How to Create Responsive Mogrts for Premiere Pro

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hey everyone surrogate Brock Nevsky here from Ukraine Mediacom and in this tutorial I'm going to talk about motion graphics templates so we're gonna learn how to create a title motion graphics template for Premiere Pro and also how to create a lower third motion graphics template for Premiere Pro as well and we're gonna start all of that completely from scratch and without any further ado let's dive right in alright so we are in FFX and we're gonna start from the very beginning so let's create a new composition by clicking on this icon in here and we're gonna label it 0 1 underscore title because we're gonna be creating a title so then make sure preset is set to HDTV 1080p 1 & 7 frame rate and duration is set to 6 seconds and then press ok we're gonna move it into a new folder and we're gonna call it 0 1 underscore comps alright so next we're gonna bring in our images I'm going to double click on this project panel and in here navigate over to the rosters folder and we're gonna select both of these images I'm using Adobe stock images but you can use any images that you would like and make sure nothing is checked here press import now we have in our project panel let's move it into a new folder we're gonna call it 0 to underscore and it's gonna be assets alright so now we have the structure that we need to stay organized next let's go into title composition by a double clicking on it right here and inside here we're going to create a new text layer in our composition so before we do that let's go over to the character panel here make sure your font is set to acumen pro condensed and the weight of it is set to black and then make sure the color of it is this value right here and then tracking make sure that's set to 20 and all caps is on and then paragraph and the paragraph panel make sure it's set to center text all right so once you've made all these changes next let's double click on this type tool to create our text in the center of our composition here and we're going to type something like main title goes here so it's going to be our placeholder here and next I'm going to select this press ENTER to rename it to title 1 and then I'm going to go back to this right here select it in our composition panel here and press control alt home to Center the anchor points in here so I'm gonna press control alt home and then it's going to Center to our text and I want to Center this text to the center of our composition by pressing control home so now we have our text title one set up next I want to bring in a shape layer that's going to be the size of our text and to do that make sure nothing is selected so deselect everything and then we're going to go over to this rectangle tool click on it make sure fill is set to solid and make sure stroke is set to none all right so we're gonna change the color of our fill to this value right here so just type this in press ok and then after you've made all these changes we're going to double click on this rectangle tool to create a new shape layer that's the same size as our composition right here so there it is as you can see it we're gonna move it right underneath our title 1 text I'm gonna select this press Enter and let's rename it to text and it's gonna be shape okay so we're gonna adjust the size of it obviously it's a bit too big so we can go down all the way to the size property you can do it that way or you can just select it press ctrl F and go into Timeline search bar in here and we can type size and then it'll only show us size here so in here we're going to change the x value to something like 1500 and then the y value to 200 all right also I'm going to select this press T to reveal the opacity property we're gonna take it down to 75 we're gonna make it a bit transparent so that's good so we do have our title 1 and then the shape here so next I'm going to create the subtitle so I'm gonna select this title 1 press ctrl D to duplicate it I'm gonna place it right underneath our title 1 here and then I'm going to move it right here in our composition panel so we're gonna move it down about here for right now and while we have it selected let's change this text so let's double click here we're gonna say something like subtitle goes here alright so we have our subtitle and then I'm going to select this and go into character panel we're gonna make some adjustments and here so for the weight instead of black we're gonna change it to semi bold and then the size of it is going to shrink down to 100 pixels and everything else is gonna be okayed the color so that's good make sure you have it selected press ctrl alt home to Center the anchor points and then we're going to go over here and select it press P to reveal the position and property of it we're gonna move it some so we're gonna move it to about let's do something like 720 so like this that's good next I'm going to bring up my proportional grid here by pressing alt double quote like this and then I'm going to select all of my layers here and then we're going to kind of position it in the center of our composition like this it doesn't need to be perfect but that's good enough for me so I'm gonna get rid of this proportional grid by pressing Alt double quote again and then I'm gonna create a new null layer so here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to right click here I'm gonna go to new and instead of no object I'm gonna use shape layer I love using shape layer it's much better in my opinion I'm gonna click on it and now we have a new shape layer and the way it works I mean it is a shape layer