"GET Into The SUCCESS ZONE!" - Bob Proctor (@bobproctorLIVE) - Top 10 Rules

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- We've got to see ourself the way we want to be and then we have to live with it. People should say you should slow down that's a bunch of crap, we should speed up. When we get into the success zone everything that our life starts to change. You only have to know two things. You have to know where you're going and you have to know that you're going to get there. - Hello Believe Nation, my name is Evan Carmichael. My one word is believe, and I believe that entrepreneurs solve all of the world's major problems. So to help you on your journey today we're going to learn the law of attraction master Bob Proctor and his top ten rules to success Volume two. Rule number, three is my personal favorite and I'd love to know which ones you guys like the best. And as always as you're watching if you hear something that really resonates with you please leave it in the comments below for folks or others who can be inspired and you can also win a prize, as well. And also when you write it it's much more likely to stick for yourself, as well. Enjoy. (airplane flying) (basketball bounce) (pop music) - See people don't resist change people resist being changed. Mmm yes we've got to change ourself we've got to build a new image a picture in our mind. We've got to see yourself the way we want to be and then we have to live with it. That's, you go to the gym work out that's what you do. You build a picture how you want to see this arm, this arm and you build that picture and then you build the body. While you build the life in your mind take your pen and write out how you want to live and always start by writing I'm so happy and grateful now that. And the second you write it you've got it intellectually. The moment you impress it upon your emotional mind you've got it emotionally. And it's only a period of time till it manifests on the physical plane. Yes spirit works from a higher to a lower potential. Let that little yellow dot on the screen represent your level of awareness. This represents your level of awareness. This is what you're aware of. Now everything you've got in your life everything, your relationships, your money, everything is an expression of your own level of awareness. See people that earn 50,000 a year are not very good because they want 50. People are earning 50 because they're not aware of how to earn 150. People that are suffering from headaches they're not suffering headaches because they want to suffer from headaches. They're suffering from headaches because they're not aware of how to eliminate the headache. It's their head, they made it ache, they can make it stop. So you see it's awareness we're after. Now think of this. If that little dot represents our awareness and it's responsible for everything we've got in life just think of how your life could change if we magnify it just a little bit. I mean everything would start to change. Our relationships would change. We would be healthier, we would live in healthier bodies. We would know more people, we'd earn more money. We'd be able to do more interesting things. And if we just increased it a little bit more everything starts to shift. Well I've been living this way now for 40 years it absolutely fascinating. I celebrated my 70th birthday last week I got more energy than most people 20. I have absolutely no intentions of slowing down. People should say you should slow down that's a bunch of crap, we should speed up. wWe've got more power yet you know the most erudite scientist alive can't even guess what you and I are capable of doing. No one knows what we're capable of. All the powers are in the present that's within you and within me. Slow down, we're just starting to warm up. What we want to do is calm down. You can go at warp speed and stay very healthy if you stay relaxed. And that's really the secret. Now just imagine we expand our awareness a little more. Do you know what this program is doing for you today? It's expanding your awareness, that's what the program is all about. Every time you come every time you come to one of these programs your awareness is widened. Your world starts to change. You think oh yeah, that's pretty interesting. And it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Our awareness keeps changing. You know that no one knows how much money you're capable of earning. There's no one can even guess at what you're capable of earning. We want to become aware aware like we are because we're not aware of how to do it better. We know how to do it better. Every person in this room intellectually knows how to do a better job then they're doing. Everyone in the room knows how to earn more than they're earning. But they're not doing it. You see having the knowledge is not the deal. having the knowledge I mean I remember when I was a kid. Schoolteacher would say to me, "Bob why'd you do that?" I'd say, "I don't know?" "What do you mean you don't know? "You know better." "I know I did it, I don't know" I was in the Navy every commanding officer, "Proctor why did you do that?" "I don't know sir." "What do you mean you don't know? "You know better." "I know" "Why'd you do it?" "I don't know." (laughing) You see I didn't know why I was doing things. Do you know that we do things that we don't want to do? It gives us results we don't want to get. Yet we do them anyway. Do you know what addiction is? It's never getting enough of what you don't want. Getting a lot of people addicted to results that they don't want. Why do we keep doing it? You see I think when we start to see that that's when we start to become aware of how to take control over our life. And that's really what we want to do. So you see awareness is the big deal. We want to become aware of the obvious opportunities that are available to us. We are surrounded by opportunity. They're everywhere you go. There is an abundance, there's no shortage of opportunity. We can win, and we can win in a big way. Now when we lack awareness we miss the opportunity. I used to always say that you know the trick is to be in the right place at the right time. I've been in the right place at the right time many times in my life, but I blew it. You know why? I wasn't aware that I was in the right place at the right, I had to look back at it. Think of it there's