IN THE SPIRIT:The Spirit Of Love (Part 7)(July 21, 2017) Keith Moore

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turn with me please in the scriptures verses we've looked at previously John chapter 3 you're believing with me John chapter 3 and verse 5 John 3:5 jesus answered he said verily verily I say to you except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit now here Jesus made a very definite distinction between flesh and spirit and we've been going over some of this in this series for a few weeks now and Fridays and God's will and plan under the New Testament is that all of us have the spirit living inside of us and be filled and be being filled with the Holy Spirit and not just live a life limited to the flesh none under the hold covenant they didn't have this opportunity most people if they were believers in Jehovah God if they endeavored to keep the law it was completely a physical thing and a few people experienced the anointing coming on them to be a deliverer or to be a king or to be a prophet or a judge but it was coming on them for service they didn't have the spirit living in them nobody was born again until after Jin this came and went to the cross and was resurrected but now we got a new covenant we got a better covenant and one of the big things that makes it better is the fulfillment of the prophecy that said in that day they won't say to every man know the Lord for they'll all know me from the least to the greatest hallelujah and it won't be just a matter about reading something that was written in stone he said I'll write it on their hearts Oh glory to God we got to author of the book living inside this is not supposed to be a dead ritualistic flesh thing it's a living spirit thing and we need to be real clear that there's flesh and their spirit and they are not the same look with me in the fourth chapter chapter 4 and verse 20 John 4:20 set off the woman at the well said our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say that in Jerusalem is the place for men ought to worship so she's thinking we need to get this this big issue about the correct geographic place to worship settled which is all external right where and you see people that throughout their life searching for the perfect place to live and what they don't realize is when they leave where they were and go where they're going when they get there they're there as to whatever was in them the other place they brought with them there is no such thing as a magic place where all your troubles are gone and you're amazing and everything is amazing there is a place it's called the will of God it's not a geographic place I mean that's involved but it's doing what he told you to do in the will of God is where you're graced to be doesn't mean you'll never have any challenges but in the will of God your grace to overcome all of them hallelujah out of the will of God it's another story don't be tough sledding our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say you do say that in Jerusalem that's where men ought to worship verse 21 jesus said to her woman believe me the hour is coming when you shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the father you worship you know not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews the hour comes and now is because he was just about to go to the cross when the true worshipers shall worship the father half in spirit and in truth for the father seeks such to worship Him verse 24 God is what the father is not flesh the Holy Spirit is not flesh Jesus has a flesh and bone body now since the word became flesh and dwelt among us but the body he has now can travel distances through galaxies can go through walls and can still be a part of a fish fry sound good your body very soon is going to be changed just like his scripture tells us our body is going to be changed like unto his glorious body it's part of what was paid for in Redemption we don't know how excited we ought to be about this glory to God but the father is not seeking us to spend wheels and count beads and quote you know vain repetitions of prayers and things we've memorized because if you're just doing stuff in the flesh he didn't want that that's why Jesus came to get everybody out of the flesh to get away from that right and yet you've got millions and billions of people that are worshiping praying the rocks pray into the Stars believing in false gods and you got believers that are doing things vain repetitions it's what they were taught us what they grew up with but the father is not wanting to see that you quoted the exact prayer the right way a hundred times oh that you held your hands in the right way are you at the right place in the right City at the right Church of the right altar he's looking at your heart he's a spirit you're a spirit all things are open and naked before the eyes of him with whom we had to do he knows the thoughts and the intents of our height before we say a word he knows he sees it when he's coming he knows it and so what he wants is no junk no phony no pretend no ritual that's not real to us he is seeking those that would worship Him how come on hit man happy in spirit that's different from flesh and in truth that's different from anything phony nothing phony and not just flesh we got flesh but we don't want to just do stuff in the flesh go with me to the 6th chapter please 6 + 63 6 63 jesus said it is the spirit that quickeneth and this is one of the first things we emphasized that the master showed us Jesus showed us how to identify what his spirit versus what his flesh the spirit does what quickens everybody said out loud the spirit quickens he went on to contrast the flesh profits nothing our flesh thank God for it I know you're not happy with all the aspects of it I'm