Inbred Jed’s COMPLETE Guide to Square Filing! How to sharpen the sharpest chainsaw chain by hand

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okay all right we are here we're at Gordy's house so we just cut down this big huge Cottonwood I'm not sure which video I'm gonna post first um probably just do whichever one's easier to edit but we just cut down that huge Cottonwood and that was pretty cool anyways uh but we're here inbred Jed was kind enough to come here today and we're gonna talk some more about Square grinding so before on my old Channel I did a video with Jed where he showed us how to use a triangle file and I got a lot of questions on that video you know about where to get the files and stuff so and actually we didn't even talk about all the types of files because they're actually three different ways to go about this that I've seen Jed do there's a square file double bevel file and a goof file so we're gonna this will be you know we're gonna try to make a tutorial about Square grinding by hand you know Square filing chainsaw chain and we're going to show you all the files that you can use and that way you'll probably have the best idea of which system looks like it'd be the easiest for you then I'll try to get you more details on where to get the files and everything so we've got this is Jed's 500i we've got to get I'm gonna put this bar and chain on it this is a brand new chain 32 inches and we'll do a test cut see how it does General sharpen it up and then we will compare it here's Gordy he's about 35 on that one yeah we'll have to yeah I got it there's 25. I got to get you one of those gauges Gordy just came out sweet oh you can have that one nice so we'll use this to measure the rakers and yeah it should be pretty sweet I think Jed's uh taking his contacts out or something yeah this is Gordy's shop here this is Gordy's Museum he's kind of kind enough to let us film in here it was actually like a really sweet setup I'll be back okay there's good everything in here is beautiful I know it's so cool I just want to stand in here and smell yeah uh his um uh trees act I don't know if you remember Zach from when we were down Oregon he milled all this for here's that really uh super deep voice a really tall guy yeah yeah he milled all this for Gordy yeah he is um Jed you want to throw this um this uh this Factory chain on your saw yep the heck is that he's got a booby trapped in here [Laughter] yeah um you'll see Jed's chain on here this is a full comp so it's like a bunch of teeth and you'll notice this is a skip tooth so it's third as many t or two thirds as many teeth can get that next to it one space right there right and two spaces here so I think that's a third is it a third half as many it feels like half as many when you're sharpening it yeah wouldn't it be half as many Cutters if you have well I don't know so you see you got two tie straps in between the Cutters and you got one tie strap this is what comes on saws mostly at the time this will give you less Kickback and it's also more teeth and this will give you a little more Kickback so basically the way that we decide which chain sequence to run because this is called Full skip this is full comp and then there's one in between where it's like every other and they call that semi Skip and the way that we decide which one to do okay here I'll hold this one yeah yeah so just just real quick because I always think I'll make a video about it but I never I never talk about changing a good thing but the way we decide basically it's like how much power head do you have behind the chain that's spinning so if it's like a really long bar I'll do a full skip you know if it's like a 42 inch chain um other fuse full skit because that's fewer teeth that the saw has to push through the wood to sever wood or if it's a really short bar you know like say like this is a pretty short bar for this saw this is a 28 inch bar on an 80cc saw so there's a lot of power head pulling the teeth so you can add teeth in the chain sequencing to increase your cutting speed but if you have too many teeth then the chain starts to bog down if it can't handle that much so if we you know if I if I'm running a 32 on this then I'd want probably fewer teeth um so yeah but if it's like a small saw you know if this is on a 260 a 362 then even though this is the same length bar I would want a full skip because that's more power the power had to you know tooth ratio is better so you know you kind of and I'm always like experimenting going back and forth trying to figure out which one's better but basically if you've got the power behind it you can run a bunch of teeth um but frankly I usually prefer skip tooth anyways just because it's way fewer teeth to sharpen so you know but it does kick back a little more you gotta remember that so here I'll trade you yeah yeah thanks they make it confusing just having so many options you know when you're buying right chainsaw chains like what what it's funny how unpopular semi-skip is at a sequence yeah it's like the middle child of the chain world yeah he's sitting there on the Madsen show it's going what's wrong foreign do you like the captive bar nuts yes sir I think everybody does yeah probably stupid question well there's always a guy that hates everything new you know I like