Helping Couples Win | Ted Cunningham

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[Music] now pronounce you husband and wife [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] says pregnant no way [Music] well it is great to be back at rock point to be here on valentine's weekend we have folks in the room and we have folks at home so a good sunday morning to you one of the earliest memories that i have of my mom is her walking into my room and early morning my mom was an early morning person and she wanted her whole family to be early morning people and she would take those curtains and she would throw him back while singing at the top of her lungs this is the day this is the day how many had a singing mom let me just see the hands of the same mom her second favorite song was uh rise and shine and give god the glory glory so i just want to tell all the parents right now your teenagers are looking at you across the room going don't you ever do that's just what they're that's what you think they're thinking but deep down they want you to wake them up every morning with a song every teenager i've ever met wants a mom waking them up with a song but i still have that memory in my mind because my mom was my biggest cheerleader she's my biggest fan and she got our day started right cheering us on and one of the things i love about rock point is this church is a great backup singer and by that i mean what we say in branson missouri all the time we're country music town branson but we tell our church every marriage is a duet in need of great backup singers and we want that for you we want that for everyone in here to have those backup singers that do what we hear in the song of solomon chapter 1 verse 4 when the daughters of jerusalem are singing over they're bringing harmony to solomon and the shulamite woman and their young budding love when they say we rejoice and delight in you we will praise your love more than wine and it's one of the things i love about the marriage ministry of this church is this church has a desire for your marriage to rejoice and delight and praise the love of whether it's young budding love for newlyweds whether you're seasoned in your marriage whatever season or stage of life that you're in this church desires to be that great backup singer i want to share just a little bit this morning about winning as a couple helping couples win it's what i've spent the better part of 2020 doing since i wasn't traveling as much i kind of took up coaching and one of the things i i loved doing in 2020 was working with business leaders even i hadn't done a whole lot of that but one of the things i know is if you want your employees if you want your staff if you want your team at work to win do everything you can to help them win at home and win in their marriage and i want to look today at a couple of factors and skills that you can bring into your marriage immediately to experience high levels of marital satisfaction one of my favorite books in the bible is the book of ecclesiastes uh it's a dark book it's a great winter read as we go into this cold day uh it'll pick your spirits right up vanity van d all is vanity meanless meaningless all is meaningless but in the middle of chapter one life is hard in chapter 12 then you die these are the bookends welcome to rock point this morning we're here to encourage you on your journey and in your marriage uh we get this beautiful passage in ecclesiastes 9 7 through 9. this comes to us in the middle of solomon in chapter 1 painting the picture of the earth as a grind and you and i were born into it for a very short period of time according to psalm 90 and verse 10 70 years you have upon this earth 80 if you're strong but those years are filled with sorrow and anguish meaning life is short life is challenging it can be difficult and solomon picks up that theme in ecclesiastes chapter 1 and then you get to chapter 12 and your body finds its way into the grind and your body begins breaking down but in the middle of life is hard chapter 1 then chapter 12 you ultimately die you get ecclesiastes 9 7-9 which reads go eat your food with gladness and drink your sparkling cider with a joyful heart for now god favors what you do always be clothed in white and always anoint your head with oil it's speaking there of joy and festivity it's a good time for us to be reminded that we need to put the devices in the other room gather around a table again with the food and drink that god has placed before us and enjoy life together and then verse nine this is this is the reason i'm here this one is my past passion in life is to encourage couples with chapter nine verse nine where it says endure life with your wife all your miserable days now see that's on the screen right oh see it's a giveaway but when it's not on the screen and bibles are closed i love misquoting ecclesiastes 99 and i'll do it in that preacher voice you know endure life with your wife all your miserable days and all throughout the congregations i'll get um that's good that is so good i have to say that's not what it says it doesn't say endure life with your wife it says enjoy life with your wife whom you love all the days of this meaningless life that god has given you under the sun all your meaningless days for this is your lot in life and in your toilsome the word toilsome there means grueling and your toilsome labor under the sun and what i always love i always love sharing this with young guys that are listening you may be considering marriage and i hear it from young guys a lot i had big dreams and plans and goals for the future but then i got married or i don't want to get married because i still have a lot i need to get done and there's this idea out there in our culture and it's in a lot of churches that i don't want marriage to ruin my life and what we read in ecclesiastes 9 7 through 9 is this beautiful picture of in the midst of the grind in the midst of the toilsome labor under the sun we're called to enjoy marriage and enjoy one another this is a very important recipe for understanding marriage okay and understanding your