IN THE SPIRIT: Brass for Gold (Part 3)(June 2,2017) Keith Moore

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in John 3 John 3 and verse 5 jesus answered and said verily verily I say to you talking to Nicodemus except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God this is where we we get the phrase born again and actually the if you look up the words that are translated that it's born from above and here Jesus is talking about it's born of the Spirit he said verse 6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the Spirit is spirit everybody say that out loud that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit now why would it be necessary to say this we we need to distinguish between flesh and spirit we need to distinguish between the two in the fourth chapter Jew just look over the maybe the next page four and twenty this is the account of the the Samaritan woman that Jesus talked to at the well verse 24 and 20 we're still not there yet chapter 4 verse 20 I believes what we're looking for he's he's talking about the woman is talking about worship and basically asking Jesus who's right either the Jewish people are the cement she said our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say you say to my Jewish people you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship verse 21 jesus said to her woman believe me the hour comes when you shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the father so basically she asked him who's right and in in one way he said neither one verse 20 22 you worship you know not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews 2-month the Old Covenant I'm not giving of the law and all these things and it is and the Messiah has come out of this verse 23 but the hour comes and now is you know I've heard some people say well you know Jesus didn't preach grace he was still preaching to people under the law that is not that's not true he didn't preach law he didn't teach law this is not law if he was teaching law he would have referred them to the Old Testament and the places and the ways to worship God with the offerings and sacrifices etc no he's introducing the new covenant and if you look at places like Matthew 5 he is definitely not teaching and preaching law he said it is written such-and-such but I say to you that's not teaching the law I'm just I'm just saying in different words the words of Jesus are for you right now honor them greatly listen to them feed on them do not relegate them to someone else and some other time he said the hour comes and now is when the true worshipers if you got true worshipers what other kind would you have not true false phony fake there is fake religion there is fake worship there is fake prayer there is fake faith the scripture talks about unfeigned faith in Timothy well unfeigned means pretend unfeigned would be not pretend we need to be aware that one of the main ways the enemy works is to substitute phony for real the enemy of our soul this is one of the main things he does the scripture tells us in Corinthians that he transforms himself into an angel of light the devil does and his and so does his ministers so the devil is never going to come to you as the devil if you're looking for some red being with horns and a pitchfork and a tail you never go see that he's gonna come to you like he's an angel like he's sent from God he's going to tell you lies and say God said it now no people don't like that but this is reality this is how it is he is the greatest actor there has ever been and the biggest liar there has ever been he's the father of lies so he's not a creator of anything good so what he does is he he copies he imitates and perverts good things in two twisted four we versions of the real but thank God the scripture says we're not ignorant of his devices hmm in y'all all here everybody okay what were we talking about verse 22 I believe it was right true thank you that's good true worshiper who said that yeah you did huh trace this where you need to be here tonight help me out true worshipers verse 23 the hours come now as from the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeks such to worship Him seeks what to worship Him why would he seek that I think he's been fed up with the phony junk and he's looking for and he wants some true real worshipers I don't have to say thank I know yes he has been fed up with religious junk man-made tradition and worship that there's no spirit in it it's just empty and dead and flesh he didn't want that I don't care how beautiful your facility is how big a word you use how many years you went to school you're not going to impress him right with some big show what's he looking for true true and what well it's a big part of the truth the hour comes an audience from the true worshipers shall worship Him high in spirit as opposed to the flesh and in truth truth for the father seeks such to worship in verse 24 God is a spirit he's not flesh now Jesus has a flesh and bone body now because he became a man and has been raised from the dead but the father is not flesh and the Holy Spirit is not flesh but there is a man at the right hand of Majesty on high Oh somebody say glory to God you know somebody in high places there's a man the man Christ Jesus hallelujah oh thank God thank God he calls you brother when he was raised from the dead you know when the first people that saw him he said I'm going to my father and your father and my god in your God oh my because of what he did I can you can call the Father father just like Jesus - he's not just our God he's our dead daddy somebody say daddy talk about