Is It Wrong For Christians To Obey Jesus: Many Are Confused

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hey guys welcome back to the parable of the fig tree uh we have a new bible study topic today we are going over do christians have to obey jesus a little question that i've been getting i've been thinking about it obviously we know the answer but believe it or not this is going around uh you know people are asking it especially the new the infants the new converts but more importantly with the uh with the one saved always saved crowd um which is the world's number one uh religion right now uh in christianity it's the the once saved always saved the you know they're really big on not obeying jesus and believing his teachings and um obeying his commandments but this is something i wanted to go over how many times did the bible say obey or the word obey and i was just flabbergasted at what i found that the word obey is actually in the bible over 200 times over 200 times you can look for it yourself if you look up a good bible software you could read it yourself count the times yourself but that'll take a while but you can actually go on e good but take a look at this guys we do have to obey the lord not just because of the amount of time that it's in the bible but if you know your word if you know the commands of jesus jesus said if you love me you'll heed my commandment so this is where the lukewarm comes into play where there's a lot of lukewarm christians and pastors and missionaries so that's why we're all about encouraging the bride of christ as we're waiting for the lord we don't want to be the lukewarm we don't want to be vomited out we don't want to be the tares or those who are rejected by jesus when he returns we want to be the bride that is occupying redeeming the time we're not just waiting for the lord but we're the doers you know there's different types of christians throughout the bible types and shadows about 17 different types where talks about the wheat and the tares the doers and the hearers those whose homes are built on the rock those whose homes are built on straw talks about works that are received and then works that are burnt up as wood hay and stubble not just works but our deeds for the lord so we have those types and shadows throughout the bible so we want to get into this we're going to talk about obedience today obeying jesus what does the bible say and we are marines if you're new to our channel we're all about encouraging the bride as we're waiting i'm an elder and missionary to the body of christ bible teacher and we are all about being bearing studying you're not going to hear my opinions what does the bible say what does the bible say so we're going to hop right into it here and these are some verses that i found and it was reading and i'm going to go over them with you today what does the bible say what does jesus say about obeying is it possible to be a christian you know the bible says to let all those who name the name of christ you know uh depart from iniquity and there's a lot of people naming the name of christ we know when he gets here there's only one church out of seven that jesus gives an open door you know ty tyra ephesus sardis all these churches jesus rejects about six churches in total only one makes the cut and we know there's many luke 13 24 strive to enter through that narrow door many i tell you will seek to enter they're not going to be able to find it the lord said so many are called few are chosen few there be that find it narrow road you know so that's what we see all throughout scripture and it really comes down to those who obey and those who don't obey so you know let's dive in you're not just going to hear my words or thoughts or opinions but let's see what scripture says is the faith alone doctrine does it really is it true is it a deception can you really not obey any of jesus's teaching is it really faith alone take a look because we're going to find out that obedience is a big deal and this is what it comes down to jesus said to philadelphia you have kept my word number one and then he said you have kept my command to persevere so fine let's take a look first peter 4 for it is time for judgment to begin with god's household and if it begins with us what will the outcome be for those who do not obey who do not obey the gospel okay first john but if anyone obeys his word love for god is truly made complete in him good thing okay you're obeying god's word that's what he wants and then he says this is how we know that we are in him so you could know that your that your profession of faith is genuine if you're obeying his word galatians 5 7 you are running a good race who cut who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth okay have to obey the lord jesus replied anyone who loves me will obey my teaching my father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with him okay anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching very simple jesus said if you love me you'll heed my commandments anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching so these people that are saying you can have your fornication your wine you know the drunkards the addicted to drugs and and beating up on your wife and and full of gossiping and hatred and murder and idolatry and adultery and fornication and sleeping around uh jesus says it right here anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching that's coming straight see this is it's very selective though the one saved always saved community will never talk on obedience obeying the lord jesus they hate it they hate the word repentance they don't believe in repentance they don't believe in turning away from sin they have an ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 bible that is the only thing they teach grace grace grace grace grace nothing to do with obeying jesus they hate the word repentance they hate the word turning away from sin so be careful run away if you have any pastor trying to tell you that god doesn't care about your obedience to his commands or teachings run anyone who does not love me jesus says will not obey my teaching do they actually love the lord or are they only concerned about their eternal security in going to heaven how can you want to go to heaven if you're not going to obey him doesn't make sense these words you hear are not my own they belong to the father who sent me let's continue acts chapter 5 we are witnesses of these things and so is the holy spirit whom god has given here it is to those who obey him so you can know if you have the holy spirit if you're walking with the lord in obedience are you following his teachings okay holy spirit's not going to stick around if you're abusing yourself