Improve your Listening Skills I Ted Cunningham

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[Music] all right let's hear it Oklahoma I am so disappointed with you this is part six of the mixtape series and that's the first country song I would expect that from Illinois Minnesota or Wisconsin but not Oklahoma where so much great country music comes out of so let's support your state and listen to more classic country can I get an amen on that one when they said the mixtape series I got excited I'm like oh man we got songs like could I do the whole summer that was like my first thing and and I I threw a song out there and then I was told it has to be a song that would have been on a tape cuz I wanted to talk today about money we all know money can't buy happiness but it can buy UI and it can buy me a truck to pull it it can buy me a yeti one to entice down with some you shouldn't even be singing those lyrics in church right now to see your staff yelling out silver bullets that's there when Alex is shot at being the Southern Baptist president I'm telling you so yes speaking on marriage but really the topic today covers everybody in the room here's why I love talking about marriage especially in weekend services cuz either you're married you're gonna get married one day or you know someone who is married and that's why it hits everyone but the skill we're looking at today for your marriage based on this song the non verbal communication hits us all and and I think we all need this lesson I know I need it you're gonna hear from me today that this is a skill I've worked on over the last year because I was encouraged to do so by my wife and so but you know you you've heard me quote this verse here before but we're gonna quote it again we're gonna lead out with the Cleese yeah STIs nine nine it says endure life with your wife all your miserable days no doesn't say that it's the only place in your Bible where it says enjoy life with your wife whom you love all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the Sun and that's the theme throughout all of ecclesiastes life here under the Sun upon this earth this side of heaven for this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the Sun and the word toilsome there means grueling you don't need to choose between life and a wife you can have both at the same time so the passion the Lord has given me I know it's a calling he is placed upon my life is to help couples enjoy life together the technical term would be marital satisfaction and today there's a lot of misconceptions about marital satisfaction how do you get it where do you find it and I'm here to tell you it's not something you find it's something you create marital satisfaction is a choice not an outcome it's not something you wait for but this is how we live today this is it I if I can just get these kids out of diapers we'll have a good marriage if I can just get these kids off to school then we can start enjoying some levels of marital satisfy we can start getting some sleep as a couple we'll have more marital satisfaction if we can just get these kids in their own car and stop being the taxi service will enjoy marital satisfaction maybe a date night here and there if we can just get these kids out of the house then we'll start enjoying life we I hear all sorts of reasons when people aren't enjoying marriage I hear all the reasons why they're not enjoying it well it's because we got married too young we we've been married too long we're not compatible marital satisfaction is a choice it's not something you wait for it's not something you stumble into this sure says enjoy life with your wife whom you love all your meaningless days for this is your lot in life and in your toil some labor under the Sun marital satisfaction depends on factors and skills you can do something about right now in any season or any stage of life you can do it right now and you don't have to wait and that's what I'm hoping today you will do we'll choose we're gonna enjoy life together we're gonna make that decision as a couple you're like what if my spouse doesn't want to make that decision well today we're talking about a skill that you can do something about without your spouse you can make the decision and this is the skill of listening how to be a listening spouse my goal today I don't usually come after men but I want to help the men today become professional listeners like expert level listeners like your wife's mouth and jaw just drops open like I can't believe how well you are listening to me right now and when she's done sharing with you that your first words out of your mouth would simply be tell me more honey don't stop talking I want details and what you felt about it so I I asked Amy and actually my son was there I was studying on listening I was convicted I feel convicted of the Holy Spirit I wasn't listening well and just sometimes when you're we have too many relationships in your life and in the church and in the community like just just so many people bombarding me am i listening well because I feel like I'm rushing through conversations and so I went to lunch and it was Amy and Carson and my 13 year old is here today with me Amy's with me Corinne my soon-to-be 15 year old they're all out enjoying your life you created that beautiful Lobby out there and now no one comes in here I figured that out and so I said are you coming in the service Amy she's like no I'm sitting right here comfortably anyway I am i doing on a scale of 1 to 10 which is what I want to ask you today scale of 1 to 10 I asked my my son and my wife how am i doing as a listener and I was waiting I was waiting they gave me a five I love asking couples this question together because men will always rank themselves higher than women when you ask a couple how you doing a marital satisfaction on the scale of 1 to 10 a man will say like 7 or an 8 and the wife will be like 4 or 5 we got some work to do and I was kind of hit by this I'm like a 5 and Amy said this she said when we have your undivided attention you listen well it's getting your undivided attention that's the challenge it's