In Defense Of Bible Obedience // Part Two

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well are you ready to get into y'all's word today I am as well I want you to open your Bibles with me to Deuteronomy chapter 18 we're going to begin with verse 15 in just a moment and I've entitled this message today in defense of Bible obedience now this is part two if you were not able to be with us last week I want to encourage you to watch part 1 on youtube or go on the phone app it'll be there or go on the website watch part one but part two we'll also be able to stand alone by itself so you'll be able to enjoy the word today even if you haven't seen part one so today we're going to be building a case in defense of Bible obedience so we have a lot of people in modern religion today that says that we're just to have a mental ascension that Jesus is the Christ and that's all that matters all you have to do is walk and I'll repeat a prayer say I believe and that's all that matters there's no other requirement of that person and I can't find that in the scripture anywhere it is the most popular doctrine in Christianity today but I want to take you through the scripture we'll start in the Torah because the tour is the foundation for all scripture you have to have a good foundation in the Torah to be able to interpret the rest of the scripture amen so we'll start in this scripture and then we'll talk about what Yeshua taught and we will talk about what shall the Apostle Paul taught and I'm going to show you in the scripture that we are to have a belief that produces obedience that is sound that is solid that is scriptural a belief that produces obedience because our relationship with the Almighty is within the context of covenant covenant is based on promises made and promises kept the Almighty has made promises he promises to hear our prayers to answer our prayers to fulfill his promises the promises that we can discover in the scripture and our side of the Covenant is to have a belief that produces obedience to him obedience to his word it only makes sense if we believe and obey we are within the context of the Covenant we can expect all of the blessings of the Almighty can you say ma'am so we're gonna start with Deuteronomy chapter 18 beginning with verse 15 and this is the second Shema of Torah alright so you know about the first Shema of Torah we quoted every Shabbat when we gather together and that is the SMAW of hearing the words of the almighty through Moe che but there's a second Shema in Torah and we find it in Deuteronomy chapter 18 beginning with verse 15 it says y'all your elohim shall raise up for you notice it will benefit you a prophet like me from your mid so this is moshe a talking from your brother's listen to him so in hebrew the word listen is the word Shema it means to hear with your heart and obey it's not talking about this hearing with your ears and acknowledging that you've heard something many of us can say yes I've heard that before the question is are you willing to obey it because these two concepts of hearing and obeying cannot be separated in Scripture so we are - schima this prophet like mochi well we know that Yeshua is the Prophet like Moshe and so we are to hear him with our hearts and obey Him verse 18 says I shall raise up for them a prophet like you this is y'all speaking out of the midst of their brothers and I shall put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them all that I command him and it shall be the man who does not listen to or Shama that means here in obey my words which he speaks in my name I require it of him or I will judge him so we're supposed to hear and obey the words of yah that Yeshua speaks can you say good amen and then Acts chapter 2 beginning with verse 22 it's important shipment Kepha is preaching here or Simon Peter and he quotes the same passage of scripture out of the Torah from O'Shay truly said to the fathers y'all your Elohim shall raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers him you shall here are him you shall Shema to hear and obey according to all matters now this is very important and I want you to get this point because we're going to need this point a little bit later in this message notice it says him you shall hear according to all matters in other words Yahshua is the final word on all matters so if you happen to be one of those people that say well Yeshua was born under the law and he taught people under the law and so we're not under the law so we don't listen to you schewe we listen to paul here we have Simon Peter preaching and he says that Yeshua is the end of all matters his words are the end words of all matters the final words on everything whatever he says to you verse 23 and it shall be that every being who does not hear again implying Shema to hear and obey that prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people now these are these are harsher terms and so Simon Peter is saying here that if we're unwilling to hear and obey the words of yah spoken by Yahshua we will be utterly destroyed from among the people all right so he taught in no uncertain terms that we better hear and obey Yeshua now that's very important Simon Peter taught that we should hear and obey Yeshua so get that in your heart okay now let's go to Matthew chapter 28 beginning with verse 16 and notice what Yeshua taught in the great commandment or what's called the Great Commission did you know that Yeshua taught obedience when he taught the great commandment most people don't realize that Matthew chapter 28 beginning with verse 16 and the eleven taught ones went away into Galil or to the Galilee to the mountain which Yahshua had appointed for them and when they saw him when they saw your schewe they bowed to him but some doubted and Yahshua came up and spoke to them saying all Authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth therefore go and make ones or make disciples of all the nations all right now this is the Great Commandment we're not just supposed to get decisions we're supposed to go and make disciples can you say men it's not about a moment of decision it's not about having a person stand up and walk them out and repeat a prayer and they buy a little piece of the rock a little life-insurance policy and then they can go out and live anywhere they want to live that's not what it's about it's about teaching them to observe all that I have commanded them Yeshua said we're supposed to teach them what Yeshua taught amen notice he didn't say teaching them to observe all that shall rule is going to teach you shall rule the Apostle Paul he does not say that we are to teach them something different that Schaal is going to teach that's different than Yeshua's teachings in that right he didn't say that what did he say teaching them verse 22 guard or obey all that I have commanded you so he taught them out of the Tanakh so there was no new Testament at that time and so he said go into all the nations and make disciples and teach them what I've taught you so he taught them all of the Tanakh so it's it makes no sense to say that everything left of Matthew that you're right but it's my left everything left of Matthew has been abolished because your schewe said teach them what I taught you and your schewe taught them out of the Tanakh now that's not demeaning the Apostolic writings it's also placing value on the Tanakh can you say men all right teaching them to guard or obey all that I have commanded you and see I am with you always until the end of the age amen so belief and obedience is implied here Yeshua said that his disciples were to continue teaching what he had taught them even after his ascension they were to continue teaching what he had taught them all right so there's there's no idea here that an apostle is gonna come along the Apostle Paul and teach something different none whatsoever and yet that's what religion says we don't listen to your schewe anymore because Yahshua was teaching people under the law we're not under the law we we listen now to Paul but we should find out what Paul really taught and we're going to get there here in just a moment so go with me over to Matthew chapter 7 we'll pick up with verse 21 what had Yeshua taught what did he teach his disciples about obedience it's very important because he he told them to go and teach others what I taught you so let's find out what he taught them about obedience Matthew chapter 7 beginning with verse 21 Yeshua said not everyone who says to me master master shall enter into the rain of the heavens so it's not what you say you believe that will get you into the kingdom now think about that it's not what you say you believe that will get you into the kingdom notice what you're schewe said not everyone who says to me master master or I believe or I'm a Christian or I follow Jesus shall enter into the rain of the heavens notice the next phrase but he who is doing everybody say doing but he who is doing the desire of my father in the heaven so doing the will of the Father is prerequisite for entering the kingdom to get into the kingdom we must do the will of the Father Yeshua says nothing about some mental ascension that Jesus is the Christ granting you access to the kingdom it's just not there what he does say is we must do the will the father and how do we discover his will by reading his word and being obedient we must hear with the heart and obey amen verse 22 many shall say to me in that day master master have we not prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and done many mighty works in your name this sounds like people that are in ministry does it not and they're all doing this ministry in the name of Jesus in the name of Yeshua verse 23 and then I shall declare to them I never knew you in other words who are you we've never been intimate you never bothered to learn my ways you have not walked in my ways you're walking in a different way a foreign way I never knew you depart from me why you who work lawlessness in other words you who dis obey my word you who live like there is no law the words because if I had known you and you knew me you would have kept the commandments that's a paraphrase of what he was implying there if I had known you and you knew me you would have kept the commandments because that's what Yeshua teaches but since we were not intimate and you were not truly my disciple you live like there was no law of Elahi I mean this is what he's applying here he says depart from me you who work lawlessness I didn't know you you didn't know me you walked in your own ways and because we were not intimate and you weren't truly my disciple then you have lived like there is no law of el-amin let me keep that in mind verse 24 therefore everyone who hears these words of mine now Yeshua's gonna make it plain he's going to talk about what Shema really means right here therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and does the Shema hearing with your heart and being obedient not just recognizing that you've heard something I've heard people say oh he's is he gonna preach that again I've heard that before yeah but are you doing it and are you teaching it because if you are not doing it and you are not teaching it you don't know it all you can do is recognize that you've heard it go ahead and say Amen it goes down a little easier when you say Amen amen therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and does them shall be like a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain came down and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock it was founded on obedience to the word notice that wisdom is