In the Eyes of the Lord | Pastor Jim Cymbala | The Brooklyn Tabernacle

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[Music] as we open god's word this morning let's talk about god's word in a wide view lens kind of way the bible is made up of different kinds of literature isn't it has an old testament has a new testament essential figure in the old testament is moses and the law that he received from god the new testament the central figure is of course jesus christ and what characterizes the new testament or covenant is the grace of god the good news the gospel now within the two testaments there's different kinds of literature there's narratives where stories are told there's poetry the psalms there's wisdom literature like proverbs ecclesiastes there's prophetic books where god is speaking from uh through the prophet's heart to the people sometimes predicting things to come there's talk back and forth and discussions like in the book of job but especially in the old testament we have more than in the new testament of biography not in detail most times we don't know what everyone was doing and where they were born and the date and all of that but god inspired writers to tell the story of an abraham a david a joseph and so on king solomon and why would he do that because through the lives of these people there are spiritual lessons about god you're not only are focusing on the life of the person men and women but in that story god wants us to open our hearts and see truth about him that is being revealed through the life of that person so i want to give a a little biography here a review but that's not what i really want to do it takes up three chapters i'm just gonna summarize it obviously but it's what we learn about god through the life of a king who sat on the throne of judah the southern kingdom in jerusalem and his life is it's strange his beginning his ascent the thing he knew about god powerful one of the great prayers of the bible we're going to look at then a revelation that he got about god through a prophet and then something he learned at the end of his life about god but it was at a bad time you know the bible the bible tells it like it happened the stories don't end up and then they rode happily ever after into the sunset and everything was just beautiful no if it didn't happen that way the bible doesn't gloss over everything the human condition falling away from god coming back after a fall god showing mercy come on there are lessons in here for us i think especially now for this time of pressure time of pressure i got a letter from a certain state the denominational headquarters of an entire state saying please would you consider in february of 2021 god willing to come to the state and speak to the past all the pastors large denomination all the pastors of the state but then out of nowhere i get invitations like that the the the person who's inviting me just totally did real talk and opened his heart and said listen we're having discouragement through this time pandemic among the pastors we're having broken marriages deep depression suicidal attempts never seen anything like it people dropping out like flies maybe god would use you to encourage your peers your fellow pastors that's happening to the pastors not the people in the congregation so there's a silent darkness ever since this pandemic came and i'm not talking about physical darkness it's been intensified in my judgment with a lot of other things happening in the country but there is nothing but a heavy pressure that we all have to deal with we all have to deal with there this could be like the day of evil that ephesians 6 refers to talks about spiritual warfare and it says remember now paul says put on the full armor of god so that in the day of evil you will be able to stand but he doesn't tell us what the day of evil is is it a season is it something going on that time was it for a future time is it a repetitious thing recurring over and over again where things are always difficult satan's always going about like a lion seeking whom he may devour but are there seasons of days of evil i think there are seasons of like that and i believe with all my heart we're in one now that's why these lessons from the life of this king are so important i want to give them to you as god has made them real to me the name of the king a lot of you wouldn't know his name but he takes up three chapters in second chronicles his name is king asa asa and he was one of the early kings in the southern kingdom israel had already split they had a civil war after solomon died and the northern kingdom was made up of 10 tribes and the southern kingdom made up of judah and benjamin they had their capital still in jerusalem where the temple was you can imagine the the advantage that was you know what the northern kingdom did was they made up their own religion they couldn't go to jerusalem they were afraid that uh the people who lived there would be swayed back to that kind of thinking true religion so it made up their own religion that's what people do you know i don't like what i read in the bible ah let's make up our own what a day of reckoning for those folks right so a couple kings in after solomon's death is king asa he was preceded by his father listen and abidja rested that's his father king abides arrested with his ancestors and was buried in the city of david jerusalem asa his son succeeded him as king and in his days the country was at peace for 10 years asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the lord his god he removed the foreign altars and the high places that has to do with idolatry smash the sacred stones and cut down the astropoles that's all hideous idolatrous things that god had forbidden for his people he commanded judah to seek the lord the god of their ancestors and to obey his laws and commands so that's the beginning of aces reign and the bible says no one was at war with him during those years for the lord gave him rest so for 10 years he did what was right he got rid of junk that shouldn't have been there and then he built up the fortifications of of the of the kingdom of judah and for 10 years god