something else, it's being aware that you're in the right place at the right time's not good enough. You've got to be aware that you're in the right place at the right time. Habits. Good habits will give you results that stick. Bad habits will destroy everything I have. Some bad habits. That's right, all my habits are not great. So if you've got some bad habits, don't feel bad. So does your next-door neighbor. So does your mentor, or your coach. So does your mother and father, if they're alive. So does everyone. And the trick of life is to replace a bad habit with a good habit. I used to hang around bars all the time and one day I went in I picked up a glass and I looked around and I thought, they're all bums in here. And then it dawned on me I'm always here. (laughs) I learned something. I put the glass down they said I'm never coming back here again, and I'm never going to drink this and I never did. And it was a long time ago but you know what I did? I went from spending all my money in the bar to the racetrack and I started to bet it all on horses. So I went from making somebody with a bar get wealthy and then I started to feed the horses. And one day I woke up and I learned something. If you don't consciously and deliberately replace a bad habit with a good habit you will automatically create another bad habit. Now what is a habit? A habit is an idea that has been planted in the garden of your subconscious mind and then repetitively fed for a sufficient period of time that you act on it without giving any thought to it. I'll give you an example. I want you to right now mentally imagine you're pulling on your underwear in the morning. What foot you put in first? I put my right foot it, if I tried to put my left foot in my underwear first I'd stagger and I'd fall over. You may say, what's this got to do with? It it's got everything to do with it. Why do I put my right foot you may put your left. Certainly a lot of people do. Well when I was just a little gaffer I didn't have a clue of how to put underwear on my mother or my grandmother and my father or somebody came along and they had the underwear, "Put your foot in here. "Your other foot." What did they do? They had the underwear prepared as if they were going to put it on. And so pretty soon I was doing it like they were doing it. They through repetition planted the idea in my head in my mind. Well now think of this you don't just form habits of how to get dressed you form habits to do everything that you do. And some of them are not that productive. Any idea that you keep dwelling on and impressing upon your subconscious mind becomes fixed in the subconscious mind. A habit is nothing but an idea that's fixed in the subconscious mind that you act on without giving any conscious thought. Many years ago I went in to train the Prudential Insurance Company of America their agents. I ended up training all of their agents and I only got them to do two things. This is in the early 70s. I got them to form the habit of being in front of a prospect before nine AM and ask everybody they talked to to purchase $100,000 worth of insurance. I said, "You don't have to sell them "just give them the opportunity to say no." Do you know the sales in that company went up by hundreds of millions of dollars. I had a retired VP tell me he thought it was a billion. Just changing two habits. What habit you want to change? I'm forever checking out habits I've got. I'm in the habit right now of changing my diet. And do you know something, I've been doing it for going on three weeks it's getting easier but it's still not that easy. It's still like telling children eat some of that when nobody's looking. Doesn't work, doesn't work, I'm looking. What habit are you going to form and you shouldn't do it for more than two at once it'll become too big too heavy and you won't form any. Make up your mind you're going to do it every day, every day, every day until you don't have to think about it . And then you'll automatically do it. I guarantee you. This idea will change your life. Think about it all day because that is definitely an idea that will give you results that will stick. Right now I'm standing in the middle of my library. This is my favorite place. You know Earl will say if you surround your mind with greatness some of its going to rub up. Well hopefully some of it hs rubbed off on me. I have maybe three or 4,000 books here on the shelf they're all in alphabetical order and by author they're all cataloged so I know where to find something. just like that I go by authors more than the title of the book. Do you know that when I started studying these books I really didn't know very much about anything I had two months high school. I was 26 years old. I had a bad work record, a bad attitude and and virtually no experience. And you know in a relatively short period of time my income went from 4,000 to $175,000 a year. Then it went over a million. I'm going to share some information with you that it could change the direction of your life like night and day. And when I say that I want you to really stop and take a look at your life. Take an honest look at your life. I was thinking just before I start to make this we have actually been conditioned to kid with ourselves. To lie to ourselves. To not really take an honest look at the results we're getting. I want you to take a real honest look at your results. And when you look at them ask yourself, am I living the way I really want to live? You see most people aren't. One of the first questions I ask a person that comes to work with me I want to know what's the most they've ever earned in a year. Now I really don't care what the answer is but I want to know what the answer is. Because you see if if a person says the most I've ever earned in years is $50,000 I know where their mind is programmed. If they tell me the most I've ever earned is $250,000 I know where they're programmed. And then I want to find out what they want. And I know then what has to shift because their mind is programmed and if they're really going to live the way they want to live they they've got to change the program. And if they don't change the program then nothing really happens. I want to suggest that to make up your mind you're going to get in what we call the success zone. Yet it's a way of thinking, now get this. If 95, 96 percent of the population are blowing