A Tale of Three | Pastor Jim Cymbala | The Brooklyn Tabernacle

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[Applause] young people great work great work thank you all right you may be seated in how god put us together with them just heard one song sung on the tv and i said oh i got to meet them i want them to bless the church by the way at the end of the service they have some cds product and this is how they keep going make a living they do it by singing and so i hope you go up to the mezzanine lobby see this bible i'm going to preach a message called the tale of three from it t-a-l-e of three now this bible has different kinds of literature it's god's word but you got to understand how to read it so for example there's doctrinal parts of the bible like romans ephesians galatians paul is writing to the church and he's laying down what we should believe and how we should live and who christ is and what god's plan is and when you read it you read it to receive doctrinal instruction then and it's written in a certain cadence and way then there's psalms and when you read psalms song of solomon some other parts it's poetry it's poetry and there's a lot of symbolism and a lot of language to to glorify god it's not so much doctrine it's worship and praise we're going to talk about the man who wrote a part of that a lot of the psalms then you go to books of eschatology prophetic books like revelation and then there's parts of daniel and first thessalonians that are about prophecy and what makes revelation so hard uh to be fully understood or be sure of it is the symbolism that's in it so what's symbolic what's real what do these numbers mean what is that and all that and then there a good part of the bible in the old testament especially and book of acts and the gospels are narratives they're historical narratives they're telling you stories jesus went here john the baptist was before him and this and that and david's life book of exodus and moses went to pharaoh and pharaoh said get out of town and leave me alone and and you're reading it now when you read narratives historical narratives it's a little different you have to step back especially when you're reading the old testament you've got to step back and say wait a minute this happened like what i'm going to read to you now this happened thousands of years ago so we know it's true but what's the point why did god put this in the bible why is this story here god didn't tell stories and historical narratives just so we would be like entertained there must be a spiritual lesson for all scripture is inspired by god amen and it's profitable for everyone to learn to grow to be corrected so now i want to take you back 3 000 years ago or so and i'm going to read you a different kind of story and it features three actors three people in the story okay focus everyone so god can talk to us all so it's in the life of david now david started out some of you might not know he was an unknown kid the least of all his brothers they put him out to tend the sheep but god brought him to prominence making a long story short he killed the champion of the philistines goliath he became the toast of the town he led the army of israel out to battle king saul profited by david's exploits but king saul got jealous of them because they were so happy with david david pleased everyone became famous saul got jealous insecure and said you know what even though he's helped me i've got to kill him i'm going to kill him so now david goes on the run and he doesn't understand i've been loyal to king soul i honor king soul i love king soul why is he trying to kill me but jealousy makes people go just whack am i right they just get crazy so in the bible a lot of the psalms are written when david was on the run and he's hiding and and saul's trying to get him with a big army and and david writes god where are you i need you come quickly and a lot of the psalms come out of those real life experiences so in first samuel we find out a lot about david's life the slaying of goliath and now david's on the run focus everyone and he's in the wilderness he's over here he's over there he's everywhere just trying to get away from saul he has an army himself now a small militia of 600 men who come to him because they believe hey when you were a kid samuel the prophet prophet anointed you and god said you're going to be king one day so even though it doesn't look good now we're we're putting in our our lives are with you now we're banking on god's prophetic word so david at certain times was living out in areas where other people were living but he was like under wraps and he happened to be living at a certain time actor number one just read with me please a certain man in mayon who had property there at carmel was very wealthy he had a thousand goats and three thousand sheep which he was shearing in carmel in other words like harvest time for a farmer his name was nabal and his wife's name was abigail she wasn't an intelligent and beautiful woman but her husband was surly and mean in his dealings he was a calabite while david was in the wilderness he heard that mabel was shearing sheep festival time cashing in on his flock so he sent 10 young men and said to them go up to nabal at carmel and greet him in my name say to him long life to you good health to you and your household and good health to all that is yours now i hear that it is sheep-shearing time and when your shepherds were with us in other words where