the old ones yeah we're all getting old man and it's like we like what's familiar to ourselves you know that's the only thing that has currency is like what's familiar to you that's like and I love those guys like I'm one of them too it's like there's so much new stuff that's like well maybe that shaves a tenth of a second you know it just seems Superfluous like most of us old guys are like that it's like how's that really gonna help but things are changing you should you should take a look at the new stuff you say that one day and then the next day you switch your system and now you look down on everybody who's a tenth of a second slower than you you know so we're just throwing her on for demonstration purposes are these yeah we'll both have oil it's good I should almost have not drunk anymore okay the video is sponsored by Elysian Cutter's Choice headache free beer is it really yeah it's the weirdest thing not that oh when your chain is on backwards you have to file this end making it way more difficult [Laughter] for a second I was like yeah [Laughter] subscribe like And subscribe if you want to see a video where you put the chain on correctly you could put it on screen it's gonna cut faster it will I'm here to tell you right now well yeah objectively it is faster if the sharp part faces the tree yeah it's a stock yeah can I film you doing it if you like yeah yeah okay yeah you guys are seeing how fast you'll go through it yeah the stock chain yeah so we'll cut it stock yeah and Jed's gonna sharpen it and then we'll cut it again nice wood pile by the way right nope um it's all East Side stuff is it yeah yeah Chad probably cut some of that yeah well I probably got something where do we get a Twist I want to get into some Tamarack you need to talk to loggers Gordy will set you up man and I'll I'll uh I won't dog in I'll just try to be as even as possible yeah for the before and after yeah [Music] foreign [Music] they'll say you could have dogged in and put more pressure and would have cut faster yeah maybe maybe not I don't know that's debatable right that's actually a subject to debate is it faster go straight through or to dog in but it doesn't matter because all that matters is I'm going to make the subsequent cut in the same manner and so it'll be Apples to Apples you know so maybe I could have cut better or something in theory but it won't matter because I'll be the same Sawyer on the next one too I had that tight man that's bad yeah it's really hard wood too though so oh absolutely yeah so Ted I figured just like try to your best to calculate whatever a third so sharpened a third of the chain with one file and then we just switch to another file for a third and so on if you do the three different types of files I don't think it's gonna matter yeah because the the files are different but the concept is the same you're creating the same structure of the tooth with the three different files so yeah you see how my new depth plate there Jacob just throws it on the ground [Laughter] I thought that's where it went sorry that's an impressive like that that just as a piece of material right there it's like laser straight how thin is that hey I don't want to get a lesion upset you know there's too many sponsorships in one video you know we can't take back all their advertising money get her all hand filed on there how does that work that's 25 and you move it back that's 35. oh that's 40. that's about 50 cents so 50 thousandths of an inch is that yeah so you only need one guys okay what if the file is a file gonna achieve through that it's going to take a long time yeah I don't I don't love the file on those pages yeah what's it made out of what's it made out of Gordy Kryptonite top secret top secret it's adamantine Gordy metal it's unobtanium yeah let's see these files can we uh put all three next to each other or something yeah a little bit slower already I always drink a bunch of the lesions [Laughter] judging a lot of time and he was like yeah I had this really good climber but he wouldn't go up there without drinking what really oh that's crazy crazy yeah yeah I don't remember yeah I guess like they're like a week but I don't remember yet Brave right right but it works [Laughter] yeah I never cut a tree without drinking at least six delicious sleeves dude that's over indulgent dude I haven't had a drink in three years more than three years I probably pass out drink too and black out such an overrated pleasure uh look at dude look at how the side plate is like way out ahead of the top plate so my dirty fingernail here records the top plate here's the side plate it's like the side plate is jutting out farther that won't cut at all as everybody knows yeah yeah it was cutting really poorly yeah so I actually zoom in pretty good with this phone yeah um okay so yeah let's just see these three files out and I'll try to find these files online if I can find them online I'll put the links in the description otherwise I'll put the number that you can call to get them I'll try to figure it out in the description when I make this video this is a fared horsey on there fair I think ferret is German for a horse but these are quite well I won't say cheap but for double bevel files they're not bad these are cheap these are save Edge goof files from Portugal um