In-Depth Complete Guide to the Four Best E-Ink Tablet Brands

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so you decided that you might fancy an eink tablet good choice I think in my opinion these are the four that you should probably be looking at most keenly and in this video well I'm going to do my biggest comparison yet and I'm going to have all of note taking Reading Writing and also for planning an organization between these four before we really jump into this though I just want to ask you have you considered putting this video up on your TV actually I spend a lot of time making these videos look and sound as good as possibly can and they will look great on your 4K TV so this is a video for settling in perhaps get yourself a snack maybe a non-alcoholic beer or something and share this over to your smart TV I hope you really enjoy it and the first one and it's the least expensive of this bunch is the Kindle scribe the Kindle scribe as you'll see from this has gone through a bit of a journey when it launched it had a lot to be desired and it's gone through quite a few updates and the most recent has even sorted out one of its biggest problems which was that the browser was unusable so the browser is now I'm happy to say totally usable it is a read first device as you'll discover through the content today the supernote and this representing supernote the brand today is the a5x but shortly there's going to be an a6x to and there will be an a5x to following that as well there might even be and we hope there'll be an a4x which will be even bigger and there could be an A5 slim as well which will be a different type of design from this as you watch this video do bear in mind that you're looking at a video which was made at a certain time and has certain levels of updates and there have been updates since those and there have been new devices released since those you should see this is being a bit of an overview of uh what the kind of direction of each of the different brands are and what their different strengths are because even though there'll be updates those strengths will continue for example books in this video is going to be represented mainly by the tab Ultra C but I would say perhaps the one that you should look at right now is the No Air 3C or indeed the tab Ultra c pro but books have a whole range from mini to Max from Pure readers that can fit in your palm through to A6 device through to these wonderful color A5 tablets they have now and the larger A4 devices as well books is a brand that gives you totally open Android and you can do a lot with it because of that so that will come out through the comparisons as well and lastly there's remarkable which is where a lot of people's e in tablet Journey came from and it still does what it says on tin and they've done some interesting updates but their updates are never groundbreaking like some of the other devices are they're not really changing the whole of the device it really is focused around the act of taking notes I'll just say one more thing about the supernote which is that the supernote actually published their update schedule so you do know what's coming and you can see not just what devices are going to be released but also what software changes they're going to make to the devices that exist and they talk a lot about supporting their devices in the very long term and all of these devices would like to have that mantle but from supernote which who they are releasing once every about four years devices remarkable probably we're going to get a remarkable three soon through to books which releases new devices every single year yet to see what the Kindle scribe is going to do but it's very fascinating that Kindle have done as they were promising initially they have brought repeated updates to that device we'll try and keep a little bit of running kind of not scores as such but a little bit of a focus on who's in the lead out of these and what they might be for different people in different use cases cuz that's what it's all about is you being able to make a more informed choice about your specific use case I can tell you which one my favorite is and some of you will know that if you've seen any of my videos before on this channel but that's about me and my use case and I like them all for different reasons and I want you to appreciate they're all good at different things today I'm comparing four different of the top brands of eink tablet here I've got the remarkable representing markable it's the only one they make got the Kindle scribe representing all the Kindle range really if we're talking about not taking e in tablets this is the choice with Kindle and then the tab Ultra representing the full range of books devices including smaller ones and including larger ones this has got my script on it today the books tab X Y device and of course the supernote a lot of people's favorite device for a lot of good reasons and I'm going to talk about note taking on them today rather than focus on everything they can do I'm just going to talk about which one do I prefer for taking notes I hope this will help you make a really confident choice and that when you do choose an eing tablet you can be sure that you're going to get an excellent experience because you will let's start over here on the supernote now the supernote handwriting does look absolutely fabulous you can see writing at normal size it really does look like an ordinary pen on some paper and the remarkable looks fantastic as well I'm trying my best to use their own pens because I have found out that actually there is a difference in the pressure level of each device I really do like the remarkable pen tools the ballpoint pen being my favorite of the different pen tools that you get in remarkable but you can make your handwriting look absolutely great on all of these but really the Kindle is the sleeper of the bunch here because the Kindle has the 300 dot per inch screen and with the new pen tools then you've now got more options about making your handwriting look great I probably think for writing it's still the pen is the Implement of [Music] choice but there is very little pressure sensitivity if at all with this pen the marker has more pressure sensitivity that might look a little bit more of how you're used to seeing your script with an ordinary pen if you're buying something to replace a notepad then you probably quite like the way your notes look and that is something important to consider the sve does look really crisp because of that extra few dots per inch and you can see even around the curves this really quite close distance you don't see much in the way of pixelation at all but I wouldn't worry too much about that screen resolution because for all of them they're big enough such that you tend to be a large enough distance away from the screen that you don't really notice that pixelation in normal use they all have enough screen resolution the books pencils are not the best of the bunch but they are good enough you do get enough customization and what I like about it is you can save five of your favorite pencils to the top I normally write with the fountain pen and I normally draw with the pencil and sometimes use the brush for things like inking [Music] so it does have that nice pressure sensitivity and it does look good on the page the supernote pen tools are fine but there isn't much customization there's either one that doesn't have presser sensitivity one that does and then a highlighter so there isn't vast amount of customization there describe tools although they've added some there isn't that much that's amazing for writing I'm personally not going to enjoy using the calligraphic nib because it doesn't feel right just for scribbles for me it doesn't feel right just for notes for me calligraphy is something that I used to be a bit into when I was a lot younger but something that if you wanted to write up fine hand if you wanted to make your writing look really really good then you could get into that but it's not just for general not taking in my opinion the best single pen to actually write with on a daily basis across the whole bunch I would suggest is probably the remarkable ballpoint pen I do quite like the remarkable ballpoint [Music] pen it's just got enough pressure sensitivity enough of a sort of pattern to its stroke to make it a pleasure to use and to make your handwriting look really quite nice all of these devices have enough options with the pen tools to be enough for making your notes and all of them do have great accuracy and responsiveness because they're wack on technology used well they do have different feels from the remarkable which is more like a pencil and paper feel through to the Scribe and the books devices which tend to be more like a felt tip and paper feel bearing in mind that the tab lineup have a more slippery surface and the note lineup and the Nova lineup Etc have a more paperlike textured surface through to the supernote which does actually have a pen and paper type fi which one of those you're going to like M really just comes down to personal preference to be [Music] honest and there you are you can get all of them on one screen which is going to make it easier not to have to move things around quite so much for things like tags and table of contents well the supernote is the winner of this category there's no doubt about it way you can organize and make different titles and keywords and tags within a notebook is excellent this can become a title it can become a keyword which is automatically recognized or you can edit and it can also become a link to different part of a document organizing your documents here on the supernote is fantastic you can also add starm marks which become to-do lists essentially in your table of contents here so if you just take the time to actually organize your notebooks with these things it can become a really useful feature and also you can make use of the real time recognition here such that everything is type text in the background I really love this feature I think that the other devices will probably copy this feature in the future and that now means that you can search through the the entire of the [Music] script and you can find any word you want because it's automatically turned the handwriting into text throughout the whole document and that's bearing in mind that you're presuming it's done it accurately which it is quite reliable but you will probably have to go in and change some things if you want to export that to actual usable documents more on that though when I compare these for writing rather than just for notes you can link out to other documents or Pages within this document or notebooks it's fabulous and because they're all seamlessly implemented in this device it's a really nicely p through use the books does have these types of features for instance once again you can search through the entirety of the [Music] document you can search through all of your scribbles it will actually recognize that it does it quite quickly you can actually search through the entirety of your notebook library