Big Daddy he is the biggest Oh hallelujah sometimes only on the playground kids get into my daddy's bigger than your daddy my daddy can look your daddy well our debt it actually can for everybody we got the biggest daddy there's ever been and he's the best he's biggest he's best how do I touch a sermon I did preach what did I mean I actually preached a message didn't teach it I preached it to a bunch of guys one time who are in a rehab center and they'd come through a bunch of rough stuff and this was the title who's your daddy cuz a lot of them hadn't had a daddy but if you're born again you got one now I said you got one now no need for you to cry and feel sorry for yourself because you got the best daddy there's ever been and you got a daddy who will never leave you never forsake you do you believe it friend don't cry and feel sorry for yourself about to pass look forward look to the future somebody say I have a daddy I have be better be the biggest day the best day whoo make you wanna preach make you wanna make you want to preach go to the 6th chapter please John 6 John 6 and 63 jesus said this jesus said it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth insane prophets not too much it profits what not the flesh profits nothing the words I speak to you they're not flesh words they're Spirit words and they are life Oh hallelujah this is such a big revelation on identifying flesh from spirit flesh is dead I know this man you may not like to hear this but our our bodies are not alive like our spirits are our bodies actually have been completely affected by death and are in the process of dying I know that don't make you wanna shout run around but it's the truth and everything down here is dying because a man's sin and the devil's work death has permeated God's creation you know we look at all the some of the beautiful things in nature and marvel at them because even in its fallen condition there's still so much grandeur and beauty but the truth is it's nothing like it was originally created we're going to really see something later everything down here there's the cycle of birth and death birth and death and everything around you that has come into being is headed toward dying plants animals everything so the earth is filled with death death has passed upon all men for that all men have sinned come short of the glory of God but inside the born-again man or woman is not so the though the outward man perishes and decays 2nd Corinthians says the inward man is renewed day by day you may have been born again 40 years ago as far as aging toward decay you haven't aged a day since you were born again you should be developing you should be growing up but you will never grow old in your spirit people act old because a think oh and your body you keep living your body is going to get old but you don't have to be old in your spirit if you're not old in your spirit and you don't have to be old in your mind hmm you think old you'll talk old you'll act old then you'll feel the hoof it you drag around right no the inward man is what renewed day by day you should be getting stronger on the inside smarter wiser right on the inside and soon and very soon the Lord's going to fix your body so it can keep up with your spirit did you read in first Corinthians 15 where he says we're going to all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye we're going to be changed somebody said I'm going to be changed I'm going to be changed well you already been changed on the inside old things have passed away behold all things became new your new creation in Christ but your body's going to be changed oh do you believe it Saints do you believe there's coming today not too long from now your body is going to be changed and this mortal will become immortal and this corruptible body will become incorruptible incorruptible means it's no longer subject to being weakened or decaying in any way immortal means it is no longer subject to dying you don't look good too you can make it a few days till you finish up your course run your race don't be in a hurry you know you want to make sure you do what you're putting down here to do do your job finish your job finish your course finish your race is going it's gonna pass quickly anyway if you live to be 105 110 120 it's going you're gonna look up and it's gonna be time to go this thing is passing by so quickly but there's a giant difference between the flesh and the spirit the spirit can be quickened and full of life and the flesh can fill like 40 miles of muddy road the flesh can feel low and old and draggy and weak and tired because everything around you is that way everything around us is decaying and dying that's when you need quickening the inner man can and does affect the outer man you can be quickened so much inside that it affects your flesh you can even be healed this way in is this okay John 6:63 read it again Jesus said it's the spirit that quickens the flesh profits nothing the words I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so we're talking about discerning and distinguishing that with your spirit from that which is flesh this is one of the best identifiers I know of that which is the spirit is quickening life-giving reviving that which is the flesh is dulling and deadening if something is done in the flesh there's no quickening there's no reviving there's no life to it it's just flat and dead and dull and wearying and the more you do it in the flesh the more where you get I see people shaking their heads all over I know you know we have done entirely too much stuff just in the flesh without apart from the directing