getting you to stop practicing preaching while I'm talking to you it's getting you to not listen to this story and figure out how you can work it into a sermon on Sunday and it's getting you and my kids say the same thing dad sometimes when we're talking to you an outline starts forming no no this isn't what I want this isn't what I want one to ten how you doing how many of you would rank yourself a five would you raise your hand as a listener below a five this is the nine o'clock service how many do you say I'm there Ted I'm at a nine or a ten you come forward when we do the invitation later cuz she said you raise your hand on that she went I think you're misunderstanding the question so Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 14 this is the verse guys this is the verse for you to memorize this week it's drawing your wife out now again this goes both wait for husband and wife but it's how do you draw your wife out Jesus was the master at drawing people out and drawing them in to a conversation how do we do that the scripture says my dove I love that this is a grape you don't have a pet name for your wife start with this one if you're trying to become an expert listen or simply say my dove and then follow it with I'm looking at some of the big guys in here going I ain't gonna be cuckooing you this week my dove and the clefts of the rock in the hiding places they'll throw that verse on the mountainside there's a lot of things that hide on the mountainside but now we're talking about gentleness and the tenderness of a dove my dove on the cliffs of the rock and the hiding places on the mountainside show me your face let me hear your voice for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely I want to get to know you listening is all about curiosity and fascination I want to listen to what you're sharing because the words that are coming out of you right now are flowing from your heart and I want to get to know you and I'm gonna be a safe spouse I'm gonna be one that you can share with and I will receive it I'm not gonna judge I'm not gonna try to change you I'm just gonna listen to what you're saying I want to be that listening spouse that's where I'm on my journey Amy's bumped me up to a six it's taken a year to move from a five to a six but we're in our 40s I feel I got years left but you know what I meant to you as a culture we're all getting worse at listening we're not a listening culture you know we get our news today from algorithms on social media and cable news networks that reinforce our biases which means we're only listening to news we agree with we're only listening when we agree with something and remember when we used to watch the news we used to watch the news to find out what was going on now we watch the news to figure out what we should be mad at today now we watch the news to figure out what we should be boycotting can you keep up with the boycotts I can't keep up with the boycotts it's like every day there's something new I'm supposed to be mad at something new I'm supposed to be changing I don't want to get controversial today with this but I want to show you a picture and ask your thoughts on this picture right here again not getting controversial but you notice this just sucked the life out of the room this is one of the most controversial movements of the last year and I've asked our church family I put this picture up there and I go can I is it okay for us to listen to the NFL player who's taking a knee oh is it okay that we listen to him many of you right now are saying no no he's being disrespectful I'm asking can we listen to him I was at a church last year around September right as this hit and talking on communication at a conference and I said and it doesn't matter what church I was at it was First Baptist Dallas and I I put this picture up and I said is it okay that we listen to what this NFL player is trying to say guy from the back yells no and you know my personality squirrel right I said I said hey sir thank you for helping me create the tension because every talk should have tension in it we should start with attention something we like this then if it helps if we all create more of that tension together but hopefully we resolve it by the end of the talk so I just simply said sir thank you for helping me create the tension I said we're not able to I was at a couple months later in Maryland one of the most diverse crowds I've ever been in it was the like half African American charismatic the other half Pennsylvania Dutch Mennonite Amish that's what we call diversity I asked the same question can we listen to this guy and I'm we weren't laughs but like we've been laughing today I said can we listen to this guy after the that talk I stepped down and a Korean War veteran walks up to me and he said pastor I have done several sessions on marriage throughout the retreat and he said pastor I've loved everything about this weekend but I couldn't disagree with you more on your stance would take the knee I said Wow and I listened because I had just done a whole session on it I said Wow okay I just let him talk and talk he was mad he was mad he was venting to me and I just took it took I kept saying I received that I received that I received that I received that and then yeah I mean I'm I haven't even done anything really physical up here yet and I'm out of breath talking about cuz I know how controversial this is and and I said sir can I say two things to you and he just kind of stood there said number one I passed her in Branson Missouri and I will submit to you there's not a city in the country that honors veterans more than Branson Missouri and I said you were looking at one veteran loving pastor so let me start by saying thank you for your service thank you for the freedom that I'm able to have with my family and with ministry because of all you did thank you for that I said but number two I have to say I think this is exactly where we're at as a country you are telling me you disagree with me when I didn't even share my opinion and he looked at me he assumed he assumed what my opinion was because I said let's