role in marriage and your spouse's role in marriage and it's simply this jesus is your source of life satan is the enemy your spouse is your companion here's why that's important never treat your spouse like the source or the enemy your spouse is your gift it's a companion your spouse is a companion through the grind of life and you get to enjoy life together you have someone to go through it with but when i meet with couples and i coach couples or counsel couples i always like to picture them on uh you know are they are they coming at it from the same end of the field toward the ball are they on opposite ends of the field wearing different jerseys and our goal for our time this morning as we look at the scripture as we dig into the scripture is that you would not only win as a couple but when this is done you would just have the passion the desire to experience marital satisfaction that you never dreamed possible for those not married that you would begin to paint a beautiful picture of your own marriage one day and whatever the culture has has instilled in you that you would begin to understand the biblical foundation for marriage so here's what we know about marital satisfaction a couple of things marital satisfaction depends on factors and skills that couples can do something about in any season or stage of life i was recently at first baptist dallas and i was getting ready to send out a tweet autocorrect i've been here a couple times you know autocorrect is not my friend it's always correcting me in all the wrong ways i was able to catch this tweet before it went out could you imagine what would have happened to me if this exact tweet this was word for word i had my finger on the send button but this was the tweet join us tonight at first baptist dallas where we will be exploring the factors and skills necessary to achieve high levels of marijuana satisfaction now could you ima and i tagged it with let's roll and i said i'm so glad i caught that but here's what happens with a lot of couples they they come in they're frustrated they have an issue that they want resolved or they're they're wanting to get out of the season or stage of life that they're in and what happens is they they you know talk about well you know we've got teenagers now or we're getting ready to be empty nesters or maybe they got preschoolers toddlers infants and it's it's just not a stage of life for us to enjoy right now we're all in a shared season of a pandemic and when you turn this off in a few moments we're still going to be in a pandemic and your your kids ages are still going to be the same whatever stage of life you're in you're still going to be in that stage so we can't do a lot about the season or stage of life that you're in but what we can do something about are the factors and skills necessary to achieve that marijuana i mean that marital satisfaction no marijuana satisfaction this is not where we're headed here's the other thing about marital satisfaction what was natural early on must be intentional later on you know because when you're first dating when you're first engaged when you're first married it's like breathing the stuff that we're going to talk about and what we talked about on the date this weekend at rock point we talked about laughter humor uh we're talking about honor and quality time now listen no one when you're first dating had to help you spend quality time together right it was like remember those moments where you fought over who was going to get off the phone first i'm not hanging up the phone you hang up this you got the little mem when's the last time your husband gave you the baby voice anybody remember that no you hang up this phone i'm not hanging up this phone you hang up this phone right when's the last time you had that conversation as a married couple fighting over who you're like come on let's go let's go let's go it was easy like breathing early on and here's what's cool about these factors and skills you can be intentional and as one of my friends says not only intentional but intense with them become intentional again and if you take these factors and skills seriously they can feel natural again and again i was at a church that that autocorrect corrected them on this one and i was going along in the teaching and it was up on the screen but i didn't know that there was a misspelled word and it said on the screen as i'm talking about marital satisfaction it said what was natural early on must be international later on now that was their fault back there that wasn't the fault of the the notes that were sent so i'm just here to tell you what we're talking about today you don't have to leave the country you don't even have to leave texas you don't even have to leave the greater dfw area to experience high levels of marital satisfaction but here's the deal marital satisfaction is a choice it's a decision it's not something you wait for and i want to spend a few moments with what i call decide or drift because your marriage is doing only one of two things you're either making the decisions on these factors and skills to enjoy life together or you're drifting and drift is not a decision no one wakes up and says hey we're just gonna stop doing this no you drift because you stop deciding drift is just the absence of decision so you're only on one or two roads in your marriage decisions to enjoy life together or drift and it looks something like this the reason which starts with attraction and chemistry is because most couples whether happily married now or divorced started off the same with the same level of relationship quality early on high levels of relationship quality early on but it's the connection point that i'm concerned with it's the connection point of are you pursuing traditional relationship formation milestones and making decisions early on about what your marriage is going to look like because here's what's happened either you're deciding or drifting and if you're deciding guess what these seasons and stages do to us these seasons and stages change us right a mortgage changes you children suck the life right out