of the Spirit and the quickening of the Spirit but when we do things the way the spirit directs if it's in the spirit the spirits in it what spirit the spirit of life the spirit that raised Christ from the dead and when you're doing things with him and in him even if your flesh feels tired your spirits going to be quickened and you get enough of that it's going to affect your body too and your mind too you know not just people think church is no fun that's just because you're not doing it right people think praying is no fun that's because you're not doing it right people think reading your Bible is no fun is drudgery it's just because you're doing it just in the flesh when you do it in the spirit it's a whole nother thing there's quickening there's reviving there's life Oh hallelujah you know some people bless their hearts this is just ignorance but they are enamored and infatuated with death I like I like motorcycles always have I mean from the time I mean when I was 13 some of my friends had pictures of movie stars on their bedroom wall I had a picture of a motorcycle there was this guy riding this this new bike and his hair was in the wind I thought that's it that's it right there yeah but you know and I like American motorcycles and and I like Harley's and Indians that kind of thing and but a lot of guys they want to paint skulls on everything and some of the clothes I was looking at a jacket the other day and I really liked it and said like a fan on the shoulder had a big skull on it I thought I'm not wearing that skull why what does the skull represent death skull crossbones people are into I you know I don't want to call any names but they're into death and talking about death and darkness and get tattoos that represent it and why you are as a born-again Christian you are not a child of death you are not a child of the darkness you're a child of the light and you're a child of Resurrection and a child of life there's a reason why this is not popular in the world death and cursing and in skulls and all that is popular in the world why because of the god of this world why is it resurrection popular why is it life popular because that's not what the god of this world wants to do that's not what he's pushing he has no life to give hallelujah read it one more time John 6:63 it's the spirit that quickens the flesh profits nothing jesus said the words I speak unto you they are spirit and they are like how many believe there are you awake how many believe Jesus preached no dead sermons not a one never I mean you know the the twelve and others were with him for three plus years day and night how many things never did they come home after a meeting and service and John look at Peter or some of them say well that was a good I mean you know he usually does pretty good but that was no no his words were and always our life their spirit and their life and even when you don't realize it they're putting something into you quickening you illuminating you enlightening you strengthening you hallelujah so how many have a desire for your own words to be more and more that way let's get away from a bunch of dull dead stuff the Bible said in Ephesians don't let any corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying are building up there's a whole lot of stuff you can say to people your friends and family and everybody else it may be something is going on it may be a fact but it's not edifying and if you bring it up they might have just got their mind off of it a bad thing I'm talking about and then you bring it back up and they're fighting depression or anxiety or whatever it is we need to not just say everything that crosses our mind because words that are just spoken randomly and in the flesh are dead and deadening and dulling can you see this even though it may be glaring that this is going on we need to look for words that are going to minister peace look for words that are going to minister life and usually there's way too many people talking the problem already the Lord needs somebody like you to come in and say something else don't talk about the problem talk about the answer don't talk about how bad it is talk about how easy it is for God to change the situation right how quickly we can come out talk about how he brought you out and brought other people out right get encouraged get built up God will give you words that are his words that instead of pulling down and dragging down and discouraging and hindering they'll actually quick and lift up this I just thank God continuously that I have the privilege of handling his holy words that I have the privilege and the honor the opportunity for being under his anointing they're both publicly and privately it happens all the time I'm I don't claim that I've done it all perfectly all the time but but just on a regular basis there'll be something come up and I'm looking for those words I'm looking for from him anybody know what I'm talking about there's all kind of stuff you can say but is it going help is it going to hurt is it going to make any difference or make no difference just be dead empty flesh stuff and again and again God's so faithful he'll give me something to say hallelujah he'll give me an example or he'll give me a testimony or give me a verse or a truth of some kind and it is so wonderful to begin to say it a lot of times when it's from the Lord it's life and when you bring it up immediately you see people the light of people's eyes begin to brighten up they begin to straighten up a little bit they begin to unfold like a flower hallelujah to the light or to the rain and that is a joy not only is that