Pray and Get Answers | Pastor Jim Cymbala

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and it turned out that God used that or something they said or then you can speak into their lives and you can believe things [Music] Lord well right now I just want to introduce a very very special person to me forty-four plus years ago I walked into a little building on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn and I wasn't ready for what I encountered there I didn't know what it was that was going on in there but I had never experienced anything like that there was nothing weird or anything happening I figured out three weeks later when I came back that what I didn't know what was in there was the presence of God and I had grown up in church every single Sunday of my life and I had never experienced the presence of God and the little tiny building there there was a young pastor who was preaching the gospel the simple truth of the gospel and I stayed there for the next thirty years went into ministry there and passed assemblee and Carole have been like my spiritual mom and dad and have taught me so much I learned not only from his preaching but also from his example in Carole's example when we started the church the Border's tabernacle 3 and a half years ago learning from what I was taught there I didn't want to be a lone wolf out here with no covering and I drove to Brooklyn to meet with past assemblee to ask if he would oversee us because you know in case I go off I could take a lot of me but with me so he's gonna make sure I don't go off but uh I want to tell you how proud I am to have my pastor and our overseer here with us he travels all around the world he was just telling us in the room there all the places that he's been just in the last few months and I was getting motion sickness from the air travel just by listening to him but I want to thank God and I want you to help welcome my pastor and our overseer would you help me welcome pastor Jim Simba [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you I'm so happy to be here tonight I am so thankful for what God is doing here in this church I'm so proud in the Lord a pastor Joey and his wife Missy and the family and all you others there are leaders here and attendees very very thankful to see all of you out tonight on a midweek service the Lord is good amen and God is with you I say that publicly to you pastor and your wife the Lord is with you here not every church meets together and you've sense his presence and love and you're all in the same page so and you're all made up of I see different like where Carol and I have been in the Brooklyn Tabernacle all different colors and backgrounds isn't that exciting isn't that nice so boring when you're just with the same people same color I mean white people so boring if that's all that you have as white people or black people are just Latinos and Asian and whatever I'm visiting here with a worker who has to handle the Lord on his life his name is David brother David Cho and he's Korean but he was born in South America grew up in Argentina and his first language is Spanish his second language is English and he can barely speak Korean which is weird right and I'm going to Korea in October for a week of meetings and I can't use him for translation they don't know anything I know anything but David would you stand could you give him a warm welcome so my wife wanted to be here so badly she was talking about this we were in Florida for a week two weeks ago and then she stayed I had to come back and she stayed and came back on Saturday and said you're going to Maryland on Saturday on Wednesday right a Tuesday I said yes I'm gonna go I want to go I got to see Joey's church and see Missy and everyone and then we went through three services on Sunday we have services at nine eleven and one and we had a long beautiful day and then she was great and then we went out to eat afterward and I think something disagreed with her or something and around four o'clock in the afternoon she went home went in the bed and she hasn't gotten out of the bed till this moment she's still in the bed when I called her she's not feeling good in her stomach and just weak and she so I got to come back here with her and you can meet my better half you know my wife's won six Grammy Awards and her choirs recorded 30 albums now and in his early life another life that Joey had he was the best she told them today on the phone on speaker you're the best bass player in the world and he played all those years and he played like she understands music he never was trained never was taught anything in fact I think she forced you to play they had a practice back when the choir had what 25 people and now they're 240 strong I think when they're all there and she someone told her as a joke you know Joey plays the bass because she had no bass player and it was a bass there and it was a joke he didn't play the bass so she said you played that bass pick up that bass and play tonight and he went no I don't play the bass she said don't you lie to me you play that bass and that's how he started right that's amazing how he did that amazing so my wife my wife can't read or write music she's won these awards and she directs and writes songs she's writing some beautiful new songs now oh my goodness she's working on some new songs and I think they might do another project in the fall but she can't read or write music so her music has gone around the country around the world and there's books and octave O's that people sing from but she can't read the very song she wrote which is strange but you know there's a joke in our church she doesn't know what she's doing she just keeps doing it every Sunday and we're all happy with it so so very happy to be here a very lot of feelings and God has brought pastor Joey and Missy through all kinds of things experiences pain blessings hurt because that's how