we were living and they'll tell you about it we did not mistreat them and the whole time they were at carmel nothing of theirs was missing ask your own servants and they'll tell you therefore be favorable toward my men since we come at a festive time please give your servants and your son david whatever you can find for them when david's man arrived they gave nabal this message in david's name and then they waited nabal answered david's servants who is this david now that's that's crazy everyone knew who david was he's dissing david now he's saying david i don't know david who but david was the toast of the town he was known throughout all that israel but this is what nabel's all about who is this david who is the son of jesse many servants are breaking away from their masters these days in other words he's saying he knew he was in service of saul and he's making it like he's some runaway nobody slave right well who a lot of people are running away from where they belong who is this david why should i take my bread and water and the meat i have slaughtered for my shearers and give it to men coming from who knows where so now that's the first person in the bible in this story that god wants to look at nabal the hebrew describing him is so difficult that if you go through some of the translations of this passage he's described as unfeeling cruel rough uncouth brutish ill-mannered insulting and won't listen to anyone as we're going to find out he's a fool the bible calls them that now in the bible fool has a moral tone it's not just someone who struggles to learn who um has a struggle with with comprehending no a fool in the bible if you'll notice the fool says in his heart there is no god the fool is someone who thinks they know everything and they really know nothing because they don't trust god and obey him or want to obey him now what's strange here is nabal n-a-b-a-l means fool in hebrew how did he get that name when he was born did the midwife hold him up to mom and dad and say what should we call him and he a fool and they call him fool call him nabel i don't think it worked out that way maybe he became known as nabel we don't know but here's what god wants us to know nabal is part of this story and he is a nasty vicious person he's rude to everyone he won't listen to anyone who's david i don't care i'm not giving anything away he wants everything for himself selfish self-centered obnoxious you ever meet anyone like that they cause great temptations as we're gonna find out so the bible holds up to us the fact that nabal is a fool so how did he become a fool i want to ask i'm asking myself when you meditate on scripture you ask the scripture questions and if you see if there's any answers how did he become a fool why did he think he could do that part of the reason probably was he was so wealthy because because you have a lot of wealth in this shape in this scenario sheep and goats because he's the wealthiest guy in town he feels i can act like i can do anything i want i'll talk any way i want i can be rude i'll be obnoxious i'll be nasty guess what i don't care because i have everything i need and then some that's nabal and there's a lot of nabels running around the question is is there an enable in us so he's like that root obstinate and because he's wealthy you know a lot of wealthy people feel they can act anyway because they got everything they need and then some but then again there are wealthy people who are kind he's unkind the niv or the the the good news bible calls him he's very unkind but he felt he could just be unkind i don't care what you think i'll say what i want to say i'll do what i want to do. now poor people can be uncouth rude obstinate you can have not even two nickels to rub together and be a very nasty person and you could be a very kind person so it's not about wealth and by the way this goes to show the foolishness of people who teach if you have a lot of money that means god's pleased with your life no the rain comes down on the good and the evil how many say amen the crops can grow for both of them having a lot of money is not a sign of anything except you got a lot of money it doesn't mean that god approves of your life because god calls this man a fool but bless them anyway that's the way life is nasty people get blessed and sometimes godly people have it hard am i correct or not so he has this story in the bible and he wants all of us god does to look at nabal i wonder about this did nabal know what everybody thought about him did he know how stupid he was in his dealings did didn't know how nasty he was was he sensitive that he turned everyone off around him seems like nobody would tell him we're going to find out later his servants knew he was a fool his wife knew he was a fool but usually people have nabel in them they don't even know that they're naval nabel didn't think he was vicious he didn't think he was rude and crude most of the time neighbors don't don't have that self-awareness they just act nasty and they think they're the toast of the town but when minute mabel left a room or any place people were like glad he's gone nasty rude obnoxious uncorrectable he's a fool i didn't call him that god called him that his name means fool the other thing is abigail we already learned we'll get to her she was intelligent and beautiful so the first thing i want to find out is hey how'd you marry this guy was it a dating game that went wrong did you go on the wrong website or or what how