My Position On Whitewashing, And On Blackwashing Not Existing

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just double checking my notes wanna make sure i don't forget anything hey noble ones welcome back to my channel this is the metatron speaking always defending unbiased truths versus insanity in the last few years we could say that this channel has had a certain evolution of sorts it has expanded from ancient military history culture women's armor and the occasional debunking in top 10 to also include the discussions on ethnicity inclusivity gender racism religious figures you name it the channel hasn't necessarily changed school topics i still make my vanilla videos but it has expanded its horizons although if you really think about it my controversial videos are very much related to my debunking videos because i mean how different is it really to complain about how historically inaccurate a late 16th century bergonet helmet is on the head of a 8th century viking to complaining about the change of a well-established historical character ethnicity they are both historically inaccurate and they both misinform show the past for what it was in order to avoid misinformation and making sure you educate properly right so that explains why i'm so passionate with my controversial series for example the video where i talk about inclusivity and history being a bad match meaning that if you take a historically white character a new black washing more you casting with a black actor or even an asian actor for that matter in order to be more inclusive you are in fact violating the truth and you are changing historical facts okay but then shouldn't i also be against whitewashing shouldn't i be just as passionate against whitewashing if not even more isn't whitewashing itself so the idea of taking a historically black character and make him white a very wrong violation of the truth absolutely whitewashing and blackwashing are both wrong okay so having established that some people who watch my videos dedicated to this kind of topics have posted two i wanna say rather relevant questions question number one if you're so against bending of truth then why don't you ever talk about whitewashing if you are also against it and question number two why the focus on black washing history is it because i'm racist is it because i'm white and therefore i must be a white supremacist and so i only have a problem with black washing but i don't have a problem with whitewashing because i'm a hypocrite since i'm white no first of all let me debunk the first statement because you have no idea how many people in the comments said that they accused me of never speak never speaking against whitewashing so i have this many videos on these topics do you want to know in how many of these i've also condemned whitewashing and racism take a guess in all of them every single video there hasn't been one time on this platform where i've talked about black washing history where i haven't also at the same time condemned whitewashing now of course i don't expect you to believe me but i also don't expect you to go back and watch every single one of those videos just to make sure so i've done the work for you check this out from my most popular video of this series for the same reason i wouldn't like an elf without pointy ears or a tall dwarf or a white genji scan absolutely ridiculous they don't fit with how the character is supposed to look on the same note i think john wayne as genji scan is absolutely moronic given that i also complained about romans being represented by english actors in the video titled slavery blackwashing roman laws jewels languages okay a bit of a complicated title but on this video i said just as much as it is stupid to take a a zulu warlord and paint him white on my video on inclusivity and history at a bad match i also said be kind to each other aka don't be an [ __ ] don't bully people just because they are different than you i'm all for that i'd like to propose that a good balanced stance would be historical accuracy the filmmaking industry is going from giving us a 100 everyone must be white production to we need to include every single possible type of person and in doing so the pendulum is gone past historical accuracy completely to reach this filtered fantasy tale that it's just as bad and remember two wrongs don't make a right on the video the truth about black africans in ancient rome i also said the reason why this is controversial is because there are a lot of people who are trying to bend history change cherry pick or completely ignore the historical facts to push forward their own agenda when this is done to push forward racist ideologies obviously that's a huge no-no but it is also not okay when some people start changing the facts even when they do it to push positive things till there are other ways to do that a professional historical approach to archaeological and iconographic data just states the fact in the most unbiased way possible on my video where the ancient egyptians black the truth i also said a cauldron of personal bias and lies on any sides of the spectrum not how you do real and professional academic work i unite with my white brothers my black brothers people of all ethnicity that value the truth and even on my video when i was discussing jesus ethnicity so the historical jesus what he would have probably looked like i have a whole chunk of the video dedicated to debunking the white european looking blue-eyed jesus followed by a section but i also debunk the idea of using revelation such as representation or proof of jesus