it if one percent of the population are earning about 95% of all the money you're not going to get a whole lot of people agree with what you're doing. Most people are going to look at you kind of strange, what are you going there for? You went there last month. What are you listening to that for? You listened to that before. What are you reading? What do you read the same book over and over for? They don't understand. And you see they're advertising their ignorance by the questions they ask. When we get into the success zone everything in our life starts to change. But understand this you're going to be a bit of an oddball. You're out of the box, you're not one of the masses. And when you get out of the box your whole world starts to shift. There's a box and there's a leader. Leader get people excited about improving the quality of whatever it is themselves, their work, whatever they're doing. People follow leaders because they want to. People don't follow leaders because they have to. That becomes a form of dictatorship and that never works. The great leaders people want to follow. And leaders inspire you, leaders pull the very best out of you. Leaders know how to look inside and bring the best of you to the surface. Cause you to look a a higher side of your own personality. What the world is always is looking for its leader. It's silly, who's going to lead the leader is going to lead. (laughs) And the leader just automatically emerges. If they threw 50 of us into a committee and say you don't have to elect a leader elect one but the leader is going to lead and that probably isn't the one that's elected. - [Man] Yeah so true. Leader's don't stop they know how to get the best out of people. I want to talk to you about where you're going and what you want to do with your life. You see, most people never go after what they want because they don't know every step they have to take to get there. I want you to think of a person going up the side of a wall of ice. Now the only rule for reaching a goal that you have to know is knowing where you're going and knowing that you're going to get there. You do not have to know how you're going to get there. Now pay attention to this for a moment. Imagine the climber has all his equipment, he's got his crampons, he's got his climbing rope, his hardware, his ice access. How does he get to the top? He's standing on the ground and he's looking at maybe a hundred foot vertical wall of ice. He looks up and he has absolutely no idea the path that he's going to take. He just sees himself at the top. He reaches up and he puts one pick in and then another pick. Then he raises one foot and then the other. Now he's not standing on the ground any longer he's suspended on the wall on a vertical wall of ice that goes up 100 feet. He adapts to the changes that is taking place in his environment and then and only then does he see the next step. And he moves this pick then this pick, then this foot then this foot. Now that's how he gets to the top a step at a time. And that's how you're going to get to your goal. You just have to know the first step to take and when you take that step you're going to find that your conditions, your circumstance and environment will change. Then you see how you have to make the next step. It's a matter of adapting all the time you only have to know two things. You have to know where you're going and you have to know that you're going to get there. You've got to see it in your mind. Now this is the beautiful scenario this is what it's all about. Save that in your mind and think of it often think every time you think of your goal and you're trying to figure out how you're going to do it think of that vertical wall of ice. What's the next step? That's all you really have to know. One step at a time and you'll get to wherever you're going. That's how Hillary got to the top of Mount Everest. In Napoleon Hill's book, Think And Grow Rich he said now right here we come to a rather strange fact. We tend to minimize the things we can do, the goals we can accomplish. And for some equally strange reason we think other people can accomplish things that we cannot. And he points out that there's a difference between wishing proofing and being ready to receive them. So no one's ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief and not mere of a wish. Yeah he was under consciousness and said open-mindedness is essential to belief. Closed minds will not inspire faith courage orderly. - [Narrator] A German engineer by the name of Karl Benz had a fantasy and he literally turned his fantasy into a fact. And in January 1886 Karl Benz was issued a patent for the Benz motor carriage and the age of the automobile had done. This is a replica of that magnificent machine. And you know, before Benz ever turned his fantasy into a theory, even certainly long before he turned it into a fact, he had to ask himself a couple of questions that you and I and every other dreamer will have to go through. He had to ask himself, am I able to do this? Well he seemed to have that innate awareness of this higher self this image of perfection within him. And he saw himself as a person that was actually able to take and turn the fantasy into effect. Now, he must have been a pretty courageous guy because there were no horseless carriages in those days. But then he had to ask himself, am I willing? And you see, he'd ask himself, am I willing to accept the ridicule that I'm bound to get? Am I willing to accept the failures? Well, he said yes I am willing. He was willing to pay the ultimate price to turn his fantasy into a fact. And ridicule he got, his own partner thought he had gone mad. And he had to find himself a more congenial colleague to work with. He would take this thing out in the evening, he'd take it out at night so no one would see him. He escaped some of the ridicule. And time after time he couldn't get it going he had to push it back. But it never dawned on him that he would not ultimately realize his dream. When this magnificent machine completed its first long journey with Benz at the wheel every beat of the engine found an answering echo in the heart of the driver as every turn of the wheels brought him closer to his goal. To the realization of what once was a fantasy. Now in order for you to turn your fantasies into a fact you have to go through exactly the same process as Carl