did you come up with this let's hope it was an arranged wedding because i don't believe if she was pretty and intelligent she'd end up with nabel you know what i'm saying but there she was stuck with a fool for a husband that sounds rough but i'm not being rough i'm telling you what the bible says that's why be careful who you marry so now the question comes to us which is very important which is is their navel in us how do people talk about us when we leave the room what are we really like to other people not to us because we're all egomaniacs by nature so we all put the best spin on how we are but what do people think about us because people make the judgment on who we really are not us nabel would have told you he was the greatest guy in town but he wasn't he was a fool obnoxious rude but everyone around him knew it but not mabel so now that that means i ask myself what do people think of me when i'm not with them sharon over here she works the soundboard for years on the monitor board so we deal with each other every single sunday for a long time right so what is sharon my dealings with her she's observing me she's watching me when i go home with carol and all of that what does she think is was i nice to her did i lift her life up or was she like good riddance the guy's a joke he preaches one way and acts another no these are real questions why are you going silent on me right here am i right or wrong well it gets quiet now because we're all doing a little heart searching my secretary is over there lacey so she works with me very closely what does she really think of me i never asked her but what does she really think of me do i have nabel in me where i insult her i'm rude i don't care about her if she says something to correct me or to help me i go hey you don't tell me anything i know i've been doing this for a long time you see that goes for all of you for all of us you can come here and be in church and be a naval or have nabal in us be obnoxious rude nobody wants to be around us or they put up with us but as soon as they can get out of town they're out of town why because no one wants to be around nabal why main thing is he's unkind do you know what separates animals from humans kindness there are no kind animals go out into the wild of africa try to find a kind lion they might take care of their own they might take care of their cubs but lions animals in general they might care for their own but they have no kindness in them they're predators i'm speaking of those kind of animals so if some female lions are chasing some zebras and one of the little zebra is their target a young zebra and while the zebra is running it falls in a little hole and it pulls up lame and now the lions just surrounded all the other zebras are gone lions never stop and go yo you hurt yourself that's bad you should have seen that hole don't worry we're going to call 9-1-1 we're going to get some people to come look at you no they're going to eat that zebra in no time why because they're animals you can be around people who are like that they're like animals they have no kindness no consideration that's nabal david said ask your men we protected your your workers we were like a wall around you i don't want to know that i'm not giving you anything get out of here unkind inconsiderate all about me me me and when you're all self-centered we get unkind all of us but the bible says and by the way we live right now in my judgment in the most unkind era in the history of our country there there is no kindness out there go on social media tell me how much kindness you'll find go in the political realm or the racial realm just tell me bring it on all the kindness that people have no it's attack mode you disagree with me i'll rip your throat out that's what society is so listen what white people do black people democrats republicans latinos whatever that's irrelevant to us they're going to be who they are they're they don't know the lord but we know the lord and how many can say today god has been kind to you come on lift your hand up high god has been kind has he not been kind does he when you mess up does he step on you or does he lift you up and help you're so kind so that's why this story is in the bible partially because god is saying to us how could you represent me if you're unkind because i've always been kind to i am love and one of the attributes of love is love is kind people filled with love god's love are kind when you meet an unkind person they have lost their way i'm not saying they're not a christian but they are way out there somewhere if they are a christian because the first thing god makes you is kind because jesus is kind and like the young lady said weren't they a blessing by the way they were so good you know they're much they're older than they look i was shocked to find they look so young don't they they're all in their 70s 80 years old but they shocked me in my office so anyway no so so nabal is a sermon for us jim's symboler not you me but put it to you too how much nabel do i have in me that people behind my back know you know you won't be around him you don't want to be around her obnoxious to waiters and waitresses obnoxious to uber drivers obnoxious to people on the subway rude uncouth never say thank you never appreciate anything that's navel in spades and that's natural for us because we're all selfish human beings but god has come and gave his son to die for our sins so that we can be born again amen and his love