listen he said yeah I said can I do you mind if I use this as the opening illustration of the next talk he said well I guess I guess you can I got up in front of the group next let me ask how many of you disagree with me with my stance on take the knee hands went up everywhere and I started pointing to him I said sir would you mind coming up here and sharing with the group my opinion on take the knee couldn't could I didn't share it just like I'm not going to share it for you right now because I have found this ticks people off and that just helps create the tension I'm gonna let you leave going what does he believe and I'll get facebook message let this be between you and the Lord I'm just asking you to listen cuz I think he has something to say and if anybody needs to listen it needs to be the church we need to be listening listening scripture says this to answer before listening they - just like assume something and just throw your opinion out there before listening that is folly and shame this isn't how we do it we listen we listen and we we sit there and we this church is passionate about evangelism you want to know a great tool of evangelism listening ask somebody to share their story before you just start I grew up you know in depend upon mental pre Millennial Kingdom version only Baptists you know this we did Thursday night visitation this was our approach our approach we'd knock on someone's door they'd come to the door kind of skeptical like who is this what do we got going on and we started with the simple subtle question if you were to die today would you go to heaven or hell I may be hey I'm Ted let's start there or how about can I get to know you a little bit but like listening is key the scripture says this in Proverbs the purposes of a man's heart are deep waters I love the three primary word pictures for the heart and proverbs you got the tablet proverbs three three messages written on the tablet from the time you're very young proverbs 4:23 talks about the wellspring of the heart everything you say and do flows from the heart and this talks about the heart being deep waters but the person of insight your translation may read understanding a person of understanding is one who's able to hear it is again draw those out a wise person is good at listening and drawing out from another person the scripture loves this term too and I love using it incline your ear in Proverbs incline is used to speak to a son who when Dad is instructing you you don't sit there when dad is instructing you like this this is called reclining your ear when dad is giving you instruction according to proverbs what do you do get up on the edge of your seat and lean in not just for every word but for every syllable I tell the young ladies in here considering getting married you want this guy right here you don't want this guy because you want a guy who can provide you an income and how do you provide an income yeah you have to have a job how do you keep a job you respect authority and where does respect for authority come from respect for authority begins at home don't you marry him until you see him around his parents and if when his parents are guiding him or instructing him and you're in the date of year and he sits there like this is blowing him off or getting in the car you don't want that type of year you want a young man who's leaning in to his father's instruction the psalmist uses the same idea of inclining the ear when he's lamenting and going through a difficult time he says to our Father in Heaven incline your ear to me I am hurting the enemy is winning and it seems like you're not listening it seems like you're not here for me and he is beseeching a little going before the Lord incline your ear to me the Lord says this to his children hey when you are straying from me it is time for you to incline your ear toward me this is the skill of listening that's wisdom is inclining it's leaning in scripture goes on to say a fool takes no pleasure in understanding but only in expressing his opinion this is called social media my friend Adam Dona who runs the canticle Inc year he can he has a great word picture for social media they love he says you know imagine four or five of you after this service gathered around discussing a topic like maybe the message and and I walked down and walked past you I hear what the topic is and I just jump in and scream my opinion in there and keep walking that's what we do every day on social media we've become experts at expressing our opinions okay but maybe not so great at just listening I throw some things out there on social media because I'm actually looking for criticism especially if I'm working on a project or writing a book I and I have something I'm like boy how is this going to be received by the reader just put it on social media and in about our you'll know they'll come at you because we love expressing our opinion but let me ask how's that working in your marriage you say it best when you say nothing at all what are you communicating see healthy people aren't threatened by the opinions of others I can listen to the opinion of one taking the knee agree with him or not but I can listen there's no harm in listening I think that's one of the ways we move you just consider yourself a 5 listener on that scale one one way to take a tick or two up to move up a little bit is to be like okay I still have opinions but I want to get better at listening to others opinions without being threatened by them I I want to be a person of insight a person of understanding and this is very important too but listening to you doesn't mean I agree with you I listen to my children I want to hear what they're saying but it doesn't mean that I agree with the next step for the next direction you want to take in this relationship but I can still listen to you and and when I disagree with you this is this is I just think like listening one-on-one stuff here but when I disagree with you it doesn't mean I hate you I don't share the same opinion as you but it doesn't mean I'm mad at you it doesn't mean I have to beat on you and it doesn't mean you've ever met