E-Ink Tablets: Which One Would We Buy and Why? (E-Ink Roundtable)

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foreign [Music] welcome there's a few people here already a few people saying that you're very excited and looking forward to it I for one I'm absolutely looking forward to I've been looking forward to this for a little while so very great to see you all here thanks this is uh my name is kit and uh this is obviously Voya in the middle and Brandon here on the right so today the the sort of way this is going to work today is we have planned answers to these two questions the two questions are which tablet would we actually buy and uh which popular device would we not buy and why um we've we've got a lot of mutual respect between the three of us at least we certainly did before we started this discussion and came up with this idea so we're hoping by the end of it we've still got that mutual respect um so it's kind of like um if we we know what we know uh so we we are reviewers of being tablets and we know a lot about them we know which ones and the features we like and dislike but somehow we've lost our tablets and we don't have one what would we be going out to buy tomorrow like they've been stolen or destroyed by fire or something what would we buy tomorrow just to just to get working again so we're each going to present our choices and reasons why and then we'll have a little bit of a discussion and we'll hopefully ask each other some probing questions and some difficult ones to answer I'm sure and you know give each other reasons why we might not go down that route and then we'll take some questions from you guys as well um so we've just decided to go left to right but um anything to add um via you crack on and say hi um yeah just hi tube first of all we have kitten Brandon and thanks for agreeing to do this whole thing because it's a ton of fun at least for me and I hope it's fun for you guys and for the viewers as well and also we try to kind of tackle yeah real world useful stuff that's also fun for us to talk as well and while the last time we kind of discussed previously you know who's gonna do what and everything I really like this one because we genuinely have no idea uh we made it a point that we don't tell each other what we are going to choose and what's the whole thing so hopefully that makes it even more fun and more attractive for all of us here as well so yeah that's that's that and definitely like super awesome to to see people tuning in and hope you guys find it fun yeah and I'll just follow that I'm just really happy that we were able to do this again I think the last time we did this it was cold outside and I think it's almost cold again and so but definitely have to do this more often I guess one thing I'm curious about we're each going to announce what we would buy and what we wouldn't buy I'm curious for those that are watching if you can guess what devices we're going to say we would buy and what we wouldn't so before we get started here in the next couple minutes drop those down in the comments because I'm curious to see who gets it right and who doesn't yeah and I think um we've got our own thoughts and guesses what each other each other are going to say when we came up with this idea Brandon said I know exactly what you're going to say you're just too predictable so I've been thinking about you know whether I want to go down that predictable route and if there's any way that I kind of couldn't go down that um I've been really thinking right did I throw you off yes absolutely yeah absolutely Woolf already knows uh so yeah tell us what you think then come on you can't tell us halfway through you can't you can't be like oh I knew you were going to say that kid um uh yeah I guess the other thing is before we get going throw in any questions that you're curious about because I think we're gonna have some time at the end and would love to spend the last 10 or so minutes answering any questions you guys might have and maybe having a little bit of a discourse where generally we're apart you can only ask one of us here's an opportunity to ask us and have us actually discuss it yeah if we have any difference of opinion we'll obviously talk through that and we find this really interesting because um as we were discussing last time we did this we all think you know there isn't a out and our best tablet for absolutely everybody it is a case that for some people uh you know if it's going to be better for one use case the other and we have three people with three different use cases and I think that bears out um what we are likely to say I imagine it is going to Bear out what I'm likely to say I just don't know uh interesting interesting I don't know whether we're putting uh that um that option in the uh popular tablets option there uh we'll see we will see you guys are both locked in right there's no chance you're gonna switch it up no there's no chance I've given it some thought about that yeah yeah I tried I thought is there any way that I'm not going to say this totally stumped for Brandon yeah I think I'm stunned for what you're not gonna pick I guess are we all three gonna pick one of the major three oh the major free I don't know right I think your tree but what is this nonsense it's not what you're talking about it's a complete mystery here no but um yeah I think a valid question is especially here because this is something that I wrestled with when I was thinking about this whole thing because I cannot was thinking about it genuinely like if it was a real world situation like this we're like now borderline October and traditionally we know that you know some new devices normally come out from one of the manufacturers at this time so I think that this is something that we should at least keep in mind as well while discussing this as well because I think it's going to be important especially for the viewers here because a lot of them are going to find themselves exactly in this situation because the calendar you know that's how it works because I know that that was a challenge for me personally yeah absolutely interesting which which way you go well my first device has just taken a little while to boot up so that might be a clue turned on okay demos right okay I think we should say throughout all of this is regardless of what we say we like and what we say we don't like that shouldn't affect how you feel about what you've purchased this is very much an individual decision it's very much about how you use your device and what situation you're in so just because I like something doesn't mean it's the right fit for you and I think each of us have a different use case so I know that's going to be a part of what I'm going to talk about is why my choice is right for me and why the thing I don't want isn't uh isn't right for me so that's an important thing to take into account when you're trying to use this knowledge absolutely yeah and I think that's a really important uh point because this is not intended to be an answer to your guys's this is questions what should I buy we wanted to address this whole the same question what should I buy we wanted to address it from our own individual subjective perspectives um because yeah that that's what we got you know that's what we got to work with and that's what we can actually present to you guys with and I think what's useful is going to be also talking through the mindset and the reasons why yes why not why this why not this what was the thought process behind it and hopefully between the three of us because we have similarities but we also have much more importantly differences which makes this more important and relevant to actually talk about hopefully you guys are going to pick out hey I identified with this this this this and then hopefully it helps you with your thought process so you can kind of figure out if you find yourself in a situation what to buy and why to go for something and why not to go for something at least that's how I was thinking about it yeah that's why we felt it'd be so useful and Brandon quick question do you have a hard um hard like end to this one do you have to uh no no it's the weekend we can go as long as we can go yeah and hello everyone all around the world hopefully this is a good time to um stream as well and uh let us know any questions and at the end of each little presentation we should have time to um take questions on the particular device from you guys so starting then I guess one good point there kit obviously if you're here this time worked for you but if you're watching this not live let us know in the comments what a better time for you would have been yeah there was a question will this be available as a vote afterwards yeah it should be um isn't going to get deleted afterwards it'll be available so hello if you're watching on the uh replay do do feel free to just fire in the comments the normal comments we find very very useful to help us know what to cover and um try and answer as many questions as we can on that type of thing I think yeah budget was a consideration that's certainly something that I'll be talking about in mind so let's if we're ready my what would I buy is the tab Ultra C is there any surprises there gentlemen no I I did think very hard about this one and um for a reason just because I didn't want to be so predictable you don't like to think of yourself as being so transparent but I have made it it is consistency you're consistent absolutely well consistency is a major thing in influences in the term the um yeah I did have to go with this I really thought hard um the only possible reason that I probably wouldn't be going for this right now would probably be money um I might find it actually reasonably hard to justify the sort of 600 pounds you're gonna have to spend out this and if you can get the deal uh thrown in about 650 pounds with the keyboard case um I do really enjoy the keyboard case on this um you know but I just was reckon that is there any reason I wouldn't buy this and if I was going to go for money I might think of the Scribe I might even think of the remarkable with some third-party accessories but then I would just be thinking of all the things that I couldn't do on those and um generally the thing that would persuade me is the usage of these apps on here really and and you know they they marketed the tab Ultra launched as a ink PC I don't think that's the case but the use cases shifting gradually for me at least towards that when I when I first bought a remarkable I was just there for the note-taking all I wanted to do was write notes on a PDF which I can obviously do on this um this tablet and and do quite a lot and then um why are my things are showing just now and um do make notes on my planner PDF on here and I wanted note taking I wanted notes for so many different reasons but since the Advent of the tab Ultra and now that and in fact really since the note Air 2 plus is just the case that I have just discovered that I want to do all of these other things on e-ink and I do use this quite a lot um as an emailer I do use this I did a um really quick live stream just the other day and I said at the end of that right I'm going now and I need to do some writing I need to write a review of um the big me and shows the reviews I'm working on the minute and this is the thing I took and I sat and I opened up docs or in fact I think I was typing into extiles that day and I opened up X tiles and I typed with this thing on the e-ink screen and I think now that we you know it's become the point that I enjoy the eating so much that I want to do those extra things on the eating screen I think at the minute this this color version is really the the most compelling one uh the most compelling device for that which has become my use case I think the other thing that I was wondering whether I would really go with this was the discussion about battery life which is we've discussed quite a bit in our reviews and um it is the case the battery life isn't as good as the remarkable tooth uh the remarkable two or a lot of the other competitors or even indeed the books note Air 2 plus so the battery life was really something you wanted to um have you want that two-week battery and you do want that two-week battery um I I was thinking about that but really you know I was going to ask you a question kid um if you didn't need color or you didn't care about color would you still get the ultra C I think I would you know I think I just would because I think what I care about is using the apps and what I care about is and I just have always felt that like if I go into the word app that distinguishing the the blocks on here or when you're in in an actual um document distinguishing all these bits up here they're just kind of subtle differences in tone can you see and that just shows up better in color um so that that's where I was going for there and I just think so many apps just work better in color and it is the case if I was to choose between the battery life or these amazing screen modes and honestly like that I've been in Ultra fast there but I thought I was imbalanced because it just still looks so crisp and clear even in there and I went back recently and you know I did a bit of a side by side done the eating tablet World Cup recently and