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this book right here is one of my favorite books is called joy the secret power of joy and you know you're even better-looking when you're happy all right let's try there and I said you're even better looking when you have come on when you're happy it makes you more beautiful makes you more handsome now I know you've tried all kinds of cream and stuff like that it's amazing what the joy in the glory of God shining on your countenance gives you a facelift and a faith lift amen and so there is a purpose for that joy so you might want to get this book on the secret power of joy I actually found out that medical science says that your body cannot tell the difference between a fake laugh and a real laugh you know what that means that means you get the same benefit from a fake laugh as a real laugh now we're not gonna call it a fake laugh we're gonna call it a faith in other words you can practice laughing hahaha and even if you don't feel like laughing it'll actually help you physically write a merry heart does good like medicine right if you're laughing people say what's wrong with you you say I'm on medication [Applause] they say you act funny when you're on medication said well you ought to see me what I'm not on it I can be really mean but the joy of the Lord and so and sometimes people really just are not happy people they're generally either unthankful come on come on unhappy here's the way the Lord told me he said you cannot control everybody but I'd appreciate if you control yourself in other words if you're waiting to get happy after you get everybody doing what you think they ought to be doing you ain't never gonna be happy and that's just in your family so I'm talking in a church or ministry you can't wait you know till I'm gonna get happy win come on when everybody straightens up you know and everybody does this you got to decide you know I'm gonna be the happiest person in town I'm gonna cast all my cares on the Lord I refuse to live with stress and worry and anxiety come on and the Bible says the least effect you'll have on you is it'll change your countenance your countenance that your countenance communicates you know there's a t-shirt that says I make a great second impression but most people don't know that in other words they say you need to make up a good first impression they said I make a good second impression but most people don't know so there's a lot of people when you first see them there you're like what is wrong well if you stayed around long enough to get a second impression you would think they're a pretty nice person but the problem is is your countenance can give people a bad first impression now still here in other words do something with your countenance and there's a psalmist David said that the jaw the Lord will brighten up my countenance so you need to practice look in the mirror and see what the rest of us have to look at so there are several different countenances that you can come up with that's why the scripture says don't when you're preaching the gospel don't be afraid of their faces because people make all kinds of faces wear your breeches kind of like I don't care what you're saying [Applause] it's kind of like I don't agree with what you're saying face all right and I will be I don't understand what you're saying and so sometimes you just need to look in the mirror and brighten up your countenance right because sometimes you sad sometimes you're worried come on sometimes you're well they say some people are self-conscious some people are demon conscious some people are just unconscious so your countenance should make you God conscious that's working there for a minute come on brighten up your counters like a man and so a lot of times people think Joe is there's some great mystery thing when really it's just a life of faith all right so you might want to get this book and study it right because we have no idea what all is gonna happen here tonight but you might want to get this book and study it and do the world a favor and now in other churches I say this but I'm not I don't mean to say it here right and that is that if you're happy people will forget you're ugly so now I'm not saying that here I say that in other churches so if you I wish I can see what I got a look at some you're like see talking to me no no no I'm not talking to you that's in another church I'm telling you right because y'all are the prettiest nicest most handsome right amen and even if you don't have no teeth you can still be happy show people your gums you know I'm sure that the happiest person that I've ever met was in West Virginia in the United States working late night at a at a UH at a store and I went in there and just started to laughing and talking after church and this woman smiled as big as anybody could smile and she had one tooth in the middle of her head one day I said I found it found the person with one tooth that is the happiest person in West Virginia on joy amen and do yourself a favor praise the Lord amen amen if you're going through a struggle and you're sad come on nothing wrong with that except the Bible says you have an expiration date he said that your weeping may endure for a night in other words it just says a night it doesn't say a season it doesn't say a month they don't say a year they don't say 30 years it says you got one night to cry about that all right let's try that again so we got one night so bring over some country-western music come on bring your