and and and blaspheming and trampling the son of god under foot okay it says that all scripture is god breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness okay so don't listen to these guys who are just trying to tell you that it's okay to be lukewarm you don't have to obey god no stand your fornication oh you're watching pornography no problem stick with it no problem jesus did not say that if that to look at a woman is wrong he didn't say that no no no no you know actually he did say it but he didn't mean for you to obey him okay adultery not a problem you're under grace do whatever you want that's a lie first timothy chapter 4 now the spirit expressively says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons this is why only a few people are going to make the rapture the great end time deception is alive and well okay doctrines of demons all scripture is god breathed it doesn't say ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 is god breathe and that's there for by grace that you've been saved through faith gift of god not of works no one can boast that's ephesians 2 8 they make an entire bible out of it they don't believe that all scripture is god breathed apparently they only believe that ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 is god breathe by grace alone and faithful and which is not even in the bible verse i wish someone would call them out on this okay the word alone is not in ephesians chapter 2 verse 8. it says for by grace that you've been saved through faith not of works no one can boast it's the gift of god the word alone is not even in the passage but yet they say alone alone alone alone okay this is the doctrine of demon it's the world's number one religion they believe this hook line and sinker okay this is why they hate the word obedience and as i showed you obedience is in the bible over 200 times they hate it okay so please run run from anyone telling you that it's okay it is the great end time deception do not be deceived this is why the bible says to examine yourself to see that if that you're in the faith okay you need to take corinthians and then you need to take first timothy and then you need to take timothy chapter three out of the bible and rip it out if you don't believe this okay very possible for the dog to go back to his vomit the bible says it over and over and over again okay we need to examine ourselves the best way to know that we're in the faith is to try our hearts to look to pray to pray the prayer of david lord try my heart and see if there's any wicked way in me okay are you greater than david all right are you greater than paul are you greater than peter and stephen who got stoned to death for preaching and teaching and being filled with the holy spirit apparently these one saved always saved people are okay that's what they believe test yourselves do you not know yourselves that jesus christ is in you unless indeed you are disqualified all right the bible says this in second corinthians 13 5 okay don't be like the dog who goes back to his vomit and swims in the cesspool of fornication idolatry and gossiping and lewdness okay and and witchcraft and sorcery and all the things that we're told to stay away from including being a coward apparently those who don't want to obey the lord jesus christ that's what he thinks of them okay very impo important to obey jesus super important therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires okay it says in hebrews chapter 5 and once made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation who's he jesus became the source of eternal salvations okay so that's eternal security but it says for all who obey him you are disqualified if you are not obeying jesus it doesn't say that jesus the eternal source the the source of eternal salvation for all who ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 for all who had faith in him for all who faith alone him for all who grace alone it says for all who obey him they won't teach you this they specifically stay away from all 200 verses in the bible it has anything to do with obeying jesus it's very scary okay hebrews 11 by faith abraham when called to go to a place he would later receive as an inheritance abraham obeyed and went okay faith without works is dead faith without actions faith without movements faith without deeds faith without calories a calorie is an energy a unit okay it's a unit of energy faith without energy action movement is dead okay his faith obeyed can you imagine if god told abraham i want you to go and and abraham said you know i have faith and i'm once saved always saved it's faith alone and because i don't want to walk and go to the desert i don't want to obey i'm not going to do anything but have faith i want you to carry me physically to where i need to go this is what's happening okay this is a world-class doctrine of demon being taught and everyone believes it it's so frightening to me okay i don't know how you could believe this but this is what people believe in their hearts now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other love one another deeply from the heart here it is first peter now that you have purified yourselves how they purify themselves okay now that you have purified yourselves it will tell you the answer to your question how did they purify themselves it says by obeying the truth right there right in your face philippians okay guys this is over 200 times i just selected a few verses so that you can see this philippians chapter 2. this is why it's so important to read your bible the whole bible is god breathed and profitable for teaching correcting rebuking and training and righteousness this is why they tell people not to read their bible they don't read their bible if you read the bible you would simply understand that this once saved always saved never obey jesus never repent never turn from your sins you would know that that is a lie from hell all over the bible it says to turn away from sins it says to obey the lord jesus to walk in obedience to put on the mind of christ to test yourself to see if you're in the faith to constantly move forward and not go ahead not not go backwards you can even go back to your own vomit it's all over the bible this is why they tell their people that it's faith alone grace alone alone alone alone security security security you know it's quite interesting to me that in matthew 24 it says and when they shall say peace and security and i find the world saying that and i also find the church saying that as well so it's matching up the church is obsessed with their own security so much so that they've thrown out all 200 commands to to obey the lord they've thrown out repentance okay they've thrown out