Impractical Joker Joe Gatto | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #234

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you know him he's one of the Impractical Jokers and this guy has probably made more people laugh than anybody maybe any I'm trying to think of somebody that tickles people that's real famous I don't even know but he's probably one of the top 40 or 50 funniest people that you've probably ever even heard of her not heard of and he's here today he has a new show on TBS called misery index he has countless seasons of his hit show the Impractical Jokers he's one of the tenderloins and that's uh their original group of improv estate and gentlemen my guest my friend mr. Joe Gatto or Gatto I'm not sure I'm gonna ask him right now [Music] [Music] what island is that how does that rank amongst other Island oh they call it the other Caribbean of of the New York Harbor that's cool I know that yeah I gotta go to Staten Island me you never been there's no I don't think I've been there I mean I always hear you guys talk about it you know and you hear a lot of people talk about it you know most people go through it yeah it's like it's the connector between Brooklyn and Jersey or Long Island in Jersey you know so people love people go through it but a lot of people it's the freeway to see the Statue of Liberty oh really yeah you think that's that on ferry which is free yeah as opposed to the Liberty ferry which takes you to Liberty Island and you have to get off and look at the like the feet of it and when you're there there's like nothing to do so you can get a good look at it right yeah the best look from the ferry so you see everybody on one side of the boat on the way there and then one side of the boat on the way dude used to work on the ferritin you weren't know did you work on a ferry ever time was tough so yeah I Panhandle for no no no I don't work on the ferry yeah I thought somebody told me that Oh what was a job that you had that uh that you actually miss that was a long time ago I love sales sales all the time yeah I when I came out here to chase the dream I was gonna be a screenwriter director that's what that's our hope I'm hoping to end up and I came out here do that in 2003 205 and I ended up working at Nordstrom's at the Grove oh wow and I crushed the retail game for a while you you really yeah CrossFit what was like one of your go-to moves just somebody wandered in like you know I'd always we I worked in the rail which is the men's section it sounded like high-end jeans and like is that right yeah so I well that's a quality second it's a quality section yeah we actually put it on the map I didn't know how to we're breaking it was a platinum pay Center salesman number five across the country Wylie yeah 1 million dollars in a year but that's neither here or there I mean who's bragging no one and you guys just telling some real wild stuff in there yeah it was like it was like when Von Dutch hats I was every I put one on everybody even newborn still that's it man you know $1 $1 it was a $60 hat it was yeah I used to I used to do the thing because we worked in the men's section when I had a great scheme it's all Commission really no hourly you don't get paid you don't get paid if you don't sell right so that was it which seems a little yeah I think it is I think it is so I didn't hate it that's like drugs it was like yes it's a bond pass the Von Dutch so I did the I had like girlfriends who were coming with a boyfriend and when the boyfriends would come to shop and I'm like oh and you I'm sure you need some jeans to let me take you upstairs and introduce you to Chelsea I never go up there and I would have a deal with Chelsea upstairs like whatever you sell them I get 50% of and it was such a great scheme cuz you could sell anything in the store and then eventually I became known there as I was fond and funny you know and I didn't really yeah ever good with people and I would could sell anything so wasn't like oh I need a watch I'm like I know I know watches yeah I don't I walk over I get a key from some guy but I got you over here thank you get the guy on NordicTrack on the fifth floor they sell like Tesla's at the Grove now yes a Tesla inside the Nordstrom is a Tesla so I was like do you guys could we sell soup stock I'll go back forget TV man I'm coming back if the self-test start one you make deals all across the Grove it's you're wandering out it's really just a personal shopper tonight then I got a I got recruited I got poached from Nordstrom to this high-end it's called HD buttercup it's a oh yeah monitor I opened that store did you realize it I was their first personal shopper dude it's pricey crazy and I worked out a deal with them that because they have little their setup was called man you tailors right so they have little stores within a big store so it's like kind of like that um Fred Segal yeah exactly right so they had that whole setup and I was like oh okay so I want to sell the whole store and they're like oh no you would just work this one company I'm like oh that's not what I was told in the interview and they're like what I was like I'm just gonna sell everything so I would just walk around and sell everything to anybody who walked in the door yeah and I actually helped Jessica Alba with like rugs like that was my big thing for a while I like helped her like it was issues they were her brother and I I would like some rugs and stuff and I was at my claim to fame for a while I went around I was like yeah I sold drugs or Jessica like I you know I just jumped it up magic carpet yeah we call but there was a head of antique section and there was one guy that were setting he let her cut HD buttercup inside one of the men who tells was an antique guy okay and it's all Commission there too I worked out a deal where was hourly plus Commission so I got like 3% 5% they got 5% there and I said okay I was like you know whatever I said I'll get 5% of and this guy and I was like eating tuna fish like you know what it's like when you move out here like I had like a peanut but I can't afford the jello is like peanut butter sandwiches yeah you know so I didn't squeeze the packet of jelly in your mouth I would get a bite of the virus in the squeeze yeah just fill your pockets at any time ha splash that great jelly to some please have shady jelly yeah but that's a different chair I don't know if you wants to get into that now let's come back well circle let's say so at HD buttercup you got the energy so what happened what was that what so I don't know that I don't know [ __ ] about antiques the guy goes on break he's like hey I got to go pick up my daughter I think I do pick up his daughter from school or something do you mind just watching us till we close nobody everyone listen all the white privilege and that guy's cool yeah pick up whatever had to do or yeah doctor appointment or funeral I can't remember if these antique it is probably research like let me go get a bureau right he goes on break and a woman walks in I was like oh could you help me with as you like I'm looking for an antique chest I don't make sure I saw I walk in and I hadn't hardly ever walked into this because I didn't know anything about it yeah and there's only so much you could fake right so I get in and she's like yeah this is from a battle yeah I'd like this at all oh this smells like a Lincoln yeah this has got mahogany and Lincoln that's right here of his throwing out terms so she's like she walked in and she fell in love with this like armoire that's like big oh yeah there's a real nice and I was like oh this is what nice she's like all I think my husband will like this it was like I think was a good anniversary gift or something how's it go okay I was like I could get you the information she's like oh no I'll take it and his guys on lunch and I work on Commission 5% and I'm like alright and I look at the price it was $40,000 and I was like where would you like that delivered and that was like it was put on your bags like I got a uber for it wasn't even that hairy this I will walk all the Culver City from yeah oh yeah you didn't know a couple Tongans are Hawaiian so [ __ ] if you don't say now it's before they came here there was this furniture to stay there you move to the furniture this is my dresser I live here now yeah but that was that was my big thing and then I moved back to New York and and so whenever you move when you made that move back to New York had you like kind of given up on some of that that like that dream a little bit like was it a little bit of that move yes I mean up we've all done a little bit of that move at some point I think like there was a point I was out here for like six years and then I moved back to Louisiana for a while and I was uh doing margaritas or something or making margaritas mmm first you know that a [ __ ] a real halfway house of a [ __ ] taco taco tyria you know it was like a tacos like his little shady bag with tacos and then they had a bar like hook to it ruined yeah and they had the margarita machine and I broke it I said did the settings wrong and they met Alberto Mike it wasn't broken it was like Johnny Buffett's Margaritaville [Laughter] yeah it was like yeah I was like che guevara margaritas you know that's interesting yeah so when you move back was it was it because of um when I moved back my grandma passed away my grandmother my mother became widows together like within like five days of each other so they always had each other so my mom was like a lonely Oh so I felt like you know and you know what I was like it's at my grandmother's funeral actually my hand was kind of forced at my grandma's funeral I had come in from LA and I said I said to my mom was like you know maybe I'll move back to New York just out loud like just streaming cars oh maybe I'll move back to New York in a little bit and