Ministering To The Lord: Thanksgiving Miracles (Part 5) (Jan 26, 2018) Keith Moore

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if you would look in acts 13 we've been on this for a few weeks now I want to continue acts 13 1 and through the next couple of verses here it describes in the beginning days of the church saying Church were a part of that there were in the church that was an Antioch prophets and teachers mentions the names of five men I believe it is including Saul verse 2 as they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Spirit said say that out loud with me as they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Spirit said said something does he still say something you know there if there folks a lot of church-going people if you say today the Spirit of God said they'd roll their eyes they think you know they he actually thinks he's hearing from God and like one fella said all these people supposedly hearing from God bothers me the other guy said well it's all these people who never hear from God bothers me the Bible is full of people hearing from God isn't it when did he quit speaking to his people the book of Acts is our dispensation we're part of the same church why if they heard from the spirit why shouldn't we hear from the spirit no God hasn't changed men get away from God but he doesn't change but notice the environment the holy spirits spoke in what was it as they were doing what ministering to him now as we said this word Minister it could be understood in the same sense as a waiter waiting on table the waiter comes to you and does what huh the waiter comes to your table and says I need money money don't you stiffed me on the tip I need money huh is that a good waiter you know are the waitresses look you're getting what I bring you I got no time to hear what you want I'll just see what's in the kitchen we'll bring you something but I need money why would I say that that's not ministering to the person you're supposed to be waiting on and that's not ministering to the Lord I need help I need this not saying you can't ask for something that you need but that's not ministering to the Lord that's you asking to be ministered to and not saying you can't do that you can do that but that's not all we should do there should be times and there should be often that we are not asking for anything we're not begging we're not pleading we're not crying we're coming to him and we're saying you're wonderful you are amazing thank you thank you thank you thank you right and what can I get you what what would you like Lord what pleases you what will please you better hmm it was in this environment as they ministered to the Lord and fasted now I'm sure that includes fasting food but fasting covers a lot of ground Daniel talks about he was on a partial fast didn't need anything that he liked well you could fast fishing or golf you could fast sports well that's something to say this close to the Super Bowl I'm not saying you should I'm but would would that be a fast that'd be a fast you can fast your favorite TV shows right fasting is denying yourself something you won't whether its food of whether it's something else and so what purpose does that serve well the more you yield to your flesh the more you give you a flesh everything it wants the louder the voice of the flesh is and you do that which is what most people do and you don't feed your spirit then the voice and influence of your spirit is very weak and very small while your flesh dominates you we need to turn that around is that right reduce the voice of the flesh weaken it and the way you weaken it's by starving it I'm not talking about literally starving your body to injury denying yourself of this or of that and while you're not doing that you're giving yourself completely your attention to him while they in those days you couldn't just drive through and get something or have something delivered to you right I mean if you wanted to a meal you had to go out to the barn right or the field first and it could take you half a day three quarters of the day to make a meal you didn't go in and and turn on the electric range I mean you had to go get some wood build fire and so missing even one meal could have freed up five or six hours for them to do what minister to the Lord so you're not doing a bunch of other things even denying yourself some things your flesh wants to do instead you're ministering to him and in this environment the Spirit of God said something his words are life-changing now this should be very exciting to us because all of the Word of God belongs to us but the Spirit of God speaks to us individually personal detail for God's plan of God's plan for our life he takes of the Lord's and shows it to us he leads and guides us into all the truth even showing us things to come specific things about us is that what he said put it up again What did he say they could not have found this in their Bible they had the prophets and the Psalms they had the law they couldn't found this separate to me Barnabas and solved for the work learn to have call them this is specific this is personal who does what where when anybody interested in this will God give that to you yes he will why don't more people have it too much flesh not enough waiting on God not enough seeking the Lord come on can you see this but no matter who you are if you will take and make times where you're not doing what your flesh wants to do but instead you're ministering to him you're not begging him for something you're not pulling on him you're not pleading from him you're not telling him all your problems which he already knows what are you doing you're worshiping him you're praising him you're thanking him you're asking him what he wants what can I do for you what can I bring you and they did it for hours and in that environment the Spirit of God spoke specific called names right when to go and