so save Edge Fair that's around file the key to the key to square filing two is round filing um the triangle file looks like it poked through my bag and this is uh this is um what kind of handle is that in Bridgehead handle that's a valorb file from Switzerland and I think they make all of Stills round files so uh 1364 is around file 732 valorb I believe makes all the okay so yeah Dad's a super nerd when it comes to files so this is what we've got here so so this is your goof file it's basically a flat file with what do you call these what do you call the filey grabby part I don't know teeth file to your teeth so it's basically a flat Fab that has teeth on the on the sides right there this is a double bevel file which is basically a flat file but then you see that you've got the it comes almost like uh uh trapezoid trapezoid okay trapezoid is that okay trust you on that Jake so yeah hexagonal this is a hexagonal it looks like it looks pretty it looks triangle if you're far it looks hexagonal it's technically a hexagonal but we call it a triangle file because it's a triangle and that's a round file that's your typical run-of-the-mill round file right there so these three with these three Jett is able to get a square Edge on a tooth we'll show you how to use each one and you can decide which one you want to take a crack at so all right Jed let's for me the key to square filing is round filing might sound counterintuitive but here's the thing when you when you try to do this where's where's the where's the beginning of the chain did I tighten that nope in the video I made on my old Channel you know we compared and and it's been demonstrated that doing it the square filing is what is it Jed 23 faster something like that I don't know it's faster it's a math concurred Jake yeah right yeah the new math right well so common core enough yeah so I don't know the exact measurement but it's faster um round filing is probably going to be quicker but this is uh well it's a real art if you can figure it out I have a really hard time doing it but the Judd's like the master at it well no but the speed the speed of like I'm I'm a tree service guy so the speed of a 16 inch diameter sorry 16 inch length round firewood round if you chunk down 120 foot for taking 16 inch pieces you start out with doubles or four Footers or whatever you start with but there's so many cuts that you have to make that if you have Square Ground chain you're going to be on the ground you're going to be off your Spurs like half an hour faster right right yeah so the key to this as I see it is um and I try to preach this all the guys at East Side like Nash the other day he's like will you show me how to square gun I'm like sure I grab a round file wait what are you doing uh I'm creating a void look at the angle I'm coming in like 45 is like there I'm coming in like this and I'm scooping out all of this Superfluous gullet material which is just going to impede The Traveler file so if you do this and guys don't do it they just grab the square file and they go at it and the file is binding because it's encountering all this material right in here and they're they're chattering and they're skipping and they're breaking off teeth as they file through because they're grabbing way too much material down here low on the gullet so if you scoop all that out you're going to be having a way way better time so you're just scooping out all the gullet first and then you're gonna make your cuttings yeah and you have to scoop out the gullet like this with the round file every time you do this with a with the round file yeah um no this is just the initial this is so much gullet built it's a stock chain and they're already they don't even call it grind this for you like you already when they put their Square Ground machine in they already leave you with like a an eighth of an inch of gullet in there right now your your file is just wedging into the Chisel which is no fun so remove the bottom Superfluous part of the two right and then after that now you work on your cutting ideas right that garbage is out of there get on it out leave yourself a sixteenth of an inch of side plate the side plates this part right in here you don't we're just when we you know chew through wood we're just taking a little snowflakes of wood that's like maybe a sixteenth of an inch okay I mean it's it's technically what is it 25 000 seven inch stock breaker yeah chisel height so 25 000 of an inch if you leave yourself that on the side plate then that's more than enough to sever the wood properly right anything else that you scoop Out Below that is just a bonus for chip flow chip flow got it okay and remember when we remember when I just did it with the round file and and then I took the gullet out and then it was a 15 increase even just the round filing so I round filed the chain did a cut on my video on my old Channel and then I took the gullet out and just a few Strokes taking the gullet out 15 increase in cutting speed I'm going five six I might take seven I might not that's a lot look at that giant and do the if you guys know buck and Billy Ray do what he says about the boat stroke look at these goofy Strokes I'm taking yeah I'm going like down like it's like when you're using a manual saw to cut through a tree you don't just go