but as you can see doesn't have any contents so it's like a shell it's empty and the only thing we have is this point right here so it's perfect for a control layer so I'm going to select this press ENTER to rename it to control and next what I'm going to do I'm going to select all these other layers and we're going to parent to this control layer like this so now if I select this control and if I move it you can see everything else will move with it as well alright so the next thing we're gonna do is create a background image for this text in here so we're gonna select our 0 1 comes folder to create a subfolder and in here we're gonna call it pre comps and make sure you have it selected let's create a new composition into that folder we're gonna call it background image and make sure everything else stays the same press ok so now we have a new composition and in here we're gonna move this new image right here right into it like this and we're gonna make some adjustments and we're gonna go to effect controls panel right click and we're gonna go all the way down to color correction and we're gonna click on this right here lumetri color so in here under creative tab right here we're gonna go all the way to faded fill and we're gonna take it up to about 65 and then right now it looks to red for me and it will kind of not work with this rat so it will be too much red so we need to introduce some blue so I'm gonna push this to blue right about here maybe that's probably good so before and after it's exactly what I need but we're gonna add on to this so we're gonna go back to our project panel and we're going to select this paper texture image we're gonna put it right above our image here and I'm gonna select this press ctrl alt shift and then H in basically what it does it will fit our image to the width of our composition and make sure right here under mode we're gonna set this to multiply so what it does it kind of adds a nice little texture in here which is good and we're not done yet make sure you have everything deselected double click on this rectangle tool to create a new shape layer as you can see we have a new shape layer it's the same size as our composition selected press ENTER and let's rename it to vignette and it's gonna be an adjustment layer so to convert this layer into an adjustment layer we just need to click on this thing right here so now it plays the role of an adjustment layer and what that means is this everything underneath this layer will be affected by this layer so whatever effect I apply to this layer it will be affected to all of them so I'm gonna select this layer I'm gonna go to effect controls panel right click and then we're gonna go to stylize and we're gonna click on this CC vignette and now we have a new vignette you can see before after so that's all I'm gonna do here in fact let's animate it so I'm gonna select this image and I'm going to click on P to reveal the position and then hold down shift and press s through reveal scale so we're gonna animate the scale and also position on the Y here so make sure the time indicator is at the very beginning of your composition and we're going to set some keyframes so for the scale we're gonna set it to something like 60% and then for the position on the Y here we're gonna set it to 320 so that's going to be the starting point and then we're going to take this time indicator to the very end and we're gonna set the scale to 70% so it's gonna scale up kind of like this and then make sure we go to the very end here and for the position we're gonna take it to 420 so it's gonna have kind of like a zoom and then it's gonna go up so this could be something like this very nice now we're gonna go back to our title right here and we're gonna go to the project panel and we're gonna select this background image and we're gonna drag it and put it at the very end here so now we have our title our subtitle and our background image alright so the next step is to rig up our shape layer this thing right here to where it always stays the same size as our text and by size I mean the width so if we type something else for example something like let's do one two three right obviously our is kind of fixed so I wouldn't have the ability to where it will always stay the same size as our text so if it changes I one for the shape to change as well so we need to use expressions to do that and by expressions I mean we do some coding there's really not another way of doing this outside of doing some coding and I know every time I mention coding people kind of freak out but it's okay we're gonna do some basic stuff it's not gonna be too hard so let's do this I'm gonna guide you step by step so we're gonna go into this text shape and we're gonna press ctrl F to go into a timeline search bar we're going to search for size property so here's our size property and we're gonna rig this up but the first thing we need to do we need to split this X and the y into separate sliders because we're now both of them live on the same property so we need to split them and to do that we're gonna do some coding but it's not gonna be too crazy so here's what we're gonna do I'm going to select this shape layer we're gonna go to effects control panel and we're gonna create some menus in here so I'm going to right click we're gonna go to expression controls and right here we're gonna click on slider control and if you don't know what that is it's just an effect and all it does it just gives us the slider think of it like a menu item it does nothing by itself until we attach it to something so we have one just one slider and it's going to be our first value right here so it's