not either but it's a temporary situation right but our flesh is not born again when we got born again our flesh wasn't changed the nature of it wasn't changed really no aspect of it was changed it's just like Joe sinner's body they don't believe in Jesus and is getting older hmm the outer man is perishing the scripture says it's just like a flower it blooms it looks great for a little while and then same thing it happens still flower is happening to us I know - but you thought you were gonna stay 22 the rest of your life but but you're nobody has nobody is no need to accelerate it but but you ain't gonna be twenty forever but that's okay because this body is going to be fixed but the spirit the inward man is renewed day by day we are not aging in the sense of getting older or decaying or wearing out inside in fact we will never age inside we we should develop we should get stronger we should mature but we're not wearing out inside and your mind is part of your inner man people accept a lot of our limitations foolishly your brain is getting older but that's not your mind your brain is the physical organ your mind operates through but your there's no capacity to what you can learn and what you can understand and your mind is not going bad you need to say this out loud if you have you read Deuteronomy 28 being distracted and crazed in the wits and problems with the mind is part of the curse of the law and Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law because he was made a curse for us Galatians 3:13 so say said out loud I'm redeemed from mind problems I will never lose my mind and I won't receive our yield to a spirit of fear now mind problems and fear go hand in hand the more you yield to fear the more mind problems you go have remember the scripture God didn't give us come on God didn't give us a spirit of fear but what but of power and love and a sound month if you won't yield to fear your mind will stay silent hallelujah if you need to at times speak right out loud and say fear I resist you if stuff is trying to bug you start trying to oppress you or pressure you or bother you just speak right out loud and say fear get out of here go ahead and practice it here get out of here fear yeah I resist you that's how your mind will stay so the peace of God that passes understanding will keep your heart and your mind the scripture says hallelujah glory to God we're supposed to get sharper in mind better brain mind not the same thing but he said the Spirit quickens the flesh profits nothing the words I speak to you they are spirit and they are life oh the precious words of God we need the Living Word of God coming into our life on a regular basis more than we need food to sustain our bodies and just like you don't understand what food does for you physically we don't know what his words do for us spiritually you eat a piece of bread a potato piece of steak you chew it up you go YUM you swallow it you don't know what happens then is that right you don't know they're all kind of things going on inside your body with your digestive system with your blood with your heart with your liver and your kidneys and army all kind of stuff and you're getting I mean scientists and doctors don't know the half of what's going on they've learned a few things but they still don't know what I was going on but it gives life to your body right your body makes cells out of it and here you have strengthened well the Word of God is that way it comes into you and you may not know a fraction of what it meant with your head it came into your ears and you thought young and you your mind might not have understood a fraction of well I mean your mind didn't understand a fraction of what is in the Word of God but it went into you and it starts doing things in your spirit Oh hallelujah his words are life his words are health and medicine to those that find them hallelujah he said my words are spirit well natural feeds natural flesh feeds flesh spirit feeds spirit that's why not every kind of preaching and teaching will feed your spirit if it's just people's thoughts and opinions and ideas if it's social reform if it's politics come on are you listening it might be curious to your mind and you might think well I heard I heard an interesting sermon but that don't mean it fed your spirit at all that's why Timothy talked about being nourished up in the words of faith now that doesn't mean that every sermon is about faith but if it's from God it's going to be from faith it's going to be in faith it's going to feed your faith and it's going to take you from faith to faith hallelujah glory to God the Lord's helping us tonight one of the reason we encourage you read your chapter hmm everybody knows if is that right everybody knows round all these parts and in Sarah some good parts beyond that everybody Oh y'all not helping me in this differently oh no not maybe not making me feel good about this everybody in faith Life Church Research chapter every day Monday who first all right okay I feel better now now if that's news to you and we're not your church I understand but if you're not getting fed regularly on the Word of God you need to be doing something you can join us easily you can pick up what is a bookmark back there on the information area and we all read in the same chapter every day how many understand not only is that feeding your regular but also we're all thinking the same thoughts as a church on a regular basis literally has its on the same page and so now we're we're finishing reading the Old Testament and then soon we'll be back on the New Testament we read it through you know two or three times and how many think you ought to read the whole Word of God it's all the Word of God we do put extra emphasis on the New Testament but we read the whole