but that might take some time you can see which level you want it to search [Music] at because now when I hit search it's going to have to go and convert every single page in every single notebook which by the way once it's done a notebook once it doesn't have to do that again the newer notebooks it'll have to do now and then it will go ahead and go quite quickly through the ones it's done before off it goes and again you can add all of those things as well but they're kind of buried in the pleora of other features that you can do on this though you can even add links to web pages which is rather nice because you can of course view web pages here in the browser you can insert audio notes you can insert images and links and so much more it's all there in the notet taking apps you probably won't use all of it however remarkable has tags now but that's about it so you can tag somewhere on a page you can tag a document you can then move around by searching through the tags I have got some tags I don't know what and they are bringing out lots of updates to allow you to move your notes and take Focus notes anywhere I do like the way this is going in terms of being able to use type text here on the device in terms of being able to use it on your mobile phone on your computer and have them all linked up together so there we are you can C paste things just like an ordinary text editor it's nice to improve the zoom as well it looks like they're going to release a type folio which would be a really interesting thing to see for this device as well I think though even with the tax function I think that I'm still going to be relying on using the page index with some really bold titles on different pages so I can sort of see my way around and really recognizing what's on the page just like flipping through an ordinary notebook I don't think that they've gone far enough in terms of the search and the table of contents type of features of this device to enable you to get around really easily but commit to using the tags and that'll be useful on the Kindle scribe though I think that you're still going to be stuck in actually making a bit of a contents page so what I would suggest you do to get your way around notebooks is to make page one a contents page and actually every time you make a note but to actually put the page number [Music] here and then to actually just use the jump to page navigation that they've [Music] added to jump to the contents page see which page number you need to go to and then jump to that page that's the way I would be working a table of contents to get around notebooks here essentially using it just like a bullet Journal so organizing it in the same way with page numbers contents Pages migrations but knowing that you've got an Infinity of pages essentially in any notebook there's nothing wrong with doing it in that old school way but you know what it misses out a bit of a trick of it being a digital notebook so for search and navigation there's no way to actually search the whole of the notes it really is going to rely on you doing it manually writing a contents page and moving about using that page navigation or swipe I hope in time that they'll add a page overview which would be far better if you could call up like press this down here maybe just to gets rid of it maybe long press it then but to actually call up a kind of overview just like it has on the remarkable of all the pages in The Notebook that would be really useful you can see if you want to search all the handwriting it's possible here on the books but it's going to take a little bit of time so you can use tags as I've said on the remarkable but I don't think there's a way to search through all of your type text let's go and have a look at a document with type text in it if I search yeah it's just finding the file from the file names so there you are you better name them well you can search Tags I'm sure but it's nice to see that remarkable are improving the sort of type text recognition and they've always had these Pogo pins that have never been used until I think something's coming very soon to make use of those Pogo pins and actually a keyboard folio which I will buy and I'll bring you a review of that supernote has the digest function and also the quick access panel which is a really useful way to to get around to navigate around the document here what you can draw is these little parentheses to actually make a note that goes into the digest but I really quite like the quick access panel so you can quickly get back to those important documents that you're working on but the books platform is going good places too I'm going to stop this despite the obvious length of time but if you needed to find something in your notes that way and search through the whole thing then it would do a job of it it would actually do a job of it the books platform is going good places with its widgets in terms of navigating around you've got your recent notes Here You' got your Library widget there and also you have this memo widget down here which is linked to your calendar so in your calendar you can actually make memos which will appear on that date so that's [Music] today here it is so there's loads of useful Integrations like that for a note taker and it's that I like about it the way it's linking now between the reading app and the Calendar app and the notes app they all linked together so it tells me what I've been reading which notebook I've been accessing it shows me where I've got different memos I think you can add full events as well it's a good integration if I wasn't so integrated with Microsoft Office for work and my Google account my Google Calendar for my personal stuff then I'd be tempted to move just about everything over to books and use this system as my one system for my planning and organization but more on planning and organ ization in an individual video comparing these four tablets on that and the other thing is I'm committed to actually trying out all these things so I can review them for you so uh there's that I can't really commit to using just one so I necessarily have to swap around to give you my thoughts about all of them so in conclusion well let's talk cost and benefit first of all firstly let me say no eink tablet is cheap unfortunately the Kindle is probably just edging out the remarkable in terms of the cheapest you can buy an entry level for about 300 quid with a pen remarkable will cost you 300 quid but then you'll need to Source a pen elsewhere but you could of course go for some third party accessories that work just fine that's what I've done supernote books aren't going to be cheap the tab Ultra is the most expensive at the A5 and of course to go up to the massive A4 books then you're going to be spending about 900 quids that's about three times what you can get started with the Kindle for you can however go for an A6 device which is cheaper so if you knew you wanted a books tablet or you wanted a full Android tablet I do recommend this is the best way to get started with in in an A6 the Nova Air Books tablet would be an excellent way to go you get a pen bundled in there as well but again that's probably a little bit more even expensive than the Kindle is if you know you want the supernote and the supernote is perhaps the most expensive of the bunch then you can get the smaller version as well but it's still not cheap and I would say that the prices of them do actually match their functionality and their benefits as well so this has the fewest benefits really for through to the most at this end and yes going right up to an A4 size device is expensive but man it is a fantastic benefit to use Ian at this size I've really enjoying I've been using this as my script for this whole time and I'm really enjoying the way it looks here so cost and benefit the costs do actually reflect the benefit there isn't really a sweet spot in terms of cost or benefit if you are getting started then I suggest maybe looking at Kindle or remarkable and seeing how you go with that or maybe going for the A6 books device if you really don't want to spend the Earth do this get an A6 books device and you'll probably think to yourself well that's great really want a bigger one and the second aspect to this conclusion what about the Impact versus ease and that's tough but how are you going to make this decision well the best all round Note Taker is the books device there is no doubt about that but the experience that you want from an ink tablet might actually differ and so there's a danger that you're going to buy the books and then the complexity of the books will actually put you you off a little bit because it does more but it's more complex so you have to learn to use it I don't mean to be disparaging but my wife regularly tries to use her supernote she's got the a6x she often comes to me uh saying I've forgotten how to do that thing and they're not very complex things but because they're just not natural they're just not intuitive as a way to do things at first she's being put off she has this kind of fear that she doesn't want to get it wrong or maybe she worries about making a note and then not being able to find it later so even that might be a little bit complex for someone like her so you have to be honest with yourself if you are someone who is going to be put off by the complexity of tech then maybe stick to one of these two devices which are so easy to use and are still going to make a difference in your life and get you away from using pen and paper and get you using digital not taking so if you do want to make that note around Simplicity let me put them in that order the Kindle is the easiest to use the remarkable is the second it's super simple to use these two devices the supernote third it can't do as much as the books so it isn't as hard to learn as the books and the books is the most complex and therefore the hardest to learn of the devices however let me say if you are used to using Android you will be at home on the books as well the ease of use versus features is a way to make the decision between these tablets that I've talked about many times and I stand by that as a good way to make the comparison it's the right way to choose that is the right way to choose the ease of use a remarkable Haz it it is designed just for you to pick up and it just to slot in where your notebook slots in but I've got a couple things to say about that before we move on to the next topic which is about the reading comparison the remarkable is a simple notebook replacement and I get a lot of comments for people who say well I've gone for the remarkable to because all I want this to do is for it to replace my notebook I also get a lot of comments however of people who own the remarkable to who said I love it I think it's brilliant it's replace my notebook but now I want to do more on iink and that's where one of the other two devices the harder tolearn devices come in the supernote gives you those other options like calendaring but being able to make really smart tables of content and a lot of people find this is a more sophisticated professional