friends over and cry all night long but when the Sun comes up in the morning his mercies are new every morning you need to get happy in the morning don't let the devil keep beating you up for days and weeks and months any ears come on praise the Lord amen and so learning to be a happy person the greatest reviews you can have on your enemies is to be happy I know different people got enemies you know and there were people that don't like you but that's the grace ravine somebody said you can love me or you can hate me but do not pity me in other words if you're acting sad all the time you're saying people need to feel sorry for me no no let people love you or let them hate you but they will never pity you why because you're happy don't pity me I'm doing so good you have no idea how good I'm doing right now matter of fact when you left Jesus walking I want to thank you for leaving when you did man pause of the same night come on the same night the Lord stood by me come on come on some people leaving you might be your promotion y'all go y'all still here and so you want to get this book and do a little study on joy right and go ahead and laugh a little bit praise the Lord and go ahead and practice a little bit hahaha come on and in church most people don't think that's a very spiritual they really don't a lot of times people think to really grow spiritually you've got to have that sad look on your face like you're a real spiritual giant I can tell by how sad you are well the problem is you just can't get more spiritual than God I know you've tried but you cannot get more spiritual than God and the Bible says that God sits in the heavens and lasts in his presence is fullness of joy go on people sometimes that are intercessors you know and people that like to pray they take they're praying real serious you know they're like I'm an intercessor I've been praying I want you to know I've been with the Lord and I usually say well I don't know where you've been but you ain't been with the Lord because you can't be with the Lord and come out looking like that after you've been with the Lord you come out looking like this [Music] when you got a note of victory come on you got a countenance of victory amen and if God sits in the heavens and he laughs come on even if you don't understand the joke you laugh out of respect so years ago [Applause] no honey laughs out of respect the Almighty God where the Lightning come out of his hands and he's gone and angels are gone holy holy holy and you're gone I said what you like but I don't mean so the Spirit of God will have you laughing at the most unusual time let's try that again I said the Holy Spirit I'll have you laughing at the most unusual time let's try that one more time I said the Holy Spirit have you laughing at the most unusual time you said what do you talking about well number one is the devil's not used to being laughed at let's try that I said the devil's not used to being laughed at in other words he brings fear come on threats and he's used to people getting afraid going uh but when he brings fear and a threatened you go you're talking to me are you because you're redeemed by the blood in other words that removes the threat environment from you and so you're saying I have really greater respect for God then I do the enemy the devil when I laugh in the face of impossibility practice ha ha yeah I actually had it just got on my phone this says this is a quote from Martin Luther Martin Luther faith right he says the heart overflows with gladness the heart overflows with gladness and leaps and dances for the jaw it is found in God in this experience the Holy Spirit is active and has taught us in the flash of a moment the deep secret of joy you will have as much joy and laughter in life as you have faith in God all right let's try that one more time I'll still isn't here amen this is a leader right and he said you will have as much joy and laughter as you have faith in God all right something I was saying well well I'm looking for some deep revelations that's pretty deep right there that's about as bad as far as we can take you right now in other words until until you receive or the psalmist David said I rejoiced over the word like I just found a great spoil in other words when you receive the word with joy just like you found what great spot what would that be well let's just say somebody said I'm gonna give you a million dollars somebody you trusted there's somebody you trusted that has the ability come home that said I'm gonna give you a million dollars you and you have to wait till you got the money let's try that again someone who has the ability and someone you trust said I'm gonna give you a million dollars you would not even have to wait until you got the money and you'd go just at that that word from that person I know them I have confidence in them I'm gonna rejoice already haha amen so it affects the way you received the word when you receive it with joy amen go ahead and practice laughing just for a minute dear [Applause] I know some of y'all are waiting for the next instruction but you haven't done the first one yet yeah I said people are waiting for the next instructor like now is there something else I could do other than do that when really that's one of the easiest things you could do it just go ha ha ha and so faith laughs at impossibility you cannot get a sad Holy Spirit somebody said well the Bible says you can grieve the Holy Spirit I said well he wasn't sad til he got in you he was the happy