this person that when they disagree with you they have to attack you at the core that's contempt it's I I don't agree with your opinion so now I'm gonna attack you at the heart level when we have very different opinions my wife and I again two very different people grew up to very different homes the tablets of our heart or what you would call family boards and completely different my wife's getting more and more passionate about her home Joanna Gaines is her hero that she loves that woman and again I hate chip Gaines with every ounce of my being I can't stand the man because Amy you know she just on a whim wants to tear down walls in our house and I had to tell her we're Christian people we don't do this we don't randomly do this but I man but I've learned not to argue with a woman holding a sledgehammer and a sawzall right cuz she's we've very different differences on money she has a different opinion on money than I do we have different opinions on on driving all the time she's taught me how to cut people off just keep your eyes down don't even look at him when you do this you're all always worried about the feelings of the other driver just keep going we got somewhere to get we're very different we can express differences of opinion without letting it go to the core right we want to be we want to be those who understand and those who have insights right we're gonna do this real quick this is like 15 bad listeners and I want you to be open to this we're gonna fly through this list but I want you to be open to one of these hitting you or two or three or four of these hitting you it's how we listen because we're talking about when you say nothing at all and we're looking at the skill of nonverbal communication that emotional responsiveness when your spouse is sharing or another person is sharing how good are you at emotional responsiveness but do you take it too far and that's what a lot of these listening styles are the first one is what I call the nodder you've been around and out of this person is anything you say they respond and you're like you're like you end the conversation as quickly as possible because you can tell they're rushing through it you got the eye roller the eye roller is the person whatever you share it's like ah we've talked about this how much can we beat this dead horse right how about the eye wanderer always looking for a better conversation always looking for oh let me just tell you but I picked these 15 people are in this room right now you will find all 15 listeners at church every single church every differences all across the campuses they're all there right the board this is the person it's like the lights are on but no one's home and you're just like come on are you late are you even into this conversation you got the distracted the distracted we're distracted one of two ways I'm a distracted listener I've been made I've been pulled out you're distracted by your environment sometimes a restaurant can be too noisy the music can be too loud if you don't have great hearing you're lenient so you're having a difficult time with the environment other times it's what's going on in your mind you have too much up there right now going on in the wheels or spinning for you to be engaged in this conversation you got the watch glance ER and this has gotten harder but you know we used to have to but now it's like you have to make a motion to get your watch to turn on so that's getting a little awkward but it's it's a lot easier to determine when the person's going like that to try to get their watch on because we used to just be able to like make a stretch or something and go like that see what time it isn't where we needed to be but this one this one is struggling for me the scroller we've been around that this is I can't believe they've actually while you're talking to them they pull out their phone and start scrolling and I know the next generation is into oh this conversation reminds me of a video I just saw or a meme let me show you I get that and how you can bring that in conversation but when someone's pouring out their soul to you to start going like this I don't have a biblical word but I think it's rude I think that's anybody agree with me that it's just really just be careful with the phones okay these you'll probably recognize the one-upper whatever you've done oh yeah this is the competitive listener and you want to say this isn't a competition I'm not trying to beat you you tell him you went somewhere on vacation and they're like oh I've been there how long were you there I was there about four days spent two weeks there it's like okay that's great I'm glad you had fun with it this one we don't talk about the one downer whatever you're going through oh I have it way worse than you do and you're like have you've done this on social media you post a picture of your vacay you're just putting a simple picture out there of your vacation and someone responds with must be nice to go on vacation well it actually is nice to go on vacation I very much enjoy it and you should too sometime or you're sick you tell someone sick hey would you just that man I just spray for me on this you're sick you should have seen what I was going through last week Wow okay we're not competing over sicknesses either I'm just sharing something the over validator they're not the one-upper they're not the one downer but like everything you say they've experienced it they've been there with you the over validator the next one the bottom liner men this is you this is okay we've been going on and on with this for a little bit can we just go ahead and just get to the bottom line so if I need to fix something which she doesn't need you fixing anything get to the bottom line let's get this I got to move on to something else and then that's kind of followed by the interviewer the interviewer comes with an agenda like they have questions they need answered and you sit down and you like you you launch you're not even through your first sentence and they're asking you three questions off of that you want to say hey if you let me get a let me develop this story a little