Make Your Battle the Lord’s | Pastor Jim Cymbala | The Brooklyn Tabernacle

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[Music] praise the lord let's open god's word together i have a message of encouragement for every one of us because as i preach it i'm preaching it to myself i want to talk today about how to make your battle belong to the lord listen again how do you make the thing you're going through the battle the struggle the mountain the valley how do you make that challenge belong to the lord so that he handles it for you he fights the battle for you he takes care of business as we say how do you do that don't know don't say everyone does that by quoting a verse that doesn't happen oh the battle is the lord's that's the famous verse we're going to read but that's not true for every believer sometimes battles come and the lord does not take over like he wants to that's true been true in my life why because there's a secret to making your battle belong to god you know your battle belong to god one time i got beat up in a playground near where i lived in brooklyn on parkside avenue and there were older guys and it wasn't really fair and they pounded me and a couple friends and i went home crying and caught up a little bit and my brother six years older saw that and said what happened and i told him between my whimpering and um and he said no that happened i said yeah he said come on with me and we went back to the same playground where i had just been beaten but now i had a different walk you know like i went home like this but now i was like yeah come on now where are those guys because my brother's going to take care of business he made my battle his and oh what a difference six years make you know i was maybe 10 he was 16. big difference so i want to talk about that today because we we're going through battles all kinds of battles pandemic battles financial battles spiritual battles satan is stirring up all kinds of stuff listen you don't think battles are going on this statistic now i don't think it's bogus i'm hearing other ministers around the country are quoting it they've done some polling of ministers and 20 of the ministers polled are saying when the pandemic ends i'm out of here i'm resigning i'm gone i don't want to do it now because that's not fair to the church but as soon as this is over financial struggle wayward children trouble in the home just a feeling of what am i going to do their congregation fighting on social media threatening the pastor know if you wear a mask certain people against you if you're not for wearing masks other people fight you i mean like like what's going on is this lunacy christians fighting with each other over masks like whatever dude you want to wear a mask we're a mask you don't want to marry wear a mask i mean you can't control other people okay you can't do that it's best to obey the law and it differs in each state but just fighting so pastors are saying you know what i can't fight this battle anymore it's over de maciado that means too much i can't do this anymore they're losing the battle they were called by god and they're quitting they're quitting and christians are giving up and are giving into despair and and discouragement and depression i mean if you see a christian depressed obviously they lost the battle because the bible says rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice in everything give thanks how can you when you're depressed and and just overwhelmed by everything so i just want to get this reality first making your battle belong to god how do you do that because that is a good thing that's a great thing that's an amazing thing he fought our battle with sin on the cross he paid the price on the cross for our sins he fought that battle for us i don't have to fight that i don't have to establish my own righteousness i can't get my right standing before god by by being a good boy a good girl here no no no jesus is our righteousness he's already fought that battle but then there's ongoing spiritual battles that we all face be strong in the lord and in the power of his might for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers temptations besetting sins old habits that you thought were broken trying to come back and strangle you i want to talk real we do real talk today how to make that battle belong to god that wayward daughter that wayward son all right i'm praying for a bunch of peop wayward kids who adult who friends of mine around the country have said would you remember to pray for them they're in a battle my wife and i went through a similar battle with our oldest girl it's a battle it's a battle how do you make that battle gods the person we're going to learn this from is where this famous verse comes from second chronicles chapter 20 and it involves king jehoshaphat oh and i was little i just love to say that word jehoshaphat i sounded like i thought i was like more spiritual or i knew more bible just to say that you know david solomon that's okay saul but jehoshaphat jehoshaphat was the fourth king of the southern kingdom after the civil war that followed solomon's reign so the first king was saul the next king was david god's choice and the model king and the one that jesus is name called after son of david then his son solomon after solomon there was a civil war the northern tribes were called israel the southern tribes which involved jerusalem were called judah so he got kings of israel kings of judah now the fourth the first king of that southern kingdom was rehab and three kings after him was jehoshaphat so he's the fourth king and he's six kings removed from david and he's the king and it was a mixed bag mostly good with jehoshaphat the bible tells us but i don't want to do a biographical sketch of jehoshaphat but there's a little lesson on the way to our verse that i just want to point out to you so here's the story second chronicles chapter 20 verse 1. jehoshaphat's already been reigning for years been a good king cleaned up all the idolatry that he's cleaned up he he just has sent judges throughout the land so that they can spiritual leaders so they can judge among the people and settle disputes he wants fairness he wants