for preachers that's for every believer that's for every child of God that's for you and your family that's for you and your spouse you and your friends life and death is in the power of the tongue said out loud I speak the words of life not death words of quickening not dulling I speak words of peace words of grace words of rest and restoration the Spirit of God in me gives them to me and I speak them hallelujah you're a life speaker not a death speaker thanks be to God hallelujah my my hadn't got the point one yet uh go please to Romans twelve I mentioned last time we spoke on this that I am making references to brother Kenneth Hagin seniors book in this series his book entitled plans purposes and pursuits if you don't know about this book I encourage you you don't hear me say this all the time but I'd encourage you to check it out go to Kenneth Hagin ministries and their ministry and get it and feed on it it he describes in the book a visitation from the health church and tremendous revelation along this line Phyllis and I had the privilege of working and helping assisting brother Hagin senior and miss Aretha for over 20 years and we were had opportunity to observe them very closely on a daily basis for years and I believe if he said the Lord appeared to him I believe it I've seen I've seen fruit I've seen the results and you just need to judge it first of all by the Word of God and secondly by what you get in your spirit but if the head of the church did appear to him and telling these things and they are from the Word of God then we need to not ignore them he said that the this was a few days before their annual count meeting that was held and still is still held every year at that time it was held downtown Tulsa at the Convention Center and he was awakened in the nighttime he said and got the praying and as he got to pray and he prayed for some length of time I guess hours and he said all at once he was caught it was two or three days in the future with the Lord standing in the convention center at the top of it looking down on the people and the Lord talked to him about a number of things now we see this in the New Testament did Jesus appear to Paul and others did numerous times this happens it doesn't happen for everybody all the time you could go your whole life and never have Jesus appear to you wouldn't mean your unspiritual he does these things for specific reasons and this was for the body not just for this believer brother Hagin and one of the things I will read some exact quotes about this he said as he and the master Jesus were up in the top of the Convention Center looking down on a service that hadn't happened yet time with him is not how we think he knows the end from the beginning and when when the Lord let me go see my dad after he died he allowed me to see him and one of the things that puzzled me the most when that experience was over is time I talked to my dad about things that haven't happened yet and when when the experience was over I couldn't remember what they were for one reason they haven't happened yet but I talked to him about things that haven't happened yet as though they had already happened I'm still scratching my head of it but when you're with him I'm sure you're experiencing time as he does and he said he's the one who was and is and is to come how can you be all that at the same time we're gonna find out but anyway brother Hagin said he was with the Lord two or three days in the future that I ain't seeing a service that hadn't happened yet and when it did happen he said it out in just the way he saw it does the Lord know the end from the beginning I know it's amazing but he is amazing and he said imma read this to you and again you can get the book it's available to everybody from from their ministry the Titleist plans purposes and pursuits by Kenneth Hagin senior he said that Jesus and I were standing above the crowd brother Hagin wrote it down he said as Jesus and I were standing above the crowd talking he said to me in this charismatic move Christians have brought the Brass of the world into the temple of the Lord as a substitute ught for pure gold therefore I can only bless my people so far because they've substituted brass for gold they've brought the clapping and the dancing of the world into the temple he mentioned two specific things clapping and dancing Jesus continued he said when you come into the New Testament you find that all praise and worship is to be done in the spirit in the spirit does that line up with the scriptures well we've just read the father seeks such they that worship Him must must worship Him how how in spirit and in truth in spirit and in truth now this phrase they've brought the brass of the world into the temple of the Lord as a substitute for pure gold is a reference to Scripture go with me to first Kings 6 we'll look at it if the head of the church really said this I believe you did we should take it seriously we should seek to understand what he's talking about first Kings 6 and verse 20 describes the building of temple now the temple is a type of the church in those days the house of God was constructed from by plan from heaven by anointed people out of the best materials you could get and then they put the ark of the presence inside there in the Holy of Holies and the presence of God was in the temple but when Jesus went to across and judgment fell on him the veil that separated the Holy of Holies from everybody else the common was torn into hallelujah thus signifying that now access is available to all who come by the blood of the Lamb and now instead of the Lord dwelling in temples