thing and there's a lot of Christians never read the Bible lots of folks and it's big mistake big mistake because God's thoughts are in these words and their myriad of situations in life where you won't know how to think of what to do and the Spirit of God will bring scripture to you and you'll know you'll just know what's right and wrong what but if you don't know it it's how can you bring something to your remembrance that you never need can you see that so anyway Jesus said the spirit that quickens the flesh profits nothing the words I speak to you their spirit and their life go to first Corinthians 14 please now what we've seen is identifying what spirit and what's flesh we've seen that the Spirit quickens and the flesh is dead as far as Tom might our flesh a few moments ago the flesh is dying I know that don't sound good but it is born it blooms it fades but be of good cheer Jesus is going to fix it all is that right when the trumpet sounds we're going to be raised we're going to be changed or if we're still here we're going to be changed and this corruptible is going to become immortal and incorruptible now you don't know what that means immortal immortal won't die can't die can never die again incorruptible can't decay no wrinkles no weakness no no deficiencies none no bad week anything energy unlimited we never had that we're gonna find out we're gonna find out Oh hallelujah but right now the flesh is not the source of life it's the house we live in but if you just do things just aware of this and just through this it's dead but inside you're alive and the spirit of life is in you and when we do things at his direction and it is leading there's life in it there's quickening in it so if it's quickening and life it's the spirit of life if it's dead and all it's the flesh secondly we saw that where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty now if you weren't with us you can get these previous messages and won't cost you anything go online download it for free and need a hard copy you can get it in the word supply but we saw that the Spirit of God when he is manifesting and working it doesn't bring bondage it brings liberty it brings freedom and and most recently we saw they were told in Colossians 2 let the peace of God the amplified says settle with finality all questions that arise in your heart if we're going to do things in the spirit that you can't separate that from following the Spirit being led by the Spirit we live we're alive in spirit the scripture said look we should also walk in the spirit that means following him well how do you follow the spirit he's in you it's not as hard as people think but if you're following him you're following life if you're following him you're following liberty and freedom if you're following him you're following peace thank you look so the Spirit of God is the spirit of life he's the spirit that brings liberty he's the spirit of peace and fourthly tonight first Corinthians 14:1 first Corinthians 14:1 how many are believing to get better and following him do less and less stuff just in the flesh and do things in the spirit right doesn't mean you caught up in a trance it just means you're not just aware of flesh only and you're not just stuck in this physical realm and that's all you're aware of we're not quite ready for this go to Romans the 8th chapter Romans 8 and verse 5 they'll put it on the screen folks don't we appreciate these folks putting everything on the screen you see how fast they are - I don't have a clue where I'm going [Laughter] they're almost like those gunslingers and in the past whether they just you show them where to point bang there's the description says they that are after the flesh they what mind the things of the flesh now your mind is the part of your being that in which you are aware they that are after the flesh you can set like this they are aware in their mind of what flesh what makes you flesh you you mind the flesh another way of saying that you're only aware of how you feel what you see what you hear in this physical realm that's all you're aware of which is much of the population of the planet they just live a flesh life only but they that are after the spirit and we talk about some of you how about the recitation I'm listening for Sarasota and my topic Sarasota did y'all hear okay people said what about us on the internet yeah what about you huh you all over the country other countries they that are after the spirit they're what they mind are aware of the things of the Spirit so whatever we can do for our spirit to be more active we're going to be more aware of our spirit one of the key ways to become more aware of something is to exercise it one of the quick place key ways to to be more aware of something have you ever done calf raises okay so it's a weight lifting exercise you get on something and that your your your heels will go down lower than the rest of your foot and put some weight on you shoulders or whatever and you go down and you come back up Oh seems great that day but if you hadn't been doing that I know my my dad nine a couple of the guys this is decades ago we were doing some weight stuff and we somebody told us about these curl sets where you you did one and you count and you did two and then you did three and then you did you know attendance so we're going to see how many we could do it and we got to throw pretty good and the next day we couldn't call my half-eaten was an issue here well won't worry we were acutely aware is that right I was aware where my bicep attached on the bottom I was aware where it attached on the top I was aware of the inner fibers why come on help me out I had exercised it well if all you're doing is exercising stuff in the flesh what are you going to be aware of flesh but you're