God’s Problem | Pastor Jim Cymbala | The Brooklyn Tabernacle

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when you read the bible you read any book it is a battle to sometimes capture the emphasis of words in a sentence because you're reading every word is the same it's on ink on a piece of paper but take the sentence bring this man to me right now bring this man to me right now if you read that it's not the same as hearing someone say bring that man to me right now emphasis that man how about this bring that man to me right now whole different emphasis right or bring that man to me right now the time element is emphasized so when we read the bible which was basically written the hebrew old testament the greek new testament you don't hear the voicing you don't hear the emphasis it's not easily found there now if you get a commentary or a word study book or some helps that i have and so some some people know hebrew and greek you can actually find out in sentences where the emphasis is because the greek language is so reach a rich that it actually can point out the experts can point out the emphasis in that sentence is on you so send i you not i or sen but so send i you let's say there's actually an uh a new testament that i have a study from sometimes and it's called the emphasize bible emphasize new testament and with all these little marks it actually tries to indicate where the emphasis is on the word but beside that you when you read the bible you look for repetition because especially in the old testament when something is to be emphasized and god wants us to really have it indelibly etched in our minds it'll repeat there'll be re repetition you'll see that in the psalms you'll see that in the proverbs but the repetition means emphasis in the new testaments the same thing you look for sentences and truths that are repeated over and over and over again because they are being emphasized by god to us as everything's important but some things are super important for example how many times in the new testament do you read where the lord tells us have faith in god have faith have faith trust over and over because without faith it's impossible to please god faith is the foundation of our relationship with the lord if you don't trust him you can't walk with him you can't see what he'll do the just shall live by faith how many times does the lord say to us in the new testament and the writer paul too and other writers by this shall everyone know you're my disciples because you love one another love love first corinthians 13 if i speak with the tongue of men and angels and can prophesy and and know all mysteries and if i don't have love i'm nothing over and over again love is emphasized are you with me here okay why because god is love and this is how you know a real christian not by what experiences they had 20 years ago and mystical things with god and they understand the word and and they the the bible how you measure all of us is by love the one who loves a lot that's the most mature christian the one who doesn't love that much it doesn't matter if it's the pastor not a very strong christian because god is love how could you know god and not love and love is always tested if i could just say this throw this in love is always tested how we love people who are other if you love your own group if you're from korea and you love koreans ain't no big thing but if you love other races if you love other countries people from other countries if you love people who are mean to you do i get a witness here i mean that's the test of love love those who curse you jesus said for god so loved the world what world the world that was so nice to him no the world that was going to crucify him so the test of love is not do you like your friends and are you good to your family that's not the test of love the test of love is handling all the stuff that's out there and having god's love break through through us so we love now in all this repetition business very few people know that there's three things that are there's something that's repeated three times in the gospels that jesus said and they're re they're they're recorded at different times you know the synoptic gospels matthew mark and luke record the same thing that happened and they just tell it from a different aspect but it's the same event the feeding the five lows and the two fishes feeding thousands that's repeated right but uh the there are some things that are mentioned that wow here it's mentioned here at another time it's mentioned whoa another totally different time he said the same thing that's what we're going to do now we're going to study three different occasions where jesus said the same thing but it had all a different backdrop the name of this message is god's problem because god has a problem i would venture to say you may can make your decision when i leave these verses put these verses out there god has a problem well how could god have a problem if he's god he could just solve it by just speaking his word and doing it and the problem it's not that easy it's not that simple so we're going to start in matthew chapter 9 jesus is going about ministering and they'll put the verses up there and we're going to read them jesus went through all the towns and villages teaching in their synagogues proclaiming the good news what was the good news he had not bad news good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness to prove that he was the son of god when he saw the crowds he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd then he said to his disciples the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few ask the lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into his harvest field so jesus is going about doing ministry and the crowds are jostling him there's mothers and dads bringing their babies to him and the disciples see these crowds and in the midst of all of this jesus stops and the word is a deep word he had compassion so in the depths of his heart this deep compassion pity mercy fills him and he stops and he sees the crowd in a spiritual way you know that's a big question