associated with hearing and doing the word if you hear only you are not wise if you hear and obey you are wise verse 26 and everyone who hears these words of mine notice in both cases they both heard they both heard both groups of people and everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them talking about a mental acknowledgment or saying I believe it's not a real belief it's a quasi belief it's a pretend belief because that kind of belief if they don't obey produces lawlessness amen and you know people that have this kind of belief there are quasi believers there they're make-believe believers amen they say I believe but they don't obey it's what you do that verifies what you believe I'm not really interested in what you say you believe I'll take a look at your life and tell you what you believe amen you let your light so shine that men and women would see your good works that's obedience to the scripture and have a desire to glorify your father who's in the heavenlies amen it's about what I see that's how I tell you the difference you shall know them by their fruit not what they say but what they do can you say men and everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them shall be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the rain came down and the floods came and the winds blew and they beat on that house and it fell and great was its fall so yes she was talking about destruction coming to those who hear but do not obey he calls them foolish people so I wonder how many people are stuck in religion today who go in here but they don't obey or they make excuses for their disobedience or they say this part of the scripture doesn't apply to me they're hearing but they're not obeying and Yeshua says that's foolish it's foolish to hear and not obey you're inviting destruction when you hear and you do not obey so let's move along here the scripture says obedience to the commandments brings light to the world proverbs chapter 6 and verse 23 says for the command is a lamp and the Torah is like Yeshua said in Matthew chapter 5 beginning with verse 13 you implying my obedient ones are the salt of the earth but if the salt becomes tasteless if you stop being obedient and setting the example of righteousness how shall it be seasoned for it is no longer of any use but to be thrown out and to be trodden down by men see the disobedient are useless for the kingdom they're like salt that's lost its savor those who say they believe but don't obey are tasteless Balt ready to be thrown out and trodden down by men look at verse 14 you implying my obedient ones are the light of the world it is impossible for a city to be hidden on a mountain in other words obedience cannot go unnoticed if you obey you will be noticed obedience sets you apart to obey the word set you apart from the rest of the world can you say men verse 15 nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand and it shines to all those in the house let your light or your obedience to the Scriptures so shine before men so that they see your good works stop talking about what you believe and just live it out obey the scripture and you'll become a lamp a torch a light to the dark world let your light so shine not just shine before men so that they see your good works and praise your father who is in the heavens so your way of life your obedience to the scripture is a light to the dark world so what scriptures was Yeshua referring to in this teaching that's an interesting thought he was talking about the Tanakh the Torah and we know that because of that following verse look at verse 17 do not think I came to destroy or abolish the Torah the prophets I did not come to destroy but to complete don't even let the thought cross your mind that it was the mission of your shirt to come to abolish a Torah now why does he say that because he probably knew that religion would take it there and that there would be millions of people who actually entertained that thought that Yeshua came to abolish the Torah and yet he starts out in this verse saying Tony thinking do not think I came to destroy or abolish the tour of the prophets I did not come to destroy but to complete to fill it up to fill it to its highest spiritual application for truly I say to you till the heaven and the earth pass away well why does he say to heaven in the earth because in the Torah the Almighty calls the heaven and the earth to be a witness for the Torah and as long as the witnesses still stand so does the Torah can you say men for truly I say to you till the heaven and the earth pass away 1 yo that's the smallest of the Hebrew letters or one tittle that's the little decorations on the Hebrew letters shell by no means everybody say no means pass from the Torah till all be done or till all has accomplished till everything written has come to pass and there's still a lot in the tour and the prophets that have not yet come to pass verse 19 whoever then breaks one of the least of these commands or is disobedient to one of the least of Elohim commands and teaches men so teaches men to disobey or teaches lawlessness that there is no law of Elohim shall be called least in the reign of the heavens but whoever does and teaches them these Commandments but whoever does and teaches them he shall be called great in the rain of the heavens in other words if you're obedient to the commandments and you teach others to be obedient to the commandments you'll be great now I'm not doing what I'm doing just because I want to be great but I'm glad to be in that group I'm glad I'm not up here today like though there will be so many tomorrow teaching people that all they need to do is mentally a sin that Jesus is the Christ say you believe and that's all there is to it and they teach that the Torah has been abolished and everything left of