In 2040, GOD Sends A Tier-One Angel & Demon To Earth To Protect It From The Antichrist

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the show opens up as God explains that the Earth was created in the year 404 BC on October 21st at 9:13 in the morning she then says that we are about to witness the end of days which is correctly predicted in a book named nice and accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter written by a wi named Agnes Nutter the scene then swoops down to the Garden of Eden where a snake emerges from the earth and tempts Eve to taste the Apple she walks towards the tree of knowledge takes a bite of the forbidden fruit and even shares it with Adam later as Adam and Eve are cast out of paradise we see an angel azer AEL watching them from a top the wall that surrounds the Garden of Eden the snake slithers up beside him and transforms into a demon named Crawley The Duo discuss God's decision to kick Adam and Eve out of the garden Carley speculates that by putting a big tree full of delicious apples in the middle of a garden God wanted Adam and Eve to learn the difference between right and wrong otherwise God would have put the tree on the moon or some other impossible to reach place on the other hand azfl says that God's plans are beyond their understanding suddenly the demon points out that his counterpart used to have a flame flaming sword which is now mysteriously missing just as they watch Adam use a flaming sword to fight off a lion azer AEL confesses giving it to help the humans survive in the wilderness the angel asks nervously if he made the right choice laughing Crowley suggests that it would be funny if he the demon did the right thing and azarel the angel did the wrong thing just then the world's first rainstorm begins and azarel lifts his wing to shelter crley this is the beginning of the world's oldest friendship Flash Forward thousands of years it is now 11 years before the end of the world in a great graveyard two Dukes of Hell Haster and liger Rise Up from the ground they complain about Crowley being laid and that they don't trust him because he's been on Earth for far too long the two fear that he might have become too close to human beings soon after cly arrives in his Rolls-Royce dressed like a rock star the three demons then recount the steps they have taken to acquire souls for their Master Satan while Haster talks about planting the seeds of doubt in a priest liger mentions that he persuaded a politician that accepting a small bribe was okay pry on the other hand recounts taking down an entire cell phone network for several hours next Haster and liger hand cly a basket with a crying baby inside and ask him to deliver it to the convent of the chattering order of St barl that baby is the son of Satan the Antichrist dismayed Crowley realizes that the appearance of the Antichrist means that the end of the world is near although he as a demon is supposed to hate the creation of God Crowley secretly likes earth and its Customs nonetheless he takes the baby because the order came directly from the Devil Himself elsewhere at the convent a group of nuns devoted to serving Satan conduct a meeting they go over the plan to receive the Antichrist from crley and swap him with the baby being born to the wife of an American Diplomat Fus ding all are assigned their tasks except for Sister Mary laaus when she asks about her Duty the Reverend mother commands her to go get some biscuits with the pink icing on top however things begin to go arai when another couple the young arrive because Mrs Young has gone into labor earlier than expected they heardly put her in room number three and Usher Mr Young outside to a waiting area within a few minutes cley pulls up to the Hospital unaware that there are now two couples giving birth at the convent instead of one mistaking Mr Young for Diplomat dling the demon asks him what room his wife is in Mr Young who thinks crley is the doctor points to room number three by this point both women have given birth to healthy blond-haired boys eager to be rid of his responsibility Crowley hands Sister Mary the basket and tells her to take it to room three following this Sister Mary puts the Antichrist into a baby carrier and takes it to room number three Where Mrs Young's son is also kept when Mr Young comes in the n mistakes him for the American Diplomat and points at the Antichrist as his baby soon after the Reverend mother's second and command comes in looking for the Antichrist as they have been waiting outside Harriet dowling's room to make the swap not wanting to speak openly in front of Outsiders they attempt to communicate via winking however the result is that Sister Mary gives the Young's baby to the deputy Reverend mother instead of the Antichrist this means that unlike their original plan the youngs take home the Antichrist as their son after the baby swap has been done the sisters push the couples to name their babies the Reverend mother convinces Harriet dling to name her baby Warlock and Sister Mary convinces Mr Young to name their baby the Antichrist as Adam the following day crley and azarel meet to discuss the end of the world and what to do about it they get very drunk and bemoon the fate of all things