being black and african so i debunked both understanding that probably would have looked like a middle eastern man this proves without the shade of a doubt that i also condemn whitewashing it isn't something new that i've decided to say now because i'm like oh gosh i'm getting some backlash so i better start speaking about whitewashing too no sir i've been speaking against whitewashing 2 consistently since the very first time i decided to venture into this topic in 2018. now that we have addressed the first question and i also created one single a reference point for all of those who say you never speak about whitewashing so they don't need to go and check out all of my videos one place this video everything proven now i can address the second question which is a fair question why are your videos where you mentioned both still a bit more focused on the black washing side of it rather than just focusing entirely for example on whitewashing well here's the reason i believe that anyone with a brain will recognize that whitewashing was done is still done and it's incredibly wrong in a film industry which if you look at it from its very first production in 1908 hollywood production that has been mostly dominated by white people white actors white everywhere i think it's quite obvious that a white washing was a consistent problem when you look at it in the 30s and the 40s and the 50s it was complete nonsense people who weren't white weren't welcome and that's a historical truth every person with a brain and a minimal understanding of history will recognize that it is wrong but i think we have achieved as a civilization now a recognition of that try and type on youtube right now whitewashing doesn't exist you will not find a video however and this connects to the actual answer to the question try and write the opposite type blackwashing doesn't exist you'll find videos on youtube multiple videos on youtube and a lot of articles claiming the black washing doesn't exist that's wrong and that's why i'm fighting it there are several channels i'd like to respond to and also i'd like to mention on this video because they have got videos on this topic with some of these content creators i wholeheartedly agree with others i strongly disagree now luckily not all hope is lost because someone like t1j has an amazing video about this and he raises some really good points that i hope i'll be able to race too on this video and even though he mostly talks about again the fictional section of this he does mention the historical one and i really appreciate the way he was intellectually honest about all of this so again great watch the general idea of this video that i'm trying to defend is when it comes to historical characters please leave them as they are if they're white leave them white if they're black leave them black if they're japanese leave them japanese when it comes to fiction then i would divide it in two you've got characters that belong to a very well established cultural heritage which is myths and legends of the past unfortunately these have been hit both by black washing and whitewashing black washing for example when they represented zeus and achilles with black actors even though we know that the ancient greeks represented zeus like this and achilles was supposed to be a blonde man and then you have the production behind gods of egypt where again all white and caucasian actors were used to represent the gods of egypt which to be honest pissed me off because if they could have had blue skins green skins gold skins red skin black skin what a missed opportunity of course this is mythology so you're not really hurting a historical character so i'm not as angry as i would be against blackwashing or whitewashing an actual historical character like turning martin luther king white completely defeats the whole purpose of the story and on the same note representing julius caesar or julius kaiser and the the ancient romans are black is also dangerous because it misinforms and it changes historical facts but when it comes to mythology and ancient myths i would still leave them as they are if we are discussing gods and myths and heroes of africa use african people but when it comes to modern fiction i never have a problem for example when i see a black person cosplaying a anime character also because i would be rather of a hypocrite if i did have a problem with that even though i mean so many white people also cosplay anime characters and at the end of the day anime characters are supposed to be japanese and before people say well yes they're supposed to be japanese but a lot of anime characters got blue eyes and blonde hair which is not really japanese is it that's true but then again you're kind of focusing on the hair and the eyes but what about the nose i've got a big nose all anime characters are called tiny little noses which is a lot more like the japanese are i mean when i was living in japan so many japanese would stop me in the street and tell me wow you got a big nose so when it comes to cosplay we're just having fun it doesn't matter and when it comes to that the youtuber sleepy mia has a very good point when she says when i see people complaining about black artists representing for example peach from super mario but black they say well that's a misrepresentation because peach is not black so that's not realistic to the character but then none of these ever complain when peach is represented with big boobs she has a point there i have to say she has a point and the same point is brought forth by a youtuber such as varilus joe and he's great i mean