had the note Air 2 plus going again I thought oh yeah this is what it used to be like and that's the that's the significance of the the change that books have done recently with the gpus um is it's just become now so much more viable to do this this way it it's and the interesting thing I I hope they'll bring a firmware update which can do better power management um with this I hope you know um I hope that that will happen I wonder whether it's just the way the process and the gpus are and that kind of if you want this this kind of screen performance you have to accept the loss of power management the loss of battery life but um I think that I would go with that I would uh you know that's the trade-off that I think I I would accept that trade-off for the budget and I still am guessing about three days with my use case completely so it's kind of like it is kind of like I can probably half of what you were getting on black and more less than half yeah it's um yeah I was charging the note A2 plus every weekend I was um and then it lasted a week easily you know sort of maybe even 50 40 by the end of the week and now yeah it is a case that I just have to just pay a little bit of attention to the battery life meter basically and often I can get away with just plugging it in for an hour and it tops it back up to 80 and that's good through the next few days or um yeah it's just a case of just making sure you're charging but with the remarkable for instance that that's one of the best battery performances um and it really is the case uh that you that you would just charge it once every uh you wouldn't even charge it the weekend you just when you noticed it was a 20 you think at some point today or tomorrow I better charge it and you just would leave it in for an hour connected to your laptop even on a triple charge and it would get there um so that's that's where I'm at and that's that's why I would buy that I think um that's all I sort of plan to say but any question any more questions from YouTube go ahead um yeah I just wanted to kind of offer comment regarding the uh bookstabs C versus dab Ultra C versus Tab Ultra and if I were to choose between those two and I know this isn't maybe not the popular one but I don't care so much about the caller even though it does make a difference what really surprised me with the tab Ultra scene was the tone of the whiteness that it has its newspapery kinda yellowish it's not greenish it's not really ugly and it's really Pleasant and when they kind of switch back from tap Ultra C testing it and I switch back to my old tab Ultra I found it to be too bright and I know that's not going to be a popular opinion at all but for my but for my eyes and for my Sensitivity I found myself when I had both of them side by side I would always go for the tab Ultra c not for the colors but for actually for that background which of course a ton of yours is going to say like no way that's way too dark for me but for me that's that was a complete surprise so yeah that's something works it's Pleasant yeah that low contrast is actually quite I maybe have like a hot take difference of opinion on this which is I love the 300 pixels per inch on the ultra speed but yeah I I mean and I also like the color but when reading black and white content I find the color Matrix distracting I see it when I'm looking at it and in my opinion I still think there's a place for a black and white tablet I really hope books continues to have a true black and white tablet even though they have color technology and let people choose based on what their use case is so like because the the tab Ultra isn't 300 pixels per inch and so will we ever see like a refresh for that that would be a nice thing to see um where will they go when whatever the screen is that's in the Kindle scribe is available to everybody it must be surely that must be the case and that's soon right like I think it was rumored that it was a one-year exclusivity so yeah that's that's very soon and isn't it that's this sort of say that's November so questions from um the audience I guess uh other points wolf says it charges fast it does yeah exactly it's yeah it's three three days but it does yeah this one where this you've spoken about there's quite a lot yeah I just think we're talking about the wobble yeah so much yeah I mean case a lot so I don't notice that yeah the case is basically required uh or at least with my levels of OCD you have to use it no no it's not just OCD you you can't write on it it and even if it didn't have the camera it would still slip around like all previous books devices would so you need to add some silicone yeah on it yeah I know but you know Kettle scribe did it like how hard what what the hell is going on why not it's very kind of straightforward kind of thing yeah you just didn't need the thing anyway you didn't need the bump that that camera is not a camera that needs to have extra housing no yeah no and especially when it's not aligned perfectly that and it isn't online and you can you can visually see that I know you mentioned it yeah I would I got it like okay tab Ultra happens and they've already machined the whole thing the whole production run went okay you know you go with that tab Ultra see the same thing again exactly yeah there was a lot of reuse between that right but they made some minor changes to the camera bump right boy yeah did they um like it wasn't quite exactly the same not so sure not that I've noticed and I think that's the whole problem because I think that they are basically have to save money on it because it's the same housing it's just they spray it with a different color so it's the exact same housing and from my measurements as far as I remember it's the same two-step measurements as well um so I'm comparing tickets that's on screen maybe the plastic cover maybe it's a little bit grounded but I've also remember that some of the users would say like hey I measured them on mine the camera housing was aligned so yeah who knows so Tommy mentioned fingerprint marks on the screen I also agree I notice temporary discoloration with my fingerprints on the color screen that I never felt on the other devices do you guys feel any of that it's not something I've actually noticed but it's probably something when you now know about it yeah it feels like the the oils from your hands react differently to the color screen than I noticed previously yeah there is definitely a difference another the tone of the screen there is a difference in there yeah yeah well it's the Matrix thing so you have it or you don't yeah cool any other questions from the audience or should we fire on with the next uh let's do this quick one for Marcus does do the do the books devices require Google account they do not no you don't no you don't have to um no not at all no I think to do to use Google yeah that in order to use the Google Play store and to use the utilize the whole point of having access to all of the apps and expendability of the functionality of the tablet itself you have to have obviously Google you can side load without Google if you want to go that route but uh side loading apks from third party sites is also a source of Trojans and viruses and the person asked that they're very safety and privacy kind of oriented so I would not be able to recommend from uh if somebody's concerned about safety I cannot recommend side loading uh apks that are downloaded from non Google Play Store because you do not know what has been packed in there it's just that's how it's been since the 19s with the exe files and zip files and then dll files when we got windows so yeah oh sorry Brandon you don't know what I'm talking about because you're probably back you guys don't even need antiviruses but when I want to get things done yeah I know I'm I'm busy this is a private um Brandon bashing in fact on the um the the thumbnail for this I just asked Brandon how do you take a screenshot on Windows because I just knew it would uh it would get everyone says to have a great smile full of fun anyway let's let's fire on are you ready it's um it's unixware okay so popular I I can be don't pop me off dude I still have much to live for um sorry uh sorry I'm in a good mood it's Sunday it's been a long day and all that kind of stuff so um yeah everybody is gonna be so the scenario was what there was uh I lost all my devices and I need an e-ink device and everybody's gonna say like oh well why is gonna buy the Superdome right let me just a little bit so we're gonna buy a super note well um no actually if I were to buy a device today under that scenario and I had to buy one today I was thinking about it and my gut was like well that's what I use so that's what I would buy right actually I wouldn't and the reason is one of the questions that was mentioned before and that was is the budget a concern yes it is and when you're buying a supernote the budget is a concern because if you're buying it from Europe or to you need to kind of import it into Canada U.S doesn't matter you have import fees you have all these things and it adds up to roughly around 600 ish dollars something like that depends what your import taxes are and things like that um the second so that was my first consideration it was like a lot of money so I have to really think about that and then what do I have to think about well we know that they've announced that maybe the X2 is coming right around the corner so right at that point then this is like a big question mark for me because what if I you know blow 600 650 bucks now and there's an X2 that will have they said replaceable batteries which is something done very strongly for and thankfully in Europe they're finally adding you know the considerations that all new electronic devices will have to have replaceable batteries great for that so it's very nice to actually see this so that's a big question mark for me all right so if not attack if that's not the thing then I was thinking like okay then well the next logical thing would be the tab Ultra of some sort correct well no because this is my own personal tab Ultra not tab Ultra C this is a tab Ultra that I bought that I still think is a phenomenal device but I actually regret this purchase and I regret that I sold my note here too when I bought this device since I bought it I don't like it it's I can't I'm not vibing with it at all tab Ultra C different Beast altogether for me because of these small ton of little small things can add up to one big thing that makes a difference to me and I could connect what are those specific irritants well just for the audience specific irritants the uh it has zero personality hmm that's my subjective thing object so absolutely zero personality so what is this this is an absolutely excellent tool and that's a tablet that's using top of the you know cream e-ink technology that we currently have totally 100 agree with cannot disagree with that because that's a that's a fact so if you want the best tablet with the best that eating technology has to offer it has to be the tab Ultra of the tab Ultra C that's just how it is I'm not blind to that but this is a subjective thing right and there's a plushie there on the guitar and there's like plushies all around and there's like toys all around and I need a connection with the thing otherwise it's just a thing and if I'm interacting so with the note Air 2 I had that it had Charisma it had character it has an orange stripe it has a sexy design I enjoyed holding it in my hand even after two years that's something remarkable too has in space like it has bucket loads it's like oh my God it all sucks but you're just hold it in it's like oh yes my precious so I get zero of that with the tab Ultra or the top Ultra C subjective objective part camera bunk can't get over the camera bump and I cannot get over the sharp edges of the bucket that objectively bothers me so the end result is like I sold my note air too because I bought this thing and I'm not even using it so that's like double the reason to hate in it so nope sorry yeah so I was then thinking like okay so then why not buy note Air 2 plus or something like that because that's the obvious choice well it's October and traditionally books launches new stuff in October so again I have that problem so why would I spend even though Note 3 plus is now like 420 something like that right doing is there a used market for that device like I haven't even learned there's some used markets and that was my train of thought as well so then I was thinking like okay so what would I buy now when I'm waiting for all of these new things that are probably going to come out and I don't know what's going to come I don't know when new supernote is going to come out I don't know what books is going to come up with uh maybe they they come up with something you know to appease my note air loving heart I don't I have no idea so but I need something to write and this is what I would buy if this was the case that's exactly what I would buy because this is remarkable one for those who don't know my original one from 2017. why I would buy this because you can find one in an excellent state for about a hundred and hundred and ten bucks there's tons of them and I primarily write and that's what I would need the device for so I can definitely appreciate everything