Matthew doesn't apply to us you know what I mean by left left of Matthew in other words the largest portion of the set of part written scriptures is abolished and no man has the right to abolish the scriptures Yeshua said all Authority has been given to me he could have but didn't Joel had no authority to abolish scripture amen religion tries to abolish the scripture and in the minds of many people they've been successful through deception but in the days that we're living in the almighty is shining the light again and calling us out of that deception hallelujah verse 24 I say to you that unless your righteousness or your obedience to the scriptures and he's speaking of the tour and the prophets here the original Hebrew Scriptures unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens so what was the sin of the scribes and the Pharisees the sin of hypocrisy and Yeshua said they say but do not do so if you want to fall in the category of the sin of the scribes and the Pharisees then say but don't do say you believe but don't obey say you love yah but love your traditions more than the set apart written scripture then you find yourself squarely in the midst of the scribes and the Pharisees the ones who are hypocrites because they said and did not do Matthew chapter 23 and verse 1 then Yeshua spoke to the crowds and to his taught one saying the scribes and the Pharisees sit on the seat of Mosher there's a seat in the synagogue called the CETA Moshe that's where they sit to teach the words of Moses therefore whatever they say to you guard or obey in other words when they teach Moshe a guard and do do what Moshe said to do but do not do according to their works why assure for they say and do not do don't be one who says but does not do all right now I can hear I can hear them crying the ones who say and do not do I can hear them crying now it's not about rules it's about relationship have you heard that it's not about rules it's about relationship have you heard that that's their way of saying I can disobey because it's not about rules it's about relationship you hear it all the time if you're listening but here's the point you want to have a relationship with the Almighty who gets to set the context for that do you get to set the context for that relationship you are the one who wants to have a relationship with him but he sets the context for the relationship in the scripture now let's take a moment and read some of these verses Exodus chapter 20 beginning with verse 6 so this passage is within the context of the command not to have any other mighty wands before yah not to have any graven images and not to bow down before those graven images because he's a jealous L he's jealous over the ones he's in a relationship with all right so what does it say but showing loving commitment or a loving relationship to thousands now don't stop right there after the combat says to those who love me and guard or obey my commands yah says he wants to have a relationship with thousands but it's based upon their love for him and their love for him is demonstrated in that they obey his commands so if you want to know what spells love to the Almighty it's simply obedience to his commands if you obey his commands you are loving him if you disobey his commands it doesn't matter how many times you say oh I love y'all if you're disobedient you're not showing love to the master can you say men doesn't matter how great the context of your church service might be and how wonderful the praise and worship music is that day or how spiritual it all feels or loves if disobedience is being taught then what's being taught is rebellion against the Almighty there's no love in that he does not see love in that can you say men now look at John chapter 14 and verse 15 notice what Yeshua said if you love me you shall guard my commands now what's he doing he's simply quoting what his father said in Exodus chapter 20 and verse 6 these are not some different commands they are the same commands the father was speaking of Yahshua was the perfect representation of the father on the earth all he did was say the same thing that his father said in Exodus chapter 20 and verse 6 he says if you love me you shall guard or obey my commands and then John chapter 14 verse 21 Yeshua said he who possesses my commands and guards them or obeys them it is he who loves me alright who loves him the one possessing and obeying not enough just to know the commands of many people in religion I say that you know sincere Christians live by good solid nine Commandments come on say man it goes down easier when you say man that's the sincere ones it's not enough just to possess the commands you must obey them he who possesses my commands and guards them it is he who loves me and he who loves me by obeying my commands shall be loved by my father because I'm representing him on the earth and I shall love him and manifest myself to him what is this another direct reference to Exodus chapter 20 verse 6 Yeshua is speaking on behalf of his father again these are different commands they're the same commands that his father gave and then John chapter 14 beginning with verse 23 Yeshua answered him if anyone loves me in other words if anyone wants a relationship with me he shall guard or obey my word and my father shall love him and we shall come to him and make our stay with him now that's relationship is it not and that relationship hinges upon obedience to the word notice he doesn't say anything about just tell me what you believe just say what you believe say master master make a case that you're prophesying in my name or you're casting out demons in my name or you're doing miracles in my name we already covered that verse if you say and you do not do you're a hypocrite and you're not showing love for the father so if you want a