Benz. And if you do go through the same process you'll meet with exactly the same success regardless of the opposition you might come up against. You have to ask, am I able to turn this fantasy of mine into a fact? Can I actually realize it? Can I turn my dreams into reality? Now you're either going to say, yes I'm able to. Or, no I'm not. If you realize you are able, if you have an understanding of this potential, this power within you then you have to ask yourself, are you willing? And there's a long series of tests there you don't even know what you're going to come up against. One thing is for certain you'll come up against ridicule. You may have to move you may have to do all kinds of things that you don't even think about. You have to be willing to do whatever is required if you really want to turn your fantasy into a fact. The second you say, yes I'm willing at that instant you've created your theory. - Thank you guys so much for watching I made this video because Will (mumbling) So if there's a person you want me to profile next check out the link in the description you can go and cast your vote. I also would love to know which clips resonated most with you, what lesson you're going to take from this video and immediately apply to your life or to business somehow. Leave it in the comments below I'm really curious to find out what you have to say. I was going to give a quick shout out to Tuan Nguyen thank you so much ready for picking up 10 copies of my book, share it with your friends and posting that awesome review on Amazon. I really appreciate the support, I'm really glad you enjoyed my book. Thank you guys so much for watching I believe in you I hope you continue to believe in yourself and whatever your one word is, much love. I'll see you soon. (airplane flying) (basketball bounce) - Your present or past results have absolutely nothing to do with what's going to happen from this point forward. Now that was the point that Ray Stanford drilled into my head. You see I kept thinking, well gee I such a mess up you know I've done everything wrong up 'til now. I'm 26, I'm broke, I'm not happy. Everything was wrong. He said, "Bob that's all in the past. He said, "Every moment is a new moment. "We shouldn't condemn ourselves. And he said, "What you were yesterday you paid for. "What you are today you decide what." That's exactly what Troy would say. This power in no way is limited by precedent. Even in a creative state we sometimes don't understand that. You know why airplanes right up to today almost have wings on them? Because birds have wings. Birds fly. They have wings. If you're going to get a plane to fly you've got to put wings on it. Do you, no, we've got planes flying without wings today. You know why, never didn't need wings. But you see the thinking was to a degree limited by precedent. Birds fly with wings planes have to have wings. Planes do not have to have wings. You're creative if you can visualize it you can do it. It doesn't matter what it is, that's what Hill said anything the mind can conceive and believe it you can achieve. You see the beautiful part about goals and understanding it is goals are not to get. Goals is not you don't set goals for acquisition. You set goals to grow. You set goals to reach inside and stretch and go where you've never been. You set goals to take into a place you've never gone before. And you grow as your human being and you know something you never go back. Choice is one of the most important concepts that you can get. We're going to be talking about the laws of the universe. One of the laws is a law clarity. There'd be note inside to the room you're in if there was an outside. You couldn't have a right side your body without a left or a top or a bottom. Or a front without a back. You can't have a bad without a good. See the truth is we make it bad or good. Ralph Waldo Trin In Tune With The Infinite, a great book. He said, "Nothing is good or bad except our "will make it so." Well if everything is both good and bad and we bring it together what's right in the center? If everything here is bad everything here is good, what's in the center? Just is. Everything just is. You choose whether you're going to look at the downside or the upside. Michael Beckwith gave me a marvelous concept, he said, "It doesn't matter what happens in your life "doesn't matter what happens you can't control the "circumstance but you can certainly control "how you deal with them." He said, "When anything happens "step number one it is what it is accept it. "It's either going to control you "or you're going to control it." That's a choice. Step number two, "Harvest the good." Isn't that a neat word, harvest? Harvest the good. There's good and bad in everything just harvest the good. Step number three, "Forgive all the rest." Forgive means like go up completely. It's a choice. Yet if you let go of the bad the good seems to grow. You and I have a choice. It may be a difficult choice sometimes if you're dealing with a particular difficult individual or a particularly difficult circumstance. Nevertheless we've got the power within us to do it. So as you go through the day doesn't matter what anybody says doesn't matter what happens you have a choice to say, "That's good." W Clement Stone became the wealthiest man in the United States of America by 1970 because he always said, "That's good." Doesn't matter what it was he'd say, "That's good." And then he'd look for the good. That's a good choice for you to make and make it all day long. So your word for the day is choice, choice, choice. And only you have the ability to do that. And if you choose right you are going to get results that stick.
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 119,174
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Keywords: bob proctor top 10 rules for success, bob proctor 10 rules, top 10 bob proctor, evan carmichael bob proctor, 10 rules for success, motivation, success, positive thinking, self improvement, personal development, bob proctor motivational, bob proctor paradigm shift, How to Think Right and Make Money, get into the success zone, bob proctor motivation, bob proctor advice, bob proctor interview, bob proctor speech, proctor gallagher institute, How To Achieve Your Goals
Id: 4ZMz8W-g_Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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