that this device has to bring if it costs 110 bucks if it does I'm a happy puppy yeah it's not a good reader yeah it's not this it's not that but you know what for 110 bucks or around I've seen some even go a little bit cheaper and when they go without a pen or something like that as long as they're like fine that's actually what I will go in this situation so that I can see what is yeah book's gonna do what are all of them going to do uh to see where we're at with the prices how are the new launches going to affect the prices of the old devices are they going to affect the world for me it was simply a way too many question marks in this situation now if we were to do this same stream in November that would be a very different story right then this wouldn't be the choice if it was the November so if it was November and say that supernote said hey um we're not launching anything new or X2 is I don't know we're not launching until end of 2024 like they did for a4x then it would be the Super note A5 right so I just wanted to come out you got to make a final answer I gotta make a final answer if it is if it's for today for today for right now uh this is this for for today you know end of September and the way it is right now and I have to go and buy a device and I don't have any ink this is what I actually would go for yeah interesting so that's fascinating right it's um it's the first one I bought and I bought it when we were waiting for the remarkable too and they were just doing such good deals on it and you're absolutely right it is still killer I've actually given mine now to my brother and he uses it and he's very happy with it and yeah you know that is it's a testament that it is still going I really like the buttons on the bottom as well it's something I really enjoyed I liked how light it was yeah it's plastic it's way durable than the remarkable too much lighter and you can Chuck it it's fine I really wish they'd make a student remarkable I wish they'd had two and they make that basically and make it cheaper um you know less Ram less it could say it's 5 12 gigabytes of RAM and it's all right so if I remember correctly or is it one but it's not a lot quite well yeah and it's eight one core person One Core yeah and it still works do you feel any of that do you feel any of that when you're you do comparatively like you put it side by side you will but for what you you know I think voya's use case very much it can never do what the tablet so you can do of course it can't it's not working but you can you couldn't use it on there to you know you couldn't put a Google Play Store on there with that kind of things exactly I think the really interesting point is is the used Market or the refurbished Market is actually a place to find Value and I I often think with people the question and when I was buying this thing I was thinking is it what it says it's going to be is it what the marketing says it's going to be and I think sometimes it you know I was looking for just the you know this hyped up feel that remarkable was selling to everyone you know this yeah pen and paper feel and the kind of the way it would just get out of your way and I remember trying it for the first time thinking yeah I like this this is what I wanted it to be and I think you know it's um a used device is is a very valid option essentially it's an important consideration at least to kind of keep it in consideration because these are expensive devices I mean yes we're talking like yeah you get a huge amount of value for 400 and something bucks with books note Air 2 plus or something like that um I I'm sorry Brandon I can't go with remarkable 2 as a value thing because because of this because this does exactly all of the same things that the remarkable 2 does it's the same operational software doesn't have the type folio granted you don't have that but I can't say that remarkable 2 is a good value it's too fragile uh yes it's unbelievably sexy and and the design I think is a testament that uh yeah that this thing if it came out today like if it came out in September of 2023 and it came out looking like this I would still go like oh wow this this is awesome but this came like three years ago and it's still this good and I think that remarkable's Hardware design team is one of the best that I've seen probably on the market and they've kind of confirmed that when they launched the folio yeah folio has its ups and downs and yes stitching should have been there better materials should have been used for the curry but the engineering of it the design of it that it's covered that it's still a flipple cover and then when you need it you just lift it it's so tasty and they've done it like again so that it's really that good so in some ways I really wish if remarkable would release something new right like a remarkable tree or something like that that would have been a nice thing because I'm genuinely excited about their Hardware design engineering team and capabilities business-wise and things like that yeah some things are good some things I'm really disagreeing with um it's not going to be a device for everyone so yeah it really depends but for me why is this a choice I think I explained it second market value time in the year where we are not at now and again for me primarily I write a ton so I can read my PDFs and things on my PC until January until I see what the prices are or until Black Friday and then I see what the prices are and they need something to kind of bridge me until I make a decision that I can't do the right thing that I can do on a remarkable one very remarkable too I can't do that on a PC I can't do that on my Lenovo tablet I can't do that on my um yeah iPad or whatever and there was a question how about buying a Kindle scribe just for writing I wouldn't now hear me out why I think Kindle scribe is looks great built fantastic fantastic display fantastic front light fantastic pen like that's my favorite pen that's the pen that I use all the time now and writing feel is fantastic so what's wrong with it how do you get the files off from that tablet you mean all the software all of it it's Jekyll and Hyde it's higher Hardware yes software like it's completely mind-boggling for me that you you have one hand probably the most capable writer on the market Hardware wise like it's really hard to beat 300 PPI black and white like everything's spot on it's perfect but if you need to take the stuff off yeah and the cloud is little things add up yeah that's why it's not that prevents you from doing prevent you from using it more than you otherwise would go ahead for you no that that's exactly it that I'm just reacting to what you said so it's uh that's exactly the thing that um uh that also has to be I have to count those things into the price consideration as well right so it's not and even if I had like an unlimited budget I'm a price conscientious oriented person so I like that if I purchase something that I'm not going to check it and contribute to the E-Waste that is a problem um I like to buy something that's going to last for years and that I can actually use and come back you know and use it and that's why tap Ultra C pisses me off because it was a lot of money it's E-Waste and I don't get to use it and I TR and I sold my you know device that I used to use and I would have gotten the 30th thank you so yeah that's that's where I'm at as far as this goes any questions or comments from you guys or whatever or or questions that you saw maybe that popped up in in there I think we hit a lot of them as we go yeah I agree with Carlton cool awesome I think yeah this is this has been absolutely fascinating Brandon I think we're gonna we're gonna get in with yours because uh We've are you gonna be way quicker we don't get them Opera there's I'm not going to have this I'm sorry I can't do what Boya did boy is too good um but I guess it's probably worthwhile to start about to talk about where we started which I think I think you guys both said remarkable one was where you started I started with the node ER 2 plus and it blew my mind it was just fantastic it was a whole new world it took me from a mole scheme into the ink world and it's just been excellent but my use case is one that rewards focus and creativity and my primary goal is digital sketching and note taking and I need a way to effortlessly share what I'm sketching in real time and immediately share it afterwards with the team and so for me it's the remarkable two it does the best job of giving me that creative space and getting out of my way it also has the most painless screen sharing and Export that's baked directly into the platform and lastly it's the only eating platform that has proper vertical scrolling that allows me to complete my thought on a single page instead of artificially being limited to a specific page height so no it's not the value King that the remarkable one is but in my space I mean I spent 500 on a note Air 2 and then I bought a remarkable two just to review it and then I ended up keeping it I fully intended to send this back after I did my review and the experience of actually using it and the focus that it enabled me to have that I couldn't get on the books writing app is what kept me in the remarkable space so I think the remarkable two is an excellent value again not as great as the remarkable one but I think if you can get a refurb and you can get a referral discount and then you compare you add to that a third party stylus I think it's what 280 U.S for a refurb with a referral and then you can get a stylus for as cheap as 30 bucks so you're a little over 300 bucks new ish again I know remarkable gets a wrap for being expensive but that that's not terrible for new-ish so what if you if you don't want to then sign into the cloud which is you know it's not too expensive now but it's still a consideration um what do you not get remind me so I guess let's start there because actually that was a key factor that brought me to the note Air 2 plus is back when I purchased the node Air 2 plus I want to say connect was eight dollars a month U.S yeah and you needed it yeah and you needed it to do handwriting conversion and I was like I don't want a monthly bill so I was like remarkable as Al and that's why I went with the node Air 2 plus that along with having a backlight and having Kindle support because I've been using Kindle books for forever that all changed in September of 2022 where the connect membership is now three dollars U.S and you no longer need it for screen sharing and you no longer need it for handwriting conversion or Cloud so in my opinion right now that three dollars a month gets you backup protection if you were to slam this against the wall and it couldn't be recovered like that's what I pay three dollars a month for is so that if this got stepped on by my 10 year old I could buy another one log in and within whatever the shipping time is be back up and running so that's what I pay three bucks a month for but I mean I I guess I'm curious Voya and uh kit what your thoughts are on typing on the remarkable I was about to ask that question like in in this purchase would you include buying the type folio I think the type folio is very use case dependent um I think if you are a writer by profession or you have some benefit of getting away from your computer or getting away from your default workspace and I think the typefolio does that best of any of the Inc tablets I think if I want to go to a coffee shop because that puts me in the right mindset to write creative work I think that works is it just being a productivity tool or an alternative to a computer I don't know that it works but if I were a writer and I made a living writing or I wanted to make a living writing and I needed to get into a very specific headspace but I think it's worth it if I don't fit into that small use case I have a hard time justifying it I I had to go with it um and I found this really annoying bug which was from the cloud service it was actually remarkables Cloud apps you know the three of them the web app and the mobile app and the desktop app they're actually quite good and they work together well with the with the cloud the the you pulled off some text and it and every single line break it had a weird funny symbol when you copied it into word oh I hate that so much yeah so I think I mentioned this in my review is I should have to be a software engineer to be able to get documents off it but then the fine replace of that of that character yeah I tried it recently and it's gone which is just like one of those sort of no-brainers really and I think that um you know that that you know I should now I want to give it a second go over and there is that kind of romantic kind of you know you could do handwriting conversion and and then you know your first few scribbles handwriting that could be your outline that you're handwriting then you then you open up the thing and you start typing and then you can annotate and then you can reconvert and you know there are workflows with it I just I just think if I was a writer which I do consider myself to be a writer is you know what what I do when I make a review I write it first and then um to be able to put that straight into Google Docs or word or you know my knowledge management app then that