White People Don't Exist? Culture, Politics, Social Construct

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the new sensationalistic statement of the day is white people don't exist this is a deliberate misuse of a deceiving declaration completely unfit to address a very complex discourse stemming into biology genetics politics culture and language I'll do my best to address it professionally hello number ones welcome back to my channel this is the method on speaking and on this channel in the midst of all of these lies and psychological manipulation is a place where reason logic and fairness still hold value in order to give you a non-political sensible take on this matter what I would like to begin by reading an article which I believe to be at the basis of this announcement this one here white people don't exist says author Walter mostly Walter mostly American Crime fiction novelist yes this does sound like the sort of fiction a novelist would write about befitting says racism will end when we realize why people don't exist well I respond to this second statement at the end of this video but let's begin by saying how he justifies this allegation that we apparently need to realize AKA why people don't exist in my experience there are usually three different founding premises that are used to try and support this Proclamation the linguistic basis the cultural basis the political social construct basis today I'll dismantle the first two and then I'll address the third one one which does require a bit more of a nuanced take if you will I am curious to see which one he decided to go for so let's keep reading mostly also invoke the things that make you go hmm moment doesn't make me go hmm makes me go face bomb he challenged our Collective societal construction of race specifically our Acceptance in use of white to identify a culturally diverse group of people okay so it's the cultural One Piece of Cake to debunk you'll see I've been giving this talk a lot lately that the big issue about race in America is that there is no such thing as white people mostly said and you know in order to end race in America all we have to do is recognize that the notion a white person doesn't really exist on any term and in any way keep this one in mind because it's already something to show his bias on any term and in any way I'll read this well you know that people think about who they are from culture not from supposedly or color what continent you know somebody came from a long time ago because then you could start talking about European people you know he said I mean over time I said well nobody's white gypsies aren't white and Vikings aren't White and the Greek silent White and the Spaniards aren't white you know they are who they are you know and they understand themselves in a certain kind of way they got redefined in America because they had to kill the Native Americans and enslave the Africans so they had to become white people first how a person can use you know five times in a row in such a short interval is beyond me well actually it isn't Beyond me at all it can be analyzed through the study of discourse pragmatic function conversation analysis this is what is called an acknowledgment marker and it has a precise social use within linguistic psychology and investigating a full range of discourse functions with reference to recurrent pattern distribution phenomena of repetitive acknowledgment marker overused within a short given time it conveys a certain level of uncertainty or lack of confidence in any given statement hence the constant need of validation from a Nintendo cuter the market itself is important because it carries and signals information which is relevant to determining the validity of the propositional content uttered by this speaker this philosophical position why people don't exist even though someone's words such as culture DNA Nation Heritage is not the result of carefully considered deep empirical studies based on consistent data analysis or it would be adamant about it it is a poorly constructed shock Factor thesis applied with flawed and unjust premises now the reason why I'm doing this today is because I want to go through this with a fine comb and I will leave no stones unturned now on to the content of the argument itself foreign the proposed explanation is that white people at a societal construct of Lord arbitrary group classifier based on the fact that within this very group white we put together people of different cultural background with different cultures white Europeans and Englishmen of French men and Italian as Scandinavian are German and American of European descent what do they have in common nothing so why people don't exist that's the thesis it is a tentative answer which can and will be responded in kind in the following way if based on your own parameters of culture diversity and National differentiation why people don't exist the neither do black people exist in fact putting all black people into one single group or category is more nonsensical than doing it with white people and differentiating from you I can prove this one through science you see African populations Harbor the greatest genetic phenotypic diversity according to molecular genetics and whole genome sequence data across a broad Geographic range that's due to extensive populations of structure the largest number of population specifically and less linkage in equilibrium among the loci together with the heritable variation in human genome this is why as he doesn't know because he doesn't actually care Africa is an important region to study human genetic diversity due to several factors such as climate variation diet exposure to infectious disease a number of demographic factors such as selection mutation