i've had a few comments people saying if you put red on there you'll never get it out again not ever people obviously try doing it by hand apparently the torque setting for this is ft so apparently this is ft setting so next i think we've got i'll get that shaft back into there located with that and then we've got to track the engine up and down slightly to get that perfectly in the right place then we can bolt these two bolts up on this side drill the holes out bolt the engine in permanently and then we should be good to go these engine mount plates [Music] so next we can get the starter motor back on we've got to make up another couple of hoses [Music] so these are the oil corners for the gearbox so now we've got to do another one there we go hose number two made home there we go all on there here we've got another goodie that turned up the other day here we have our accused sump so the accu sump sits under here so first of all we've got to mount these brackets boom next we have this contraption so we've got to screw this into there that into the accu sump [Music] [Music] oh this is in the way i've taken this off so next we gotta order a pipe that goes from there into the engine somewhere and then trying to figure out how to wire it all up oh another one of the truck delivery got a few more fittings turned up got some more tubing turned up next we have a problem this is all the wiring and this stuff absolutely terrifies me every time i touch electrics it melts catches fire but luckily we have tony from swamping 4x4 coming to the rescue we got the main man in the house kevin's petrified on the wiring i cannot do it you can do plumbing can't you yeah sort of well this is the same with plumbing it said you instead of putting water or oil some where you're putting electric is exactly the same can you do it it's just just in different colors so we just need to get on the truck and just start laying wires where they go and okay these ones are nice and easy because they're all labeled up where they got to go okay you've done the top bit now i've actually done a bit of wiring look i hope you guys are all proud of me look i'll put that on there just work out what the next ones are main problem is i didn't bring my glasses okay i can't remember what they say does someone knows what they're doing oh it's complicated how do i say that that means i've got nowhere oh it's in the dark green goes on there as well [Music] next we've got to mount this catch tank in there so that's for the power steering pumps and for the transmission so any oil or whatever leaks out of there you can catch it in here so i've made these straps here to hold it on i didn't bother filming it because i made them in exactly the same way as these tank straps there which was in a previous video [Music] uh there we go got all that lot plumbed in there we still got a zip tie up to there but we have this rear steering pump going into it transmission braver and the front steering tank so next we gotta mount this msd coil box thing whatever it's called just made this little plate didn't bother filming it because we've already filmed loads of holes we're gonna get all this stuff powder coated later on but for now just want to get it to get it all mounted there we go all mounted on also i've just made another bracket here the exact same for the solenoids [Music] got these little pins here quick release pins it just goes in like that all right same on the other side all right boom there we go so just let the batteries turned up so these aren't optimal yellow tops so we've got two of them and they go in there we've got this clamp thing here to go on top next up we've got to make some battery cable [Music] so next we've got this little crimp off thing here so you get the cable shove him in there just like that and then hit it with a hammer just like that [Music] oh look we've got the hydraulic man turned up now owen from hydroquip hey doing mate how are you not bad what you got for us we're getting hydraulics done we're going to measure yes so we've already done a little bit we've got a bit of the front hose again look so what we're going to do now is go from your pump oh hold on let me come down so we can see i'm just going to measure this for now so just pop that on [Music] and there this thing going to do that's the crimper that we're going to use what does that do just how tight the crimp is it that bit it does indeed yeah so what we do is we these little dies that are underneath here will get you roughly in the uh to near the mark of what you need to grip into and then just add on a little bit by the fine adjustment sounds technical grease and we can pop that in the back [Music] now we're trying to get to 31.1 that's 31.07 let's just do the other end [Music] so that we've got all the rear steel already done look [Music] we need to put a safety guard over the engine block in case it blows off and it doesn't come out and hit people so i made a template out of cardboard then i cut the cardboard out of stainless steel next we gotta drill some holes stainless steel is quite hard and difficult to drill and these are the best drill bits that i have found and that love drilling through stainless look at that straight through so we've got these plates all cut out now got his bracket here made and next we've