for all of us how do you see people you just see what they're wearing you just see them from the outside how do you see people they irri are they an irritant to you they bother you about your way there some of them are maybe obnoxious some of them are nice some of them are one color others have another color you know how you see the world is everything and the lord had a double sin he had these eyes but then he had eyes of his heart and when he saw the multitude he had compassion on them why because he saw them like sheep without a shepherd they were just plodding wandering going down wrong roads there's wolves out there you know that wolf is going to eat you well sheep doesn't know if he sees a little grass he'll just kept heading right toward the predator that's how we saw people messing up their lives making wrong decisions torn mangled in fact alternate translations of the words in the niv the words excuse me the words in the niv have and he saw them as harassed and helpless one translation has he saw them as torn another one says he saw them as mangled uh and he also saw it says here harassed and helpless that word could also be translated thrown down dejected so he's seeing people what sin had done to them their wrong wrong decisions their rebellion against god they're mangled they're torn they're acting like everything's okay what that's if you just look on the outside if you see the way he sees you know they're empty as a drum they're scared to death of dying because they don't want to face god they don't want to think about eternity in other words they're clinging to life because they're scared of what's happening after physical life ends he saw them like that sin had done that to them their own decisions life had done that mean people maybe bad parents people sticking a knife in their back and turning it once or twice people hurting them family letting them down men walking out on women women walking out on men all the temptations all the stuff of life and then the devil jesus was very aware of satan he had been tempted at the beginning of his ministry so he knew how destructive that predator is goes about like a roaring lion and jesus saw that in the people like oh my goodness oh my goodness so he stops and he says to the disciples who are with them he tells them clearly the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few in other words the need that people have the salvation that god could bring to them the building up of the kingdom the numbers of people who could be one to christ and and that need to hear the good news the harvest is plenteous but the problem is there's not many workers there's no workers there's all kinds of now he didn't say worshipers worshipper is different than worker he didn't say the singers are few he didn't say the churchgoers are few he said the workers are few you know what workers do good they work what is work work is having a goal and expending focusing your energy and your time to reach a goal he said that's what there's few of well i mean if there's so few i mean just do it without the workers no no building the kingdom you have to cooperate with me and i cooperate with you the lord says i don't build the kingdom by fiat i don't declare something and it just happens no we do this together i need workers not phds just workers and they were few and that's the history of christianity that's the history of churches that's the history when all the talk is done on one side evangelical side of i'm getting deep into five-point calvinism and i'm learning about the decrees of god and his sovereignty and we see his glory in the clouds and i want to study like how many angels are there i'm trying to pastor i'm working on this for seven years how many angels are really in heaven you know like that's not really the problem on fulton street how many would say amen to that so you can get totally removed from what the kingdom is about no on the other side oh we had a meeting oh what a meeting the spirits that came and and oh in his presence and there was a prophetic word and someone said this and that's good but that's not work that's not work the spirit comes to equip us to go out and work and most churches circle the wagons and we want to have good meetings and at some point maybe god says why should i visit you when you don't want to do my work you'll never know what god can do in your life until you do his work will there be battles oh yeah but is there satisfaction yeah we're going to get to that but it's workers he needs just workers working then you see the glory of god then all kinds of things happen why god basically says this you work for me you work with me i'll work with you of course you study church history where the greatest miracles been done healings god strengthening speakers it's done when people are on the cutting edge on the battle line sitting back at home looking at their new phone nothing happens much just gathering and bible study bible study i'm all for bible study do you know enough about me and carol and tyrande and the rest of us that we love to worship god how many love to worship come on put your hand up i know but in heaven we're going to have real worship this is just play time what we're doing now you understand that right then we're in the big worship service where we see him face to face how do you think you'll worship then when you actually see him so now we worship but it's not like you know there's almost like delicatants who are like like uh they're connoisseurs of who does worship better as really weird to me that is really strange let's worship god and be natural and ask the holy spirit to help us worship but that's not work jesus didn't say the singers are few he said the workers are few so now another time in luke 10 they'll put it up he's sending out 72 workers to go to cities that he's planning to visit and out of nowhere guess what we see repeated after this the lord appointed 72 others some manuscripts say it was 70 here at 72 in the niv and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go so he sent them out two by two pastor petrie said a very good word last night