dear to them when the apocalypse starts however neither of them can sabotage their sides to stop Armageddon from happening but they realize that they can attempt to influence the Antichrist as it grows up theyby neutralizing it they hope that if the Antichrist is raised with equal amounts of Good and Evil they will cancel each other out and he will end up a normal human boy Flash Forward 5 years and Croley appears at the ding's household as a nanny while azarel as a humble Gardener the angel attempts to teach the boy respect for all living creatures while the demon sings him to sleep with bloodthirsty lolab later azarel updates Arch Angels Gabriel Michael and other angels on his progress they congratulate him but also tell him that they will understand when he inevitably fails do azarel's surprise Heaven wants Armageddon to happen just as much as hell does 6 years later the beginning of the end of the world finally arrives as it is warlock's 11th birthday hell sends cley a message via his car radio that they are sending the Antichrist a hellhound as a gift when the child names the Beast he will come fully into his powers and this will trigger the official start of the Apocalypse alarmed cley and azarel decide they have to stop the Hound from reaching the child they plan to meet the Hound first and send it away at warlock's birthday party for this crley is disguised as a caterer and azarel insists on being the party's entertainment as a magician his performance goes terribly and the start a food fight instead after the chaos they realize that the hellhound never arrived cley checks in with hell's Duke hatzer who insists that the Hound was released on schedule and should be with the boy by now this means one thing they've been with the wrong child this entire time meanwhile in the town of tadfield Adam Yan the real Antichrist and his friends are playing in a wooden fort in the Woods by all accounts he seems a well adjusted and normal child they are talking about his birthday and what he hopes to get as a gift coincidentally Adam really wants a dog and remains confident ident that he will get one at this moment as Adam's friends ask him what sort of dog he wants the hellhound approaches the massive red-eyed Beast with a mouth full of sharp teeth stops and listens to what his master wants in a surprising twist Adam declares that he doesn't want a big scary dog instead he wants a small playful intelligent dog that can learn tricks and go down rabbit holes the other kids ask him what he will name it and he confidently tells them that he will simply call his pet dog at this the hellhound transforms into a small British terrier and the countdown to Armageddon officially begins in a flashback scene from 360 years earlier a witchfinder major pulsifer oversees a p being built in the center of town he is on his way to Agnes nutter's house who is accused of being a witch unbeknownst to pulsifer and the villagers following him Agnes is actually a witch she has written a book full of prophecies the only one in history to consist of completely accurate predictions in fact she has even predicted her own death and prepared for it by sending her prophecies to her daughter and husband who then become the curators of the book as pulsifer and the V villagers tie Agnes to a py she beckons the town's people to come near and watch the burning of England's last true witch she had prepared for this Moment by lining the skirts of her dress with gunpowder and roofing nails just as the fire is lit underneath her a big blast kills all the onlookers however her book survives and stays in the family for Generations until it reaches her great great great granddaughter anathema the young girl grew up memorizing the prophecies many of which were about her as they state that she is to be the one who is there for the end of the world elsewhere major pulsifer great great great grand son Newton is experimenting with his computer as he plugs in his machine the power for the entire city block goes out this unlucky streak continues far into his adulthood as he is fired from job after job for his inability to work with any sort of electronics frustrated he wanders the streets aimlessly and lands in front of witchfinder Sergeant Shadwell who is currently giving a sermon on the threat of witches the sergeant sees potential within Newton and invites him to come by his home later with very little Direction in life the young man decides to take up the offer in the meantime anathema all grown up is now taking the necessary steps laid out in her grandmother's book to try and prevent the apocalypse the first of which is to move to a small village in England called tadfield meanwhile azarel calls Crowley with an idea about finding the Antichrist He suggests they attempt to visit the hospital as they know his date of birth and birthplace when crley and azarel arrive in tadfield the convent which used to be a non-run hospital doesn't look much different than it did 11 years ago that the nuns have long since gone and now the place is a corporate retreat where co-workers can shoot one another with paintballs in the name of team building they make their way inside to see if they can find any records when the angel suggests that crley is a nice