tool than the remarkable does and the books devices of course have all of those different options that you can use all those different ways of using it just like an Android tablet but here on this beautiful eink screen so I recommend that you think on think about yourself after a couple of months or year of using eink and as soon as you realize all of those benefits about working on in in screens that they aren't just gimmicks that you get this amazing ability to work outside without screen glare you get great battery performance that you get really pleasurable reading and great eye comfort and you find that actually you want to be able to use apps to link in and integrate with your different workflows that's when you realize that you prefer perhaps to have the books tablet so of course if you're absolutely certain that you just want a notebook replacement then go with the remarkable but think about yourself as an eink user in the future and decide for yourself whether you're going to be happy with the remarkable and its limited set of features in a year's time the Kindle doesn't come out great from that note in comparison I'm not going to lie although it does work as a simple notebook but simple things like being able to structure folders they took time to come to the Kindle so sophisticated things like tagging or tables of contents working with PDFs still aren't great on that device however the next category reading I think the Kindle's probably going to come into his own let's check it out I have recently said that I think the Kindle scribe is the best e in tablet for reading well it's certainly the best Kindle if you're totally happy with the Kindle library I'd suggest it's the one to go but it isn't going to be the best for everyone because not everyone's particular reading use case is the same I've got four of the best brands of the ink tablet here to compare with you with a specific focus on their abilities as readers this is the Kindle scribe and it represents Kindle but of course you could go smaller and go for for instance this is the Kindle paper white excellent read they're remarkable here and they only make the remarkable 2 tablet that's all they make quite Limited in its reading capabilities but does have some useful features the supernote which is more designed for writers but you can actually access Kindle books here on the supernote and the books platform and this is the books tab Ultra but you could go even smaller you could go for an A6 books device which is the Nova air it's a great choice for an all around reader or even down to something without a pen input like the leaf this is the leaf 2 or you can go up to a fulls size books tablet this is their A4 device the books tab X and this is fantastic for certain types of reading but you're probably not going to want to take that to the beach or read that in bed so let's start with professional reading because this is the choice if you want a professional reader if you need to read professional documents and literature then I would suggest an A4 tablet is an excellent choice and this is the latest iteration of A4 tablet from books it's fantastic you can actually see the script that I'm working on in my knowledge management app xiles it's absolutely fabulous it's the choice for professional documents and literature because of its size but let's presume that you're going to buy that if you need A4 reading so we're going to mainly focus on the A5 tablets today and no I don't think that the books A6 device is going to really handle a professional type document as well as this A4 device will although the books article mode will help you manage them if you need to read them on this small device books neore reader app is certainly the choice for reading of any PDF on any device at all here it is looking great now I've picked this one this is something I've got to read for school which is about using Tech in the classroom and you can see it looks absolutely fabulous on this fulls sizee A4 document you can even go ahead and crop and it will automatically crop to the edges of the written page and now you can see it's more than comfortable to read this slightly larger than it would be on an A4 sheet of paper isn't that fabulous and if even this wasn't good enough now you can go into article mode and have it read one column at a time so we go for navigation then article mode and now I can see what it's automatically guessed 1 2 3 4 and it's going to go through in that order and this will allow you to actually read this size of document it will work just as well on an A5 device or an A6 device itself so it scans down the column orientate where the actual Center Point that is and as you can see now it's going to scan down the column and that will help you to fit a larger document like this on a smaller screen it's a fabulous way but of course here we just need to go to a normal view because now we have a full A4 size screen and we can annotate on that as well very very useful for reading of professional documents so the remarkable and the supernote are okay for reading professional documents they're okay for reading [Music] PDFs they do have pinch to zoom and that works perfectly fine and also now they have landscape mode which is a better way if you need to read a fulls sizee A4 document now it is at the correct sort of size and you can navigate for your PDFs like this and of course you can Al annotate on top of the PDFs here on remarkable and you can do that on the supernote as well there's no automatic rotation though recent updates have improved them a little bit but I still think that we're not in a perfect situation it's still a little bit of a mess of scaling and when you do turn that page just not [Music] seamless again you can do a landscape view is going to allow you to read PDFs but both of these tablets essentially stop at the PDF PD PF are really sort of as far as you can go in terms of reading you can do UB on here as well but generally you're going to be limited to putting PDFs here via an app via the the cloud because you don't actually even have a browser where you can go and grab them and download them directly from the internet which is how I tend to find my PDFs and put them here onto a books device and once again that whole article mode here on the A5 device it's just absolutely fantastic and I haven't even mentioned the way that the books NE reader handles annotations and scribbles which are absolutely fabulous here's that same document we were looking at on the tab X let's go into article mode here can just one time to get them just [Music] right and now you can see scanning down and then across into the next page down one column across to the next now it hasn't handled the facing Pages all that well so you might need occasionally to do a little it does seem to handle that quite well see now it's worked out and now we're into a table so we need to come out of that article mode you go reset to go back to the full screen view you can of course do top and bottom as well which that will work quite well especially if you now rotate the device with its automatic rotation it's just a better platform for reading and handling PDFs and this is probably the way that you'll best use A4 size PDFs on this tablet again though it depends on what you class as professional reading and what you need to read professionally because I'm getting a lot of use out of the Kindle in terms of some professional learning that I've been wanting to do recently it's all the way at the end of my uh way back in time in terms of what I read on Kindle during my life with it but you can see I've got some lesson planning things here difficult conversations in schools which is an excellent book so much Choice by the way in Kindle unlimited and things like this Rosenstein document which is a very short book but actually is got some very useful implementation and which you can get the most out of Simply by using the X-ray or well hav't been able to do it on this one but [Music] the the popular highlights feature certainly is a fantastic feature for moving around and finding the most important bits that other people have found and so you can actually work through some professional literature quite quickly and get the benefits of that so again it depends if you're looking for A4 PDFs then the books platform is going to be the one for you if the type of professional learning that you do is only really published to very specialist libraries in A4 PDFs then I would suggest stick with the books platform it's fantastic for thate type of reading especially if you need to annotate on it and use those notes and import them into different places elsewhere fabulous but if you need stuff which is actually published into Kindle into that kind of more popular publishing strands then it's an excellent place to read and using the notes function within the Kindle scribe so you can highlight add a note add a handwritten note and that's a great way to do [Music] it so what about if you like reading more sort of self-improvement type of books learning new skills types of books well actually there's a wealth published to those on Kindle and on Audible and if I'm honest this is the type of book that I like to listen to on my commute because I get to work at the start of the day and I can put those things into action straight away in my workday and you can actually do that from the Kindle scribe you can do it from the Kindle paper white you can do it just from a Kindle app on your phone and of course you can do it from the Kindle app on the book as well so let's not forget that the kind of sleeper feature of books is that is actually an excellent Kindle as well you can't do that on the supernote or the remarkable not as well you do have a Kindle app on the supernote but you won't be able to Bluetooth to headphones to make use of the audible link as well it's a pretty basic implementation of an app I think it might be an old Android app because you can still actually buy through that app which is something that you're not allowed to do on the later Amazon Kindle app update but certainly I find an ABS absolute wealth of content to learn from on Kindle but of course there are other apps available other libraries available for instance Reedley has absolutely wonderful set of books that you can learn from it's just where do you want to put that £10 subscription really in terms of which Library do you use and books will let you access those apps for instance [Music] described Maybe be scribe might be your one and done instead of needing a Kinder unlimited subscription and an audible subscription and a Prime subscription why are all my recommendations got Square words in them cool I'm definitely going to give this a go so there's loads of options there but I would say leading the reading so far are going to be the Kindle and the books platform for leisure reading certainly the Kindle has got this one down and for leisure reading I wouldn't go for something this size I would go for probably the Kindle paper white the signature edition is a fantastic e-reader it's got a wonderful screen absolutely brilliant tablet