World Where Large Cities Consume Smaller Cities!

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Hi, Mystery Recapped here. Today I’m  going to explain a steampunk film called   “Mortal Engines,” Spoilers ahead!  Watch out and take care!   The premise of the movie is set far in the future.  At the beginning of the movie, a voice tells   us about the most devastating war mankind has  ever faced in history, called the sixty minutes   war. A war that only lasted for sixty minutes but  shattered the Earth's crust into a thousand pieces   that rearranged the former continents. The  few remaining humans formed mobile cities,   called "Traction Cities,” the cities which  can move on wheels when needed. As several   such cities were established, a system called  Municipal Darwinism came into order. According   to Municipal Darwinism, the larger cities called  the Predators could hunt the smaller ones and   take over their resources for survival. At the beginning of the movie, a girl hiding   her face under a scarf is overlooking the  mountains using her telescope. She sees a   massive city of London approaching her way  and runs back to her town called Salzhaken.   Salzhaken is being attacked by the large  predator city, London. As the officials find   out about London approaching them, everyone in  the town. The engines start, and within seconds,   the town transforms into a vehicle, ready to  set off. London closes up on Salzhaken while it   tries to escape. In London, many civilians enjoy  overviewing the chase through a class barrier as   they cheer for their city to win. The Lord Mayor  of London is named Magnus Crome. He commands the   operators on what measures to take. People  from Salzhaken try their best to escape but   ultimately get caught under Crome’s command. The  town is then ingested into the predator city.   Inside London, we see various infrastructures. It  has museums where statues of minions are praised   as “American deities.” It is revealed that people  interpreted the aftermath of the sixty-minute war   however they pleased. Tom Natsworthy is a  low-class Apprentice Historian of London.   He works at the London museum. That day,  Katherine Valentine, the daughter of Deputy   Lord Mayor Thaddeus Valentine, awaits Tom for a  history lesson. Tom is late to assist Katherine,   but unlike other elites, she is friendly and kind  to him. The two walk around the museum, looking   at historic things like smartphones and computers.  When Katherine shows interest in the sixty-second   war, Tom shows her a video of the war he was  able to retrieve from an old hard drive.   Tom explains that a quantum energy weapon called  the Medusa was used to fight the war and was the   reason the earth was shattered into pieces. He  then reveals that the museum has several weapon   techs, but bits and pieces of them have been  going missing frequently. Since his seniors didn’t   respond to his concerns about the missing tech,  he has kept the weapons in a locker of his own, so   they wouldn’t be stolen. Outside the room, Tom’s  senior Herbert eavesdrops on their conversation.   He demotes Tom to a lower level of the  city, but Katherine accompanies him.   Meanwhile, the people from Salzhaken are  made to evacuate their city, which is to   be demolished later. They are told to bring  their belongings with them and are restricted   from bringing any weapons. However, the girl  with the scarf manages to smuggle in a knife.   Tom and Katherine come to the lowest zone where  the people of Salzhaken are being checked.   Their job is to gather new electronics that  the Salzhaken has. Tom is fascinated to see   a toaster that is of the highest kind. Just  then, Deputy Lord Mayor and Katherine’s father,   Valentine, praises Tom for knowing so much about  technology. As they talk, a worker brings a   dangerous old tech device used in nuclear weapons  and hands it to Valentine. The way Valentine   talks about the weapon unsettles Tom. Meanwhile, the girl with the scarf approaches   Valentine. As he talks to the people, the girl  stabs him, saying that this is for her mother,   Pandora Shaw. Valentine is shocked to hear the  name. Before the girl can make another strike,   Tom stops her and chases after her as she runs  away. Both end up in the town of Salzhaken,   which is now being demolished. They somehow manage  to get past the demolisher and to the waste chute.   The girl falls into the chute but is caught by  Tom, who is intrigued to see a nasty scar on her   face. She tells him her name is Hester Shaw and  that Valentine murdered her mother right before   letting go of his hand. Hester then falls into  the chute before Valentine arrives at the place.   Tom asks him about Pandora Shaw and  looks at Valentine in suspicion.   At last, Valentine pushes Tom to the waste chute  after Hester and acts innocent when his daughter   arrives. Later, Katherine and Valentine are in  his chamber when she asks him about Pandora Shaw.   He dismisses her question, but Katherine  is sure he is hiding something from her.   Meanwhile, Tom lands unconscious on  the outskirts of an unknown location,   and Hester robs him of his money. When he wakes  up, she leaves him behind, but Tom follows her.   She is furious at Tom for ruining the plan she had  been working on for the past six months. Tom asks   her to help him get back to London because that  is his home, but Hester ignores him and continues   walking. Back in London, the Lord Mayor is furious  at Valentine for bringing them to Europe because   of which they are running low on food and water.  