not just flesh you're not just a mind a key spirit exercise is praying in the spirit are praising worshiping in the spit in other tongues and in the spirit hallelujah and the more you do that the more aware of spirit you're going to be and there's somebody else inside your spirit and if you're aware of your spirit you're going to be aware of the one who's in your spirit read it again verse five they that are after the flesh what makes them fleshy only in their mind what are they thinking about what are they aware of just flashes but they that are after the spirit what makes a spiritual person spiritual what makes a spiritual person spiritual their awareness where their mind is and see our mind can be focused whichever direction we choose I can focus my mind out here or I can focus my mind in here inside I've done it many times I could I could kneel down here and start praying or I wouldn't have to I could just start praising God and in a matter of minutes I could be not aware of you at all they are with me well Who am I where of there's been numerous times I've been preaching and just only become aware of him halleloo are praying worshiping with him and this is not this not just for a preachers this is for everybody you can become more aware if you'll focus your mind inside where he is instead of just out here verse six to be carnally minded is what well what did Jesus say the Spirit quickens makes life but in the flesh that's why people get so discouraged that's why they gets so bored that's why they get so disillusioned and so weary because flesh is flesh and it's just it doesn't have the answers and it's just that's why why people become alcoholics and and drug addicts and shopping addicts and every other kind of thing looking for some kind of stimulation looking for something for some excitement that'll break me out of this but not all that stuff is still - it's still just natural stuff Oh but the Bible said don't be drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit speaking speaking sometimes a speaking speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord giving thanks Oh somebody say glory to God how you get drunk by drinking how you get full of the Spirit speaking be filled speaking they were all filled and they spoke with other tongues being filled is inseparable from speaking they go together and you can initiate a greater filling by speaking speaking by faith and you're exercising your spirit and if whatever you exercise you're going to become more aware of that's going to make you more spiritual and the more aware of him you are then he when you speak something to you or he you know prompts you or influences you or leads you you're more aware of it and if you follow that and do that then you're doing things in the spirit not just in the flesh and when you do things by the direction of the spirit / in the spirit it's going to be good it's going to work good fruit good results life in it peace in it thank you lord Liberty in it praise God now go to first Corinthians 14 thanks be to God to follow him is to follow life is to follow liberty freedom is to follow peace and also to follow him is to follow love he's the spirit of peace he's the spirit of life he's the spirit of freedom and he's the spirit of love God is love first Corinthians 14:1 are you there does it say what does it say follow after charity that's the word for love follow after love and desire what not flesh spirit well actually the word gifts is added by the translators so it's spirituals literally or we could say things of and pertaining to the the spirit the things of the Spirit rather that you may prophesy which is one of the things of the Spirit now prophecy is not foretelling and prophesying doesn't make you a prophet now with me that sounds strange to you don't throw it away a lot of lot of ignorance about these things and first Corinthians 12 starts off with saying I don't want you to be ignorant now what would the Lord say that because this could it be gross ignorance our people ignorant about the gifts of the Spirit oh wow and I'm not claiming we know at all but thank God for what like we have follow after love and desire spirituals but rather that you may prophesy and then he talks about speaking in other tongues keep going I just want to touch on each one I if I start trying to elaborate on the every verse we'll be here a long time it talks about speaking in tongues and interpretation and prophesying processing is just speaking in your known tongue by inspiration it's not out of your mind it's not from memory it's not prepared it's out of your heart out of your spirit speaking in tongues is just like prophecy just like it except it's not in a tongue you know but if there's an interpretation then you got the same effect as prophecy keep going verse four talks about how it builds up or edifies yourself and prophecy edifies the church they're the same flow keep going he said I would that you all spoke with tongues and rather than should prophesy and if you read this whole chapter carefully you realize that all believers can and should speak with tongues and can and should prophesy I know a lot of folks don't believe that but it's truth but part of its is misunderstanding Prof assemble prophecy has nothing to do with predicting the future has nothing to do with foretelling he talks about it keep going versa will actually go back to verse three he that prophesies speaks to men to what that's building up exhortation that be like encouragement and comfort now neither one of those is predicting the future right but this is prophecy we might call this simple prophecy now a prophet also prophesies but they would have other things in the prophecy like if it's something about the future and that's a word of knowledge our word to