bit and I'll probably have all your questions answered by the end of it but the interviewer has that identity hijacker you launch into a story and there it's no longer about you they're taking it over oh yeah that reminds me of a story and mine is going to keep you a whether yours is a snoozer mine is awesome and you're like okay that just again let the flow of the conversation the debater the debater is one who's always constantly trying to punch holes in your argument in your opinion where'd you get your information I just heard it oh wow how long have you believed that and you're just like okay this isn't we're not competing again you notice all these are competitive but they're not bringing insight and understanding to it I met one of these a couple weeks ago the sentence completer I you know you I didn't even get through a sentence yeah last week I went to the store Church work where'd you go okay well let me let me tell you where I went and then we'll pick the story up from there and this is closely related to the mind reader sentence complete or mind reader but the goal of great communication we call it in relationships love talk listen understand and validate it starts with listening as we've been talking about you listen with your body with your nonverbals you engage you incline when your spouse is speaking you are like this you you are giving emotional cues to I can't wait for what you're gonna say next I'm engaged in this conversation right now and then you understand how do you understand you repeat back to them what they're saying word for word with an engaged posture and again we we say the exact same words but they can be said different ways for example let's eat grandpa let's see grandpa this is a meal with grandfather this is a meal of grandfather same words but when you are understanding someone you can take their words share their exact same words verbatim back to them in your tone and in your body language and they go he gets it she gets it this person is now one of insight one of understanding they're getting into my heart and they understand the opinion is flowing from the heart but now they're getting below the opinion to the emotional nugget trying to figure out what's going on and every every communication needs to end with validation you want to be known as someone who validates I want to validate what ami is thinking feeling saying and doing what is validation we don't have I don't think we have this at all in Branson but in big cities you go into a parking garage you get the ticket you go into a restaurant or a store and they just simply stamp it and it says you were here that's what love talk ends with you listen to me you you understood where I was coming from and you validate you were fully present so I made this commitment to my wife and my goal and in my my desire to step it up a notch as a listener I will validate your feelings when I don't agree with your opinion I will understand where they're coming from I can validate that I and and I have found when I'm validating Amy and we have a decision to be made cuz some of you right now we're at that point you know we have a big decision and we talk in too much opinions and too much feelings but a decision has to be made by Tuesday when do we make that I've just discovered when you truly listen understand and validate your spouse you get to the place where you're like I don't care what we decide I'm just telling you that's how the heart works you know what I'm just want to be a person or understanding our relationship is way more important than this decision yeah a decision needs to be made but now you're moving into the area of helping your spouse win argument boy that's when you become a professional listener I want to help you win that's what a great listener does as someone sharing a story they're so engaged they're like they're encouraging you on right they're listening with you in mind not me in mind I want to listen with you and I will listen to your opinions okay I will listen to your opinions when you share them without seeing it as an attack on mine that's I will listen with you and mine not with me and - so this song that was so wonderfully sung across all of the campuses today I want to focus in on three lines of it as you talk about emotional responsiveness this week and I I've seen some guys that started off like this and this was Fox News to put you in this posture today you watch that before you came to church and but maybe you just loosen up I've seen some arms go around the spouse emotional responsiveness very good let's talk about this the lion in the song the smile on your face let's look at these nonverbals the smile on your face a happy heart makes the face cheerful but heartache crushes the spirit this is one thing my wife has down my wife has what I call a natural smile like when she's talking or just sitting there she just always looks just cheerful and I look around a lot of resting smiles but a lot of you have my problem you don't have a resting smile and I've been told in communication from people and and other communicators who watch me you need to smile more often when you speak especially when you get passionate and fired up about stuff you need to smile more so what this was about you probably see me do it a few times already today as I'm speaking and catch myself need to smile this is what I do is that joel osteen or what i mean that but but it's just not a natural smile for me and i tell a me smile on your face lets me know that you need me make she has this wonderful she knows my face when she walks into the room okay i communicate to her before she even says a word and before i even say a word which moves to the next one the truth in your eyes bright eyes gladden the heart when your spouse walks in the room the next time you're apart and you come back together for the first time as she walks in the rumors he walks in the room greet your spouse with bright eyes like be like oh man is good to see your home and this is what's fascinating to me i know we get home i had a buddy of mine his name initials or john jenkins and john said he called me we