yesterday at the wedding of his daughter he was talking about a single strand cord and then if you put another strand it becomes stronger you see a double strand chord is always stronger than single so we send them out two by two why because if you get discouraged the other one can lift you up if you fall someone can give you a hand when you pray two can agree so he sent them out two by two and notice what we see he sent him to the places where he was going to visit isn't that what god is doing really today in a spiritual way wherever god is going to visit a family or save somebody someone has to go before him to plant the seed no god if you want to save himself no i don't save them on my own how can they believe unless they hear how can they hear unless someone tells them how can someone tell them unless they're sent so he sent them out where he was going to follow up and that's still happening today when you read about a miracle and a life has changed you know somebody got to that person handed them a bible witness to them brought them to church prayed over them interceded wept got up in the middle of the night then the miracle happens why they preceded the coming of the lord with salvation so look at that screen again the harvest he told them the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few ask the lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into his harvest field so notice the emphasis here he told them the harvest is plentiful again though the workers are few ask the lord of the harvest therefore wherefore since there are few workers notice this is this is really a revelation this is radical we would say let's train people lord does not say trained people he says pray that i will raise up the workers that are needed you can't train anyone to be a worker unless god has raised them up first he has to put the love the compassion he has to give the boldness that all comes do they need to be trained and learn things and get deeper in the word understand the gospel yes yes yes yes yes but notice his priority here here strange ask the lord of the harvest pray ask the lord of the harvest god to raise up workers for no if if the lord wants more workers let them just send them no no i'm not sending them unless you ask for them not many brothers and sisters if you would digest this how many of us would be here on tuesday night praying for the country you come from or praying for this country or better yet pray for bangladesh where i've been there's not a whole lot of workers there no very difficult place mainland china other places that need workers raised up god says ask for them notice the importance of prayer and cooperation with god even for the workers that he needs for his vineyard he said you ask and then i'll raise them up think in heaven what we're going to see what god did in answer to prayer workers raised up so in this luke setting we seekers we see that workers preceded him and we have to ask for the supply also mentioned in matthew 9. and notice this he needed workers not phds not masters of divinity not scholars who understand the hebrew the greek no no no no you don't need that i believe my own self study i'm not the answer man but my own conviction is now the whole christian system is whack what we're emphasizing nobody cares about i had a guy visit me years ago up on the fifth floor bright young guy loves the lord mid to late 20s he said to me it was from a midwestern state i've read a couple of your books they really touched me and i i want to know if you would counsel me and pray with me how can i help you brother he said well i'm at a crossroads i'm at a crossroads i graduated high school i went to college i got top honors i then went on and got a masters in divinity more study and now i'm at the crossroads do i stay with the masters of divinity or do i get a phd so i can be a doctor ph.d in divinity i said you want me to tell you the truth of course brother i'm here i said okay the world i live in i have no idea what you're talking about i said look out the windows we're on the fifth floor in my office outside the windows is smith street i said go down with me let's go down the elevator go to smith street make a right go to fulton street just stop anybody and we'll talk to them they have needs they're torn they're mangled oh they can be acting all whatever but inside they're hurting they're misguided they're blind they don't have a clue about the lord none of them are praying right now oh lord send me a phd before the night time comes nobody cares they want someone who loves them they want someone who knows about jesus and the gospel they know want to know if someone would pray with them they're struggling with oxycontin or pornography or broken marriage or whatever i had another guy visit me and he said i'm thinking of doing a major study on where the philistines came from do you happen to know about that pastor jim no i know you call him philistines goliath he fought david but where did they come from i said to be honest with you i don't care about the philistines how many are with me say amen i want to know more about jesus i want him more in my life so what happens is the christian system in a lot of places is answering questions nobody is asking come on you know people does anyone want to know about the philistines does anyone is anyone waiting for a phd and many times the more they study the less they know about god they get totally cerebral and now the corazon is dead i'm not glorifying ignorance i study i think probably as much as most i have a vast library i want to learn but i mean if it doesn't translate to you being a worker so which of you here so let's end this and let me get up in your girl a little bit okay so which of you can't be a worker just just tell me that what disqualifies you you're too old to be a worker too young too young a christian you don't know enough verses no maybe we're lazy maybe we're wrapped up with our toys and our life and and we're victims and we're only thinking about ourselves and our friends and our family and and and and our future and our plans and our ira and and our retirement