she started crying and hugging me said thank you thank you think I was like okay I guess I'm moving back to New York like I feel like back off lady you know it sounds like I'll move back so I decided and you guys are pretty close your mom yeah we were yeah so uh and so yes so at that point you don't really have a choice then if she's if you guys are close as we want you back yeah so I came back and I moved back into her basement as a good 30 year old son's do the record flag yeah we it's the same basement actually where four eye moves where the tenderloins used to rehearse might come boys we used to rehearse down there me Sal Meyer and our friend Mike used to before we dinner shows the same basement so I ended up living where I was doing improv rehearsal so you know I was in a good mental space and I ended up getting a job because of out here in retail at that one of the man you tailors there uh-huh brought me in to a show with the Jacob Javits Center was just as big furniture show at the Javits Center like what people come to meet new you know vendors and stuff okay where's Javits Center it's an L it's in Manhattan it's the big conference center there in Manhattan so hey it's like the design center here whatever you know like one of those where they had those big conferences huge you know Comic Con is in New York right so um they uh I I decided to work help her out with this thing and I'm just you know selling [ __ ] and you're just selling all the stuff to people were coming into opening stores and this one woman came up to me her name was Ali and she was the CEO of a new store called the giggle a baby store hmm and so I started selling some stuff and she like really like something Oh baby shake it make sure it makes noise don't shake the baby the toy Wow kids nowadays they're resilient yeah well the head is lady they had this lady the other day and she goes man these children her kid was being bad she goes he children act like they've been here before that's what she's sayin well they got nothing to lose I don't know any better yeah like that is kind of true so they've been here yeah it's funny cuz through my son and daughter I'm always like oh like she acts super different my daughter is for my son steel and my two-year-old son acts completely different than my two-year-old daughter did like my daughter's all prim and proper like you go like you know go color and she'd sit in the corner for four hours with ya goin with a crayon yeah yeah the little women I think they're yeah they have they want to change the world you know they have some inkling of like you know hope and stuff and the boys are fine but I wanted um just running around knocking stuff over yeah that's my boy that's my remark it's always crazy to watch me like what is going on out there banana you guys want to pull them over and be like listen you don't know things yet but this is what you're doing that what's going on how you do it do my little nephews to hide pompous [ __ ] like on bookshelves and shouldn't be real quiet and [ __ ] surprise you bro yeah yeah he was like 19 months old I'm like that's insane there's no way he got up there by natural causes oh no he sorry so seek that out this is we're gonna make some hammer oh you could tell he'd definitely been like in vision and being up on that shelf we just woke up there one morning no it's like no free solo baby right now it's all about the angle yeah the most damage that's strong oh yeah dude he was really yeah there's some of these children they're just wild they got the Edgar Allan Poe in them you know something's going on they got Dirty Birds in the back of their brain yeah but um so now tenderloins now one story that I love about you guys is a group of Impractical Jokers is that tenderloins is y'all's original group and was there members that we don't know about with her other members cuz you mentioned a guy Mike yeah there's there was two that we brought on one was Mike was the original Mike Bochy I went to high school with him as well and Quentin just Quinn but you know qdk yeah he didn't go that way and botch actually got a job and grew up and he got married and everything like before all of us like he became a grown-up and the rest of us were like trying to do improv and it just didn't match with his schedule anymore like we want to shoot like on a Wednesday at like 5:00 you know four o'clock is it guys I'm at work like what are you talking about I can't be there right he just kind of went the way and was very successful and family and love and money on his own why you know he runs like he's in a pier in the PR and stuff so we see him all time you know nice little friends woman stuff Wow is it kind of is it is it not hectic but is it like is it interesting to think like oh if he would have been there does he ever like do you guys ever lament on it a little bit I mean it was gonna LA sitive way yeah yeah we always go down like the what if like what if he was there or what if there was five like what if Q came around in him like it's not more even like a Q or him it's more like Oh what if because a lot of this that week you was a huge part of the puzzle for us cuz we had moved into video write and script in writing stuff and Q is a very strong writer and stuff so he helped he helped us with that part of the deal like the really different kind of humor than us a little bit at that time we were a lot really corny and he was like you know fun corny like people liked it but like he is like oh what if we're like gave a little edge you know yeah a little dark rich sometimes were just fun to like yeah and the combination of all of our sensibilities I think really was the right perfect you know that I'm making a margarita right you know that was the right if you're making it yeah because the baby powder like somebody and was so anybody else was there there was a guy that jumped in for a little bit Gideon who was actor friend of ours I moved to New York from Florida honey he filled in for a little bit too and he was like a fifth while Batra still with us it would there would you ever get he ever done an episode that that were you guys had them pop in or any no we actually used botches daughter Sienna in one of the times where sometimes we take it to the park and we have our daughter or like it as an actress away and we use botches daughters alright we did it we did it twice we did something we just did something recently weather I don't think aired yet with her as well we brought her back to like surprise sounds okay yeah that's cool yeah so they're in the mix you know we see you know talk and stuff but it's it's fun that you know the tenderloins is really what I came back to so like when I didn't you got back home you got a deficit in DeLong yeah we came back in and I was like okay so I'm back now because when I was away for two years like we didn't do any live shell Dylan did a show when I came home so I came home I think he did two or three shows where I came home I'm like hey I'm homeless pretty show up and ready to improv show up and we'd go and do it it was that it was kind of defunct it didn't really right yeah yeah you had everybody there yeah so now I was like Joe's back he's like you are what are we doing and then we got into like that's when myspace took off and all the like you know sketch comedy on the Internet yeah so we start doing sketches and what about videos neguin oh uh what is a Tenderloin what is it I know a tenderloin is a meat yeah it's a meat eater it's a cut of meat okay what is it can you look that up do you mind I want to see what cut this thing is so I know so you good but it's I just want to visualize yeah what's going on here the tender is part of a loin pork loin of beef pork etc yeah so that's probably Sal yeah taken from under the short ribs in the hindquarter nine quarters that's Marco everybody right this is this is this is the good one let's go to the second a district of a city where vice and corruption promise you we just missing me I guess I'm the I guess on the short ribs well yeah because in San Francisco there's a famous [ __ ] went down and the story drugs dude I accept video on my phone of some people blowing each other from our hotel window yeah here yeah we we we had walked by when we did the San Francisco sketch fest back in the day and we were staying and we thought it'd be funny that time the Lord saying attend I said not knowing right so we're walking back from a 7-eleven that had had iron you know iron events and like the aunt like you had to come in to a 7-eleven which I was like this is not good bulletproof glass like to enter like you went into like a little thing to walk around it was bulletproof a little car like a gold Pope car taken year round what you makalah's row you want to watch him what came back and there was just we walked down one Street I'm not even kidding there was just like three separate things of [ __ ] going on and like and there was a it was like two cops that were like looking at like a body just like this and we were like and we didn't know if the goose dead or just passed out and then we walked back to our hotel room like that might have been a murder scene out they just found it was like oh well Jim here we go we got to find out yeah yeah we're gonna start it up yeah that 10 I went crazy man I remember we went to this thing called beta breakers a while back there and it was like this it was a race I guess where people start I guess at the bay and then they run like the bridge or something yeah well we did a bunch of mushrooms and we didn't I don't know if we weren't really in the race or anything but at one point we took over a table somebody had a table where they had all the cups of water and we took it over right in the middle and I'm just just flying on mushrooms at this point dude I mean I'm look you know the Lord's looking for me you know when I'm looking