justice god hates injustice toward anyone any race of people god hates injustice so the bible tells us that jehoshaphat sent these judges out but he had already done all kinds of reformation cleaning up things that his father had let happen toward the end of his reign jehoshaphat's the man and he's walking with god and he's walking in a way pleasing to god but then out of nowhere because that's the way life works after this after what this after appointing all these judges and telling them to serve faithfully and don't let any don't take a bribe you treat people right and you judge between them don't favor the rich don't favor the poor favorite justice after this the moabites and ammonites with some of the meunites came to wage war against jehoshaphat and that's something you're doing the will of god you're doing the best you can you're pleasing to god and a bunch of enemies gang up and attack you not just one ice but a bunch of heights ites miui knights and moabites and ammonites some people came and told jehoshaphat a vast army is coming against you from edom that's south east of israel from the other side of the dead sea it is already already this army in hazazan tamar that is engetti alarmed joseph had resolved to inquire of the lord and he proclaimed a fast for all judah so he's got a battle that's overwhelming he does a smart thing we'll get to that in a second he calls for prayer we're going to seek god the people of judah came together to seek help from the lord indeed they came from every town in judah to seek him so they all head to jerusalem where the temple was then josephat stood up in the assembly of judah and jerusalem at the temple of the lord in the front of the new courtyard and said now here's his prayer it's less than 250 words about 225 in english listen lord the god of our ancestors are you not the god who is in heaven you rule over all the kingdoms of the nations power and might are in your hand and no one can withstand you our god did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people israel and give it forever to the descendants of abraham your friend wow abraham was called the friend of god that's good they have lived in it and have built it in built in it a sanctuary for your name saying if calamity comes upon us whether the sword of judgment or plague or famine we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your name and will cry out to you in our distress and you will hear and save us so that's why the temple was built now god you know that and not only plagues and famines and all of that but even judgment against us because of our sins where this temple was built solomon laid down that if we come here and pray you're going to take care of business for us you're going to help us but now here are men from admin moab and mount seir whose territory you would not allow israel to invade when they came up from egypt so they turned away from them and did not destroy them see how they are repaying us by coming to drive us out of the possession you gave us as an inheritance our god will you not judge them for we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us listen we have no power to face this vast army that's attacking us we do not know what to do but our eyes are on you what a what a what a moment filled with emotion and drama the king standing up to pray armies coming against israel against judah going to destroy them all the men of judah with their wives and children and little ones stood there before the lord get the picture he's praying in some vast gathering of people and moms and dads are standing shoulder to shoulder holding their children little ones standing real little ones being held imagine what a moment they're standing there before god he's finished his prayer not even 250 words you heard it prayers to be effective don't have to be long long time in the presence lord has other values but prayers to be answered don't have to be super long we're going to analyze that in a moment then the spirit of the lord came on jehaziel son of zechariah the son of banaya the son of jael the son of matanaya a levite and descendant of asaf as he stood in the assembly so the spirit of god comes on they gave so many parents we almost forgot his name jahaziel as he's standing there the spirit of god comes on him and he says listen king josephat and oh live in judah and jerusalem this is what the lord says to you do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army for the battle is not yours but god's oh yeah i'll take two of those to go the word of the lord comes and then later the lord shows them how to fight that battle they really didn't fight they he just sent out some singers to sing in this case and as they were singing god brought confusion to the armies they started fighting each other but the key thing and they got the victory and jehoshaphat was delivered and the people but the the the famous saying here is now this is what god wants you to know the battle is no longer yours it's my battle now god said wouldn't you like god to say that to you today wouldn't you want to know don't say automatically it's so because you go to church on sunday not so these battles are real and there's a real turning it over to god and that's what we learn from jehoshaphat on the way to this story though joseph that was one of the better kings but i just want to point out because i think it's pertinent today you know what his weakness was when there were emergencies and trouble and battles jehoshaphat i tell you what he just his light was shining he was so full of faith and reacted the right way but he had a weakness did you know the guy almost died he almost died because of this structural weakness had he had in him and i've noticed over the years we all can be prone to this i've counseled people he had a false sense of friendliness a wrong sense of friendliness nah that can't be so god wants us to be friendly yeah jesus was a friend of sinners and god wants us to be kind and treat people in a right way and show them jesus and try to share the gospel but in the context of his life joseph fat just would do like weird things for example in the northern kingdom when he was reigning was wicked king ahab