IN THE SPIRIT: For God or Man (Part 2) (May 19, 2017) Keith Moore

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would you go please - John gospel account of John chapter 3 I made an adjustment from last week we were on the subject called being filled with the spirit but I believe we should start a new series that connects to that we're not really changing gears too much but but enough to warrant a different series and that is big actually it's not beginning tonight it began last week yeah I'm just acknowledging what happened and so we're calling it in the spirit in the spirit and our new texts will be here in John 3 and John 4 that we got into last week John 3 are you there John 3 and verse 5 jesus said he answered verily verily I say to you except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God let's just stop right here this contradicts all kinds of religious Christian teachings you getting into the kingdom of God is not based on how good a person you are and if you've been how bad you've been or how good you've been and this is this this religious idea of you getting to the gates of heaven and seeing Peter and seeing if they're going to let you in or not based on if you did more good than bad is junk has nothing to do with reality no you must be born again you don't earn your way into the family of God you're born into the family of God the boy just like you were born into this world but he said you got to be born of water and of the Spirit said out loud and of the Spirit unless you do you can't you can't can't enter the kingdom of God keep reading that which is born of the flesh is flesh that's this right here but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit I hear people say well you know I I was a surprise my mom and dad weren't expecting me you weren't a surprise to God I wouldn't even supposed to be here said who well yeah but it was this and it was a even I'm here as the result of a crime I'm here as a result of this or that those human beings were involved in the creation of your body right they didn't create your spirit and they didn't they sure weren't the authors of the new creation the new birth and the Lord knew the end from the beginning who was going to be his and who was not so it might have surprised a lot of people but didn't surprise him he saw you coming and he was ready for we need to distinguish though between flesh and spirit and that's what what we're into right now and what I'd like for you to believe with me everybody in in Branson and everybody watching with us online believe with me that we get revelation you and me we get revelation of what is flesh and what is spirit because in my few years in the ministry I see that this is sadly lacking and walking and I want to know a whole lot more about it myself said out loud that which is born of the flesh is what is flesh and say the rest of it and that which is born of the Spirit is what can you see this is the master speaking now this is Jesus he's making a very definite differentiation between flesh and spirit look at the fourth chapter if you would chapter 4 verse 20 still in John John 4:20 this is the account of the woman at the well of Samaria and she said to him our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say so in other words her folks didn't agree with that you say Jewish folks say that in Jerusalem is a place where men ought to worship so there was a religious controversy about where you should worship amongst these two groups of people Samaritans and Jewish people and that kind of thing is still going on today how you should be baptized hmm the physical process and the things that are said and what makes you a member and what makes you not and what is a sin and what is a bad Sam what is it not so bad thing huh friend one of the greatest things that have helped Phyllis in myself is the revelation we got through brother Kenneth Hagin his ministry he's in heaven now but it's not something he did say it many times but it's something that he portrayed and lived that the word the written word is the final authority for everything in your life it is the standard against which everything must be measured and checked I grew up in church I had relatives that were ministers and and I was around a lot of things but that wasn't the way it was in my life and it wasn't the way it was in their life you say what no it wasn't people have elevated the church above the word people have elevated their traditions passed down beliefs passed down dot denominational positions and people will get adamant with you go well I got a right to my beliefs not if you're a Christian if you're not a Christian and a pointless talking but if you are if you're a Christian you don't have a right to just make up what you want to believe and leave anything you want to believe the head of the church has told you what to believe it's in this book and he's giving you the author of the book to live in you to remind you of what he said to bring it to your remembrance and to lead you into all truth and the truth will make you free well if the truth will make you free what will last it to you they'll bind you they will bind you so please if you haven't got that settled meditate on it it's worth a lot of your time and effort one of the reasons we talk about reading a chapter every day around here is because you if you don't know what the word says you're easily deceived easily easily tripped up easily misled I don't care who you hear preach including me if you can't find it in this book in multiple places do not decide it's true you need to be questioning what you hear anybody remember when was it back in the was in the 70s or that the the wind is commercial hahaha so that seventies or eighties that where the the older lady would direct come through the drive-through and she