recombination and Gene conversion which result in the above mentioned genetic and phenotypic variation within population clusters moreover Europe has got 44 countries according to the U.N whereas Africa has got 54. add that to the considerable genetic phenotypic cultural and linguistic diversity within African populations and then tell me again that you've got a problem with white as a subgroup population identifier but not with black this is what I call bias despite the overwhelming evidence of African population genetics that the pattern of genome-wide nuclear genetic diversity across geographically and ethnically diverse subgroups and enormous cultural and linguistic Divergence shows either a complete ignorance on the topic or a deliberate misuse I'll take either so however you try to frame it culture Nation geography language this argument is mute on a multitude of levels it shows an extreme bias and the sole objective of singling out a specific group namely why people for political reasons in complete disregard of objective reality and yes on the last section of this video I will get to the political concept of whiteness which is a completely different kettle of fish one thing at a time if significant ethnic cultural phenotypic and linguistic disparity Within These arbitrary subgroups was really the basis of your argument you would have said that black and white people don't exist we are all human beings but you didn't and that is why your argument is hereby destroyed among some of the comments under this article we read actually there are and is no such thing as white or black no one is white skin and no one has black skin this has been a deceptions used for a hundreds of years and then the rest of the comment is irrelevant to the subject at hand okay so this is a rather different approach still linguistic but on a different stand I can give this person a little credit because at least it was fair in applying these parameters to both black and white people but unfortunately I have to say that even this one is highly ignorant and it can be paired with some of the comments that I sometimes get under my videos with people complaining about the term olive skin such as this one even though I do agree that subgroups within the human species tend to be rather arbitrary and do change over time this expectation that all adjectival World usage within language has to be 100 descriptive is nonsensical calling people white is wrong because you run the color of paper calling people black is wrong because they aren't actually pitch black olive skin no one looks like an olive as I have addressed on my debunking video and ancient Greeks couldn't see blue highly suggested Link in the description we should now address the linguistic concept of type modification every word of a natural language can be categorically described by a matrix of values that represent the implementation of features that in their turn are categorical properties adjectives and nouns serve multiple functions within spoken vernacular and formal speech only one of which is a descriptive function another common phenomenon when it comes to linguistic functions within language theory is that of categorization whereby an adjective loses its vestiges its original semantic meaning sometimes partially sometimes almost entirely in order to create a category for example the term white wine we all use it and yet it's yellow would you say that white wine doesn't exist because it doesn't look like milk sure it has got a golden yellow chromatic quality to it that doesn't mean that the word white cannot be used to classify a category now this happens to be an example in English white wine but then again it so happens that we do the same thing in Italian we say Vino Bianco fantastic but as we look at different languages including ancient ones for example Old Norse Latin you'll notice that these semantic contents can be expressed morphologically in different ways in Old Norse high quality gold was described as red and so was the sun African people to stay in topic were described as blue now that's not because the Norse were lying just like you are not lying when you called wine white it was a linguistic category Ravens interestingly are also sometimes described as blue now when it comes to the birds it could easily be explained away with the concept of structural coloration that I don't have time to jump into right now when it comes to African people why did they describe them as blue well that is because within Norse culture the color blue conveyed a concept of exotic language range gross linguistic comparison demonstrates the typological classification is a well-documented cognitive behavior within evolutionary Linguistics and is widespread in the sense that it's linguistically expressed by morphosyntactic means in many la languages it is not a lie it is not a conspiracy it's a common linguistic human phenomenon within communicative systems now regardless of the fact that political agents and entities may have used this non-descripted objectiveal usage of categorization black white for their own benefits and gains that does not mean that we are linguistically speaking in front of an anomaly in fact on the contrary this is a very common phenomenon which happens within the species-specific linguistic Continuum that can be diacronically attested there's nothing wrong or strange but calling people black or white when they say white most people today do not have the old school political concept of whiteness in mind when they use that classifier namely they did of whiteness meant as a very small group of people usually Protestant Faith English speaking of anglo-saxon origin only in other words the approach to whiteness that say Benjamin Franklin had for example the