God shapes you God doesn't shape you just on top of the mountain when the sun is shining he shapes you through difficulties am I correct he deepens your walk he strengthens your faith so you got to keep with it and keep trusting the Lord so I've always had an encounter with the Lord on a boat fishing boat in Florida many years ago why not to go through a lot of love stories biographical sketch here but just so you can understand what I want to talk to you about tonight so the church that when Carol and I came there were less than eighteen people we hadn't met the Vasquez family yet and and and even my brother Robby Talton who's here tonight he was there early on but when we came it were just like 17 18 people and half of them that I inherited were like certifiable they belonged in a institution somewhere I don't know where these people came from but they were there and you have to learn that sometimes the church goes ahead by subtraction because I realize you couldn't build with people they were very cantankerous carnal crazy just for that call but the previous pastors had taken the philosophy let everything go because if you confront to anybody they might leave the church and take their offerings with them but it's better they leave and take their offerings with them how many say men sometimes they're just like stop you can't do anything so we actually went south from 8 17 18 people lost some of them to get a group that could pray like what God is doing here because you get together and you start to pray no telling what can happen so the church grew to maybe 60 70 people to us that was like an explosion so I the first offering we took was $85 was the total tithes and offering so when they handed me the slip I realized my wife would have to get a job I'd have to get a job but it is what it is s Loukas you just you just do it so I made something like thirty eight hundred dollars the first year I was in the ministry fifty five hundred dollars a second year but we didn't know any better I'd be it was like you know I wasn't trained went to seminary I was mask my basketball player in high school in college and so there we are so then I get sick I get this terrible flu terrible terrible bronchial this is structural weakness that my late mother had all her life but she lived to 104 she just died some months ago at 104 and six months polish were Polish we're not smart but we keep moving we just always we just keep going you know what I'm saying so she would always get these same things so I got a terrible one I was coughing so much coughing up phlegm coughing so loud my wife couldn't sleep in the same bed it was painful when I found her I felt a cough coming on I would just just like tears because we you ever get one of those things where you just I got a knife so I I know doctor I had no insurance I had nothing I had no money had nothing so I ended up going down to Florida where my in-laws then lived and I thought what am i god I gotta get rest I got and I was strong and young and had a little children but just this thing knocked me for a loop so I went out on a fishing boat and I don't fish as well as your pastor but I I wasn't interested in catching fish I just wanted to be out on the sea and the Sun and maybe this thing would beat it out of me so I'm in in the boat and I'm fishing and it's on the side and I'm all by myself on the side of the ship and I'm talking to the Lord and I'm saying God what should I do I don't know what to do I didn't go to seminary I was a basketball player was cutting classes I was there to just you know break some ankles shake and bake somebody and now I'm in the ministry I didn't you know what do I do my sermons were bad I fell asleep while I was preaching not just the people everybody took a nap and the Lord spoke to me because there were all these Church growth patterns then there now today there's all these novelties back then it was get buses and bus people and that was back then or cell groups if you don't have cell groups you don't even have a church and then that passes and just people make money out of selling books and I have no money how could I buy buses and if they want to take a bus Joey knew where Nancy is sister see if you could just lower this a little bit please there were buses everywhere but someone wants to get on a bus just get on the bus and come down to where we are I'm not gonna buy a bus to send it to you and where would I park it and and cell groups we had broken homes and people living in neighborhoods with the police that want to go so you know we're trying to do some good in the hood you can't go by other people's formulas so I'm just pouring out my heart to God and then in the closest experience that I've had to like an audible voice with the Lord the Lord spoke to me I fell and said if you and Carol will just lead the people to pray I'll take care of every sermon that you need to preach of which I was very insecure about at that point I'll take care of all the money that you need and I was insecure about that is I had already a daughter Krissy and the church you know poor people were downtown Brooklyn we weren't getting millionaires coming in there and thirdly they'll never be a building large enough to contain all the people that I'll bring in in one meeting for one meeting if you'll just lead the people to pray well it was so real so strong from God that I wept for hours God knows what I'm speaking in front of you and he's listening I wept for hours there's when the Lord speaks to you it's not that it's so new or novel it's just that it's so precious and he touches you in some deep place in your heart so I came back and told the church like come on Tuesday night it's going to be the engine that drives the church it's going to be the barometer of our church let's gather to pray and maybe that first Tuesday there were maybe 12 people in the prayer meeting I once had a prayer meeting with two people