of you children change you i've always and i don't know where brian is but he would tell you right i i just am always shocked at the couples that come in and like he's changed she's changed well of course she's changed of course he's changed seasons and stages of life change us the grueling labor under the sun this toils from labor it changes us but if you're on the road to decision you're now living in discovery that's curiosity and fascination you get to learn something new about this new person that you're married to like what has this season done for you and i got to be honest with you the pandemic has changed me the pandemic has changed my life it's changed our churches it's changed our communities we've got some learning to do i'm as committed now as i've ever been but i want to live in discovery asking great questions getting to know her living in devotion and ultimately dedication but if you're no longer making the decisions on the factors and skills that we're talking about today right and you're in drift when the seasons and stages of life change us well now i see someone new i see something new in you well now i'm disillusioned this is not what i signed up for this is this is not the person i married and this is usually where i catch folks right here in disillusionment disconnection headed toward divorce but i'm here to tell you the same power that raised jesus from the dead is the same power that can raise your dead marriage this is how powerful decisions are scott stanley from the university of denver says it so well he just simply says decisions have power that's why i would sing growing up as a kid i have decided to follow jesus i have decided decision was a big part of our faith training as small children and you can today if your marriage is in drift it starts with a decision it start and there may not be a time right now but maybe later on today you and your husband you and your wife you connect you get a loan somewhere maybe in the kitchen the family room living or wherever and you're like i don't know exactly how this is going to work but i want to make the decision i want to choose to enjoy life together and with that we can start with two factors two skills that i believe any couple in any season or stage of life can take on because these are factors and skills that work and the first big factor is gary smalley's favorite word gary smalley was my mentor he went to be with the lord about five years ago and everything i teach and preach on marriage uh is is gary's his fingerprints are all over it and this was the one thing he said ted whatever you speak on in marriage whatever you do to help couples make honor a key in all of your messages make honor a key in helping husbands and wives again esteeming one another is highly valuable that was easy early on it was natural early on but now we have to be intentional with it in genesis 1 27 we read so god created mankind in his own image this is the imago day in the image of god he created them male and female he created them with this verse i've been teaching my kids hey my passion is is to help my son to help my daughter understand genesis 1 27 i am raising my son to embrace his biological sex and marry the opposite sex i am raising my daughter to embrace her biological sex and marry the opposite sex here's what we learn in genesis 1 27 male and female are both image bearers meaning husbands and wives are image bearers they have automatic intrinsic value men and women have equal value before the lord i have to say that again men and women have equal value before the lord and neither one is elevated above the other before god because you're created in the image of god this is where honor begins honor recognizes value it does not set value meaning nothing i say nothing i do can add to your value or take away your value and one of the things uh boy working with couples over the the last uh few years especially couples who are in that disillusionment disconnection uh part of the road of drift the name calling the belittling the stonewalling the criticizing i i meet with a husband and wife and they're valued they just they feel worthless and one of the greatest joys that we have right brian in counseling is being able to look at a couple and remind the husband and remind the wife of their value before the lord meaning nothing said about you nothing done to you changes your value all honor does is recognize it it doesn't set it god has determined your value and and this is very important to understand because i think sometimes this theology gets confused because of creation and being created in the image of god you're an image bearer but it's through salvation faith alone in christ alone that you become a child of god very important to understand the difference through creation you're an image bearer automatic intrinsic value but it's through salvation through faith in christ that you become a child a son or daughter of god it recognizes that it does not set it honor sees the immense value of your spouse created in the image of god or as gary smalley would always love to say honor sees your spouse as personally autographed by god getting up every day and seeing your spouse's personally autographed and then this part and then i'm going to give you some practical ways to live this out honor decides that your spouse is highly valuable it makes that decision so again we're on the road of decision then looks for the evidence to back it up now this is the best the best tool i know for giving honor to your spouse gary simply called it the honor list i walked into his office one day and he had four pieces of paper like this stapled together and sitting on his desk and it said all the reasons why norma smalley is highly valuable i said gary what is this he said well if i'm ever frustrated with norma i like to come in here and remind myself of the decisions i've made about her value and he said after a fight that's not the time to edit does everybody understand what i'm saying okay he says after a fight i don't come in here and i'm not like [Music] no no he says ted i rarely ever have to