In-depth How to Import, Organize, and Use MOGRTs | Premiere Pro 2020 CC

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all right in this video we're going to be going over what motion graphic templates inside of premiere pro are the first thing you need to know is that pretty much everyone calls motion graphics templates mogurts so if you see mogurt anywhere that is exactly what people are talking about everyone just uses the abbreviation to talk about it mogarts are something that were introduced into premiere pro in the last few years and it is a very powerful feature prior to this if you wanted to have amazing customizable templates that you could use with premiere pro you pretty much always had to go to after effects for that you could have some pre-built templates that you could use in premiere but you wouldn't have a whole lot of customization options since the introduction of mogarts you now have the possibility to build something in after effects package it as a motion graphics template very easily and then you can import it into premiere and you have all the controls in the world that you could ask for this allows for you to have some amazing titles intro sequences anything you can think of to help make your videos stand out and all you had to do was drag and drop and adjust a couple things to make it fit for your video motion graphics templates can be created in both premiere pro as well as after effects but of course you're gonna be able to create much more powerful moguards inside of after effects if you do install a motion graphics template on your system that was built using after effects you do need to have after effects installed on your own system you don't have to open after effects or do anything inside of it but you have to have after effects so that it can use the engine to run that motion graphics template and i'm just going to tell you right now pretty much any motion graphics template that is really good looking was probably built in after effects so make sure that you have it installed now one thing to be aware of with motion graphics templates is that they can be kind of slow and this is a common frustration for many people but it's important to understand why it might be slow if you have a motion graphics template that was built in premiere you're likely going to get good performance they don't have motion blur things in premiere are generally just simpler when it comes to animating and graphics but now if it was built with after effects you're asking this template to do a whole lot on your system and it's having to reference back to that after effects engine in order to render things so the reason templates are often poor performance is because it's a heavy template from after effects so just be aware that if you're not getting good performance it was probably built in after effects and if you are getting good performance it was probably built in premiere so you just need to kind of set your expectations and understand why things are probably slow because again if you were building this inside of after effects you would be having to do a whole lot of rendering if you've worked in after effects anytime at all you know exactly what i'm talking about so it's the same thing for premiere it doesn't magically get faster just because the template is inside of premiere prior to this like i said you would have had to go into after effects build the whole thing customize all the text and then export and import a file into premiere and then you wouldn't even have the option to change it with mogarts you're able to create this template give all the options for customization and then once you're in premiere you can change everything that you want or at least everything that the author gave you control to change so this is something that is honestly really powerful and has been a great addition to premiere but just be aware that things can be a little slow hopefully this is something that adobe will add performance benefits to in the future alright so let's go ahead and show you how to import mogarts into premiere pro first thing you're gonna do is open the essential graphics panel if this isn't already open you can come up to window and then essential graphics and this will open the panel come over to browse and then you're going to see this button in the bottom right and then you can navigate to wherever your moguard is stored on the computer and you can go ahead and import this now i'm going to tell you right now that i would highly recommend not using this method to import mogurts and there are a few reasons for this first of all you can only import one moguard at a time so when you have a huge downloadable template that has 30 of these that's going to take quite a while to import second whenever you import this method no matter where that was on your computer let's say it was in your downloads folder premiere is going to take that and then move it to a local templates folder on your computer that adobe has access to and it keeps it inside of that folder and we'll get into why i'm not a huge fan of that but i will pop up on screen where you can find that local templates folder whether you are on a mac or a pc basically adobe just does this to keep track of things for you if you don't want to keep track of things yourself they store it inside of there but i think you can improve your workflow immensely if you don't do this so the second way that you can import mo guards and is the way that i would highly recommend you do you can right click on these three lines right here and then come to manage additional folders and you'll see i already have some folders that i've imported but i'm going to go ahead and click add and then we're going to go back to my motion graphics template folder and i've got my moguards right here that i want to import so i'm going to click that folder click select folder and now it's been added to my list you can also change the name of the folder right here but just be aware it's not going to change the name of the folder on your system so i would highly recommend that if you want this name to be something else that you rename it at the system level so that way you never get confused as to which folder things are actually stored in once you