and his lovely spouse named jezebel they hated god the true god they were baal worshipers they were idolaters you name something evil they did it next to evil in the dictionary there was ahab ann and jezebel and they had a daughter and she was a chip off the old block she was as wicked as her parents and jehoshaphat gave his son to be married to this woman who was an idolater who was against god whose parents were wicked what judgment god brought against ahab and jezebel later on what's jehoshaphat marrying in there what forming an alliance you can't depend on god you have to get an alliance with ahab was it a political geopolitical thing or or he seemed to have a weakness though he couldn't say no and he ran with the wrong people his posse was a bad posse his crew was not very spiritual at times another time the bible says he went to visit ahab why he was visiting ahab i have no idea but ahab said to him i'm going to fight a big army here i'm going to fight a battle join with me come on we're cousins ethnically yeah they were all hebrews jews israelites but ahab and the northern kingdom they were idolaters they hated god they killed prophets what's wrong with jehoshaphat he goes oh yeah oh let's do this my men are like your man we're like this together and he went into a battle where he almost got killed he was like duped by people you see the bible tells these stories the way it happened you know there are shades in every personality they're strong points like in churches destroying strong points weak points same as in ministers grace of god somewhere but then there's weaknesses in all of us and this was his weakness and and we got to learn from it he almost got killed in the battle listen listen how simple he was this jehoshaphat his simplicity helped him in this matter of the prayer that he prayed but ahab said you know what we're going into battle now you wear the king's outfit i'm gonna dress like a soldier you dress like the king well everyone knew that when the battle started the armies went after the royal robe they went after the one who was the king and like he said yeah i'll wear it like you know put a bull's-eye here please shoot me try it right here so i'll die quickly i mean what are you thinking jehoshaphat and he was ready almost would be killed but god delivered him he shouldn't even been there that's the story that's a good lesson for us we shouldn't be with certain people we shouldn't be fighting certain battles because they're not the lord's battle he never prayed about that the bible says well when ahab invited him to fight he never said wait wait wait i i lord do i go with ahab because god would have said no how do you join with someone who's you know the old in the bible how can two walk together unless they be agreed are are you and i walking together with people that we're on the same page with spiritually because you can get in trouble being with the wrong people bad company corrupts morals no i'm fighting for a cause but look who you're fighting with they might agree with you on that cause but look look at all the other things that they stand for their anti-god anti-christ everything later on after ahab died you think joseph had learned no cabeza dura hardhead he goes into a building a business of shipbuilding with king ahab's son who was just as wicked and the whole thing is dashed to pieces god brings judgment on the whole thing i just want to say that on the way to our story because it's a good warning for all of us sometimes we're strong in emergencies but on everyday decisions we're like we're not careful we're not careful who we're hanging with who we're running with worse to marry marry an unbeliever don't do that if someone's listening to me young lady listen god wants you to be married he has a godly man for you don't be married to some man who's not a christian curses god how in the word are you going to raise your children i'm going to walk together that jesus is the most precious thing in your life and he doesn't care about him and you're just going to live happily ever after no no i'm going to win him to the lord no be careful he might win you that's why the bible warns against that how many counseling hours have i spent trying to unravel those things no let's not end up in the wrong place in the wrong time with the wrong people who are not god's people don't be unequally yoked what fellowship does light have with darkness no but you know what they both we both like rice and beans i know you like rice and beans but that doesn't mean you're going to business together so that's the downside of jehoshaphat let's talk about the good side he's surrounded by these armies and he's just been doing good things for god so he could have said what's the sense of serving god look at these problems i didn't ask for this i thought if you serve god everything works out what are these three armies surrounding me and coming at me and he didn't do that he was mature look s lo chaos it is what it is life has battles you don't know when they'll come talk to job about that you don't know when it can hit what battle you end up fighting but remember god is with us so we don't have to panic you know god's not up in heaven with the angels going what is it with this coronavirus like where'd this come from what are we going to do god's not like that god knows everything we don't see clearly all the time but we have to trust him so these armies attack and he calls for all of judah to praise god instead of panicking instead of raising money for weapons instead of doing 50 other things he says hey time out everybody come we got to go north before you can be successful horizontal you got to go north god god and us if god be with us who can be against us seek the kingdom first then all the other things horizontally god will work out so he prays what that look you want your battle to be god's battle the first thing we learn is you've got to pray i've got to pray you've got to pray you've got to come to god and honor him and saying i will not figure this out with my iq here i need god can you say that right now in your heart whatever you're going through pandemic whatever i or your own personality or your own anger or your own