so the verse 3 verse 3 when they had prayed with fasted and prayed so they took some more time they laid their hands on them they sent them out verse 4 so they being sent forth not by mama not by a denomination but by the Holy Spirit departed to solution from thence they sailed to Cyprus and if you follow the narrative amazing things happen miracles healings deliverances signs and wonders thousands of people saved churches birthed why because they didn't just come up with this idea they heard from the Spirit of God and they did it miracles followed can you say Amen thanks be to God somebody say thanks be to God thanks be to God thanks be to God thanks be to God let me read a couple of verses to you that basically say that 1st Thessalonians 5 if you would 1st Thessalonians 5 what we're about to describe now is something that is that's called the will of God for everybody and it describes a part of the way we should live not something we just do on Friday or Sunday or sometime but a way we should function every day a part of our lifestyle the way we live in 1st Thessalonians 5:16 what should we do every day rejoice evermore what else pray without ceasing now that doesn't mean you pray every breath you know you're not going to do that so what does he mean by that you could say like it could be translated like this never stop praying but what does that mean the Lord gave me a an understanding of this some years ago I was with some fellow ministers at a conference after the meeting we went out to a restaurant to get something to eat and we were sitting there talking and the waiter came and asked us what we wanted and we told him and then they begin to go away and as they were going away then we started talking again about some things happened in the service and the Spirit of God checked me and spoke to my heart I don't mean to heard an audible voice but spoke to my heart now is the time to pray over your food the waiters walking away with our order now is the time to pray over your food and I just stopped and I thought wow really and these people were knowledgeable ministers so I wouldn't have done this with just anybody but I said guys just just a minute here I got something on my heart so they say stop and the Lord quickened to me said the difference between you getting a spoiled piece of meat or the best piece of meat in the kitchen is them reaching here or here and the difference between you and having a good meal are you having to believe that no deadly thing will hurt you is reaching here or here he said after they've brought it to the table the seasons have already been made things have already been done he said ask me now you know the scripture said that things are sanctified by the Word of God and prayer asked me now so I should stop dussard Lord we ask you to direct them in the selection preparation handling of our food we thank you for it we call it sanctified in Jesus name and then one good thing about it as soon as the food hits the table you can eat [Laughter] but then Lord quickened to me that's that's just one way of doing this this is praying without ceasing that's what I'm talking about he said you go to the electronics store and you want to buy a TV being Superbowl time and all that or or what a can opener and they have to go back in the back to get a box and get one well while they're walking back there under your breath ask the Lord to direct them to the right one to the best one for you is the difference between getting one that lasts so long you get tired of looking at it or one that you got problems with and have to take back three times or let's say you're expecting to get a new car this year or next year you can pray over it before it gets to the assembly line soon so how will I know which one it is you have to trust the Lord to get it to you and beyond be aware that even though it looks perfect if something bothers you about it walk away trust what you get in here but see that's not having to kneel down and pray an hour about something but all through the day you're involving the Lord you're asking him to get involved you're asking him to direct come on can you see this that is praying without ceasing you're not praying every breath but it's a way of life for you you not to pray a long drawn-out prayer but you did have to pray in faith right Lord I'm asking you direct them in this before every flight practically before I fly lot of times the night before I'll pray along this line I'll say father I ask you your hand on us you know me and Mike or whoever's flying back from making mistakes may help us to be alert and aware always ahead of the plane pray pray your hand on the airplane cause it to work ride keep it from malfunctioning or failing ask you to help us to get the right people in air-traffic control you should direct them as what's best for us go ministering spirits you you've been charged concerning us prepare you and count Rand about us clear the way prepare the way what do we do ah the Bible said you have not because you ask not right we want the Lord involved right do the same thing with a car trip do the same thing before you get on your tractor in the morning right and the Lord can spare and the Lord can intervene and anytime you need to make a decision the Bible said in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths is that okay keep reading it said verse 18 do what in everything give thanks because of what for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you now in everything and doesn't mean you thank God for the flu because the flu is not from him there's no flu in heaven where would he get it to give it to you you don't thank God for financial problems I know a lot of people do but it's not right God is the giver of every good gift and every perfect gift and if it's told from him and destroyed something in your life killed something in your life he's very Jesus is very clear he said the