was going to places other than Wendy's and she'd look and there was this tiny little beef patty and she said where's the beef where's the beef and of course at Wendy's they had to be so you need to be like that where is the scripture where's the word where is it where is it somebody tells you all this is the way it is I you know I had a vision I heard a voice well where's the scripture where is the scripture hmm and if you can't find the scripture do not accept it as truth I don't care how spectacular it is I don't care how many million people believe it people say we'll a billion people can't be wrong oh honey a billion people can't be wrong the majority is almost always wrong and the master said there is a broad way that leads to destruction and there are many well that's the majority that are going down there and where are they going oh they sure they're on the right track but they are going off into destruction Jesus said and there is a a straight and a narrow way people so we all are just narrow-minded and saved well I believe that all paths lead to God will you believe a bunch of junk you believe a lie I believe there's just all these different ways of going to the same God you believe lies people said there are many ways uh-huh jesus said there is one way he is the way the way either believe it or you know and again you come back to this what you standard oh I'm so thankful I'm so thankful that the Lord has allowed us to find out the truth that would get us saved not just saved past this life but saved in this life and allow us to live a life of victory right here and right now John 4:20 are you there Jesus she said our fathers worshiped in this mountain you say in Jerusalem's place where men ought to worship and she wants to get in a religious theological discussion with Jesus about what who's right whose write us I think we are are you guys verse 21 jesus said to her woman believe me the hour comes when you shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the father so who's right he said well the times is here that neither one of you is ready you worship you know not what that don't sound good does it you don't know what you do it we know what we worship salvation is of the Jews it is the covenant with Abraham is that right we read about it he said what the Iowa comes and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth now we should not try to worship like they did in the Old Covenant well listening to what's he saying is he saying something differents happening now different from what not just what the Samaritans were doing but what the Jewish people had done to is it so what he's saying or not you see people that try to resurrect and apply to the church Old Testament worship but the truth is they worshipped in the flesh for the most part because they were not born again that which is born of the flesh is flesh they lose somebody that which is born of the Spirit is spirit he said the hour has come and now is well if it was come then is certainly that way it's been that way since then true worshipers why would you say true worshipers because not everybody this worshippin is doing true worship you can pray and absolutely waste your time you can worship and it not get out beyond your mouth but we don't want to do that we don't want phony stuff we want the truth the real true worshipers shall worship the father how not just at the correct geographic location not just with the correct phrases not just with the correct stance that's flesh that's natural he said the time has come is coming and it is here when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeks such to worship Him the father wants this confer would you say that because for centuries most of what he's had is flesh and he blessed people the best he could but he's a living being and dead spirits offering up fleshy stuff he's not going to do much for him now people loved him and they had faith in what they were doing even in the Old Testament he received that love he received that faith and if they would do what he told him there was a covenant that he could bless them but it was flesh it was flesh it was natural it was just mostly that but now there's a new covenant established upon better promises and one of the greatest things that makes this New Covenant so much better is that we have been born again and our spirits are alive to God and the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit does not just come on one in a million as a deliverer or a prophet the Holy Spirit is comes in every believer and if you'll yield to him we'll fill you every believer and every believer can is born of the spirit and can be filled with the spirit and can praise in the spirit and give thanks in the spirit and worship in the spirit and pray in the spirit and get drunk in the spirit and speak mysteries in the spirit and build yourself upon your whole most holy faith in the spirit somebody say in the spirit in the spirit in the spirit as opposed to what just doing stuff in the flesh there's a big difference between Old Testament and New Testament Old Testament prayer Testament worship Old Testament praise big difference I'm not saying nobody was anointed under the Old Testament because they were and the songs you got the book of the Psalms 150 of those they were given by inspiration and the anointing came on everybody say own people like David to do some of these things but they're not born again nobody could be born again till after Jesus came to the cross and rose from the dead none of them are born again none of them is alive to God none of them the Spirit of God is living in them 24/7 he'd come on them to be a deliverer come on them to prophesy come on them but what's available to us was not available to them we live in a greater day hi there there yet we have so much