get off the first page and i'm reminded gary's an emotional guy and the tears would flow and he said you need to do this for amy and so i have a list mine is well worn as you can see and i've been adding to it over the years it's taped amy has a list for me and this let me just give you a few of the reasons why amy is highly valuable number one i love and this is directly to her i love your all or nothing passion and i shared it with the couples this weekend i am married to a passionate woman nothing halfway i can come home from a bad day at church and be like that was kind of a rough day at church and she's like fine let's quit move to africa be missionaries full-time wow that escalated real fast i think we should definitely sleep on it right we should pray about it most definitely before we go moving continents she's passionate about her fitbit i don't get romantic strolls through the neighborhood with my wife my wife walks me and the dogs every night before sunset and everything she does it's like she's you get i guess with the fitbit you get awards she just got the new zealand award whatever that means we've never been to new zealand but she got this work and everything is like everywhere we go and she'll ask me you squeezing your cheeks together hey i was raised baptist they're always squeezed together right don't don't you worry about that but i love it you do nothing halfway when you start a project you finish it with gusto right this is just me calling out her value see a lot of people see my wife is so strong i see her strength as a good everything we'll be driving down the road just as calm as can be and bam she's got something to say and a strong opinion comes out i'm like i love it i love your two love languages acts of service and quality time which means i serve her for long periods of time that's what those two love languages coming together mean i love the fact that you don't have a people-pleasing gene i cannot explain this my wife this makes a great pastor's life right she she doesn't care what you think of her and i've told her i go shouldn't we care a little bit we should probably care a little bit she's like nope if they don't like it she wants to put a button on our church website that's called complaints and criticisms and when you hit that button it sends you to a church down the road and their website and i said we can't do that no we want to love people and honor people see everyone as image bearers we've got to bring them in but i just love that about her i love how she uses the word or this is a new one i just and this one's written handwritten in because it's just been about six months old but she told me a couple years ago i got to work on validation i i shut you down i know i shut you down when you share i come up with some pretty crazy opinions some pretty crazy ideas and i'm i share them and and before i you know launch into hey you know what we should do she used to look at me like what and while i'm sharing she's like why would we do that is crazy somebody's going to get hurt but she has completely changed on the one word it's a two-letter word or because now when i'm sharing something i think we should do she's just looking at me going uh-huh oh yeah yeah and when i'm done she just simply says or and then shares what we're gonna do and it's just it's a fantastic fantastic way i love that you prioritize our marriage we've eradicated the kid-centered home we've eradicated the kid-centered home date nights are important to you and i appreciate how you model that for our kids i love how you love our son he's going to be 16 this year even though you need to stop calling him pooh bear you let him be all boy and always have when he comes into the room you like to stop and and find out how he's doing i love how you love korean our daughter who's soon to be 18. you let her be your own person and personality in all of her pursuits i love your commitment to christ you're sensitive to the lord's leadership in your life and when i see you reading your bible in the morning while sipping your coffee i think that's when you look your best i love when you say i don't want anything to eat i'll just take a bite of yours i'm more than willing to buy you your own entree or dessert but i love that you want me to order i love how you let me find my own parking spaces i love your multitasking i love this one i love your spontaneity with two to three days notice you cut loose and go with the flow i love your equilibrium you know when the house feels 70.5 degrees and then you'll ask me did you touch the thermostat listen i haven't touched the thermostat in 17 years no and this one i go i love how you protect me from hot things i walk in i can't tell you how many times i walk into the kitchen and she'll jump in front of the stove if something's on the stove is everything on there's hot or i'm walking in the bathroom pastor curling iron she'll jump in front of me in the curling iron watch out it's hot like when is the last time i walked in here and went ah i don't do it here's what listen i want to encourage any leader watching at home right now to get people to learn how to honor at home because i believe winning at work can be easier than winning at home and winning in marriage because we we just put a different game face on when we go to work i want to encourage you we do this in our staff meeting with honor because it's so important it's such a value at our church i'll just take whoever's in staff meeting that day i'll write everyone's name down tear off everybody's name into its own piece of paper put it into a cup just shake the cup pull out a name and we go around the room everybody and we speak words of high value over that one staff person there's always kleenex involved there's always it just does something and says something to the staff i do this now with birthday parties and anniversaries in our family begin your own honor list write it down gift it and then share it out loud i loved what pastor said earlier when he was talking about all those who would be participating in today's service singles widows widowers let me tell