going to be 1500 1500 for right now and then it's gonna be exercise so let's label this press Enter let's the label it X sighs all right so we have the first one obviously doesn't do anything but we'll link it up and let's create a second one for this one so I'm gonna select this press control D and duplicate it press ENTER to rename it we're gonna say Y sighs so it's gonna be Y sized right up and down that's y-axis and we're gonna change it to 200 so we're gonna say 200 all right so let's link them up so these two that so I don't want to be changing it in here I want to change the size here so we're gonna do some expressions so here we go we're going to old click on a stopwatch here to create an expression for this size property as you can see it's lit up in red which means that this code right here is driving this property and notice this value right here has two dimensions and what it means is that it's an array of two values so our code here has to be the same as the value here so the end has to have two values as well so I'm going to open up the square bracket and close it and within here I'm just gonna type two random numbers I'm gonna say 33 comma 44 so right now our expression has two values right so we have two values so this matches that so 33 is actually going to go into the first value and 44 is going to go into the second value so if I click away you can see that it applied 33 33 44 44 so I just want to show you that this code is the same as dad we just typed it in right so but the reason I wanted to show you that the first value we type goes into here and the second one goes into that because now I can just select the first value and then pick whip to this slider right here so now the first value is going to be that slider so when I click away you can see change to 1500 that's good so next I'm going to select the second value and I'm going to pick whip to that so now the second value is gonna be 200 so that's gonna be 200 so watch this alright it was that simple that's all we have to do and if I pull in this you can see we can adjust it from here and if I I'm gonna press ctrl-z and undo it you can see that now we have more control because we can have each single value on each slider so now I can just play with the X without moving the Y alright so let's do this I'm going to select this shape again press E to reveal these and here so we have x and y I don't need the Y so I'm gonna press ctrl alt shift and then click on this Y size and it disappears nice so then in here I'm going to alt click on the stopwatch here for this size we're gonna create code in here some expressions and basically what I want to do I want to type in here the width of our text and to do that I'm just going to use this expressions pick whip it's going to help us to write codes I'm going to click and drag and point to title 1 and when I do that it creates code like a path to that title 1 so it says alright you got that layer title 1 what do you want with it but I'm gonna keep going I'm gonna say period and then I'm gonna type make sure you can see it source rect at time so you can see it's gonna out a fill for me I'm gonna press Enter so this method right here will help us to get the width of this title 1 text so I'm gonna go to the end of it and I'm gonna press period and I'm gonna say with like that that's all we need to do so when I click away you can see that now it gave me the width of my text and the reason why I know that because my shape now is the same width as this text so that's good so the next thing obviously to do here would be to add some kind of margin here because I don't want to be touching the text now you can just go over here and say plus and then maybe 100 pixels or something like that and then it will add 50 and 50 you know altogether 100 so that can be a margin and you can kind of change the text you can see everything's adjusting so it's perfect that's exactly what we want so let me undo this now I don't wanted to have it like this I'm going to attach this value to a slider so I'm gonna select this text shape again I'm gonna duplicate one of these sliders so I'm going to select this press control D and duplicate it I've selected again press ENTER to rename it we're gonna call it margin okay and this margin let's set it to something like 150 all right so instead of 100 I'm going to double click on it and I'm gonna replace it for this value I'm just gonna pick whip to it like this now usually I type this I put period value just to be safe that I want the value of this but you don't have to do that but usually I'm pretty strict on that so I'm gonna click away and now our margin is going to be this so we can adjust our margin in here I'm going to set it to zero and it's gonna be touching right but if I wanted to have some gap in here I would just pull in it so let's set it out of 150 and that's good to go so now we have successfully rigged up our text in here so if I type anything in here you can see it's going to automatically adjust all right it is time for us to animate the text and we're going to start with this title one we're going to select this go into it and we're going to click on this animate so and here we have some options we can animate like the position the scale the skew the rotation opacity all of these interesting things however these are not the same as like the position and rotation and scale property that you see for the layer it's something else it only has to do with the text so we're gonna go over here and we're gonna select position because we want to animate position and as we can see we have animator one it creates it and then we have position and this position property