available to us but I'm sure most of the church is not walking in the fall on the side but we can I said we can he said can't keep breathing here verse 24 God is a spirit and they that worship Him if you're going to if you're going to really worship Him true worship you must do it there is no other way if it's going to be real you must worship Him how in spirit and in truth and I know when you hear the phrase in spirit in the spirit a lot of folks that just sounds mystical and and I don't know what you're talking about believe with me that as this this develops the series it's going to become plain plain God's not making things complicated he's not hiding things for us come on sit out live father God we ask open our eyes give us revelation understanding how to practically do these things walk in the spirit pray in the spirit worship in the spirit show us what it is what it means how to do it make it plain to us we ask it in Jesus name all right you believe it when it's not supposed to be a mystery not supposed to be confusing it's not something for a few super spiritual folks to do this is for every believer God's a spirit guess what so are you what's a spirit you is one you you are one that's what you are you're not a mind you're not a body you hear people talk about folks that have left this life and they say where you know come up the body they said where did they put them well they're buried over there no they're not no they're not when they died what that means is they left their body just like pulling a hand out of a glove and there's still them they didn't turn into something else but they're not there you are not your body your body is the house you live in your brain is not you it's the physical organ your mind expresses itself through your mind is not your brain your minds part of your eternal being you'll have your mind one hundred thousand years from now and beyond and there's no limit to what you can learn or what you can understand you are created in the likeness and image of Almighty God your potential from learning and for learning and understanding is unlimited you and I will be able to learn and understand throughout the ages to come amazing hmm don't limit yourself for you you get into something that's it seems challenging to you young people you're in school older people went back to school whatever the case might be don't say I I'm just not good at that kind of thing do you need to do it then quit shooting yourself in the foot you need to say the Spirit of the Lord is on me he makes me I'm quoting Isaiah now he makes me a quick understanding in the fear of the Lord somebody said I thought he makes me of quick understanding and if something seems challenging to you put your words and release your faith and say I can learn anything I need to learn right I can get it but when you start talking about how hard it is how hard it is how hard it is guess what it's going to be hard and it is going to get harder and it's not because you can't learn it and it's not because you're dumb and it's not because you're not smart enough you've got the one inside you who knows everything about everything and if you let him help you jesus said the reason he's sitting he said he's gonna teach you all things he's gonna guide you into all the truth he's gonna bring all things do you remember somebody say I have help I have big help I have major help but you got to work with him don't let you were to beast out against him invite him in with your words hmm something comes up you may need to sit under your breath I have help big helper you'll be tempted to go this is hard bite your lip bite your lip and say I can get it I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I'm quick I'm bright I'm shark I'm good-looking I'm a major blessing very rich get your words working for you instead of against you I mean your intellect will blossom in this it'll unfold well you know my brain is getting old now I think I've stuck something in almost every cell and it's about four just leave a bunch of junk yeah your brain is not your mind your brains not even your mind when do we get into leg we'll be talking about spirit and flesh people get to thinking yeah I've seen people say they they they had a picture of a brain or a cadaver brain when they said would you look at this all of the amazing compositions of music and literature have come out of these two or three pounds of grey matter oh it did not no it did not no it's a physical organ that's flesh it came anything good came from God it came into your spirit and came up out of your spirit and illuminated your mind and the brain just helped you to express what was in your mind through this physical body into this physical realm in John 4 let's keep going God is a spirit they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth thank you Lord go to the sixth chapter please John six Jesus was telling them about him being the bread of life and he said I am verse 35 by John 6:35 I am the bread of life he that comes to me shall never hunger he that believes on me shall never thirst and skip on down to verse 60 he told them that that his flesh was food and his blood was drink and if you didn't drink his blood and eat his flesh you didn't have life in you and like we said last time he lost most of the crowd they said this is nuts many therefore of his disciples when they heard how many of them many of them they said this is a hard saying who can hear this stuff verse 61 jesus knew it in himself that his disciples who these are not just ministers his disciples that have been following him for months maybe years they when he knew as the South was murmured he said to them does this offend you he doesn't help you could say he made it worse he said does it oh you're upset oh you don't like this does this offend you and what it