gave him rest why because he did what was right in the eyes of the lord notice that phrase he did what was right not in society's eyes necessarily not what his peers thought of him he was conscious that god was watching him and he wanted to please those invisible eyes so he did what was right in the eyes of the lord so that's a good word for us now always really but especially now are we living a life conscious that god is watching us and we want to please him or are we trying to fit in with everyone our culture our neighborhood our families because you can please them and do what was not right in the eyes of the lord other kings the bible speaks about like much further down the road king manasseh he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord no one was coming to him every day and going yo what is up with you manasseh no they were cheering them on but god was watching and saying what are you doing it's so easy to get caught up with the here and now and the visible world and all the pressures of this world the culture society what's hot what's not what's in what do i feel like doing catering to the flesh and a lot of people we we live our lives doing what was right in our eyes that's look hey hey listen it's right to me i feel good about it like a person one time told me god wants me happy am i right this sin makes me happy i want to shack up with this person obviously then god's not against it because he wants me happy hello hello pastor symbolo wake up well we know that's not true is it god gives us what's right and wrong in his word and he's watching to see if we do what was right in his eyes according to his word and that's what uh asa did when abijah's father died king asa began doing what was right in god's eyes he knew god hated those idols things that were in the land those idols what were they doing in the land of god's people so he got rid of them and god was saying yes amen to that i mean he just brought about a reformation and he commanded the people to honor god he cleaned up the mess that was around him and he did what was right in god's eyes so remember that at the end of your life at the end of my life and there will be an end to your life in my life when we stand before god and we will stand before god unless jesus is a liar we will stand before god don't you think that will be the number one question what did he think of my life what did god think of your life what does god think right now of how you're living how you talk what you watch what you read who you hang with who possibly you sleep with that's going to be the question that's going to be the question in the eyes of the lord how did it look so you can surround yourself with a a crew of yes men and people who just butter us up and say yeah you go you do your thing follow your dream but i i give you caution remember what happened to uh asa uh he pleased god because he did what was right in god's eyes so there were 10 years of peace and here's now we're going to learn something about god which asan knew out of nowhere zara the cushite marched out this is first uh second chronicles 14 verse sarah the cushite marched out against them with an army of thousands upon thousands the new living translation has he had over a million men and 300 chariots and came as far as marasha went out to meet him and they took up battle positions in the valley of zeppatha near maresha then asa called to the lord his god and said listen now lord there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty listen again there is no one like you lord to help the powerless against the mighty help us lord our god for we we rely on you and in your name we have come against this vast army lord you are our god do not let mere mortals prevail against you and then the bible the next verse says the lord struck down the cushites before asa and judah and the kushites fled in other words his army seemed to fight but fighting with them was god why because asa had already learned about god god there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty 48 words are in that prayer 48 words but they come from such a deep place in him that when he finished the prayer god said go angels take care of that because god answers prayer there is no one like god to help the underdog when you're down when you've been knocked out when the bills are this high and the money is this high there's no one like our god the true god to help the one who looks like they're going to be shut down and knocked out no one i want to proclaim that to you today whatever you're facing emotionally financially mentally spiritually the the demonic hosts and their attack on your mind and your nervous system seems like a horde of of cushites like that army and god specializes in being drawn to weakness and helping weak overcome strong that's our god specialty he's drawn to weakness he's drawn to vulnerability the world says no get strong and strut around and have everything you need and and god teaches us no trust in me with whatever you have and see what i will do so asa knew there is no god like you who helps the weak against the strong so help us i know this about you now help us not only did he pray he said and we rely on you so god i know this about you when i'm down when it looks like i'm surrounded and overwhelmed there's no one like you to help the underdog overcome and be victorious there's no one like that but you now help us he didn't just quote a verse he said now help us that's prayer help us because we rely on you we're leaning on you i can't lean on this uh stand here it won't hold me i can't and that's that's one of the meanings of the word faith and trust is to lean but the camera will follow me and see this grand piano i believe it's a bosendorfer isn't it look at this all my weight see that look you see that thing moving nah asa said god i can rely on you you specialize in lifting up the person who's almost out of it i love that about god i've seen that in my own life that's why paul said when i am weak in the new testament i am strong why because then i'm thrown upon trusting god god's let you get in this situation today all of us so he can show himself mighty