The Woman King EXPOSED! Propaganda LIES VS Historical TRUTH

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after the king the outlooking the woman King seriously what is it were producers and Kings here's a free suggestion for the next one the pastor King hey Noble ones today we're going to talk about the woman King a recently released film set in the 1820s in West Africa which tells us the story of the agoji he historically documented all Female warrior regiment belonging to the kingdom of the homie and their interactions with European colonizers among other things the film is being the center of all sorts of controversy in the last few weeks from Rott Tomatoes allegedly changing the score to a basically perfect score of 99 but then when you go look at the actual reviews you see that out of like 260 reviews 240 actually one liners with five stars great movie amazing actors wonderful spamming of bots to people on the other side of the spectrum spamming hashtags saying that the films should be boycotted and I know what he was thinking it's probably like white supremacists that won the film canceled right because of the mostly Black cast no it's actually black people that are mad and rightly so backlash from the black community against the woman King this movie The Woman King you know like Hollywood has no damn they have no soul anymore so what happened well let me tell you there really is a lot to say about this film from its premises to its failures it might not be easy to encapsulate everything I've got to say in one single video but essentially we're gonna talk about two things one I'll tell you the reason for the controversy behind the film including a few statements by Viola Davis which I would Define as utterly moronic two I'll answer the question that you are most likely going to ask me if you are a subscriber to this channel is the movie A historically accurate depiction of the kingdom of the homie and the events that unfolded as always in order to do a professional job we need to set aside our emotions and use logic and reason to assess and analyze the situation the one thing that I can say right off the bat which unfortunately is one of the very few good things I can say about this movie is that at least it's a step in the right direction when it comes to the setting what it would have been if they had done it right what do I mean by that if you've been following me for a while you already know that I've been complaining for years about both the black washing of non-black historical characters and the whitewashing of non-white historical characters in other words I'm a huge supporter of the idea that history and historical characters should be represented with their own ethnicity and gender untouched because they are well historical and any form of infotainment that is based on real events real characters even though they can take some Liberties when compared to a full-on documentary they still have a responsibility because they have the power to inform or misinform particularly when they say this I think the reason why the woman King is important is it because it's historical and it's real because it's historical and it's real so don't cast a white actor to play Shaka Zulu and don't cast a black actor to play Charlemagne so here's my question for you how does that connect with the idea of representation meaning the representation of ethnic minorities within the say demographics of the United States of America which is where the majority of the content we consume on a daily basis is produced where representation has been a major concern in mainstream American production for a while now and even though it may appear that they are trying to solve it in reality in my opinion they're doing it the wrong way as I've said multiple times on this platform representation is important it should be addressed it should be there however if you want more African-American or African African for that matter actors to appear on screen tell us about African kingdoms African Gods African stories African-American stories African British or whatever you stories that's the right way to cast a black actor we often say that in our day and age we now have the power to create media that is inclusive and that is true but we also need to remember that that means giving the people that create these movies and films control over the stories that Define you they have the power to tell other people who you are let's make sure they do it right and this is the nutshell of the discussion do you want the stories that Define black people to be wise stories in other words do black people need white people to give them their story slash history hell no Africa is full of History black washing a white historical character is a way big companies are masquerading their real thoughts and intentions what this is really telling you is white stories are the only ones that matter so okay we'll cast a few black people since that's what's trending but you gotta use white stories it's insulting towards black people and that is what this movie did right that is the one thing that we should absolutely praise yes they are casting a lot of black actors but it's set in Africa they're telling us about black history black stories blackest historical characters that's why I say it's a step in the right direction I appreciate that or I would have but there is a massive however here now did they do a good job no because it's historical and it's real based on a true story well we really need to talk about the word true here so too long didn't read version the premise is great the execution is horrible it feels like this film script has been generated by an AI trying to make the highest money return possible of a current Trend in the shallowest and most disconnected way possible the film does get a few historical details right we see IFA divination which was a nice touch and I've got to say that as an action piece it's not bad I mean the combat is fun but ultimately wanted to be a crowd pleaser and it failed monumentally why will dear writers and directors of the movie because black people are not stupid they know what you're all about the reason why I think this film failed miserably dear Viola Davis regardless of how much money it actually ends up making is because the film is not about the Fidelity of the history Oracle events it never was it's all about pushing a specific message and I'll show you what that message is we'll expose it but first let's check out the film's plot the woman King in the 1800s a group of all female warriors protects the African Kingdom of the homie with skills and fierceness unlike anything the world has ever seen faced with a new threat General naniska trains the next generation of recruits to fight against a foreign enemy that's determined to destroy their way of life now let me translate that from English to truth-ish the film is all about the kingdom of the homie and its Warriors who need to liberate this good black Kingdom from the evil white Europeans who want to take away their freedom an evil is coming the good King of the homie who is convinced by his strong women warriors the slavery is wrong understands that they should stop slavery and start selling palm oil instead Freedom Liberty against the oppressor slaving is wrong slavery is wrong strong women great no slavery Freedom mate freedom oh the reason of my face palm is because this is as accurate a description of the kingdom of the homie that specific king and the all-female Warriors as a movie that shows the ancient Romans as being all about peace and love it's as accurate as saying that Imperial colonists were all about diversity and the defense of minorities because it's historical and it's real it's historical in the loosest possible interpretation slash definition of the term that in reality the kingdom of the homie was very very much a main player if not a major player when he came to the slavery in Africa they were enslaving black people the real story is a story of violence and black people enslaving over black people and then selling them to the Europeans both making profits and blood money through black people's suffering the very brave women warriors