is like the starting position so if we set this value on the Y to about let's say 150 you can see that's going to be our starting point and then if we go into this range selector we have some options so start right here we can start at zero and that will give us the initial position right but if we take it to 100 it will animate everything to 100 where we were before so we can create some interesting animations with these but we're gonna be addressing actually the offset but before we do that let's go adjust some settings within this Advanced tab so in here we're going to do the following so right now our animation is based on character you can see it's one at a time but I don't want that I want it to be one word at a time so we're gonna say based on instead of character so we're gonna say any words so now each word is gonna animate in separately that's good now the other problem is this so right now this one animates then when it locks in then the other one goes in and so on I want for it to have slight offset like I don't want for it to wait till this one arrives for it to start I wanted to kind of have slight offset so to do that we're gonna do this we're going to go all the way over here to shape and instead of square we're going to set it to ramp up and now if I kind of pull on this you can see it's much different so we're gonna adjust some offset by adjusting the ease high and ease low so for ease high we're going to set it to something like 50% and then ease low we're gonna set it to 80 so now if I adjust this you can see it gives us something interesting much better alright so we're done with all of these settings in here I'm going to select offset hit asked twice to solve it so now we see this offset by itself and then we're going to take our time indicator take it all the way to the beginning of our time line press shift page down once to go 10 frames forward we're gonna set our first keyframe here so we're gonna set a keyframe and take the value down to 100 and then from here we're going to press shift page down 3 times 1 2 3 to go down 30 frames and then here we're gonna set another keyframe by changing this value to 100 so when you change the value will automatically create a keyframe so now we have something really interesting you can see it animates in that's good and next what I want to do I want to select these keys I'm going to copy them by pressing ctrl C and I'm gonna paste them in here now obviously I want to reverse these keyframes because I want to animate in and then animate out so I need to reverse these so right-click on one of them and go to keyframe assistant and say time reverse keyframes and what that does it flips them so now we animate in and then we animate out now let's position these keyframes at the end here but I want to have a 10 frame gap at the end here so I'm gonna take my time indicator all the way to the end and then I'm gonna press shift page up once to go ten frames backwards and then I'm gonna select these keys like this and just move them all the way over here so we have a 10 frame gap here and also a 10 frame gap at the beginning as well so let's preview this real quick you can see it animates in and then it stays there and then it will animate out alright so here's what I want to do obviously it's kind of awkward because the beginning position of this text is still visible and I want to hide this so here's what I want to do I'm gonna go and take my time indicator over here and I'm gonna select the rectangle tool in here and I'm gonna start drawing a mask so make sure you select the title 1 and then I'm gonna start drawing from here and just move all the way to where the bottom portion of my mask sits right underneath my text so somewhere about here something like that it's probably good like this once you've done that let's preview our animation you can see now our text Heights behind it so it starts from nothing and then it slides in which is exactly what I want and an in here L goes back to under the mask so we have our first X to animate it it's looking great so now what I want to do I want to select this animator one and copy it ctrl C and we're going to take this and paste it to our text title too so I'm going to go to about here I'm gonna go to this keyframe here select this title too and press control V to paste it so now we're gonna have identical animator one right to both of them so if I preview this you can see they're both doing the same stuff I'm gonna select this title one press you to hide everything and press you again to reveal only keyframes and then I'm going to select title 2 and press you as well to reveal all the keyframes we're gonna adjust these keyframes so I'm gonna take my time indicator to the beginning of this animation and then I'm gonna offset these 10 frames so I'm gonna select these and then press shift page down once like this and then I'm going to move them right about here so now if I preview this you can see first we see that and then this one that's good now for these two I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna go to the beginning of this animation and then I'm going to go backwards 10 frames so I'm going to hold down shift and then page up to go backwards 10 frames so I'm gonna select these and then offset them like this so we're gonna have first the title animates in and then the subtitle and then the subtitle will animate out first and then the title now we're going to do some more adjustments to the subtitle I'm going to hide this and then go back into it and then we're gonna go to animator 1 we're gonna adjust the position so instead of sliding in from the bottom like it does right now