in our lives so today come on lift up your head god specializes in helping people like you and me call on them today just that one request help us [Music] change everything for we rely on you leaning on you god and when you lean on the rock the rock isn't moving it's going to hold you going to hold me so what a life what a king 10 years of peace and then the cushites move in on them look like they're going to totally destroy judah only to find out that god fights with judah why because they cried out to the god who helps the underdog by the way i have a grandson who's a cushite did you know that yes kushites are ethiopians and my middle daughter adopted a cushite in ethiopia and she got him when he was three months old levi he's going to be 11 years old on december 14th i can't believe it and he loves ethiopia and thinks ethiopia although he has never gone back since he's adopted but he will one day and he told me he's going to tell people in ethiopia the cushites about jesus so be it so we have this great story going so far we learn one thing about god there is no one like our god who helps the powerless against the strong no one there's no one so upon returning from the victory from the battle listen what happens chapter 15 the spirit of god came on azariah son of o dead he went out to meet asa and he said to him listen to me asa and all judah and benjamin that's the southern kingdom now listen second lesson the lord is with you when you are with him if you seek him he will be found by you but if you forsake him he will forsake you you got it listen the lord is with you the lord is with you when you're with him if you seek him you definitely find him if you forsake him he will forsake you that seems so simple but given the state of church affairs and preaching today and the modern american contemporary gospel it needs a little review doesn't it so he comes back from a victory a victory and a prophet it seems has the spirit of god come upon him and he walks right up to to uh king asa maybe on a horse and everyone's there and they're still celebrating and he said listen i want to tell you something about the god who helped you he will always be with you when you're with him and if you seek him and want more of his blessing more of his presence more of his favor you will find him but if you forsake him turn your back he will forsake you i was once preaching on asa oh a long long time ago and when i came to this part the audience just about turned on me silently but it just started bouncing back like no no no wait wait wait what are you saying here pastor no here's what i'm saying i'm not saying anything the word of god says this the lord is with you when you're with him what does it mean to be with him to agree with god when god says something is wrong we agree because we're with him we say it's wrong racism is wrong so we agree and say racism is wrong murder is wrong abortion is wrong we agree we're with him that he'll be with us lying stealing gossiping hurting people hating people god hates all of that so to be with him is to agree with him what is he for he's for love he's for compassion he's for restoring people he's for showing mercy come on what we find elaborated even more in the new testament so god says this through the prophet yo asa god is with you when you're with him but obviously if you're not with him how could be god with you now with here doesn't mean his presence will be there near you because god is on the present he's everywhere so with him means this god is with you will bless you will prosper you will strengthen you but you got to be on the same page you got to be with him today the doctrine is taught mostly to keep numbers up in the church and to get money from people no you can live any way you want you don't have to be with him he'll still be with you that's nowhere found in the scripture nowhere there's not a hint of that anywhere in scripture that i can reject god's ways live my ways but then when i'm in trouble go yo god here i am you know i need your help i want to go to heaven one day but i'm not with you i'm not going to change anything in my life please and don't even mention that because now you're getting into my personal space and i'm feeling very uncomfortable that's the modern day gospel no repentance no getting with god not getting right with god but this is a good truth for us now because the temptations are strong now they're going to get stronger i i see a cloud getting darker and darker in our culture and unfortunately in our churches where everything will be justified against scripture just to keep the people happy and coming and looking like you have a big church no god will be with you even if you're not with him not to agree with god on everything i mean come on but here's the rule for us the lord is with you king asa when you're with him and if you seek him you will find him he will not frustrate you you reach for him you humble yourself you pursue god you spend time in his word you spend time in his presence you ask god for more grace more power more of the holy spirit you will find him he's a rewarder of those in the new testament of uh hebrews 11 verse 6 he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him but if you forsake him he will forsake you that's what the king was told you turn your back and say hey forget it god god will forsake you pastor that is so like strong well i didn't make up that verse but i want to give you this one this is the new testament second timothy 2. here is a trustworthy saying if we died with him we will also live with him we identified with him on the cross and we live a life committed to him if we endure we will also reign with him if we disown him he will also disown us so the destiny sir ma'am listen to me pray listen please your destiny is in your hands god is waiting but what can he do if you turn your back on him what can he do if you justify your lifestyle against his word that's why jesus wept over jerusalem jerusalem jerusalem how many times i would have gathered you is before he was crucified there i would have gathered you but you wouldn't let me i'm paraphrasing you wouldn't let me you would not