is I I think that that's what leads me towards there and I think there is always that step of you're gonna have to copy and paste out of remarkable at some point whereas it's it's there in in whatever you're gonna use to take it you're writing you know from you to to the Publishers from YouTube you know uh whatever else it needs to go and that's the step that I would find jarring really with the three muscles so that's a really good point I saw this comment I think this is a worthwhile one to call out someone asked do I still incorporate type folio into my day-to-day workflow and the answer has a lot to do with this um which is I have a keyboard that I use every day and I find that any keyboard that's not this keyboard or one like it makes it really distracting to do in-depth writing the kind of writing that I think Kit's referring to and the kind of writing I think of when I think about a creative writer or professional writer I don't want to think about this I don't even want to think about that screen I just want to be in my own head and so for me I think the type folio is the least distracting of all of them but with that said it's still a minor distraction and so I have a lot of quirkiness built into my keyboard so I have Escape here and I can hold it to get a hyper key and I can hold these two keys to go up and down and I can't do any of that on the remarkable and I can't do any of that on the books and so what happens is my muscle memory kicks in and then it types all kinds of weird characters and then I'm completely out of my thought process and so for that reason and again that's a very unique personal thing for me I I don't integrate the typefolio into my deep concentration type work cool uh thoughts from other people it's an interesting point um Marcus seems to point to why that bug was there in the first place uh thank you very much Marcus appreciate that so that's interesting so if it's a Linux kit you're on Windows and you were getting it so yeah another remarkable is Linux remarkable's uh OS is Linux based so character conversion is yeah that's what actually happens yeah is anyone here a Linux Main and do they run into that yeah yeah really I I really like this comment by the way who are the non-voyeur people it's a good name them all seriously cute it's in Brandon yes excellent work and you should definitely check their work because they do different perspectives and they cover all of these things from a different perspective and I do encourage that you definitely learned their names and visit their channels and subscribe and check their work because they do excellent work and also the opposite when I don't feel like testing something I say go check out voya's videos because it's way more in depth than I did yeah awesome um any more questions for Brandon um about his choice here um there's some really good ones I think we'll we'll come back to towards the end because they're sort of specific other use cases really this one you might actually like to field um Brandon because um you're an iPad User as well I believe or have been yeah yeah or can you put that back up I need to read it all I know you're more into eating devices but if distraction's not a concern what's your oh okay I have a video on this it's only two minutes long I definitely recommend you go check it out it's iPad versus iPad Pro specifically versus remarkable 2 and how you can decide and on the surface they are both tablets but I I don't think they could be more different as far as how you use them and so my the tldr of that video is I feel like the iPad can do infinite amounts of things but it is second class at all but a few of those and I feel like the remarkable or even the other tablets have a legitimate use case and they're world class at what they do yeah and so if you need a Writing Tablet go Inc if you want a computer replacement that has even more utility but is never going to be the best device at any of those use cases then go with the iPad awesome yeah I think that's that's that's sort of where my yeah conclusion about the thing was was that if you want one device full stop then yeah it's the choice yeah I still think that if you if you have no other you know you just want one Computing device in your world I think that's probably the choice though um awesome it's a laptop for me yeah yeah that's where I'm at too I'm willing to give up touch um awesome um I think we that's all the ones for that how long does the tip last for on the remarkable um and how much you're right that's a really tough question to answer uh I mean I again it's very personal I think I've gone through three remarkable tips in a year and a half and I know people who go through a remarkable tip in a week so it's very much based on your writing mechanics and as much grief as I get from people in comments about my weird writing mechanics I don't go through a lot of nibs there's also one consideration uh I've also encountered that people on the Facebook group for remarkable they changed their nibs when they are no longer aesthetically pleasing there's that as well because they do flatten out like a little mushroom thing and you start writing so yeah generally they start looking ugly and they start looking feeling uh bad because the Precision is gone because you no longer have that nice rounded tip so yes the writing definitely changes but you can definitely use it for months and months and there's a little tip and I'm probably sure that all of remarkable users know that but when your tip on any device that any device that uses these nibs software names felt names uh when it mushrooms out and creates that conical thing take a nail file just round around it takes it off and you're good to go and you can just and continue using it nicely yeah so they can last and you get a pack of eight is that right maybe ten yeah nine plus one I think so yeah ten together yeah and so you know you that is good for some time really um good uh shall we go on with what we wouldn't buy then um yeah yeah I think that's as well and fire in the same order is everyone happy with that let's do it um I'm kind of predicting there's going to be some I don't know I I'm just like throwing it out there I I think that there's going to be some matchups here but we'll save it oh okay okay so I'll go I'll go first and what wouldn't I buy and it's out of the popular ones so again we didn't really specify what those popular ones were for the purpose of this maybe we should say the big the big four so Kindle scribe something from books something from remarkable something from supernote are those the four you were picking from no it wasn't I was uh no I was picking everything okay that's yeah that's fine I was going for bigger bigger Brands um and this is the one I think that should have been so much better uh you probably saw this one coming everyone um I wouldn't buy this one um unless I was a reviewer and wanted to review it um and I think this is this is a a bit of a shocker it just should have been better from them really and it's uh that's the surprise really um I think there's an absolute lack of any kind of coherent software strategy on this I think the screen performance is pretty poor really um you've got the options they didn't I can't see much difference between them um in terms of how it actually performs and I think the things like rotating PDFs not rotating the actual annotations that's the thing that really has got me out of well I've never been in love with this device but any type of positive feeling about this device I don't know if you saw that I've actually been trying to do the other really annoying thing is well it did a cardinal sin actually it forgot one of my PDF planners it's just gone um you know it didn't not in the two weeks I was using it it's it's gone from the whole device and I cannot find it so I've just tried to download the um I've just managed managed to download my PDF planner here it is it when I click open it from download it asks me if I want to open it with ebook reader but not the actual not the actual PDF reader on the device so the eBook reader is the the ebook store they seem to have partnered with and so you open up this oh it doesn't doesn't work at all it did work a moment ago so good demonstration now I can buy a James Joyce there which I've read and it's good but you know maybe not um but the and this is what I got so I can't annotate on it now and somebody in I unboxed this in a live stream and got it going somebody said you need to put it into the library file now where on Earth is the library file so I need to I need to move this PDF we use the move move to and I need to put it into a library folder where's the library folder and here's where I need a user the first folder the first folder with the numbers I think with the numbers yeah with the numbers treasure Seeker thing yeah I know it was in there right but now now I can now go back to the top of my device however you can do that here now I can go in 2023 right it's not there no it's not even there and I just I mean I I do despair so but I can show you what I mean with this because I can make an annotation on this part of the screen uh now I am in there reader which is you know the simple most simple thing I haven't got access to all the pen choices that they had in their notes I can make an annotation on here fine I'll go write my name so that we can see that now when I use the auto rotate on the device the PDF rotates but not the note now this is I mean it's it yeah you have to laugh because otherwise you'd cry and if you bought this what on Earth guys and this is the thing this should have been so much better it just shows you how little Lenovo love this device I think oh yeah and you know it's it's a weird one I mean isn't it a glorified beta I mean this as far as I know this device is still not in the US I mean come on guys like it's so you know that that's really and I know how to use Tech and it's an Android device and I can navigate around I can work that out eventually but like some people they're looking for and they're they're trying to Market this as a similar thing as the remarkable user friendly and you know you can write on it um it just really doesn't know what it wants to be yet and it should have been better at launch it really should I even read a review recently I won't call out who who they were but one of the pros was a well thought through software experience and if this and I just think you should be okay well thought through but poorly executed no not even I mean it just and then Google Drive I I'm all right granted I have the 200 gigabytes storage in Google Drive so it's quite a lot to refresh but it just doesn't ever get it takes 10 minutes and then it will crash again so they put Google they fought through people like to use Google Drive but it's just not working and it's it's I mean it's awful it's um I'm still in shock ing it is it's shocking me bad because I made me have to review it then because yeah yeah it's still refreshing maybe I should send you mine too it's still refreshing it's not refreshing at all it's downright um infuriating the other thing that um the other thing I'm surprised about is in the FAQs it says can you install apps you can you can via apks and we've talked about apks and there are dangers there absolutely but you know I've shown that you can put Kindle on here and it does work you know you but you won't get any Kindle updates because they would be managed by the Google Play Store so you'd have to download a new version but Kindle works on here and I'm logged in here are my books fine um for example so you can download pretty much whatever you like you can look at CPU Z which was another thing that shocked me and I'm really interested in in your opinions on this guys but um in the FAQs it said uh can you install apps the answer was no you cannot I'm paraphrasing but this is the gist it's a device for reading and taking notes okay um yet by default they put Firefox on and they put WPS office on there which hands up in the chat if you're a WPS office user maybe there are some people out there but I don't think there are many of us I think it's it's forgotten that one that one's cricket and so they put that on there with with a PDF reader a word clone and a PowerPoint clone and an Excel sheet so clearly it isn't designed just for reading and writing if you put W WPS office on it right and then there's the whole invoice review covers this brilliantly the whole subscription plans for things like Voice to Text Carry On Top oh it's just and and for cloud storage which you know books gives you 10 gigabytes just for free for every account you make you know and I guess they must have a way to stop people just spamming accounts but anyway the hardware is quite nice and and you know the screen the screen feel is nice and generally the note taking app is nice um the the uh the pencil tool is really quite quite good really quite good um you know this is the standout feature of the device is the actual pencil with tilt tool um it's it's is the pencil better than the Scribe pencil no the actual pencil you mean the brush I think it's it would be a toss-up I think probably describe has the best pencil yeah yeah I think there's five second that yeah the I mean just generally the tools are okay I know when