this is absolutely brilliant reader the way they handle battery life by the way is absolutely fantastic but I wouldn't discount the books for that as well because in a not too much larger form factor you can actually have pen input as well and you can enjoy reading side by side as well so you got a little bit of a Best of Both Worlds here with the books Nova air a little bit more expensive of course you do have pen input as well and you can access the Kindle app or you can switch to a different Library if you think you're finished with Kindle unlimited or of course you can go to the books Leaf size as well or the Kindle Oasis is another great choice if you need to read in the bath or or near a pool or on the beach great choice I guess you could access just about every library on here apart from perhaps the Apple Books Library which I would suggest is probably locked down to the Apple Store the nice thing about this with any library at all you can always go into split screen and you can have a notebook next to whatever it is that you're reading absolutely big fan of this I am a big fan of the Nova air series I wasn't when I first got hold of one but I am a much bigger fan now because of this function and it really does if you're someone who's going to read a lot it really can fit in well for all different types of reading there's a bit of a nuisance in the for the Kindle app you actually can't buy books on the app and that's not books' fault though this because kindle don't want to pay Google's sort of fee for everything everything that's sold in a Android app I haven't talked about the remarkable in the supernote much so far in this video because they are likely to be tablets that you're going to discount on account of one thing which is sorely missing from both of them which is a a front light or any type of light at all so you're not going to be able to read on these in low light conditions so if you like snuggling down with a read then you're going to find that the lack of front lights is going to stop you doing that entirely on these two devices they're more professional reading based although that didn't stop readers for thousands of years like Lincoln and Churchill from getting the most out of reading they didn't need front lights no paper book comes with a front light built in as well so why not go for one that does now that we are in the 21st century it's definitely a feature to make sure you have by color lights which I'm pretty sure across the entire range of books devices and now across all the Kindles they have warm and cold lights for reading at night you want that warmer light it's definitely a feature to make sure that your tablet of choice has next is newspapers and magazine subscriptions now again you're probably going to Discount these two devices for that reason they're remarkable on the supernote because the only real way to get a magazine onto here will be to send it over as a PDF so in which case you'd have to own the PDF of the magazine every single month and put it across it's not going to be a great experience for that although that being said the Kindle app in here will allow you to read any magazine subscriptions that you have or anything in the unlimited that you have will allow you to read it within that Kindle app but I did have a little look at a couple of subscriptions here on Kindle for instance and did a trial of The Economist I'm going to enjoy reading a few articles on this economist while I've got the free trial least but £15 a month it might be a bit of a hard sale for that but it's not to blame the Kindle on that although as soon as I bought this I noticed on the website here that it says the effective 6 of March which is today Amazon is no longer selling Kindle magazine subscriptions it just sold me one today I don't know whether the free trial is going to work and then they won't won't allow me to do that however there are lots of magazines within the Kindle unlimited subscription which uh is something that I have and do think is very good value so there's lots of choice there that's an interesting one to to look out for and then magazine wise on the books I've already shown a little bit but scribed and readly are the two kind of platforms that people go for again I've got the trial here you got the guardian as a magazine here looks really good you can refresh on demand or probably it's going to be IM balanc but actually for article reading you might want to stick in the HD mode it's going to look really good doesn't that look great balance mode is a good way to go on this device in general [Music] though and of course Reedley as well is another good option it doesn't look so good because it's got this black background I don't know if there's a way to change that in settings doesn't seem like it but when you're actually in the magazine itself [Music] wow great but it does look [Music] great so both look absolutely amazing there's no doubt that the 300 dot per inch does look great so there's no on demand refresh that I can really just clean that up I'm still getting the ghosting from the previous page Kindle is not making the most out of the incredible technology that it has books however is looks great okay so that's magazine reading for web articles well this is just an absolute noo on the Kindle does have a web browser but that is basically unusable it's also not easy to navigate around all of the content that's available on on Kindle it's okay for whatever your know latest reads are and picking up where you left off Etc it's okay for that kind of focus thing but it isn't good for finding you know new things all the time it's good for it recommending you things but isn't good for finding new things now it does look better I'm told in article [Music] mode but it's still not perfect I wonder if they've got better since let's have a look at BBC [Music] no so I'm going to hate looking at the news see seeing this article come up quite a lot bad times and it's not even possible it's not worth me talking about web reading really on the supernote it's not really possible except if you were to save a page as a PDF from a computer and import it on that would be fine remarkable does have one really nice feature which is readon remarkable so little plugin here on Chrome and it just pops up and appears as a web page really quickly incidentally it says it's syncing in completed there it is Kindle Store on Amazon and if formats it although it's found nothing that it really wanted to consider as being the article I think there it does actually do a good job of formatting web articles as web pages here on the Kindle I've got this one for instance which is a research series which um it's an ofstead HTML and I've used that and gone through and annotated that at length I like the way that you can look through that then as a sort of book now here on the remarkable yeah so that readon remarkable function is quite useful and you can see where you've annotated and where you haven't but of course you can do that as well here on the books and you can convert it to a PDF directly here on the books which is what I've done just today let's go find it so certainly you have to know your way around an Android file system to be able to get the most out of it but here directly on the device I've been able to go to the web page and print off that as a PDF and save onto the device and now I have a PDF document off that web page which I can annotate to my hearts content and do all of the useful things like well I can even visit the footnotes no doubt as their web pages at Chrome and I can go ahead once I've got a bunch of annotations they will all show up here in my contents page and I'll be able to export just the annotations or just the pages I've scribbled on there's just so much to like about this and that is the same set of features for all of the reading on the books device so for reading on the web on eink it's going to be a books device again maybe the larger A4 device would be fantastic that that's exactly what I'm doing through this using my script that I've written here on a web page essentially I've got it in full desktop viewing mode it's a desktop browser experience on an eink tablet it's great for reading the web and because these have got these new gpus the experience of reading the web has just got even better on books so some conclusions about reading then firstly cost versus benefit the best reader out of all these we've looked at is undoubtedly the Scribe just for reading the Scribe is an absolutely fantastic tablet for that it's the only one with the 300 dot per inch screen and it's I haven't really talked about that in this particular comparison but that is something is really important to mention about the Kindle scribe the latest technology from eink and most people think that they have like an exclusive deal on that I'm sure we'll see 300 dots per inch screens from the other manufacturers I just think it's a matter of time and I'm sure books will do a fantastic job with that 300 dot rch screen as well right now now it's the best screen it's a well-lit screen as well and it's a pleasure to read on it's also pretty much the cheapest of the bunch as well so you're buying into that new technology at one of the lowest prices we can also consider the remarkable is pretty much as cheap as the Scribe now but this is 3 or foury old Tech at this point but it's not a reader the supernote is a better reader than the remarkable but again it's not really a reader and so the decision comes down to really are you happy with a Kindle as your sole reading plan platform because if you're not happy with the Kindle as the sole reading platform then you're going to want to go with the books as your in in tablet for reading if you just need Kindle or you just need PDF you can go with either the supernote or the remarkable and the question for you is going to be whether you're going to do enough with these other libraries to make it worth the jump in price from the Kindle up to the books device it is going to be almost double to buy the books tab Ultra right now and almost triple to get the larger screen device and let's not forget though that the Kindle platform itself is really a place for you to actually spend more money and you can see all these recommendations some of which are in the Kindle unlimited and I tend to go for those as a preference because I have subscribed to Kindle unlimited and I do think it is good value but let's not forget that this is designed to help you spend more money so although on the face of it it's cheaper you don't have access to a completely free bunch of books free libraries but there are plenty of free book libraries including the books bookstore which has got plenty of choice if you're happy to read things which are just copyright free because they are that old they're Classics for a reason I could certainly read for the rest of my life things that are just out of print of course you can carry on spending money and well I've just entered into two new subscriptions here but at least the trial version here so you could spend a lot of money on things like this readly but