got to weld up the kickback [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so basically what this thing does here is the engine is mounted on two aluminium plates so it can actually flex this way so this is to limit it so next we can get the exhaust pipe on there so here we've got some brackets that hold on these straps [Music] so the idea of these straps is that if the supercharger wants to blow off and it does happen sometimes it stops it flying off and hitting someone it's another day we got clearly in the house and it is the calm before the storm what we doing gonna give you breaks people tomorrow tony's coming and we should get it running for the first time hopefully so today we just gotta go through it all button everything up brake fluid oil gearbox oil all that stuff have my lady hopefully yes lovely so here we have will wood racing brake fluid push pedal downward pump pidge yeah we're going to fight without the top shouldn't be nice and gentle you got to do it on an off technique yeah we're going to lock the black back one off as well all right i think we might be good back here pedal should go rock hard pump it up so apparently we gotta fill it all the way to the top here in reckons but i don't know i have no idea probably doing it we have lid hey we have bikes and tomorrow we're gonna have acceleration don't make a mess you've got no chance for this stuff look it's like glue oh it's really thick what are you doing claire i'm holding your funnel ooh look at that all going in there oh my goodness this is the right stuff yeah uh i hope so it's going in look look look oh it's black as well just tested most of the wiring what you've put in and so far i haven't found a problem with it so we've been dry testing it now we're on to the bit where everything is off attach this quickly that's a good sign there oh okay no sparkage no spark no smoke you turn the power on at the back now and then i'll touch it again nothing's connected right so right that's on now if this all goes to plan today we're going to start it up we've got fanage yeah getting it ready for the multinationals they won't belong where can i get tickets from looking good get them off the website go to yes and there's not many left side big fire update today [Laughter] when you come down again [Music] all right listen to it coming down ready [Music] [Laughter] hey [Music] actually [Applause] wasn't that on our list of things to do this morning yeah running out of water you want to keep it clean so when you work on it because you are yet to get your hands dirty well i've done most of it you didn't do any oil yesterday he volunteered yeah i've got i've got multiple seaweeds [Music] [Music] eventually we got put more oil into it we got to the accumulator there so this contraption is a powerful block heater water heater oil heater at the same time so we've got a set the rear shocks tony showed me how to do it last time i couldn't i can't remember how to do it so now he's showing us how to do it again basically we're going to set the gap in there whatever you want it and then we have to set the pressures in the shocks i think we want eleven back and ten front i think what are nine funnels we're miles [Music] screw it on this thing was leaking on us yesterday so i don't know if i used it wrong or if check it in a minute but then you might make sure that one's backed right the way off that gauge tells you about how much is in the bottle this is the one what you're actually putting in the pressure how much we going for i i reckon you're going to put 700 in there yesterday no no you're gonna be 200. i thought well last time i think i put 100 in the front last time yeah you see it starts starting to climb so i put in 200 in the back because it's heavier it is heavy at the back than it is at the front then you just pack the gauge off because it won't go down if you put too much in you've got to take that off and just get get hold of that yeah see the gauge goes down now that's a 200 back it off turn the bottle off so now with the 19 you wind the top one in removing the truck outside just in case it decides to catch fire when we start it [Music] here tony's filling up the tank with methanol and the little bit of petrol to get the engine running for the first time turn the power on yeah so it does bump the starter uh ignition off the ignition off again again right now look at the oil pressure gauge yeah and then bump and bump it like for a long time [Laughter] so here tony's putting a bit of petrol into the intake all right press starter really yeah oh my god [Laughter] okay [Music] yeah yeah pull the methanol now all right it'll be right it should go now the head tone is adding more hydraulic fluid for the front steering and i'm working the steering left and right to try and bleed the system [Music] [Music] oh [Laughter] here we've got the front steering all working now so here tony is topping up the transmission and i'm going for all the gears to get the fluid for the transmission get it all working [Music] next we're going to check to make sure that the battery isolator kills the engine and it and then does back up now what would you feel off yeah because because you basically you you shut the engine off with the fuel go in oh so now when you fire it up yeah you fire it up and as soon as