3 Tips to Better Carve on Skis | Fixing the A-Frame

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good day wonderful skiers in this video we're gonna learn how to carve better on skis specifically we're gonna work on getting rid of the a-frame something i know happens to a lot of you and it has happened to me so i'm gonna share with you everything that has worked for me to get rid of it mostly we're gonna look at why it happens and then after that we're gonna do a bunch of drills and have some fun fixing this common mistake let's get it [Applause] [Music] all right let's learn what the a-frame really is right now i've got the cop digital ski coach in my ski boots and i'm going to show you what it really means here i'm doing my best to revert into all the bad habits such as skiing with an a-frame as you can see on the graph in blue is the outside leg it has a higher edge angle and as a move through the turn the a-frame gets worse and i don't like watching this even if today my skiing isn't perfect i still have an a-frame every now and then but i managed to have an 89 percent edge similarity which is really quite even but i have still improvements left to do at least the chance of rather parallel a-framing while carving is bad because the skis since they are edged differently they're gonna take different paths so the outside ski is going to do a sharper turn than the inside ski but what's even worse is that it's a symptom if you see that you have a frame or a friend of yours it means that something else is going on and causing it that could disturb the skiing even more than the difference in the edge angle it's hard to learn to carve without personal feedback so maybe join one of our ski technique camps see you then here's a couple of potential courses for the a-frame for me personally what caused it for me in the beginning was that i was skiing freestyle skis all the time and they had terrible edges because of all the rail slides so if i was carving on ice i didn't dare to like trust the grip like the edges to really grip the snow so instead of having this kind of position i had done that so i could stand with a fair bit of weight on the inside ski leading to this nasty a-frame so here's a simple fix sharpen your edges and trust them go shred you can try this very simple drill that i do so regularly to remind myself to angulate the upper body so i put more pressure on the outside when i'm doing a turn i'm just dragging the outside pole i'm holding the pole like normal just touch the snow a little bit to remind myself to keep that upper body or keep that the zipper vertical so that's going to fix both your issues there if you're just inclining and then get a frame or if it's because of do bad edges look how light the dragon apple just touching the snow helps me orientate what is flat i'm just thinking about that what if i have an a-frame that would be really awkward now [Music] feeling that ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] that'll calm down that was exciting another potential cause is that you've got lazy feet calves and butt even um you can see it on some people they just kind of use the outside leg and they kind of just rotate it into the inside leg and that's it and then they're just happy like that i'm not happy like that first thing since any good turn starts from the feet makes sense to start there put your boots on in front of a mirror try this a few times see that you can follow them in unison then lift one leg up if you roll onto this inside press the big toe down it's quite easy rolling towards the outside it's much scarier feel more muscle to use i feel like the ankle outside of the thigh the butt even here at the end especially to get that rotation out also here can you imagine that you have a pencil underneath your toes so you like grab push all the toes down into the boot for more balance try it on both legs a lot consuming gonna make this a lot harder i feel like it's a little bit scary doing this but i know you can do it too so the goal here is that we want to feel what actions we do to move that inside leg into that inside edge this is easy this is hard feel how you're rotating that knee i feel for where the muscles are engaging so i'm like pinching the toes down rolling that knee in and now out that's the scary part [Music] next potential cause for your a-frame could be that you're doing a so-called hip dump so instead of like taping nicely into a turn like such you try to fake mad angles by kind of twisting the hip outwards from the turn which creates a weak position as you see the inside leg is then coming up in this position you could force it down and avoid it but chances are you're not going to succeed so you're going to learn what it feels like to have the hip in the right position first thing we're going to do we're going to do a bit of a silly thing but i think it works pretty right we're gonna strap ourselves in with the poles to do like the following put the strap over the thingy pinch yourself in oh no kind of difficult to get into this oh jesus i think i ate too much at christmas um [Music] really but i'm getting a little fed up with this i really struggled today oh look at that that's what i want to do once the pods are in place you can ski with your arms just out you can also hold on to them i feel feel that movement i'm now going to show you both while skiing so the purpose is that we want to have for now the hip perfectly across the skis let's go for a ride now my favorite slope almost [Music] so now i'm keeping the arms in the air it's also reminding me what's going on they can also hold on to [Music] a them terrain there if you like me you feel really silly having this there there's two options of silliness this one looks silly but less silly than what we just did because when you have the this little wobble inside of your hands you feel what's going on more or just grab your paws like normal like put the hands elbows far out feel that hip how it's moving and try to have it not moving hip you stay with the feet in the skis i just want to send it now two double three three six is probably also help against a-frames probably now when we're getting nice active feet and legs let's bring them to normal skiing so now just try go for a carve where you keep the focus on that inside leg so you pinch your toe down roll onto the side of the foot on every turn let's go for a ride and try it out pinch your toes stand on the blade rolling that knee out a little icy there these are sharper matches these ones haven't been sharpened for a while to the final tip that i really like and has made a nice impression on my skiing maybe better is to soften or almost lift the inside ski i like or you could think about it kind of like archery if you ever done that you know kind of like that you should aim with the elbow and you can do the same with your legs so if we imagine i'm carving here like have the knee come up and aim it inwards and that's going to make the intensity really light so you'll have to angulate onto the outside ski in a nice natural way and when it's light it's really easy to get the knee in its position so here we got a turn i'm thinking that this knee is like kind of pulling it up going into that position where it has the same angle let's go for a ski and try it really making it still light and rolling it in kind of bringing everything the train back into one run when the ski is light you'll feel it's really easy to move that inside leg alrighty now it's a little steeper here and then it makes more sense when you do more aggressive terms to have that like lifting it up because when they're more aggressive the feet are more in this position rather than like that it'll make sense check it out let's go for a shred [Music] the bonus it's also flattening the hip [Music] that was fun but my skiing still fall from perfect and as a skier we'll always have to keep working on our skills because perfection doesn't exist thank you for carving along with me today hit that little bell maybe like and subscribe all that good stuff or join one of our camps down there check out that cool video up there see in the next one ciao [Music] was it perfect
Channel: Stomp It Tutorials
Views: 134,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ski, skiing, How to ski, how to carve on skis, a frame skiing, carving a frame, carving common mistakes, 3 ski common mistakes, intermediate ski, intermediate skiing tips, intermediate skiing mistakes, como esquiar, skidåkning, skifahren, горные лыжи, как кататься на лыжах, スキー, 如何滑雪, 滑雪, ski drills, ski instruction, how to ski, carve skiing, ski technique videos, intermediate skiing, carve turn, expert skiing, ski carving exercises, ski carving, skiing tips for intermediate
Id: 6hy5S7CjSak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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