click ok you can come over to this local box right here click the drop down menu and now you can look at just the folder of moguarts that you just imported so now why is this method any better than the last method that i just talked about well first of all it's going to import every single moguard in that folder so you don't have to go one by one that's already a huge perk but the second reason that i like this is that you get to decide where that folder is on your computer and for me i have this saved inside of my google drive folder on my mac and i'll show you why all right so we're inside of my google drive folder and i'm going to go to config pr keyboard this is just where i store all of my premiere pro assets so that way no matter where i go in the world if i'm on someone else's system or if i'm on my system on the road and i forgot something i have access to my keyboard shortcuts i have access to my preferences my workspaces and now i also have access to my motion graphics templates so what i would recommend you do whether you actually store this in the cloud or not again i'm gonna be a huge advocate for storing it in the cloud because i don't see any reason not to but even if you just store this in a documents folder on your computer make a motion graphics templates folder and then make individual folders for your different moguards so here i have mogarts from different places that i've downloaded from envato elements mix kits and then i also have specific folders for specific types of moguards so all the moguards in here are transitions all the ones in here are callouts all the ones in here are ones that i've made and trust me if you haven't worked with mo guards yet if you don't organize these from the start it gets so unbelievably messy so please please please do yourself a favor and make things organized from the beginning so anyways i have all of my folders inside of here with all of my different mogurts this means i have direct control over it i know exactly where they're stored on my system adobe isn't doing anything to my mo guards if i was to uninstall premiere and have it wipe my preferences and i had everything stored in the local templates folder that adobe's managing i would probably lose all of my moguards if i do it this way i have access and control to everything and premiere gets access to it but premiere's not going to delete any of this for me so this is another reason i would highly recommend doing it it's just kind of like having a backup of your files and anything i can do to manage my own stuff and still have it be easy for my workflow i'm gonna take that any time of the day so there you guys go make your motion graphics templates folder inside of the cloud then you have access to it everywhere and you can have access to it in premiere so once you've got the moguards installed on your system let's go over this drop-down system right here by default it's going to be set to all so then when i click on one of these specific ones like my moguards it's going to uncheck all and then check this well let's say i want to see what's inside of my mix kit folder well you'll notice there's now a dash through this box and that's because i have mix kit and my moguard selected this is something that isn't super intuitive by default but a lot of times i just want to switch between the different folders and i don't want to have both checked because again as you download mogarts you're going to have tons and tons and tons of these and it can get really messy to find the one you're looking for so if you want to look through a specific folder you have to click back on all and then you can click the new folder and it will only select that one but if you're already on one of these folders and you click it you're just going to add it to your search list so if you ever want to clear your search list click all and then you can come and click a single folder and single that one out this local templates folder right here is the local templates folder that adobe has so if you're ever wanting to find those you can look inside of here but again highly recommend not using that so from here i'm going to use some of the motion graphics templates that i downloaded from envato and the first thing you're going to notice is that it creates a motion graphics template folder inside of my project panel and this will have access to the motion graphics template that we just dragged on the timeline this is basically just like importing a file into your premiere project now one thing that is very important to note is that premiere is also going to create a folder inside of your project file on your system with the motion graphics template so that was kind of a mouthful so let me explain to you if we come up to file and then project settings and scratch disks you'll see motion graphics template media so basically anytime you import a mogart premiere wants to save that next to where your saved file is for your project that way no matter where you go or bring this project you have access to those files instead of basically referencing google drive which is where i actually store them it creates a copy inside of my project so i would highly highly recommend that you do same as project when you are working with these because you want it to save where all of your other files are so if you don't already have it set have this saved to where your project is saving and you will be good to go by default it should be doing that but it's always good to double check that and just to show you really quick here is my project file that i'm working on right now here's the auto save file and then right here is motion graphics template media so inside of here you can see the motion graphics template that we just used so if i was to go ahead and go back to premiere and let's import another motion graphics template onto the timeline we'll grab this one and then i bring back up finder you'll see that it created another folder inside of here with the other motion graphics template that we just added so every time i add one it's going to add it to this folder so now if i move this anywhere i will still have access to all my motion graphics template media whereas if i took this file to someone else's computer where my templates aren't