it fires then push the fuel on okay [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] do oh my god please can i have some air defenders ah matt awesome it can't be legal [Laughter] those poor transport tires okay they didn't like that no i'm shaking [Laughter] that's gonna be scary i do say it's unlike any other vehicle didn't i so next tony is going to put it back into the shop daddy over there take it off you're not gonna hear me properly [Music] we're going to fit the big tyres we're going to fit the body we're going to get the body painted all the graphics on there and get this truck finished workshop's too small so we've got to put it outside what we want to do what we want to do is we need to put the body on then we've got to pick up the whole monster on one corner flex it over then we can cut the arches but this is in the way and this doesn't work so maybe that can make [Music] you can go forwards a bit that's well sketchy yeah we doing claire ah so we've got some pictures of titan that's got the same body as me so we're gonna well claire's gonna know good clothes better at this you want that bit don't you yeah and then it comes down to here oh my god that's a lot you've got to cut out of there in the middle uh yeah it's not far off [Music] man i hate fiberglass so we just roughly cut the back one so next we go jack it up get the big wheels on see how it lines up and then do whatever claire says i'm the boss am i well so next magic trick ready ready ready and then we've got taking down toners get it painted stickers oh my god that is the size it's going to be man my god jesus ready [Laughter] [Music] is but it feels unstable we're gonna try to let the shocks down death by monster truck oh my god get under it your [Laughter] [Laughter] hopefully it's going to work we put some more pressure in the shocks and that's going to give this side maximum travel the other side maximum down and then we can cut our arches out on the fenders so let's cut a little bit out of here i didn't really want to cut any of this off really because we're going to hum the face but we've got no choices are that i'm moving the body further forward and if we move the body further forward it's going to hit when we do moon walks those weirdies so anyway next we've got to steer it to see how far we can actually steer so ian's donated volunteers to get in go and show us more difficult job oh maybe tiny bit more if we keep it on that line that'll be all right so the bit we're tracking away is actually bigger than the bit that we're keeping so next we're gonna let the gas out the shocks we're gonna get the truck back down again put the rest of body panels on hopefully it's all gonna line up and hopefully i'm not gonna kill myself ready are you sure you haven't done those valves oh there it goes [Music] so now with a truck on the bump stops we can reattach the sway bars [Music] so that should be our sway bar set perfectly still looks good didn't it [Music] there we go that is the body fully mounted now suspension's all the way down so it's got to go up again oh make it look so fat like this so next we've got to put the small wheels back on take the body off take the body down to tony's tony's going to paint it ash is making the vinyl stickers for it so we got it all back in the shop again with its little baby wheels on there we've got a little bit of warming to do with the monster and we have the man in the house so that is a taco we gotta get working and we got what we got craig we've got wires we've got some information there and we've gotta get that information and make sure they get the right bits in there and then is it gonna work of course it's gonna work yes yes yeah all right so temporarily we've got it all wired into the loom so hopefully while craig over there because it's going to work of course it is he says you're not confident that it never works so you've got your block heater plugged in got the engine warming up so 45 minutes on that we're going to give a quick little fire up and to see if it works vinnie is a designated driver put the ignition on [Music] [Music] damn that's loud [Music] so we are off to tony's from swamp thing four by four he's gonna make a mold of his body actually so when we break our body he can make us a new body then he's gonna paint it and get all the stickers on there here we are on tony's location there's some big cuts [Laughter] [Music] so while tony's painting the body we've got a few more jobs to get on with so all the wiring is now fully done and look we've hidden it all away to make it all nice and neat and nice and tidy all this mess under here look all nicely tied it up up here we've sorted all these cables out got the taco working so just been doing a little bit of work off camera so i've put in a handheld fire extinguisher here and also i've started it to plumb in a plumbing system so you pull the handle here and it sets this thing off here now we've got some nozzles so got a couple of nozzles on here they go over the engine you've got one there that goes over me and another one over there that goes over me come on there that goes over the transmission and then coming around here i've made a guard for the supercharger because you have to have this to protect the fuel lines in case that belt breaks you don't want the fuel lines