straight on you you scoot material out and so I might take six strokes and there's like this massive void in there okay so yeah see it shatters when it hits that hook a little crawl in there but and just tap out your file some guys Corey Bailey from Back East he uses a file card I've never tried that I think that's an admirable thing to do to save out files to use the file card to clean out your your file teeth but I don't I've never known anyone who did that but Corey is like the true guy of all East Coast for you guys 62. wow he gets up there and then takes that massive trees okay so let's scoop out all the material and then you get the square file yeah what kind of cigarette is that magnuno where'd you get that Maple Valley yeah oh really yeah it's done yeah all right and okay which one's first this everybody who knows Jake's videos will will remember that this uh triangle works by just running the flat part so I'm not even on the tooth I'm just coming out here on the tie strap the flat part will just go down uh flatly yeah let's get it away for that chain to tighten it up and that's the old Red Machine you'll never ever break your chain or goof anything up on your saw and then as you file a tooth you want to be flat here's the thing everybody's like what do I do on the tooth well just just get the just get the flat part of the file to file flat leaf on the uh tie strap and that's how you know your angles are right so when you're in the tube just go flat and if you're digging to either side on the tie strap then it's not the proper angle so you're coming in at about a 45 degree angle undercut the uh undercut the side plate a bit let's say you want a little bit of a side beak well back up from the whole project and that's I'm going to say a 20 degree forward side plate kick Jake can you show them the side plate over on this side well maybe I'll just show uh which one where you pointing out this this this tooth I'll just show this one then is that good if I show it or I didn't even do that one well right but you're trying to compare right yeah so okay so there's the one I filed okay and that's eating forward I'd say between 10 and 20 degrees okay uh on the side plate so if this is straight up and down 90 degrees mine is like say 10 or 15 degrees versus versus stock we're calling that five degree forward side side plate tilt okay um but you see how much material is sticking out on the site that that actually is not a bad one but it is that's too much side plate okay so that that's a triangle okay I want to do just another two through two with it and with this one yeah and I'll just try to get some more angles of it yeah um so that one's done I'm gonna go on for another one you're you're using the hex part this what do you call that a sixteenth of an inch yeah this sixteenth of an inch of that that's in the corner that's what's in the side plate okay so that's digging outside and again I'm trying to be flat I'm trying to be flat on my tie strap or or link whatever you want to call that so just because you geometrically how the thing is designed you've got the flat part flat on the tie strap that puts the corner right where it needs to be it just magically okay and then and then the the top plate is very straight at say maximum 20 degrees not not 30 degrees like round file and then that brings our our side plate on this particular tooth about 10 degrees forward so Jed when we round file we file from you know like even when you were taking the gullet out you're going this direction you know you're going with the tooth and now you're going opposite of the tooth why is that will okay Willie ging from Southern Oregon Tree Care he says Jed don't file downward in your tooth because the Chrome you're encountering the file is encountering the Chrome first the chrome plating on the tooth first and it's pushing it so part of the tooth is Chrome and part steel yeah yeah they they do a a slight I'm gonna sound like a [ __ ] here I'm going to say veneer it's not a veneer somebody at Oregon cutting systems could correct me as to how they Chrome plate the top part of the tooth still does it much better they have a very a thicker a brighter color chrome but why do they do that hardness oh okay so he says don't file down into the tooth because you're hitting the hard part of the Chrome first and you're pushing it through the rest of the metal okay I've never noticed a difference bucking goes like this [ __ ] Billy Ray yeah goes up I personally can't do it my Visions really really bad and I need to know that my that my like that my corner of the file is exactly in the corner so you can do it either way whatever is easier for you you can't I I find it very difficult to go this way okay like extremely difficult okay I've usually seen people do it the way you do it yeah that's the way I was taught to do it that's how big fill does it that's the way Jerry baranick did it yeah okay yeah well cool well that's the triangle file that's triangle and then that leaves these two this is the double bevel file double bevel okay and you see it yeah and you can see that would you call that a trapezoid that's right yeah the Goof file if you guys have seen Jake just showed me uh still they've come out with a hexagonal file which they mean to be operated at 90 degrees the still the new still