old his beard then he got a new name you know hurt the anointing of the Holy Spirit is called the oil of joy the oil of joy the oil of joy and the joy of the Lord is your strength come on which means that joy will keep you from having a nervous breakdown come on when there's stress and things you don't have the answer for you have faith in God and you go ahead and rejoice and laugh on say I believe God's taking care of it I'm not gonna worry about it amen and so dad Hagin said his mother was a world-champion worrier that's what that Aiken said my mother was a world-champion worrier that means she just worried all the time about stuff he said he decided when he met Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit he said Lord I refuse to worry he said worrying literally is a sin amen you do your responsibility but you refuse to worry right so he was so good at not worrying that it made his wife mad at him I mean you may know the story is wife momma Hagin aretha she got mad at brother Hagin dad Hagin because he wouldn't worry because she just got mad at him she said you probably wouldn't worry if me and the kids just drop dead right now he said well wouldn't do no good to start worrying and he said cuz y'all ready to be dead so get that worried look off of your face come on brighten your countenance up now I determine that when you're praying for people to receive from the Lord whether it's healing a blessing or whatever it is that I determine if I had a can of Aughrim oeuvre and I could spray them with that can of ought remover you said what is hot remover well jesus said when you stand praying if you have ought against anybody isn't that funny jesus said if you have ought against any I said well Lord I don't have ought against many but I can't say I don't have no heart against any but he said any heart will hinder you from receiving from God so if I had a can of Ault remover you know where all comes from it literally means any little thing that's you're holding a grudge against somebody and he said when you stand praying so I know you say it's gonna take me a long time to get over there well it's gonna take you about as long as it takes you to forgive that's how long it'll take you so he said you can do it while you're standing there and you can't stand there for 20 years in other words just while you're standing there nine active faith I freely forgive the love of God prevails in my life come on I bless my enemies I got enough of love going for me from God I can love people that don't even like me I got enough love for both of us they meant love my enemies amen and the Lord turned jobs captivity when he prayed for his critics come his friends but there really were his critics y'all still in here so John Osteen told the Lord he said Lord I would love to have heard one of your healing sermons John Doe senior just Joe's daddy you know we're friends with the daddy and so I'd love to have heard one of your healing sermons why because then when Jesus preached everybody there got healed nobody left sick everyone was healed he said I would love to have heard one of your healing sermon he said in Jesus that is right there he said where he said right there in Matthew where he said Matthew chapter five that's one of my healing sermon love your enemies bless those that curse you pray for those that despitefully use you he said that's one of my healings Armand yes in other words things like that can rob your joy and hinder you from receiving from God amen because there's always somebody that's thought to have treated you different that's what Hawke means you ought not to have done that are you ought to have done something that you didn't do so you got a lot of art collected you might have a little art farm at your house that you could actually grow arts there we don't know exactly what they look like but they pretty so you got some kind of growing around the house come on and the devil keeps bringing them up so that you can help them grow feed your hearts amen but if Jesus forgave us we can freely forgive others as an act of faith and you'll get your joy back I said you'll get your job back a minute I mean I'd like to go ahead and get rid of all your alts right now today I know I have all against any amen amen the joy of the Lord will come ha ha he didn't say you felt like it he just said you do it it's an act of faith you don't feel like it the devil bring all those feelings back we just say no no I freely forgive I'm freely forgiven washed in the blood ha ha ha ha and the devil try to bring the memory of that and that's why your face gets messed up again like you've been sucking in lemons you know I yeah that's it this way dad Hagin said anytime you're feeling mistreated you know the devil's working on you why because he's an accuser constantly bringing up every kind of art to you against you come on against others he's just in the middle of accusing so the devil is the accuser the Holy Spirit is the Advocate he's the counsel for the defense so you just plead the blood you so I apply the blood of Jesus over my mind my emotions over my life come on over my past over my future over my relationships there is no person that does me wrong that can stop my destiny you just ain't that big I'm sorry I thought you just ain't that big nobody big enough come on and the psalmist David said in Psalm he said in Psalms princes did sit and speak against me but I will meditate in your statute think about that in other words these are not these are not people of no