in it and I still use the microphone I don't know what was in my head I was walking back and forth on the platform like a nut and here we're two ladies sitting out there mister must have thought I was certifiable myself but you let you learn you have you have to go through these pains so God has done all those things all those things everything that he spoke to me about I've seen God do miraculous ways one time when I needed the church needed six million dollars and I was down in Argentina ministering to poorer people I came back and they had told me before I left you POW your short six million dollars to finish phase one of this massive building we're in now and in ten minutes I opened two letters at 12 o'clock in 12:10 and there was a man who I met once telling me God related on my heart I'm giving you a million dollars and then 10 minutes later from a woman I still have not met and she said I heard you're in a building project my foundation wants to give you five million dollars so in ten minutes God supplied six million dollars how many know he's faithful tonight let's put our hands together and thank them for that so so what I want to talk to what I want to talk to you about tonight is real for all of us it's basic but it's real so because I've always wanted to pastor a church and I know pastor Joey feel the same way and missing Carol and I've always wanted to be on people who pray and get answers not just pray but praying get answers just to say prayers and you know like at the end of a football game you know they say the guy's gonna throw a Hail Mary you know like it's maybe it'll work who knows maybe but that's not what the Bible teaches about prayer Bible teaches that God answers prayer and then when we pray we need to believe that God will answer and that there's no son or daughter that you have that's too far gone that God can't bring them back there's no situation nothing I can tell you anything I've learned is that with God nothing is impossible but how to learn that so I want to read to you you don't have to turn to it you can go home and look at it tonight it's the story it's the story of the first miracle Jesus ever did so just listen to it very brief on the third day on the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee Jesus's mother was there and Jesus and His disciples had also been invited to the wedding when the wine was gone Jesus's mother said to him they have no more wine this is all John to woman why do you involve me very mysterious the translations have this a lot of different ways it's a very complex Greek they're not sure what exactly's being said here and why woman why do you involve me jesus replied my hour has not yet come his mother said to the servants do whatever he tells you nearby stood six stone water jars the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing each holding from 20 to 30 gallons these are ginormous jesus said to the servants fill the jars with water so they filled them to the brim and then he told them now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet they did so and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine he did not realize where it had come from though the servants who had drawn the water knew then he called the bridegroom aside and said everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the gas the guests have had too much to drink but you have saved the best till now what Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him so this is the first of all these many miracles of only of which we only have a small portion you know all the miracles that Jesus did we don't know all that he did Matthew Mark and Luke are called the synoptic Gospels they followed generally the same pattern so we know certain things he did but for three and a half years he was ministering day after day so we don't know everything he did and everything he said we just know what we need to know God gives us what we need to know and John in this case is the only one who talks about this wedding in Cana of Galilee so here's the miracle you ever need a miracle maybe you need one tonight if you don't need one tonight you'll meet and might need it later this week I need them all the time nothing has changed since I began Carol and I began in the church the numbers are just different now I don't need 500 to fix the burner that broke down in that little building where I met Joey and pastor Joey and his family now I might need five million dollars it's the same same thing I don't have it God is the only one who can supply it so let's pray and let's trust God and that's how life is you just keep needing things from God do I do I get a witness here how many how many need some things from God maybe in your own life or in your family well if you don't conscious of it maybe I can stir you up today to believe him so the miracle happened water was turned into wine famous story first miracle Jesus ever did so all I want to ask you today is three things just three little steps how did the miracle happen Jesus turned the water into wine how did that happen what's the circumstance what's the picture that evolved that made that miracle happen because in it there's some beautiful lessons for us Jesus turned the water into wine how was the water turned into wine because Jesus was at the wedding if Jesus wasn't at the wedding the water would have never been turned into wine why was Jesus at the wedding because they invited him Jesus goes wherever he's invited when you invite him he come if you invite him at the beginning of a day and you say Lord like I often do in my office now I live a 243 steps did you know that I live 243 steps from my office now I rent an apartment my wife and I write downtown Brooklyn and so I get to the office where I have my books and I can be alone a little better than this small apartment we have so I get there and I think of my day I am alone and I think of my day Who