Valentine brings up his energy project and claims   that it is the only thing that can help London,  but the Lord Mayor is skeptical of his plan.   At night, Hester and Tom are resting when they  are attacked by some scavengers from the south   who hunt people. An old couple with their  land-roving vehicle come to their aid and save   them from the scavengers. They even give the two  a tiny room to rest. Hester was hurt while trying   to save Tom from the scavengers earlier. She  dresses her wound to some extent and lies down.   A while later, she tells Tom that her mother  Pandora Shaw, was an archeologist who loved   to dig up buried tech of the past. She worked  closely with Valentine, who was always fascinated   by her findings. Until one day, Pandora dug  up something that Valentine wanted and that   she didn’t want him to have. That day, he killed  Pandora and sliced Hester’s face in the process.   Hester also mentions a necklace that Pandora  handed her before asking her to run away.   A single tear rolls down her cheek  as she finishes telling the story.   Meanwhile, back in London, Valentine visits  the repurposed St Paul's Cathedral where he is   secretly developing the nuclear weapon Medusa.  The historic tech that has been going missing   from the museum was stolen by Valentine for  the same purpose. He has realized that the   small cities to hunt upon are starting to vanish,  and soon, London will have no food and resources.   Hence, he wants to strike the nonmoving kingdom  of Shan Guo, an Anti-Traction city that has all   the resources London will need for hundreds of  years. However, Shan Guo is firmly protected by   the "Shield Wall.” So, Valentine wants to create  Medusa to destroy it and take over the city.   After that, Valentine hears the news of a  cyborg being found in the seas by a small town.   He visits the creature when one of his companions  tells him he will be of use to kill Hester. The   creature is captured in a case and tells Valentine  that Hester has broken a promise she made to him,   because of which he wants to kill her. Hearing  this, Valentine lets the creature go. In the   meantime, Katherine visits Tom’s friend Bevis  to ask him what her father is hiding from her.   Bevis somehow knows that Valentine pushed Tom to  the chute. Katherine almost doesn’t believe him   when Bevis adds that her father is also running  a secret project. In return for the information,   she offers to show him the historic tech that Tom  had shown her at the beginning of the movie.   Meanwhile, Hester is still asleep aboard the  old couple’s vehicle when Tom wakes her up.   He says that the vehicle has turned  south, so the couple has lied to them.   Tom finds a way out under the floor, but  Hester cannot jump off because of her injury.   He refuses to go without her, and both are  soon caught. They are then held hostage and   put up for slave auction in a town. Hester  is almost bought by a man when suddenly,   a girl that stands out from the crowd claims  Hester for herself. The auctioneer recognizes   the girl as a wanted criminal and member of  the Anti-Traction League, Anna Fang. She works   closely with Shan Guo’s leader Kwan and is here  to free Hester. She kills the auctioneer in a   single shot and asks Tom and Hester to run away.  However, they do not reach far when suddenly,   the cyborg from earlier who wanted to kill Hester  arrives. Hester recognizes him as Shrike.   Shrike approaches the two as they run away from  him. He almost gets them, but they are saved by   Anna again. Anna then flies them in her airship  and tells Hester she looks like her mother.   Sensing the two’s curiosity, Hester reveals how  she knows Shrike. It turns out that he had found   her after Valentine killed Pandora and ever since  has been her parent. Shrike raised her and helped   her survive in the world. He is the only cyborg  left after all of his kind were killed. One day,   Shrike was fed up with always seeing Hester sad,  so he made an exoskeleton with the intention   to transform her into a cyborg as well. Hester  promised him that she would go through with the   plan but found out about Valentine’s whereabouts  right after. Hence, she ran away, and Shrike   followed her in order to kill her for breaking  the promise. Tom is stunned to hear the story.   The two are then taken to an airborne city  called the Airhaven, where they meet other   remembers of the Anti-Traction League. They have  caught up upon Valentine’s suspicious activities   and know it has something to do with Pandora.  Hence, t have recruited Hester to find out more   about Valentine’s plan. Hester informs them of  a box that Valentine killed her mother for. As   they talk about the box, Tom remembers the  time a worker handed Valentine an old tech   used in the sixty-second war. He finally realizes  that Valentine is planning to restart Medusa,   the weapon that destroyed the earth many  centuries earlier. He tells everyone that   the box was the computer core system to initiate  the quantum energy weapon, Medusa. The only way   to stop the weapon is a crash drive, a type of  key that overrides Medusa's firing sequence.   