right here we're going to change the Y value to 0 and then the X we're gonna set that to 150 so now it's gonna slide from this side to the left like this so that's good now something else I want to do I want to bring in another property so we're gonna go to this animator one of this title to right and we're gonna say add and property we're gonna say opacity so now we can set the opacity the initial opacity of this text layer to zero and it's going to animate from nothing and slide in like this so let me preview this real quick you can see it slides in and then it will slide out so it's perfect so that's all we need to do for the text I'm going to actually deselect everything press you to hide everything and then press you again to only see keyframes so let's preview this again so as you can see everything animates so as you can see we are done with animating the text okay so next let's animate our shape in here and to do that we're going to select the shape press s to reveal the scale property of it and here's what we're going to be animating we're going to be animating the X size of it so I'm going to uncheck this constraint and we're gonna be animating this right here it's going to be very easy so we're gonna go to the very beginning of this timeline press page down by itself five times one two three four five to go forward five frames and then we're gonna set a keyframe there and this keyframes going to have zero for the X size so nothing there and then we're going to make sure our time indicators right here we're going to press shift page down three times one two three to go forward thirty frames and then we're going to take this x value to 100 so essentially we end up with this now notice our animation is very boring it's very linear for this shape so we're gonna add some excitement we're gonna add some easing we want to slowly start up and then slowly arrive here and to do that we're gonna add some easing so we're gonna adjust the easing for this keyframe you can either right click and go to keyframe velocity or you can just select this and press control shift K it's the same thing it's going to take you to the same place and we're gonna be adjusting the outgoing velocity so we have a keyframe we're gonna be addressing this easing right here so the way I remember it just imagine there's a keyframe right here and you want to adjust this side so you're gonna be adjusting this area and we're going to be adjusting the X size so we're going to be doing the x value and for dimensions here we're gonna set it to 0 and in the fluence we're gonna say let's do 50% easing so it's gonna have a 50% easing here and press ok so now it's gonna slowly kind of start animating so like this it's much better but it's gonna look a lot better when we adjust this one so the same thing you can either right click and go to Keefe velocity or select this control shift K I'm a big fan of shortcuts so that's what I like to do now we're gonna be adjusting the easing on this side so we want to slowly arrive here and just remember imagine there's a keyframe here we're gonna be adjusting with this side so it's gonna be incoming velocity and we're gonna be adjusting the exercise right so it's gonna be X right here make sure you set this to zero and then influence we're gonna set this right here to 80 so it's gonna be smooth big-time all right once you're done press okay and so now if I preview this watch this it's much better it's a lot snappier that's good alright so then I'm going to select these keys ctrl C and copy them go over here and control V and paste and then we have a five frame gap in here so I'm gonna take my time indicator to the very end here press page up five times one two three four five to have a five frame gap in here and I'm going to snap this one to that time indicator so now we have a five frame gap in here and then five frame gap in here so it's going to animate in like this and obviously we need to reverse these keys so I'm going to make sure you select them right click and go to keyframe assistant time reverse keyframes and then that will flip them right so now it's going to animate out so we have that shape animating in and then it's going to animate out like this so that's how easy it is to animate this shape layer alright so the next thing we're gonna animate would be this background image obviously already have animation in it but we're going to animate the entire layer so we're gonna flip the scale property but actually we're gonna reuse the same keyframe animation we have already created for this text shape layer so we're gonna select this text and we're gonna press s on a keyboard to reveal the scale property and I'm gonna click on the scale property to select all my keys and press ctrl C to copy it and now I'm going to select this background image press S key to reveal the scale property and I'm gonna take my time indicator to the very beginning here and then select the scale property and then press control V to paste these keys in here as you can see we have them in here now I'm going to adjust these last two I'm gonna push them to the very end all right so now our background image has the same kind of animation so it animates in like this which is good but we're going to draw some masks on this background image so we can either do it like this you know I'm try but we're not going to do that we're actually gonna undo this here's what we're gonna do we're gonna select this footage right here this background image and then we're going to double click on this rectangle tool to create a mask that's gonna be the same size as our footage which is exactly what I need here so then I'm going to press alt