you first looked at this um it looked very much like a remarkable set of tools and they've changed it to make it look like a kids set of tools for some reason but um the there's some positioning this is what it's capable of right now reading and writing on and the this this point because it's too thin and it's quite solid there's no you know and so actually for long periods of writing it actually hurts your hand you know that where the way cheap pyros you get that indentation uh that that gets me I don't enjoy that at all I like the storage of it I like the case I like generally the actual Hardware um it's quite nice and light it's got a good battery life it does have a good screen it does have the auto dimming light but it doesn't do it in the right way in my opinion because when it's brighter it sometimes gets brighter and um I just don't think the algorithm is right what they've plugged in there it seems to me that like when it they've just left it almost like a ordinary Android you know get really bright when it's sunny and bright and the lights go up and then but you did show on yours where that it actually did turn off when it was super bright but I think they really do that yeah yeah I I think it might just be the placement of the thing like because it there's light sensors down here there's two of them on the side right there's one at the top and one at the bottom yeah yeah but yeah I had it near an open window really bright and it got super bright and I was like what are you doing this is Ian this is precisely when I don't need this and just generally it's just not where the auto dimming sensors that we've seen on some other documents like the Palmer's got it absolute right um the last thing I'll say before I stop my rant frankly is um get it all out safe space except for everyone's here yeah but if the the processor that CPU said no I'm I wonder where the CPU Z isn't reporting this accurately is the rk3066 now this chip is like 10 years old or more actually I think it was 2012. now if that is accurate which on the list of specifications it's not it's like the 3085 or something I've covered it in a video somewhere but um if that's accurate this is this was in like one of the first Fire HD tablets you know that's the level of tech we're talking about it's kind of a while to think about because yeah it says 40 nanometer there okay yeah and that's just wild you should be kind of careful with the cpu-z because depends on what version of the APK you managed to find uh database yeah so if you see internally has a database that can recognize uh new chips and if it is an a55 family that's a newer one and it doesn't have it in a database well that's probably this one so I don't know for certain that if the device was a Google Play store then you would know which CPUs you get and that you get the current database but because you had to sideload it that's also something to keep since 2023 I think right I can look I'll look now then definitely then then that's a high possibility that it has that ancient SOC on it oh my word so what are they playing at this is Lenovo and if you know the other thing is it it's I just don't think they've analyzed their competition I don't think they've done enough market research enough development um and it just doesn't give me any confidence for the other like quite compelling ideas that they're doing with the Inc you know like a lot of people are looking at oh it's a dual screen laptop with the Twist and always the one with the screen on the side and you know there's actually some you know nice ideas there I like what you know I like the idea of me constantly having to be able to switch to any ink to enjoy typing on enig and I'm just not convinced if this is what they're doing with the ink and this is their level of software development and how much love they've put into the device I'm just not I'm just not not convinced that they'll have done anywhere near the the level that necessary to get good experience of one of those laptops um so yeah I'll just draw something in here I'm a big Lenovo fan I'm currently working with my Lenovo Legion this is where we're streaming that is what I'm using for streaming that's my main laptop now for years and my regular Android tablet is also a Lenovo tablet and I love it here's a key bit of difference why these two Lenovo devices really work they do not require from Lenovo to develop and design and engineer their own software so my laptop is running a Windows BC that's a story in its own but it's not lenovo's my Lenovo tablet is running an Android underneath it that just has maybe a couple of things that are done by Lenovo and there they're the shoddy element of the tablet this well at their hearts hardware company and exactly and this is what's the problem here they do not have a department and they do not have experience to actually design to to create a concept and bring it to reality of this so what I think happened here was they said hey remarkable 2 is small remarkable is a small company right we're just they're they're but they're doing really well so let's just take what they've done and put it in there how hard can it be famous last words I thought how hard can it be you have to have an interest and for me this is a brilliant example that you actually showed kit because um yeah I would definitely add that on top because that's so bad that I didn't even consider it that's like not even in a competition for the rotation thing no no the device oh I know how smart people oh yeah yeah that's not even that's not even a consideration because it's not complete that's not finished yeah it's not going to be Hardware is fantastic but incidentally this is the latest version of CPU Droid uh sorry CPUs maybe they have the 40 nanometers as well so they've told me a 14 nanometer chip from you know yeah that's interesting just really quickly on chips um I've been looking at some devices that have got the mediatek g99 and they're all running the Android 13 and they're all very affordable so I'm wondering whether the mediatek g99 is something that the um something that the e-ink boys should look at because I think there's the chips and if they're bringing up chips from 2012. honestly look at if you're in the audience and you want to laugh look look up the other devices that run the rock chip rk3066 well so I guess classic Tech the pullet threads here I mean this product was probably being designed in the middle of covid and I wonder if supply chain affected their decisions on it but then don't sell it and don't and don't list it as I totally agree I'm just saying that's probably how we end up in part of this situation yeah Let's uh let's take take this device off of the offending uh who good Lords that was yes that was rough man but honest and fair I think yeah look at this yeah and the battery life is quite good look yeah so it's interesting isn't it about 40 nanometer when I saw that number I was like gosh that's crazy old yeah I think that's it yeah and yeah this is they have been dabbling in any ink um they've been dabbling in policing ink screens on Windows machines that that we have to make that differentiation because as Brandon said Lenovo is a hardware company hard and they do that really well and smart paper shows that as well it's really good Hardware but the software part just shows that it's like you know okay if a student brought me this as their final work how would you grade it kit what would be the grade I would just say please try harder this is my favorite but yeah no no no no this is the final delivery it's not even a city but can you give it an incomplete yeah yeah probably yeah the one thing they got right they got the um they got this lock screen right this default lock screen is very attractive that's it at least there's that yeah yeah it is it's quite nice yeah it's very nice it shows off the ink the way you know the way the tones roll off it really does show your ink off it is the last version there so it's not yeah they haven't got the latest kinds of things no yeah interesting interesting um people are still in shock so we we should we should move on we're gonna have to give them some other good news yeah okay cool um if we're going in order then Brandon you're up next let's step our order but that's right well excuse me all right okay so as much as I hate on the Kindle scribe it's not going to be my uh my not buy for today and I think I'm probably gonna surprise some people and I'm probably gonna upset some people into those people I'm sorry um but um I know I know it pains me to say this and and this is completely a personal preference thing the super note is not a bad device quite the opposite I actually think it's an amazing device that is both practical and has an amazing design philosophy and software but the sad thing is it is not compatible with how I write and so every time I use it I bog down the pen and it it's distracting and so as much as I'd like to say the Kindle scribe is not the device I would buy I actually prefer writing on the Kindle scribe as long as I don't have to manage notebooks or get items off or get items on um but again completely personal I I'm not saying don't buy the super note because I think for people who can live with how it writes and I'm curious you all's take on this once once I'm done with this uh yeah I just I can't deal with how it writes I love the software I love their upgrade philosophy I love the team and I love how they've improved it a ton since it first came out but from a completely personal preference standpoint I have a hard time justifying buying a supernope for myself but I'm curious like what about the how it writes what aspect of it is it that doesn't suit you yeah so I mean it's the fact that the screen gives so much that when I'm writing quickly I get inconsistent response from it so at different points in my stroke the pen bogs down differently and it just throws me off I think It ultimately comes down oh you've been the friction the physical fiction between the pen ah okay now I get it yes so I kind of like that that it's almost like the way a ballpoint works and you do get these kind of like little again it's completely personal I'm not knocking like I love that they went all in on that feel like I commend that they said this is our user and this is not our user and I just happen to be the not user so I prefer the pencil and paper feel and again I'm sketching so I want that response I want there to feel like a lot of friction but not uh reduction in speed so I want to be able to do a a quick stroke and get even consistent response from the screen so again this is not a general statement about whether you should buy the super note it just happens to be my personal relationship with it last name questions from you guys surprising a lot of people who said the software is the weakness so how about that because where is the weakness on the supernote yeah we would say well things like the linking the tables of content so did that not rescue it for you or have you not tried using other pens and nibs on this on the I've tried loads so I love the heart of metal pen yeah I think it's an amazing design it's just I have a hard time with it and then all the pens that I do like bogged down even worse on it so like for instance the caveco people are like I saw your caveco review and I want that pen and I'm on supernote I'm like do not buy that pen for sure no because it it's just a double whammy it's soft on soft and then it's it feels really dead from a responsiveness perspective um so I think I think it's one of those things where if you're gonna have a soft surface a soft screen surface you need an incredibly rigid nib and then if you're gonna have a soft pen tip then you want a very rigid screen surface so for me that's remarkable which has a very hard screen surface and then I use the caveco which has a very soft nib and it balances out yeah I love the the super Note software I I thought they're two-finger erase yeah cool was amazing I think it's still the best in class I think remarkable gets close with the two finger tap to undo but I would still prefer to be able to do the two finger erase like I do on the supernov like I want this on every device it's amazing what about the lack of fun life there's a couple of people asking about that um yeah so I mean I think the front light is a big thing again this is why my first purchase was node Air 2 plus because it had a front light it could do Kindle and so I looked at all three devices before I chose a first one and yeah the lacquer front light was the issue with the super note and the lacquer front light and the lack of Kindle was the original issue with the remarkable at a certain point I realized I was better off with two devices I can pair a remarkable two with a Kindle Oasis that I already have for nighttime reading which was the primary place where I needed the backlight and I could have best of breed writing and focus and then arguably best of breed reading of Kindle books on a Kindle device the other thing is somebody's asked about drawing on the supernote um that is the one that's not for that is not for that exactly it is their slogan has always been for those who write and that's the thing it doesn't even pretend I mean yeah yeah I think if you're replacing a paper planner this