made with men's hands the temple of God is constructed of living stones of which you are one and I am one hallelujah and this living temple is in dwelled by his living spirit nothing dead about it nothing dead about it but we can learn so many things by looking at this type of the living temple today because all these things that happen in the Old Testament don't need don't neglect your Old Testament the only things are beautiful and detailed types of the spiritual there are ways of understanding the spiritual it goes on to say here in constructing the temple the Oracle in the four part was twenty cubits in length twenty cubits in breadth twenty cubits and the height thereof did you notice they didn't just do it just any way that everybody thought they didn't vote on what people thought how you ought to do it they got to plan from above and he overlaid it with pure gold everybody say pure gold and so covered the altar which was of cedar so let's keep meeting for a few verses here over the next four or five verses so he overlaid the house within with what pure gold he made a partition by the chains of gold before the Oracle and he overlaid it with what gold kiri the whole house he overlaid with gold until he had finished all the so the whole altar that was by the Oracle he overlaid with gold everybody say gold gold a lot of folks would walked in the angle this is this is too gaudy this is too uh this just makes me sick this could have been this could have been given to the poor mm-hmm with if you look at what it costs to build this billions you can add it up what what David saved up and gave and what the elders gave you can add up billions what this house cost now I guess it's the most important thing with the Lord was saving money he had told him to do in a different way could he have told him to do a different way this is how he told them to do this send out loud all this gold was God's idea he's the one said do it this way gold gold gold gold within the Oracle he made to Jared cherubims of Allah treats ten cubits I keep going for the next thermal verses five cubits the wing of one cherub five cubits the wing of the other chair notice not inches cubits and from the uttermost part of the one wing to the other most part of the other was 10 cubits that's a cubits what about 18 inches of thing and the other cherub was 10 cubits both the cherubim were a 1 measure in one size symmetrical Phylis like symmetrical and the height of the one cherub 10 cubits and it was of the other chair and he sent the cherubs within the inner house and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubim so that the wing of the one touched the one wall the wing of the other chair touched the other wall and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house perfection and he overlaid the cherubims with oh go Smurfs they go oh is this a lot of gold is this a lot of go he's not done he carved all the walls of the house roundabout carved figures of cherubims and palm trees and opened flowers within and without a lot of things were going to see in heaven you you've seen some of it on the earth God's taste is in the earth he made this and I believe we'll see some things we hadn't seen either and the floor of the house surely not the floor not the floor he overlaid with what gold floor go for with him and without there's a whole lot of gold for the entering of the Oracle he made doors of olive tree lintel and side posts a fifth part of the wall two doors were of olive tree carved with carvings of cherubims palm trees open flowers and he overlaid them with what gold and he spread gold on the chairman's and on the palm trees gold gold gold gold gold somebody say gold skip to the seventh chapter verse 48 748 first king 748 Solomon made all the vessels now that was the structure now here's the furnishings wonder what we gonna make them out of Solomon made all the vessels that pertain to the house of the Lord the altar of gold the table of gold we're on the showbread was keep going first next verse and the candlesticks we make them out of pure gold five on the right side five on the left before the Oracle the flowers the lamps and the tongs what do you make your your grill utensils with you want to make them out of gold - go go go what do I make the shovel to get the coals up go God said I want a gold shovel I want gold tongues I want a gold altar I want gold candlesticks I want a gold floor I won't go and then some people get mad because you had a little gold thing around your finger a little gold thing in your pocket or with her have you looked at the book of Revelation one time you see the master he's got a band of gold that comes across his chest so if you got a problem with gold you better get over it [Applause] God likes go he made gold he likes gold God has been lied on he's been misrepresented by religious people who don't know him he's been portrayed as being ways he is not one thing we know about him we took my Big Daddy rocket Big Daddy let's go and the bowls and the snuffer's and the bosons and the spoon spoons will you make them out of and this sensors pure gold and the hinges not two hinges the door hinges gold for both doors of the inner house most only place for the doors of the house to wick of the temple glory to God so has ended all the work that the King Solomon made for the house of the Lord and Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated even the silver and the gold and the vessels he put him among the treasures of the house of the Lord so the house was built out of gold and all the stuff that was in the house was made out of pure gold that all sit