getting ripped off just had all this stuff here come back from powder coat as we got put some of it back on so here we got an engine stabilizer so i'm going to put that back on actually off camera hold on let me put a torch on i made this guards here to go around the flywheel some more bits here come back from powder coaters to hold this tank on let's get it all fitted then head over to tony get the body get your body fitted and then guys it's gonna be time to test the truck out properly yes [Music] [Music] [Music] guys we're pretty much finished now just gotta wait to get the body back from tony but off camera i made these little brackets here to hold the seat shoulder pads onto the headpad things because it tied everything down to stop everything from moving about a little bit of zip tied under there just holding up all the hoses and cables everywhere to keep them out of harm's way right let's head off to tony's pick up the body hopefully he's going to give us a little guided tour of his swamp thing workshop and then we're going to bring the body back fit it and then next video it's going to be our first little proper drive we're on our way to tony's swamping 4x4 can't wait to see his body i've seen the facebook pictures oh man it looks so good i won't steal the truck but he hasn't got the stickers on there yet so we're going to get the body back we know stickers and then sticker man's going to come to the workshop and put the stickers on then so the grand unveiling of the name and what all the artwork is going to be is going to be at the uk monster truck nationals at the center point so make sure you're going to be there we're going gonna miss it the tulba pub hey here we are in tony's shop oh look at that oh look at this there's the front end so this is gonna go chrome actually but the stickers are not gonna go on it just yet so test day's going to be like that and then we're going to stick it up for the main day would you recommend it though i think it looks amazing ferrari rosso corsa because when he was on about the red i said you got to pick a nice one because some of them look a bit orangey yeah there's definitely no orange in that i reckon you should give us a little guided tour of your swamp thing man cave uh yeah so this is this is me uh normally i've got the tractor unit on the front but that's just about the end of the minute so this is my trailer which i used to take my monster truck from shelter show yeah we'll take you in that in a minute but oh this is where i do all the like the fabricating with metal as in this part of it here i saw that on your video actually when he's making these things yeah so there's steering knuckles this is what i break a lot of at a minute oh these are the half shafts so that there's a little pin in there you can knock that out and that piece will come out so guys tony's going to give it give us a quick guided tour but if you want to see anything in great detail tony's got youtube channel as well and we're going to put a link to that down below check it out yeah those loads how to make bodies diffs everything yeah yes a lot this is bits of my monster truck that i've broken there's another one to truck up there look who has a monster truck up on the shelf in their workshop is that swamp thing 2.0 yeah so it's it's almost the same the design of the chassis is a little bit different at the bottom but yeah it's a slightly longer wheelbase on that one did you make that chasse or um it was originally made by somebody else yeah and you might definitely i modified it a lot the only thing i'm probably going to do on it is i'm going to chop off the front of it again and make the front shorter so you could do a nose wheel ah yes the problem with swamp thing at the moment if i try to do a nose wheelie with that yeah where the wheels are or on it yeah the chassis comes out too far out the front of it and you dig in we'll dig in the ground yeah tyres everywhere look yeah i've got lots of tyres six pie good use that's got some cleatage yeah oh now we've got now we've got itchiness my workshop isn't dust free especially in a minute after doing your stuff i think i've got a fiberglass allergy every time i touch fiberglass everything goes itchy yeah uh so yeah so there's more 66s there yeah oh this thing that's actually on your channel as well wasn't it yeah this is my daughter's car she's building this so this was a an old london taxi yeah which we're turning into a 1932 hot rod yeah so v8 engine a lot of work's got into this i'm really enjoying that build series so if you want to see that in more detail tony's channel yeah the welders are used i've got a tig oh that looks a lot more professional what we've got might have like some little banggood specials what are you this is like proper boys yeah so and then you've got plasma cutter on the top there that actually looks a bit like my tig welder i've actually got a par well tig welder yes uh yeah so lottery all the spares are in the bottom i'm gonna have to build all this eventually yeah so these are all the parts in there so you got like prop shafts half shafts that looks like the thing that i just made yeah that is that's what sets up the suspension yeah um all that some bolts brake pads everything in there gazebo yeah we've got the shot have you done a video actually where