influence these are people of great influence that are speaking against me and David said makes no difference I will meditate in your statue come on because God or make a way where there seemed to be no way amen so dad Hagin said I choose to walk in love whether anybody else does or not go ahead and laugh about that go ahead and laugh about it you can that man's a cone the devil said you ain't ever gonna get over that you say yep well I'm standing praying I'm over it right now I'm already over it I said I'm already over it he said come on it may last for a night but joy comes in the morning that mean ain't gonna keep crying about it come on ha ha cried enough about it already well you get your jaw back amen and this scripture here treinta gave me is the amplified version which is the woman's favorite version because it has more words and they like more words this would be Psalms 5 alright the amplified but at all those who put their trust in the rejoiced let them ever sing and shout for joy because you make a covering over them and you defend them man you got somebody working on your case that can defend you good come on the Holy Spirit's never even never lost the case if he can get a client Elizabeth ain't it great to have gotten fighting your battles for you just practice laughing I said I gotta fight that battle for me I don't have to fight them that are gonna start over again the Seekers I know we got a few slow learners here tonight but don't look anybody but that all those that put your trust in God rejoice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in other words your joy is a part of your faith right there this isn't it all those that put their trust in thee rejoice let them ever shout for joy all right let's go over this one more time here this is instructions he says that um shout for joy because you cover them and defend them let those also who love your name be joyful in you and be in high spirits [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Thank You lovey to go raise it off come on people in the world go out on Friday night Saturday night people come to church a lot come on we're happier than the world we're happier than people in the world come on we got more to shout about the people in the world [Applause] man people come out of church they'll say wonder what they've been drinking in there what they got in there man what's going on in them on the way to church we were pulling out of their hotel and there was about five young women dressed up real cute you know the long dresses fancy and they each one had a bottle of wine they brought their own bottle of wine I guess I don't know if they were gonna drink all of it herself but anyway they were ready they were ready and y-you said that the Holy Ghost just said each one of you have your own source how do you know we could just open up that that River on the inside and begin to drink the living the new wine yeah get drunk enough Holy Ghost [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great shout for joy [Applause] ah if you only knew what the Lord's working on for you right now [Applause] I sit down one more minute just one more minute ha ha ha one more minute ha ha the joy is a harvesting factor the reason sometimes people's soul and don't seem like they get much of a harvest is they participated in the sowing but they don't participate in the harvest well if you're a tither and you're a generous giver when it's harvest time I want to participate so the way I participate is with great joy the way I'll receive yet believing you rejoice joy unspeakable full of glory receiving the end of your faith in other words your rejoicing thank God for the Holy Spirit let's try that again I said thank God for the Holy Spirit amen the oil of joy the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts they were filled with joy and filled with the Holy Spirit not people without adversity not people without problems but when you get filled with the Holy Spirit I'd like to say while your rejoicing here the Holy Spirit is working back at your house I mean [Applause] [Laughter] thank God for the Holy Spirit come on you might be limited he is unlimited while your rejoicing here the Holy Spirit is working in your future and if you while your exhaustion here right now the Holy Spirit reaches out into the neck three months the next six months and when you get that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ahead and map Allah glory to God while your rejoicing here the Holy Spirit jumps in the middle of your mess and things that are out of order he brings it into order things that are ugly he makes it verdict by your jaws in here the whole ego reaches out [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] I sit back down notice on the day of Pentecost when they were fill they did not just speak in other tongues when they got fill Peter had to stand up and say now these people are not drunk as you suppose he said I didn't say they're not drunk I just said they're not drunk the way people get drunk in other words they literally got intoxicated amen he said what were they doing were they're the original drinkers that Jesus said in John chapter 7 come unto me and drink so these are the original drinkers I don't know if they got a t-shirt or not but they're the original drinkers 500 invited 120 showed up come on you can't beat Jesus percentage if he invited 500 on 120 showed up you ain't gonna beat those percentages too good a hundred and twenty got filled because they'd been