being deep down the demon slams him against a wall in Anger they share a tense yet intimate moment that is broken up by Mary Hodges the owner of the retreat and also formerly known as Sister Mary laaus they put her in a trance where she answers their questions truthfully however she has no new information to offer whatsoever all of the records that documented the birth details of the kids were also lost in a fire having reached a dead end end they wake Mary up from her trance and leave as they drive home azarel gets a strong sense of love from the area that they're traveling in something crley cannot feel across the forest anathema is performing the last spell of the night when she discovers something at a distance she takes off on her bike vigorously between the angel and demon arguing and the Witch's enthusiasm they collide with one another on the road sending anathema flying azfl is quick to heal her hand head and bike and he offers her a ride back to her home much to the Chagrin of Crowley in her haste as she leaves the car she forgets her book the nice and accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter she doesn't even realize it until much later that night when it's too late back in the car Azrael suggests hiring a human to find the child but Crowley reminds him that the Antichrist has a defense mechanism built in where suspicion slides off him like water slides off of a duck as cley drops off azarel they agree to use their networks of human operatives to attempt to find the Antichrist the angel exits the car only to notice the book and keeps it to himself until he can get into the Bookshop cley then drives up off without any knowledge of what his friend is about to do inside the bookstore the angel puts on gloves and reads on through the night in the morning Crowley calls to see if he's found anything but azarel keeps this information to himself meanwhile his readings have led him to one prophecy saying that the Antichrist is in tadfield and his number is 666 Haz Rafel calls the number with the area code and Arthur Young answers the phone at the same time his son Adam yells that he got his dog to stand on his hind legs matching a prophecy in the book that says the Beast will walk on his his hind legs shocked the angel realizes that he has the right number and hangs up immediately in a flashback seen to the early days of the creation of Earth God asks azarel what happened to his flaming sword azarel stutters a lie that he misplaced it the scene then shifts to Mesopotamia in 34 BC as a local man named Noah Builds an ark azarel explains that God plans to wipe out all of the bad humans and assures the demon that Noah and his family will be fine pry is shocked that God is going to kill kids pointing out that demons typically do that just just as one of the unicorns escapes the ark the rain starts in 33 ad in golgatha cley says he has changed his name to crley while he and azarel watch Jesus get nailed to the cross the angel asks him if he ever got to meet Jesus in response crley says yes and reveals that he was the one who showed Christ all the kingdoms of the world next in 537 ad in the Kingdom of Wessex azarel is riding in war for Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table he confronts the Black Knight who turns out to be crowly while the angel is out to spread peace the demon has been sent to disrupted they realize they kind of just cancel each other out the following scene shifts to 1601 where the duo are watching a very sparsely attended production of Hamlet Shakespeare approaches them and asks for a small favor to be a vocal and encouraging audience for his actor playing Hamlet later they realize that they are both headed towards Edinburgh and crley mentions that it's a waste of effort if they both go as the Good Fortune of the angel will cancel out the bad luck of the demon so they flip a coin which the angel loses and is forced to go to Scotland in exchange azarel makes cly perform a a miracle turn Hamlet into a hit when we see the duo once again it is in Paris and the year is 1793 Azel is locked in a fortress as the French Revolution rages outside having popped across the English Channel for some Crepes the angel was arrested for looking like an aristocrat py comes into save him and asks why he doesn't just perform a miracle to save himself in response the angel reveals that he was reprimanded by Heaven last month for performing too many frivolous Miracles amused crley mentions that he got praise from Hal for the French Revolution even though it was the humans who thought it up themselves he then snaps his fingers and azarel's shackles fall off and his clothing swaps with that of the Guard Flash Forward to 1941 London where Air Raid Sirens are going off as azarel enters a church to supposedly hand over books of Prophecy to the Nazis they ask him for the nice and accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter to which he replies that all known copies of the book were destroyed just as they get ready to kill him a woman enters with her gun drawn the angel triumphantly claims that he was recruited by the woman to foil the Nazis and they have been played play by her clever plan unfortunately the woman reveals that she is actually a Nazi as