hexagon when is that going to come out in the states like seven years from now yeah I've only seen it the other captions are always in German so I don't have no idea and that is meant to produce a bit of a a bit of a hook and theirs is coming back at like 40 degrees of a side plate super aggressive side plate but it's not a true Square grind it's more like a it's more like what Jerry baranick would call like side bead technology he used to do that for sonar tree service with a mill bastard file he would just undercut the side plate at 40 degrees with a straight up if you go to Home Depot if you go to Lowe's get a mill bastard and undercut your top plate by a sixteenth of an inch you're doing the exact same thing okay so this is meant to be kind of a crossover between the round file and the square file so the way to use that is just to uh I'm not going right in the corner right now you can and I've done it and it produces good results but you'll get and so I'm round finally now like I'm I'm going into directions yeah exactly it's not blunt it's slightly rounded right so I'm going up and if you need a Helper and I do use a gauge here's an old um I used to have pain on here but This is 40 degrees this is about no I'm sorry that's 35 degrees cut that yourself I cut it it's an old um just flat file you see there's no teeth there yeah and I cut it at 40 degrees and that enables you to get the right chisel angle so as soon as that with your guide yeah so if you just set that there and these the advantage to these are these files are really inexpensive really inexpensive and if you're used to round filing and you like going the way that you're on file meaning outward toward the Chrome yeah inside yeah outside try this file first and undercut your uh you know go ahead and leave a bit of a crop a bit of a nasty looking gnarly craw on the side such as that can your phone get in there pretty good it could if you were on the other side you'd notice a nasty side beak all right yeah and that's a little bit extreme I kind of went way too much I like undercut that weight and I can get from over here can you just point to it yeah so this right here uh let me try to zoom in there okay yeah that's a crazy side beak and the the downside is everybody says that that will dull yeah a lot of Timber Cutters on a simultane are on a Silvy grinder they'll do that intentionally but not that extreme the downside being that that little at the very tippy top that massive craw I mean that's a bad one they say that'll dull prematurely personally as a tree service guy I haven't really noticed I have not really noticed a prematurely dull chain that way and that is the technology that still is coming out with with their hex yeah they're just undercutting and making a nasty side beak right there that will pull like mad you guys want to keep your your rakers no more than 25 thousands I would say 20 because it'll pull you know as far as like buccans like stand up and buck that will pull through the log like nobody's business will it cut wood faster when you bury the dogs that's we need to measure and test that I don't think it will okay that's a side beak a couple more with the Goof file yeah a couple more why not why not uh yeah I'm gonna Advance this up here tighten that up and I it takes me about oh 20 20 minutes just Square file a chain but you also been doing it for a long time I have yeah I've been doing this for 15 years I started round filing and I went over to square I learned how to round file and then I got Jerry's book The fundamentals of General tree work about 2004 and then I started squarifying I ordered up the files from like Bailey's or Madison's and then I uh I went over to square filing full time because it just cuts faster and cleaner now also the the chain grabs better when you're you know trying to clean up a face cut or something you're trying to cut into slanted wood I've noticed a big it really cuts a lot smoother with true Square grind which which the Goof file is not remember that I can't vouch for that side being kind of a hybrid of it is of round filing and square filing it is yeah but I've I've lanyard I can't tell the difference if you sharpen that chain it feels it's okay it cuts well it feels pretty good so should we just go yeah do double bevel yeah we done um double bevel these are probably your most expensive ones yeah they are these are 13 now from like a bunch of different companies they all charge about the same amount and again I use this cheater cut at 40 uh 40 degrees to determine and I go across I'm gonna go back to the other side hold on yeah sorry oh it's all good [Music] all right and I go Chrome first on this meaning down into the tooth okay and so if this thing is lying flat flatly across two or three chisels minimum two yeah that's going to give you exactly the right chisel angle not to be confused with top plate angle nor side plate angle chisel angle is like a Door Planer Sizzle angle and then yeah you want to so what's the fine side plate top plate okay what am I looking at here no well that's a cross okay but now you're looking at side plate I undercut it with a round file that's the side plate okay the side of the two side of the tooth top of the tooth top plate we could say tooth angle rights side tooth angle top tooth angle chisel