can come in us and now there's a different breed of humanity that god has on the earth his children are kind the bible says in ephesians be imitators of god imitate god how am i going to imitate god god has all power knows everything is everywhere at once how can i imitate them oh you can be kind i could be kind to so what's that cost you by the way what's it cost us to be kind don't cost us anything you could talk kind be kind be concerned about people not just me me me so nabal was put in the bible as a warning to us how easy it is even with the blessing of god lots of sheep and goats to become an uncouth unkind person you know i was years ago i was coming out of the church these doors with carol and there was a lady with us we're walking and talking and she sees some friend quote unquote who sees her outside and she looks and she goes hi hi pastor hi carol oh hi i'm going to just make up the name hi ann oh ann you got so fat that's not kind is it let's say she gained weight what's it your business you go on the scale for yourself don't be weighing her am i right or wrong but there are a lot of people who glory in that that they can just say anything they want and be like no i keep it real they're just unkind they're unkind but now this is a short little story tale of three here comes number two look very short david's men turned around and went back and when they arrived they reported every word david said to his men each of you strap on your sword so they did and david strapped his on as well about 400 men went up with david while 200 stayed with the supplies one of the servants told abigail nabel's wife david sent messengers from the wilderness to give our master his greetings but he hurled insults at them yet these men were very good to us they did not mistreat us and the whole time we were out in the fields near them nothing was missing so now we see david come into the spotlight and listen anointed by god going to be the king of israel am i correct yes and now a man a fool insulted him and now what david is going to do everybody get on your swords we're going to wipe them all out not just nabel all his workers all their wives we're wiping everybody out who is he to talk like that to us we watched out for him we were kind we were this we were that and he's going to act like that everybody get put two swords on when you get tired with one use the other we're going to wipe we're going to mush it all up just everybody why is that in the bible because that's us no proportion when someone hurts us or rude to us we don't consider the source that's a good thing to do if someone hurts you and said something about you before we react why don't we stop and think who said that about me what are they known to be are they christians are they unbelievers are they immature are they nasty like nabal well if they are what did i think what would you think they would say to you fools act like fools nasty people say nasty things rude people are rude so why should david now want to wipe out everyone because of one insult from a fool wouldn't god provide food for him he didn't neighbor he didn't need navel sheep and goats god would take care of him but see that's the way we are when someone jabs us we want to come back 10 times harder don't tell me that's not true we've all done it you don't have to say amen forgive them they don't know what they're doing right now am i right or wrong you know what happened to louisiana two days ago they got hit by ida right before it came up here so the whole they're out without power now for days and days i spent a lot of time in louisiana you know i had ron olivier here we had ron my friend who served 27 years there in that prison in angola had a life sentence but the lord worked and saved them and then got them out so they have gasoline lines now in louisiana because there's no power cars you know the whole thing you know what happened two days ago oh yeah listen makes a lot of sense there was an argument on the on the line waiting for gas two people got into each other one pulled out a gun and shot the other guy dead well of course that's makes all the sense in the world i had to wait an extra three minutes for my gas so i'll kill the guy and now that man is going to be in angola because that's where they put murderers that's what temper can do that's what anger can do we say things do things that we regret for years david is about to really mess up you talk about big time mess up he's about to wipe out dozens dozens of people because a fool wouldn't give him food and all he had to do was ask who said that oh nabel what's he like oh everybody knows his wife knows he's a fool his servants know he's a fool the only person doesn't know he's a fool is nabel that's what makes him a fool he's unkind uncouth impolite rude obnoxious but justifies himself in everything so david now is doing something we all have done and that's why the same chapter that god put love is kind same chapter first corinthians 13 verse 5 now says this not only love is kind love is not easily angered god's love is not easily angered god's love working in us makes us not easily angered i know it's so quiet now because i'm convicted and i'm the preacher because we've all been angered do i get a witness and it's wrong because god says has god been easily angered at us what if god got angry when we messed up would anybody be here this today no he just gone but he's patient he puts up with a lot of nonsense has he not i don't know