for him you know we're gonna meet up that afternoon but uh and people were running by in this race you know it's tens of thousands people in this race and when they get close someone would get would try to get the water and we were like no it's for Asian people only so you had so many people and they're running they have to keep going there's a huge flow of people they can't argue or discuss it he like notations only they're like and escape from dehydration a quarter mile down the road these Irish people waking up at the curb at the next turn just from whom and on Asian people with so happy I am ro it was so bizarre so it's a great choice ooh we thought we laughter so we just sat there somebody had deserted their stanbro you know what I'm saying this was like you know this you get probably you know hindquarter back in the military for this somebody deserted their you know their water stand and we just took it over to where a mushroom we're just serving it out a deserted stand as a way I made a lot of my jokes early in Korea not even like a girl just me being me with my friends like you because you're so I was a host at any restaurant where the good thing was oh and I would go as far as I could like I there was a Perkins by me and stand out yeah so I mean I and I could literally end up working the whole burgers like I walk in and be like you know 11 o'clock at night people walk in I'm like how many and they're like well if you say how many to anyone anywhere with authority you'll get an answer and I promise you that you could be anywhere how many in your party to take to go hang up not know what to do these people waiting didn't gotta care Sal used to hate there was two things Sal used to know it embarrassed him oh my god the worst layer but he loved it and hated it but there was two things he used to hate the worst one was taking an elevator with me uh-huh because I would just I didn't give me and then two he's like God how many floors yeah there's all talked to was uh what he called to was waiting for a table to restaurant me because I can when I'm in a waiting situation hey I get bored and I'm like what can I do here that's gotta be fun for me I don't even care of other people watching or later I just like do stuff for myself after time right and then they would enjoy watching that you know so did you oh did you do that kind of stuff when you were a kid is it instigation you think that you kind of like or is it I'm kind of thinking what the element is that I didn't do I didn't is it a surprise is it instigation like what is the thing that turned that that attracts you you know to do that sort of I'm just trying to think of the thing in your head it's like well I wasn't like that all grown up I was super geeky I was it was until junior high school and I said the first time I did improv at high school we did high school improv together that is that it made me go to it like he's like you should come you're funny I just have lunch from all-time so get funny you should come and try it as like now and as I couldn't do it and then in high school I got bullied a little bit and stuff and I used it I turned the tables in high school because I I would reverse bully the the football players uh-huh like I remember the moment where one guy walked by and like they said some whatever and I knocked the books out of the linebackers hand like on a phone and what made em up like that and he legs and I'm sorry sure and he picked them on better and I walked away everybody lost it laughing and it's like oh you know what I'm gonna do this and I just started like bullying like I was crying for pounds on the math team bowling team like I was like not anything right so on the bullying team yeah some schools have a big take you know that's part of the problem I think in America yeah bullying so you said you just kind of said oh I'm flip the script so I did that and I was like oh that was kind of the way I dealt with it slash and made me feel good and then also the thing that really liked about it was it really took a turn to the whole high school we won't you know our class we went to old boy Catholic High School so what are you doing besides mess meet you at the part right art right there are 300 people in the class and I really felt a moment there where it's like oh everybody's having fun with this yeah there's like kind of like bullying kind of like one away from my class it kind of was just like oh we're all just [ __ ] around together like it didn't matter like so I felt like that was pretty cool oh that's cool and that is kind of like carried me throughout my whole career all the way to here now that's a big thing for me but I was a perceptional most yeah it was perception and then I was like that gave me like a weird confidence and I think confidence is definitely my key like I I'll try to pull off anything I don't you know yeah yeah strange to being strange because I remember seeing you at the Wild West Comedy fast and I knew about you guys as a group but I'd never spend any time with any of you yeah that's where we met you yeah that's what I met yet yeah and so we're at some bar after party and and all your cruise all raging and stuff and having fun and and the life of the party I mean the group and there's one guy who's just I think that's all when gonna take it was on or something right and there's one guy who's standing on a table like right up against the wall facing them all just beating the wall dude and nobody else has really kind of involved in what he's doing right but he's like this interview it's like he's this hot ornament this Christmas ornament in the middle of summer bro you know Dan I said damn that guy's [ __ ] I don't drink don't smoke in my life I've never even tried a cigarette everybody thinks I am so like high on coke oh I was like that guy's energy my body shouldn't have like I just go but cuz what I love about that moment is that gets anyone licensed in the room to be weird because I'm gonna be weirder don't even worry about it because you'd always be like what you're not that guy like that's the guy I am in a party it's like I could be earlier this side he's crazy Sal spent most of his life explaining that I wasn't trying people like that's really we'd have to do when we go out even like these guys like shirts off he's doing the worm in the middle of the club throw hot models like I don't care anything yeah yeah was inspiring kind I was like oh man I wanna have that much fun yeah I think that's probably what people get when they watch your show some or when they watch of Joker's and watched it over the years it's like oh I wanna have that much fun I guess well are we you know the show quickly became not anything about like pranks or anything became just friendship on display yeah and that's what people really took to and that's why you know everybody always feels like they know that friend like if you watch the show and you didn't know us I imagine you'd be able like oh I got a guy like Sal I know a guy like well nobody's really got a Mar but yeah I got a guy like him you know in your career clique or growing up so I think this part of that that people really that talks to people yeah do you um when you when you when you think about like kind of like the next steps and stuff cuz at a certain point like you guys have all grown so much you know does it start to see you I know you have the new show now that you're doing the misery index and but do you mention directing as stuff early do you start to like think about things like that you know yeah hundra's i'm yeah i've always had I never wanted I never thought this would be and I never want to be in front trying to [ __ ] work at Nordstrom yeah trying to sell high-end t-shirts what a guy work his pima cotton you know but uh I try to get FEMA cotton to the people but I I did like I always always behind the camera guy always directing producing that's always what I wanted to do even the ten to one stuff like I always did like it was like like one of our most famous sketches I'm not I'm barely in because I was like directing and like I love editing and all that stuff right but and even with this show like that's what I do like I I help short run this hotel oh okay you did my job I was the first one had to quit my job full-time so I kind of got like I was like guys are we doing this because I gotta give up on giggle like I had to quit giggle everybody else was able to work both jobs queue was still farming Sal still owned his it was still parked under me oh let's say look still a fireman is a unique term as well I'm not saying I love firemen right yeah especially if there's a fire no one person you want to see they're basically people that are training for the hot dog eating good people at heart it's awful that's a professional service cuss in sports like that's what they do you know but they you know so he was everybody had their job to fall back on and I was like do I have to be all in when we shot the pilot she gave me two weeks off and then when it was like hey you gotta shoot the first season you need we're gonna do it over the next six months I was like hey CEO I'm gonna need six months off and she's like I can't do that she's like doors open if it doesn't work out you could come back but you get in the tenderloins oh you guys did a lot of people know you guys had years of trying 16 years and I've also did a couple of pilots that didn't take out you know you know we had two one for spike and then one for number spike is that still a network I don't think it is I don't think it is in the end of thing just cars are crashing you know I know it's a goose cars crash and then like a music video segment you know it wasn't like a top 10 worst list like then you become one of those stations where just did a countdown shows and stuff they just rebranded it to paramount Network now it's just like a regular