angle is whether okay so buck and Billy Ray like get the gullet and then he's he's got the gullet way way out with his round file and then he starts to pull up through the side plate and that little Chrome flake peels off with the last two or three Strokes that is the Chisel angle on a round file it's that bit of concave that concave surface okay that's the Chisel angle when you're using true Square grind with a side plate and the top plate are severing the wood not quite equally but at the same time this surface on the inside of the tooth like right in here so this to be precise should I get on the other side oh no I don't even know that's the Chisel angle right there kind of in the corner yeah it's about 40 degrees usually down from the top and the steel to the bottom of the steel that's about 40 degrees down on Square Ground okay super nerd core stuff and that and that allows for a lot more chip flow right yes because there's a bigger void through the tooth so larger chips can pass through right which is not true with that new steel hex file I think they're trying to make it easier for homeowners who want to cut faster than round or whatever yeah it's hard to it's it's hard to file Square yes for most people it takes a bit I I can't really do it yeah and round file is super expedient and you can get sauce to cut super fast round file but they will not clean up judgment as quickly if you're dropping a lot of trees fast and you're cutting a lot of fast you know face cuts and you want to clean up those Dutchmen quickly you want Square grind Square Ground Cuts faster too yeah so it's kind of worth it but that's uh that's the double bevel yeah pretty much all the timber Cutters on the west coast that are they're cutting five four or five Footers every day I mean they're all running Square change because there's just so much wood to blast through you know yeah but the thing about a chain grinder is you have to take your chain off of the guide bar and then you have to grind it and then you have to put it back on the guide bar then you have to properly tension it and then you have to take your rakers down so I'm like let's skip I don't know two or three steps and just do it this way and in the end we find like at the East side we find that the me hand filing are you guys taking it off throwing on 17 it's it's pretty much a wash as far as the time expenditure yeah that's interesting yeah all right yes so that's the double bevel so you're pretty much at the same angle that you were with the triangle file that it seems like you're kind of at the same angle with all the files really yeah it didn't seem really right even though here's where weird geometry comes into play even though that top plate is only at about 15 or 20 degrees the file's coming in at like 45 degrees there's some weird geometry going on here and or trigonometry I don't even know what mathematical so what kind of we're even talking about no but I mean look at that that's 45 degrees Yeah but because of the angle it's only yeah I can't even like conceptualize what I'm trying to say dude have some more beer right yeah yeah and then I'll become really brilliant they'll get smarter yeah they're not okay so which which file do you like the best I really really like the double double file okay I cannot boast that I've had any faster Cuts than the triangle um so why do I like it more I've had greater pull so here's the thing about pole you know buck and Delirious with this like stand up and buck when you're just just cross cutting a lot that's only half what we do is like true you guys we make a ton of diagonal cuts to get the pieces to fall over you can have super low rakers like Jack Beeler uses rakers down to like 50 000 of an inch so a super grabby cell that's pulling really through um quickly through the cut if Jack were not a genius motor Builder he would never ever be able to pull a chain that greedy through a diagonal cut it won't happen it's like [ __ ] calls it the lower acre Blues right because it's like burnt burnt and now you're like trying to feather your saw you're up there like 100 feet in the air and the guys are waiting on you back burnt dude the saw won't cut yeah because your records are down too low you know unless you've got like all that power to pull it through so a a pretty hard falling chain is like half of the problem you have to have a smooth cutting chain in every application so if you're in a saw race contest dude go hungry side plates go lower Acres because you can cross cut all day long the moment you try to make a diagonal with a conventional or humble it's not gonna make it so yeah that makes a lot of sense yeah this is tricky balance but if you're a firewood guy and you're just processing firewood all day then you can be more greedy on the Raiders yeah get the view file make a nasty side hook take your Breakers down to Thirty Thirty thousandths this is probably a good segue into doing the rakers because we still have to do the rakers because they come they come so high and we've removed some metal but is there anything else that you want to talk about in regards to square filing by hand in general or in regards to these particular files no all these files do essentially the same thing but here's I preach at the guys at East Side so hard guys you know and how many