you would not let me don't lay that on god don't lay that destruction on god they brought it upon themselves for what we sow we also reap you turn away from god god says it's going to be real bad for you so this is a good thing to remember because things are getting wishier and washier that is a really weird phrase it's getting wishy-washy and getting more that way i hear preachers on the radio or sometime on tv i'm not sure if they read the bible what bible they read but they are not preaching the gospel of the lord jesus christ and they are not telling the people the truth but i have to sleep tonight you know i have to be sleeping in my bed close my eyes and i will be alone with god and if i lie to you and mis use this word he's going to come after me and convict me what are you doing how dare you adulterate my word how dare you lie to the people that i love but just because god loves us doesn't mean he tells lies to us you know it's like telling someone no keep smoking it's actually look there's a new survey if you smoke like three packs a day it actually builds the calcium in your bones no you didn't see that yeah i saw that online no when you love someone don't do that please don't do that don't do that that's how god is with us so first rule there's no one like our god who strengthens the and helps the the weak person against stronger circumstances and opposing forces there's no one like our god that's what he specializes takes people low brings them high number two it can't be just like isolated incidents asa the lord is with you when you're with him so stay with him stay with him stay with him stay seeking him but if you forsake him giving a heads up he will forsake you and that's why eventually the northern kingdom fell to the assyrian empire and then the babylonians came in and laid waste laid waste to jerusalem burned the temple and even though it was rebuilt unto king herod before jesus was born jesus prophesied to jerusalem that had rejected him they're going to surround you it's going to be so terrible they were into eating human flesh it got so bad they starved them out it was so bad every word comes true why if you turn your back on god and stick up your nose and say don't tell me how to live there's a way that seems right but the end is destruction by making it plain in love it's not that god doesn't love us but god is moral he can't change his righteous ways to suit your fancy or my fancy this applies to me so what happens we learned that after well it's closed we learned that after this happened the king asa guess what happened he got lit to do even more for god and when asa heard these words and the prophecy of azariah son of odd the prophet he took courage and he removed the detestable idols from the whole land of judah and benjamin and from the towns and et cetera he repaired the altar of the lord that was in front of the portico of the lord's temple in other words this didn't get him like discouraged he was what the lord will be with me even more if i'm with him you mean if i seek him to be more pleasing to him i will find him in a deeper way let's do it that's asa what a king give me an a give me an s give me an a asa but like i told you the bible tells it like it is so about 25 years later chapter 16 in the 36th year of aces reign basha king of israel went up against judah and fortified rama to prevent anyone from leaving or entering the territory of asa king of judah in other words the northern kingdom of israel their cousins the king basha he went and kind of like locked judah in their territory now was isolated nobody can get in and out asa then took the silver and gold out of the tr wait a minute is this the bible what translation is this oh niv is this is this true he took the silver and gold out of the treasury of the lord's temple and of his own palace and sent it to banana dad king of aram read syria aram who was ruler in damascus and he said let there be a treaty between me and you he said as there was between my father and your father see i am sending you silver and gold now break your treaty with basha king of israel so he will withdraw from me let me get this 25 years later 10 years of peace the great victory over the cushites now 25 years later you know time has an effect on us doesn't it you never can stay still with the lord we're either growing or we're falling back did you know that everyone listening to me how is it now compared to 10 years ago it's not to say no way impossible we're closer to god we're more mature or we're growing colder and falling away a little bit and there was a whole lot of falling away in subtle ways with asa it seems so what happened the northern tribe attacks him instead of calling on god instead of what he's doing what he did a quarter of a century before listen what he does he contacts the king of the territory north of the northern kingdom the people kind of locking them in now and he says i know you have a treaty with them i want you to attack them break their treaty and here's some money and where did he get the money he got the money from the temple of almighty god and from his own palace i mean really he took money from god's house that belonged to god i mean the the the silver and the gold and he used it to buy ah that's it he got political no more god that's too simplistic you got to get political you got to get aligned right see politics is the answer you get clever you use geopolitical strategies oh listen king of aram break your treaty tack them i'll pay you off because when you attack them in the north they're going to leave me alone in the south what a great idea if if asa's mother was still alive she'd be telling people i told you when my son was growing up he's a very bright boy very bright did well even in pre-k he was ahead of everyone and now look at this strategy oh it's so ingenious we're saved now look no attack on us he bought off the syrians the iran people of aram to attack and that's exactly what happened they attacked israel in the north and the bible says and when king basha heard this he stopped build uh building rama and abandon his work that he was going to do against aces kingdom and then asa