it isn't so upfront and isn't so integral a part of the device either and next is about how easy they are to read on and there's no doubt the easiest to use the readers is going to be the Kindle the Remar marable is a little but not a lot more complex in terms of it reading functionality and the supernote again a little bit more complex but it doesn't do a whole lot more than the remarkable does a little but not a lot and lastly the choice to go for the books device allows you everywhere you could possibly think to read online but is going to mean that you're going to have to do things like go into the file structure once you've downloaded a PDF find it open it through here and read it in your library whereas download something a PDF to this and it will appear here on the library and you will be able to find it through search I'm not really vastly impressed by the kind of search function here or giving you access to the actual storage on the device would be something that they can certainly do but the impact on your reading life is going to be quite strong with either the Kindle or the books beside just annotating on PDFs that you can do on the remarkable or the supernote the Kindle subscribe is going to allow you to read in a new type of way on the Kindle platform because you can as you are reading you can make those handwritten notes it's fabulous and that reading can link through to a small smaller Kindle that you might have or to a Kindle app on your phone or even on the desktop not that those notes are yet being pulled through to the other Kindle apps and devices so you can open up a new and deep library of reading and that's why I bought a Kindle paperwork and got back into Kindle after a long period of time I had a very early Kindle paperwork and enjoyed it for some time but this has got me back into the actual physical act of reading as opposed to what I was doing really which is only consuming books in audible format and this is what I wanted it to do and it's been massively successful for that I read a different thing here on the paper white than I do on my scr I read differently on my phone I'm far more likely to open a book and enjoy it for half an hour using the popular highlights function on my phone for instance than I am on the Kindle and the Kindle I've decided I really want to read something and therefore I sit down and I use the annotations function and I really enjoy reading for instance I'm on this one at the minute and lastly I'm listening to things on my phone on Audible in the car in future videos I think I'm going to explore some different libraries and give you my recommendation really because I'm quite impressed by the choice here on scribed and readly for instance especially the link with audio books uncried might be an interesting thing for me to have a little look and a question like can I replace Kindle unlimited and Audible for prescribed will be an interesting question to ask and the thing that makes me lean towards the books platform for reading is when I do need to go ahead and download something from off stad about what they've said about science for instance or when I do need to do a bit research for my job at school then I can do that directly here on the books platform and that is going to be an absolute benefit I know when I want to read a type of research I'd rather do that on books platform and I know that I can do the other types of reading that I've mentioned in this video on the books platform as well so it is the most versatile of the reading platform so the impact for you of those other types of libraries subscriptions apps web articles the list can just go on and it's books which is the true plural reading platform right now so I hope that was helpful in you making the choice of what's going to be the best e in reader for you if you look on irritable then I've actually taken my recommendations and my scores across a whole range of different use cases and professional behaviors and you can analyze them using charts as well so thank you very much to erable for doing that for us and of course I've got lots of other content on my channel comparing these tablets and more to help you make a confident decision in the type of eating tablet that you want to buy and you won't regret it if you make that decision by the smallest or by the biggest I can promise you as long as you convince yourself that this will fit into your workflow you will enjoy using them and you will find they transform your life at work so yeah no real surprises there that Kindle was the best reader out of these four I have an extensive Kindle library I'm also a Kindle unlimited subscriber and an audible subscriber and I find that all of those things here on the Kindle device make it really compelling and if you're the type of person that your own written words and exporting those into various places aren't as important it does have some great reading features for instance you can keep your track of your notes as the sticky notes as the annotations and they can be exported to PDF but even that is a little bit janky in terms of getting it off the device because the only real way to do it is still to email it to yourself so it's not like something you can just plug it in by USB and get files off that way or it's not something that you can upload it directly to any kind of cloud storage and in fact they had some cloud storage on the Kindle it seemed they had an ability to see your notebooks in the cloud although just as images and then they kind of took that down so I hope in a future update watch this space that there will be a proper Kindle scribe or just Kindle Cloud somewhere where you can actually access your files on the device and work a bit more fluently using the now very good handwriting recognition as we'll discover in a moment using those features and being able to integrate them more seamlessly into different workflows the next one is writing and writing is somewhere where I think that you'll be surprised once you invest into an e in device I think that you'll be surprised of how much time you spend using them for writing this books is probably my favorite place for writing at the moment because it does allow you to integrate with any app that you choose so if you want to use Google Docs or word to keep track of your writing and upload directly and then work into a live Word document in your Microsoft One drive then books is the only out of these four that can actually do that and even saying that the note f3c is not my favorite for that use case that would be the tab Ultra SE pro at this point simply because I do find the convenience of the keyboard case to be really nice for writing let's dive into the writing comparison now I've always loved carrying around a notebook especially for travel I would write and I would write and I found that anywhere I was in the world I could always find a little bit of flow and get into the Zone by just writing for an hour in my notepad the problem is that most of this writing has stayed in that notebook forever and in our digital world we want to be able to quickly share or quickly develop or simply archive for later access almost everything that we write and so here's the problem do you take a laptop or an iPad and write directly into the digital space then you forgo that pen and paper feeling which is such an important part of that flow State okay so watch this [Music] n did you see what they did there with these great iink tablets you can have all the joy of that paper-like writing sensation and you can write with your heart and then you can edit with your head it's a timesaver and it will increase your joy in the work that you do and it can only lead to greater things in this video you're going to discover which of these four great eink tablets are the best for writing we have the remarkable the supernote a5x the tab Ultra C and the Kindle scribe we're going to find out which of these are the best for writing starting with simple notebooks and starting with the remarkable the handwriting recognition was always good at the remarkable but previously you only had the option of emailing to yourself and now they're going big on this whole type text thing allowing text and handwriting to exist side by side in the notes so a writing workflow now makes more sense on the remarkable than it used to you can jot out your ideas and then you can do the recognition and then edit on the type folio and you can also copy and paste all of these out from the remarkable apps or you can download the file as a PDF I also quite like the fact that now you can write for as long as you want on an individual page because you have an unlimited vertical scroll on each page of the notebook thing I don't like about the implementation of this is that they always whenever you do a new recognition it always puts a brand new text recognized page afterwards so you can end up with three or four times the same piece of handwriting recognizes text as three or four extra pages you've been able to edit text with a keyboard for a longer time with the supernote or the books you've been able to Bluetooth to the supernote you've been able to Bluetooth to books devices but now the latest tab Ultra line does come with a keyboard case and both of these now you can use handwriting recognition in the background which is really quite useful books even seem to be developing the hardware and the software side and in fact the books device can recognize all of the handwritten text in all of your notebooks so that you can actually search through every single word that you've written even if you haven't told it to convert into type text just like remark books are also developing the hardware and the software side of writing and that's why these latest tab Ultra devices come with this keyboard case the keyboard case isn't quite as Sleek as the remarkable one but it is still a functional way of using type text really for me you use the voice recognition or the handwriting recognition and you edit with the keyboard and the other benefit of the tab series which isn't that important for writing but it does make typing a little bit more slick is having the gpus that improves the responsiveness of the test text for document editing the Scribe does have text recognition but it does have the least options of all of them now for working with handwriting into type text you simply get the option just to convert the text and directly send or convert the text and then check the text and then send it to email so this is okay at a push but that's really all you can do but I would say it's just as accurate as the other devices for text recognition but it's a limitation to the workflow to say the least that you can't put a Bluetooth keyboard for instance and edit the text on there you have to use the onscreen keyboard for short passages of type text the king I think is the books this is simply because of how easy it's going to be to generate text into the places where it's needed if you need to write into a shared Word document then you can go ahead and open up word and access any file that your account has access to and you can