relationship that relationship hinges upon obedience to the word nothing else is mentioned in all these verses only obedience all right go with me over to Luke chapter 18 and we'll pick up with verse 18 that's interesting that David said earlier that if you run across something you haven't heard before instead of just completely rejecting it really study it out go deeper with it you may have been taught something that's not correct you may have an impression that's erroneous amen and so I'm gonna talk about this passage in Luke pertaining to what's called the rich young ruler and I'm gonna glean from this passage now I'm gonna say upfront what I'm gonna tell you in this passage Yeshua taught that we must keep the commandments and follow him to receive eternal life now I know for a lot of religious people boy they're they're choking over that right there but I'm going to show you what the scripture says Luke chapter 18 verse 18 and a certain ruler asked him saying good teacher what shall I do to inherit everlasting life what is this young ruler wanting to inherit everlasting life do you think yeshua was confused about the question or do you think he's going to answer the question the way it was asked so this rich young ruler is asking about inheriting everlasting life so Yeshua said to him why do you call me good no one is good except one Elohim now he's talking about his father who is good verse 20 you know the commands now ain't it interesting that when this young man asked about everlasting life Yeshua took him directly to the commands why not bypass the commands be more in line with modern religion if we just bypass the commands right let's just talk about what you say you believe versus what you do well that's not where Yeshua took him and then we already established that the final word on every matter is Yeshua x' so we better start paying attention to your schewe again and if we have Showell or the Apostle Paul saying something different or in disagreement with Yeshua then it's not shown but it's our interpretation of Sheol that's the problem can you say Amen all right look at verse 20 you know the commands do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal do not bear false witness respect your father and your mother and he's quoting the love people commands of the ten commandments of the ten words that's Exodus chapter 20 verses 12 to 16 in Deuteronomy chapter 5 verses 16 through 20 so he's talking about the love people commands and he said all these I have watched over from my youth so he says I've been obedient to the love people commands he doesn't say it that way but that's the fact he says I've watched over these and hearing this your schewe said to him yet one you lack and what is the one that he lacks he lacks the love Elohim commands therefore love Elohim commands in the 10 words and he lacks that component of the commandments the love Elohim you say why do you say that because he loved his money more than he loved Elohim in other words he'd made an idol out of his money so what did you shouid do he went directly after the idol he said get rid of your idol start loving yah the way he wants to be loved and follow me all right and hearing this you're schewe said to him yet one you lack sell all that you have and distribute to the poor get rid of your idol and you shall have treasure in heaven and come follow me come follow me do what I do learn from me love what I love hate what I hate be like me because if you're like me you're like my father if you follow me you will be in obedience amen Yeshua taught obedience to the commands of eloheem and following him that's a strong point and I hope it doesn't go in one ear and out the other what did you schewe teach here he taught obedience to the commandments of elohim and following him verse 23 but when he heard this when the ruler heard this he became intensely sad for he was extremely rich he couldn't give up his idle he couldn't give up his money Yeshua taught obedience to the commandments and belief in him all right now I can bear that out in the office taluk writings go with me over to Revelation chapter 12 we're going to look at verse 17 true believers are those keeping the commandments of Elohim and possessing the witness of Yeshua and we see it right here in the book of Revelation more than once now the book of Revelation is in complete agreement with the teachings of Yeshua it says and the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed talking about the end time believers those guarding or obeying the commands of Elohim the Torah Commandments and possessing the witness of Yeshua Messiah is that what it says is that what you were taught what does it say those guarding or obeying the commands of Elohim and possessing the witness of Yeshua Messiah not one or the other but both now do we have a second witness Revelation chapter 14 verse 12 here is the endurance of the set of part ones the set of part disciples of Yeshua here are those guarding or obeying the commands of el-amin and the belief of Yeshua in that what you were taught now some would say well that's just talking about the two commandments to love Elohim and love people this is talking about the commands of Elohim not some general boiling down of all the commandments where Yeshua said the greatest commandment is you shall love yah your Elohim with all your heart soul mind and strength and there's one like it love your neighbor as yourself he goes on to say upon these two all of the others hinge that doesn't do away with all the others it just simply says that those two are general categories for every other command love y'all and love people all right now people that don't want to discover what the Ten Commandments actually say or they don't want to go any further and discover what the tour actually says they fall into