channel again okay it's not for men anymore no yeah it was very especially for men remember was the man well true when we we joined true the slate was insane that our show we have an honest it was Harvey who's every Toshi towtruck show three different titles Lizard Lick towing south beach tow' and another one that I forgot and then knock off shows for like Pawn Stars it was called oh yeah they had that I think it was called pawn no what was it the major it was like like the pawn brothers it sounds like that so what have they had a show and then it was our comedy like in huh and now true was like a top comedy network was just so so like weird that that happened it's so cool that they took that chance and it all like kind of happened but I like if you looked at our show on the beginning it was like what the hell is this like wow how does it even there so these guys gonna fit in he fit in here no one and did you guys worry about that or did yeah you did yeah cuz we were on the table for MTV or true Wow and but MTV wanted to make it a strip show five days a week and recast us and they were like we love the concept the show was great any other and now they're basically the rob dyrdek Network basically there's nothing on there Rob beard yeah a hardcore pawn' hardcore pawn' yeah that was it that was the knockoff of so they they had their own versions of things and they were all success by a pretty successful in the further their morgan if you liked tow truck shows that's where you were going oh yeah yeah if yeah if you like shake it yeah repossession repossession basically across the board and their other big one was bait car remember that [ __ ] show when they were just basically like running like a BMW in the middle of a project wooden door open it was playing jay-z cooler full of beer it's like oh what do you need all this I'll get in it and drive away it was like a parole officer in the back and that was it's like they should have called entrapment yeah every episode was just a running car in the projects let's see what happens let's see what happens someone's gonna steal the car I don't want spoiler alert yeah you know I don't have to tune in it's not what CD Baby it's not like I Ross irate you're gonna get back together this guy's gonna steal this car what do you want to see what's your crime with joy see II think if you have one man oh mine yeah definitely embezzlement is it really all for sure for sure its I love like the whole like heist movie stuff like I would think like anything that like get weird like like could you have done it in the past nowadays it's tough for there's not even much cash sitting around unique any cash like if I could go back in time and be any like sort of like pull off a tease big scheme well I could definitely be like a nice bank robbery in like the early thirties yeah would you be already working at the bank cuz I could see you having that right and the little changing chi-ching chi-ching 30 cents back that's all about that I'm all about that life 1930s teller right here man yeah I'd be a bank manager to get the inside scoop you know that kind of deal then I'd make them fire me in a fantastic way and then I think I would know the lay of the land and I would get my you know my next-door neighbor involved yeah probably blackmail somebody black not gonna be fun - yeah those are the good old days we key to a crime yeah before we had DNA man oh man DNA rule would come for everybody stupid science getting in the way yeah back in the day we had to actually do some detective work you know cuz now every murder you watch the cops have no idea until seven years later where they can afford the DNA test that's right it's like I'm never gonna know anything about like that stupid swab you mouth thing did you do that like the 23andme yeah I did it we could nail it in yeah [ __ ] up you did it I [ __ ] up I would wait anyway I'm not gonna be one of the people didn't do a crime and like hide all the time I'm gonna go - yeah that's what I like about you yeah thank you right over you're right up front all the time oh yeah I'd rather go and get my time done and get out yeah I don't well you said I did it wrong I thought you maybe was like would you swab that you did it wrong [ __ ] up like what you're never exactly I think I did the mouth yeah back in there like wolfson it said Vaughn back that era yeah it's crazy I think here cuz a lot of people I guess they they're they're attaching people to murders and crimes you know because of that yeah I never did it cuz I didn't really have an interest because I feel like like the only way they could find out if a parrot is male or female so you have to have it tested and I've had a parrot for a while and I was like what difference does it make to me I don't care if at least an egg okay mystery solved if not no difference yeah you know so for me I'm like yeah I already animals differently if they're male or female no do you have animals I never have no oh well when I was young I did but I'd never have as an adult I'm but I meant never have treated animals differently whether we're male or female huh but I get I remember asking like I'll ask like a waiter like yeah is this fish male or female sometimes if I order like a salmon or something you know that's a good one just to kind of see you know and a lot of times they'll go check and sometimes they'll come back with an answer that's amazing yeah it's like uh I guess there's no you know what I would love in that scenarios when they came back with an answer huh you just go wrong and get up and walk out because you know they try to pull long yeah and open something up with a knife just show a part of the fish what is that you tell me that that's a fish deck yeah hide something in there now you know alright today's episode I got to let you know if you if you're a gamblin person man or woman or somebody that's between sexes but they like to lay a little wager down on something that my bookie is the place to do it you know people gamble they've been doing it for centuries hundreds of thousands of years a lot of times they see on cave walls or fine hieroglyphs of people drew dice on the wall but at the end of a hard week it's great to sit down and just lay a few dollars on your favorite squad you know and especially since it's football time and I wouldn't be telling you guys to bet with my bookie if they weren't the best do the smart thing if you're going to bet this season in bet with them they're my bookie if you're the kind of guy that likes to bet a little and win a lot do a parlay pick a couple teams enjoy a whole weekend experience better than this better than that bet on something join now in my bookie will double your first deposit use promo code Theo to activate the offer that's promo code 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RR a comm / Theo software selection simplified and now back to the episode with mr. Joe Gatto do you guys you guys must run out of idea I mean when did you run out of ideas obviously for your shows we've been when did you have to bring in help we've got well it wasn't that we had to is that we could afford - right so in season we're going into season we just wrap C's and season 9 we start up in January and we actually had our 200th episode this season and like literally we had the conversation at the end of season one was like okay now what do we do like because we were like so many ideas you have to go through because never mind the ones that make the TV right because our episodes if you think about we do 26 episodes of season and there's three to four bits per episode right so come out of it yeah that's 14 million quick math so like that's bits that you have to come up with right and inside those bits are jokes right so you have to do all that and you break it down it really could be very very it could be very overwhelming so then we started to say okay what what's just fun and what's just funny what's weird to do so like we went from that and we in this so much if you think about like it's like let's just try to hold somebody's hand see how it goes and we would try with four different people and we get four different outcomes and there's a bit you know and then we would start thinking about okay instead of the goal of just being in this or that let's think about what could be something different and one thing that we had was try not to laugh like that when we broke that and made that a goal that opened up a whole new stream of things so it wasn't just like oh only do uncomfortable stuff it's like oh do [ __ ] that's really funny that's gonna make your friend laugh and if you can't laugh yeah so that opened up like a whole thing and a couple of our big bits like the carnage of cranes Macbeth ketball where we say weird names in the waiting room or like what we did the two-way mirror we're like stuff's going on behind you you have to watch it a-ha and you have to continue to do this focus group with somebody and not you know so a lot of that happened one of my favorites you guys did it's like a um but I see what you're saying so people so once you open up like a new kind of a new yeah like edge to it you're like oh here's a whole week a whole new world of stuff we can do now that we have goals now that we you have to try not to laugh that's a hope yeah it's gonna do everything you already did before and then just make sure the other guys aren't laugh and then we had to establish our show long enough for the first four or five seasons like we wouldn't use an actor before that because we want people to know and believe it's that's real that's what the show's got to be real doesn't work for us right so somebody knows our show they're not on it right so then we brought in like actors as weapons where we like one of the first pitch we did was watch my grandpa like we'd be in the we were in the mall and we had to pretend we had