am I gonna meet what am I gonna see what are the needs in the church what's facing me and I try to pray through the day and I invite Jesus Jesus I have an appointment at 11:00 would you help me with this marital problem that they not counseling on I certainly don't have the answer I'm just a guy lord we just got a report that something happened in a construction site that we're facing now could could you help us in that I invite you into that wherever you invite Jesus into you start a relationship with a girl you invite Jesus into it first or can end up in a disaster only only Jesus can help us through all the situations in life well why will he help us if you wouldn't ask him to if you invite them in write him into your day write them into your job you're gonna make a decision about education you're gonna switch your job you want to move don't be crazy don't go do things and then end up in a mess and then have to ask for prayer start as Jesus right at the beginning do I take this job is this of you just because it looks good doesn't mean it is good but Jesus knows everything am i right so the this miracle happened because Jesus was at the wedding why was he at the wedding because Mary was there but it says specifically that Jesus had been invited with his disciples to wherever he's invited he's a gentleman he needs an invitation it doesn't barge in into people who don't want him he doesn't Barse down the doors of churches that don't want his presence I heard the people praying here god bless him whoever was praying before you even walked in here people who were praying for you I heard a voice saying Jesus we need you in the meeting tonight yes what then he comes to the meeting it's not brain surgery remain except you become like a little child you can enter the kingdom of heaven the things of God are not complex they're simple but they're deep so I say that to you tonight are you inviting Jesus how do you become a Christian you invite Jesus into your life how you become a Christian it's all by invitation you trust him and you ask him in handle this take take wash away my sins I'm asking you I invite you to come in my life be my Lord that's how you become a Chris and everyday is the same thing inviting him asking him walking with him talking with him listening to him that's how Christianity works out it's not about doctrine it's about a person a lot of people know doctrine they don't know Jesus a lot of people note how what church is like they know quiet church loud church praise God let's have church they do all kinds of worship movements and all of that doesn't mean they know Jesus Christianity is not a worship song it's a person Jesus you got to invite him talk to him listen to him so that's how the miracle happened number one numero uno Jesus was invited I pray you invite him into whatever you're facing today number two Mary went to him and said they have no more wine if Mary hadn't has said that there's no miracle because he wouldn't have known there was no more wine so first thing is you got to invite him into your situation in your life number two tell him what the problem is you don't have to use King James language you don't have to affect your voice you know to put a tear in your voice you don't do anything just talk talk to him he's your best friend how many are happy Jesus is your best friend so just talk to them just say Jesus this is what I need Jesus they have no more wine this is what I need today I need this my daughter's away from God I went through a two-and-a-half-year nightmare with my wife on that many years ago for my oldest girl I had a baby out of wedlock we're coming every day Jesus please this is what we need turn my daughter around turn my daughter around and he turned her around now she's the wife of a pastor they have a great church and she's just like her mother musically she doesn't know what she's doing either she's just doing it every Sunday I'm surrounded by all these geniuses who don't know what they're doing but they do it so you got to tell him don't get religious don't use King James language he understands whatever did you know what he understands is a sigh a tear he understands David says in one of his Psalms you know you you will not disregard my tears you know tears as the song old song said tears are a language that God understands sometimes you can't even express what you need it's so deep in your own life so I'm attacked by the enemy some attack of depression some attack of of temptation some attack by other people trying to slander you or hurt you and you end up you just got to go to Jesus and get it as president say Jesus this is what I need help me help me Jesus help me it's amazing how we go through stuff and we call we complain we get to press we cry we call our cousin we call our brother we call everybody and we never get to Jesus and he's the only one who can help us think of all the problems we face and we complain and and and and cry over it and and tell people about what we're going through and the one who's waiting to hear us Oh see that's the terrible epitaph that could be written over epitaph that could be written on somebody's tombstone you have not because you asked them imagine that I would have done it for you but you never asked oh but pastor I know God knows everything I know he knows everything I got that but have you asked him for what you need pray this way he said our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread would you please give us what we need today and forgive us our trespasses well no God loves me would you have please ask him to forgive your trespasses he taught us to pray that way a lot of us are tonight we're lacking something from God because we don't take this simple time to be childlike and go to our Father and say father help us it could turn your life around everything could change just with one cry and no matter how they try to quiet you you just cry out