is you see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before what are they all thinking he's lost it he's the bread from heaven now he came down from heaven now he's going back Jesus said it's the spirit that quickens the flesh come on say it profits what nothing the words I speak to you are spirit and they are life Oh hallelujah let me read this to you from some other translations Young's literal says the spirit it is that is giving life the flesh does not profit anything the sayings that I speak to your spirit and they are life the complete Jewish says it is the spirit who gives life the flesh is no help the words I have spoken to you are spirit and life the amplified says it like this it is the spirit who gives life the flesh conveys no benefit whatever there is no profit in it that's why if you just do a stuff in the flesh it's not true worship the words I've been speaking to you our spirit and life here is one of the big things to be able to identify spirit in contrast to flesh the spirit quickens the spirit quickens the flesh is dead if I'm preaching to you or anybody else or teaching ministering to you and I'm doing it in the flesh it will be dead flat uninspiring boring hmm no matter how educated I might be what kind of an amazing command I might have on the English language what kind of speaker I might be spiritually it would be flat and dead but when the spirit is in it and when it's in the spirit the jeer I said that now say the same thing to me what is in the spirit that means the spirits in it we already get an answers to our prayer already is that right it's so complicated what does it mean in the spirit means the spirit is in it if the spirits in it it was done in the spirit but if it's in the spirit you can just what we do in church you can tell there there's been times even much stronger than others that you can tell there's quickening right there's quickening and it begins to stir you and it begins to minister life to you and light well that's not a man or a woman ministering to you that's the spirit ministering to you through a vessel and it's the same way with you reading your Bible it's the same thing with praying when it's dull and dead and flat don't just keep dragging through it stop and go help me Lord which way should I go here right which way you're looking for the quickening I said you know I'm not talking that emotion I'm not talking about feelings but a spiritual quickening the flesh profits nothing the spirit does what it is the spirit said out loud it is the spirit that quickeneth so if the spirits in it what was it going to be there's going to be quickening what is quickening me quicken means alive to be quick is officer to being dead the quick and the dead huh quick is alive you know if you jam something down past your fingernail into the quick you will know it if you're alive if you can't even feel it you did or something's did something's dead because that's what why don't we call it quick it's a so sensitive why cuz it's alive the nerve endings are alive the Bloods flowing it's alive so you feel it and we don't want to become feeling focused but there are spiritual perceptions people call them feeling sometime but they're not physical feelings and they're not just emotions the spirit quickens spirit anointed words quicken when you're praying in the spirit it's quickening hallelujah when you're reading in the spirit it's quickening let's not settle for dull drab and dead hmm let's believe for keep looking till we get into the quickening pray seek the Lord until we find the thing that's quickening I know I had the privilege of helping brother Kenneth Hagin senior that we mentioned earlier and for the firm any years helping him I did music in the service and I'd sing specials and oftentimes he'd ask me come up at the end sing a song now a lot of time he's looking for a spiritual song not just a song that anybody would know a new song well a new song he said like this hot off the wire fresh from heaven if it really is if it's a spirit what would it be it's going to be quicken but I I don't know at the times with other singers and players and with myself as well we get them sing something and he'd say no that's not it no that's not it ha ha what does he mean mean it wasn't a good song you didn't do a good job see you could get offended but you just be being foolish he's trying to help you trying to teach you something here you see people want acceptance and reward and accolade for doing stuff in the flesh even when you shouldn't get it cuz you didn't you didn't get it you you need to go another direction he'd say that's not it remember one night we were on satellite live back in the days when this was a big deal to be though sad we were live in a bunch of different places he called me up of course everybody reminded me how many folks are watching I came up and sit down to the piano and about first few bars into it I realize is saying it in the camera they had rolled the camera straight in over the wrapper and you're up on this giant screen going out to all these churches so what do you do pride will keep going and seeing everybody until you finally drag it in to a dead close but we don't want that we want to learn is that right so I stopped in the middle of the first verse well when you stop to get quite lights in there giving it I said I'm sorry that's not it help me Lord I'm checking my you know so I go back and start over on something different thank God that was it that was it what do you mean there was a quickening there was a flow the flesh I don't care how polished it is I don't care how dressed up it is if it's flesh and I don't care how you spend all the time you want to on it and it profits nothing when it's all said and done as we grow and developing this you'll stop things in your life that