to take a piss and but do me a favor could you watch my grandpa follow me and we had to talk him into watching our grandfather and if they watch him you win and we'd walk away and when we did that unscripted the grandpa's added such a great element like they just went and started talking yeah and it was like this is really funny so let's see what we do let's do that with kids and okay now let's watch my kid and then we start doing things in that you know find my actor you know like we would plant an actor inside like like Marie was a waiter for one of his punishments in Delmonico's a high-end steak him yeah and we hit an actor with a wig on and we're like you gotta find a wig so he's walking around people's hair is they're eating trying to find the way and he'll be like well you know got a deal so all those little pieces you know the first six weeks um you know the first four weeks of our pre-production it's a six-week thing the writers are together our comedy get paid extra is a writer a producer you do yeah yeah yeah so they're there in the room and then we come in for the last two weeks of the six-week and we start hearing all they pitched and then when we like something we'll all talk it out figure it out and then we'll start stacking it up and being like okay here's our production schedule so if you like to be the most involved who is just kind of the most like show up and either just they do it every time and they it's just better for them to be that way yeah yeah Q is very much trusting of a he'll he'll also he'll have his moment where he's like oh I got this idea I won't do this but Q for the most part when he shows up he's like what are we doing today all right let's get in there and do it yeah Sal is very analytical oh he's he's a student of comedy yeah you know he's really just like that's the way his brain works he really just but I always say that Sal I normally get to the same place I just get that way faster because I'm I've got kind of guy I'm like this is I'm very decisive like this what we're doing this or not and he'll you know just work out every permutation tell you why it won't work break holes in it and you know sometimes we prove them wrong and sometimes you proves us wrong you know it's like it's a good balance and then Murr Murr is like in the middle of all that like I would say Sal's on one end I'm on the other and Murr is like pretty much dead center but he has two things he'll think about something for a little bit and then get there or you know he'll have ideas where he's like that's funny that's terrible sometimes I'll just say something it's like what if we make Joe a massage chair right it's funny you know I mean you don't have to think about anything like it's like it's been funny to see it have stranger sent me in costume and I'm a fake massage and they make me this fake massage chair yeah you guys have there was one was one of my favorites that it's uh it's at a buffet and I think it's like taking their pudding bank loan people partake a bunch of different ones one was because I love the Facebook that's great yeah when I was growing up they had finally got a buffet in our town beating people with [ __ ] loser dude somebody shot out the windows but from the inside dude that's how excited people were you know it wasn't like a driver I get more chicken let's do a [ __ ] win in there you so fired up yes he couldn't stand there being anything between him and the [ __ ] Lord those who shot those windows but yet I mean I remember yeah buffets were everything man back when you you know if we were in a place just imagine they could have all that stuff in one place yeah I remember I went to Vegas my family growing up the first time we went to went to a buffet in Vegas and a Vegas buffet stand alone oh I'll world class I remember dude I remember yeah our buffet was decently long I wouldn't say it was real long but I remember we were kids we were trying to hold our breath and walk from one end of it to the other you know just to trying you know just because we were just a name or by the length of you know food and different pool like swirl or one of the other yeah that's a salad yeah do you remember when I don't know Wendy's out in New York they they did the salad bar which was basically a buffet but it was open salad bar so you could just make your own sell you buy the salad bowl and it was all you could eat salad why wait and oh yeah Wendy's instant on that and they had a steady huge toppings like but it's oh they had everything like beside your croutons in your norm they had like buckets it was like you know it's just all these different things on a flowers house they put sunglasses right in seed you know they get like but then it was like beets that's how I was introduced to be topping what's a corn dog it's like yeah yeah so they like all these weird no pickle anything yeah so it was like I remember that and I remember being like I'm gonna get a salad and I was like that's an ingenious way to make kids eat like like healthy cuz it was like a fun way to eat salad you know right yeah yeah yeah buffet man I remember the first came so I used to get myself so sick on shrimp cocktail like I would just get so nauseous I would just want to pop them things oh man did I write the tales for the first two years in restroom cocktails nobody explained that day I'd eat the whole tail no I did about choice day but my good friend does you know I'm Justin he was the DJ on the cruise just injure a Stevie Issa tails today yeah do one of my favorite things from the cruise and we'll talk about the cruise in a second um Michael Ian Black so I went on you guys his first cruise yeah Michael Ian Black was on the cruise right so he had to do bingo like everybody on the cruise kind of you like you performed and you also like did a game or did something you were just involved you know yeah and he did bingo and he was like trying to be all funny and stuff and the people they can't apply a bingo they didn't give a [ __ ] bro okay came to play bingo man read it read it lady beaten her cane against the wall the real stakes all right yeah it makes his job either she's just fired draw yes it was so funny but it he he almost couldn't handle the fact that it wasn't accommodate it it's a comedy cruise on a bingo cruise it was that was so much fun Gilbert Godfried was on there and he looked just like a baby that was on the cruise ship to some lady had a baby like like an 11 month old I look just like yeah I did this I saw I did the good picture it yeah yeah beautiful that was where we hung out for the first time in real like because we did the when we did the comedy fest we hung out a little bit there was a lot of people around there's a lot of you and I spent a lot of time yet on that first yeah that cruise was great yeah that was great God that thing was so much fun do you recall some troubling thing you and I had fun on that yeah yeah the game lüt the gambling that they ran out of Chesley one like we have to get more chips I'll go get Jim people working there they just shut down side him yeah that skill crane somebody Elka I met two alcoholic guys playing that skill crane on the ship and they ended up making my t-shirts for about four years really a couple beautiful guys it's got Kevin and his brother who actually ended up turning a little bit green less time less time he's turning green the brother but um but yeah amazing people them but let's see what they got here man hey Theo hey Joe my question for Joe is how do you think your kids are gonna react when they get older and you tell them what exactly it is that you do for a living are you looking forward to that are you kind of dreading it that's a really good question should I impress myself well these Millennials one question they figure you know he knows the world I don't think he wants an answer like I just crushed it I will say that is a pretty good question it is a good question I guess I wouldn't think about that yes it embarrassing is it I was definitely a shift when I had my daughter and I was like oh she got her father's gonna be doing this at any of my comedy you feel different responsibilities with comedy I think when you have kids and you know that this is what you're going your legacy you know oh I see you're saying legacy was always a thing with me always even growing up him before I had anything I was worried about what was I gonna be remembered for really I was I was very heavily yeah yeah man some guy named was my man one hell of a 2nd grader yeah that was like I was like all I was very aware of it you're gonna be known for not doing your homework if you don't quit daydream that's right so I was uh when I had kids I was like all right and I feel like there was sometimes there's only been a couple times when I was in in the Edit of the show and I was like I don't want that to be out there for my daughter to see one day or my son because our company's always about us - it doesn't matter in our our show is edgy it's like I'm trying to make you fail so I'm gonna tell you the most screwed-up stuff to say or do or whatever but there's only been a couple times where I like I don't think I want to make that joke anymore Alert or that because being a father feels different yeah you know and it is is that kind of stuff the the being a father feels different is that stuff that you can you couldn't know that before no definitely I don't I didn't so I don't know how other people did but I think it really it's kind of weird too cuz the other guys don't have that right so it's like kind of like we're you know I'm the father figure of the group which is so weird and scary but like you know like it's it it's your best friends you always confide and have the same exact journey all right on the same ride my four friends I'm the first every first big thing in my career is with these guys and it's their first two