the error of thinking that they can define what it means to love yah and they can define what it means to love people you don't get to do that hello he makes it very clear what he means by his love y'all Commandments and his love people Commandments we have to bother to find out by reading his word can you say men so we see right here in the book of Revelation that it says that end time believers are going to obey the commandments of Elohim and possess the witness of Yeshua all right let's quickly go over a few verses that reveal to us what Yeshua taught is the standard for judgment how many of you want to know how your shoe is going to judge us do you want to know what the standard for judgment is I mean I wouldn't want to enter into judgment unless I understood how I was going to be judged what I was gonna be judged upon can you say men alright we're talking about Yeshua and what he taught Matthew chapter 16 verse 27 Yeshua said for the son of a Dom is going to come in the esteem of his father with his messengers or his angels and then he shall notice reward each according to his works what he did not what he says he believes Yeshua said he's going to judge everyone according to his works let's make it plain Revelation chapter 22 and verse 12 Yeshua said and see I am coming speedily and my reward is with me notice to give to each one according to his work what he does not what he says he believes because you could say you believe one thing but your work proves another you shall know them by their fruit what they do not what they say John chapter 5 verse 28 again Yeshua said do not marvel at this because the hour is coming in which all those in the tomb shall hear his voice and shall come forth those who have what done good to the resurrection of life and those who have practiced evil matters to a resurrection of judgment this is staying consistent with everything else that Yeshua has taught about the judgment Matthew chapter 13 beginning with verse 41 Yeshua said the son of Adam shall send out his messengers or his angels and they shall gather out of his reign all the stumbling blocks those who caused sin and offense that's what that's talking about and those doing lawlessness or practicing disobedience so those practicing disobedience will be removed and shall throw them into the furnace of fire there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth then the righteous who are the righteous those obeying the Scriptures shall shine forth as the Sun he's quoting Daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 in the reign of their father he who has ears to hear let him hear and I would have to say that the religious world today is very hard of hearing and I can imagine that I'll be criticized when I put this message out but you know I've never been afraid of criticism Revelation chapter 22 picking up with verse 13 Yeshua said I am the olive and the tall the beginning in the end the first in the last blessed are those what doing his commands so you're blessed if you're doing his commands and by the way when this was written there was no quote New Testament compiled so that the authority or the right shall be theirs unto the Tree of Life or to eat of the Tree of Life so how are you gonna have the right to eat of the Tree of Life do his commands and to enter through the gates into the city the New Jerusalem but outside are the dogs and those who enchant with drugs and those who and the murderers and the idolaters and all who love and what do falsehood so there are commands against all those things so what is this telling us the ones outside are the ones who are disobedient now I mentioned this earlier some will say well your shoe was under the law and taught people under the law but we're not under the law so we don't follow your shoe as teachings we follow Paul have you heard that let's take a moment and just look at what Paul actually taught about your shoe as teachings we have to start with first Timothy chapter 6 verse 3 now please get this in your spirit I have taught this several times but you have to see this as a rule of thumb when you're trying to interpret Paul's writings so we'll rights if any one teaches differently and does not agree to the sound words those of our master Yahshua Messiah all right so right here in the very first verse that we're reading tchau is saying that all sound doctrine comes from Yeshua's words so if you're gonna walk in sound doctrine who do you need to listen to if you're going to walk in sound doctrine now when you stand before the Almighty in judgment if he asked you who did you listen to are you gonna feel comfortable pointing at Paul well I'm gonna show you here in a moment that sha who will followed you sure but a lot of people say we follow shall and shall taught differently than your schewe that's an erroneous statement shall we'll never taught differently than you're sure and this is a proof text if anyone teaches differently anything different and does not agree if what they teach does not agree to the sound words those of our master Yahshua Messiah and to the teaching which is according to reverence this person who teaches differently and in disagreement is puffed up he's proud understanding none at all he doesn't understand anything but is sick about questionings in verbal battles from which come envy strife slander and wicked suspicions worthless disputes of men of corrupt minds and a pride of the truth if anybody is teaching something different than what your schewe taught they have a corrupt mind and they're deprived of the truth now who said that cha or Paul who think that reverence is a means of gain notice what he says withdrawal from such that's the standard that Paul places upon every other teacher so he must also play by the same standard if Chartres will ever taught anything differently