devil did it the thief did it but in every situation you can thank God for something in a problem you can thank him for getting you out right in your kitchen give thanks in the garage give the in your pajamas give thanks in the closet give thanks in the workplace well in every thing this should be a way of life for us that we are just continually thanking God and praising God he it's not a empty habit when you mean it in Hebrews in the thirteenth chapter and 15th verse Hebrews 13:15 says by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God what what y'all not there yet Hebrews 13:15 I'm moving fast let us offer up the sacrifice of praise to God they got it on the screen you know continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God when sporadically occasionally huh what well that doesn't mean that every breath you're going to be say thanking God you're going to say thank God any more than every breath you're praying but it means you never stop you don't just have prayer times you pray all through the day write about this about that your prayer might not last at fifteen seconds but it's not how long you pray it's how much faith you pray do you believe you heard you do you believe it's as well do you believe you receive it that's the difference and offer up to him the sacrifice to praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips so this is not just silent mental this this makes noise the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name your children need to hear you praise God and thank God your spouse needs to hear you out loud praise God thank God your friends need to hear it if they never hear it something's wrong you're not in good shape spiritually and the Lord said if you're ashamed of me and my words in this generation I'll be ashamed of you serious stuff so much time not ashamed I am not ashamed he hung on the cross in front of everybody is that right for us we can praise Him in front of somebody we can thank him if they think something's wrong about it they're the ones got the problem not us they need to be praising him too whether they know it or not hallelujah is this alright we're going somewheres Matthew 15 Matthew 15 well I tell you what on your math on your way to math you stop by first Corinthians 15 though well they'll put this on the screen so you don't have to go to Matthew 15 we'll put this on the screen you're going to Matthew 15 but please put on the screen first Corinthians 15:57 I really like this scripture he said but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ that Young's literal of this says and to God thanks to him who is giving us the victory this is a present tense continuum faith now he's not having to buy and pay for something he's already done that but as we trust him and obey Him and thank him he's continuously manifesting victory come on can you see this in our lives outcome as we do what as we are thanking him why because faith is the victory and why would you thank God for something you haven't seen yet you haven't felt yet you haven't experienced that you talk about strong faith when yours when you're hurting and you're saying thank you Lord for healing me thank you for being my healer thank you Lord for making me whole and making me strong thank you when you when you got a bad report you got no reason in the natural to think you're getting better and you're thanking God and you mean it as faith that's strong faith and while you're doing that he's able to manifest victory he's able to manifest victory maybe your finances are in a mess maybe you're behind maybe you've got a high four nostril above water that means just a little bit more you're going under but in the middle of that you offer up the sacrifice of praise you give it to God continually what the fruit of your lips giving thanks to his name and in everything you're given thanks to him because it's the will of God for you and you're saying father thank you for bringing me out financially thank you thank you for giving us good jobs thank you for prospering our way thank you for sparing us from unnecessary bills and problems and issues thank you for bringing a seed to sow and multiplying our seeds sown and increasing us thank you thank you while you're doing that he gives you victory through our Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah glory that he's already bought it and paid for it but you won't experience it unless you receive it the way you receive it is provided by grace but you got to receive it by faith and one of the easiest and yet most powerful ways to do that is Thanksgiving not empty words but you mean it in your heart thank you thank you thank you thank you for satisfying me with a long life showing me your salvation thank you helping me to pay every bill pay off every day bringing us into the best shape of our life thank you for bringing in extra thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you which is completely different from I got to have something God you you got to do something for me if I don't have extra mount by the end of the week oh god oh god oh god that's begging and it's not faith now with me friends and even though he'd like to do something for you you can't just ignore what he told you to do and change everything and try to make him do things the way you want him done he's God you need to do what he said the way he said and his way is believe believe you receive when you pray and once you have what's what's the most appropriate thing if you believe you heard you pray you believe you've received you've sown your seed in the ground right what's the most appropriate thing to do now the rest of the day and night and week and month thank you somebody say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Father thank you lord maybe you got a perplexing family issue business issue maybe it's been going on a long time maybe it's caused you a lot of grief and