Back in London, Tom’s superior at work, Hebert  tells Valentine about the old tech that Tom   had hidden. He quickly sends his men to  recruit the devices. At the same time,   Katherine also brings Bevis to the museum but  sees that the devices have already been stolen.   The museum’s overseer shows them a secret way  to St Paul's Cathedral so that the duo can see   Valentine’s project for themselves. They make  their way upstairs to the church, where they   see a massive piece of machinery that Valentine  calls Medusa. It has finally been completed and   is ready for attack. They hide behind a wall and  listen to Valentine talk about attacking Shan Guo.   Just then, the current Lord Mayor enters  the Church and orders the guards to arrest   Valentine for conducting the unlawful experiment.  However, the guards stay in place, revealing that   they work for Valentine now. At last, he kills  the Lord Mayor as a horrified Katherine watches.   The two escape from the stairs later. At the Airhaven, suddenly, the lights go off,   and Shrike arrives looking for Hester. Chaos  ensues as the whole city lights on fire.   Tom and Hester run away from Shrike, but he  battles with the anti-Traction League members   and soon catches up with the two. He is almost  about to kill Tom when Hester begs him not to.   Seeing her crying for someone, Shrike realizes  that she has finally found someone she loves   and isn’t unhappy anymore. That means he  doesn’t have to convert her into a cyborg.   A severely injured Shrike hands Hester  the necklace Pandora had given her   and dies instantly. Hester, Tom, and the members  of the Anti-Traction League now make their way   to the city of Shan Guo. They meet Shan Guo’s  Governor Kwan and tell him of Valentine’s plan.   Anna suggests he help launch the Anti-Tractionist  fleet against London because if they strike first,   the chances of Shan Guo’s survival are less. Kwan orders the guards to strike at London   before they strike them. Tom retaliates, saying  that innocent Londoners should not be punished for   Valentine’s mistakes. Kwan claims that if there  was another way to defend his city, he would.   Then, everyone starts to prepare for the  battle as Tom walks away, annoyed. Hester   and an Anti-Tractionist League member Sathya  pray when Hester notices that the necklace   her mother gave her has a crash drive inside. She  and Tom quickly run to Anna to tell her about the   finding. However, right then, Valentine launches  the first attack on the Shield wall that destroys   it partially. It sends the city of Shan Guo into  havoc. People are pushed around because of the   force created by the explosion. Immediately after  the first strike, Valentine orders to recharge   the system and launch the second strike again.  However, the recharging will take some time.   After getting the crash drive, Anna and the  others from the Anti-Tractionist League,   along with Hester and Tom, get on their respective  ships and fly towards London. Intense air combat   ensues between the two cities. Many of the  Anti-Tractionist League’s members are killed   in the battle, but Anna, Tom, and Hester ascend  unharmed. Anna manages to hover the aircraft   above London, and Hester gets inside, taking  the crash drive with her. Sometime later, She   makes Tom handle the aircraft and gets herself to  London as well. She attacks Valentine upfront to   distract him so that Hester can use the drive to  override the system. Now, only sixty seconds are   left for the missile to be launched. But Hester  manages to stop it in the last few seconds.   Valentine looks over at Hester when Anna asks her  to run away. He then pushes Anna from a platform,   killing her. Valentine finally confronts his  daughter Katherine outside and asks her to   come with him to a safe place. She belittles him  for killing everyone for power and runs inside.   Inside the control room of London, Valentine's  men kill all the operators. Enraged with his first   plan not working, Valentine has decided to crash  the whole of London to the shield wall to break   it, putting the lives of both cities in danger.  Katherine tries to pull the brakes, but the   system has been corrupted. She tells Tom about the  situation through a radio. Tom then asks Katherine   to open the engine’s gate. He flies inside the  engine system in his aircraft and destroys the   engines by launching missiles in the hopes of  stopping London from colliding with the wall.   At the same time, Valentine gets on an  aircraft to take off and avoid the crash   himself. However, Hester confronts the man and  points her gun at him. They get into a fight,   and Hester remembers her mother had an affair  with Valentine. The thought distracts her,   and Valentine gets the upper hand. At last, she manages to free herself and   latch onto Tom’s aircraft. When she is safe,  Tom launches a missile at Valentine’s aircraft   and finally kills him. London stops  seconds before crashing onto the wall   and all the residents come outside. They walk to  Shan Guo in the hopes of starting a new life.   The movie ends as Tom and Hester hug, promising  to travel the world with one another.   Subscribe for more videos like this,  turn on notifications, and leave a   like to help the channel out. Thank you for watching.
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 6,372,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dbb7m-kFlUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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