installed i still have them since it saved it here so just be aware of that it's a good thing premiere is helping you out with that one all right so let's go ahead and play this motion graphics template back and see what we're working with here all right so we've just got this simple little title on our screen and if we come over to the essential graphics panel and then edit you'll see we have some different options here so if i twirl down the master i have controls for my position and as you can see things are a little bit laggy here and that's because it is an after effects template it is annoying but it's just something you kind of have to get used to we also have scale and then we have text 1 settings so we could change the font of this let's go gotham bold so we've changed the font you could change the styling the size anything you want could also change the color to red now we've got that changed and then you can change tracking pretty much anything you want same for text two settings we've got all the same controls but now here's something you need to be aware of when someone creates a motion graphics template they get to decide what you have access to so there are a lot of low quality motion graphics templates out there where sometimes they forget to give you access to very basic things for example some motion graphics templates don't allow you to change the font that is really frustrating that's something you really got to watch out for if you're getting templates from somewhere where you can kind of get them all in bulk it might be motion graphics templates that aren't updated super frequently and when motion graphics templates came out there was a lot less control you could have over your motion graphics templates and then they updated it so you could have more access so sometimes you might be downloading an old moguard that doesn't give you all those controls so just be aware that sometimes you're not going to have access to change basic things like your font but that's generally only if it is a low quality motion graphics template if you're paying for any of these you're probably fine but just something to be aware of for example here let's go back to browse and i'm going to go to my moguards and then i'm going to use lower third v6 right here so we've got my motion graphics template here and you'll notice inside of the edit tab i actually forgot to save the ability to edit the scale of this now we could come up to motion and i can adjust the scale here but if i click on motion you'll see this bounding box around my video now if i were to scoot this title over a little bit once we hit that box it's going to get cut off so let's move this just a little bit more whoops keep going so right here you can see it's cut off even though we did not reach the edge of the frame so this is why it's very important to have the ability to scale inside of here because if i did have that we could avoid this whole situation when you're messing with motion graphics templates i would highly recommend not scaling them from motion but scale them and adjust them from inside the parameters that you have inside the essential graphics panel otherwise you can run into issues like this but i wanted to show you this because when i was building this i forgot to add the ability to scale and that could happen with any motion graphics template you download hopefully if it's someone from someone who's competent that isn't going to happen but just be aware of that now here's something else that you're going to encounter and this is really frustrating and i just don't get why it isn't a thing but on some of your moguards you can actually hover scrub to see what that mogart looks like so i can scrub through this and get a preview of what it looks like before i drop it on my timeline and same thing with this one i can do that but now watch this i'm going to go to my moguards and these were all created in after effects and now if i scrub on them nothing happens and this is because as far as i'm aware if a template is built in after effects it does not have the ability to have a preview file inside of this box only mogarts created in premiere pro will allow you to hover scrub and preview them before dragging it on the timeline this is really frustrating because like i said pretty much all of the good templates are built in after effects and you can't hover scrub them so if you want to preview it you have to drag it to your timeline and then you have to play it back to see what it looks like so just be aware of this this is something that is honestly pretty frustrating and hopefully in the future adobe will fix this but right now it's just frustrating now one last thing before we sign off here is i didn't go over this libraries tab if you are someone who uses creative cloud libraries you can import your moguards into those by right-clicking and then copy to library and this will allow you to save it to your various creative cloud libraries and again the reason i don't like this is because adobe saves your templates into an area on the computer that you don't really have access to your assets and i don't like this if there's any time where a program is managing my assets for me and i don't have access to it i don't like that so i don't use libraries because there's really no reason for me to use it when i can save it in google drive so if you are someone who wants to use libraries you can go ahead and do that by right-clicking your moguards and copying to different libraries and you can create different folders and whatnot but again i would recommend just doing what i'm doing because i personally think it works better than libraries do but anyways guys that's pretty much all you guys need to know about how moguards work how to import them and how to use them if you guys have any other questions feel free to let me know and in the next video i'm going to be showing you how you can create your own moguards inside of premiere pro
Channel: Chris Olson
Views: 11,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Olson Films, Premiere Pro Guru, Premiere Pro, Adobe, Creative Cloud, editing, video editor
Id: yP8PSkKyjfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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