even louder when that blind man he cried out on the side of the road oh Jesus son of David have mercy on me and the crowd said don't be fanatical don't be emotional and he cried even louder in other words if how do you know how to cry unless you're blind yourself when you're blind you cry if you know there's healing coming by so Jesus was invited number one number two they brought the need to Jesus they told him Mary told him what was needed so that's the two things for us to be strong first two steps strong in prayer let's invite him into everything invite him into everything speaking out in Tulsa Oklahoma to hundreds of pastors recently pastor came to me he's in the soup in a building program the money's not coming he didn't even need the building program I don't know why he was doing it he just did it you know some people bill just to say we're building for God but you don't build unless God told you to build so he didn't invite them into that building program got to get direction from God then as needs come which they will you ask God for that final little note here number three Mary is credited in the Bible of saying in my mind two amazing things number one when the angel came to her when she was 15 or 16 or 17 years old we're not sure she how old she was when she gave birth to the Savior but the angel came to her and said the holy spirits can overshadow you you're gonna have a baby but I don't know I never been with a man I know but the spirits gonna overshadow you you found grace with God and favor with God at cetera et cetera and then Mary had the nerve to say some no no one in the history of the world ever had a baby without contact with a man and she said let it be according to your word what faith yeah it's never happened before I no idea how you picked me but let it be I'll roll with that let it be this second greatest thing maybe she ever said was this she told Jesus they have no more wine and then she said to the servants do whatever he tells you there's no miracle if he's not invited there's no miracle if they don't tell him the need and now here's this other interesting component she said do whatever he tells you here's what I've learned brothers and sisters and it's backed up by the Word of God I'm gonna put it in a blunt form but but just try it on for size and get the germ of truth that's in it when people listen to God and do what he says he listens to them when they talk to him if you don't listen to God when he tells you and gives you directions and you don't listen to him how in the world is it polite to go to him and ask him to do things when you're not doing what he asked you to do what is that polite is that even nice do whatever he tells you to do so maybe God is speaking to you in some area of your life about an obedience or some conviction about an attitude you have you know you got this grudge on this person for how long when are you gonna give it up God's already told you about it it's hindering your prayers it's hindering what he wants to do or maybe some prejudice you have in your heart against black people or white people or Latino people or Asian people or Asian people who were born in Argentina maybe you have all kinds of prejudice do you get what I'm saying you got to listen and do what he tells you if he says call someone and say I'm sorry do it because then when you pray he'll do what you ask but how in the world can I be disobedient and then be telling God what I need a lot of people don't even put those two two things together oh you just pray you just throw up a prayer and God can do anything I know but it's about relationship and flowing together and unity am i right so do whatever he tells you to do some of you are supposed to maybe be active in this church in a way you're not now or you're supposed to be more faithful and you're giving I don't know what it is I can't judge you I God you know has to work with my life he's still working on me but if he's convicting you and talking to you I mean my goodness let it go and obey Him and heaven are gonna open up for you you'll see so many blessings and answers you won't know what to do I'm not feeling any love why are you just staring at me up here don't you don't you believe what I'm saying come on let's say amen to that so do whatever he tells you and sometimes it's strange because when Mary gave those instructions and she said do whatever he tells you he said to the servants fill those big jars with water timeout we don't need water we need wine but why did they obey because Mary had said do whatever he tells you do whatever he tells you wherever his word comes alive to you do it if the spirit speaks to you not sure now be careful because the devil sometimes impersonates the Holy Spirit and and your own mind can get a little hyperactive but if you're not sure you go to the leaders and you go to Pastor here and say this is what I feel God is saying I'm supposed to step out and do something there's a woman who's so blessed in our church am i right Nancy and Caleb I honored her on Sunday I don't think you were there when I did it her name is Avril and Avril grew up and went through a very bad marriage and didn't know the Lord and her husband just if I remember correctly pounded on her and then they separated and thinking then he died and she ended up in a shelter so she's in the shelter and she got four kids not easy so she's in a shelter with four kids and she finds the Lord starts coming to the church and she gets out of the shelter she gets out of the shelter and even while she's in the shelter the Lord starts to speak to her no you got to get your education I'm gonna use you and now just do whatever I tell you so she gets out of the shelter and she comes to us the pastor's we never thought of it I wouldn't have thought of this if you gave me two hundred years to live it's so ingenious and blessed she said listen when I got out of the shelter I had no furniture