I HAD to Make a Response to This...

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this video is brought to you by magicspoon [Music] well once welcome back to my channel this is the method on speaking unless you've been living under a rock in the last I want to say a couple of weeks you must have run into this article should I say these articles because of course the moment one article goes viral with whatever they say then you've got another 50 articles that literally copy paste everything they say in order to get the clicks without any double checking or due diligence so here we are let's do the due diligence together ancient bones revealed Irish are not Celts after all after all after what the chance discovery of ancient bones under an Irish pub in the mid and of course it was under an Irish Pub you guys in Ireland have got like more pubs than you have homes has caused doubt over whether Irish people are actually related to the ancient Celts at all no it didn't it did not let me spoil it for you it didn't cost any doubt in 2006 bertikari was clearing land to make a driveway from ekwai's bar sorry if I mispronounce that on wrestling island off to the coast of Kohan trim when he noticed a large flat stone buried underneath the surface cubby realized that there was a large gap underneath the stone and investigated further I Shot The Tall chin and saw the gentleman while his skull and bones he told the Washington Post in March 2016. he eventually found the remains of three humans and immediately called the police hold on a second this guy found the skull of someone dead proceeded to find three more dead humans and then he called the police if it was me I would have called immediately at the first skull but I mean that's just me the police arrived on the scene and discovered that this was not a crime scene but an ancient burial site or perhaps it was a crime scene but from like 2000 years ago they still got murdered technically instead of crime scene I'm just joking it turned out to be a hugely significant ancient burial site as well that with DNA analysis could completely alter the perception that Irish people are descended from Celts no it couldn't I'll tell you exactly why in a second let me just finish up the punch line if you will DNA researchers found that the three skeletons found under Curry's Pub are the ancestors of Modern Irish people and predate the Celts arrival on Irish Shores by around a thousand years essentially Irish DNA existed in Ireland before the Celts episode foot on the island yes finish it off I retired archeology professor at the highly renowned University of Oxford said that the discovery could completely change the perception of Irish ancestry and glad this professor is retired glad and here's the greatest lie of all the DNA evidence based on those bones completely appends appends that's a cool word the traditional view said Barry can live an Emeritus professor of archeology at Oxford foreign I'm going to attack this argument from a genetic linguistic and cultural standpoint we're gonna cover all of these I'm going to dot all my eyes and cross all my T's but I'd like to begin from the DNA analysis results which seem to be the foundation or the basis of this breathtaking Discovery so to speak why am I so strongly against this statement where they say that this DNA Discovery quote could completely change the perception of Irish ancestry that is because what we're trying to establish here is if the Irish are in fact Celtic and because Celtic is a cultural aspect the DNA analysis is completely relevant using the DNA analysis and makeup of skeletal remains to try and identify the cultural belonging of a people is as effective as trying to assess the colors of a beautiful painting through a microphone it's as effective or appropriate as trying to use visual cues to understand the beauty of a musical piece it's the wrong discipline which is why as I was saying whatever results you get are completely irrelevant before I dive deeper into this I'd like to first kind of make a small disclaimer I'm not saying that forensic anthropology uh useless that's absolutely not what I'm saying in fact it is a fascinating discipline that can be used in a plethora of scenarios just not the cultural aspect of a people forensic anthropologists are called upon to gather information to determine who died how they died and how long ago they died DNA analysis is phenomenal when correctly applied in the realm of archeology paleo archeology to study molecular complexity and genomic evaluation just not for cultural and linguistic aspects let me elaborate when we Define Irish people as Celtic we don't do it on the basis of DNA that's preposterous we Define the Irish as a Celtic people because first of all of the language they speak more on that in a second but also because of all the strong cultural influence that the original inhabitants of Ireland received when they came into contact with migrating people from the continent who were the Celts when we say Celtic we're talking about a macro cultural group expanding all over Europe influencing linguistically culturally religiously and even militarily all the people that they were integrating with according to both historical records and archaeological finds the very first Celts that reached Ireland which happened at around the 5th or 4th Century BC they did not find a completely empty island of course they found people there no one ever thought otherwise even in Irish mythology we have mentions of the original people before the arrival of the Celts this is not a discovery they're stating the obvious but also the way we need to Envision these migrations of people is not that these Gaelic people reach Ireland and they murder everyone they do a complete ethnic replacement take everyone away and replace them completely with their own people and therefore their own DNA and that's why the fact