double-quote to reveal the proportional grid like this one right here and if you don't see it in here you can just go to here and then click on proportional grid that should work alright so after that we're gonna double click on our mask in here just double click on it it doesn't help that it's green so you can change the color of it to something more bright like yellow that's good so double-click on it and now we have these handles we can move on it so if you just click and move on one you can move one side but if you press down control you can move both of them so then we can position it right about here that's good if I preview this you can see it animates it which is exactly what I want here so then I'm going to select this press control D and duplicate it so now we have a duplicate I'm gonna select the one on the bottom and then I'm going to adjust the mask I'm going to double click on it and then I'm going to click and drag again make sure you hold down control to grab both sides we're going to slightly size it up like this so right about here to this line and then we're also going to offset these keyframes so we're gonna go to the very beginning and then press page down 5 times 1 2 3 4 5 to go 5 frames forward and we're going to offset these keys by 5 frames like this by the way when you move this if you hold down shift it will snap to your time indicator alright the same thing here we're going to offset it by 5 frames so we're going to take our time indicator to the very end press down page out 5 times 1 2 3 4 5 select your keys and then move them and hold down shift to snap it and so now we have something really interesting so we have the first one the second one you can see it it gives us a very interesting look here alright so let's do it one more time we're gonna select this background image press ctrl D to duplicate it select the bottom one but this time I wanted to be fullscreen so I don't need this mask so I'm gonna select this mask press delete to get rid of it and next we're going to offset these keyframes right here so I'm gonna take my time indicator to the beginning of this key here we're gonna offset it by five frames so another five frames press page down five times one two three four five select these keys and move them hold down shift to snap it and then we're gonna go over to this key right here by the way if you hold down shift it will snap to the key so take it right there and we're gonna offset these five frames so press page up five times one two three four five select these keys and then move them hold down shift to snap so that's good and now if I preview this watch this you can see it definitely gives us something very unique now let's get rid of this proportional grid you can either press alt double quote on your keyboard or you can just go over here and click on this proportional grid next let's create a lower third all right so let's create a lower third from this composition so we're gonna select this title composition and press ctrl D and duplicate it we're gonna selected press Enter let's rename it to zero to underscore lower third we're gonna go into it we're gonna get rid of these background images from the longer need them so it deletes and we're gonna adjust title one select this go to character panel let's take the font size from 150 to 180 to go back to character panel and in here we're going to take it down to 50 pixels and then we're gonna select both of them press control alt home to Center the anchor points and press P to reveal the position property of all of them in this timeline and then we're going to adjust the title of one position so for the X we're going to set it to 0 for the Y we're gonna take it up to about negative 80 okay and for title 2 we're gonna set the X to 0 and then the Y about let's do negative 15 all right so it's starting to look like a lower third but we will adjust this shape right here we're going to select this go into FX control panel and in here we're going to change the Y size 200 to 150 alright so now it's definitely looking like a lower third but we do want to add some kind of a secondary animation so we're gonna create some kind of stroke second in our animation and to do that we're gonna select this text shape layer press ctrl D to duplicate it I'm gonna select this again press ENTER and let's rename it to stroke I'm gonna select this press ask to reveal the scale property click on the scale property to select all of the keys make sure your time indicator is in between these two keyframes and then hit delete and again make sure your scale property has set to 100 on both x and y so now we have just a static shape so we're gonna select this shape we're gonna go to fill click on it and we're gonna set it to none so we're now gonna have any filled we're gonna click on stroke and then we're gonna set it to solid we're gonna have some stroke and make sure that the color of it is set that this value and then make sure that the width size is set to 6 pixels all right so now we have a static stroke so we're gonna apply some kind of an animation to it and to do that we're gonna use shape layer actions so we're gonna go deep into this stroke like this and just like text layers we can animate text layers with all these actions well in the same way we have this add button we can click over here we have all these different options so we're gonna go with this trim pass so when you click on it it creates it right underneath our rectangle and we can go deep into it as you can see right here we have an property we can animate our paths so it does exactly what it says so we're gonna set the first value to 0 we're gonna take our time