i like his points i dislike his chosen choice of topic because he still puts forward this idea of black washing doesn't exist black washing does exist but black washing is only a problem when you apply it to historical characters and in my opinion to a certain extent historical mythology but even though i disagree with the choice of title i still agree with the points that he brings forth on the video not all of them but most of them where he talks about the fact that you know when you're cosplaying a character just let her say fun and i agree i have no problems with that it's not it's not a problem when it comes to education and therefore i would in theory agree with a person such as black nerd problem i created such a black nerd problem where on her video where she talks about the fact that it is bad that it's such a shame when you have a historical character who is black or in general a person of color and then they cast a white actor for it because it kind of removes very much of the historical background that is behind that character so why do i say in theory i agree because i do agree with that statement that's why i say whitewashing is wrong i just wish you didn't have to say the following statement and they leave us with this dry dusty flower flavor vanilla tasteless [ __ ] her own words to refer to white people not a way to go you're being aggressive and insulting and therefore i cannot recommend this video first of all because of her overall aptitude which is rather off-putting and secondly because even though some of the points she makes are actually sensical the overall stance of the video is rather hypocritical since even though she talks about historical and cultural background still her position is when white do it is wrong when black do it it's okay and i cannot support that then another thing she does is she brings up this idea that black kids need black heroes in order to feel represented now i agree and disagree at the same time so i don't think there is anything wrong with the idea of being represented i mean i would do it with new characters and new stories rather than taking an established character and make them black but then again it kind of depends on how it's done like for example i have absolutely zero problems with spider-man being miles morales so a person of color because at the end of the day makes absolute perfect sense within that story we're talking about my multiverse spiderman is already a character that has had three different iterations across lots of different universes so it doesn't really matter in that specific story i have no problems with it whatsoever because it fits the character however if you take someone like that devil and you turn him black i feel like it's weird because we are used to that actor we are used to that role we are used to the way he is represented and the way he talks and if he becomes black for no reason it's weird because he wasn't brought up as a black person he wasn't brought up among black people it becomes a completely different story his own connection with the irish and the catholics is it becomes weird it doesn't fit in that case i prefer a character like lukage who he's supposed to be black he lives in harlem that's just the way he is and i love that story and it's one of my favorite marvel stories and i don't need a white character to be there so that he can be my favorite i don't need it and this video that you will find very easily again link in the description brings forth the same idea my favorite character has to be the same ethnicity as me otherwise i don't like them a very flawed approach and at the end of the video she states very categorically black washing doesn't exist race painting doesn't exist i call it a good thing that's what she says not a good thing if you're changing historical characters no matter how you put it and this connects to the article i'd like to share with you check this out so this is from vox atl you'll of course find a link to everything i'm mentioning in the in the description and it says black washing versus white washing just what does this mean at the heart of this topic is the importance of visual representation in media from the smallest television show to the biggest upcoming blockbuster movie through video games and textbooks everyone wants to be represented i have found that when i am engaged in any of these forms of media that i will attach myself to the first ethnic character i see only to discover that these attachments are menial compared to the variety of characters that actually exist the ashtag representation matters report by the national research group states that two out of three black americans say they don't see themselves represented in the various forms of media i agree with that but i still think that the best option is let's make movies about african civilizations and let's make new video game characters and anime characters who are black let's not take achilles and turn in black but let's continue because the heart of the problem we still have to tackle there has been a lot of backlash with both whitewashing and black watching some arguments saying that the one is better than the other and some saying they're both the same well i wouldn't say they are exactly the same because clearly whitewashing has been done for longer than blackwashing has but i still think that fundamentally at their very core they are still wrong just because whitewashing has historically done more damage to poc it doesn't justify the usage of black washing as an answer to that two wrongs don't make a right the answer is let's leave