you know first time we're playing Madison Square Garden all together first four crews we did together all that like all that [ __ ] all the way through you know yeah and this is like the only one where you can't like connect with them something about that you know so it feels a little bit in a vacuum you're trying to do your best with it you know so I think that's uh that's where it kind of weighs a little bit more hey just try to rest has it been hard over uh oh sorry let make sure we fully answer this question did we get it Nicky thing yeah yeah well I am what my daughter does watch the show sometimes I because I watch the edits at home and if I'm working at home my office she'll come in I just like you watching you and your friends on the TV that says yeah and I'll say I say ya know and then she'll uh shoot you're just watch and you know at the end we give a green thumbs up or thumbs down and she just doesn't she just sit there and watch it and wait to the thumbs and if it's a thumbs up she'll go yes and if it's thumbs and she goes oh dad you got a that he got a thumbs down and she got like man so it's really what now I feel the pressure at all I was like I can't have my daughter you know that's so that's gotta get but she doesn't really get what's going on yet at all but I think she'll enjoy she likes my humor I make her laugh oh that's good I can see that right she's a little mini-me she looks like my it looks like my wife my spirit really hard wasn't me arms up weird quirky laughs like get anything like she's really very much my do you see yourself having one of those shows like the Australian guy that died I'm talking about the very rare ones daughter like taking over yet they have a new show that's out now and it's like yeah they're taking over you know I don't I don't I think it's too big of a gap yeah yeah between that I think you know and and there's so many reruns of our show who knows you know my time it's over gonna have a bag of like 250 episode you can keep this thing go Holly still be well yeah that's true huh I remember when I was growing up I'm trying to think they had some of my favorite game shows on do you remember the one where it was in a how it was each it was like a fake house there was three contestants they were I think a team maybe three teams of two and there was like fake house and then if they if they got a certain prize or something they would compete on the floor and then if they got a prize and they then want they had to run through the house and get different gifts these boxes vaguely vaguely remember and what you're talking about it kind of felt like supermarket sweep a little bit yeah a little bit like that yeah yeah but it was like yeah they had these big houses and then they would put them on this conveyor belt or something at the bottom and they would open them and see if they had one what we what box they grabbed what was in it yeah like and in the end they had a whole bunch of boxes the final group and then they would open them all and I think they some of them could have money in him it's basically like watching those stupid Christmas videos you know those stupid videos that are on now that all the it's just videos of kids opening toys and I don't want you seeing that it's like the weird thing you gotta now you watch one you're gonna don't do it cuz you'll fell down the rabbit hole it's just kids like opening stuff and be like and all kids flip out and watch it it's like it's good though but you'll have to buy your kids toys you think that's a good plane huh this guy's saves your money man you pay for a YouTube subscription you think rabbits are in holes and like how do we get the [ __ ] we don't do that yeah I know yeah we're down here [ __ ] watching you you're what over here that's my thing I'm down here trying to live yeah what is stated war throw a carrot down yes right now I'm from a [ __ ] down here watching you what do you think they say people hole what did your rabbits talking to go you don't go down that peep it oh yeah Jesus I want out of people hole careful dude Tenderloin everywhere somebody's got CD they got dope everybody's got it I found everything from mixtapes to friggin pneumatics yeah mixed crotch yeah all of it what that makes crotch um oh man it was we got a question right here from somebody who's in witness protection actually let's get to this ever been punched in the face for a plane a joke on some money okay I mean no no this how do you okay I have questions how do you source this material huh how do you source this much open source how did you how did you get this guy's video do you know this guy is that no that's a fan of impractical practical jokers we had a lot of questions for you but a lot of them are like kind of the same what's your favorite prank pranks they're always yeah yeah so have you ever been punched in the face but it's not so much the question is it's how the creepy guy in the dark couch started marching his fault very dark and also that guy could be anywhere from the age of 13 probably fifty one or two I was gonna say very unique child's body Silver Fox the angle to and it looks like a light shade of lipstick on them see that he's got a wet lips look at right there like see it's a glistening lip he's got a wet lip Jesus to answer your question no but also I have so many questions yeah this guy I wonder if he's alright yeah maybe send someone sent a video that yeah that's the people hole we were talking about the rabbits are talking about I remember one time I was working with Howie Mandel on the show it was called deal with it right and so I was working this as a host for him for a while and so you would get people off the street and you would give one of them a they would be coming to a restaurant and then you give one of them in earpiece you'd sneak them off the waiter when they went to it with the bathroom or something would be like all right we're gonna put an earpiece and start telling you things to do the more you can do without the person at the table realizing you're on a game show that's the only thing they can't realize the more money you're gonna make so one time we get a couple to sit down and it's a pimp and a prostitute we didn't know right so they get the lady to starts messing with the pimp right so they start telling like little things to do and the third one it's like okay reach over and take a PC of man's food off of his plate or something and she's like nope I can't do this [ __ ] right and she I think she was worried that she was gonna get abused mm-hm so we had to like we had to call call the episode that's a very all them prank the bit yeah but that was one of the craziest ones that I ever saw we always had trouble with couples we were in Ikea and I didn't I started a Friday night pillow fight like I just gave everybody like 40 people doing a pillow fight all over was fun but there was they did a thing where they wanted me this is my second Agua story mm-hmm they want who they want me to say they like Joe to help this guy tell me he's got to see this I'm worn you know how you know they have that path in IKEA where you get run right so they go and make this guy follow so this guy started running boards over here notes over here John here and I just started basically jogging around all this furniture this guy was keeping up with me or whatever and this is when I was bigger and fatter and I was like I had a brother huffing above lose 20 and then like get in the armoire get in y'all more so me and him getting the own more and it shuts all you hear in the armoires me so it's like whatever and it was really funny like it's great so now we go to sign the guy you know they have to agree to be on TV it's right you know to party state where they you could film somebody but then they have to agree to be on TV in New York in New York there's only like five or six states that are that way so it was a one-party state here I think Democrat yeah yeah you have to let them know it it really yeah yeah so let their parents know yeah so we we actually filmed out in LA for our 200th episode it takes place here in LA yeah so was it was a different procedure you had to do like people had to know that they were being filmed it had to be content in closed space you could do any store you had to be out in public or the cameras had to be exposed like if somebody walked in like this they know they're being filmed it's fine right but then it doesn't really work so yeah like we had a couple things are weird but anyway so we're in the on what we get out of the armoire look dude you was so funny we'd love for you to be on the episode and the guy was like oh it's really fun he said I can't do that he's like you know I'm married and this isn't my wife so he was shopping for discount furniture and I bought a side yeah it was like he's like I can't he's like and you know so that was a weird thing that we had happen and then that has happened multiple times over filming where guys are like oh I can't mister yeah I'm with somebody that I'm not supposed to be with Wow yeah you know what oh here's someone else actually and this is hopefully this person is all right hey Joe hey Theo this is Tim from Memphis Tennessee I'm a big fan of both of y'all I want to be a comedian eventually whether that's doing stand-up or getting like a show like Impractical Jokers and uh I just wanted to hear you guys his advice on you know being a comedian what do you do coming up what kind of open mics or whatever you know I'm 17 cell in high school I plan on going to college but my dream job is to do something you know like you guys do and you can really tell with you guys you're very genuine and you really enjoy doing what you do and I want to do something like that you know that's nice attempt yeah sounds like a nice young man it's got great taste obviously it's true and you and I yeah I mean the guys kids