hat this can replace that the best of all the devices especially with the linking in the getting around or if you're just sick of it every you know having to buy a new uh bullet journal every month or so or every quarter because this can be such a good um for journaling it's just it can be so good if you if you go all in with it and you build content tables of contents and you link and you you know it can be a real pleasure uh to move around and to um just to experience the joy of writing on it and the the handwriting recognition is excellent the screen share is excellent yeah they added the screen sharing and it is so so good it's just I was just wondering like when when Brendan you mentioned like oh it's the the remarkable has the best screen share um and you still require the app here you don't even need a dedicated app everybody has a browser and then you just type in your IP and here's the thing for me the biggest benefit of the super node screen share a huge benefit over uh remarkables it does not go over anyone's Cloud so your data is self-contained and it can be you can screen share even while not connected in in a lan environment which means for those who don't know it's it's a local network thing so it doesn't go over any servers this is just within your own network so um as far as professional organizations go uh remarkable cannot be used because of the cloud uh stipulation that most of these Services have it cannot be used in certain uh professional environments that require and that have security concerns such as we do not allow any data that is advisory to go through any third-party servers and that automatically disqualifies remarkable for that use case scenario not true for the supernode for example so because the supernode can that if you notice you have two buttons you don't need to be um you can be look hooked up on your Wi-Fi but you don't have to have access to Internet to actually have screen share on that local network so your Wi-Fi has to be on you have to be hooked up to the router to the network itself but you don't have to go online and I think it turns it on automatically if I'm not mistaken yeah yeah they fixed that they fix these things so they fix tons of settings but that's one very important consideration that and books of course cannot do and will say as much as I do love the Superman software and this may be ignorance on my part I hate that I have to remember to press sync this threw me off for so long yeah yeah I get it I I just wanted to auto sync I don't want to think about it but would you want to do that because it's kind of drains your battery and things like that or you know no as far as that's supernode I think what you need is an option before there are things there are times when I want the remarkable to sink but it only syncs when you close the document I wish I had a manual sync they fixed that oh sorry they fixed that with the update 3.5 and now it syncs oh now it sinks while you're in a document so I was about to ask you how are you enjoying your improved synchronization with the documents in your desktop app because for me since update 3.6 it's not working the only way it's working on remarkable is if you open up the desktop app and the remarkable at the same time and on the desktop app you go out of the folder and then you go back into the folder and then that's in the Ping to the device to start thinking that's really what I'm referring to is yeah in in practice I find the remarkable only syncs when you leave the document and so I wish if I was mid document I could open my toolbar and there'd be a sync button in here like in this export why isn't there a sync button like if I'm just trying to pull something off of here to share with a colleague like if I want to put this in notion for example in in uh you know to keep forever like why can't I just say send and then pull that off of the remarkable app and then drop it into the notion why do I have to do that that would be a non-distracting functionality that I think would be a very welcome thing to have no I'm not I'm being serious and like come on I I know I've criticized remarkable and I try to be very objective about it but um and I know people really it is a point to make kind of pun distraction free and stuff like that but you know if that is a genuine focus of the company and over the device then that's a genuine focus and I'm gonna respect that so what you're saying Brandon is a hundred and ten percent on point because if that's the whole point of the device and the brand and the company distraction free well then you need to add functionality that is distraction free and for me what remarkable has been doing right now is a little bit confusing it's not it's like they've gotten themselves distracted exactly exactly I I completely agree with you can we uh ever answer this one um so the super note for writing as well as reading uh your choice is Kindle opinion it has more um options doesn't it it has more than just PDF or ePub you can read a lot of different file formats on supernote um I guess what is performance like for you there Voya I haven't I haven't stress tested it so yeah so it's a remarkable anything about how much slower than remarkable for PDFs it's on page so pretty much sure it depends uh what kind of stuff and no remarkable two is a little bit faster I think it's still a little it feels a little bit faster I haven't really measured it since the latest updates and things like that but on the field alone I'm pretty sure that if there's like one thing uh about supernote it ain't a fast device it's not gonna it's gonna get there definitely it's gonna do wonders um but it's not going to be your most snappiest and most responsive device and yes that can piss people off completely justifyingly especially if you dish out 600 and something bucks for it um then you're gonna be properly pissed off about it so and and you know if you put that into comparison you start flipping pages on Tab ultra tab Ultra C or something like that in Balance mode or fast mode no there's only speed mode in the reader it's it's it's like the tab ultracy Came From Another Dimension or something so yeah and how about this one I think just as a final one on this one perhaps yeah very important use case for you Brenda I think honestly I think ollieing tablets kind of suck at this use case um yeah unfortunately so I mean it's always going to be the full Androids with Google Play Because you can just use it no no no I don't personally find that so my use case is Obsidian I don't personally find the mobile apps for obsidian to be all that helpful on eating tablets and so there's also yeah or is that the ink tablet both I mean this all becomes a logistical question of how easy is it to get content off of the device so it's going to come down to handwriting conversion quality handwriting conversion speed and just friction in that process for me boy you look like you had something well for me I think that the important point about supernode and again Advantage here is of course if you need it like to seamlessly integrate into a third-party app like obsidian well that that ain't gonna happen because it doesn't support obsidian that's about it but if you do have a workflow that incorporates incorp incorporates incorporating includes incorporating PDF files into your third-party app or whatever then the super node can actually handle that really well because you are not required to use the main point of synchronization doesn't have to be super node Cloud it can be your Google drive it can be your Dropbox and I think OneDrive is coming or not yet or maybe it's already there but let's say that I'm using Google Drive I'm I'm in the Google Drive so what I use is my super node synchronizes with my Google Drive so when I press that sync button and it's done with synchronizing all of my stuff is on my Google Drive and systems yeah so the text driven notebooks in supernode I think are amazing where they're they're actually doing the text conversion in the background so I I guess the one thing that's missing I I love their integration to Google um the biggest issue I had was it just didn't connect for the first like two months while it was in beta but since since it came out of beta I haven't had any issues with it I think it's really good but Voya are you able to get the text out automatically are you just getting the note PDF out I just get node PDFs I really don't use the handwriting version yeah I think this is something that's potentially interesting is if you have a text based notebook if you could have that also synced and if that's the case then that's something that actually reduces the friction to integrate my personal knowledge management software if I can write on the super note that stuff just gets deposited into my Google Cloud maybe in a different folder and then I can just go pull that text that maybe is that's something that none of the other devices are doing right now I might be mistaken but I feel I think that I might have read on their roadmap that they are actually working on something like that that there would be a parallel export exporting of that I'm not sure if I've dreamed it because I dream of supernode updates no figuratively speaking dreamed it if something that I constructed in my brain or is it something that I actually read so I will have to double check that roadmap but I wouldn't be surprised and it wouldn't be the first time that it happens that for example you us three are actually talking about that and maybe a couple of users mentioned that and hey Presto uh a couple of months later we get a supernode update where you actually get synchronization where you can have uh automatic handwriting recognition uh notebooks are actually synchronizing two files which is your handwritten file and the already converted file all on your Google drive automatically when you press the sync and that they are by far the most likely to do something like that yeah absolutely yeah absolutely because they're just one step away right they're actually listening they're active participants in this space yeah very interesting discussion [Music] yeah it's very it's going to be short is it it's self-explanatory it's on screen now should I yeah I'll just add it up oh yeah yeah you can just add it it's all available yeah it's the reveal there we go so let's put them oh I see yeah any any big mid device I would not buy that's basically all-encompassing and uh first and foremost this is the galley this is the s 6 color color right six color or a six color plus something like that um the reasons behind it uh they are let's say let's put it like this they're expensive knockoffs of books and what you get from these devices is a second-hand experience that you can get from books devices for less money and uh the policy of this company is such that I cannot in good conscious recommend any of their devices no matter how good they might be simply because um yeah basically I can't stand behind a company that is not genuine so it's simple as that um there is just like uh and and from the Practical side I understand this 400 and what sixty dollars is S6 color plus all plastic really scratchy nice kind of feel for the writing this cool thing this is the cheapest plastic that you can possibly get the buttons barely work I have I haven't gotten to that part I've started testing it and it's it's it's it's just bad it's like really really bad what was done with the uh galley it was just basically unfinished technology with the gallery tree which is not made for this they try to force it into this and they sold it with the help of goodie reader uh who helped Market it as the best thing ever because it had good reader on it of course so it's their device but this is an expensive device and a lot of people paid a lot of money for this device they're not getting updates that are helpful and this is effectively in less than a year gonna become a door doorstop and I can't be okay with that so I can't be okay with a company who's okay with creating um uh creates this and launches this in launches this in uh what was it January it started shipping no March March of 2023 started shipping let's just get the timeline here March 2023 they start shipping this out what is this came out in July something like that so March April May June we didn't even get to half a year and they launched another device that is directly murdering this one this one becomes completely obsolete so what about the users who actually spent money on this one now you have five love months later you have this replacement which does some things quite well I have to be on I'm totally honest it does quite a lot of things really well but in their own words is uh the acceptance rate of the galley was low so therefore we decided to replace it with this I get it from their business perspective but my question again is what about the users who spent a lot of money on this device they didn't get even five months out of it and uh let's not even get into the whole goodyreader thing because that's a very very different and a much bigger story but um you know this is also a company that's totally okay with having you know a channel represent their devices as the best thing ever now as much as I you know tend to criticize for example remarkable spending millions of