Inbred Family-The Whittakers (follow up)

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as the interviewer said, these health conditions are not just because of two cousins having kids. There was something seriously wrong either during pregnancy, or in the food and water they've been consuming, to give them such serious mental issues.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 174 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/a_dolf_please πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I read somewhere that the people in this town really respect this family and won’t let anyone fuck with them. Even when this guy showed up he was given lots of shit and had to give them money and things to prove he meant no harm.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fast-Shower-6265 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well so much respect for the Sister taking care of them all their life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 74 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Libukai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

On Ray, it's almost like he's associating primarily with the dogs.

The noises he makes are almost bark-like, and right at the end just taking a piss like that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 94 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dogchocolate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy's videos are amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RAMPAGINGINCOMPETENC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kinda sad that they received $30k in charity, but they had to use a bunch of the money on medical expenses. These people can’t even get basic healthcare?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fidelis29 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

For those who watched him, there was a huge following about Amanda. Here is the latest video but here are the rest (NSFW):

I don't know of any better series that can talk about drug abuse and the harsh reality of the street. Amazing series though sad ending with her passing in her sleep in late Spring.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SsurebreC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

how much would someone have to pay you to wear that shirt for a day

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/New_Y0rker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Glad to see Zizek lost some weight.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LOUDNOISES11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey timmy hi ray all right so betty betty uh last last year after we did the video shoot the uh the gofundme campaign we did for you guys yeah generated like almost thirty thousand dollars which you got in pieces and uh you guys fix up the roof of your house and you got some new windows and uh what are the things i know that you had some medical expenses too right lorraine had a heart attack yeah and then timmy had a heart attack just recently right yeah is that where is that what most of the money was used for i'm sorry what was the money what did you guys use the money for well i used money for the 10 and then siding i did fix one i did fix one room up i picked my laundry room up okay i do that's great so let me ask you a little bit about your lives here you grew up in this house no i grew up in that house over the across from rhoda and if and he was falling in this phone in everything then i had to then i had bought this trailer and moved everything in what i had oh this is a trailer hey yeah to try it with the bill i built them runs on two of them is that right how many how many children were there in your family almost 16 i think 16. and uh yeah where did all the kids move off to because not everyone lived here right yeah well some of them yeah someone was born here then some of them out there in virginia why were they born in different houses why were they born in different houses you said some were in virginia and some were here you got that's when my mom and daddy live at mama so your parents moved yeah from virginia to west virginia uh-huh oh i see i see and what was it like growing up here i thought i was growing up here that was like a little kid went out i guess it was a little key well i mean it's a very isolated little street you guys are on what was it like did you have friends did you have friends yeah we had friends along until they all growed up and got married and moved towards the house and where is everyone today of those 16 children where where is everyone i know that freddie passed away well my mom had some miscarriage oh i see and then i lost barbara my dad timmy and lorraine what what what do you do you remember your your siblings who passed away who what siblings do you guys lose kelly kevin you all passed away huh tell me a little bit why you know you're not bad we don't realize tell me about the personalities here tell me about ray and timmy and lorraine who else who else freddie was around hey hey yeah who who's the biggest troublemaker right yeah they look like brothers and your dogs look very well taken care of you guys take care of your dogs yeah thank you my dog sorry my dog my little dog was hardly when i was in hospital and when i came home she ate you guys get lonely here living you guys live like by yourselves here on this street do you do you get lonely here yeah my mommy lived over there my mommy and daddy live at work but i passed away when when did your parents pass away how long ago oh mommy down like waiting i'm not seeing something my daddy died yeah 20s i forgot what year it was it's been so long yeah but you guys are happy here no yeah you guys live by yours you know with you just it's just family here right right no no one got married no i promised my mommy i promised my mommy i would get married i would take i was going to stay home take your right lauren kim and i did so you take care of the family more than anyone right yeah i took care of funny more anybody else do you yeah have you guys traveled have you been to other parts of the country no you never left uh have you ever left odd west virginia no really even i don't travel nowhere you guys go to church i'm teaming the wind goes to church right down here i'm sorry hi happy birthday just don't go to church here well back right with the kid and if i was a kid and he was going to go to church down there one family was making fun at him so he just he wouldn't go back oh you guys get made fun of sometimes yeah yeah timmy you had a heart attack recently yeah oh yeah but they couldn't they couldn't do that test on him oh no they do also sound okay and then lorraine had a heart attack as well uh yeah earlier this year or last year i can't remember yeah last year lorraine looks good though she was working hard while today for once and the heart got strong and everything does it all lorraine was talking the other day when i came by yeah it was the most talkative hey hey hey man hey hey you look good though i'm not here baby hey timmy tell me about your dogs my dog my girl is walking to pain he work everybody can how many dogs do you have i got four four of them they look well taken