about you with me he's put up with a lot of stuff but he's not easily angered so as christians we're not only called to be anti-nabal by being kind we're not supposed to be like dave isn't this something david is god's anointed david is the example in so many stories in the bible david's the hero and now he's not the hero in this story he's messed up because he's going to kill human beings have nothing to do with nabel's foolishness when you know god and he tenderizes your heart and he makes you sensitive people like nabal are great temptations to all of us because when you see someone so nasty and ugly and yet you have jesus in your heart it just so irritates you in the natural no one's saying amen are you with me here are you listening is that not true see david got trapped he got tempted by who by nabel a fool an obnoxious impolite guy and he's ready strap it on guys we're gonna kill everyone now i'll show him oh that's just great david but it goes to show that even the best people in the bible we need the lord all the time don't we or else we go off so david is about to make a big mistake and now the story comes to an end by introducing the third person but just one more thing about this being patient if we're christians we are called on by the grace of god god has to help us to it to suffer and not react when people are nasty to us look look at what peter said peter said for it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of god but how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it you deserved it but if you suffer for doing good and you endure it this is commendable before god to this you were called called because christ suffered for you leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps quoting from the old testament he committed no sin and no deceit was found in his mouth when they hurled their insults at him he did not retaliate when he suffered he made no threats instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly so jesus when they were crucifying him unjustly the thieves are mocking them people just spit on them women are are saying nasty things the roman soldiers are laughing and chesting at him he took all of that innocent as can be and he didn't retaliate when he could have called down fire from heaven and said i can't take it father wipe them out he didn't he suffered even though he was just and when you suffer when you're right and the other is wrong god says now you're really like my son jesus is that easy for me it's impossible unless god would help me i don't even like to suffer when i'm wrong but when i'm right and someone's going to misjudge or hurt or anyone right that's so hard to take you know what made it so bad for nabal he was unkind to kindness listen when you're mean to someone who's mean to you you're just acting human and when you're kind to someone who's been mean you're acting like god but when you're mean to someone who's been kind to a whole lot of trouble coming god doesn't like that but you see that sometimes with kids growing up they talk nasty to their own parents their parents raised them their parents took care of them when they couldn't even walk and now they talk nasty to someone who raised them why do you think the bible says honor your parents they've been kind oh you don't have the best parent my dad was an alcoholic for 22 years i get that but he was still my dad you can't be unkind to kind people who have helped you but that was nabal and now david had to learn don't retaliate yourself i want to ask you a question before our last verses how many when you're in a mess and there are people doing nasty things how many would rather defend yourself or how many would rather have god take care of the case someone'd like to have god god will step in that's what we have to learn i'm not going to retaliate try to justify myself i'm going to let god do it but everything in us is going oh am i right or wrong but now peter is telling us no you want to be like christ take it he won't die he died our lord died take it let him think they got over on you let them say their nasty sayings that's all that's going to come because their heart is nasty what do you think is going to come out of their heart good stuff out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so when people are full of ugly evil nasty hate resentment racism and all that what do you think they're going to say nice things they're going to say what's in their heart but we don't have to react we don't have to get back and now the happy ending or the interesting ending or really surprise ending stay with me now just this is a little longer passage but get the story okay so one of the servants told abigail nabel's wife david sent messengers from the wilderness to give our master his greetings but he hurled insults at them see that's what uh nabels do they they're experts and insults yet these men were very good to us they did not mistreat us and the whole time we were out in the fields near them nothing was missing night and day they were a wall around us the whole time we were hurting our sheep near them now think it over and see what you can do because disaster is hanging over our master and this whole household he is such a wicked man that no one can talk to him these are the servants talking about the master in other words abigail get to your husband i don't know what to do with him you know that he's like one translation actually has he's good for nothing that's what nabal means he's