dollars on their PR campaign they don't lie that blatantly in their PR campaigns they do not misrepresent their products or anything like that Gallery tree or Gallery tree was misrepresenting colors how they were actually presented in promotional materials in goody readers review content was avoided that didn't show certain colors that were not favorable to this and then you end up with a device that has different latency depending on which color you write on and the differences are three-fold we're not talking small differences we're talking about between 40 milliseconds and 90 to 100 milliseconds latency between depending on which pen you actually take not a shape device in five months it became Obsolete and how did it become obsolete by their own product that they launched to kill it off and I'm sorry when a company actually decides to do that a lot of people just just like criticize books by saying hey you're just rolling out so many new devices etc etc this this is far worse this is a the worst example that I've actually seen on the market of actually uh yeah I'm just going to pause the question again what about people who bought Gallery tree that's just not okay so for that reason uh and yeah my interaction and how what the some internal knowledge that I've had have gotten with the interaction with pygmy um yeah that's that's my my choices like I would not buy big me products so that would be step number one step number two I would not buy smart paper well it was my paper after after kids uh kids sales pitch absolutely would not buy that and that's for sure and I would not buy I bought my tab Ultra C but I would not buy it again um I'm sorry I did I bought my tab Ultra yeah I would not have bought I wouldn't Buy Tab Ultra if I was purchasing now and I wasn't expecting to see what what new devices are going to come out I would probably purchase tab Ultra C simply because yes it has some the same negatives but somehow there's something about it for me personally that kind of aligns a little bit better but tab Ultra you know I wouldn't and I think I'm gonna surprise people with one more thing as well and now I'm going to get a lot of booze well before you do that I mean the the tab Ultra also had a short life they were quick to replace that yeah um a little bit of a bad go which is if they had given it a 300 pixel per inch screen I think there's a viable argument for them both to exist yeah 300 yeah there's no reason for a tab Ultra anymore like it yeah uh not I I I would a little bit disagree with because there's uh the thing that I do like the color Matrix on top on Tab Ultra C and the test thing that I do like there's a lot of users who really are you know they really dislike that a lot and I see quite a few people actually going for tab Ultra as opposed to tab Ultra C because of that reason alone and of course the price I also hate the color Matrix but I'm willing I would rather have the the pixel depth yeah absolutely so but that's a really really good um good reason and that's one of the things that also pissed me off as well with the tab Ultra which was like so yeah that one's like made kind of obsolete but not uh was it so this one came out in October so that was November December January February months yeah so something a rough roughly the same kind of thing um but it didn't make it completely obsolete so it's very close but not a complete obsolete thing in this case this was like a complete kind of thing so that kind of struck a little bit harder but is there anything on that or anything on that Gallery screen that you're just like oh yeah this is actually really good is it is there any content that you look at when you're reading or anything you know because obviously the gallery is a different type of In Color technology is there anything that really does look great and you and you can excuse the slow refresh rate and you really are yes if I if I expect a slow refresh rate and things it still has deterring and things like that and it's just not it's not pleasant to look at um software thing or is it a hardware thing because I mean look look at the darkness of the screen and and of course it's a little bit brighter this is an environmental um I don't know where my ultra C is here it is I don't disagree right we got to give it an Apple apples yeah so there we go so tab I'll try in the behind let's turn it off so this is there we go white uh let me just see if it has front light on yeah it does turn it off yeah so we got tab ultra tab Ultra C Ally so Galley is a little bit brighter somewhere in between these two um so yeah you have that but honestly it doesn't have a black color I don't know if it's oh yeah that is really distracting it's Navy teal bluish wait the author auto rotation and there we go I don't know how much the camera can pick it up but in real life there's no black color on galley [Music] it's really really dark really really really dark blue and so is that blue tethered as well like can you see it as a combo of multiple pixels no uh not really that one's actually okay so it's okay but it's kind of distracting because there's no black color on Galley yeah probably the galley if you really like a blue pen didn't use black paint you see so yeah this is fine because black doesn't exist in nature of course yeah and the and so you you know maybe and and that's what that technology was designed for it was designed to be refreshed once left on that image for hours or days and then change it you know and it would take three seconds to change but it wouldn't matter because it was just essentially yeah like like a gallery the ink were trying to design something and it is used for that for for wall art for um you know posters in um uh cafes for menus on the on on the side and it probably is excellent for that but it just isn't was never designed to be anything tablet Yeah question for you guys um do you guys have tabax Kit I think you have to have X yeah Brandon you have to have X yeah I have to have X I I love it do you love the image quality well no it's yeah it isn't as as good it's even less than the remarkable right it's like two hours one right or something it's two or seven it's two or seven so for me the surprise was I was taken aback by like finally I'm gonna buy a 13.3 inch device and and it's GPU dedicated GPU enabled and it's super fast and uh I bought it after doing the review because I loved it but then I started to compare it with the app Ultra and the ghost refreshing performance cleanliness and image Clarity there's a huge difference between how the tab Ultra and top Ultra C perform and actually the tab X performs and that's something that kind of bothers me I can't the GPU or whatever that new GPU based algorithm is it's night and day difference like worse it is no no uh no this is with the GPU okay well that doesn't feel nearly as smooth to me as the ultra bass devices and and that's my point because the tab X is supposed to be it is the same tab family of devices it is GPU enabled indefinitely it's better than the old uh 13.3 inch inch Max devices and Lumi devices absolutely but it's not the same category of performance in what you actually get with the um yeah with this one so yeah that's that's something that I'm under question mark with this one would I buy tabx again [Music] um drawing on it I think it is the if you want a black and white Sketchbook I mean it it is fabulous it is easy but it's not without trade out trade-off I mean you know if I could wish for what I would want it would be a remarkable Pro which is a 13.3 inch remarkable that's running 300 ish pixels per inch and is just like the tabx like that would be again I I would be curious to see what what remarkable would price that at but I would pay an arm and a leg for that because that would be my perfect device because I'm predominantly at my desk that it would sit here at my desk constantly ND nda4 format is just very funny I mean that that's why I've run my remarkable and Landscape is it gets me closer to that and then you just vertically scroll um I ran my tavaxon landscape and that was also amazing yeah yeah you can have half of it which is almost the size of the screen on the the remarkable yeah I do like when I do properly use an A4 device or a 13.3 I do enjoy there's nothing like it yeah even back to the good old paper I think we are into um questions any more questions on um boys one there that was really insightful really interesting all of it you two really enjoying it and uh I think we've got some really interesting questions to have a little look back on um so let's have a little look through that uh this is quite a hard one at first the most favorable unfavorable warranty policy is interesting then you get a extended warranty with the books connect that's correct am I right but it doesn't cover incidental damage so I actually I think I mentioned this in a recent video it's not Apple Care don't treat it like AppleCare it's really just a factory warranty if you drop your remarkable they're still not likely to cover it even with the extended warranty yeah and I know the books um even say your best to um go buy from Amazon because uh they have excellent return policies um and they can just handle it in your region some so much better I don't know if I can comment on many of the other ones um I know remarkables there's a very similar kind of thing which is not really like fairly standard stuff so nothing really to write home about yeah I mean I guess let me start by saying I've never had to return any of these devices but the Kindle scribe is probably the easiest one to return yeah yeah and you get the benefits of a big company like Amazon um but ultimately policy is amazing on any of them so just hope it doesn't break yeah yeah yeah I think that's really kind of the situation I wouldn't say just hope it doesn't break actually I would just give a piece of advice which is if you buy a device that's pricey and that you like and that you want to use buy an insurance on it like 30 per party insurance on it and that's not going to be expensive especially if you tack it on top of your existing insurance plan and that way you are not depending on the return policies the warranties or anything like that you buy your own insurance policy and then you have your devices in short so that you can do for the devices that are important to you so that when accidental damage does happen you are covered and you don't think about that and you're not dependent on hey what about the oh yes for example with the books yes but we have the return fee and then storage fee and then this fee and and this and that and then you get a little bit of it you never get your tax import tax back and things like that I mean in the long run if you're gonna have a device that you're gonna keep for years you get an insurance on it and you don't think about it that that's just the normal way of doing things another interesting one here um best best reader foremost also has note taking capabilities um I think unless you are um absolutely if if you use Kindle I think the Kindle scribe is a good reader with note-taking that sounds like Kindle subscribe to me but also the code about ellipso Tui is actually a really nice device and actually it's plastic it feels a bit lighter it's um you know there's something nice about that device I think we all were pleasantly surprised by that you'd lose the whack on Myanmar stylus which is like the heart of the note taking that's the heart of the remarkable note-taking field isn't it and that's really one of the big things in this whole sort of revolution of eating tablets that we've had in the last sort of five years has been the whack on Myanmar stylus and you don't get that on the Kobo and but then if you also if you want to use any any Cloud Library for reading then it's got to be a book's device really um as a great reader and probably the note for me yeah if it's a combo because we have a 50 50 question as well it's got to be a book's device [Music] excellent um where's the Techno there's a couple about here syncing to clouds there's been a few um about this I think we've actually covered this uh quite a bit earlier on in the uh in the thing converted to digital font you know for me the best integration of that is the supernote but actually they're all quite good at this now um even the Kindle scribe has a rudimentary um handwriting recognition and then change things I think that yeah it it's a different one upload it to a cloud software and you know do you have to like pull it out and put it back in probably still the the worst although the thing about the books handwriting recognition is you can use it everywhere you can yeah any textbook I think for me I do this a good bit I mean the key thing for me is I have the remarkable app running on my computer and I convert whatever the handwriting is and then I just copy it right out of the new editing on your normal keyboards and yeah yeah so it's about workflows really isn't it um yeah I mean they all do the basics it's really about reducing friction here and a workflow that works for you I think the accuracy is pretty good there I did a video on that even before the Scribe had it and supernote remarkable in books were all within like 90 plus percent accuracy um cool I think um Voya you might want to lead on this