we see depicted here as the anti-slavery strong emancipated women faction where in historically the very force behind the collection of slaves in Africa some being slaves themselves this King was so much into slavery that he was nicknamed the slave King the very people that committed the slavery in this movie are represented as people who hate slavery and Fight For Freedom rewriting history or not wanting to talk about true history here we have the woman king that's coming out that is a complete and utter fabrication of History okay they're always going out to the white man for his role in the transatlantic slave trade but never has nothing to say about the Africans who were a vital part to the success of the Europeans with the transatlantic slave trade as they were the ones they were rounding up the African slaves in the first place the film is literally rewriting the villains as Heroes because they have a certain skin color and gender goodness gracious I can already imagine how the actual meeting where they were deciding the setting of this movie I can imagine how it went and I'm losing IQ points because of it uh hello sir I'm here with a list of ideas for Possible movies yeah okay time is money you've got three minutes we would like to talk about the kingdom of the homie Kingdom of what it's an African Kingdom African Kingdom I like that yeah were they black uh well yes sir it's in Africa right they have this interesting Regiment of all women warriors all women warriors and they were black uh yes sir that's good that's gonna sell were they fighting evil white people yes there were some encounters with the Europeans funded were they also very nice um actually they were slavers you know history tells us that they were taking a lot of black slaves torturing people beheading slaves no no no no no no no um these are the good girls these are the bad guys um what's the name of that movie with Mel Gibson screaming at the end Braveheart yeah Freedom this is what this film is all about Freedom um your three minutes are up foreign here is what they're doing they are creating two very definite monoliths the good people with the good badass Warriors who fight for freedom and liberty and the Bad Evil white European colonists now don't get me wrong as a European I'm not saying that the white European colonists were nice people there is bad everywhere but this move is literally changing the facts completely to please their agenda the mental gymnastics you have to go through to try and depict this as a movie about empowering black women which is what they're doing is Olympic level the movie would have been interesting if they represented the facts and only romanticize them for entertainment value they are uncomfortably let me add navigating around the truth as distant as possible when it doesn't fit their agenda you know what you call bending the truth and rewriting the facts to coincide with your message and ideas propaganda and to add insult to injury do you remember that I said at the beginning of the video that there is one statement from Biola Davis that I find to be rather moronic well here it is she publicly said that if you don't go and watch the movie in fact if you don't like the movie then basically you're a misogynist and a racist it's because you don't want to see black women in a leading role that's why you don't like the movie you naughty this is why people don't like this movie Viola it has nothing to do with people hating the idea of a strong black woman in a leading role it's because it's a historically completely inaccurate propaganda piece that you all are selling as historical that's rewriting of History oh you didn't like the movie you must be a racist then and misogynist any other is to Wicked ad because my argument is so weak all I can do is insult people your screaming misogyny at people who don't like historical misrepresentation that is the definition mission of a misnomer this is the wrong setting to talk about Freedom Liberty righteous defense of one's culture against the oppressor strong free black women that kick ass we would have loved to still learn about this very intriguing all-female body regiment but you had to add or these are the good guys I mean sorry girls they love freedom and hey slavery while erasing anything that would make them look bad there's a [ __ ] ton of stories right here in America that can encourage black women we gotta go to a dead tribe and and find out that these dead this dead tribe was was one of the key factors to the slave trade in the first place beautifully said now I'm going to tell you the real story of the kingdom of the homie and its women warriors brace yourselves in the 18th century one of the principal business of European companies was dealing in slaves whom they bought from local Chieftains and transported to the Caribbean as well as the English colonies in North America in return they brought in Industrial Products including as the most important product of all firearms which were used in order to capture even more slaves the kingdom of the homie at that specific time was a semi-absolute kingdom which was moving towards a greater centralization at the Apex stood the king whose position was sacred and in theory hereditary although in reality the kingdom was constantly into endless Civil Wars now the King was the owner of all the land the bulk of the population consisted of peasants it is historically true that the kings of the homie sometimes had women guarding their Thrones and that they liked to display themselves surrounded by hundreds of serving women because it's historical and it's real including one who would kneel in front of the king while holding up a golden cup so that he might spit into it the kings of the homie had personal harems of enslaved women and all of his Nobles imitate in him setting up their own harems they they withdrew so many women forcefully from the population that low-class people were unable to marry and had to resort to prostitutes women were constantly put on Parade as objects there is this account in 1781 where the nearby Kingdom of Oyo demanded the king of the homie to pay him tribute in the form of women which by the way was very common but since the king of the homie didn't want to give his own wives he sent out officials to take forcefully other women away from his subjects in order to pay this tax as you can imagine the subjects didn't like that the King was outraged put himself at the head of a Hunting Party made up of 800 armed women and the King used his women warriors to take women from a subject as slaves then he actually defeated the king of Oyo so he didn't even need to pay the tribute anymore wonderful as you can see they were the very opposite over Force against slavery for freedom because it's historical and it's real as another thing they didn't say in this movie I'd like to underline that the women who were chosen and enter the Royal Court which at its peak contained about 8 000 people in the form of female slaves they were reviewed by the king so he would decide their role whether he would marry them or whether he would just use them as soldiers of course they had no freedom in the matter also all of the king's wives were forcefully circumcised another little detail when the kings of Dahomey would die they would Round Up hundreds of their women slaves and murdered them so they would follow them in the afterlife another detail they didn't mention because it's historical and it's real now you know why this setting is the worst possible setting they could have ever chosen to try and push a message of black women emancipation and empowerment this is why this film technically speaking sucks [Music]
Channel: Metatron
Views: 1,012,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thewomanking, violadavis, black, white, africa, westafrica, kingdomofdahomey, dahomey, slave, slaveking, slavery, historical, real, bs, propaganda, wrong, incorrect, controversy, controversial, discussion, lesson, professor, teacher, reality, truth, lies, liers, racist, no, schoolteacher, reacts, documentary
Id: 2Gku05HqlJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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