Inclusivity and History are a BAD match!

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hey number ones what a pleasure to have you here today thank you so much for stopping by today we are going to talk about a lot of relatively controversial stuff so make sure you put your armor on [Music] so what i can see it appears that talking and freely expressing your ideas about ethnicity skin color lgbtq plus and all of this stuff is quickly becoming a no-no in this day and age it's as if you either agree 100 with everything the majority now thinks promotes and pushes forward or you're shut down and labeled as a racist misogynist homophobic fascist bigot now those of you have been following me for a while already know this but i never shut up i just say my things i believe in freedom of speech and one of the things that i can promise you although i can't promise you to never make a mistake or always make perfect content one thing that i can promise you is that on this platform you will always get well researched cold facts no attached now i know that some people are gonna hate me for it but i also believe that it takes courage today to stand up and face the current and stand the ground when you find yourself in the presence of what you can clearly recognize as being absolute nonsense so today we are clearly talking about inclusivity so isn't inclusivity a good thing what is it that is bothering me so much to the point that i need to make a video about it but how about we begin with the definition of inclusivity so we know what we're talking about to the letter the cambridge dictionary reads the quality of trying to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equally reads the fact or policy of not excluding members or participant on the grounds of gender race class sexuality disability etc okay so the premise of inclusivity when we look at the general definition we can say it's definitely good sure okay i can agree with that be kind to each other aka don't be an don't bully people just because they are different than you i'm all for that however just because the fundamental notion of inclusivity as a definition at a human level can be considered to be good it doesn't mean that you can freely apply it to everything in any possible situation now let me give you an example of a situation in which i think inclusivity could work considering the definition we have seen and a situation in which it definitely wouldn't you're an employer and you found the perfect candidate with a perfect set of skills for the job position you're providing the guy has a fantastic cv wonderful work experience he's the man you want but you find out he's gay and you reject his application or perhaps it's just because of his skin this employer is being a horrible person example two say you're an employer and you need to find applicants for a specific job which requires a specific skill set a simultaneous interpreter between english and korea that needs to have a certified business level in both skills if you reject people that have cvs that match to include a transgender italian girl whose level of korean is extremely low if not basic just because you need to make your office more diverse that's gonna be a problem because she's not gonna be able to do the job i think we can all agree that's not gonna work it needs to be skill based the thing that i'm trying to bring forth today is that in between those two poles of the scale there are loads of shades of grey and there are situations in which i believe the concept of inclusivity doesn't work and shouldn't be applied because it can actually do more damage than good and the reason why i'm talking about it today is because i see in the comments that a lot of people a lot of these inclusivity crusaders in our day and age are really trying to set the bar too low you can't apply inclusivity to everything and call it a day for instance and here we come to the call of our discussion today inclusivity and history the two things do not match that is because and i can't believe i have to say this but history is all about facts it's studying through the sources it doesn't care it shouldn't care should i say about a specific agenda it doesn't care about political agenda it doesn't even care about what we consider to be good or bad because if it did then we shouldn't even talk about slavery you know just to give you an example then what are we going to just erase slavery from all history books just because we in our day and age consider slavery to be a bad thing no we need to study the human phenomenon understand the roots of that phenomenon be truthful and honest about the sources and then as we explain it particularly to the children or to teenagers at school we say this is what happened but now we understand that slavery is a bad thing and therefore let's learn from our mistake if we take an eraser and erase completely all of our mistakes how can we learn from them so when it comes to production whether it be a full-on documentary a docu-series a historical movie or a cartoon to teach history to children forcing inclusivity into past events is becoming more and more common and i'd like to point out that it's a lot more dangerous than people realize and i say this as a former school teacher before becoming a youtuber i'd like to propose that a good balanced stance would be historical accuracy the filmmaking industry is going from giving us a 100 everyone must be white production to we need to include every single possible type of person and in doing so the pendulum is gone past historical accuracy completely to reach this filtered fantasy tale that it's just as bad and remember two wrongs don't make a right just because i like being 100 crystal clear this is what's happening right now hey there i'm a