plan and uh union benefits and we're all of that and people are going to hell in a hand basket and jesus is saying where are my workers we're the workers you know who who wants to sweat work call pray intercede knock on the door bring to church who wants to go out of their way that's what workers have to do you got to go out of your way who wants to do that that's what the shortage is so we've made a cult now i say that word carefully of worship and coming to church but listen years ago there was reportedly a prophetic word given in a meeting and a songwriter happened to be there and he wrote a song based on this supposed prophetic word you'll have to judge and the prophetic word was basically this god saying my house is full but my fields are empty who will go and work for me today it seems like all the children want to stay around the table but no one wants to work in the field pretty impactful what do you think my house is full no they love choruses they love the moving of the spirit and i'm all for that but i mean then at what point does someone go and work in the fields you know my wife has a background her family has a background they're dairy farmers on her mother's side in wisconsin southern wisconsin and guess what they have to do to milk those cows i went out there for one summer it almost killed me waking me up at 4 30 in the morning to well melt cows and walk through cow manure in the barn then go out in the fields after a breakfast and and and they have planted seed which takes work then harvest time comes they mow the hay and they put in the silo so the cows have something to eat and they're killing themselves and then you have a dinner lunch is the main meal dinner they eat kind of early 5 o'clock 5 30 and they're in bed by 7 7 30 because they have worked themselves to the bone but that's how you have a farm and jesus said that's how you how to build my kingdom the people their needs they're everywhere but where can i find workers where can i find them i've watched this since i was a kid i've seen a lot of deceptive things that look spiritual they ain't excuse the grammar they ain't if you don't end up seeing people with compassion and wanting to help them you somehow lost your way i have lost my way i meet ministers god knows it's true they don't want anyone from the neighborhood to come in their church with whatever kind of need they have or what color they are they want their target group to come a certain race a certain age a certain economic status i would say that's sick how many say amen because jesus looked at everybody thank god he looked at you and me are there battles yes you know one year my we rented radio city musical no church had ever rented that we do do an outreach and the choir got gowns and they and they went to sing and i think we tried to start a church off that meeting and my wife led and as when the meeting ended in radio city musical 52nd avenue in the americas we're walking out after having a little fellowship and we're walking out of the side door do you remember that carol and two or three violent guys just you could say it was an accident or whatever they walked by i'm not sure if they shoved her but with no just no warning they let out the loudest curse at us like they knew what we were doing inside the work of the lord here's what i've learned a methodist preacher said it a long time ago though the devil attacks you in a thousand ways and though there's trouble on every side you're never happier than when you're doing the work of the lord are there problems yeah does the devil attack well of course why would he cheer you on if you're sleeping he'll just let you stay if you want to know spiritual warfare do the work of the lord then he'll come at you tooth and claw never happier than when you're doing the work of the lord francis asbury circuit writer for the methodist church early america let me close jesus goes through samaria and he stops at a well and he talks to a woman and the woman is a samaritan samaritans and jews had they hated each other the jewish rabbis taught that if you go through samaria and if this is judah i'm just figuratively saying jesus here samaria is north and then north of that is galilee where jesus grew up so jesus the rabbis taught if you go through samaria and you walk on the dust you get your you have to get your your sandals ceremonially cleaned because just getting the dust from samaria is a foul thing these are low-life people racist kind of thinking jesus stops there talks to a woman and she even says to him why are you talking to me you're a jew i'm a samaritan jews don't talk to samaritans but jesus wasn't your ordinary jew was he he was full of love so she after he dialogues with her she goes off back to her family and the disciples come notice as i close this what happens meanwhile his disciples urged him rabbi eat something but he said to them i have food to eat that you know nothing about then his disciples said to each other could someone have brought him food they're always thinking physical always physical my food said jesus what satisfies me what keeps me going what satisfies me is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his his what his work i get sustenance and i'm sustained and i'm blessed by doing not by sitting and trying to receive what a lesson what a lesson so unlearned by so many of us don't you have a saying it's still four months until harvest i tell you open your eyes and look at the fields would you please look at the fields they're ripe for harvest they ain't going to get more ripe the lord is saying here when you do my work listen learn from me he's saying my my food i don't need a sandwich i don't need a meal i have to eat but that's not what keeps me going what keeps me going is to do the work the work the reaching the rejection the mocking the cursing the laughing at then you go to the next one and then you go to the next one and they go get out of here with your jesus stuff then you go to the next one it's not the end of the world you're not gonna die you keep talking you keep praying you keep inviting you keep interceding you keep looking for