on a pure gold floor Gold doors gold hinges gold gold gold and when it says pure gold he's talking about not gold you'd find everywhere a gold it was refined beyond normal gold that you'd the people traded pure gold now skip to the fourteenth chapter and you'll see what the Lord was referring to talking to brother Hagin that that night in the fourteenth chapter after the temple had been built after all these things were made out of gold after all the vessels and articles were made of gold and put in there in the 14th chapter in the 21st verse first Kings 1421 real Boehm the son of Solomon reigned in Judah this is only a couple of generations from what we read reborn was 40 in 1 years when he began to reign and he reigned 17 years in Jerusalem City which the Lord did choose out of all the tribes of Israel to put his name there his mother's name was namma and amman itis keep going and Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins which they had committed above all that their fathers had done for they built them high places and images and groves under every high hill under every green tree these were places where they worshiped false gods gods other than the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob there were also sodomites in the land they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel know and enjoy attention to this they wanted to be like the other nations they wanted to do like the other people were doing and God has never intended that his people be the same as the people of the world we're supposed to be different very different from the people who he warned them prior to this he warned them through his prophets he warned them in the giving of the law not to go after the gods of other nations not to do what they do and practice what they practice if they did it would destroy them well they did it here they are verse 25 he came to pass in the fifth year of King real boy that's not long five years shy Shaq king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem they were attacked by Egypt and what'd he do what did he do people had heard about all that gold hmm he took away the treasures of the house of the Lord and the treasures of the King's house he even took away all he took away the shields of gold which Solomon had made and King Rehoboam made in their stead what brazen are brass shields and committed them to the hands of the chief of the guard which kept the door of the King's house and it was so when the King went into the house of the Lord the guard bare them and brought them back in to the guard chamber why why would you take them out every time you wind brass especially from a distance looks like go hmm and if you don't want people looking at too close you take it out when you come back in put it back in they replaced the gold with brass did God say wanting stuff made out of brass no he wanted made out of gold go with me please to Romans the twelfth chapter Romans chapter 12 now what brother Hagin said the Lord told him I'm gonna read it to you again you're going to Romans 12 correct he said Jesus said to him the master said to him as they were standing above the crowd looking at the service the people were clapping and he said the Lord said in this charismatic move Christians have brought the brass of the world into the temple of the Lord as a substitute for pure gold they've brought the clapping and the dancing of the world into the temple and we'll read some other of the phrases that he said he said the Lord said this to him in continuing he said clapping is neither praise nor worship now there's a lot of people would disagree with that today wouldn't Dead say clapping is pret let's give the Lord a hand right let's give the Lord a hand let's praise him well either the Lord said that or he didn't clapping is neither praise nor worship to clap is to applaud and he said the world claps jesus said to me Saints praise you you could go buy a bar or a club or a game and see and hear people clapping tonight you won't see them lifting up their hands right and praising and worshipping that's the world versus the church that's the flesh versus the spirit do any talk about these things if the head of the church said this now if you weren't with us last time we talked about this we went through a number of scriptures on clapping there's really only one verse 1 in the entire Bible that says anything about clapping the hands in any connection that could be interpreted as praise and it says clap your hands all you people shouting the God with a voice of triumph but not all clapping is applause and if the Lord said clapping is not praise then it's not this Psalm is addressed to the musician and there is clapping in a song well with me clap your hands all you peoples child into God little boy slipped ride is that applause is that praise well the Lord said it wasn't uh brother Hagin gave a good example after this experience that I thought it was good he said there could be a case of a little boy on Christmas Day whose father gives him the present that he's been won't know hear and he opens the present and there it is and he's ecstatic with joy and he's clapping his hand going yay yay yay is he praising his father no he's expressing his excitement he's expressing his joy but that's not the same as praising his father not with me friends there's not he said the Lord told him and I'm quoting there's not one scripture in the New Covenant about clapping there is scripture about lifting up holy hands well if a man or a woman did something that we approve of should we go I praise you I worship you ah that's too much I said that's too