were raising our kids together and right he did kids same age as ours i remember sitting in his driveway and he calls me one day and he goes give me one good reason why I should go in there he's exhausted comes home from work exhausted what does it take no matter how hard of a day you've had what does it take to walk in the house and just do this your spouse starts talking just give give or one of these that's a face that says hi honor that's a face that it's it just practice it right now turn to the person next let's get charismatic a little bit practice bright eyes real quick across all cam just turn to the person they get your bow like wow I can't believe I'm sitting in here with you right now what a blessing this is to be with you today now I want you to think about the family member that drives you the most crazy like they watch CNN the next time you see him or her and they walk in the room greet him with bright eyes good to see you John it is yeah anybody ever heard of this group called the Blue Man Group they have an entire show based only on the eyes they don't make facial expressions they don't but everything's about they communicate so much become an expert on eye contact skills man I love this how about the last one this one I really love the touch of your hand we call this non-sexual touching research says your wife needs 12 non-sexual touches a day and it's not 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 she needs 12 non-sexual touches a day and this non-sexual touches the hair over the ear the hand on the small of the back the hand on the thigh hand-holding kissing non-sexual touching and I love this from the Song of Solomon being I want you to get this picture and guys if you want to take it up even another level when you get home and you meet her with a smile and bright eyes you're gonna go over his left arm is under my head his right arm embraces me this is biblical are you guys seeing this I want you to walk up to your wife after meeting her with branches you're walking toward her and as you get close to her you just grab her by the head throw her backwards put your arm around her and plant one on her can I get an amen on that now you know I pass her a lot of senior adults and I always have to give this warning if your hips can take it if your knees can take it do that the years ago I encouraged the ladies in our church hey this week I want you he's gonna embrace you like that and meet you with bright eyes I want you to walk right into the bedroom with both hands shove him on the bed and I was passionate about that next guy next week a guy came up to me this is true story he said he goes could you continue with that teaching he said because three times this week my wife went into the bedroom pushed me down on the bed and then walked out I don't think she fully comprehended what you were talking about I just had that see when I get passionate I give him I get asked out as we close if this is your first time here at one of the campuses I'm a guest speaker and rarely here so but through worship and through the Word of God today the Holy Spirit is calling you by name the most important decision for you to make today will you incline your ear will you lean in we used to sing a hymn in the church I grew up and called softly and tenderly softly and tenderly Jesus is calling calling for you and for me what is your posture and what I love about this church is this church is if this is your posture we invite you back next week we do because we're okay we're okay with that and I know Alex and I share the same heart on this we're glad you're here and we can't wait for the day that you go from this when it comes to hearing the Lord calling you softly and tenderly to moving in like this but if that's you that the words Isaiah but the Lord gave Isaiah to his children incline your ear and come to me hear that your soul may live the most important decision that you can make today placing faith in Jesus believing that Jesus died and rose again would you pray with me father it's in the name of Jesus that we come to you through the authority of that name and through the power of the blood of Jesus I'm grateful for a church that takes you in your word so seriously and we are able to enjoy the fellowship of one another together we're able to look at sensitive topics and and let it work us up a little bit but then come to an understanding with that we do hope that we've resolved the tension today that we all would leave here better listeners better listeners in our marriage better listeners at work that we don't have to always have the first word and the the most powerful word but that we can just be the last one to speak that we we listen before we answer we don't want to be fools we want to be wise in the way we engage those we love those we eat those we work with give us the wisdom to become better listeners today not seeing it as an attack on our opinion or the core of who we are but just discovering living in curiosity and fascination to those in our lives and for that we are grateful and it's in the name of Jesus that everyone agreed and said then she'll help me think 10 today hey thanks for watching remember to click Subscribe and turn on your notifications if you haven't already so that you don't miss a single thing you can also connect with us on Facebook and Instagram and at our website the church dot 80 again thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: BattleCreek Church
Views: 2,183
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: listen, listen to my heart, listening, listen to me, skills, skillshare, skills to learn, listening skills, listening skills test, listeing skills activity, learn to listen, learning to listen, marriage, marriage advice, marriage today, ted cunningham, alex himaya, thechurchat, the church at, tulsa, tulsa oklahoma, oklahoma, improve, improve yourself, selective listening, church, sunday, sunday morning, service, prayer, relationship goals, relationship coach, relationship problems
Id: 2s9QKZ3oICE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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