producer let's make a movie about the norse going on a viking you know what you're going to find on that ship black viking an asian viking a european viking also make sure that this one is straight one is gay one is bisexual one identifies as a teenager and they are all cool with it they all accepted no problem because love is love mate oh i also want a transgender person a black person and an asian in every shot is that clear this is what they're doing they are starting to do it with documentaries and the series that are supposed to teach the kids the problem i have with this is the following question boy i'm gonna get hate for this how about the history what did the actual norse going on vikings look like what was their stand slash view on same-sex relationships what did the sources say does that have any value at all in this age when we decide to represent a specific historical period and people no no but i haven't finished i haven't finished let's make a movie about ancient rome wonderful i want julius caesar or julius kaiser to be played by a japanese actor and he has to be bisexual i want the centurion next to him to be a korean woman mark anthony must be played by a black african guy i want cleopatra to be a dude though hispanic possibly so we can have a you know same-sex relationship between cleopatra and mark anthony which is you know great oh and that roman general over there he has to be a transgender native american thank you now don't get me wrong when it comes to series that are fictional i have no problems with it when it comes to stuff that it's historical that's when i go nuts if it's mythology i'd like that to be kept for what it is and not changed because it's still something that we can study to understand how people thought in the past and it is in fact a subject at every university you know historical literature and all that i i'd still defend that to preserve it but even more so historical events fiction like modern fiction i don't care what you do i don't care who you include i don't care who you represent i'm all for that but don't touch history and i know already what's gonna happen because there are two kinds of people usually complaining in my comment section there are those who just call me racist homophobic misogynist to those who call me racist because of this i'd like to show you this wonderful heartwarming comment that i got today there you go thank you so much brother i really appreciate your support he's definitely a person with a clear open mind to those who say i'm homophobic and spam my comments section with hate comments i just put them together with the feminazis that complained about my historical scientific video where i spoke about the fact that you know mostly historically speaking it was men that went to war and one of the reasons being the fact that generally speaking on average men tend to be physically stronger than women which is a scientific fact so if people get offended by it and call me misogynist because of it meaning that i hate women apparently then they go together with the people that call me homophobic same little group so this is the first kind of comments and then i get the second typology those that tell me this so you're basically telling me that you don't want a black child or an asian kid or a gay person to be able to feel like they are being represented can they not feel like they are a viking or they are a roman or an ancient greek hero this comment is ignorant on a multitude of levels it's like a diamond of ignorance let me address it marvel on netflix you know they made dead devil very very nice but you know he's a white guy irish i think he's like of irish descent and therefore if you're an irish kid or you're a white kid of course you can feel that you're impersonating you're representing you feel like you can be the devil what about a little black kid who wants to also become a superhero well he has got luke cage and i'd like to say luke cage happens to be my favorite my favorite marvel series why because it's accurate it's set in harlem manhattan new york which by the way happens to be mostly inhabited by people who are african-americans and i know that because i've been to new york i've spent a few nights in manhattan and guess what i chose to sleep through airbnb i decided to spend a couple of nights with an african-american family in harlem why because i loved luke cage a lot so i'm like hey i want to be there it's a lovely evening i could speak with this wonderful family we're not really with a mum much because she was just watching tv but the father you know we spoke about who spoke about arlem it was great copy paste for any minority that wishes to be represented with their own heroes with their own superheroes i'm all for that i don't care you want a gay superheroes make a gay superhero and when it comes to historical heroes it's the same thing because yes i'm an italian so i can see someone like skippy africanus who is a roman general originally my family comes from latium which is the area around rome and i feel that i can be like wow he's like me you know when i was a kid i liked the general saying that a black kid needs all roman generals and all greek heroes to suddenly become black so he can have a hero is insulting towards people of africa why because africa has its own heroes shakazulu memnon i mean i can go on what about representing them with their own heroes and not trying to take a different culture and forcing inclusivity into that are you telling me that a chinese kid needs to borrow a white historical character to find a cool enough hero from the past to impersonate what about all the dynasties of china they don't need to be represented and forced inside white european history they don't need that because their histories