much for a man or a woman if that's too much for a man or woman than this is not enough for our Lord and our God can you see this but why would the Lord bring it up why would it even be an issue because it's a replacement it's in the way of the real if you're doing this there's something you're not doing it's brass taking the place of gold if you're doing this you're not doing this it's a shallow fleshy thing when God's looking for a real spirit things is this alright since Jesus said to me said the world claps Saints praise Saints praise brother Hagin talked about he said you'll see times where maybe there's a message given in tongues and interpretation or a prophecy or there is ministry and the gifts of the Spirit and right in the middle of it people start clapping and you can't hear the prophecy anymore well if the Spirit is inspiring the clapping he's interrupting himself I can't be right interrupting what the Spirit of God is saying with clapping and applause is irreverent it's disrespectful now we can clap for people so I said give brother so-and-so a hand you can do that nothing wrong with that if you want to clap for something that showed your approval but how many can see it's not enough to call it praise to call it worship that which ought to be attributed to God give them to him do you want the real do we got to get the phony out of the way because it's taking the place of the real I've seen it many times the Spirit of God would begin to move I've seen sometimes 5,000 people start clapping and you think oh man it's in the way it's just a bunch of flesh stuff when what if everybody had done this and really started worshipping and really if there was praise it's coming out of their mouth from their heart no phone eNOS no junk a deeper level of respect can you see this they would have immediately been a stronger move of the Spirit that's how it works there's too much lightness there's too much flesh anybody will learn about this set out that father God open minds show me what is flesh what is spirit what pleases you what doesn't please I ask it in Jesus Harlen are you willing to be instructed are you willing to be corrected me too amen me too now let's let's talk some more about this in Romans 12 are you there you got a few minutes Romans 12 and 1 and 2 verse 1 and 2 he said I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service of the translations say worship instead of service and what be not conformed to this world but be what transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God the brother Haga said the Lord told him people my people have brought in the brass of the world and they've substituted it instead of the gold the brass of the world we should not look to the ungodly and the unsaved for how to do things should we we should not let me read some other translations of this today's English version says do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world the NIV says do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world the new century says don't change yourselves to be like the people of this world Weymouth says don't follow the customs of this present age listen to the message put that one up please the message don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking instead fix your attention on god you'll be changed from the inside out readily recognize what he wants from you quickly respond to it unlike the culture around you always dragging you down to its level of immaturity God brings the best out of you develops well-formed maturity in you the world's way should not be our way the master also mentioned dancing there's dancing in the flesh and there's dancing in the spirit and I've heard people say we need to bring the arts into the church do it the arts that people are talking about where were they developed in the world bringing the arts so you see choreographed dancing and you see any number of things this is not dancing in the spirit this is dancing in the flesh and some of the the tight skimpy outfits that some of the dancers wear I assure you a lot of the men in the congregation are not in the spirit watching can we talk real kill me I know that the lerz there's a lot of folks that do this but everything we do we need to examine it and ask ourselves where did we get this did we get it from the word did we get it from God is this his way or did we take this from the world and put a couple of scriptures on it you know there's there's places a lot of places the moment you begin to try to praise God turn all the lights off ah why where did this come from this is how they do it in a worldly concert is it and number of folks use smoke machines well they're instances when the glory of God came in and looked like smoke and the cloud came in this is as clear as example as you can get of a worldly brass I don't want a smoke machine I want the glory of God and people's what's wrong with a smoke machine it can be a substitute for the real thing I got nobody in mind I'm not against anybody I'm full-time job taking care of myself but I've had to decide and Phyllis and I've had to decide which way we're going to lead the churches right and what we're going to do and we're cautioned not to be led away by every wind of doctrine and not by every fashionable wave of Fame and if we'll be honest with ourselves so many of these things if you look at the world it's just like what they do that's just how they do it we should be different how many would agree with that at least we should be different from the world and how many would agree you're not going to reach the world with the world's waves they already got that you're