that these articles are mostly based on the genetic makeup to try and prove that the Irish are not kills that's why it makes absolutely no sense no one ever thought that the Celts that reached Island completely annihilated everyone who was there and replaced them and therefore now we we're supposed to see their DNA why don't we see it and this becomes even more obvious when we look at the linguistic section and we finish to read the article and also we watch a video I can't believe it a video that it's actually linked at the bottom of the article that it's supposed to prove the point that instead this proves them completely the irony and we'll do all of that after a brief word from our sponsor but now I'd like to take a moment to mention the kind sponsor that made this video possible magic spoon I'm really happy to be able to present to you magic spoon because both my wife and I really like it magic spoon cereal has 0 grams of sugar 13 or 14 grams of protein and only 45 grams of carbs in each serving with a total of 140 calories per serving the reason why I really like magic spoon is because recently I've 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mythology and culture in folklore and also they were rather sophisticated warring bands particularly when we're talking about the second migration period in Ireland where we got groups from the Latin cultural Celtic subgroup but they didn't replace the genetic makeup it became Multicultural for some time therefore when a very strong cultural nucleus influences everyone around them they don't replace the genetic makeup they replace their culture hence so say that the Irish are not Celtic makes absolutely no sense it's basically the same thing that happened with the Romans when Julius guys and his Allegiance conquered Cecil Pine gold when he reaches goal well goal was Celtic but then the Romans take over now the goals become Romans because they are subject and their language and culture is slowly overwritten by the Latin culture which is why even today regardless of what the Frankish strive to do the French speak a Latin language they speak a romance language but that doesn't mean that when the Romans reached goal and they conquered it they completely annihilated the entirety of the ethnic group they didn't completely exterminate everyone they did Kill A lot of them during war but they didn't completely replace them ethnically neither did they do it in Germania inferior neither did they do it in Africa Pro consularis the Romans override culture naturally and linguistically people start speaking Latin because that becomes the language of power but they also maintain their own cultural aspects up to a certain extent it's kind of a case-by-case scenario but saying that the Irish are not Celtic it's the same as saying that romance speakers in Spain France Portugal are not connected to the Romans of course they are but the Romans didn't replace the DNA no one is expecting them to have the exact same DNA as people in Italy I think that one of the strongest cases is definitely presented when talking about the language Gaelic the Celtic language that even to this day Irish people speak or at least some Irish people speak the fact that they still speak a Celtic language without any shade of a doubt that's a Celtic language makes them not only a Celtic people but the most Celtic people when it comes to contemporary people and Living Traditions in other words yes Scottish Gaelic is Celtic Welsh Celtic Cornwall Celtic but you can't get more Celtic in the Irish because linguistically they are the ones that got an interrupted linguistic Continuum through time in fact they speak what is called Gaelic Q not Gaelic P because it's more ancient because of the first migrating wave of Celtic Q speaking individuals it's it's a demonstration of that and even though the second wave of Celts that I was mentioning before from the 30th Century BC uh they actually spoke a different variety this book Gaelic P which is not really the one that influenced the modern tradition which is connected to the Celtic cues or the previous one they still influenced from an artistic standpoint all of this demonstrable the language is guilty the art is Celtic the valkyrie skeltic the myth is Celtic the weapons are Celtic the armors are Celtic the society and organization is Celtic but they're not Celtic because of the DNA of a couple of skeletons under a pub not to mention I'd like to underline this is kind of obvious right here we are stating the obvious anyways with the article the results of a few skeletons still don't tell us anything about the population as a whole because it's just telling us about those specific skeletons now given statistically speaking if we find these skeletons and they just so happen to be connected with modern people we can try and mathematically postulate the idea that while it's more probable though that they had this kind of DNA as a general population still don't know but sure a bit more probable but that is not a discovery it's like yeah water goes downhill we already knew that but this article is trying to put it as if in Academia everyone thought that the Celts arrived and completely wiped the place clean and so haha earth-shaking Discovery no one thinks that in fact the very data that Modern Irish DNA is coherent with that of the Bronze Age from 5 1500 BC is an obvious and given piece of information when they say that the discovery would rewrite Irish history and ancestry they are completely wrong because just like it happened to three quarters of Europe I want to say during the Iron Age the people of Ireland were celticized through a slow migration of people of probably relatively small numbers who establish themselves on the island and during a certain period of time had a Monumental impact on the cultural and linguistic strata without significantly impacting the genetic pool we already knew