I got an apartment the city gave me an apartment I got no furniture and I have no clothes for my kids I'm in a shelter you know shelter they got shelters here a lot or a little they do listen my shelters are bigger than your shelters brother don't don't go don't try to compare shelters with me brother don't go there you don't want to go there with me so I'm only joking so anyway so she gets she gets this idea let's collect furniture she comes to the pastor she says we're going to collect furniture from the members good use furniture and clothes at the beginning and when somebody gets burnt out of an apartment or comes out of a shelter we'll just sweep that stuff right into there right right into their apartment is that is that is that divine in that full of mercy I mean who would think of that I've been in I don't know how many churches preaching I never heard of one ministry like that you know you call some charitable organization maybe we need furniture Salvation Army this is a local church this lady is driving us she's renting space she's storing furniture she got a whole thing going and then she's going and then someone says you know I've been witnessing to this neighbor she's a Muslim they bring the furniture to the Muslim and the Muslim says to the team she has a whole ministry got a whole thing going why are you bringing me this I'm not a Christian because Jesus loves you and we love you and we'd like to just pray with you pray with me and they broke the woman because none of her Muslim friends were helping her it took this lady who was in a shelter herself but you see she did what the Lord told her to do and when she was on the platform on Sunday and I brought her out she's very shy I brought her out to stand next to me told the people when I bless our church is to have a woman like that the place applauded her she got she got shy she she's very careful all the glory goes to God but she's so blessed God gave her a wonderful husband and she's so blessed because she did what he told her to do and she's bothering me now about something else lately she comes to me because she works for the public library and she says pastor you know there's a lot of people who need they don't read they're illiterate and we got free classes for them to learn how to read announce it pastor come on announce it she's bothering me I'm telling you she's after me no this is when the the time of enrollment was and now I'm announcing all right sister Avril says you need to read yeah you're struggling with that come on she's just she's so but why she bless why we all can be blessed do whatever he tells you and then when you have a need and you come to him like I felt the Lord asked me to come tell me to come here not I wanted to visit for a long time but do this pastors event tomorrow paying my own expenses I'm not taking an offering I'm not selling a book and I have no formulas so why would I come here and tell you spend all day tomorrow with these pastors because the Lord told me to do it and then when he I of a him then when I have that intimacy with him and then I have needs I know he's listening to me because I listen to him are you getting this I'm telling you listen invite them tell them what you need and do whatever he tells you but one last little PostScript that's meant a lot to me over the years so when they pour out the water which have been turned into Wein the master of the ceremonies said whoa look at this wine he/she could call the groom over and he said listen everybody else when they have a wedding they give the best wine first and then when everybody's happy they bring out that cheapest then it's kind of wine but you saved the best for last so here's what I want to tell you something if we will invite the Lord into everything in our life I mean everything total if we will tell them our needs like this every day every moment and if we will do whatever he tells us the best is yet to come because wait wait wait Jesus saves the best for last listen your Christian life your church doesn't have to be like this go up then hit a peak and then go down no there's that's nowhere found in Scripture from glory to glory more glory from faith to more faith he saves the best for last so I don't care where you are in the war don't care how old you are where you failed where whatever the best is yet to come in your life well of course what do you think less you think that's the kind of Jesus we have he says I'll bless you for a while and then I just it'll all Peter out and you'll kind of wimp out of life no the Lord is good to me thank you thank you brother so let's close our eyes shall we let's put this into action amen breaching there's time for everything under the Sun there's the time to preach then it's time to stop and pray so those of you got some heavy things facing you right now heartbreaking things like I had with Chrissy my daughter you got a wayward son away where daughter a wayward grandson wayward granddaughter or some personal thing that you're facing now it's like a mountain that even laughs at you this is I'm not moving and where is your God like David says in one of the early songs many are saying around me where is your God where's your God you believe today you believe in the Lord today you believe is promised invite them tell them what you need and say God Here I am I will do whatever you tell me lastly before I ask you to come forward not only those people but if the Lord's put his finger on you to do something for him that maybe no one in the world knows it's so private it's so personal and you've got a thousand excuses no I'm too old I'm too young I'm not educated enough I'm this I'm that I can't I can't I plead with you in the name of Christ do whatever he tells you do it just step out you'll never know what God does until you start to obey until they got the water and filled it there they would never then they found out he turns water into