one um what do you think about books ability to develop and optimize their devices because I only uh boy has made the point regularly which is an interesting point that uh books make updates so thick and so fast that they don't always sit well together if that makes sense and they they changed some key things that you sort of used to doing on the device and it changes the functionality in a way that makes you sort of feel like you've lost skills and yeah and you've lost a key piece of the device now um I also think that books uh uh updates are massive and they introduce a lot of noise talk about distraction right first of all massive distraction to suddenly force a user to unlearn things that already took a long time to learn because it's not the most intuitive it's one of the most unintuitive platforms out of the big ones that we're talking about and then inside the enforce it is yeah the multiples are there you've got to go find them though oh my god do you really have to dig with the pickaxe in a map and a flashlight in the you know the whole stick and then you finally you know manage to make a routine and six months you know it takes six months to get there they issue a big update which suddenly scrambles all of the options all over the place but and that introduces a lot of noise however what it also happens is that in those updates they are introducing really meaningful and good things they are gradually definitely improving the platform but I I will just kind of go back to the whole thing a lot of noise is there and it's like a two three steps forward two steps back and then the two steps back really sit bad with you so you forget about that one step forward that did happen and continually we do get a bit but not much and along that line I always feel like there's a better way to do something on the books and so instead of focusing on what I'm supposed to be doing anytime I feel friction I go down the rabbit hole of can I remove that person and yeah it brings it back to the remarkable which is I know what it can do I know what it can't do and there are no questions it is what it is and uh this question um it's straightforward and honest yeah um so how does the turbo C handle large tech stocks both in file size and word count yeah it's fine and it is um you've got over a hundred thousand I don't know whether I've um tested specifically that sort of word count but um the the thing is that you can have um yeah both in your you've actually followed up I think you're interested in both in like a word file or you know or its own word processor I've never got anywhere near that length in its own word processor but um certainly within word I've handled and scrolled through and edited and manipulated cloud files within word and it does it as you'd expect an Android tablet to do so you can be you can feel confident I think from our responses on that one I I think it can handle workloads as best as any of the others I mean by far I think it can handle that the best yeah excellent um more questions um should we expect more memory and storage on the A5 X2 I don't think so am I right which is yeah for replacing this device the hardware inside is gonna be a little different but you shouldn't expect better performance they're also doing this because they don't want you to feel that you're an a5x oh no and your device has become Obsolete and that is you know that there is a difficult line for companies to To Tread on this on the one hand you've got the valid criticism that companies put it out so put out new devices so quickly that is also their um their way of developing and that is also their way of you know moving technology on and you you know we don't have the same criticism often leveled at Apple every year for putting out a new iPhone and um that's just expected from them but we also you know in the world of uh right to repair and replace um replaceable batteries being insisted on you know that they are trying their best to do um a responsible um the opposite of a responsible consumer responsible producer of tech yeah and I applaud them for that and I'm interested by that and I I'm I'm wondering whether I need to try out and review the a5x2 because what they're saying is uh what are the changes that replaceable battery let me give you a hypothetical kit your your a5x Burns today and you need to replace it do you buy an a5x2 yeah right now I do that because I think that's the one that is coming no isn't the a6x2 coming in November is that right yeah I think it's I think it's the first day six x two and then A5 X2 okay so let's use let's use the six as the example you wait for a 6x2 yeah well my wife's the user of that so I'd have to ask and she used that one I loved it and absolutely loves it for what she does but yeah I yeah I probably do wait for that just I mean I don't think the rail on the back is enough of a floor but just have it just knowing it's a the newer uh system on chip I think is is worth worth having at this point well and for as long as I would want the Modern Hardware when they do refresh it because you know they don't intend to refresh it again for a while until their hands-forced or do you actually just wait for the um the slim to come out the A5 slim which has been discussed for a long time um or there was was a couple of comments about a 4X which which could be an amazing um device could be out that's the one to wait for yeah um Alan uh Tech has just asked um or alien Tech has just has to is do they update the rm1 to match room two but there must be a point where they're not going to do that surely there must be a point where that Hardware just won't handle uh the rm2 or or in the next iteration of device do they then finally say no we can't actually keep um the exact same software running because it is the exact same software so it has been for I wouldn't be surprised if you lose remarkable One support whenever uh remarkable three comes yeah when we get to OS tree is sustainable uh no two point something I thought we were technically on three no no sorry we are on trees since the typing thing sorry uh we talked so much so when we get to like to when we get to the four sorry it's like 11 27 p.m so I'm a little um yeah it's uh when we get to the next big iteration I think they are probably gonna drop it um because I I honestly don't think this is sustainable from a business perspective and you know they've they've kept it at this point for six years updated to the latest OS [Applause] that's that's a big run and that's a really really nice thing to actually see that you have a six-year-old device that's still running the current software um one more yeah let's do this one interesting the single most important feature you consider when using any of these tablets from watching this I'm sure yeah absolutely right we would all have bearing opinions and I read this a little while ago Vladimir when I started and thought about this I I would say now it's become the ability to use Android apps for me you know I spend probably more time in Android apps of one description the other than I do in the notepad or in the simple PDF reader and that's and that's an interesting one I wasn't expecting that I was quite skeptical when tab Ultra C came out uh sorry tab Ultra came out it was announced I was quite skeptical at the marketing of like uh the Inc PC I I still think that's an incorrect piece of marketing because I expect your opinion of that yeah but it is the closest to that experience that you can currently um get and so for me that's this currently this thing almost I I'm now a little bit frustrated by um the the devices that don't allow me to to do any or integrate with any app that I wish to and but I'm a use of Android and um and I like that and uh you know when I've started I wanted just a notepad replacement um and that is still the main kind of thing that I do um on it I would say is be my be my planner and I use so many different ones that I'm constantly having to live with this but it but I I'm always using my tab Ultra C at this point because I'm always wanting to do productivity things on Android apps on an ink screen because of the benefits of the ink screen that we've talked about quite a lot is just such a pleasure to use you know the real hero of this entire thing is the company Inc they are they are making some amazing things and these companies have just seen a a new use of ink you know rather than just be for your small e-readers and they have really uh risen to the kind of task and it's actually been the last few generations of these color screens that have got it close to the speed that you need to be um to be a productivity power so that's my answer to that one yeah there's there's apps yeah and I would just address some uh after you know giving the S6 a really rough time um that that it is also utilizing that color eating technology and this is a really good demonstration of what you can actually get out of that panel without the use of the book's GPU device because on its own if it didn't Trump The Galleon if it wasn't the whole kind of thing this is actually a device that does show in a really good way what you can get and where we are at in 2023 with the e-ink technology which is a really good place to be now as far as my own answer goes to what the single most important feature I consider when using any of these tablets I can't really call that a feature but for me is does this device make me happy or not so it's a completely different kind of thing and that varies from the device to device and I can't really predict what about the device is gonna make me happy about it why the happiness because it's gonna make me want to interact with it warrants and all right so I'm gonna be far more uh likely to use that device despite all of these devices have strong points and weak points so I would be far more inclined to use it if I have an emotional connection that I have formed for some reason for example casing Point might know there too oh I still mourn it right because I've sold it but once I've gotten it and then supernode came in with the uh but then supernode came in with the added stuff with the uh with the titles or now now they're called headings in link and then they started using that and then you start actually forming a different type of set of memories that I've built while using this device and that becomes a familiar whom we feel and that's the same thing that you get with any device that gives you like Brandon says it's like whatever you know words and all but remarkable two is for me that and I'm pretty sure that it feels like home for you as the bookstab ultra probably feels like home to Kit right so for me it's that I can't predict what it will be on different devices it will vary from a device to device it's as subjective as it can possibly be but is it it's does the device make me happy or not yeah and I think mine is similar mine's kind of a theme I'd say that theme is distraction free and so my whole goal here is what device enables me to go into deep focus and get out of my way and so I've tried it with the books and I always end up coming back to the remarkable and it's because of that distraction free and that it um it allows me to just integrate like you were saying like it makes you happy and you enjoy using it um so yeah that's for me yeah and they the the other thing is I would say is I I did a similar overview of the Lenovo in my review of it and I ended by saying it's all of these things but it's still brilliant because an Ian canopad is an excellent thing and these are an excellent categories uh category of devices and um so things about right with any of these I wouldn't go back to my mole scheme for them going back I couldn't go back and that's worth knowing um so that has been absolutely amazing there's been over two hours now uh but um we are back again on the 29th of October we are trying our best to ensure this is going to be our thing we're always going to have one date in the diary for the next uh the next time that might be something to change obviously um be uh be looking out for notifications be looking out for um you know I'm trying to say look out yeah post thing a new thumbnail with a new idea of what we'll discuss next time thanks so much for hanging out and asking good questions and making so much isn't it great thank you all uh so much we've yeah it's this has just been great fun and we've got so yeah all of your questions yeah really appreciate for everybody's like uh uh attention and question and engagement and everything and thank you again to uh both you guys you know Brandon and kit because this is like a really nice thing to have like super Niche uh area and nerdout in other three people who want to talk about this stuff for two hours yeah and get excited about this that's just freaking precious So yeah thank you you let us know down in the comments what you'd like to see us discuss in the future and thank you so much to each of you who watched really appreciate it yeah awesome bye guys well done everybody thank you
Channel: My Deep Guide
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Id: cNmyK7D7IKM
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Length: 125min 49sec (7549 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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