indicator to the very beginning we're gonna set a keyframe and then we're going to go up 30 frames by pressing shift page down 3 times 1 2 3 and then we're going to take this value to 100 so it's going to go from 0 to 100 so as you can see our stroke animates like this that's good but we will adjust some easing so for this one we're gonna select this press control-shift kate's you go to the keyframe velocity and we're gonna add some 50% easing to this side so remember keyframe is going to be on this side we're gonna be adjusting the outgoing velocity so we're gonna set this to 0 and then influence we're gonna set this to 50% so now it's going to have some easing here we're going to add some easing for this key as well we're gonna select this press ctrl shift K and then we're going to adjust easing to the left of it so we're gonna be addressing the incoming velocity so we're gonna set this value to zero and that one to eighty and that's good press ok so let's see what that looks like much better so we're gonna select these keys press ctrl C to copy them and let's go to the very end here press control V and paste them right click to reverse write time reverse keyframes and then we're going to snap it to the very end so it's going to animate in and then it's going to animate out okay so now we're going to click on this end property make sure all the keys are selected and then I'm going to press ctrl C and copy it and then I'm going to select start make sure your time indicator is at the very beginning here so click on the start property and press control V to paste so we have the same keys in here so we're gonna offset these 10 frames so make sure time indicator is at the very beginning here press shift page down once and then select these keys and then move them as you move hold shift to snap so now we have created something interesting so it animates in and then it animates out at the same time so it creates an interesting animation and so as you can see we have it right here but we're also gonna adjust it in here as well so we're going to select both of these and put our time indicator right here we're gonna go 10 frames backwards here by pressing shift page up once like this and then we're going to select these selected keyframes and shift snap to the time indicator so now if I preview this you can see it animates in and then at the end here it's going to animate out but it creates a nice secondary animation and it definitely sells it much better alright so now we have our finished animation here if I preview this you can see it's looking great this looks like a lower third it's very dynamic we can change the text I can adjust here I can say let's do something like first last name we can say title goes here so if I preview this it definitely looks like a lower third so now we need to position it in a title safe area so we can click over here and just like this title action safe and then we're going to select this control press P to reveal the position property we're going to move it down to about right here and then we're gonna move it to I don't know like right about here now the only problem that we have right now if you change the name you can see it's sizing it from the center and that I do not want I wanted to size from this left corner so to do that we're gonna do some expressions so we're gonna split this position property click on it and then separate dimensions so we're gonna split both of them into separate sliders so now we have slider for X and slider for Y so we're gonna be adjusting the X I'm gonna set it to 0 actually so 0 you can see it's at the like 1/2 of the shape right so what I want to do I want to take the half of the shape and push this lower third and to do that I'm going to select this text shape press e to reveal all the properties and we're going to be linking to this exercise so from this exposition I'm going to alt click on the stopwatch and I'm going to pick whip to this X size and then I'm gonna say divide by 2 so watch what happens so it adds half of the shape to my position it kind of shifts it so now this edge will be locked into this so if I change it to something like 1 2 3 4 you get the idea you can see that the edge will always stay here alright we're almost there however I don't want to be that close to the edge so here's what I need to do I'm gonna say right here right before this statement right here that we just created I'm gonna say value + and then half of the shape so value is just a key word that refers to this value our current value and our current value if you click on it it's set to 0 that's why you know there's not much of a gap here but if you move on it then it creates something interesting so I can say let's do 150 and then if I change the text let's do first last name and as you can see it will always be locked in to this side alright so now that we have both title and lower-third created the next step would be to take them and export them into motion graphic templates so that we can use them in Premiere Pro without ever opening After Effects which is very useful and to set it up is very easy so let me show you how to do this we're gonna start with the title first so we're gonna double-click to go into it and in the composition here we're going to right click and click on this open in essential graphics you'll see this essential graphics panel pop-up here and this panel helps us to create a motion graphic template so the first thing you want to do is rename it so right here we're going to name it to let's do something like zero one underscore title alright so that's gonna be the name of our motion graphic template and then we want to create a