well and he is the one that has been double crossed fortunately crley comes in wincing in pain and says that a German bomber will drop a bomb on the church thanks to demonic intervention and if they run fast they won't die they hear a bomber flying overhead and a bomb drops on the church destroying it and killing the Nazis miraculously both azarel and crley are unharmed and the latter even saves azarel's books 26 years later in 1967 Crowley puts together a group of Thieves and criminals to pull off a heist for him in SoHo London among them is a young Shadwell the locksmith of the group he wants them to break into a church to steal some holy water though the humans aren't aware of that yet however Shadwell wants to know if there is witchcraft involved and gets disappointed when the demon says no later outside the bar Shadwell stops crley to tell him about the witchfinder Army and to offer its services to him should he need it crley then gets into his car and finds azarel sitting inside after much consideration and trepidation the angel has changed his mind about helping his counterpart he then hands cly a thermos full of holy water and warns that holy water won't just kill his body but will kill him completely eventually the scene shifts to the present day just one day before the end of the world AZ Rafel hangs up on Mr Young and tries to plan how he is going to explain the Antichrist mix up to Gabriel and the other Angels meanwhile in tadfield Adam is walking with his pet dog when he comes upon anathema crying and breaking pots in her garden she is upset about misplacing the book of prophecies written by her ancestor worri the kid asks if she's okay and offers to look for it or give her the book he wrote instead she invites him inside for some lemonade but his dog is hesitant to enter because of the Horseshoe nailed above the door frame to ward off evil however Adam makes it enter and a little bit more of hell is burned out of the hell hound back in London Newton is looking at the artifacts of the witchfinder army when he comes across shadwell's pay Ledger according to the pay Ledger Shadwell does not actually run the witchfinder Army but has faked a list of generals Colonels and majors in order to extort more money out of benefactors like crley in fact at this very moment Crowley and Shadwell are meeting in a small Cafe the demon tasks Shadwell with going to tadfield and tracking down an 11-year-old boy in the meantime in tadfield anathema is explaining lay lines and oras to Adam who is eating it up he gets particularly excited about the which being able to read people's aurus curious the kid asks if she can see his and she realizes that she can't however she doesn't think much of it and tells the kid about saving the environment the dangers of nuclear power plants and how we need to get rid of them on the other hand Adam soaks it up like a sponge and when anathemus sends him home with a stack of new Aquarian magazines he takes them eagerly meanwhile in heaven azarel meets with Archangel Gabriel Michael Uriel and sandalin to tell them that hell has possibly misplaced the Antichrist he tries to tell them that the actual anticrist is not with the US ambassador but somewhere else and offers to find out where it is clear that azer AEL really does not want a second war but the angels are committed after they brush off his concerns and send him away the Angels convene to talk about their mistrust of a AEL they decide he has been lurking around Earth far too long back in London Shadwell is tasked by azarel to send men to tadfield to investigate Adam Young he then tasks Newton with going to investigate the village meanwhile in tadfield Adam tries to talk to his parents about all of the new things he's learned his father dismisses it as rubbish so the kid goes to his room to continue his reading in the meantime crley and azarel meet as they both look incredibly tense crley asks if azarel has found the boy yet still not on board with having to possibly kill a child the angel pretends like he doesn't know where Adam is he insists that Crowley being the demon should be the one to do it in response crley tells him that it's a big universe and even if the Earth is destroyed they could be friends as they have been for over 6,000 years he then tells his counterpart to forget that they are on opposing sides however azarel is stubborn and defiant and tells him that even if he did know where the Antichrist was offended Crowley leaves telling him have a nice doomsday in the final scene Adam is still reading anathema magazines via flashlight late into the night when bag of lemon drops next to him when he goes to sleep the voices start whispering in his head as he dreams alarms at the nuclear plant begin to go off because the nuclear reactor has gone missing power is still being generated but the reactor itself has disappeared in its place is a single lemon drop subscribe for more videos like this turn on the notification and leave 1,000 likes or 100 comments if you'd like us to continue part two thank you
Channel: Series Recapped
Views: 366,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6I2f-chkN2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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