you've done the whole tour of your trailer no i haven't i think you should oh yeah because actually i'm really intrigued by it what's in there that's the exhaust for the generator yeah [Laughter] have you built this yeah everything on this is filled up there's no fair bits there's spares in there as well there is all the way across here spare winches so these are the guys the vk graphics they wrapped this whole entire trailer but these are all parts of monster trucks so these are all the broken bits but there's still good bits in there these exhaust systems shocking now they're they're off a uh legend no these are for a full before and this is where i do all the fiberglass oh the itchy room i've seen quite a lot of this this room here in the video in your videos recently yeah so there's the front bumper oh yeah when we start off with fiberglass we just start off with that this is all the resin that's in there that's all the chopped shock mats oh that gives me anxiety looking at that oh look at all the dust coming out look at the camera look let's close it more because you've got the torch more tires more tires yeah i've got a fair few tires let's evacuate the torture chamber [Laughter] yes just looking at it the other good thing about the trainer is so on there that's where the gas bottle is yeah there's a water tank across here all the electrics are there in the top is the air conditioning because you've got air conditioning in your trailer can you come in yeah yeah we're coming there's the monster truck oh that's swamp thing look how you got headlights in it as well yeah yeah so yeah it all fits in so the tires are at the back and there's all the spares and everything all around the tool boxes all around the side yeah so you've got the tyres all the way over there yeah all the way back there we zoom right in they say stuck on one on top of chip on the other where do you sleep sleep this way bedroom so that's a bedroom up there this makes it into a bed as well yeah and that moves that way doesn't it everything moves even the floor yeah so when the monster trucks out all this slides back to make the room the living room is 21 foot long when the monster trucks out well yes that's so all this is like all the way over there yeah everything but you can still use it like that toilet and shower and that in there oh look at that hello well this is posh and you built all this yourself yeah is there anything you can't build uh gearboxes oh no i'm jealous i'm a little bit jealous [Music] so that is the mold that tony made us so when i break my one hopefully not any time soon then tony can make me more and you put all the stuff on the inside but you have to check out tony's channel if you want to see how it's done who would call a car dealership that he obviously did we have arrived and vinnie is going to help us lift it on oh that looks [Music] [Laughter] so next we've got a bolt on these bits that we powder coated onto there then we can put the front end on bed sides back [Music] there we go all mounted up we're going to be putting the big wheels on it we're taking it to santa pod to learn how to drive it hopefully not destroy it and then we've got our first show august i think 21 it is uk monster truck nationals this is it guys first proper driver the monster truck we've got the block heater on there on a minute we've got that on there half an hour and then that warms the engine up and it should make it easier to start here we got going stop front steering rear steering and first second gear and reverse i really can't see it being any different than a giant rc car [Music] how are you feeling about it being transported um i'll be happy when it's on there how much room have we got on there yeah you're all right how much a couple of inches is that what we got two inches either side uh inch and a half there nothing to worry about easy peasy crazy [Music] we have arrived here we are on location and look we got tony swampering in the house again we can see what's in there now this time so we're going to be using hopefully tony's jack today if we're allowed to here are we loud oh look ian and claire in the house as well and we've got pods in a gallery in the house as well look manual labor morning kev let's see you do it go on kevin [Music] i can't actually see you behind it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so here tony's made these handy rollers to help get in the tires ready [Music] so here they are setting up some jumps so i can learn how to jump it [Music] ian is pumping up the tires and putting some methanol into the fuel tank oh you're making a mess so [Music] the engine is a big block blown and alcohol-injected chevy running around about 1500 horses [Music] so here i'm putting on my safety gear and a massive thanks to gary anderson driver of the podzilla monster truck for helping me to get it all on safely today i would suggest does it now because i need the practice as well yeah so are you going to be doing this every time or am i oh when you're happy hold both hands up yeah [Music] so here tony just hit the remote kill switch to make sure that he can kill the engine remotely so when you're all strapped in these things you cannot see anything behind you at all so ian and i both have to learn all the hand signals are so that ian can back