that so no you're not rewriting anything Celtic people impacted qualitatively not quantitatively the areas where they relocated back to the Arctic and then we jump on the mini video radiocarbon dating Aquarius met quite Baja found that the ancient bones date back to at least 2000 BC which is how hundreds of years older than the oldest known Celtic artifacts anywhere in the world once again no one ever said absolutely coherent with current understanding not a discovery to finish a damn Bradley a genetic professor at Trinity College said in 2016 that the discovery could challenge the popular belief that Irish people are related to Celts no it doesn't from the aforementioned reasons the genomes of the Contemporary people in Ireland are old and much older than we previously thought he said great now let's watch this video it's a two minutes video check this out so this is from the Trinity College in Dublin we've got two speakers mostly the first one talking a little bit about the importance of genetic studies which I absolutely agree with and then you need to listen to what the guy says check this out genetics in its Essence is basically the science of inheritance and following from this every individual's genome yours mine holds the complete wealth of information about our ancestry to actually get to the real meat and bones of what is happening in prehistory nothing can beat a direct look at the past itself Ireland has the world maximum frequency for a number of important genetic variants and of course so far it's absolutely Adam yes 100 agree so you know you're kind of waiting for the punch line where they're going to say something you're like ah totally disagree but here we are and they include variance that code for genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis hemochromatosis which is a disease of iron retention of iron overload and we've been fortunate with our collaborators in Belfast to be able to extract DNA from several ancient Irish people in this case people who lived in Russell Island and near Belfast and to sequence their complete genomes yeah and so so far it's fantastic like you watch you're like yeah that's great absolutely he's telling us about the possible diseases he's telling about these skeletons that have had access to and sequenced the genomes so so far great so we understand the genetic code from these from two of these individuals completely now the oldest one is one of the first farmers in Ireland and she lived just over 5000 years ago when we look at our genome She carries a very very strong signature of a type of genetics that swept into Mainland Europe along with the start of farming the second set of genomes come from a different era and so if you noticed so far nothing about rewriting history great discovery the Irish are not celt he's just telling us yes there is this individual from five thousand years ago we found this set of genomes it coincides with the idea of the starting of farming fantastic we're already more than halfway through the video so you're like okay how's this video proving the points in the in the uh in the article the Irish prehistory called the Bronze Age when we look at the Bronze Age genomes we again get a very strong signal of people coming in for the first time a disease-causing variant in prehistory and this variant tells us that one of these individuals was a carrier for hemochromatosis there may be some flow through from the earlier groups but there's a substantial new genetics coming in what we can't tell from our results is that there is a population of evil involving people coming into the island and that at least is a candidate Horizon for the entry of other cultural aspects including language so they can't tell he literally said it well we can't tell is the cultural and linguistic entry of new people that's like disproving the it's like proving the point that I'm trying to make of course the professor makes it much more elegantly than me but I'm saying how the people who wrote this article probably completely misunderstood whatever this professor said in fact if I were the professor I wouldn't be very happy to be associated with these articles but they completely misunderstood him they took him completely out of the context of whatever discoveries that they found then they said that oh through DNA now we know that the Irish are not Celtic and then they link to the to the video which at the end exactly says what we cannot tell so they can tell through DNA they can tell they had some diseases they can talk about farming they can talk about lots of things the one thing they can't tell he says is the cultural and linguistic aspect of the entry of another people it's like self-checkmate if you have ever seen it it's self-checkmate anyways I hope that you found this entertaining the Irish are absolutely Celtic feel free to screenshot this cut this one and spam it wherever you want the Irish and absolutely Celtic and having said that I hope that you enjoyed this as always thank you so much for watching make sure you don't forget to click the link in the description to make use of the amazing offer from Magic spoon thank you very much for watching and remember the Metatron has spread his wings goodbye
Channel: Metatron
Views: 391,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: irish, celtic, celts, history, historical, myth, busting, debunk, debunking, teacher, teach, teaching, professor, lecture, incorrect, notion, discussion, ireland, real, archaeology, anthropology, civilization, ancient rome, roman, empire, medieval, middle ages, classical, bronze age, iron age, university, lesson, talk, speech, why, how to, tutorial, study, method, learning, book, evidence, theory, skeletal, remains, analysis, bones, bone, recurrent, articles, science, maths
Id: tB263oIlcp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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