everything but ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 grace alone and faith alone would and the word alone isn't even the in the bible it's not in that verse the word grace alone and faith alone not in the bible it's not even in that specific verse the faith alone grace loan not there okay someone needs to call them out on this i can't believe no one has seen this before or if they have i haven't heard anyone complaining about it the dog for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world the pollutions of the world very important okay so who are they these are the christians for for if after they have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the lord jesus christ they are again a second time entangled in them and overcome the latter end is worse for them than the beginning for it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than having known it so they knew it at one point then having known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them but it has happened to them according to the true proverb a dog returns to his own vomit crazy okay it's crazy so we need to obey the lord jesus he who will punish those who do not know god and do not obey the gospel of our lord jesus christ that's the second thessalonians take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter do not associate with them in order that they may feel ashamed okay tear this spot tear this verse out of the bible too matthew matthew 28 20 and teaching them to obey everything i have commanded you that's coming right from the mouth of jesus your own lord right from his mouth i don't know how people could i don't i don't know how they can get away with this well they're not going to we know that uh hopefully we hope some of these people i hope are actually obeying and reading their bible and believing and following the teachings of jesus christ which is to repent turn from sin and obey jesus said unless you repent you too shall likewise perish the word repentance repent is in the bible over 200 times sin and iniquities in the bible over to it i don't know how they can get away with this but they just focus on one verse ephesians 2 8 it's insane teaching them to obey everything i have commanded you and surely i'm with you always even to the end of the age look luke 11 he replied blessed rather are those who hear the word of god and obey it very truly i tell you whoever obeys my word will never see death john 8 john 17 i revealed you to those who you gave me out of the world they were yours you gave them to me listen up and they have obeyed your word wow we did something obedience is a verb it requires action movement okay peter and the other apostles replied we must obey god rather than human beings doesn't say we must ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 god obey obedience is better than sacrifice mark 4 they were terrified and asked each other who was this even the wind and the waves obey him okay mark one the people were all amazed and they asked each other what is this a new teaching and with what authority he even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him but no not the christians of america and the one saved always saved they will not obey god even the wind obeys him the spirits obey him and nature obeys him and the stars and the planets obey him but to the one saved always saved group they refuse to obey their own lord scary psalm 128 blessed are all those who fear the lord who walk in him guys it's there i don't understand how they can't see this please if you're in this group run for your life seriously um because it's not okay with with what they're teaching with what they're doing okay everyone has heard about your obedience romans obedience so i rejoice because of you but i want you to be to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil 2nd john chapter 1 verse 6 and this is the love that we walk in obedience to his commands wow philemon com confident of your obedience i write to you second corinthians because of the service by which you have approved yourselves others will praise god for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of christ you can't get away from it romans chapter 16 25 but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal god so that all the gentiles might come here it is to the obedience that comes from faith to the only wise god be glory forever through jesus christ that all gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith you're not in the faith of you're not obeying jesus christ if you hate if you hate the idea that you have to obey jesus teachings jesus said if you love me you'll heed my commandments but i gave them this command obey me and i will be your god and you will be my people walk in obedience to all i have commanded you that's jeremiah romans do you not know that when you offer yourselves to someone who's obedient slaves you are slaves of the one you obey whether you are slaves to sin which leads to death or to obedience which leads to righteousness please read your bible walk in obedience to all the lord your god has commanded you so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land and that you will it's just amazing guys observe the commands of the lord your god walking in obedience in him and revering him it's not hard please read your bible stop listening to these people the word obeys in the bible over 200 times and again for it is time for judgment to begin with god's household and if it begins with us what will the outcome be for those who do not obey very dangerous this is why one church out of seven makes jesus's analysis philadelphia alone is the only church that jesus gives an open door and he told them you kept my command to persevere and you kept my word they obeyed his word no other church late jesus tells laodicea sardis ephesus even some of these guys that had some works okay they didn't obey from the heart they didn't love jesus okay tells you if anyone obeys his word love for god is truly made complete in him very very important and jesus tells you right here jesus replies anyone who loves me will obey my teachings so in the name of jesus if you're listening to this message and if the rapture hasn't happened okay obey and if the rapture has happened please obey the teachings you know what the lord has told you he told he's he's given us commands go go read understand it is not faith alone grace alone we are called to obey the lord over 200 times and if you have a problem obeying jesus christ then you are not a christian you're a fan you are a spectator you are a person who sits in the bleachers who is watching those run the race set before us okay you want to get in the game obey jesus believe the gospel repent and believe