type into it with the books on screen keyboard or the full keyboard on the back or of course you've got the handwriting built into the onx book keyboard or you have the third and probably best option which is to actually type via voice and then you've got that full keyboard to make the edits to the document afterwards and it's all automatically saved to the cloud you can of course do that with online forms you can do that with web page editors apps emails you can do it in anywhere that you can input text you can use that whole variety of text input methods whichever suits you with the remarkable and the supernote you are going to have to pull your text down from the cloud or to use a cable or email to get the words off the device and then you'd have to use a computer to copy and paste that text to where you want and for me this is a pretty clumsy workaround in 2023 but there is focus on these devices and if you need brain space for composing short passage of text then there's no place better than the remarkable or the supernote write poems write paragraphs write short blog posts scripts anything creative like this they're just fabulous but remember that you need to compile these later for longer form documents for generating long passage of text for me that work now starts with the voice recognition you can get a high volume of words down much more quickly in this way and then you can use the keyboard to sculpt and orchestrate often to make things more formal if you've used voice recognition the text and this is how the books can work for you none of the others offer this and if you don't like the books keyboard for voice recognition or handwriting recognition you could always use the Google board to get the job done you can install any voice recognition or keyboard app that you want to use on here because it's full Android that being said if your priority is the experience of writing if you're someone who always wants to write long hand first and enjoys the feel of a pen or on paper well you'll enjoy the feel of this pen on this screen if you can imagine yourself handwriting a whole chapter at a time and then working back through the digital text I can see a place for the supernote however what I found is that the OCR the handwriting recognition is actually slower than just typing and it's certainly slower than voice recognition and it makes just enough mistakes that the first time I'm rereading the writing all I'm really thinking about is correcting the errors rather than actually editing the writing and this gives you a sort of extra pass through the writing which is simply a frustrating one so I can export that as a text or a docx and then use the computer to make the edits I can edit on here as well you see it does say long I try and make that neater and then ask it to re-recognize yeah it's got long now I do love writing on the supernote though and that enjoyment might just be enough to sway you to using it for long form writing but it isn't quicker I handw write it about as quick as I can type and although I make typos when I type I correct misspellings and grammar on the way as well so there are actually extra editing steps to using the handwriting recognition it's a sort of romantic use of pen and paper though that I do find myself going for when I really want to feel that creative act of writing it's for PES let's talk about the costs versus the benefits now the type folio for remarkable is not cheap they were doing the a deal when they first launched it and you could get it for £150 if you already a customer but I think the St price is £180 not cheap at all it is good though it is a good design and it does have a good tactile feel if you're a type you're not going to love typing for long periods of time on here because it's just too small it's a tool more for editing in my opinion the tab Ultra keyboard case is cheaper they're often bundling them in with the tab Ultra devices at £50 but the sort of list price is £80 so it's still not totally cheap but compared to the remarkable case yeah that's a less expensive option and it's still relatively cramp you need to remember though that both books and the supernote do allow Bluetooth or wired connections so you could get yourself a Bluetooth mechanical keyboard or wired mechanical keyboard and have that really nice in in typewriter set up I would still say that the way the screen modes work for typing means that you just get that more instantaneous response to any key press here on the tab Ultra than you will on the supernote but it's not bad at all on the supernote the real thing that Mars the supernote unfortunately is the cost of the device this is along with the remarkable I think this is the oldest device probably this is about 3 years old now and it's still very difficult to find it discounted anywhere you're still looking to pay about £600 or more depending on the accessories you get for the device the remarkable itself will be that if you go for the full premium accessories but actually the full bundle for the tab Ultra C is just that 600 and a good bundle with a scribe can be had for around £400 but with the supernote many people love it to the extent that they've happily forgiven that price tag but I would say if you're just looking at this as a simple notebook then the Kindle scribe is actually very compelling at that price point it's the cheapest just of these four devices certainly if you want to save money and you're inspired by the remarkable then you can go for a third party case and third party stylus and save quite a bit there you will be able to get a package for about £350 if you want a case and a stylus but then you wouldn't have the keyboard so if we think about this from an ease or impact perspective then remember there's no spell check here on the remarkable none at all and so if you're used to using word processors if you're a digital native like me and you're so used to having word check your spelling and grammar as you go that that will be a bit of a disjointed feel there's no spell check on the Kindle either however for the non-digital native if you're someone who's been happy to use a notebook up until this point and you just getting into this cuz you realize the benefits of a digital notebook replacement you might get on really well with the remarkable or the Scribe they're known as the distraction free devices as their limited feature set means that they're quite straightforward to use remarkable taglines that simple Tech just gets out of your way and leaves your mind three to concentrate on the writing that's a compelling idea and if the workflow that I've described and the work flows that are shown in their marketing if that appeals to you if that would work for you it does what it claims to do and you should buy with confidence with the remarkable The Scribe you're going to have a very shallow learning curve and it will just slide in in place of any notebook you've been using you'll be able to get writing at any moment with very little friction that might be a selling point to so many of you but I would say out the Scribe or the remarkable the remarkable is the better one for writers it's easier to use as the user interface of the Kindle is very much set up to be an e-reader first and this can make navigating around a little bit frustrating it's also very much set up to recommend new books to you all of the time which isn't distraction free I find navigating around this counterintuitive at times and there aren't lots of shortcuts but that being said if you're writing relies on doing a lot of research then the Kindle makes a large amount of sense suddenly you could be reading and annotating on the books and then exporting those to use in your writing although you can't do handwriting recognition from your handwritten notes in your book that might be quite a nice little ad in general if this was to be a writing Focus device they do need to add quite a lot of features before it's there the supernote adds more features and with these extra features comes a little bit more of a learning curve and if you're a total disaster Zone with tech you know who you are I would probably urge a little bit of caution before going ahead and buying this but if you're someone who just needs a little bit of extra time to learn new tech then you'll be fine and once you do have your head around the way this device works all those features will become like second nature you why with that mindset then the supernote becomes an extension of your mind and you wonder why all the other ink tablets don't Implement things in the same way with the books devices well firstly if you're a confident user of android devices then you'll feel right at home here and then the ease and the convenience of being able to write directly into webboard Cloud apps working between your Cloud notes files and your reading places like Exiles notion or Evernotes coupled with the ability to browse the internet to get research papers downloaded as PDF to the device or just to read things on this beautifully optimized color earing screen and then copy and paste them into your writing as references this can facilitate a very easy workflow but there are some bugs in the books UI they do update their UI regularly with lots of bug fixes normally that can be great because there are lots of new features however often they're trying to shoehorn those new features into an already overcrowded UI and there hasn't always been time spent considering which are the most important features and how to ensure the user can access them the most quickly and with the least friction like I cannot for the life of me work out why the copy and the paste function is buried so deeply within the menu in the PDF reader it's all here you have to go lassu then select then go to the lassu again then copy or paste or delete or any of these things it's just quite counterintuitive really but it's there you can usually find the thing and what you can do the things that you don't use you can actually hide the things use more often you can bring to the top of the menu and that's the thing about the books user interface for me is that you can learn to do all the things you want to do on it and once you've leared how to do them those things become easy to use and the fact that it does a lot more and that overcrowd the user interface doesn't really stop your enjoyment so exactly it's complex but it does have power and that is why for me for writing the books is the platform that I go to most often and that surprised me because I do love the supernote platform for writing I'm very much looking forward to where it goes but they need to allow you to open up to other Android apps so that you can seamlessly integrate with workflows that's an important point so fingers crossed for the future of supernote because the supernote has an aesthetically pleasing and really subjectively wonderful place for writing is the winner now before I bought my first ink tablet you might be in this situation yourself right now I was wondering a couple of really important questions and those questions were is this just a gimmick is it actually going