excuse me a word of wisdom revelation that nobody would know that's a word of knowledge about the present but the future is word of wisdom it could be of the other gifts it's kind of like coffee but you said well it's both prophecy well yeah you got coffee just plain black coffee and you got coffee this got cream the sugar in right but we call both of them coffee well you got processing which is just plain prophesy and what does it do it's inspired utterance it encourages people it builds folks up it comforts people but it doesn't have the other stuff in it but then the Prophet may prophesy it may be something for the nation it may talk about the plan of God and may talk about future so it's pasta si but it's got something else in there is verify it's got word of wisdom where the knowledge could be discerning spirits could be some other things not everybody is a prophet and yet every believer can prophesy in fact revelation I I'm not going to take time to teach on all this but revelation talks about that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and some people that would say I didn't I don't prophesy you kidding no I'm not into all that crazy stuff and yet you say could you testify about what Jesus has done for you oh yeah I can do that they don't realize that if they start telling about what Jesus has done for them and it begins to flow out of their heart fresh not something you wrote or memorized but it comes out of your heart and there's an anointing on it your prophesy now predicting the future don't make your prophet and this is something that should be in every believers life and it's not it's it would be a small small percentage of the body of Christ that speaks in tongues or inspired utterance and we can't control all that but we don't have to be ashamed of the truth and we can walk into their selves and if people see the fruit of it they want it to some will and the ones that don't will that's the heart out of this life they'll go oh I could have been doing who said hey we told you but there still be saved he that prophesies speaks to me and Ana fication agitation and comfort skip on down to the I believe it's the 14th verse well I'm trying to not take too long see what to leave out I got plenty of notes Oh y'all got plenty some said I got plenty of time well that's nice that's great some preachers dream Oh hallelujah there is no better life than the life of a real believer hallelujah somebody who's alive in their spirit whose spirit is active Oh hallelujah and who has manifestations of the Holy Spirit there is no better life there is no greater life people can mark say what they want to but they just don't know what they don't know he calls to God hallelujah I might get stirred up here uh 1414 it says if I pray in a tongue nice my what so this one the great advantages of speaking in tongues our mind is not impeding this is a direct connection of your spirit to your mouth enabling you to pray about things your head does not know things your head would never know to pray about our sight and it's not just prayer you can praise God in tongues you can thank not in tongues you can worship God in tongues it's not just prayer but he said my spirit prays I'm I said my spirit prays my spirit my spirit prays we've already talked about what exercising something does for it makes you more aware but my understanding is what you can be praying away in tons praying away in tongues your spirits active and your heads going huh what are we doing just say hush it's good just just relax good things are going on verse 15 what is it then I will pray that this shows you that it's not just spirit initiated or you couldn't say I'll do it you'll say when the spirit does it no i if i said i i i will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also could you say could you step out right now so I'm gonna kneel down I'm gonna pray with my understanding could you do that he says I can do it with my spirit too too much speaking in tongues I'm praying to the spirit I had a Pentecostal lady one time cost me about this and said are you saying that you can pray in tongues and see anytime you want to and I made the mistake of saying yeah sure why was that a mistake I shouldn't have made it a me versus her thing I should have took her to the word and said no I didn't say that this first Corinthians 14:15 says that and she shook her head she said no no no no you cannot just turn the Holy Ghost off and on when you want to and this popped up out of my spit I said right he's always on he's always old busy he never sleeps he never slumbers he's always owned and so anytime you will step out in yield to him he'll give you hunters he's always there he's always old you don't even have to warm him up you have to make an appointment that's why you can say I will pray with the understanding I'll do the same thing in the spirit and i will sing with the spirit and i will sing with the understanding also somebody said out loud i will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also I pray both ways and I do it when I will now a lot of these manifestations of the spirit that he just got to be talking about in the twelfth chapter they're not as I will there as the spirit wheels but this I can initiate what else can I do I can say as we sit down here saying somebody say I can say oh no you didn't say it strong enough I come on so tell your neighbor they may not know say I can say I can same listen no I can't yeah you can no I can't yet you can everybody can say not everybody should record but advocate body somebody say everybody everybody everybody concern and everybody needs to same he we need to sing yeah a cache story gave it knowledge suta namuci towards nada I said my Annie we need to sing more and we need to laugh more hallelujah we