just a fool but now he's going to bring trouble down on everyone because of the way he insulted david but nobody that's another thing he doesn't listen to anyone that's a sign of enable nabels can't be corrected when we're like that oh you compliment me brother you say something nice about me hey i'm good you're good we're all together what you correct me you come in love and say past symbol i think you should think about hey hey i thought you were on my side isn't that the way a lot of people are they're only friends with you when you're telling them what they want to hear the minute you bring up any suggestion or you shouldn't really do that they go off on you oh you traitor i thought you're on my side what's up with you no i love you that's why i'm saying i don't want to hear that that's nable that's nabal that's navel so now david's ready to make a mess abigail acted quickly she took 200 loaves of bread that was the roti skin that she got two skins of wine five dressed sheep five seals of roasted grain a hundred cakes of raisins two hundred cakes of pressed figs she put that all together in a caravan and loaded them on donkeys then she told their servants go on ahead i'll follow you but she did not tell her husband nabel as she came riding her donkey into a mountain ravine there was david and his men descending toward her and she met them david had just said it's been useless all my watching over this fella's property in the wilderness so that nothing of his was missing he has paid me back evil for good may god deal with david be it ever so severely if by morning i leave alive one male of all who belong to him i mean you know david like david hello you're going to kill everyone now yeah that's what anger does that's that's what resentment and bitterness does in all of us just slash everybody but abigail praise god for abigail when abigail saw david she quickly got off her donkey and bowed down before david with her face to the ground she fell at his feet and said pardon your servant my lord and let me speak to you hear what your servant has to say please pay no attention my lord to that wicked man nabel that's her husband and you can't make this stuff up right it's in the bible in other words he's a fool my husband's a fool don't listen to him please he is just like his name his name means fool and folly goes with him and as for me your servant i did not see the men my lord sent and now my lord as surely as the lord your god lives and as you live since the lord has kept you from bloodshed and from avenging yourself with your own hands may your enemies and all who are intent on harming my lord be like nabel and let this gift which your servant has brought you to my lord be given to the men who follow you all that stuff she brought please forgive your servant's presumption that's herself the lord your god will certainly make a lasting dynasty for my lord she knew that god was with him because you fight the lord's battles and no wrongdoing will be found in you as long as you live even though someone is pursuing you to take your life the life of my lord david will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the lord your god but the lives of your enemies he will hurl away as from the pocket of a sling when the lord is fulfilled from my lord every good thing he promised concerning him and has appointed him ruler over israel my lord will not have on his conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed or of having avenged himself and when the lord your god has brought my lord success remember your servant david said to abigail oh praise be to the lord the god of israel who has sent you today to meet me may you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands otherwise as surely as the lord the god of israel lives who has kept me from harming you if you had not come quickly to meet me not one male belonging and abel would have been left alive by daybreak then david accepted from her hand what he had she had brought with him what she had brought him and said go home in peace i have heard your words and granted your request when abigail went to nabel got back home he was in the house holding a banquet like that of a king he was in high spirits and very drunk so she told him nothing at all until daybreak then in the morning when nabel was sober his wife told him everything all these things and his heart failed him and he became like a stone about 10 days later the lord struck nabal and he died when david heard that nabal was dead he said praise be to the lord who has upheld my cause against nabal for treating me with contempt he has kept his servant from doing wrong david himself and has brought nabal's wrongdoing down on his own head what a person sows they shall also then david sent word to abigail asking her oh boy you go david you go asking her to become his wife his servants went to carmel and said to abigail abigail david has sent us to take you to become his wife as i close that's 3000 years ago but notice what wisdom and discernment can do what a woman who's a peacemaker or a man who's a peacemaker can do david's not the hero nable's a fool david is out of control the only person that god is using in this story is abigail and david discerned it oh thank god hasn't god sometimes used people in our lives to keep us from making a mess can we say amen to that amen a sermon a friend a relative [Applause] so wisdom discernment self-control see that's what david lacked god