a genius yeah well you said earlier like you know it doesn't happen it doesn't happen quick yeah it doesn't happen quick that's the thing all you gotta sounds well one of the things to happen faster in my career and I'm glad that they did in hunt side even though there's no way I could have known oh when no one and I would be like I would talk to my managers in Asia I was like why don't you know why does this person get this opportunity and then you see other people get opportunities where they're not ready for them that's right so that's uh that's a big big pitfalls to compare yourself to other people yeah everybody's got their own path if I got their own journey if I got their own time yeah it might just not be your time yet and also you have to be prepared that it might not work out you know I was always fine with okay the NAMM didn't happen you know I still was doing it because I enjoyed it yeah and I think that's a big thing because no one could take that enjoyment from you nobody has to validate that enjoyment yeah you might not be getting paid for it but you if you're enjoying making people laugh and that's it you know yeah you know it's funny I've always felt that way and then in the past like I think six months off some of the things started getting more stressful I think just busier and so it's like I've had like an adjustment period of like just figuring out okay what's going on what do I want to be doing what's really important to me choices are the worst it's hard how do you have a decision like if you want to do this like that because you know that you're leaving something behind you know we went through that little bit with our we figured it out finally but with our movie only were in a film when we filmed our movie last year we had to do it in between the season so we filmed the first half of season seven took a break to film the movie came back and film the second half of seasons and so we're basically filming for like 16 months straight on Bradway killers and like being away from home and everything the only way to do it was that or not do it right and we're like are we gonna kill ourselves and do it which we did or we're just gonna be like alright let's try to hopefully the movie you'll still be around if we do it after season seven blow so when we had that choice I'm like thinking about that it was always like alright what if we don't and that I always feels the heaviest year you're always the heaviest there what that if you don't do it it dropped you begun right now what were the stresses that I'm sure that was pretty stressful especially if you had like young children yeah I mean you're you know that's a lot of time of straight yeah I was you know I almost got divorced it was tough yeah yeah for there's a five-month five weeks away from home my wife had a new newborn son my daughter just basically like single parent and in New York couldn't talk to her I was on set for Sato different show I'm on a movie set for 16 hours a day like an hour she'll like I go we film for three hours you know I would do some meetings and stuff and then I could talk to her the whole time you know here I couldn't I'm in Atlanta right I'm away from home you know that's such a Rhett's feel so yeah that's intense like I don't know yeah for me sometimes sometimes the stress of too much work I've just realized it's like it's too much sometimes especially since I want to be a comedian I want to be able to have my thoughts and you know I need my brain and come up with fresh fun ideas yeah and if I work too much or if I'm overwhelmed and stuff then I can't do that do you feel like it changes you do you feel like it changes your mindset is a hundred percent and you can't not be in a good mindset or in a good mood to be funny yeah if it's impossible like you're it's totally counterproductive what you're trying to do and then that frustrates you and you're like aw if I wasn't thinking this way who everybody yeah you go down a person hole yeah yeah that happened me a lot this year man it was just like just figuring out like because we started podcasting so much and it was it's all been fun but it's like okay we're never was so now I'm just I'm a podcast host or am i upon I am I comedian and my you know what's going on you know to the point cuz you just you know I'll just go from one thing to the next like go on tour come back do and then go just be like I don't even know you know started letting me know what's going on yeah as long as you're being creative I think if you're a creator like I was it yeah but I was I was creating but I didn't feel like I was being created god I think I'm kind of a slow I'm better if it's if it's a little bit of a slow roll yeah then we when it gets going too fast I just I think I just can't hey I just I don't know I don't function that well in that space yeah so some of us for me has been learning where who went where how do I function as a as an artist or as a communicator but I think for this young guy I think there's a lot of ways you can do entertainment now so much more yeah I mean you could put out your own videos you can find you can you can even see guys doing like voices of like mmm they'll have animals that are fighting yeah yeah they do anything yeah I think but I mean if you think about like how crazy like I wish like so much is lost on these kids today as far as like people wanted to do to do stuff and everybody's always worried about you know the followers and this and that but if you just realize that this kid has two heroes and comedy yeah and he just because he has a cell phone as a camera was able just to ask him a direct question and they were talking about him to him yeah that how does that not blow everybody's mind how does that just not like are you kidding me like that's where we're at in the world well yeah you have such access to people to celebrities via Twitter Instagram any pod oh yeah that's last night I'm a Saints fan last night AJ Klein I'm a big Saints fan yeah he caused a fumble last night and a cinema man I was just so [ __ ] ecstatic and he wrote me back and I haven't even read I'm like saving her it's gonna be like the highlight of my day later yeah but yeah it's just crazy how you can't communicate yeah but and also just how you can create you know and how you can put stuff out there you can be an impersonator you can try different things yeah you could try and fail with no risk like you could try like if you think about like back in the day like if you want to do like a short film yeah like you'd have to find the money you have that you'd have to shoot it you'd have to digitize it like capture the tapes and bring it over to your land you have to edit it and do all the stuff then you have to put it out where where are you putting it out yeah they're like show people or send it out yes Sally yeah you gotta do it now no like and then it's bad because everybody's bad and then you just go ahead and do it every short film is that every short film is miserable across the board first one second wasn't always better well like anybody's first short film you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody's first short film like that was oh they're like the CBD oil of entertained reel has the other day I don't think CBD oil does anything I was talking to so dick he's like yeah I've been using a lot of drugs but I've also been using CBD oil but he only seemed like he'd been using drugs and then I thought about like all the seamen who have rubbed into my body and it's like super it does [ __ ] man I think CB d stands for snake snake oh yeah well it used to be central business district you know that was just a body cream you know it's just I don't know things have gotten strange but yeah I think if you're 17 and you like humor you know there's so many ways you can end up in it but I do though miss I mean my favorite things to do were to make my friends laugh man you being at school being at the lunch table that's what's weird for me cuz I that is my job and that's I still get that that's not taken from me we always say like always like oh I wish I knew the glory days and I look we know this is the best job we'll ever have this is the best scenario for anybody that anybody in in the world comedian or not you get paid to hang out with friends at make them laugh like it's insane yeah so like there's and we can't really point a finger at many other groups that had even a similar kind of thing everybody else has cast together well in any big successful show was a sitcom and somebody's writing for them you know it's not like all this gonna make Sal laugh well you never said that like I need right it's not like all this good like that's there's a sense of like accomplishment when you make your friend laugh you know yeah yeah we see oh yeah with you guys our show for sure I mean yeah there's so many it's like yes if you can always kind of relate yourself to one of the characters you always yeah every guy wishes they got to do that with their friends yeah what about what it was pretty funny that one of our one of our agents was talking and when they were going back in for a negotiation like one of the points at he was making you know what agents always ramp themselves up by talking to you you know so they're going in for I think like season five or whatever and he was like he's like tell me another reality show where somebody's like oh you know everybody always just say oh I'm a Ross I'm a Rachael Ray from friends or like oh I'm George you know like that they're like people say I'm a Sal he's like who cares that much about a reality show he's a nobody cares about that and this is like a little bit around one of the Kardashian he's like he and that was the only other one with people were like I'm like that with the Kardashian yeah and it was like nobody does that what reality shows nobody you know is like that everybody