Joy--A Supernatural Force

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about spooning spirit we talked about joy I mean gods had several things say about joy since we've been in now because of our natural ideas about what joy is and what joy does we don't realize what force we're talking about here because the joy of the Lord is your supernatural strength and it's had such carnal ideas wrapped around the word of joy that's all there is to it well if that's kind of make you act goofy sometimes because it's fun but hey joy is one of the forces that now that they're particularly King James it's talking about the fruit of the Spirit these are the things that are born into your born-again spirit from the Holy Spirit these are the things in which you are exactly like him inside your spirit man and these forces are working inside the spirit being all of them listed they're all nanyem our spiritual forces then they they all have their own specific categories in which they work faith we know that's a spiritual force it'll move mountains heal bodies amen love well that's God so all of these are very strong impacting spiritual forces when the governing laws of those forces are put into motion they are the result and they do things think about your physical body your physical body is doing things right now without you knowing a thing in the world about it you haven't unless you've got some kind of breathing impairment or something you haven't thought about your lungs in a long time you're thinking about something you're not having to decide to take every breath my it's involuntarily working how does it do that it has an assignment there are physical forces working inside your physical body to do the things that the physical body requires your heart's pumping blood is being moved around your brain is producing certain chemicals certain proteins and and and all of the the glands are producing the hormones and doing all all this stuff that and you but you're concentrating totally on something else what's happening it's keeping you functioning you're moving around now with that since I don't have much time tonight them have to be ready playing all right with you you got spiritual guts just the same as you got physical days you've got physical organs that are working doing all the things they supposed to do you have spiritual organs that do what they're supposed to do it's not just a little glass you in their little see-through you know I don't know know if you could strip off the this this tabernacle or this living sacrifice if you could get rid of that thing and strip it off one big question seems like people like that you think will know one another when we get to heaven yeah if you know me now if you don't know me now you won't know me then but you come a whole lot near knowing me then you would now cuz you're not dumber your smarts not in your brain your smarts and your spirited you're far more alive out of this body than you ever would want ever in one second before this body be glorified so the these these organs you feed on the word of God the word is food to the spirit man a man the word is food to the to the human mind not the brain the brain feeds on physical food but the mine feeds on spiritual and produces will power you feed on the Word of God your spirit produces faith love joy peace goodness meekness and cunning requires the word to be fed faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God now you eat physical food and it produces strength you can use that strength up if you don't if you don't feed properly and you can't live on candy you can't live on mental candy in spiritual candy anymore than you can physically you have to have some food and religion is genetically-altered Bible so it doesn't feed anything it just it just calms it but doesn't feed it it's not food that's the reason you can eat stuff that's not food and it won't feed you there's a lot of cereals you'd probably be better off you'd eat the box because you eat the stuff it's you read the stuff that's in the cereal and the Box got more nutrition than the junk inside so he's you putting the sugar on his make the Box taste good man come on probably be a whole lot cheaper just here go find something but the same thing happens to it to your spirit another thing that is with your spirits far more serious your your body I mean you know your body falls dead doesn't doesn't do much but when you've got a dead spirit man I'm telling you it's it's a dangerous thing because you not only hurt yourself you hurt other people too not even knowing you're doing it you just be in your own nasty self and the kingdom suffers anyway this inner man there's this intermittent this is all this this a powerful God created in his likeness being in here and is capable of hearing God not capable of doing anything without him but capable of doing anything with him all things are possible with God so who you with all things are possible to him that believes same word same Bible all things possible with God all things are possible to God all things are possible to him that believes so when you when you're like the force of joy when you take the word for that that word from the Lord just came up in me again I say rejoice rejoice again I say rejoice alright what's he saying stir joy up stir it up read joy well we've had this goofy idea of joy and really when even thinking about it and somebody might say well long journey one thing I never had no joy in my life you've been carrying it around with you ever since you've been born again you may have been saved 45 years ago and you've had joy in that bag on the inside of you just laying there waiting for you one day maybe you might decide to use this well no wonder it's week you've been trying to use your head all the time amen all right now revelation comes by the spirit look look in first Corinthians chapter 2 again now I'm working on something now stay with me you still believe in with me all right we're getting there in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 now remember it is given unto you to know that to intimately understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God we speak the seventh verse we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery said out loud I'm given to know that even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory now say it out loud it's not hidden from me which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known they would not crucified the Lord of glory see it was hidden from them God and Jesus sucked the devil off into a trap that he couldn't get out of because you can't get a righteous man into hell that's what he felt the devil thought that and God wanted him to think that and Jesus was made to be sin for us he didn't commit sin he's not a sinner never has been but he was made to be sin now the way we were made to be the righteousness of God in him we never committed any righteousness and he never committed any sin so he was made sin with our sin we were made righteous with his righteousness now think about this you and I have always had to use our faith to lay hold of our healing and have it manifest in us through faith in his word and in His stripes now Jesus had to lay hold of sin sickness disease demons fear and curse by faith and have it manifest in his life Oh people a million years ain't long enough to get the whole depth of that and the impact of it my god Michael think of it what kind of love does that he made himself obedient unto you ever wonder why out there in the desert from those snakes inviting everybody they put that put that serpent up on that pole and said that it was a type of Christ Jesus on the cross I thought can I irritated me when I first read that they put a snake up on that post post represent Jesus why