are just as rich because human history is rich it's as silly as trying to create a movie that talks about oda nobunaga the japanese warlord and you have him played by a blonde german actor and all of this some would i you know one is black i know that there was a historical black samurai perhaps i'll make a make a video about it but all of these summaries one is black one is american indian one is hispanic one is italian and you go forward with every single possible ethnicity because they all need to be there all body types need to be represented i mean come on that's not what history was that's dangerous because it misrepresents the facts and it teaches people a wrong image of the past which is the same thing that i've been fighting here where they misrepresent the medieval period and they have everyone covered in mud everyone being gray and gloomy and everything is horrible and everything is covered in mud and people are miserable and nobody likes doing anything it's the same kind of misrepresentation i fight one i fight the other also another complaint i get sometimes is that people tell me well even if you represent it like this long you know with actual full-on inclusivity uh just like they did again in the bbc cartoon that i complain a lot about where you've got in every single shot you have to have a black person a white person and this person and that person and they all need to be represented and it gives a completely different picture and again they do show black anglo-saxons black vikings all the romans are black except the evil ones it that that's what they're doing and it's an agenda and then people tell me oh yeah but even when they do that i mean you know kids and adults they watch that but they understand that that's not how things work no mate go check out my previous videos on this topic and see the comments section and usually people who choose these kind of topics or historical topics tend to be people that are highly educated or at least very smart people that like these kind of things but in the controversial ones i always get those people that tell me no that's exactly how history was i've got hundreds of comments like that so don't tell me that people don't end up believing it because they do and when it comes to children it's even worse because what you teach and visual aids are very powerful what you teach at an early age is very difficult to correct at a later age because things that we learn as children tend to stick throughout our lives teaching children is a mission and teaching the truth is the priority of that as a teacher and i'm absolutely adamant but since we mentioned the sexual orientation and that kind of topic i'd like to give you an example that i think says it all and that is the example of the pizza dinner just to underline that i'm not homophobic here is the pizza principle i like margarita right that's the pizza i like let's say that you like pepperoni pizza do i want everyone in the dinner to like margherita like me no you like pepperoni pizza you get your pepperoni pizza you like caprichoza you get your caprichosa and i will get my margarita as long as you don't come to me and tell me no you've got to eat pepperoni pizza then we're going to have a problem and as long as i don't come to you and tell you you've got to get margarita because only margarita acceptable pizza here as long as that doesn't happen i do not care what you like as long as the pizza is fully cooked please understand my analogy here that is my thinking so when people who like different kind of pizza then me are represented in fiction movies films i don't care fine as long as the story is good and the movie is great and the actors are fun you know i'm gonna enjoy the movie all the same it's only when it comes to historical movies and historical documentaries and donkey series and they are representing a specific historical fact and they start to change it because they want to fit it inside modern political agendas and views and they add all of these filters that that's when i say no putting a filter intertwined with modern ideas onto the historical past is nonsensical it's insanity it's dangerous because it clouds our understanding of the past it buries the facts and the hundreds of layers of of acceptable standards that we have in our day and age that turns plain fact based evidence into a pond of murky water what's historical what's not historical what is real what happened these are the real questions what matters is that historical films historical productions and anything that has any teaching value should be based on sources and sources alone teach the truth respect the truth and thank you for watching noble ones all right number ones well i hope that you enjoyed this little video slash rant if you did please remember thumbs up if you agree with me let me know in the comments below if you don't agree with me let me know in the comments below just be civil about it and i will be more than happy to engage with you in a little conversation in the in the comments because i always learn a lot from you from the comments down below thank you so much for watching if you're not yet members of this community become a noble one subscribe to my channel for more content from the metatron and remember the metatron has spread his wings goodbye [Music]
Channel: Metatron
Views: 612,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inclusivity, inclusive, lgbtq+, no racism, history, accademic, truth, well spoken, research, opinion, talk, discussion, no bs, real, reality, forward, explicit, show, historical, historical accuracy, accurate, medieval, classical, past, study, truthful, controversial
Id: ZfFvga-YneI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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