7 worst Traxxas X-maxx problems - and how to fix

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this is the Traxxas x-maxx considered by many as the greatest off-road vehicle ever made and introduced five and a half years ago a lot of people still think this is the best one you could buy today but as good as it is it has a lot of weaknesses and I'm gonna explain to you seven of those weaknesses and how to fix them to maximize your enjoyment [Music] that the moment to strike I don't hesitate I'm feeling like winning they spitting the Venom but I got the power I ain't afraid I ain't afraid I'm in your face remember my name when I'm in the grave [Music] trans I ain't playing weak no I'm playing for kids can't stop me I'm a legend [Music] we got this never stopping and we won't lose all right practice x max it's so good that people forget about its weaknesses they don't talk about it but I'm here to explain them to you that way you can address them when when the problems happen or you can get ahead of the problem and make sure you don't get stranded out there on the trail what it's good at is it's got an incredible drivetrain 8s drivetrain that can handle the power won't give you problems and it has handling for for days a 24 pound vehicle that can that can corner like a cat and uh do Twirls in mid-air it's just an amazing experience you also have a fully mostly plastic chassis that can handle all the beating and so that amounts to a fun vehicle the fun Factor on this is just so high it's almost kind of like uh in between an RC and a real vehicle and that's what people love about them but it has weaknesses and that's what we're going to talk about today the number one weakness is the tires the tires simply cannot handle this vehicle they are too weak and this is the culprit right here it just tears up the sidewall the casing is just it's just so weak uh it's a crime that that they use it with this car and that they still continue to to spec it in this car so either in 6s or 8s they will just blow up you know and the common problem is because it has open differentials when one tire is in in the air this will get all the power uh that this doesn't get so instead of spitting at 50 miles an hour it's going to spin at 100 miles an hour it'll just blow itself up so the solution is to get another Brand Tire the Pro-Line Badlands with a belted sidewall or casing Tire casing is the solution Duratrax has that one two and I'll have links in the description at the minimum you need to carry spare tires and wheels uh in in your toolbox when when the blowout happens so you're not out there stranded a couple other Solutions is one don't use easy on the throttle like I said when one when it's in the air and they're not spinning at equal velocities you know get off the throttle because the more you do that the more it's almost sure to blow up six six s or 8s autoflip too when Auto writing when you're doing when it's doing that and you're you're not in control this thing can just blow up so just avoid that that feature unfortunately and the last solution is just to vent the tires punch holes on opposite side of the tires uh because air has weight believe it or not and then when it's spinning at full speed the more if it has air trapped inside you know it's going to put pressure on the the tire casing and blow it up the number two weakness of this vehicle is the servo the servo is so anemic and inadequate that it just can't turn this vehicle like if you turn it right now while it's on rest it won't even the weird the wheels will go like this so weak and worse than that is it's gonna it's gonna break out on the trail leave you stranded whether you're out in water or you know out in rocks it's just it's just it's Gonna Leave You disappointed so the solution oh here here's the servo by the way it's huge but it's so light it's full of air heats up and it needs this heatsink plastic Servo horn plastic Servo saver everything about it is bad so the solution is to get the upgraded servo from Traxxas uh this is 245 ounce the other one's 345 ounce with a better Servo saver you'll get you going but the real solution is is to use a standard size servo they have an adapter that's super cheap get get that strong uh Servo saver and then use a standard Servo from homes Hobbies reefs are some some of the Great companies that are fast and strong 800 ounce thousand ounce and you'll have what I have which uh I'm willing to show you right now I did that upgrade I'm using a small Servo standard Servo but you'll see the difference pardon the fan noise so here it is weight of the vehicles on it not a problem I'll put more weight on it still going in the air at speed so super cool not only is it strong it's fast and Fast is good on a vehicle like this because it allows it to just turn on a dime you know be like a cat so to speak and when you are on super loot surfaces and you want to use the traction control stability control the faster a Servo you know the earlier it can correct itself and it doesn't fishtail it just it just goes straight when you Goose the throttle all right the number three weakness is the ESC burns out it's not up to Snuff it's pretty good this one the early models five years ago were really awful the new ones are are better but they're still not quite there and especially using that auto writing technology that they have it goes It goes full forward full break full full reverse you know that stuff is hard on this thing so not quite there the easy solution when it breaks I'll I wouldn't say replace it right away but when it breaks get the hobby wing max 6 ESC that one is just a beast and it allows you to get more power even on the same motor with with this vehicle so a lot of my footage is with this one maybe I'll show it to you it's just a beautiful piece from Hobby Wing it's not the it's not the easiest to fit in it's a little bigger but it does fit in but it stays cool it's got a nice switch very cool little upgrade okay the number four weakness of this vehicle is the front arms brake you know when you land at an angle on the front boom 100 pounds of pressure on it this thing will break and crack and the solution is easy they they've made the arms heavier Duty make sure you get the heavy duty ones you'll notice I'll show you a picture that there's more material this the holes are smaller and once you have that they shouldn't break anymore my left arm broke twice and then the right once but once they were replaced with the upgraded arms no problems I'm not saying there'll never break but it'll be robust from here on the number five problem is this vehicle flips over a lot and that's just kind of an unfortunate thing a couple things going on with that they knew it too that's why they have that auto writing technology you know it's like 200 yards away it can flip itself but you know I've kind of given up on that because that just blows out the tires blows out the ESC and uh it is you know it's unreliable it's hard on the vehicle so the solution uh there's two of them one is get the wide Max kit uh Traxxas has recognized that vehicles are wider now more stable so they made a wide Max kit I believe it's 20 to 30 millimeters wider on each side so man that thing is wide so it's as wide as my new armor Outcast 8s and I noticed that thing is way more stable so I don't have the white Kit yet the other solution is to stiffen your shock oil this thing does not have stabilizer bars but notice how how soft the the Springs are uh and the shock oil so as you stiffen the shock oil you'll prevent all that tipping and rolling over effect all right number six problem is the battery trays the stock battery trays are very restrictive very few batteries will fit mostly Traxxas batteries and even when the batteries fit aftermarket batteries the uh it sometimes it touches the wires and harms the wires so the solution is to use a velcro system either design your own all you really need to do is just have some long velcros on each side remove those the stock ones and here you have so many more options thin batteries tall batteries long batteries this is just the way to go but velcro is the way to go and that little bit of give is actually good for the battery um you know during the hard impacts and the last problem I don't have this but I have friends who have the the issue is if you are very hard on the vehicle like like you're on Escape ramp and you land you you case it the vehicle on the takeoff of a jump and you land right here the chassis remarkably is not going to break because of the flex you know the suspension in chassis this is the beautiful thing about the vehicle but the band it will bend momentarily and return back into place there's an aluminum shaft in there that's going to bend and once that bends you know it'll start making noise it'll still work remarkably so but it'll make that vibrating noise and it's touching the the the case so what you need is is a a chassis brace you know if that happens to you I wouldn't say go go at it right away but it if it happens to you replace that shaft and and get that chassis brace m2c chassis brace is what you need so there you go you know make the best vehicle around or one of the best continue to be the best and and just maximize your your enjoyment out there
Channel: RC Review
Views: 63,876
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Id: skTpGe1ibLc
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Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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