selfishness or your own bad temper or whatever it might be i need god that's how everything starts a sense of need god resists the proud who say i don't need anything get out of my face i don't want to hear about that stuff but he gives grace to the humble what do the humble do they go low and they say i need god it sounds simplistic but oh how we miss that i've missed it in my life many times so now he begins to pray and you might wonder when this message is over analyze that prayer less than 250 words god you rule you're in charge and we're part of your people because we're descendants of abraham and you have all power that's a good way to pray isn't it we we're not israelites in the land we are christians but we can go and say father we belong to you i'm one of your children not perfect but i'm one of your children i'm walking in the light if there's any sin in my life forgive me let the blood of jesus cleanse me but lord i belong to you and you are god above all things you're stronger let me consider you for a second here in my prayer you are greater than all the battles and the mountains and the valleys and the me unites and the ammonites you're greater than the pandemic you're greater than my financial problem you're greater than the people who are against me hating me talking trash about me whatever the situation might be you're greater than satan you're stronger than the flesh you're stronger than the world god you are god that is a good way to start to pray because it gets you in the right posture instead of like being fearful and backing up you're like all right this is bad negative situation but let's start with this who are you god oh yeah when i consider god oh yeah how great is our god sing with me how great is our god so that's how he prays but now here comes how you transfer your battle to make it the lord toward the end of his prayer the last words he says these three things and this means everything and even when we pray we often don't get to this in our hearts in reality he said number one we have no power against this vast enemy we can't do it god's listening and he's saying we have no power we're not going to even make believe we have power we have zero power against this enemy we cannot defeat them in our resources with our intelligence with my education with everything we do not have the power to face this enemy you might think well that's negative no that negative brings the positive this is how god takes over the battle as long as i'm fighting as long as i'm thinking i can do it but i need a little help 80 percent jim symbol i need a little 20 from god or maybe even 50 50. but i'm in this thing mama didn't raise no fool that blocks god from taking over either he's going to fight it or i'm going to fight it he's not sharing in it in the sense of spiritual dependence we have no power to face this enemy i want to say to someone during the night i felt the lord wake me up i want you to say now to god wherever you are whatever you're facing it's making you nervous and feel overwhelmed just tell god god i cannot handle this tell him i cannot handle this i cannot deal with this daughter i don't i ca don't have the wherewithal don't have the enough money don't have the wisdom i don't have what i need i have no power to solve this that is so liberating and freeing because a lot of times we're looking taking inventory what do i have left that i can maybe bring and figure out one other thought but no jehoshaphat gets to the bottom he does real talk with god we have no power well wait a minute pastor in the new testament paul said i can do all things to christ who strengthens me that's right but jesus said without me you can do nothing so to get to i can do all things you got to get to first first i have no power whatever is going to have to be done you're going to have to do it jesus himself lived that way the words i give you i don't make them up i get them from the father the works of power that i do i only do what he shows me i can't do anything on my own i'm totally dependent on the power of the holy spirit working as the father directs me that's how jesus the son of god lived remember what paul said his strength is made perfect in my weakness and the greater the weakness the greater the sense of we have no power god cannot do this but i'm not saying it depressed i'm saying it as a statement of fact we have no power and god's listening secondly he says we do not know what to do read it after he says we have no power against this vast enemy he says and we do not know what to do man many of us our minds are frantically searching got to know what to do got to figure this out wait wait wait wait we lay awake at night and we're pondering and we're getting anxiety attacks and and everything i've got to figure this out i'm going to he he cuts to the chase we don't know what to do the pastors and i were talking about you know how we reopen when we reopen trying to learn watch from other people too and then we just said to each other you know what we don't know what to do right now at this point of time i have no idea when this pandemic will end when the vaccine will come if there'll be a vaccine when will things open up again will there be a second surge in the fall guess what i want to tell you i know nada nothing i know nothing about that but i'm happy i know nothing because i know nothing be worse if i knew nothing and then oh you're a minister you got to say something i know nothing i don't know there's alternatives i hear people's opinions but i let's be like jehoshaphat god we do not know what to do bills are this high money's this high all kinds of craziness going on in my life i don't know what to do i not only don't have the power against these enemies but i don't know what to do and i was talking to a minister the other day trying to encourage him and i said one of the problems we have is we like to define things all the time we want definitions what exactly is happening what's going on in my life and sometimes you don't know you don't know king david when he was being chased by saul left his uh parents with some people and he said what take care of them until i see what god will do for me well what's god going to do