sent his men up get those stones out and all the work that he was going to do to lock us in ah beautiful they're having parties they're having big parties catered italian over here japanese sushi every kind of party for everyone but then a prophet came into the party these prophets are a pain in the neck they really are this one's name was hanani at that time hannah and i the seer see seer was a prophet s-e-e-r because they saw things like those invisible things of what god is for what god is against what's pleasing to god what's with god what's against god they saw all those things in the spirit he came to ace the king of judah and said to him because you relied on the king of aram and not on the lord your god the army of the king of aram has escaped from your hand we're not the kushites and the libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen yet when you relied on the lord he delivered them into your hand and here's the big here's the the payoff third lesson what's the first lesson no one like you are god who takes the poor and raises them up against the mighty no one like you strengthens people like that you give victory you bring them through lesson number two god is with you king asa when you're with them and if you seek them you'll find them but if you forsake them he'll forsake you lesson number three hanonai says for the eyes of the lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully fully committed to him you have done a foolish thing and from now on you will be at war so asa humbled himself before god fell at the prophet's feet and said my bad no asa was angry with the seer because of this he was so enraged that he put him in prison at the same time asa brutally oppressed some of the people he's going off the reservation now so what he thought was clever it's like in our lives we cut corners and we make it through and we think like oh i'm sitting pretty now and god says what did you do when the cushites attacked you and you had no chance when you called on me what did i do i would have delivered you not only from the northern cousins of israel i would i would have given the king of aram to you i would have given you victory over everything but now you relied on flesh you relied on politics you relied on your cleverness you took money from my uh gold silver and gold from my temple and used it for your strategy and now you're the loser the eyes of the lord right now while i'm speaking and when you see this the eyes of the lord are running to and fro over the whole earth just finding someone who's totally dedicated like you were asa at the beginning who can i show myself mighty what great things can i do but my eyes are searching who's fully committed casual relationships god is not into our culture is into that casual relationships i think i love her did you ever meet her once but we text a lot casual that's why a lot of men and women they don't get married they just want to live together why they can't make a commitment to someone they either don't love someone or they love themselves so much they won't make a commitment so marriage is going out of style because marriage means commitment and they're not into commitment our society is not into commitment the minute it gets tough you break it hey it didn't work out for me if it worked out for you fine didn't work out for me the eyes of the lord right now while i speak are searching around the earth what man what woman what young person is totally dedicated to me that speaks of a word not heard too much now consecration not do you go to church are you consecrated to the lord have you given your life to him your future your money your time does he take number one priority do you want to please him more than your own family remember what jesus said compared to my your allegiance to me unless you hate your mother father sister brother you can't be my disciple it's coming to that now if you want to fit in with the crowd you're not going to make it the crowd's going into a deep cloud darkness but the eyes of the lord right now are searching notice not for a phd not for someone smart handsome pretty wealthy great singer great dancer god's not looking for any of that he's just looking for someone to say i'm all in i want to live for you take possession of me i was reading let me close i was reading oh god help us to learn those three things there's no one like you to help the weak against the mighty to get us out of scrapes and difficult situations there's no one like god remember that number two he will be with us when we're with him always see him pray and if we seek him we'll find him he'll never frustrate us but if we forsake him he has promised i will forsake you now thirdly the eyes of the lord we don't see him but he's searching who sold out who's consecrated not go to church now not how it not how you once loved the lord 21 years ago the lord challenges that with me not how you were when you started in the ministry aora now my eyes are searching for someone sold out willing to identify with me and my word agree with me live for me if need be die for me so i'm reading a book about the history of methodism it's really three volumes old books i don't know where i got them so i'm still in volume number one and it's about how wesley whitfield john wesley charles wesley how they started in england and started preaching the gospel at a very dead spiritual time and what's remarkable about wesley and whitfield and the people who followed was their total consecration i had to put the book some down sometimes and just say god is this a different religion am i living in a time warp here or what the church of england was dead dried up plucked up by the roots and they began preaching the gospel but the churches wouldn't let them preach in in the building so they did something which was a scandal to most people they went out in the fields hey you can't preach in a field you got to be in a nice church with pews and they charge for those pews you can't uh what do you think just go out there with a rabble and tell them that god loves them so they would start early in the morning before the miners would even start working called colliers