problems you can you can ask him for wisdom you can ask him for direction and help but just begging him about it every day is not going to get you anywhere because that's showing faithlessness once you ask him how many remember James if any man that's two people if any man well James I didn't tell you wearing James right so if any man like wisdom let him do what ask of God but it went on to say let him ask how in faith nothing wavering what does that mean you got to believe it was his will to give it to you before you asked and you got to believe when you asked he granted your request whether you see it or feel it or not and then by faith coating what Jesus said mark 11:24 you got to believe you receive it then what do you do thank you for showing me what to do yes thank you for giving me the answer in this situation maybe there's marriage troubles maybe you don't know you're at an impasse don't know how to get past it God does mm-hmm well it's unfixable you didn't ask him nothing's unfixable within huh it's too late said who you're examining with your limited understanding you just say lord thank you for showing us what to do thank you even though your mind doesn't have a clue thank you for causing this to work out for our good and your glory and you even though you don't know one thing what to do when or how you can be in faith and have the doors open for God to help you just going around on when it crosses your mind it tries to bother you it tries to upset you what do you say come on help me out you say thank you Father for hearing my prayer thank you for helping me thank you for showing us what to do on this thank you for giving us the answer you keep doing that you will come out you will because he's faithful Matthew 15 then we're gonna act on this so Matthew 15 this is Jesus was with the people on the hillside and after length of time verse 32 Matthew 15 32 Jesus called his disciples to him and he said I have compassion on the multitude because they continue with me now three days and have nothing to eat I will not send them away fasting lest they faint in the way does he still care if you've got what you need or not does he still care if you run out or not he never changes and his disciples say to him where should we had so much bread in the wilderness ain't no grocery stores out there as to feel so great a multitude where are we going to get this and jesus said let's pray O God O God we need to feed thirty thousand people o God O God such a giant need we have never seen Oh God oh god please don't forsake us O God O God babies are hungry oh god oh god don't you care babies are crying and hungry momma's are hungry daddies are hungry I'm hungry Oh God why am I saying this this is how many many believers respond with everything that's the only thing they do I need I won't we've got to have please well how many times do you need to tell him that before he gets it begging his faithlessness now with me friends begging the Lord didn't the Lord never told us to beg religion told us to beg hmm the psalmist said has been young now I'm old and I ain't never seen the righteous beggin for bread why because when you're a believer is so wonderful you never have to beg anybody for anything you never have to beg a man and you don't have to beg God either he doesn't want you groveling and begging you're his child huh what'd you think of a mother and father and their son or daughter begging them please help me I'm starving please help me please help me please help me and they said you're not begging good enough beg I mean show me how you can bake that ain't begging no the parents that love their kids want them to beg them and grovel and beg well why would our Father want us to beg him religion has taught people to beg believers are not beggars what do they do jesus said what do you have this is not prayer when you got a giant need you don't have any clue how you can meet this need what's the first thing you do we need some seed how do I get from where I am to there where's our seed not what I need what I need what I need what do I have what do I have how many loaves you got they said seven few little fish this was a little boys lunch and basically he says we got it tell everybody sit down get ready to eat well what what do you do next he took the seven loaves and the fishes and what and what and what what what would most people be doing that now begging god oh god we need thirty thousand meals where in the world are we going to get them that's not how you get a miracle if you're going to have miracles some points you got to quit begging ain't gotta look around and go what kind of seed do we got around here mm-hm and then you've got to give thanks give thanks give thanks give thanks give facts hallelujah then he acted on what the father showed him to do for them to distribute it and miracles happened miraculous multiplication when did a miracle I call this a Thanksgiving miracle I'm not talking about it happened during Thanksgiving time it happened while they did what thanked God they thanked God they thanked God they think God and then they did what he told him to do and miraculous things happened and in the process of a few hours everybody was full everybody was satisfied and everybody scratching their head where did all this come from with a seed you won't even look for a seed if you're not thankful because all you're aware of is what I don't have what I can't do and what I need I need I need if your need conscious you're not God conscious but if you're sane conscious you're conscious of the one who multiply the seed and make a miracle happen stand on your feet if you would let's act on this
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 2,147
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, love, joy, peace, Jesus, God
Id: GbuyLfeabTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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