the gospel it tells us that repentance is given to us that repentance leads to salvation people don't even know that anymore it's very possible to honor the lord with your lips and your heart is far from him it tells us that if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus and believeth that's a that's a continuation believe that god has raised him from the dead you will be saved okay very very important the holy spirit will always convict the world of sin we are told i want to get you to this verse that says what repentance is because that's another thing that really bothers me people are constantly saying repentance is a work it's a work it's a work i don't understand that um because the bible clearly says over and over that it's granted by god see if i can find that for you guys so that you can see this you don't have to take my word for it repentance is granted by god in humility correcting those who are in opposition if god perhaps will grant them repentance how in the world can something that's granted be something that we do as a work okay god grants repentance just like jesus said no one can come to me unless my father in heaven draws them okay so it's a work of god repentance is granted by god salvation is is granted by god as a gift okay you can't earn it god dwells in an inapproachable light it's a gift it's all a gift even the deeds that we do the war god's workmanship he both wills and us both to do and to will for his good pleasure okay repentance is the basic foundation you're once saved always saved hyper grace faith alone sin as much as you re sin as much as you want never repent and never obey any of jesus's teaching they will not tell you this they are not interested they are all about their subscribers how many people they have following them and basically sinning as much as they want they don't really teach holiness righteousness uh seeking after god panning after god you'll never hear them talk about fasting and praying and seeking the lord and and turning away from sins never it's only about faith and faith alone and grace alone the basic foundation is repentance and it leads to salvation repentance leads to salvation second corinthians chapters chapter 7 verse 10 produces repentance leading to salvation all right and i'm sorry if you haven't heard this before it's really not taught because for some reason it's not popular people do not want to obey the lord jesus and they're not going to have a good day when he appears to call them on their bluff all scripture is god breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training and righteousness come out from among her if you believe this it's not too late to turn turn around do a 180 repent of your sins which means stop doing them turn away from sin and rebellion and idolatry all of it there is a doctrine of demons that's out there and i believe the one they've always saved is the world's number one deception that's going on right now you do have to obey the lord we are saved for good works and not by our works okay faith without actions and movement and energy is dead the bible says that we do have to obey him we do have to repent we are not greater than abraham we are not greater than the early church who died in their in their obedience to the lord jesus we do have to obey the lord he said if you love me lead my commandments okay if anyone obeys his word love for god has made is made complete in him okay very very important anyone who loves me will obey my teaching it's quite clear if you do not love the lord you will not obey him and he says it right here in john 14. this is not my opinion this is not my word i'm not making this up it is in your bible anyone who does not love me will not obey my teachings these words you hear are not my own they belong to the father who sent me this is what jesus said if you do not obey him you don't love him i don't care what you say i don't care you can say a thousand time that you're a christian you're going to heaven if you don't obey him you don't love jesus and you're not going in the rapture it's just not going to happen because you don't love him those who love the lord will fall they will stumble they were running the race set before them they are spiritual athletes we put on the full armor of god we resist sin we resist the devil we resist resist the works of the flesh we are called to run the race that's what we do we fall we stumble we repent we turn from sins we ask god to forgive us we clean ourselves up the holy spirit will do it for you okay he it's all about him but if you will simply stop resisting the holy spirit and allow him to work in you he'll do the work he'll do it if you let him he's a gentleman he's not going to force you it's optional it's called free will okay but you have to come to him he's not going to force you okay he'll do it just let him work out your salvation with fear and trembling he will work it out in you don't let sin reign in your immortal body okay if john says it anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching that's what jesus said and i believe it if he said it i believe it i'm with the lord i'm not going to try to twist it and turn it around jesus didn't say if anyone who does not believe in me he said those who do not obey my teaching it's all about obedience obey the lord have faith repent and believe the gospel that's what the bible says that's what i believe all right so just exposing this this is why so many churches are left out this is why so many people will be left behind because they've been told something different they're not reading their bibles so they're not going to have an excuse when they say oh so-and-so told me that it's faith alone and grace alone that i didn't have to obey you so that's why i did whatever i wanted that's not going to cut it you have a bible please read it all right we're running out of time i do believe the rapture is close i do bleach look at the world everything's falling apart the lord is letting this happen because he's coming soon all right it's not going to get better it's going to get worse he's coming soon i believe that all right repent of your sins turn to a 180 stop the sin clean yourself up ask the holy spirit to come into your life to give you the power to resist the devil and he will flee from you okay you can do it just accept him into your heart and he can do the work if you let him alright obey the lord jesus amen
Channel: thefigtreeministry
Views: 53
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: lukewarm christians, repentance, dreams, rapture dreams, praying, fasting and praying, christians, bible study
Id: o42_5oKh1BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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