you've been doing unprofitable discussions unprofitable arguing's come on are you listening unprofitable endeavors unprofitable activities you'll begin to go you know it seems like such a waste of time why because again and again it is it's just a total waste of time you want to get up in the morning praying in the spirit check in your heart and when you start going the right way there we'll be a witness I'm not talking about trying to feel a lightning bolt just there will be instead of nothing and deafness there will be a quickening and the witness and the more you do it for lack of a better word better you feel about it and the further you go in it the more confirmation you have and if you don't have it don't just keep banging your head against the wall and don't be surprised to admit I went the wrong way I when I should have zagged I went this way when I should have went that way stop just stop saying hold on let's let's ask the Lord let's check let's wait here and pray in the spirit just a little bit check your heart look inside every day of our lives we can be led by the wonderful Holy Spirit and his path that he leads in is life and it is light and the path of the just what happens come on what happens with it it's like the shining light that gets brighter and brighter to the full day someone because you're on the right path you're following the leading of the Lord o friends how many mistakes we would have avoided if when we started to make that decision something inside you was bothering you and was bothering you and yet because of commitment you had made or something you had said that you shouldn't have said just keep on blaring into it and the further you go the sicker to your stomach you feel and just keep on keeping them let's not be that stupid what Jesus say the Spirit quick the flesh profits nothing if it profits nothing what good is that that's no good at all hallelujah ma that's our text so I got to see what to do now can you come back I want to get into something we won't be able to do it all night of course but I won't introduce something to you and it has to do with who I've referred to twice already brother Kenneth Hagins senior ah he he mentioned a handful of times throughout his life that he had divinely granted appearance that the head of the church appeared to it now you see this in the New Testament you read about it in old and new Testament about the Lord appearing to people it doesn't happen all the time if you look in the book of Acts with these apostles you'd have to add to the text to see some of these things happen to them over once in 20 years or twice and 40 years and so you you know you could live and die and never have the Lord appeared to you and that wouldn't mean you weren't spiritual coming out with me these things are special because the Lord expects us to walk by faith by faith but especially the prophets and apostles things that have to do with the whole body of Christ these things happen and I was around brother Hagin for a long time I do not believe he made these things up and on one of the count meetings he said he was awakened in the night time a couple of days before the camp meeting was going to start and felt like he should pray and he's praying in the spirit and he just prayed for not know does this go along with what we've been talking about earlier praying in the spirit he's praying in the spirit for a couple hours and he got to be three o'clock in the morning and he said all at once he was at the downtown convention center two days in the future with the master in the top of the Convention Center looking down on the crowd and the service can the Lord do that yeah oh yeah yeah and now I'm almost here somebody said I want you to do it for me I understand but there's responsibility goes with these things he shows you things for a reason has to do with doing things and some of the things he might say to you and show you people might think you're nuts can be persecution that goes along with it you know what you want you want what he wants he knows what's right you won't trust him on that but he said he was there and the master was at there beside and they were looking down at the crowd two days he had to come is one of the services in the meeting and he spoke to him about what we're talking about for a length of time and went into several different areas and out of this this experience of visitation I should say visitation came the book plans purposes and pursuits now if you're not for me with this I recommend it to you hi this is brother Kenneth Hagin senior his book entitled plans purposes and pursuits and he details some of this vision in that book and I'm gonna read just a couple of excerpts from that because it's right what we're talking about he said Jesus and I were standing above the crowd and he said to me in this charismatic move Christians have brought the brass of the world into the temple of the Lord as a substitute for pure gold now this is a reference to scripture in first Kings six chapters six and seven if you don't know what that means there was time when the people of God were under duress and the King took the gold out of the temple to use it to buy help but they put brass back in there so that it wouldn't look like there was no gold so it was a cheap replacement for the real deal and he said the master said in this charismatic move Christians have brought the brass of the world into the temple of the Lord as a substitute for pure gold therefore I can only bless my people so far because they've substituted brass for gold and one of the things he mentioned specifically he mentioned more than one this is one of the things you mentioned specifically they've brought the clapping of the world into the temple and he talked to him at length about clapping and Jesus continued he said you see