has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and a power and sound mind doesn't mean that that we're sane it means self-control we don't have to go crazy because some person does something to us we can keep calm when people are nasty how many want god to keep you calm lift your hand up he'll see it come on that's my request today god make us kind how many say amen god give god give us self-control how many say amen let's not be quick to anger easily angered let's let's suffer if we have to people can be nasty all the time you're gonna you're gonna let somebody ruin your day because they're nasty can't do it jesus is too good to let them pull us away and lastly look what wisdom and discernment can do abigail just saved david from have you ever gotten angry you said and did something that you regretted for days weeks months i was counseling someone 15 years ago and in a rage the husband said something to the wife she could never get it out of her heart doubted him for the rest of the time because it was so vicious and even though he said he's sorry and he was just angry you know words hurt more than a punch am i right or wrong here so god doesn't have to let us become crazy he can help us and make us under control wise discerning making peace no no don't do that you're going to regret it no and notice how god took care of business for david she waited till he was sober in the morning and she said you know what david was coming everyone had a sword there were about 400 of them and guess what they want to kill you and everybody who works with you and he went what yeah but what i did is i went out and i gave him a lot of figs and raisin cakes and i talked to him and he saw the wisdom that god had given me so the only reason you're alive today nabal is because i intervened for you but the thing shook him up and then god brought judgment on him but david didn't and if he would have lived or died it wouldn't matter as long as david didn't do it because if you fight your own battles god will let you fight you want to fight your own battles god says you want to fight you want to get back at everyone fine then you do it you're on your own oh you're not going to get back you're going to trust me to take care of you i'll take care of you vengeance is mine saith the lord i will repay come on let's put our hands together say amen [Applause] may i just pray over all of us may i pray let's bow our heads lord we've read your word long story and here's what we've gotten out of it you don't want any of us to be unable you want us to be kind considerate polite open to correction not a fool not rude not impolite not ill-tempered but sweet so let our meekness be known to everyone make us kind jesus make us kind make me kind i'm not kind in myself but your love can make me kind forgive us our trespasses forgive us for unkind words unkind actions unkind attitudes when you've been so kind to us i pray god that you won't make us like david in this story at least quick to anger [Music] just igniting the minute he gets that rejection from a man who's a fool now he's ready to go way beyond disproportionate response [Music] help us not to hate and get back and be vicious and angry oh lord help us to be like our savior jesus oh you have to do that even when they spit at him and mocked him and lied about him plotted his murder he was under control oh god oh god forgive us forgive me and give us grace let your spirit work in us where we'll be calm collected not be rushing into some words and actions that we'll regret please lord help us make us like abigail she's the heroine you worked in her to make peace and save another person from doing something really bad really bad and i thank you god that david listened you helped him to listen mabel wouldn't listen but david was in a wrong attitude but at least he'd listen to correction help us to listen to correction whoever it might come from we want to be like jesus we want to be like jesus make us more like jesus we don't want more money bigger car a better job that's not what we're interested those things pass away in a millisecond but make us like your son jesus christ help us to love each other more starting right here in this room [Music] so that you can be happy with us for by this will all men know you're my disciples it's written because you love one another take away nastiness of racism and age prejudice or materialism prejudice or every kind of prejudice there is take it away white hate black hate white anger black anger latino whatever lord just rip it out of our hearts and give us your heart so that when people meet us they won't say nabel they'll say jesus jesus changed that person i used to know him about oh now he's totally different she's a different person do that we pray in jesus name and everyone said how many learned something from god's word today let's all put our hands together and thank god for his word today [Music] the family up in the mezzanine lobby a word to the wise is sufficient both lobbies offering should you want to give one stand by the authority granted to me by the state of new york i pronounce you man and wife abigail and david you may greet one another go ahead give someone a handshake hug whatever lord be with you tuesday prayer meeting see you then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Views: 6,034
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 17sec (3197 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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