to make a difference in my professional life and am I just going to waste my time and my money by investing into this I have met people who have bought remarkables based off their marketing and found that they haven't found it integrate into their workflows however I was pretty convinced that it would work I was convinced of the benefits of eink and I decided to take the plunge and obviously I've gone on quite a journey with how much I do like this category of device the very first remarkable did change my life at work because what I did was I made a PDF of my two week planner and I uploaded that to my remarkable and that was essentially the background for a notebook and every two weeks I made a new planner it was really similar to the way that I was working with paper whereas I would have paper printouts of my two weeks that I would keep in a little Ledger and carry around now it was all in this one place this super slim and really nice to use device which had all of my planning and organization that for me is the biggest game Cher so if you're wondering if it's going to fit into your workflow or if it's just going to be a waste of your time and money I think this next section of the video should answer those questions for you eing tablets solved the problem of organization at work for me my problem was just having stacks of paper so I switched to using iink tablets as my planner let me show you what they can do you can write move stuff and resize things [Music] here got all of these different pen options so you can differentiate your notes [Music] can you see how much clearer that is on the tab Ultra there but of course I can also use any app I wish from the Google Play Store including a full calendar and Outlook did you see that on this simple PDF planner I can have unlimited space and on the books devices I can use different colors to do different notes if I wish I can use any organization or productivity or planning app that I wish including my organization's Microsoft Outlook calendar or my Google Calendar in short any of these four ink tablets that I'm going to be comparing today would do a great job of being your digital planner books is the obvious choice for me because just so well integrated but that's not to say the other tablets don't have a trick up their sleeves did you notice how the remarkable left a bit of a ghosted image on its screen after I moved something and copied it that didn't happen here on the books tablet and that's because the books tab series have a GPU which actually clears the white space which makes it look always really crisp and clear I think there's going to be some surprises along the way and your choice might be different to [Music] mine we're comparing the remarkable two to the books tab Ultra C the super a5x and the Kindle scribe because I think if you're interested eing tablet these are probably the four most highly recommended tablets right now firstly let's talk about calendaring there's no calendar at all on the Kindles scribe or the remarkable to but you could and many do use a PDF planner full year which just exists as a book in which you note down all of your plans like you would a paper planner this does work great on the remarkable but the PDF planning document might just become huge and I don't know I don't know if I really want to trust a tablet not to crash and lose a year of my appointments or at least some recent changes and notes personally I wouldn't go down an entire year on one PDF plan I make each two weeks as one PDF planner and that way they never get too large and then maybe have a separate file for your kind of monthly or annual planning it's easy enough to tag things or to keep them in files such that you could actually manage that quite easily on the remarkable to the Kindles scribe no such thing there although there are some folders you can actually import your PDF onto there and write on it but there's some weird PDF kind of formatting issues and you might lose some hyperlinks there as well so not ideal so for calendaring this going to be the supernote and the books that you're going to want to look at both have a calendar built in supernote and the books are the only ones that currently you can integrate with any sort of online calendar that you could manage from anywhere so most of us will be used to largely managing our calendar from our phone and then want it to sync to online locations as well fortunately I've never found a way I don't think it's actually possible to integrate a Google Calendar into the books memo note calendar which is really quite frustrating actually however of course you can just use a calendar app here on the books this is a Miss in my opinion it seems like it would be easy enough just to integrate this into Google Calendar and their calendar app is good because their calendar app brings up what you've been reading and it brings up what you've been working on on those days and the notes they then appear on the homepage as well on this little memo pad down here similarly you can have notes and memos and it will tell you in the supernote calendar it will tell you what you're working on that day as well and although you can integrate this into your Google calendar or other Cloud calendar and seem to be actually updating mine at the moment I don't know if that's just because I haven't been using it for a while I don't think that's a very good integration if it's not there ready to go so I would say these two the calendars that are built in are actually better for managing what you were doing on the device and think about what you're using the device for rather than managing all of your time so none of them are looking great for calendars it probably is the books because you can use that third party app to manage your calendars that you're going to want to do if you want to do calendaring here on an eing tablet if you want to talk about email as part of planning an organization well remarkable to inscribe I'm afraid only use email as a way to get things on or off the device so it's a nogo for them as well supernote does have email and it does work although it isn't as easy as it should be to set up I honestly don't think I'd be relying on supernote for my email I think that might be quite a frustrating experience also composing isn't great because although the handwriting input is very good I think that would get pretty frustra for doing things like writing email addresses and for longer bits of text in an email body however with the books tab Ultra C you can of course use any email app that you like and you can use the keyboard case as well to type out your emails or to edit the voice recognition emails that you used supernote is not going to become a place where you manage your email anything above just quick notes backwards and forwards I just don't think it's going to take over in terms of convenience even from your phone I don't think you're going to manage anything more complex than maybe a few notes it was kind of nice email handwritten notes though that might be a fun way to send personal email in the future maybe if more people were using this type of device the books tab lineup is sunware that I would actually see myself using as my main email device I really liked reading and I really liked writing emails on this tablet in fact when I was daily driving this testing it out for my full review at work he spent a lot of time next to my computer in its laptop mode and ready to read and write emails so I essentially left this on email and worked on other documents on my laptop it's that good in fact if I have to type an email I actively choose to do that on the tab uracy I've covered the note taking app itself in other videos I've compared these four purely for note taking in another video so now I'm just going to talk about how well these device manage to be a notetaker for organization purposes those incidental notes that we take on a daily basis and whether these are quick memos or quick notes to colleagues or thoughts that you had when you're reading the Scribe actually excels in this point and honestly I know people are quite Keen to write directly on their books but I actually like the way that the Kindles scribe handles annotations on books not the sticky notes I think they're rubbish because they're just too small a little thing there but just a normal annotation so if you highlighter section then make a nice big clear highlighted and you can add a note to that and now you can do a handwritten note in here as [Music] well I think that's really good remarkable is an outstanding notebook and that's all and you will get used to note taking system here on the remarkable quite quick quickly either on a set of PDFs or notes that you actually make yourself you will get used to it really quite quickly using the different tools selecting moving things copying them and deleting them and you will get used to the fact that wherever you are at any point you can open up quick sheets very quickly from the drop- down menu and start taking a note and then the notes that you take here can be exported into other notebooks I live in that 2E PDF and I just start a new blank one each fortnite and my little notes can go in there and I can delete them when I'm done with them or copy and paste if I need to move them to a different notebook so actually it is very easy to organize your thoughts and notes on the remarkable you also have very good Cloud apps there where you can actually get those notes off and use them in different places I like the way that when a page gets a little bit crowded you can actually select something and put it off to one corner and sort of carry on annotating afterwards you can also at any point flick up and get yourself a whole new page vertically beneath it so the pages are sort of infinitely long on the remarkable which means that it's a very good way to organize things just added a similar sort of feature to the Scribe where you can actually resize things and move them around and copy them although can we copy them to a different notebook yes you can so that's useful that they added that one nice feature across all of these is that you can use handwriting recognition they do them in slightly different ways and the best implementation is the supernote which can do it in the background and they're all pretty accurate the supernote does organization of notes the best out of all of them because of the added hyperlinks modes the way that You' got this quick access bar the most recent documents and notes the way you can build out tables of contents with titles keywords or starm marks and these things can all be linked into the calendar as well you can link between notebooks not just copy paste and move things but you can actually link to different notebooks and so people could actually use this like a bullet journal and build out a homepage a contents page and link to any part of the device they wish lots of great things and what more is the supernote is that lovely surface to write from with that ceramic nib as well it really is like writing with a premium pen on premium paper and that's nice even for those