how many t-shirts does buckin have to make that say get the gullet until we're all like oh yeah that really helps I go guys scoop all this out get it out and then you're not fighting it your file's not chattering when you do the square grind thing if you guys do that this will just come super fast we don't do it it's because like time is money I just want to get this done I'm just going to try what Jed said dude it didn't work the file's chattering it's hard yeah because you're fighting unnecessary metal the one thing that I would preach get on my soapbox and be like do this first get all that gullet out and then hand fines a breeze okay Chad let me ask you what what's your favorite part about your job what's your favorite thing that you do you know what you know what really influenced me is that last video that you made Jake or that guy on the San Juan Islands and he's like I could really relate and my best friend Chris marigoulia he could relate he owns Henry's trees Henry yeah and I mean Chris is like Indian like Chris he's like the toughest human being that I know and he's like the best uh the best free guy that I personally know and like for him and this and I hate this about myself but there's such a people-pleasing mechanism in us where it's like I just want to make customers happy like I could totally relate to that guy in your video man on the San Juan season yeah Peter yeah like that maybe and I it's not like my ego needs an attaboy but when people are paying you know to get this tree work done and a lot of it it's when they're super happy I mean that makes me happy too but I don't know if that's my favorite part of this what a lot of words not answer your question man my favorite part I uh it is ineffable I can't I cannot express it stuff like today what's ineffable mean can't be put cannot be put into words like uh seeing those tops hit the ground I don't know I don't know it's uh something about the trees themselves it's exciting yeah the way God set everything up and then you're like a part of it you feel like you're getting into nature in a weird way that's I don't know that's all very nerdy stuff but that's the only way I could even try to express it but yeah that's cool man that's a good answer I love you Jed dude I love you today was so memorable so we're there that side's done hey guard it you wanna hey you want to show us how to use your raker guide so um this shorter one right here is kind of for the full comps I'm kind of on backwards but so that would be 25 thousands and then if you move back that would be 35. this is the first plate that I ever made this hole eventually got moved forward so these two holes right now are the same but the you on the new plate it goes 25 35 and this is about 38 to 40. and then it goes into 50. on this last one but one side is for full comp and one's for skip tooth um yeah if you get onto the smaller change you know uh it won't fit it won't fit because the tooth is back here really tight so I had to make this one but this one will work on either one huh that's not your newest one though the new one looks different it looks exactly the same except for these two holes are like move forward more yeah in this direction so I can get a little more depth on it so that's 25 000 sorry yeah is that about where you want it yeah no Max Max hungry side plates and it puts a nice angle on the front okay all right Canadian stuff it's not so blunt yeah yep it's a good idea so then you know obviously this is left raker and then the other hole is for the right raker okay nice so once you get going relatively easy oh dude that's okay that's gonna be all right I'm good I didn't get it I didn't see you yeah that's good forgive me man no it's fine it doesn't hurt when it's really sharp you know it's not that much it's fine I shouldn't have been leaning on that you want to give this a shot Jen yeah you haven't filed through one yet what's up I'm not gonna file through that plate no it'll take the the color off of it but it uh man dude look I put I prophets yeah it's all good um I just need like a you're gonna like paper towel or something let me go get you one thanks Jed's trying to kill me I'm so sorry it's good it really it really actually didn't hurt that bad video is sponsored by a legion yeah yeah I'll just hold that thanks yeah well that's kind of cool once you get the hangover she she's um yeah yeah you got it now okay yeah because it's literally bottoming out right correct and you know you're there so that's mentally satisfying if it dulls the file a little bit it won't roll the file no no you'll be fine I'll just come across that sorry are you out of the way Jake oh yeah it's before in the old video I do like how it makes it slanted like that so we're talking about this in the whole video you know the rakers are super important because you know that regulates how big of a piece the you know the tooth can grab the the raker they're also called depth gauges I think they're called some other things too but you know the lower you take it the more the tooth is going to grab the higher it is you know the less it's going to grab so we measure it because that's just the best way to do it with Gordy's uh raker gauge and your chain will always cut smoother if you have one raker that's higher than the rest obviously