wine after they did what he told them the miracle comes after we obey by faith if you like me just kind of end praying with you praying over you pastor Joey's gonna help me and Nancy will pray for some of you win women Caleb will pray for some of you men my friend David will pray for some of you just stand up if you say pastor I got something I want to believe God for I want to draw a line in the sand tonight like god I am trusting you for this answer just stand right now where you are stand up right where you are and step right forward up here right to the edge of these steps come on walk forward Thanks come on if you're stood up come on up nothing to be embarrassed about come right here come on up sir just lift that keyboard up a little bit please come on up sir right to the edge if you would think some of you maybe have cried a lot of tears over that daughter that son that grandson that granddaughter oversaw the situation the tears won't change anything unless there are tears of prayer where you've invited Jesus and you're telling him specifically what you need what do you need he said that to someone who came - what do you want me to do for you Lord I want to be healed you just come up Lord's gonna help you we praise You Lord so right now right while you're standing there just lift your hands up in the air before we ask him for anything it's not polite to ask him without praising a mentor his gates with Thanksgiving is course with praise so could everybody in the building lift up your hands and just praise him out loud give them in English in Spanish whatever give them hallelujah give Him praise the Lord give Him glory at du nombre signore but praise him out loud for all of his goodness to you we bless you Lord come on thank him for what he's already done it'll build your faith we praise you Lord we praise you Lord we praise you Lord we bless you Lord we bless your name Lord we love you so much Lord they almost and your day amo mucho Senor we bless your Holy Name we praise you [Music] sing with me I need the I need every hour I need Thee Oh [Music] me now my Savior I [Music] to come on sing louder say [Music] I need me my [Music] Lord Jesus we invite you into every hour of our life every decision of our life every nook and cranny of our life every relationship every day every hour every decision oh Jesus walk with us through everything in life we can't make it without you Lord we need to be walking with you hand and hand Lord so forgive us for moving out on our own sometimes and then we get all jammed up we're coming to you now we're saying stay close to us we invite you to stay close to us anybody Lord facing a decision here don't let them make it unless they invite you in to the decision-making process my Jesus we tell you today what we need you see the heart some of it so personal they can't shout it out loud Lord but you see you know we tell you today help us turn that child around turn our finances around whatever the problem might be whatever the pressure is on that marriage god we ask you bring healing bring deliverance set the captives free God do what needs to be done we're asking you now in the name of Jesus a strong name of Jesus you know my needs today Lord [Music] finally Lord we want to submit to you today and we say speak Lord your servants are listening tell us what you want us to do not just tonight but every moment every time we read the Bible every time will you whisper in our heart and direct us give us the grace to obey and say here am i Lord send me a low Bay and as we walk with you in this way oh god what marvelous things you're gonna do through our prayers so that your name might be glorified not our name not a church name not Brooklyn Tabernacle not deep waters Tabernacle your name Lord your name will be glorified we praise you we're so happy tonight the best is yet to come [Music] you have things laid up for us that no eye has seen no ear is heard but the Spirit makes it reveals it to us let those things be as we walk with you take us from glory to glory and from faith to faith Lord from one victory to another so that we can bless others in your name we bless your Holy Name we bless your name everybody in the building stand up come on stand up we praise you Lord let's give God a loud hand clap of praise we praise you [Music] [Applause] [Music] he touched me oh he touched me and all the joy that floods my soul something happened and now I know he touch me and may me come on you gotta sing it with me one last time he touch me sing it again oh he touched and [Laughter] the joy that floods my soul [Music] something happened happening and I know he touched me [Music] Lord let your blessing rest upon this church for the best is yet to come thank you for the anointing on pastor Joey on Missy on the musicians on the congregation on those who are helping and working Lord and now Lord expand them according to your purpose and plan for it's not by might nor by power but it's by your spirit Lord that we look to entrust let this place be a lighthouse like never before shining a great light Lord throughout this area of Maryland bless that wonderful rehab drug program Lord that I visited before we came here today Lord bless it and make it a blessing Lord meet brother Jose every need he and Maria Lord bless every need they have let those men get on fire for you Lord we're telling you what we need we ask all these things in Jesus name and everyone said so here's how we're going to dismiss okay
Channel: Deep Waters Tabernacle
Views: 18,207
Rating: 4.71875 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Deep Waters Tabernacle, church, ministry, Gospel, message, prayer, praise, worship, sermon, Pastor Joey Vazquez, Pastor Jim Cymbala, Brooklyn Tabernacle
Id: p6xbGOZl0f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 47sec (3227 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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