me up so here i am discovering my first problem this monster truck's got a front differential locker so when you're driving slowly it's almost impossible to turn the steering wheel [Music] [Music] here i'm trying with all my energy to steer the steering wheel and it will not steer at all [Music] yes it is oh yes get used to that that's what i'm saying having a locker room it's not very nice it makes the steering really heavy well it's always moving but to do a turn with it you have to be doing five five to ten miles an hour yeah to even get it to turn that's what i'm saying having a lot that's why i took a longer outline i kind of learned that by revving the engine a little bit you unwind the differential and also it gives it probably a little bit more pressure for the steering pump so now with all the maneuvering practice out of the way it's time to drive the truck around a little bit just to get a feel for it and i've got a little bit carried away too soon um just have a drive around and make sure everything's working all your oil pressure all your water temperatures and all that's coming up [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] the way the breathers are set up when you're doing the doughnut you're just firing oil out it's supposed to be the way that you've got them set up on it it's just it's pouring oil out when you're doing it do you look how much come out of it now oh no that's a mess i'll go and get some granules and put some granules on that and we'll have a look because when he was doing it it was pouring out was it yeah oh it's now time to learn how to jump it go backwards come up to the ramp and drive with the wheels on the ramp but don't drive over the top and then go back and then you can do a jump so when you approach a jump you completely lose vision of it as you get closer to it so here i'm doing a couple of little test run-ups to it and stopping on the ramp just to make sure that i can line it up properly [Music] here we go first ever jump in a monster truck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i was actually really surprised how soft the landing fell i was expecting it to be a lot more violent it felt almost like landing on a pillow so now same again but this time instead of the concrete block we got some cars so a couple of little lineups like this then we're gonna go for it trouble is with these bkt tyres they puncture really easily on cars so i was quite worried actually [Music] and just like on an rc car i gave it a little bit of thruster in the air to try and bring the nose up a little bit but trouble is i've maybe done a little bit too much because landing on power is a bad idea [Applause] so here they set me out a couple of cones to simulate a racing lane at the uk monster truck nationals trouble is with my locked up differential it was not making the turn [Music] nope there is no way i'm making it around that bend and we have a problem steam is coming out the engine so they remotely shut off my engine something's getting hot there's water coming out something or other because there's there's stuff everywhere oh it's all over the all over the tire as well you turn the fan on yeah i think i did anyway something's really hot the water temperature is at 220. that's why so it's 230. it's steam that's not smoke yeah that's what's really hard yeah it's definitely steamed maybe it turns out i forgot to turn on the radiator fan and the water pump so we overheated it a little bit oh man that was so much fun i can't wait to do it again we're coming back in august for the uk monster truck nationals russ is putting it on yeah well the training's all done now it's all done when you get back here the bank's going to be packed the grandstands are going to be packed you're going to be one of the stars of the show oh wait wait you did great well done oh what do you reckon guys should we do it no no no come on let's get it broken down all right where was often home there we go got it all back in the shop driving it and the whole experience was pretty much exactly how i was expecting it to be but it felt a lot softer i was expecting the landings to be a lot rougher but we got a lot of suspension travel we got all that rubber on the tyres it was just like landing on a pillow now when we start jumping it a lot higher then i'm expecting it to get a little bit more violent now one little problem that we did have was the steering we've got a differential locker in there it makes it very hard to steer at slow speeds the steering wheel locks up solid and i'm forcing it as hard as i can and it just won't move if i start revving it a little bit it unwinds the diff and probably gives the pump a little bit more pressure i don't know then it kind of steers but something i want to look at i've been chatting to marty garza and joshua yoho from monster jam um about how to get the steering a little bit better hopefully we're going to have a solution for that so next time when we drive it it's going to steer a lot nicer the other alternative is to take out the front locker and put in a just a normal diff but um i don't really want to i like the locker we need to slightly limit the front suspension travel so these are the limit straps here and i think if we just move them up a couple of holes that's going to do if we look down here