don't they put a lamb up there cuz it wasn't a lamb come on he was made of curse he yielded himself to the serpent of death the curse and that's what we saw hanging on that cross when it came on him it came on him before he ever left the body 52nd chapter of Isaiah will tell you his Vistage was his form was so marred and so twisted that it no longer resembled a man that's what that Centurion saw and it how many how many people do you think that executioner had had seen down that cross only this one spiraled him ain't nothing human about this because he you know look like a man twisted and mangled and why all sin all sickness all disease all at once and he went into hell like that singing tried everything it's in the 22nd psalm read it it's all in there all the words that he said hanging on the cross that people didn't hear or in there he latched on to that Psalm and he stayed on it all the way into hell all the way through hell and came out of hell on the 22nd song that's when he shouted my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and then the end of that Psalm is it is finished well Redemption wasn't finished at that moment there was there was another there's another three days of this thing so what was finished well for one thing he was he he was quoting that Psalm that said it is finished and he called things that be not as though they were and he went in there and finished this thing but the thing that was finished at that moment was the Abrahamic covenant the final sacrifice was hanging on the tree oh but then you go to the first chapter of the book of Hebrews and God starts talking whoa and he said God called him God and again I'll be a father to him and again he shall be my son and he raised him up out of there and while every devil in Hell was piled in on him and doing their best to annihilate him and he began to stand up the king of kings and the lord of law a born-again man defeated all of Hell by the power of the word and the Holy Ghost took his keys away I have the keys of hell and and he preached the gospel to all of the Old Covenant seats in the upper region of hell that's where paradise law no man had died and gone to hell our heaven at that time no man this is what was preached on the day of Pentecost amen most evangelistic message in the month hallelujah and he came up out of there did you realize tonight there is a man a born-again human man in the Godhead along with you and me no red meat God my my world was a-ok first Corinthians 2 when we'll get this read which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it forever they wouldn't had anything to do with crucifying this man because it cost them everything they had do you remember when when Satan was tempting Jesus and he said bow down before me and he showed him the kingdoms of the world and the glory there and he said all of this if you bow down before me all of this I'll give you for they are mine they have been given unto me and I give them to whomsoever I will well somebody said well yeah but he's a liar well if he'd been lying Jesus would have known it would been in temptation - now where'd he get it Adam gave it to it and it was his to give but guess what happened he spoiled principalities and powers triumphing over them in it hallelu tow spoil means to strip he stripped him he took his keys he took his armor he took everything he possessed everything Satan has zero he owns nothing nada nothing all the other hand Jesus the father has spoken unto us in these last days by his son whom he has appointed all things all things all things air of all thing and we are Julie there we have legal ownership to this earth we have legal ownership to the heavens we have legal ownership of everything God knows that Devon doesn't own anything he steals what he had don't let him have it I'm gonna get this read but as it is written I have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God prepared for them that love him now notice prepared for them that love him but oh go to God God has revealed them unto us by his revealed what all the thing that he has prepared for them that [Music] [Music] rejoice by faith rejoicing does not come save the Lord by some sort of feeling for the joy of the Lord is your strength joy is part of my spiritual Arsenal amen part of the fruit of the Spirit but if you will search my word say the Lord you will see that joy is a mighty weapon in the kingdom of darkness there is no defense for the joy of the Lord for pray stops and stills the enemy listen to my word rejoice rejoice rejoice when things don't look good rejoice [Music] when things are looking good rejoice when you sense and know my presence resource and when you can tell I'm there rejoice because I will never leave you nor forsake you even to the end of the ages [Music] [Applause] [Applause] learn to use my weapon of joy it's powerful it works it lifts you up it will hold you up and in times when your physical body feels like it cannot take one more step begin to rejoice by faith just begin to ring just this begin to speak with your mouth I have the joy of the Lord I rejoice I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord and I rejoice and I take the place never ever this is not me talking wait listen never ever ever tolerate grief I bore your griefs I carried your sorrows and my word says sorrow not for you are not a people without hope grief is not part of your life do not allow it one's place in your life don't give it one second it's not of me it is of the kingdom of darkness ah the joy [Music] when grief comes and grief transfers to take over and grief begins to attack you you said no I don't grieve I have the joy of the Lord the spirit of grief I have the spirit of life I know the spirit of life I walk in the spirit of life [Music] I spent four years in college and I graduate this year I was looking forward to retiring soon look at the economy I've lost all of my retirement people are being laid off right and left now what what if I can't even find a job in a world of uncertainty many people are living in fear but the Bible tells us that there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear are you walking in love or walking in fear Kenneth Copeland ministries presents the love factor living life without fear a teaching CD series through practical and insightful teaching Kenneth Copeland will show you the importance of love and how you've been born into a family of love don't let fear contaminate your faith remember you've not been given a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind factor in God's love and decide to live life without fear today to order your copy of Kenneth Copeland's teaching series the love factor living free from fear log on to KC MO org and order online or call 800-637-8170 when circumstances get rough joy gives you the ability to laugh in the devil's face when he starts trying to knock you off your faith joy gives you a kind of staying power that will make you a winner again and again make it a point to rejoice in the Lord always and there won't be anything that devil can do or say to steal your victory from you build your faith and be transformed by the Word of God the believers voice of victory is available on DVD or CD at KCMG org continue your studies with this week's product offer order your copy today and let these word based teachings help you live in victory receive God's grace of bounding toward you and live in the blessing [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 5,768
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, healing, kenneth copeland ministries, ken copeland, peace, victory, kenneth copeland, 4119431943001, word of god, praise
Id: Uz-6KjYTrRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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