an open door that you can get in and tell them about the lord [Music] are you out there or did you all leave while i was preaching he says that's what keeps me going this is why so many christians they're chronically weak chronically tired they're always tired pray for me i'm going through if you knew my brother-in-law oh he didn't invite me to the wedding oh i don't know i'm going through jacob's trouble here i didn't get invited to the reception i was like hey look we'll pray for you we want to help you i don't want to sound cruel but are you doing any work for jesus look at me look at me are you doing any work for him do you even think of that when we get up in the morning do we say god open my eyes so i can see the fields that's what jesus said lift up your eyes don't you see it it's right in front of you but you don't see it all you see is dirty oh i don't want to be around that oh they're nasty don't you see inside them don't you know they were born a little baby like you were born all babies are innocent they were shaped into that lift up your eyes the fields are ripe so in a in a farm they know the months they know oh it's seed time no let's harvest no no no you don't harvest now you got to wait four more months then your harvest that was the saying back in jesus day harvest is coming and jesus said you're not waiting four months are you what are you waiting for the harvest is ready now talk pray share love proclaim go after them no i'm too busy wait a minute what are you busy with that's more important than my work i will work with you if you work but if you don't work what can i do the the greatest blessings i've ever had in my life when i was reaching and i want to keep reaching traveling going trying to help pastors proclaiming the gospel here there everywhere woodford square in trinidad or wherever my travels have taken me that's the joy you come you come back to bed at night and you don't care about anything else except she prayed the sinner's prayer she going to be a christian that's what the angels rejoice angels never look down and go what a worship service oh that was deep what you're into worship service is so good but that's not the work aren't you all here because someone worked how many are here because someone worked and shared the gospel with you am i right or wrong but we can get so selfish no no my i like to see i'm getting a new sofa what do you feel pastor should the sofa be here no no maybe here maybe that's not the right color are grays in now or gray's not in okay just sit on the sofa would you please enjoy your sofa thank god for your sofa but is that what your life is gonna be a sofa a car a phone the workers are few i can tell now by i'm preaching i can tell for some of this is just bouncing off of hey pastor don't get don't get all emotional on us we go to church on sunday imagine how that must hurt the angels you talk to people and say how you doing oh i go to the tab i go to bt on sundays i know but what are you doing for the lord i go to church [Music] if you understand the sentiment that we've read just raise your hand if you understand what i've just talked about [Music] and we've all grown up around it i'm sick of it i am so sick of it i'd rather live for the next three months to the end or the end of the year the next i'd rather live and die on new year's eve and see god do something and work for him than hang out and just have meetings don't you think we're at a place now where my wife and i we could just hang out and have services and you come and we sing and trend it comes and oh i remember my life you've been so faithful and that's good i'm not mocking that but i mean who's going to do the work if not us just tell me who angels no god is on the throne i know he's on the throne but he said his workers are few we can't dodge it so that's why the bible says in one place it's in isaiah and then it's quoted again in by paul how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good tidings of joy who bring the message of salvation not preachers just anyone who shares to talk to people visit them make it intentional be purposeful about it [Music] i guess argentina is on my mind from that wedding yesterday so there's a man down there who my father-in-law knew and the man used to interpret from my father-in-law carol's dad when she when he went down to preach his name with brother sam sorensen so sam sorensen was had an apostolic kind of ministry i would think and started churches that went throughout argentina and they would just send people out it was a frightening thing to see in one way they would just send a couple out give them a love offering up to us let's say 15 and say you go to that city start a church start a church well i know but where we're going to meet just trust god he'll show you well how we going to live trust god he'll supply just do the work and down in argentina they don't use the word so much pastors and that they use albertos workers oh she's a good worker he's a good worker so brother sorensen works himself to the bone i didn't know him personally he overdid it probably probably didn't have the best diet either they eat a lot of meat down there and fat and he has a stroke but i don't know him but my wife's family did i go down argentina i'm invited so i go to the campamento the campgrounds where there's karpas there's tents everywhere hundreds of people are staying in tents on the campgrounds and then there's a big auditorium where they gather about four times a day for services they start asking me to preach and i was much younger inexperienced but the lord had it all put together so i found brother sorensen and one side of his face was paralyzed from the stroke plus he had um shall we say he had trouble with his bodily functions comprende no comprende and he couldn't walk straight up but i wanted to learn from him so i would come every day and he would take my arm we'd go in the fields and he would and i told him no you're okay and i would ask him questions so when you preached what did you feel about how did you know when to end and how did you plant those churches how did the churches support