thumbnail for it right set poster so the way it works you take this time indicator so if you want to see this image in here you just click on the set poster and it's going to grab this and put it into that based on your time indicator so if you want to grab this image just make sure you move your time indicator to here and click on set poster and there you have it it's not easy so the next thing I'm gonna do is drag in properties from here into this panel right here into this central graphics panel and whatever you drag in here from here is what we're going to be able to edit in premiere so in this case I want to grab the source text property of title 1 and title 2 so to do that I'm going to deselect everything I'm gonna go over here and search for source text and as you can see we do see the source text property of both title 1 and title 2 so now I'm going to select the source text property of title 1 and click and drag and move it into this essential graphics panel as you can see created a property for it so we're going to change the name of it to title 1 so now we have title 1 so then we're going to click on the source text property of title to bring it in and we're going to rename it to title 2 that's all we need to change in premiere so I am ready to export this into a motion graphics template and to do that it's quite easy all you're gonna do just click on this export motion graphics template so click on that save it and then it's going to show you this window right here and here I'm gonna save it to local Drive and I'm gonna browse to this mo Gertz folder in fact I already have it right here so title I'm gonna save yes I do want to replace it and by the way you can also set keywords if you have a lot of different motion graphic templates you can type keywords like title comma animation and so on I mean you can add all kinds of them but I'm not gonna do that so if you want to do that go for it so after all of this you want to press ok and it's going to create a motion graphic template for title now the same thing for the lower third just go into it and then right click here go to open and essential graphics and make sure you create a poster for it so something like this set a poster there you have it we're gonna rename this to zero to underscore we're gonna say lower 3rd okay and next I'm gonna search for source text I'm going to say source text and we have source text for title 1 I'm gonna move that in and instead of title 1 I'm gonna say name and then I'm going to move in this tunnel to bring that in and then I'm gonna change the name of it to title so it's our lower third so we can change the name right here and then the title so let's export this motion graphic template by clicking on this export motion graphics template button and then we're gonna do the same process again click Save and then we'll see this pop-up window come up make sure you navigate over to the folder where you want to save your motion graphic templates in this case it's gonna be this right here I'm gonna hit save yes I do want to replace it and then I'm going to press ok and when you do that it's going to create a new motion graphic template alright so let me show you how easy it is to install motion graphic templates in Premiere Pro so we are in Premiere Pro and make sure you go over to this graphics layout so once you click on it you'll see this essential graphics panel in here and you can install your motion graphic templates by either clicking on this icon in here or you can do it straight from the window in here so just select your motion graphic templates wherever you export them to and then you click and drag and move them in here like so and it takes a second or two and there you have it we have the first one the second one that's how easy it is so next what you want to do just like one of them I'm gonna select this title and then you can click and drag and drop them into your timeline right here in your Premiere Pro you can preview this by just dragging it or just pressing play and as you can see it's not easy you can select this go over here to the essential graphics instead of browse go to edit we can adjust the title 1 we can say something like 1 2 3 and when you click away you will adjust you can type anything you want here the same thing here as well so that's how easy it is to adjust things and then we can also bring in our lower third so we can go back to browse select this lower 3rd click and drag and drop it like this and you can see there it is it's working like a charm you can preview it and then you can click on it and go to edit tab and in here we can say something like Sergey Rock novice key and then you can say for title as you can see it updated it it resizes it and then we can say something like Uecker Mediacom when you click away it updates it you can preview this it's working like a charm so yeah it's that easy and this is the end of this tutorial thank you so much for watching it if you liked this video hit like subscribe to this YouTube channel but until next time my name is Sergei Brock now Sookie and this is Yuka Mediacom [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ukramedia
Views: 24,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphics template, mogrts, motion graphic template, template for premiere pro, template for premiere, motion graphics, motion design, sergei prokhnevskiy, ukramedia,, adobe premiere pro, adobe after effects, after effects, lesson, tutorial, video tutorial, video lesson, after effects tutorial, premiere pre tutorial, premiere tutorial
Id: TObl3Lu0pP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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