here so you know before we shot that last video i did a a little research on your family history and it looks like your parents were double first cousins yeah um which might explain some of the some of the defects that that ray and lorraine and freddie and but i suspect there's probably something else going on too maybe something in the environment in the water or something what would you guys ever have any ideas about what what what i mean was ray ray doesn't really speak why do you suppose that might be that kid won't like that you were just born that way yeah he's born out of wine nobody wants to think he wants to yeah timmy is a cousin right no timmy's or nathan a nephew okay so timmy's a nephew but he might say he's a brother yeah he's here he's like a brother right yeah he's my brother part of the family you feeling better it's good you've been in hospital before not for a long time tell me about your parents your mom and dad how what kind of people were they yeah yeah did you did your father work yeah they were good oh my your father was a coal miner and mom stayed home and took care of the the 15 16 kids yeah hey do you remember tell me about your parents were they what kind of people were they they were they were nice they were nice too yeah you want to show me your garden where do you guys go to eat what do you do you go to uh walmart and get some food sometimes or what do you do for food for food i'll go get them well i see i'll go different store get food and who does the cooking i do the cooking you do all the cooking they used to cook till you start till you start getting burned yeah you get burned in the kitchen yeah do you have a garden here yeah i've got a guard you want to show me your garden draw it out there i'd love to see it right you want to show me the garden show me your garden we'll be right back let's go look at the garden [Applause] ray where's the garden your garden's over here show me the garden you wanna show me ray show me your show me the house a little bit you want to show me inside show me show me inside ray this is your bedroom here's your kitchen how many rooms are there okay two two revolved hey [Music] hey what all right tell me something about yourself what what hey hey what's he trying to show me yeah yeah and yeah dear dear dear hey call them you have deer here right here here what kind of animals you see here you ever see bear now a couple years ago we seen my bubby bear and mommy bear climate just climbing pine tree under really yeah and the daddy's bird was going cross the creek they're a whole now the birds out here too yeah i believe i've heard that before you stop can you show me your snuff so you like to shoot tobacco how old is ray how old are you ray 62 no 16 67 oh [Music] betty what were the what were the best years of your life here uh-huh what were the best years of your life well i don't know you ever get lonely here do you ever you ever get lonely here sometimes i do do you guys have friends outside of the family they don't already come around yeah so ray's an interesting character i i suspect that ray is much smarter than he appears he may not speak but i think ray understands a lot of what we're saying do you understand what you talked about ray when i when i ask you questions you understand what i'm saying right yeah you just don't have the ability to to speak right yeah yeah but where he's smart ray understands i think right you ever have a girlfriend hey hi who's that no no no oh no oh would be nice having a little more room have you having your own bedroom a little more privacy yeah next door tell me a little bit more about ray i'm fascinated with ray tell me a little more about ray is there anything interesting about ray that we don't know no there's got to be something what are his interests interests is ray is very interested in anything no no it's so nice to come here and get greeted so warmly when i showed up ray and timmy came over give me a hug give me a nice put their arms around me if he knows people die i've known you guys probably about 15 years now i think when we first met there was a police officer for raleigh county that brought me here oh yeah you like to watch television ray what's your favorite show ray they have eight love cowboys you like cowboys ray i i really i like to tear i don't hardly watch tv not through the daytime but you know what i'll watch tv tonight and i can't because i fall to sleep too quick and your typical day is what you'll spend you'll you'll wake up in the morning and do what make breakfast yeah get boiled yeah we'll make breakfast and then what do you wanna you know get up do the laundry yeah i'll get up clean the house will be here and ray and timmy lorraine we'll do what we're the ones that got a little bored get me together riding then he goes even where's my dishes and stuff every time i've come by here you guys are always just sitting on your porch here yes we're always saying hey yeah so if you had a little more money um you did a beautiful job on the roof and then the windows and and the siding on some of the house but uh what else would you do here you'd fix up the floors maybe yeah maybe paint it yeah yeah i wouldn't draw the paint if you had the house next door that would that would make things easier you'd be less crowded here right yeah it's right next door and the neighbors here are are good with you they're nice to you the neighbors you can't get neighbors do nothing for you really you have a good relationship with your neighbors or no we don't do that well she didn't want why do you see that lady when that's right in that white car so you take a place and you will not check like you got excuses go somewhere else everybody stays to themselves yeah did you it did you have any friends outside of the family or it's just it's just you guys yeah and laurie daughter and their kids and y'all you have any words of wisdom to share with uh with the world i mean what's the most important thing you've learned in your life not much [Laughter] all right you guys timmy nice seeing you again i'm glad you're healthy lorraine same with you i'm glad you're you're you're feeling good you're looking great yeah she is now i thought i thought we'll look at here for a while yeah you don't want to lose anybody you guys are a tight little family yeah if they hadn't heard what i would do i probably could i don't ray great seeing you again and betty thank you very much okay you're welcome all right did you used to have an outhouse at one time a long time ago we do yeah that's going on there yeah i didn't we had a bathroom over here you want to show me the other house anything pull down show me what do you do for fun ray what do you do show me around the house what's in the back you have a creek in the back show me you wanna show me the creek show me the creek oh beautiful creek daylilies rhododendrons sycamores beautiful this is i think where i photographed you 15 years ago whoa you're peeing ray you gotta go you gotta go right great seeing you ray
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 4,064,611
Rating: 4.898572 out of 5
Id: l4aAIF-iW9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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