the miners would work and they'd be dirty already from the soot and everything and the tears would be running down their eyes and they would be falling down on the ground crying out for mercy because god was with wesley and whitfield they preached out in the fields whitfield actually before wesley and wesley was an armenian and wesley was a five-point calvinist but god used them both so why we argue about that how about not arguing about their doctrinal positions how about wanting the blessing of god on us like these men were and the blessing was there because they didn't care they were torpedo they were like so uh he preached five times that day over the weekend they preached 11 times and they wrote on the horseback and then it was raining and they caught a cold but they still had to preach and then they were in this house and then they went out in this in in the square but the town had said if you come we will bust you up you get it we will bust you up we don't want these methodists these holy rollers coming both whitfield and wesley wesley maybe got it worse charles wesley too and all the methodist ministers that followed attacked pilloried thrown tomatoes at him rocks thrown at them every kind of filth thrown at them and they're just standing on a chair proclaiming the gospel and some people are listening and falling down others are yelling they would play instruments to try to drown them out they would just wait and then start again i mean where do you find people like that they didn't care their life was christ they're like paul my life means nothing to me he says i only want to finish the race so one of the people who followed wesley because the minute they got converted they did a little training and then those guys started preaching lay preachers that made the organized church go nuts what never been to a seminary don't know the greek don't know the hebrew how could you get up there not wearing a turnaround collar and a robe my my my but these guys were on fire in fuego so one of them got up on a chair right and he was they set him up his assistants and he preached and he only had one eye that was operating so he's preaching the crowd is coming at them they're throwing wesley himself one time when leaving got hit with some solid object and it opened up a big gash in his head he's bleeding like no tomorrow but this guy blind in one eye they come at him he's preaching they wouldn't they wouldn't stop get out of town we're running out of town now they're throwing some now they get close now they take human feces and other stuff and put it in his face and rub it in his face he won't back down but he won't get violent filled with the love of jesus the ugliness that they put in his face get in the good eye within a period of months he can't see out of that eye either now he's blind you know what he did he got his friends to bring him back to that town set him up on the chair get him their balance he said i'm coming back to tell you about jesus stone blind the eyes of the lord are running to and fro over the whole earth who wants to do god's will no matter what who's willing to say no to the flesh and comfort zones and all of that so those are my three lessons for you today number one there's no god like our god who helps the downtrodden the the person who like no way jose you're go you're under no god said i'll lift you up number two the the lord is with you when you're with him and when you seek him you'll find him and number three remember if you uh on that point if you forsake him he will forsake you you can't have your way in god's blessing that is impossible [Music] number three the eyes of the lord right now have always run to and fro imagine that god's doing a search he's got a search engine no they're just wealthy they're just intelligent oh there's one totally trust in me sold out complete lord we thank you for your word to us it challenges me the preacher help me to always remember that you specialize in helping the weak against the mighty the poor against the rich you get people out of ditches and situations you love to do that weakness draws you as long as we put our trust in you and ask for your help help us to remember starting with me lord that you are always with us when we are with you and if we seek you will reward but if we forsake [Music] you will react in like manner lastly lord thank you that your eyes are not looking for wealth and famous people that's not who you work through usually just anyone whose heart is perfect towards you save us from asa's latter years give us the spirit he had at the beginning totally devoted to you in childlike faith we pray this in jesus name amen if you are not a christian you watch this you can receive christ by just confessing your sin and saying god have mercy on me forgive me i put my trust in jesus if you're a churchgoer and part of the system now of funny christianity christianity light l-i-t-e and god's convicted you please please i beg you don't want your money don't send an offering if you don't feel like it that's not what i'm doing this for just get along with god now as we sign off say how is it with me how is it in the eyes of the lord he loves you so much he loves me he's been so merciful with me i'm the last person in the universe that should be a preacher that's how i feel most times but god is full of mercy he will help you go with god he's with you amen [Music] you
Channel: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
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Keywords: Brooklyn Tabernacle, God, Brooklyn, New York, The Brooklyn Tabernacle, Jim Cymbala, Jesus, Holy Spirit, pandemic, Scripture, Covid 19, Pastor Jim, Pastor Jim Cymbala, New Testament, Old Testament, bible, Bible, Tabernacle, Jim, Cymbala, Brooklyn Tab, Social, Injustice, Quarantine, Pastor Cymbala, grace, good, evil, righteous, right, wrong, bad, choir, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Brooklyn Tab Choir, worship, music, gospel music, Gospel, three, lessons, Judah, King, eyes, In the Eyes of the Lord, challenge, life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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