themselves and he would talk to me but we've been walking among the people and of course when he came by they were they did everybody but bowed down to him they loved him so much appreciated him and knew that he had broken his body doing the work of the lord so he's walking with me one day and we stop and we're talking and suddenly a lady comes out from a tent middle-aged older than i was at that time and she has some kind of bro not brush but rag she drops on the ground there was dirt dust and grass and she starts cleaning my shoes so i don't know if it was culture shock or what for me but i knew i was not comfortable but i couldn't talk to her i didn't know spanish like i know now a little bit i know so i said to him brother sorensen could you please ask her just stop i don't feel comfortable she's bowing at my feet and she's rubbing my shoes no no i don't like it so he says to the lady amanda and he tells her in spanish the brother doesn't feel comfortable with you shining his shoes she no not even hesitation she says something back in spanish and i see him choke and he turns to me with tears and eyes and he says brother don't fight her she said from the bible how beautiful are the feet of those who come with good news about jesus and you ministered last night and it blessed her so the least she feels she can do is shine the shoes of the messenger who came you think i'll ever forget that till i see jesus you ever think i'll forget that no how beautiful are the feet of someone who wants to work i want to work anybody here want to work with me come on and work how many want to work for the lord and guess what forget seeking god and trying to bring down a miracle and all that signs and wonders you do the work of the lord and that's where he meets you you work with him you know i'm going to work with you and signs follow those that went out and did the work let's close our eyes those of you watching online how about it [Music] the lord is short on workers [Music] if you're here today and this message has like penetrated it's for all of us obviously for the speaker first [Music] but if you're here and you want to make a fresh surrender of lord i'm not much i'm like past symbol i'm not trained i'm not this i'm not that but i i i want to be a worker for you i want you to lead me guide me open my mouth you give me the boldness you give me the compassion i don't have it but i can volunteer myself the way i am that i can do i have a free will i can say lord here am i lead me just get up out of your seat right now and come up here in the front i'd like to pray over you sing over you ask god to make us a church of workers [Music] lead me lord come right from your seat i'll pray with you come closer you have i will will go those of you here in the front lift your hands sing it sing everyone [Music] lead me lord lead me lord i will go come on band play sing sick [Music] [Music] is everybody stand in the building and sing [Music] let the church say to the lord sing it as a prayer lead me lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] everybody let's lift our hands says surrender lift up ahead lord i surrender to you make me a worker i don't have it i don't feel it i don't see it but with you everything is possible give me consecration give me boldness give me compassion you have called me [Music] [Music] oh jesus helped us jesus help me jesus we consecrate ourselves to you today open our eyes help us to see the harvest is right help us to not see problems and just sin and crowds help us to see sheep wandering torn mangled knocked down give us eyes to see the way you see give us compassion like you have give us boldness to speak to pray to witness to talk to be a worker if they reject we move on but we're going to keep working till jesus comes we're going to work till jesus comes save us from going to churchism [Music] these young people here in front of me on their knees god they went on their knees i didn't ask them to now raise them up by your power not just physically raise them up spiritually to be mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds [Music] help us to see the glory of god in the land of the living as we work for you will you not work with us how can we do it without you but as we go as we talk as we invite as we pray as we do whatever work with us let there be an indelible mark that you jesus are alive [Music] everyone just keep your eyes closed for a second we're going to sing at an end but those of you here in the front in front of me i count i count nine of you kneeling could you come up on this platform i don't know who you are i don't want to embarrass you but would you come up i feel something so strong that god's gonna do amazing things through you either side of me [Music] some of you go on that side go on that side next to him just slide over behind me please let's all just lift our hands up here we are lord [Music] sing it i'll lay my hands on their back while we're singing [Music] ready [Music] will [Music] you have [Music] from the beginning last time everybody lifted hands one more time leave me [Music] he will lord us [Music] [Applause] you have called [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we believe something has been birthed this very afternoon something real something of the holy ghost something for the glory of christ an anointing of boldness and faith a spiritual way of seeing things unlike the way we've lived before help us to walk in it walk in it do it help us to do it not talk about it do it lord help us to do it whatever it entails give us the grace for we prayed in jesus name thank you lord get us all home safely now we pray for that movement meeting on friday night at 6 30 let your spirit come lord and and strike the people there and our prayer meeting on tuesday we give you all the praise and glory everyone said turn around while i hug these people turn around give someone a hug okay [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Views: 9,962
Rating: 4.9414635 out of 5
Id: 8fIQaB8_Ajg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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