for you i don't know so take care of my parents until i find out so if you're here today listening to me watching me and you don't know what to do tell god don't be embarrassed i don't know what to do and i don't have the power to overcome the these enemies this mountain this situation so review time joseph had prayed he didn't make the longest prayer in the bible number two he said we don't have the power we have we have no power to face this enemy god you have all power but we i we don't have power number three we don't know what to do god's listening now watch the final nail we don't know what to do but our eyes are on you oh god can't resist that praise god he cannot resist that he cannot resist his people coming honoring his greatness loving him praising him recounting his faithfulness in the past and then saying we have no power to face this situation number two we don't even know what to do but our eyes are on you what does that mean our expectancy is from you we're watching you now god show us what you're going to do tell us what we need to do show us how to get out of this mess because our eyes are on you our eyes are not on me my family my money my bank account my education my this my that i have we have no power and we don't know what to do but our eyes are on you oh god when god heard that and they just stood there what else could god do he loves us we're his people and when god said oh it's going to be that way you admit your powerlessness you don't know what to do you admit your ignorance at the moment and now you're going to throw it all on me then guess what anoint that guy johazio and tell him to tell the people this o king jehoshaphat and all the people here in jerusalem don't you be afraid and don't you be discouraged because now the battle is not yours i'm taking over right now i have to you just handed it to me do you get it do you get it you got to go low and you got to tell it like it is and look totally to god and then god says what you're totally looking at me well i can't fail you now it's going to look bad for my name so i will take over business oh yes the battle is mine now no just send out some singers i'll take care of it forgive me if you've heard this story before i go to it to uh i think of it a lot when i ponder situations like this in the bible so we're getting into the present building that we're in which we can't meet in and it's dozens and dozens of millions of dollars the project purchasing it renovating it all new hvac it was it was a mess that building it looks so pretty now doesn't i thank god for it but what a mess it was when i went in there and saw it it was such a mess it had been vacated by a theater chain had been a beautiful theater built in 1918 but now total disrepair leaks in the ceiling a mess there were rats running around in that building so big i saw a couple of them they ordered out from a deli and they were just eating in a corner by themselves playing cards or something that's how big they were so we start the project god raises up money from this but that person people giving money someone gave me a million dollars without me asking the church i should say and then and then an organization says we'll lend you money we believe in what you're doing even though you're not in our denomination it's unthinkable unimaginable god's doing all of this and just when i'm going to south america to minister to poorer pastors which the church is sponsoring i get a call that says hey the construction is going on and we're lending you the money but dude you're we're 6 million short i said look you all called me i didn't do the figuring i'm not good in math finance i don't know the construction we have people working on that no i know we messed up too but we're short six million dollars you can't complete phase one to even meet in the building until you get six million more than what we have and if you don't get to six million you won't complete it our money's at stake you can't meet you can't take offerings the whole thing is going to fall like a house of cards that was great news for me right before i left so i go well uh you know what we're gonna i wonder what i say what am i tell the guy he's smart he's an accountant type and i said well we're going to have to trust god oh great how are you going to trust god like i've heard you shut down services sometimes have a whole sunday just in prayer yeah we've done that in the past were you going to do that maybe i don't know okay good but how are you going to get the 6 million the guy was very nervous so i terminated the phone call because he started getting a little bit too persistent and i had no answer how am i going to get 6 million look at me do i look like a guy that can get 6 million dollars quick i'm not so i'm down in argentina my wife's in the hotel room we're ministering we're blessing people i say to her carol oh that number got me you know i'm pastoring i mean preaching to pastors i'm encouraging them praying crying with them but in the back of me cabeza is ces mishones i think 6 million yeah how are you going to get it so then the enemy comes and starts attacking me what are you doing here in south america why aren't you up there calling millionaires i don't know any millionaires why aren't you raising money why aren't you doing this what kind of leader are you the whole thing is going to fall apart all those dreams and the pastors fasted and prayed and said move and and and you got people praying and all of that and i don't care if someone gave you a million and people are coming to help you you're short six million ain't gonna happen oh boy you ever get attacked like that in your mind heart i said to my wife i'm going out i gotta talk to the lord so i go out for like a two three hour walk and i'm walking felt like jehoshaphat what in the world am i gonna do i start to cry i'm walking in the streets on the coast i'm walking in like a park near the water and i'm just saying to god god help me god help me now i see all my weaknesses all my faults of which there are de maciado too many not worthy of this i'm this enemy's attacking my mind six million dollars what am i doing here spending more church money when we're short six million