fact that yeah Italians and Spaniards were not considered white when neither were swedes Germans and Irish I mean swedes and Irish are as white as that wall and still he wouldn't consider them white well that is a very old concept of whiteness and of course it is Mr Franklin was born in 1705 and the idea even predated him but that doesn't mean the people today still use it the same way in fact it is a fact that the concept of whiteness has become broader and it has changed and I can testify to that as a legal immigrant to the United States because as I was going through the immigration office the immigration officer gave me the forms that I needed to fill in or should I say fill out when I reached the section on ethnicity when it came to the U.S census I asked I'm Italian what should I write and this Asian-American officer told me just put white that is because the idea of white has now become any person of European descent who has got pale or light skin this is how we use it and there is nothing wrong with this specific categorization so people who push this idea of white people don't exist it's a social construct what they are doing is that they are addressing the old idea disingenuously pretending that that also encompasses what every other person thinks when they say they are white I can prove this to you if you're a white American watching this right now let's say that you are a Catholic or an atheist Also let's say that half your family comes from Germany and the other half comes from Ireland well according to Benjamin Franklin you wouldn't be white but I am 100 sure that you still consider yourself white why because you're using the modern idea you're of European descent your skin is light this is why I'm absolutely adamant that Mr mostly is wrong when he says that the way to solve the problem of race in America and should I say in the world is to remove white no it's not because by doing that you wouldn't be removing just the political tool of wagness the old school one where you will be removing also the absolutely legitimate categorization that white people use when they talk about a less melanated skin what really needs to be removed is bullying violence discrimination of people who don't look like you the solution is the implementation of unbiased anti-racism curricula based on social equality fairness and removal of racial inequity on all sides it's not okay to be horrible to a person because they have black skin it is not okay to be horrible to a person because they have white skin and before anyone says that that never happens let me show you some of the comments I get under my videos thank you okay but what about those who keep pushing this idea blah blah blah but it's still a social construct so white people don't exist okay well then money is also a social construct money is absolutely a made-up concept it is a social construct all the same does that mean that money doesn't exist okay to those who say yes to that how about we do this you send me all of your 100 bills or banknotes and I will send you an equal amount of one dollar bills if money doesn't exist what's the matter with that nobility Nobles are the social construct there is absolutely no justification with the realm of physics to identify people as Nobles and yet we do in fact it is more of a social constraint than white people and black people why because if I put a white person and a black person right next to each other you can still tell them apart but if you put a man of royal blood or blue blood right next to someone who is wealthy of the same ethnic group and from the same country but is not knighted or doesn't have any nobility title you will not be able to tell them apart does that mean that kings and queens do not exist and princes and Dukes should we remove them all from history books because it's a social construct so Kings actually don't exist so in the same way stating that white people are such a constant news that as a form of justification to say that then white people don't exist does not hold water because the solution to racism is not to remove white only the solution is to remove the idea that one type of human is inherently superior to the other but these people are purposely keeping it vague it was never about uniting us Humans Beings as members of one single species for a new Society where the value of a life tar sand Scala and phenotypical variant excuse for pseudopolitical frauds to enable a discriminatory sentencing against white people all discriminatory language against black brown white asian is bad all of it historically All Humans did bad things to other humans in order to build a racism-free society the first step is to treat everyone equally with respect kindness and fairness and that includes white people too this Mr mostly is what we need to realize to end racism regardless of where it comes from the path of hate leads to destruction in a new form of social injustice whereas a path of unbiased truth will lead to respect equality and freedom for all pick your side [Music]
Channel: Metatron
Views: 395,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: politics, republican, democrat, left wing, right wing, controversial, discussion, speech, talk, bebunk, white, black, colour, poc, color, skin, race, racism, equality, social justice, sjw, woke, professor, reacts, response, ancient rome, europe, european, eu, america, american, usa, us, societal, construct, society, anti racist, good, amazing, fun, excellent, points, metatron, white man, vs, discrimination, public, private, school, teaching, teach, pros and cons, debate, walter mosley, writer, rights, human rights, justice
Id: l8j6_KQ7qE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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