it's gonna chatter yeah so really important just measure your rakers you know a lot of guys don't do it and it's really very easy to just measure your acres and then you know and it doesn't matter you know it doesn't matter if one tooth is half as long as another if the rakers are measured the relationship between the breaker and the tooth as long as that Gap that you know that distance between the tooth and the raker is the same on each tooth then each tooth is grabbed in the same size piece of wood and it doesn't matter if they're different lengths or anything they're not important if a big four foot diameter cut if you want your cuts to line up you have to do the regular tooth individually purchased you have to yeah yeah all right we're all good all right try it out let's see the difference okay sounds good [Music] yeah it's recording right now literally no and I don't think I did man but I touched some stuff on the side it might have been when I handed it to you guys are zooming in and out you'll see the numbers you see the numbers at the top of the screen and that means it's rolling so okay so we just sharpened it and we actually just did the cookies but we actually turned off the camera so we just sharpened it there's like no taper in this log guys or no knots or anything this is like an identical piece of wood from what we just cut and what was it gory like 37 second 36 [Music] okay so it's 36 seconds the first time with just the factory brand new chain now Judd's sharpened it and we're gonna try it again and see what we need no knots no knots nothing and once again I'm just going to cut straight through I might be able to cut faster if I rock the dog back and forth or something but I I'm just gonna do it straight yeah foreign [Music] [Music] we got greedy at the end so it's like our first cut and then Gordy messed up the stopwatch and then Chad messed up the phone and then I messed up the cut that's why he was sponsored by Alicia no illegion ready [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] yeah it's interesting as you decrease in diameter you start your your manual pressure starts increasing and it starts this saw starts bogging on the amount of chips yeah I got 22 in the one before yeah but pushing the same same hardness right yeah yeah [Music] Cody wants to be Jake My Chains dollar too now you want to tie Gordy I don't know if it logs any smaller but but you rock the dogs you gotta cut straight through like that yeah no using I'm running the stopwatch it's definitely gonna take no using dogs you dumb lager foreign seconds faster you must have told it when you were cutting that in a way you hit the ground dude no you didn't I saw that those all bark on the ground you didn't hit the ground maybe you hit me off it's still running it's not running still dude it's 28 seconds no not how is it locked he didn't even hit the button okay look I'll hit stop because it is showing you laps you see you can do laps or you know so I hit lap right there it's 28 seconds why didn't you press stop then you what Jesus is it because you're cheating like you you build the saws I run the phone okay yeah you got 28 seconds and you got sawdust in your shoes oh man I hate that oh well all right either way it's a lot faster wow we had recorded Jake one I can't believe this is documented you want something dude we had to cheat but he wanted I just laughed it laughing it still measures the time the same way here's your phone saw is hot either way it's faster so it's demonstrably faster regardless of who's running it all right I got 22 seconds on one those are pretty you wanna start cutting it Chad see how fast you cut it it's for fun yeah maybe maybe I'll give it a try all right sure am I is can I dog in or no I don't know I think just straight through this just cut can I go like this because reciprocating you're you're essentially cutting through like a 12 inch diameter log and then a 12 inch diameter lock you know yeah fast try it let's just try it let's see let's see if it's faster I'll reciprocate [Music] [Music] foreign 20 seconds you can hear when it's starting to bog down when it's grabbing too many chips and you let off a little bit yeah the time's all over the place but no matter what times we got it's nowhere close to as long as that first cut 36 seconds that 36 second cut yeah no so they're apples and oranges with the with the stock Square Factory this is rather an anomalous piece of maple right here being of this low taper yeah no taper no knots no wood grain change straight it's nice yeah we should have made this into Furniture but yeah or soundboards right for a guitar yeah Nobody Does it it's about everything I think about the square filing I think that should be a pretty in-depth tutorial I'll try to put in the description links where you can find all the files so that you don't have to go searching around and if you have any questions just uh write them in the comments hope you like that you know like And subscribe thanks for coming out Jed fun pleasure I'm really grateful that you came out it was fun so all right I'll see you guys later
Channel: Guilty of Treeson
Views: 368,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LzpmlB296ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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