drinking that means the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit come home his liquid God and when you yield to the holy spirit now you don't have to yield to him but if you yield to him come on and you drink from the presence of the Lord you drink until you get intoxicated until you get filled when you get filled I'd like to say you lose your mind now if you knew how little you had to lose you would let it go in other words some people are holding onto their little peanut brain and their thinking and their ideas when if you yield to the Holy Spirit he is God's head bypass operation in other words he'll bypass your head because he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask a thing according to his power that works in you so when you yield to the Holy Spirit come on Jesus call that drinking I know something about drinking and you cannot drink with your mouth shut [Applause] next you need to have some drinking friends that means that if you have other friends that like to drink then if you'll get with them you'll have more fun so you have your drinking friend then you can have drinking music right and Jesus didn't say come unto me and think he said come and drink and if you're always sitting with the thinker's you do not get the same benefit from thinking as you do from drinking but if you actually would drink better you would think better yeah y'all know what I'm talking about come on in other words when you receive come on in mix faith and yield to the Holy Ghost then you drink from the presence of God and you drink until you get filled you drink until you're under the influence of the holy go as he some of y'all still just you've got a thinking relationship with God you cannot just have a thinking relationship with God your mind is no match for his that means you ain't gonna figure out God if you could figure out God we would all be disappointed because we know how smart you are and he it means eternity is going to be very boring let me tell you this God's mind in his ways and his plans are beyond your natural thinking you ain't gonna figure out God you can learn the ways of God but you still ain't gonna figure out God here here's the way the Lord said to me about time you think you got him figured out he'll do some you like I sure didn't figure that out so the Lord said to me just because you know how faith works does not mean you know how I'm gonna do your miracle I know how faith works but I still don't know how he's gonna do that miracle I know how faith works but I don't know how he's gonna take care of that situation but I know how faith works I know how to believe I don't have to know how he's gonna do it I just have to believe go ahead and laugh about that [Music] [Applause] they were drinking and you can tell the difference between the thinkers and the drinkers because you cannot take a dream from the Spirit of God you cannot take a drink and not know it you can say did I drink or not no if you take a drink from the presence of God this is called yielding to the whole ego it's called mixing faith with the Word of God in other words you take a drink because there's something in this water Jesus said there's something in the water you said well what's in the water well you got to figure out where the water come from that's why psalm 46 says there is the river let's try that again there is a river some part is a sosamma states that there is a river let me tell you about this river come on John 10 the book of Revelation there's a river let me tell you this river Ezekiel said there's a river let me say about this room Jesus said there is a river come on let me get it there is a river come on that comes right out of the throne of God it comes right out of God and he calls it living water what does that mean that means everything that's in God is in the water that means you've got to have a drinking relationship with God let me explain it to you this way ha ha dad Hagin said it this way he said the world needs to be taught to receive Jesus but the church needs to be taught to receive the Holy Spirit then dad Hagin said it this way he said I've known more than one person with a terminal disease that was never healed until they were filled with the Holy Spirit he said they even set in my meetings and I taught them faith to the best that I could teach them faith in the promises of God and they were never healed I taught them the best I could to believe and to receive and they were never healed but the moment they were filled with the Holy Spirit they were instantly healed you see some people are trying to get the promises of God come on without receiving from the source of those problems come on you're studying the promises come on but you're gonna have to go beyond the promises and now receive from the Spirit of God and when you receive our drink instantly you switch from just the intellectual come under the natural over to the spirit and everything you receive from God you receive with your spirit that means healing a spiritual blessing is spirits you receive with your spirit first and then it registers on your senses go ahead and laugh about that your spirit come on your inner man your spirit receives he uh nod amen amen hallelujah so CS Lewis said it this way I can't say it any better he said the joy is the serious business of heaven it almost sounds like a contradiction doesn't serious business and joy you think no it's serious business but it's joy here's the serious business you said well you need to take this problem