need to become converted and become like little children we need to regain what we grew out of because growing out of it was becoming worldly it wasn't good it wasn't good little kids before they're taught differently if music plays they dance is that right they don't think about it they don't care how they look is that right if the music plays come on anybody got kids around here do you matter if I tell them the truth if the music plays they dance little ones it can barely walk is that right Yeah right I mean they move and they are not thinking I can't dance and never cross there man I can't date you know what is what else they do they see is that right they sing this thing loud is that right you have to tell them no no we're in restaurant no no we're not doing that right now they're saying it's not claimed as across their mind are they in on key are they in key no it's time to sing so we sang come on say that line again I can sing you can dance too so much I can dance I can think what else do they do that the Spirit of God just said laughs oh we need to laugh I said we need to laugh many people by the time they're an adult especially by the time they're middle-aged they don't laugh little weeks and not laugh this is bad for you this is bad for you we need there's so many things that happen just like when the Word of God comes into us like food comes into you don't know all that's going on when you laugh it's the same way mmm I'm Mary Hart yeah does good just like taking a medicine rejoicing and laughing does things to your body it does things to your immune system it does things to your blood it does things to your glands and when you most need to laugh is when you least feel like laughing that's right and when you most need to laugh and rejoices when you least want to do it in the flesh if you wait for your flesh to one of dance and sing and laugh your flesh ago maybe tomorrow maybe your flesh of flesh is just place if you let you to the flesh it will be lazy it will just put everything off forever procrastinate flat you got flesh come on not see anything that you don't only think about you have flesh and you know how to flesh this that's why spiritual people don't wait till they feel like laughing they laugh even as jokes is at destruction and it famine they laugh well you don't feel like laughing when things are being destroyed around you you don't feel like laughing when everybody's hungry starving but faint shouts while the walls are still up faith dances when everybody else won't move faith sayings when everybody else is crying and feeling sorry for themselves faith instead of being focused out here in the flesh and how I feel faith is aware of the inside and the Spirit of God says you're free celebrate and your outside goes no you're not and inside say yes you are no you're not yes you are and you got to decide which one you're going to believe am I going to go with the flash which is dead or am I going to go with the spirit which will quicken me ha ha ha ha the times you need to do that just by faith you don't feel like it but you need to do it need to do it ha ha so you will do that too many times until the devil to come say what are you doing what do you doing what are you laughing about and you say laughing at you ha ha ha ha ha ha you you thought you had me defeated ha ha ha ha ha just like you thought you had really done something when Jesus was crucified but ha ha ha you didn't know you didn't know you walk that into that one didn't you ha ha ha you don't know everything do you bad boy huh I believe the Spirit of God is saying we need to sing we need to dance we need to laugh thank you he what it's completely contrary to what flesh wants business is that right it's completely contrary to what things may look and feel like around you but that's what faiths all about we walk by faith not by shutting up what we see number what we feel how about your bills ha ha ha ha he said hold my lord what are we gonna do what are we gonna do what are we where we gonna get what are we going to do what are we going to do I mean Joe sinner does that that's a flesh response to a flesh problem right you gonna get flash results fears can come on you it can happen you can lose everything but don't have to I said we don't have to we can laugh we can rejoice man is strong face strong faith strong fit when you feel like crying but you laugh instead that's strong faith when you feel like laying down and pulling the blinds but you get up and dance you ain't normal and that's a good thing ok you don't want to be normal like flesh normal like the rest of the ungodly world you want to be different different laughing and singing and dancing sounds like a party Yanni's literal translation in verse 15 look at this Young's literal translation verse 15 he says what then is it I will pray with the spirit and I will pray also with the understanding and this is very accurate translation I will sing psalms with the spirit and i will sing psalms also with the understanding which is what we saw some weeks ago about our text be being filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves was the first thing he said in psalms so what's what's a song you know what a solemn is you got a book with 150mm right what's a song a psalm is prophecy it's inspired utterance in an own tongue these hundred and fifty psalms that we have in the book of psalms is actually what five books but we lump it all together and call it the book of songs these are not just a song that somebody sat down and wrote this came out of the spirit of the individual bunch of them came out of david others Asaph and others who are music and worship leaders and musicians but out of times of trial times of exultation times of victory all kind of different situations you'll see