when you come to the New Testament you find that all praise and worship is to be done in the spirit in the spirit you got a few minutes talk about this am i in a rush or no what why would he say that well he's talking about something done in the flesh it's not in the spirit and the Lord had said several times in that visitation he said I love my people and I'll bless them all I can but I can't put my full blessing on their plan they substituted for mine can't do it you can't be can't put his full blessing on stuff done in the flesh that's different from what he's warned us to do in the spirit brother Hagin talked about this he said you find expressions in the Old Testament where people worshiped before the lord and worshiped with all their might that's because their worship was in the flesh only they didn't have the spirit they couldn't worship in the spirit they could only worship before the Lord do you hear the difference friends they couldn't worship in the power and night of the holy spirit they could only worship with all their might in order to be a true worshiper of God who is spirit we must worship in the spirit thank you Lord is that okay let me give you some month some scripture on on this he said the master told him this and again when you hear a phrase like that what's the first thing you should be asking where's the scripture this is a perfect example of this where's the scripture I'm glad you asked uh he said in speaking by the Spirit of God to say that the brass was brought into the temple Jesus said to me as we watch some people in the camp-meeting doing things in the flesh he said I'll bless them because they're my children and I love them but I can only bless them so far why because this is just flesh and he said the master said this clapping is neither praise nor worship clapping is neither praise nor worship he went on to say to clap is to applaud he went on to say there's not one single scripture jesus said in the New Covenant about anyone clapping their hands is well that's something people do a lot and there's not even one verse in the whole New Testament about there are actually only about six or eight or so verses in the whole Bible about clapping and go over in we're into it now are we just with their put them up on the screen for us I'm I can't spend too much time on them or we won't cover it but some 98:8 says let the floods clap their hands let the heels be joyful together isaiah 55:12 says all the trees of the field shall clap their hands well this is not people clapping so this is something different and and here here's an interesting thing for one two three four or five of these means a completely different thing than what we would call applauding in joke 27:23 it says men will clap their hands at him and hiss him out of his place limitations 2:15 says all that passed by clap their hands at you they hiss and wag their head another one Ezekiel 25-6 says they clap their hands and stomp their feet this is something that's not familiar to us as Westerners this got nothing to do with approval it's the opposite it's like it's a disapproval clapping hand literally means striking the hands it's not the same necessarily as applauding so when you say clap the hands you have to discern what kind of clapping you're talking about and there's really only one reference that is associated with praise at all I shouldn't say praise victory and it's in the songs one everybody say one some 47 one 47 1 it says o clap your hands all ye people now some folk grab that half a phrase and they go ah see they're supposed to clap your hands the word must be rightly divided back up to the title of the song anybody got a title on it cause it's a Psalm 47 verse 1 he says to the chief musician is there a clapping of hands with music this not applause certainly there is clap your hands all ye people shout unto God with the voice of triumph this is not applause and you really technically is not even praise it's a song it's music and it's celebrating over victory are y'all with me friends so what's what's wrong with this what's wrong work giving the Lord a hand what's wrong with offering up a clap offering well if the head of the church really said what we just read then is not good with him why we are told specifically in the New Testament what to do with our hands in Timothy he 1st Timothy 2:8 says I will that men pray everywhere doing what lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting I'm not trying to rub anybody the wrong way we want the truth though don't we and we're believing to see the difference between flesh and spirit are we not uh he brother Hagin said the master told him in that visitation he said the world claps Saints praise did you hear that that phrase we one reason I'm going into this because to me it is such a perfect example of flesh and spirit the world claps Saints praise he said the Lord told him clapping is neither praise nor worship what is it it's applause it's applauding if you look up the word applaud it means to show approval to show approval and that's what men do for other men what we don't do with other men is this why if somebody said something that you like do you do this I praise and worship you you better not why it's too much for a man if that's too much for a man this is not enough for God are y'all with me friends people do this and political rallies they do this at performances right they do this literary readings and speech and even when I'm doing it right now it's irritating you why I've been in in many different services where the Spirit of God began to speak by tongues and interpretation or prophecy and right in the middle of it everybody starts clapping clapping clapping and you can't even hear what's being said well now either the Holy Spirit's not speaking or he's interrupting himself by