people the way they are let's talk more about these minorities and their real stories and let's create original characters that belong to them that is the best option particularly when we talk about history now here is the kicker even for me when playing a video game or watching a show if a person that looks like me comes on screen i'm beyond excited that will be my favorite character hands down for the entirety of the show here's my question why why is it so why if you are black your favorite character has to be the black guy in the show why can they not be the asian guy why could he not be the hispanic guy why can they not be the white guy i mean i watched 4400 one of my favorite shows four seasons and guess who my favorite character is this guy no richard richard is my favorite character but he's also he has a great heart he's a great character he's very well written he's very deep courageous brave ready to sacrifice to defend his wife and kid i mean this guy is my favorite why what would all of those wonderful elements the personality the intelligence the badassness of a character be all overshadowed by the color of his skin the very people that are fighting for integration inclusivity against racism are using a very similar basic concept as what the racist did the skin as the most important of all characteristics of a character if he's not the same ethnicity as me he's not my favorite i don't like it now i'm not gonna go too harsh on this article because it's written by a 15 year old that's what i notice in the in at the bottom so i'm not gonna go and try to debunk it or attack it but i think it's poignant the fact that it's written by your youth because it gives us and there are so many i'm just reading one for obvious reasons time concerns i can't make this video two hours long but it isn't important i think it's important because i think what we are teaching the kids with this new round of fixation on skin color and ethnic representation we are teaching them that unless a character is the same ethnicity as you you should be angry because you are misrepresented and he cannot be your hero you cannot identify with him and you are really limiting the incredible power of imagination when i was a kid i i thought i was you from street fighter and i wanted to dress up like him i even started taking karate lessons because of him do you think the fact that he was japanese ever stopped him from being my favorite character there isn't one italian character in street fighter until they come out with rose and then again they call her rose i mean why not calling her raza in italian they didn't even give her an italian name so is she really italian i don't know but still i never had a problem with that and of course people can say yeah but you're still light-skinned so you're still represented by a light-skinned person but he's japanese and the same situation happened when i was a teenager in the 90s with bruce lee every kid wanted to be bruce lee and at the same era you also had muhammad ali do you think i didn't think muhammad ali was absolutely badass muhammad ali black podulis bruce lee asian kung fu master and then you had chuck norris the white karateka or karate guy it's not like as a kid i felt like i had to be chuck norris who gave sashi i could have been muhammad ali for all i cared if you had asked me back then who is coolest i would have said bruce lee number one muhammad ali number 2 chuck norris number 3. i do understand that minorities have been underrepresented it's a historical truth and i don't deny historical truth in fact i strengthen and support the truth but let's not twist things to the point that now we are teaching kids that if you're black unless you see a black viking represented in a tv show then you cannot you cannot play you cannot use your imagination or you cannot like the characters you see there because they are not the same as you the solution to the problem is to stop looking at this guy's white this guy's black this guy is chinese this guy is japanese but to say this guy is a human being what am i a human being great he can be my favorite character so these are the reasons behind my position and these are the reasons behind the sort of content that i create i hope that you appreciated this video and i really hope that this can be used to finally once and for all prove then yes i'm against both whitewashing and blackwashing and yes both exist but it is also important to try and understand where both of these phenomena come from because they do come from two different realities all right number ones well i hope you enjoyed this video if you did please remember thumbs up and if you're not your members of this community become a noble one subscribe to my channel for more content from the metatron and remember the metatron has spread his wings goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Metatron
Views: 294,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whitewashing, blackwashing, racism, inclusivity, history, correctness, political, right, lgbtq+, discussion, historicalaccuracy, story, lecture, systemic, system, dialogue, openmind, talk, minorities, minority, representation, problems, youtubers, response, answer, questions, past, culture, cultural, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Ethnic, Ethnicity, brave, standup, truth, real, reality, control, supremacy, straight, correct, correciton, myth, debunking, honesty, intellectual, anime, manga, japan, japanese, subculture
Id: lu0IiKjMoFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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