you how you can be a great backup singer to the duets all around you the duets in your family the duets in your community the duets in your church write an honor list for the couple you know who they're going through a difficult time just point out the bright spots encourage them speaking honor into their marriage and into their home honor i hope you bring this factor and the skill of the honor list into your marriage but there's one more factor and skill i want to look at this morning and that's quality time i have another mentor in my life his name is joe white he is the president of cana cut camps in branson and this is about 19 years ago when we were starting the church we obviously we started the church and then about a a year later we started our family and i was at joe's house for breakfast one morning and he said ted i'm concerned i'm concerned that if you're not careful you're going to allow your marriage to suffer while starting this you have a baby infant church and you're soon to have a real live baby in your home and between your family and the church i'm afraid your marriage is going to get the leftovers he goes but i'm going to give you some advice he goes and i believe this is going to keep all of that in check and man i leaned in like what is he going to give me this sage of a leader and he said these these words to me he said every marriage needs a daily delay a weekly withdrawal and an annual abandon break that down for you before we look at the scripture the daily delay is 15 to 20 minutes of eyeball to eyeball body to body face to face distraction free kid free tech free and you are connecting i call them like little business meetings my wife with her strong personality she's an early riser gets up about 5 a.m i get up between 5 30 and 5 45. when i come into the sun room she's already had quiet time and she's got a yellow pad because we're about to have a business meeting and she'll be sitting there sometimes like this so giddy right for it and she'll she'll joke but you know it feels like this she'll sit down and go okay i'd like to go over the minutes from yesterday's meeting and uh then share the agenda for today's meeting don't worry this will all be summed up in an email for you later on uh this morning that's her passion she loves it you call it here at rock point you call it couch time okay but it's just getting together and keeping short accounts the daily delay has been key for us keeping us from what we used to call the quarterly marriage realignment we didn't talk about things and we didn't keep track of things and i could only hold it in for about three months she could only hold it in for about three months and then something little would happen and it was like it was an explosion and some of you're like we don't have a quarterly marriage realignment we got a monthly and you might have a monthly marriage realignment some of you have a weekly marriage realignment some of you it's an annual realignment but for us it was quarterly but you know what fixed it all couch time or the daily delay 15 to 20 minutes the weekly withdrawal is a date night again what was natural early on needs to be intentional later on and if you make it intentional and you're intense with it it can take you to a whole nother level of marital satisfaction and then the annual abandon boy weekly withdrawals date nights looked different in the last year the annual abandon has been a place of of mourning for amy and i because travel has been so difficult and but we're still dreaming we're still preparing for that time when the pandemic's over and we can go out on a trip again and let's look at these from the song of solomon they're all in there there's three great word pictures there's a lot of great word pictures in the song of solomon but three that kind of point to this what was natural early on you must be intentional with later on and we use these for our daily delay in the song of solomon chapter 1 verse 13 the shulamite woman refers to the thoughts that she has constantly do you remember that early on in your relationship and in your day and you couldn't stop thinking about each other that's all you could do i worked at a lowe's distribution center and we got rewarded with a steak dinner when we had so many free days or so many days of of accident free well anybody who was newly dating or in love or married we never wanted them running heavy equipment because we knew their mind wasn't always in the game they were thinking about her or thinking about him right this is this is that sachet of myrrh resting between her breasts just like maybe you remember your grandma or some of you still may do it would put spices in the dresser to just permeate the whole dresser that's what she's saying she's saying i go to bed thinking about him i wake up thinking about him i dream about him at night right the daily delay keeps the short accounts and and keeps us in check she also uses the word picture of the vineyards of engetti and and getty is a lush desert oasis i pray that for your marriage that it would be a lush desert oasis which is defined by replenishment relaxation rejuvenation right in the midst of the grind the world's throwing plenty at us i pray that when you come home get in the driveway or park in the garage you are not thinking uh the thoughts you know give me one good reason why i should go in there right now that your home would be and getty in the midst of a dry desert and then this word picture of solomon being an apple tree i love this picture for the daily delay because she says i delight to sit under his shade he gives me protection and i can reach up and enjoy his choice fruit this spending time together each day and then look at the weekly withdrawal i love this in the song of solomon chapter 2 verses 8 through 13. guys i want you to take initiative with this because you're going gonna get a great word picture here if you aren't taking date night and things are opening back up a little bit in the country and in the community guys take a little initiative with this look at this great word picture listen my beloved look here