moving on people to clap both of these can't be right because if he's saying something he'd want us to hear it this requires less humility than this this requires little respect you can say I approve of that yeah that's fine that's okay I approve correct can be haughty saying it to God you approve I approve I applaud you god it's just flesh and it's what men do for men it's not enough for God how many does this bear witness with your spirit it's not a nice not enough respect it's not enough reverence can you see this room and throwing up your hands to a man and going oh I worship you that's way too much don't do that for other men and so then the clapping is not enough for God is this okay Francis well it's not just true concerning the clapping the principal once you learn it you begin to apply to other areas too you begin to see folks doing stuff and it's it's actually interfering you from getting what's happening over here and they're saying gods moving on them but it's it's interfering with what God's supposed to doing over here that's why in 1st Corinthians he said God's not the author of confusion so what's happening people are doing stuff calling it spiritual and it's just flesh and there's no quickening in it but then there is the real I said there's the real we don't want to go too far in the ditch we don't want to judge everybody when I think that's in the flesh well how you doing I don't do anything well you you just stay in the flesh all the time do nothing case you might get in the flesh now you got to be willing to step out but the big thing is be willing to be corrected be willing to be taught be willing to stop in the middle if you need to and go you know I don't think this is where to go excuse me please God jumped up and spoke too quick if forgive me forgive me and all of us are learning together people think right we go oh honey I've been there just you're fine let's just learn right but we don't want to settle for a bunch of flesh we want the real thing come on somebody say I want the real thing we've got the real thing he is the real thing but we we got a bunch of flesh it's in the way of the real and just this one thing here the Spirit of God says something and does something and most of the crowd is doing this it is actually getting in the way of what else the Lord wants to do right now if we would respond differently with reverence and worship it would go up higher instead of trailing off didn't the Bible say quench not the spirit how would you do that quench is like throwing a wet blanket on coals or a fire that's starting to kick up and it quenches it puts it out flesh does that but spirit stirs it up quick as it works with it hallelujah thanks be to God singers and players okay Jochen come on up Oh hallelujah the Lord has heard our prayer you believe it he's teaching us he's showing us he's helping us part of this I'm saying by faith hmm you with me or not he's showing us he's teaching us he's helping us to do things in the spirit somebody say in the spirit in the spirit in the spirit what have we already learned from the previous lessons what helps us to be aware of the Holy Spirit what is the doorway into the rest of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues singing in tongues is that right speaking in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart that spiritual activity helps you to be alert and aware and built up on your most holy faith and you do that a lot with the flesh dead stuff's gonna stand out to you more because when you're used to quickening things and this is dead you go all no no we don't want that we want to go back to that let's get back in the vein where there's some life where there's some quickening he said the the master said this to him he said I bless all of my people as far as I can do you believe that or not man it's been bought and paid for we don't have to earn it but you got to learn how to cooperate with him he said but the reason there's not the move of God and the depth of the flow of the Spirit and the fullness of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit today is because men do not take time to hear from me how many think that's true but legs at the head of the church told him this he said they don't take time to hear from me they do not take time to follow my plan set forth in the scriptures the more closely you follow my plan the more my power will be in demonstration and in manifestation are you hungry for that sense those at hunger and thirst after the right things of God they'll be filled they the covet earnestly the best gifts you got to be passionate about these things you can't just say oh you had to be great if they have know it you got to go beyond that we want it we want it we really really want it hmm show us the dead flesh stuff we want to get rid of it is that right we want the real thing we don't want brass in the place of gold something it looks like it from a distance but it's not the real thing when you can have the real thing hallelujah he said the more closely you follow my plan the more my power will be in demonstration and in manifestation stand up right now and let's act on this by showing reference by expressing honor go ahead lift up your hands begin to lift up your voice nothing phony nothing religiously rehearsed Lord we worship You Lord we worship You Lord we worship you oh come on lift up your voices Lord we worship you we adore you we seek your face we seek the reality of your Holy Spirit
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 6,603
Rating: 4.8198199 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, faith, love, Jesus, God
Id: op6QOWwMKzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 33sec (4113 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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