real serious you're going I'm fixing to take it so serious it's gonna surprise you how happy I'm fixing a gift right now I'm gonna be rejoicing and shouting in life because this is very serious so in an atmosphere of joy heaven takes care of serious business this is so serious I'm gonna have to stay happy all day and rejoice the next day and the next day it's so serious what I'm dealing with right now ha ha ha ha I'm just going to pray and laugh Emma George serious business serious I've been in some serious what you call faith fights that others would say oh that is serious and complicated and difficult but in the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit God said it's an easy thing go ahead and laugh about it come on if it's me it's a very difficult thing but if it's God hey guys I can take it out of my man fat God's never even said Oh God didn't look at you situation that one now he made provision before you ever got to that situation he's already made provision I like I said this way your celebration is a demonstration of your expectation all right we'll try this out over your your celebration is a demonstration of your expected I wouldn't expect in some movie their God while I rejoiced Wow celebrate the demonstration [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory to God come on open your mouth wide [Applause] Oh [Applause] Chloe I sit back down for one minute I'm just about finished now listen [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] if the devil brings to your mind come on a suggestion of your faults and your failures in your path dad Hagin said in a prophecy he said ah mr. devil that don't exist anymore I'm washed in the blood of Jesus the blood has washed that all the way he said then you laugh in the face of the enemy ha ha he said and if the enemy persist he said you persist in laughing I thought that's the most unusual way to resist the devil is to laugh and go ha ha don't exist that don't even exist anymore I'm I'm washed in the blood I'm redeemed by the blood come on I'm the righteousness of God in Christ come on that not at least bit of shame come on [Applause] if he persists you keep laughing come on just keep laughing cuz he'll try to bring it they're trying to bring it back around see if you'll take it this time he's a denying it [Applause] thank God for the blood of Jesus are you can sit this way on the day of Pentecost they were all filled and Peter stood up debrief and while Peter was preaching come on I read that and I said Lord how come Peters preaching he should not be preaching he should be in ministers rehab because he just failed denied the law why is he preaching our when Peter was preaching he just gotta been said this is that spoken by the Prophet Joel why didn't Peter get up and say uh I'm Peter y'all know me just made mistakes I'm sad about it depressed thought about hanging myself in juice now why didn't Peter say all that here's the way the Lord said to me because when he was filled with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit's job is to take what Christ has done for you and make it a reality in I let's try that again I said the Holy Spirit's job is to take what Jesus has done for you with his blood and make it real a reality so when Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit the reality of his redemption through the blood hit him so hard he forgot his failure when you get filled with the Holy Spirit you will forget your failures and forget your past because of the power of the blood of Jesus applied to your heart and the Holy Spirit makes that so real come on said it's real it's real that you just be laughing you'll not live and regret you're not living Shane you're not living I wish I could you know wish I wish I would you say now I'm redeemed by the blood [Music] and just enjoy the next 10 years of your life as it enjoy the next 12 months with great expectation slowly find out finish with this that Hagen said there is a move of the Holy Spirit that'll be lost of this generation unless we're taught taught by precept in by example in other words many churches lose the move of the Holy Spirit that doesn't mean they don't lose the Holy Spirit they just lose a certain facet of the move of the Holy Spirit he said but there is a move the Holy Spirit that in that atmosphere he said that the glory of God which is his manifested presence can literally fill up a place when that happens he said that anointing will have you doing one of three things he said either you'll start laughing or you'll get so filled with the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit come upon you the glory that you'll get so heavy that you can't sit up you just fall out so that in the Old Testament the glory filled the house and people couldn't sit up it is like that's why you have to get a new body before you go to heaven well that's why he just be laying around although he'd been having people say well judges they are on our yeah your body can only contain a certain measure of the glory of God glory to God he said when that anointing is in a hundred percent in manifestation he said just when I get close to you if you'll receive that anointing he said either you start laughing the jaw of the Lord a bubble of our the anointing is so strong you are he said you'll start rejoicing or dancing however you now that Glory's here right now and there's a measure of that glory here right now so how you receive that anointing can determine how you receive everything to recognize it