or if he ever taught anything that disagreed with Yeshua's teachings then according to Paul's own words we have to withdraw from Paul so what does that tell us Paul never ever taught anything different or in disagreement with Yeshua's doctrines if you think that that Showell or Paul is teaching something different it's not what he wrote it's your interpretation of what he wrote maybe you need to back up get the Hebraic context and reinterpret and get it right all right well here's another witness to that Romans chapter 16 beginning with verse 25 and to him and to Elohim who is able to establish you according to my good news this is Shalu writing notice and the preaching of Yeshua Messiah now who said that and what did she will say what did Paul say Paul said elohim is able to establish you according to what the preaching of Yeshua Messiah now if Shalu was thinking that there was something that Yeshua taught that wouldn't apply to us do you think he would say that would he say that elohim is able to establish you according to the preaching of Yeshua Messiah and not say oh yeah but there are some passages that won't be applying to you he says nothing like that he says you will be established according to the preaching of Yeshua Messiah hallelujah doesn't that make it easier for us who to follow who to follow do we follow your sure do we follow show who had to follow it's not that complicated religion makes it complicated we are to follow Yeshua why don't we pay attention to what he said he said follow me he never said follow sha who'll he never said follow religion he never said follow a denomination Amen he never said follow traditions of men he said follow me why do you do what you do and teach what you teach because I'm doing what your schewe did and I'm teaching what Yeshua taught the good news is sha rule lines up if you interpret him correctly Amen all right so you know that in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 shoulde rights become imitators of me as i also am of messiah so what does Paul teach about the necessity of obedience let's touch on this briefly Titus chapter 2 verse 14 it says who gave himself for us speaking of Yeshua to redeem us from all lawlessness this is sho speaking Yeshua gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness or from all disobedience and to cleanse for himself a people his own possession ardent for what good works or obedience to the scripture so Yeshua has redeemed us from disobedience and cleansed for himself a people his own possession ardent for obedience and then romans 2 beginning with verse 12 for as many as sinned or transgressed the Torah without Torah speaking of the Gentiles they were without Torah shall also perish without Torah and as many as sinned or transgressed the Torah in the Torah speaking of the Jews shall be judged by the Torah for not the hearers of the Torah are righteous in the sight of Elohim but the doers of the Torah shall be declared right now who wrote that Joel wrote that now for us to be able to obey the Torah in a manner that pleases the Almighty we must believe in Yeshua and we must receive the promise that you made to Avraham and his capital s seed the Messiah and that is the promise of the indwelling set-apart spirit and if we believe and receive the promise of the indwelling set-apart spirit the Spirit then gives us the what the walk to obey and the power to obey we've taught about that many times as a matter of fact if you go back and watch part 1 you'll see we taught that all right so quickly Romans chapter 3 beginning with verse 28 this is show writing for we reckon that a man is declared right or you could say forgiven of past sins by belief in Messiah without you know if you look into the language here you'll find out that a better translation of this that word that's been translated without is apart from apart from for we reckon that a man is declared right by belief in Messiah without or apart from works of Torah in other words you cannot be justified by any degree of obedience to the Torah if you do not believe in Yeshua Messiah let's make that clear because that'll be the first thing that they want to criticize that we're teaching a works based salvation that's not what we're teaching at all verse 29 or is he the elohim of the a who deem only the Jews who had the Torah and not also of the nation's yes of the nation's also since it is one Elohim who shall declare right bring us to a place of forgiveness justification the circumcised are the Jews by belief and the uncircumcised the Gentiles through belief look at verse 31 now that we've established that fact that we all must believe the question is what then shall we do with the Torah if we are justified by belief in Yeshua Messiah what then shall we do with the Torah should we discard it Yeshua said he didn't come to abolish it what are we to do with it look at verse 31 do we then nullify or abolish the Torah through the belief or does our belief in Yeshua abolish the Torah what's the next four words let it not be on the contrary which means the direct opposite is true we or our belief in Yeshua establish or uphold the Torah so our belief in Yeshua does not tear down it does not abolish it does not demean or demolish the Torah it upholds the Torah can you say men which upholds what we're talking about it's a belief unto obedience not a quasi belief or a make-believe belief unto lawlessness can you say Amen all right now I'm gonna close with this passage out of James and I want to set this up by saying so many people pit Paul against James and James against Paul or Showell against Yaakov Yaakov against show and they say they don't agree and if they say they don't agree then we're left to decide on their own who's telling the truth and who were going to follow now I just explained to you that