he comes this is the shulamite woman in chapter two they're not yet married they don't get married until chapter three but in chapter two she's talking about him anticipating and him coming to get her and that's what date night should be it shouldn't just be dinner and a movie honey go on the app and make us a reservation no guys we need to put thought into it we need to get creative and we need to get all about the initiation on this i tell the old guys in our church all the time make date night about splashing on a little old spice right changing your underwear can i get an amen on that one and look at he's leaping across the mountains bounding over the hills my beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag ladies if you don't have a nickname for your husband go with gazelle or young stag look there he stands behind our wall gazing through the windows peering through the lattice if you're new to hebrew poetry you're going this guy's a peeping tom this is creepy that's not at all what it's talking about it's talking about anticipation he's coming to get her this is why don't just don't just go out on thursday night plan it on monday night so you can think about it on monday tuesday wednesday and thursday get as much joy out of the anticipation as you do the actual date night peering through the lattice my beautiful one come with me the daily delay the couch time it's in the home the weekly withdrawal the date night is out of the home but in town my beloved spoke and said to me arise my darling my beautiful one come with me see the winter is past the rains are over and gone flowers appear on the earth and look at this changing of the seasons i just love how much the scripture talks about the seasons of life flowers appear on the earth this season of singing has come the cool cooling of doves is heard in our land the fig tree forms its early fruit the blossoming vines spread their fragrance arise come my darling my beautiful one come with me that's the weekly withdrawal and then you go to chapter seven so chapters one and two they're dating they're courting in the song of solomon chapter three they get married chapter four they have a honeymoon chapters five six seven and eight they're building into faithfulness and commitment into their marriage and i love the annual abandon we read in chapter 7 verses 11 through 12. and here's what's so good about this uh the daily delays in the home the weekly withdrawal is out of the home but in town and now this is an invitation to we've got to get out of town but we also see the purpose behind it come my beloved let us go to the countryside this is an invitation from the shulamite bride to busy shepherd king solomon let us spend the night in the villages let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have butted if their blossoms have opened and if the pomegranates are in bloom and look at this there i will give you my love and the hebrew that's bound by chicken chicken bounty that's the hebrew behind that right there no it's not don't write that down if you're taking notes she is saying i want to be intimate with you i want to be passionate on this weekend i want the distractions of our home and with the distractions of the city behind us we're in the countryside we're enjoying life together and i know this has been difficult but one of the greatest things about an annual abandon is that you're able to get away just enjoy one another and talk about goals for the future talk about are we staying on the road to decision these are just a couple of the factors and skills honor the daily delay weekly withdrawal annual abandon that i believe work in any season or stage of life and even in this season we've had to be even more creative with it my prayer for you is that you will begin to experience levels of marital satisfaction you never dreamed possible if your marriage is in drift that today you would just recognize that you would call that out and say hey let's get back to choosing let's get back to deciding let's enjoy life together don't don't be overwhelmed and think okay there's there's four things we got to do five pick one thing maybe it's honor maybe you're not going to create a list of two or three pages but you can start with three jot down three reasons why your spouse is highly valuable as you look to that discovery that dedication and devotion in your marriage i i pray that over the marriages that are already formed and the ones not yet formed i rejoice and delight in you i will praise your love more than wine would you pray with me father uh i'm grateful for this church i'm grateful for this church and how serious they take marriage and family and i i feel it when i walk in this place i sense that the the honor that they show one another i pray for the spouse right now who honors been missing for a long time from from their hearts and from their minds toward their spouse that today they would make new decisions that they would decide their spouse is highly valuable and then spend the rest of today and this week looking for the evidence to back it up i pray for the time i know we've as families and as couples have been spending a lot of time together that we would add to that quality and that we would think through ways to be creative with time at home and time in town and even time out of town and making plans for that one day we are grateful for how you care for us and may we continue to honor marriage as your word calls us to in hebrews 13 that marriage should be honored by all esteemed as highly valuable by all we love you we thank you that jesus died and rose again and with our faith in him we know that the same power that raised him from the dead is the same power that raises dead marriages and the hurting couple right now we pray all of this in the name of jesus and everyone agreed and said love you thank you very much for allowing me to share today rockpoint
Channel: RockPointe Church
Views: 1,543
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: URpkfJEf04M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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