trying to be like them why do they want to be like you we should be different ministry is not supposed to be entertainment it's something much higher much deeper much greater and although I said you know we can give each other a hand on things I don't think it's appropriate if somebody's doing something by the anointing let's say you there's a singer or a player and they sing a song and it's really worshiping God and the anointing is strong when they finish I do not believe it's appropriate to clap for them because you want to acknowledge there's something more than them going on here the Holy Spirit was on that the anointing was on that so it's time to lift your hands as ever and you're not lifting your hands to the man or woman that did it you're lifting your hands to the God who anointed them sing like that play like that preach like that coming in listening to me you take guys off the man off the woman and glorify the God who brought the anointing hallelujah I don't believe this is trivial stuff it's not about just being technical about what you do or you don't this is key I've seen it I've experienced it to a greater move of the Holy Spirit I've seen it I've experienced it the moment you start showing him more respect you get rid of the world substitutes and do the real thing you'll sense the presence of God immediately come up stronger are you hungry for these things hallelujah don't copy the behavior and customs of the world everything we do we need to examine it metal not us judging anybody else any of the trip to must judging ourselves everything we do let's look at it let's ask yourself the question where'd I get that when when I when did I start doing that who did I see do that and where did it come from I don't want to take some brass thing that's a substitute for pure gold I don't want to substitute some fleshy empty entertainment intellectual thing for the real move of the Holy Spirit hallelujah for illumination and revelation and miracles no no no let the world keep their job we don't need their job tell me their ways of doing stuff we don't we don't we shouldn't go to the world to learn how to do ministry or how to do Church or how to do anything and I'll say something else [Laughter] we should not look to Jewish customs or to Old Testament ways of worship because they worshipped in the flesh we're supposed to be provoking non-believing Jewish people to be like us if they see us wanting to do everything like film and trying to pattern after them no Jesus said people worshiped in the flesh in the Old Covenant New Testament believers are to do so in the spirit in the spirit there's quickening in the spirit there's life you can tell you can tell when it's some kind of old dead form of stuff takes people too long to get ready to do it and you're sitting anything and okay okay okay and then when they do it it's like okay and if you look around everybody thinks this is great and everybody's trying to convince each other yeah this is something this is good this is good but it's dead it's dull it's empty but if that's all you're ever around and that's the way it is in the world people can think well this is it no there's something more there's something much more it is the very real anointing of the Holy One and it will quicken you and you talk about a buzz you talk about a high I'm telling you the real thing what you've had some real you got no time for the other stuff you just feel like no thank you none for me I want some more real oh there's nothing nothing like the Holy Spirit moving and manifesting in you and onion and a rail there's nothing nothing even comparisons the world's got none of this Jesus even said about his peace he said my peace I give not like the world gives you can't find this in the world there is no religion knowing where you can find real peace I don't care what they say if they have it Jesus lied and he didn't you can't find it in the world we don't need to go to the world we've got what the world needs we found every believer has found what the world is so desperate hungry for they keep trying all this different stuff and you'll never satisfy you go from one thing one through the next to the next to the next and you'll always be a new fad and then always be a new thing that people are doing and don't don't mock don't judge that's not what I'm talking about don't do it but you can know for yourself there's something else there's the real ha men who you hallelujah Oh hallelujah just lift up your hands and give thanks to God Lord we praise you we bless you we give you glory we give you thanks we honor you our great God go ahead and stand up on your feet Lord we honor you we give you glory come on lift your hands lift your hands Lord we worship you we give you glory he said I will that me and pray everywhere lifting up holy hands so do what you do what the scripture said do what the Bible said lift up your hands don't be ashamed hallelujah and now lift up your voice and say I praise your God I with reach down inside and show him the greatest respect show him the greatest honor more than you show any any man or woman in the world I show I honor you oh god I worship you Oh God I don't worship men I worship you I worship you you have the ultimate place in my life oh God I worship you honoring Lord forever
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 2,960
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, faith, love, joy, God, Jesus
Id: EZ7mm2_KPuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 9sec (4449 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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