little scribbles but books wins the organizing your notes category as wherever you currently keep your notes you can integrate it here you can use notion on here I use xiles on here you can use any knowledge management system that you use you'll be able to integrate that into these devices so for instance annotations that you make on books you can copy and paste directly into your knowledge management app you can use otter on here and actually voice record your notes it's just so versatile and I personally love how I can just move these notes around from Google Drive X tiles all of which I use for slightly different reasons they all do sync to the cloud in one way or the other you can access them from browsers or from desktop apps but I just feel that using a dedicated app which is designed to do that is far better than the somewhat clunky cloud sharing apps of the other ones so it's not the books cloud sharing app here that that wins out cuz push dot books is actually not one of the best ones is the fact that we can get things on and off the device from any cloud sh app that we choose to use my personal favorite for organizing tasks is actually the supernote because within your notebooks you can at any point draw a star Mark and that then becomes something which is left in the table of contents for you to access so any page that you've left a star Mark you'll be able to go to and once you feel that's completed you can simply just delete the star mark and it will be gone from the list of tasks if you like in the table of contents that's really nice and you get to see that preview of the page there as well go to the page you read the note that subscrib to that task and you complete the action if you use the books calendar well you could actually integrate that really well into your planner so you could know when tasks were coming up by sort of leaving notes and memos on that date that would be a really useful thing for planning but of course once again if you use a different app to plan things on your phone a calendar for instance or xiles can have calendar Integrations in there as well then you can do that on the books that I think again is going to win out on the other two on the remarkable and the Kindle scribe you are going to be using a bit more of a analog style of bullet journaling to keep track of your tasks and when they need to happen it just isn't making great use of the digital platform talked about all of these devices offer some kind of cloud storage for integration but at present Kindle is the least well optimized as it's only really just a backup of your notes in case you should lose your scribe or you buy a new one there is a web location you can now look at your notes files but all you can do there is just screenshot them they can't even save them or download them there's no way to edit them either remarkable supernote and books all do have cloud service and they're just fine although you do have to pay for the remarkable one it's affordable now in my opinion but all the others give you storage at least some storage for free you can use the cloud service to get things on and off but but it won't store your notes Forever Without You upgrading to the connect plan I do like the plugins that they've got for remarkable in Chrome and now also for office as well so you can actually send things from a web article straight to the remarkable or you can send a document from word straight to remarkable to be annotated and PowerPoint as well and Kindle now have a send to indle from word option which is fine but these are one way you can send things to the remarkable or Kindle and you can annotate them but you can't send them back to word you can send them via email it's the same case with Google Drive and Dropbox you can pull things down or you can upload but there's no real time integration which is really what we want when we're talking about Integrations in the 21st century remarkable are improving their cloud services and it is already one of the better bespoke cloud services supernote goes just a little bit further and does allow you to use Google Drive as an alternative to their own us or Chinese servers all of the notes files can be backed up to Google Drive but of course the supernote Note file you can't read or open on anything but the supernote tablet itself can however read the doc files that you can make on here and you can read PDFs that you've written on as well but one thing about supernote is that sync is on demand which can sometimes be kind of painfully slow so it isn't just yeah you can see that I have to reauthorize that cuz I haven't done it in a little while I suppose but I have found that it's painfully slow to do that books though can integrate with whatever you have already and although it's a pretty tricky thing to link your reading notes to a cloud service like Google drive it can actually be done and you can actually link those type of things basically whatever you can do on an Android operating system you can do here for instance both Evernote and OneNote are now well organized so if you want to use that as a basis for all of your notes using the Microsoft cloud then you can do that and push. books can also be on us or EU servers so that's a safer secure place for your not for me though is being able to write directly into the live documents they have in Google Drive on xiles or indeed in Microsoft Word that just does it for me books are the winners for integrated workflows let's talk about cost and benefit really people have a sensible objection to these tablets especially the remarkable and they say things like a £300 replacement for paper how ridiculous is that no thanks it makes some some level of sense as yeah it's just an infinite Pages planner for that use case but the thing is once you've used a remarkable you'll struggle to go back to not using it you'll struggle to go back to basic paper in fact This Is frequent feedback that I get from viewers who have brought after my recommendations I can't imagine going back is what they say but I can take the point if you're going to get another microprocessor in your life it might as well or it l well better integrate with other apps and devices so if this is your use case it's worth spending more and getting a full eink experience in my opinion I agonized over the first £300 that I spent on the remarkable the remarkable one actually and it was a great deal accessories included as they were about to launch the remarkable too but I knew the day after it arrived I knew it was worth the outlay I used it every day at work and I never regretted buying it so if you give it some for and if you truly have a place for an eating tablet in your daily work life then I suggest buy with confidence even spending the 900 quid it takes to get a tabex with a case if you use it every day then there's no way you're going to regret that purchase if any of these fit into your work life then they will make a big change to your workflow but the biggest change probably comes from using the books tablets either which is representing books today the tab Ultra C or the tab X can make a huge change because suddenly you can do so many things that you would normally do on a laptop here on an tablet and you'll probably find yourself if you're like me finding more tasks to do on it maybe using the split screen and keeping certain things open for reference as you work on other notes and documents but there will be a few frustrating moments on the way if you buy a books you will not regret it as long as you set aside time and brain space to learn it and at the other end of the scale the Scribe or indeed the remarkable will just slide into your workflow as a replacement for paper you'll use it like a notebook and you'll probably enjoy using it it will have as little friction as just buying a new notebook and a new pen it'll be that easy to use I'm sorry to say if you're looking to spend less time staring at LCD screens the remarkable or the Scribe probably won't do that for you because you will only use them when you would have been using paper instead so you'll have to spend just as much time looking at a laptop they are great places to get organized they are great places to plan but just as a notebook or a diary is the supernote might be the best balanced Choice out of these four if you can do with just those few extra things which will draw you away from your laptop or your phone but you should expect a learning curve as I said the calendar and the email do work but there will be some learning curves on the way there will be some setting it up and reading the manual before you've got it working just perfectly but once you've got your head around it it really does reward you and the way that it does the things that it does and what all these buttons on the side here do will just make perfect sense after a while and people talk about their supernote after they've used it for some time as being kind of like second nature and you'll end up feeling right at home just as you do with pen and paper still though if you are happy on an Android operating system and apparently 3.3 billion people are using Android today you'll be fine on a books tablet and the tab Ultra and tab Ultra C with the keyboard case is going to have a massive impact on your professional life don't be worried just read the manual and I do recommend that a good way to start with a book's tablet is to spend an evening just reading the user guide and manual maybe even getting used to annotating PDFs by annotating the manual with things that you're going to want to find easily and know how to do later so I'm thinking possibly the best haircut was in the earlier videos in the reading and that's not what we're here to debate probably they've all won a category or at least you can see that there are different benefits of each one they're remarkable for not taking is a simple Note Taker great the Kindle for reading the books for writing and it is really difficult to decide side for the planning and organization category probably still the books there however I think that the supernote comes out kind of second in most of the categories really I think that the supernote is the second as the simple notetaker it's probably third as the reader so the reading Kindle then books and then supernote for reading for writing though it's a very close second and for a lot of people it will be the winner of the writing category and for planning an organization once again it's a very close second compared to the books so the supernote I think is a very balanced device and that might be the choice for you I very much hope that all this has helped you let me know in the comments please what you do go for and if you've got any more questions because questions from the audience always help me make better content thank you so much for watching
Channel: Kit Betts-Masters
Views: 23,354
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Id: FxYpcgc9xWw
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Length: 83min 38sec (5018 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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