in these Psalms but as they poured their heart out to God the spirit of God enabled them hallelujah to not just say something naturally but to say something and this was you know they didn't have the Spirit of God living in them but by the prophets anointing that came on them gave them utterance we got the same spirit and we're told in fact just go don't look at it in Ephesians I quoted it but let your eyes rest on it Ephesians 5 verse 18 5:18 says be not drunk with wine we're in the success why would he bring that up here when they were filled with the spirit on the day of Pentecost in acts 2 what did the people say when they came down what'd they say they're drunk why would they say that not just because they were speaking in other languages if they came out all orderly speaking in different languages they're not gonna look at me go bunch of drunks no they're just speaking in languages you don't understand there was something else there was something else wonder if there was any dancing when if there was any laughing wonder if there was anything there are certain people to get drunk in to do huh people to get drunk they tend to laugh and I have too much life too loud and folks that would never dare hit on the dance floor get drunk enough look out move the furniture is that right the people who wouldn't dare get up in front of anybody insane sober right get them full of some stuff for some alcohol or whatever and turn on the karaoke machine Oh buddy hold on sing all night something happened as they imbibed those spirits inhibitions failed well when you receive of the Holy Spirit that's what is so much don't be drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit come on somebody say filled with the spirit fill with the spirit fill with the spirit there's not even appear there be filled with the spirit what speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody where where this is not just in the flesh this is not just in the flesh in your heart to the Lord verse 20 giving thanks always for all things to God in the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah singers and players y'all go ahead and stand up everybody stand up oh praise God I believe the Spirit of God told her something What did he say huh he specifically said we need to laugh more and we need to sing more praise God thank you lord what are we going to take heed to that are we just going to ignore that we need to hear more laughing in the foyer more laughing in the parking lot is that right more laughing coming in and going out hallelujah what else do we need to hear we need to hear singing at your house order to lose somebody sir but we're not trying to you know infringe on on anything the Spirit of God said something I believe right he said we need to we need to laugh more and we need to sing more might as well start right now now we'll start right now ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha make up your mind I'm not going to go all day and not last make up your mind and the Spirit of God will bring it to your remembrance and you realize I've been a long time ahead left so what do you do me say about what you don't anything just just laugh just laugh and rejoice hallelujah wickedness laughing in heaven reckon there's rejoicing in heaven reckon there singing in heaven dancing in heaven well he said thy will be done on earth even as it is in heaven praise the Lord praise the Lord they all Noah hell no the course a month praise the Lord for he is worthy praised long he is worthy he is gone he is well worthy worthy pain [Music] everybody come on don't worry [Music] here he is good come on in please come on amazing lazy crazy come on baby [Music] [Music] [Music] here I don't know you kids a little dance break [Music] I'm worried about [Music] Oh [Music] praise the light raise the light [Music] tell my pain Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] come on today [Music] Hey [Music] you [Music] [Music] lazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's gone [Music] where are they [Music] is I mean are you crazy do this later on tonight at home you can do this now going out to church is that right you can get up in the middle of the night go get a drink of water standing from the refrigerator and go [Music] come on and praise Him come on appraised [Music] [Music] everything [Music] worthy worthy here [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh that way party [Music] [Music] bring me the dog praise be to God praise me to go praise praise praise play praise be to God [Music] Oh way to go please be the God praise be to God please later go ray Peter go Peter go I think it just helped you to do this a lot more absolutely absolutely do you have to wait till you get to church to do this you don't because you can say Hey I sent as you can say come on sit down loud I can say I can dance I can laugh and do [Music] I wanted to think in a few times and then I wants to be dismissed do I want you to sing it as you go out hallelujah I want you to take happy with you hallelujah and let happy splash on somebody else glory to God is that Alright we're singing a few times in the weakest [Music] and worthy he's uh everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah right [Music] come on amazing Oh [Music] neighbors amor here buddy we're gonna go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amazing [Music] no I hate it every night and they complain every situation [Music] and
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 3,584
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: joy, faith, love, Jesus, God, Keith Moore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 29sec (4469 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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