dollars all of that finally i'm just waiting on the lord and then i got to a jehoshaphat jehoshaphat spot i said god i have no ability i let my mind stop racing i have no ability and i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i'm not good at fundraising to begin with much less six million dollars so here i am just wept poured out my heart to god like a baby suddenly the peace of god flooded my heart and the best i could sense is god was saying to me the best i could sense i got your back i got it i got it it's mine now and nothing had changed but everything had changed because it's like johazio had given that word now the battle is mine you know when we when we get to the end oh but to get to the end for some of us when we get to the end and we leave it all with god oh how heaven can open i go back to our back to new york i go to my office the next day there's all kinds i've been away 10 days there's all kinds of phone messages email this that letters unopened and i start around 10 40 10 45 clearing out things 12 noon i get this letter oh praise god god i'm going to repeat it again and if people have heard it let them be encouraged god i open a letter a man from chicago businessman says of all things your wife recorded a song and i listened to it and i just want you to know god spoke through that song and stopped me from doing something where i really would have made a mess of the family's estate and all of that so i just want you to know i'm giving you a million dollars i'm like oh god thank you i go to finance i say here it is i met him once i wouldn't know what he looks like if he walked in my office but it's a million dollars praise god i go back to my office as god is listening to me ten minutes later i open a letter from a lady who i've still yet to meet all of you that are listening now we having such increased numbers on the on the webcast so now listen a lady who i've never met to this day and this happened 20 years ago i've not met her till this day she's shy reclusive never wants her name mentioned and she just does it to the for the lord thank god for her well pastor heard that you're in the building project and our foundation wants to give you five million dollars uno e cinco equals i don't know how to say that in spanish equal says how would god how would god who else but god could talk to people to do uno e cinco one and five the exact amount that we needed you say it's a coincidence yeah well lots of luck that's no coincidence the battle is mine god says when we get to the place where we can admit don't know what to do don't have the power to do it so now god i just fall into your arms the next thing you know you can start to say i can do all things through christ who strengthens me when does he strengthen us when we get to the end maybe you're close to the end but you haven't got to the end you're afraid of just telling it all out to god don't have power don't have the wisdom i can't solve this maybe our pri your pride my pride is holding us back oh we'll figure this out i already can i can call my china or my uncle uh harry and and he'll get me out of this no no i'm not calling anybody calling god come on now's the moment let's pray father god you see what we're all living through and you know individual situations by the tens of thousands watching me right now you know every situation you know what the enemy is threatening you know how he he tries to make us cower and intimidate us but we say to you today you are god and you are god alone you have all power you have all power god you have all power and we belong to you we're not strangers to you we're your children we're your sons and daughters who else would a child go to but their father so we're coming to you and we're telling you right now we don't have the power to withstand the enemy we don't have the ability to get through this problem we do not have it so we stop fussing and fighting and stressing ourselves out and we come to a moment of just total stop and admit it we don't have the power to face this vast army number two we do not know what to do [Music] we just don't have the answers we're not smart enough not strong enough but oh god when we make ourselves zero don't you become the hundred percent is the battle not yours because our eyes are on you if you don't come through then it won't happen because we just told you about us god we don't have the power and we don't know what to do so god please in the name of your son jesus i pray for the brothers and sisters people listening to me today around the country around the world god say to their heart don't worry now don't be afraid don't be discouraged the battle is now mine you gave it to me i take it i was just waiting for that sacred moment when you gave it all to me so now take care of business for us and our eyes are gonna stay on you we're expecting great and mighty things because you're a great and mighty god and we pray in the name of jesus amen so is this not good news i wanted to encourage you today i wanted to encourage you today so now come on let's get our eyes on the lord now and when you hear a voice saying oh yeah but what if what if nothing my eyes are on god just keep your eyes on him i love you all i miss you all miss you all that i can miss you more than i can really express my wife same thing and may god richly bless you today and remember this tuesday in our prayer meeting coming up we have a guest speaker from chicago illinois named pastor al toledo viva cuba my son-in-law is going to be speaking to us going to be a great blessing i love you all god bless you bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Views: 26,635
Rating: 4.8846154 out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Tabernacle, The Brooklyn Tabernacle, Jim Cymbala, New York, Brooklyn, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, pandemic, Scripture, Covid 19, Pastor Jim, Pastor Jim Cymbala, battles, financial battles, finance, spiritual battles, abuse, Domestic Abuse, Making Your Battle the Lord’s
Id: 1VkkxcDfeac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 32sec (2972 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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