Showell did not say that our belief in Yeshua abolished is the Torah and I showed you several passages of scripture where Schaal says that it's by what we do it's our obedience that's important so we know that what Showell was saying is simply this Torah obedience without belief in Yeshua is dead I want to make it really plain for everybody this is what he's saying Torah obedience apart from or without belief in Yeshua is dead see if you need to repent of dead works that works is thinking that you're going to be justified by Torah obedience without believing in Yeshua because Torah obedience without belief in Yeshua is dead as a matter of fact you're not even obeying the Torah if you don't believe in Yeshua we started with that verse Deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 15 through 19 the Torah commands the people to Shema the Prophet like Moshe who is Yahshua - here with the heart and obey all right so what does James teach James teaches that belief in Yeshua without Torah obedience or without obedience is dead let me say it again belief in Yeshua without obedience without Torah obedience is dead so we have one shawl saying Torah obedience without belief in your shoe is dead and we have the other James saying that belief in Yeshua without Toor obedience is dead now they're saying the same thing from two different perspectives what are they saying you have to have them both you must have them both belief that leads to obedience that's our side of the Covenant quickly James chapter 2 beginning with verse 14 my brothers what use is it for anyone to say he has belief but does not have works or does not have obedience what use is it that people say I believe but they don't obey now look at the next sentence this belief this quasi believe this make-believe belief is unable to save him saying you believe but you don't obey cannot save you that's what that says and if a brother or sister is naked and in need of daily food but one of you says to them go in peace be warmed and filled but you do not give them of the bodily needs what use is it now this is a little deeper than what it seems at the surface because the Torah commands that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves we would never do that to ourselves when you're hungry you don't stand in the kitchen and say be warmed and filled what do you do you go to the refrigerator okay so this is simply saying that when you say you believe but you disobey the Torah you're not loving your neighbor as yourself that's a make-believe belief can you say man verse 17 so also belief if it does not have works or obedience is in itself dead but someone might say you have belief and I have works or obedience show me your belief without your works or your obedience and I shall show you my belief by my works or by my obedience there it is that's what I've been preaching this whole time I don't care what you say I love you but I don't really care what you say what I care about is what you do the light that you put forth from your life preach a sermon and use words if you have to Amen verse 19 you believe that Elohim is one that's Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 4 you do well the demons also believe in shudder and you've heard me say you have to have more than demon belief demons believe but they don't obey you have to have more than what they have amen but do you wish to know Oh foolish man that the belief without the works or without obedience is dead can we get that in our spirits today saying you believe but you are not obedient that is a dead belief a dead belief cannot save you now I know I'm just wreaking havoc on much of the most popular Christian doctrine that exists today but we speak the truth in love all right quickly verse 21 was not Abraham our Father declared right by works or by obedience when he offered each sock his son on the slaughter place do you see that the belief was working with his works or his obedience and by the works or by the obedience the belief was perfected again you prove what you believe by what you do and the scripture was filled which says abraham believed Elohim and it was reckoned to him for righteousness that's Genesis chapter 15 verse 6 and he called him he who loves Elohim now didn't we already make that point clear today how do you love Elohim by being obedient by obeying his commands and so Abraham loved Elohim by obeying his commands you see then that a man is declared right by works or by obedience and not by belief alone you got to have them both the right in the left hand you got to have them both they work together in the same way was not Rahab the also declared right by works when she received the messengers of the spies and sent them out another way for as the body without the Spirit is dead you ever seen a dead body as a minister I've seen a lot of dead bodies over 30 years you see a body you know that there's no life in it the body without the Spirit is dead so also the belief or what you say you believe is dead if you do not obey what you say you believe is dead without the works amen all right I rest my case today hallelujah you
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 5,390
Rating: 4.8923769 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, In Defense Of Bible Obedience, In Defense Of Bible Obedience // Part Two, Torah, Bible, Yeshua, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christinity, Messiah, Messianic, Love, Truth, Scriptures, Whole Good News, Good News, Old Testament, Old Covenenat, Orginal Covenant, New Covenant, Renewed Covenant, New Testament, Paul, Apostles, Bible Obedience, Law and Grace, Grace, Law
Id: -q4yV_5qqdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 31sec (3691 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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