and receive that anointing when you receive it and yield to that anointing everything from the realm of glory is made available to [Music] so even he would just kind of walk around and tap you on the head he just slapped you on the head not too hard but if you felt like you're stubborn he might slap you hard to be popular and every time I was in those kind of meetings when I received the anointing something supernatural of the goodness of God the blessing of God when I just received that or not every time I went to him forty years but Holy Ghost meetings the last 15 years before he went to be with the Lord when I'd receive that anointing sometimes he just say be left one time he slapped me and he said the spirit of wisdom and revelation blower that's in the realm of God I said that's in the realm of God the realm of glory but you just you just gonna step out of a natural and this step over into the realm of glory he said you can't help but laugh and get full of joy you may want to dance even if it ain't pretty I mean you might then you want to say that joy wasn't pretty you say yeah but I was having a good time so you you rejoice come on are that annoying to get so heavy you just can't hardly move you might fall out you glory [Laughter] [Music] joy in the Holy Ghost he goes joy in the Holy go joy in the Holy Ghost he said you just drink and that joy in the Holy gun [Laughter] bubble up out of your belly ha ha ha joy oh yeah I got joy in the Holy go [Laughter] [Laughter] load in the book of Acts is called times of refreshing that come from the presence of the Lord times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord right out of the realm of glory right from the presence of the Lord times of refreshing and you drink until you feel you drink until you feel [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] you drink until you feel you drink until you feel fresh anointing you drink until you're full of joy lower the Guardian [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] drink until you feel [Laughter] drink until you feel ha ha drink until you feel joy and the Holy Ghost fresh anointing joy in the Holy Ghost ha ha drink drink until you feel ha ha drink drink drink until you feel glory ha ha ha drink until you feel drink until you filled drink until you feel ha ha ha ha ha ha drink until you feel ha ha great until you feel ha ha ha ha joy joy in the Holy Ghost drink until you feel ha ha ha joy in the Holy go joy and full of glory ha ha ha joy ooh glory photo joy full of joy drink until you feel the blessing of the Lord ha ha ha ha ha the blessing of the Lord full of joy full of joy full of joy and full of the Holy Spirit [Laughter] glory glory [Laughter] ha ha ha ha ha ha glory haha Lori Jo joy in the Holy Ghost ha ha ha Phil glory ha ha ha joy in the Holy go Phil glory drink some of that ha ha ha drink drinking from his present drink until you feel ha ha ha ha ha ha drink until you feel glory the blessing of the Lord glory glory glory glory ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha drink until you fill drink until you feel drink until you feel ha ha drinking do you feel alright ha ha glory glory glory glory ha ha joy joy in the Holy Ghost joy joy in the Holy Ghost ha ha ha joy in the Holy Ghost ha ha feel glory joy in the Holy Ghost yeah ha ha glory ha ha joy in the Holy Ghost Oh glory in the Holy Ghost [Laughter] glory glory joy in the Holy Ghost ha [Laughter] drink some of that ha ha ha drink until you feel drink until you feel ha ha ha ha night the oil enjoy [Music] ah ah joy haha glory hahaha are not drunk as you suppose [Laughter] [Music] haha [Laughter] ah glory glory ah glory [Laughter] haha glory glory haha full of joy joy in the Holy Ghost full of joy full of joy full enjoy glory glory glory haha sit down on that chair right there behind you sit down there ha ha [Laughter] [Music] ha ha glory ha ha ha ha Joe and the whole ego joy of the Lord joy in the Holy Ghost [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] oh we go glory glory glory glory glory [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] ha [Laughter] [Applause] hahaha glory hahahaha full of joy full of joy one of the holy go glory glory glory hahaha full of joy full of my so rabid cat elevator hahahaha negative our core show Romande say previa ha ha ha ha nama surah hostility a full of joy full of joy hahaha full of joy hahaha full of joy for all of the holy ghost [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] ha ha ha glory [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Lowrey wiglesworth said you can have as much you can have as much as you want you don't want much you won't get much but if you want a lot you can have as much of the Spirit of God you can be feel hallelujah every day feel until you overflow joy and the whole ego while you're laughing come on receiving hear God's working on your future God's working in my future well I'm rejoicing in laughing ha ha well I'm drinking I'm drinking not just thinking I'm receiving well I'm receiving from the whole ego he's taking care of serious business ha ha ha I said he's taking care of some serious business oh we did God [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: FaithLifeCentre
Views: 12,079
Rating: 4.7426901 out of 5
Keywords: faithlife centre, FLC, JOY, MARK HANKINS
Id: 3PYzXwo2zYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 10sec (4750 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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