see the drive shaft it's been slightly rubbing just up here look on full droop so we need to just limit that just a little bit or we could just notch a little bit out here maybe we'll see on the rear however i think we need more droop looking at that video you could just see that the back suspension didn't come out all the way i've been chatting to a couple of people and they reckon i definitely need more suspension travel because it's giving it that bounce on the landing so i think we're gonna have to measure it all up and get some longer straps to go into the back once we've done that if it still lands a bit bouncy we have to play about with a shock valving inside it with a couple of leaks so this union here was dripping coolant and the way that i've done my breather system but when you're doing doughnuts or wheelies and moonwalks or whatever oil can come out of here and it's going to come flooding out at the bottom here so when we're doing that donut that's actually what's happening it lost quite a lot of oil so i think i'm gonna swap these over again and have this fit in on this side i've noticed this pipe here has come loose on the front power steering and i'm just stopping happening in future probably gotta zip tie that onto there all in all what a day it was pretty much exactly what i expected uh we got the uk monster truck nationals coming up in august and been chatting a little bit with monster jam on the possibility of taking a part in some of the european monster jam so let me know in the comments if you want to see that i want to say a massive thank you to gary anderson for helping out on the day he was sort of showing me how to strap him properly and giving us loads of tips and tricks massive thanks to trevor and scott for coming over and looking over all the safety stuff and giving me pointers and making sure the truck's safe and making sure that i'm safe tony from swamp thing 4x4 who's come over give me so much help getting this truck running without tony i don't think i would have been able to do it by myself not getting it all running and all the little fiddly little bits and bobs so tony's got youtube channel as well i'm gonna put a link to tony's tony's channel down below make sure you check him out he knows absolutely everything about monster trucks he does painting engines welding everything he does it all himself so link to tony's channel down below also massive thank you to ian and claire claire for filming and helping out with a couple of little bits and bobs ian that's pretty much helped me build the whole entire truck so check out their youtube channel um claire's rc so link to that down below too peter from the thor monster truck he's been on the other end of the phone helping me with so many things with the gearbox and with other little bits and bobs like that so link to the thor monster truck facebook group down below joshua yoho here he works it wants to jam um wrenching on the trucks he's one of the tech guys down there he's been giving me so much advice about many many different things i'm going to put a link to his instagram down below mikey from v2 vids has given me a few tips it was his idea to do that transmission jack thing that we built so massive thanks to mikey from v2vids link to mikey's channel down below then we got rick stefans from pei and he's been giving me lots of tips for the wiring the wiring to me is so difficult so hard uh so massive thanks to rick from pei and actually pei built me most of the parts of his monster truck they built the axles uh the shocks and also supplied most of the other parts that got into that build also massive thanks to crd for building the chassis and supplying some of the actual parts also shout out to clod busted who's also just finished his monster truck build we've actually been building these roughly at the same time and he just beat me to it finishing it so check out his channel to see more of that truck big shout out to richard for building an amazing engine and also darren from hydroquip for plumbing up all the hydraulics shout out to craig stone for helping me with some of the wiring vinnie and stempy for helping out in a couple of little pieces so i just want to say a massive thank you to every single person no matter how small how small a little bit of advice was or or anything like that i mean everybody coming together to help me get this dream together and i finally got to drive it and i've gotta be the happiest kid alive so subscribe and smash the bell so you don't miss any future content you're gonna be seeing a lot more of this in the videos very very soon you
Channel: Kevin Talbot
Views: 1,833,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay song, kevin talbot ebay, kevin talbot ebay reviews, kevin talbot monster truck, make money, make money online, make money fast, selling on ebay, selling online, work from home, what to sell online, what to sell on ebay, make money app, review, business, starting a small business, starting a business, kevin talbot, rc cars, rc car, rc monster truck, radio controlled, radio control car, rc cars racing, r/c cars, remote control car, rc
Id: DnxqI2CC97E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 2sec (5882 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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