forgets the name of everybody one is when it's over in the season he's guys on your fifth season your characters but you're not yourself right so he's like that doesn't exist and that was always with the way you see the way the fans interact with us they always feel like they know us oh my greatest fans of my comedy to this day I think that I still meet up with when I'm on the road whether it's for a meal or something like that or fans that I met from you guys uh-huh Cruz no no yeah I mean that guy Kevin there's a car there's a there's a girl and her mom down in Florida I meet up with them another group took me to Disneyland one time that's awesome yeah it's all I didn't know buddy busy you are Disneyland I just took my daughter it doesn't pay full price free ticket though would you yeah I mean you get the guy did you get the guy that takes me yeah I get the guns expense but worth every penny thing you know what we crush that Park we have in and out of everything was great yeah somebody told me about that got to have my family coming town and I was like and like you got to get this guy yeah I talked to Joey Diaz like you get the [ __ ] guy you go over there [ __ ] look somebody dies it's not on you papa no no yeah they walk you in it's so it's so great but the but at the same day I was there Steven Tyler was there really and there's this paparazzi that's called I figure what's called on Instagram I think is called day at Disney I think it's called grand paparazzi yeah it's like the day at Disney like Instagram account it's like it's it's just celebs Roy Disney and there's a picture of me and my family me my wife and my daughter but they blur out kids faces at respect which is cool and it's me and them and then the next picture is like Steven Tyler born like a t-shirt you know just in Maui and that's where he lived so I heard all kinds of stories about him while I was there yeah just uh and I went and saw them actually I saw Aerosmith about me and Nick went yeah they're playing Vegas now right three months ago we went saw dude it was awesome great yeah it was incredible he just canceled a show last week they're still doing like a Vegas residency because he had a sore throat mmm so he could yeah age finally catching up to him I guess yeah what happens you know we all get old all right don't judge so hard do you ha ha this is Nick's first time in the booth the booth is just open tell Wow where you normally sitting out there at the table setup it was it was cumbersome okay so you like this better it's alright alright kind of feel like I'm visiting you in jail right now Nick probably should be in jail yeah so we don't talk about that okay has there been any points where where any of the group has thought has you guys had have had to talk anybody to stay and people wanted to change or just before we just before we did this just before the show took literally like our last meeting I was I was gonna be like done with it and we were at my uh my apartment we had gone down a path of doing a lot of sketch comedy and I don't really feel like I'm very funny and sketch I don't feel funny when I'm acting right no people I go you already told me I'm like I just don't feel you know a like so I don't feel like it's my best way to make people laugh so I wasn't really feeling what we were the paths were going down scripted shows we were thinking of in bulwa and I was like is I gonna do that and then the opportunity came up they're like hey you know prank show was a big right now my reason what if we did our version of the show like that and I was like well this embarrassment comedy is always how I made my friends laugh sure let's try it I mean that's how we came up we came up with Jokers hmm but if we were gonna go down to another scripted one I would have been out there's a guy I met one night at a bar here called the mint it does uh I was there for some I don't know something I don't want to be at or something probably um like I think now it's actually a pet restaurant you believe they have this [ __ ] out here really you bring your pet me with it yeah or you can meet up in a [ __ ] tent over the other [ __ ] pops dude that's weird I've heard it like cat place where you could have tea with a cat they like to just [ __ ] it's basically just feral cats inside and they're just roaming around you just sit down and cats like sit on your lap while you drink tea yeah you don't think Satan's watching it if she's watching anybody it's people that are meeting up with Casper taste by themselves they've been dipping a biscotti into an Earl Grey like that's somebody who [ __ ] watch even more than anybody I meet in the Tenderloin district I do not want trust the guy that walks in with his air pods it sits down with a stray cat yeah and it has a snack yeah somebody [ __ ] splitting up a little butterscotch biscotti with a [ __ ] Persian word is original and I'm out I'm out Jesus Christ man it's just a different world but yeah this place they had a guy I met in there one night and he he starts talking he starts talking he had almost White Glove and it karaoke in there as well and at one point kick casually Edie that wasn't gonna make everything that [ __ ] at the war like what are we brought in karaoke and one of those indoor like skydiving things let's do it yeah yeah but it's a wedding but it's a wedding you guys don't get it so this guy he wore a white glove and he kept saying karaoke and he had been like the fifth member of a band that had made it huge like I could have been Motley Crue I feel like and he got out like literally the week before and I went and read the stories it's not about and it's really and he was still singing the songs and wearing like this white glove like you could tell he was still like living and I guess he'd kind of become like a kind of a a fixture within that karaoke place you know and so I think you know he had like it you know at least he had his thing you know yeah yeah but he'd gotten out of this yeah he gotten out of this group right before that's I mean that's a little tragic yeah if you don't recover from it you know what I mean right to get out of it because you want to get out of it and not be in that world anymore is one thing because then you're okay with it no matter who cares what happens but if you get out of it cause you don't necessarily like the people who don't you don't have faith in what's going on with that group yeah you know like I'll try it on my own and make it that's all like that is the worst of you like oh you know I'll just go humble going my own way that they're holding me back and next thing you know they break and you sit there with your white glove you know trying to serve no jell-o pudding box the people that's crazy man do you remember when you were a kid like just some of the like just like the kind of stuff that made you laugh do you remember who made you laugh a lot when you were kid you know yeah I definitely even entertained or just people like it just oh yeah people my wife my I come from a funny family you know my uncles were always funny and claire's I got the old Italian uncle's with your phone and you know my sister is probably the funniest person I know my sister Carla she's like she's a virgin I mean like it's hysterical like she's great she's loud she's fun my parents were both very funny but in very different ways and my they always said my oldest sister got my dad's humor my middle sister got my mother's and I was the perfect match of both of them so like my father's like that dry kind of delivery could make room crack with three words like that's it you know my mother was just loud boisterous Center attention everybody looked at her to make a you know good time like that kind of thing so they were very interesting you know my father my here it started well my father was he used to go we do I play craps you know that like so I just water right there if you need you know okay we we you play craps all the time and we've got a little annex city and he when he was in the Atlantic City playing and like the eighties or whatever and this he's too gangster guys what's a gauze at the end he's too big Italian mobster like guys and he's playing craps Nero but maximum and there's this woman a heftier woman at the end rolling and she's rolling and she's rolling for a while and and the two guys are having a good time so every time for she rolls they're like all right come on you fat [ __ ] then she did it like yeah you know they would say that loud enough whatever and so you know she's rolling and win everybody money whatever and somehow she's just about to roll like come on we need a hard six you're fat but you know come on you Pig like that and [ __ ] like that my father just turned to these two moms it goes sorry guys could you stop talking about my wife that way it just turns back and looks and then he looks Li goes I just [ __ ] with you and they [ __ ] love these two like big fat moms like that so he had that like that funny like dry like they they're Gorge drop like they look what the [ __ ] you know kinda idea so like yeah that sense that you were like that where he would just like say weird [ __ ] just like just enough to get people really uncomfortable and then break them so yeah that reminds me of noir McDonald I was somewhere with him I was and I was doing a show in Oklahoma City or Oklahoma somewhere and he was a poker tournament to Jerry Mathers is rather believe Wow man who I love I pictures all over them room growing it because his name was Theodore right now it sounds like a huge fan and I even talked to Milo's air I was like hey man I said I'm a big fan he goes oh where do you live I was like I live in Santa Monica and he goes swear to God he goes I used to go get some policy in Santa Monica [Music] I didn't know what happened then I didn't [ __ ] it went down a hole it was just crazy all these years that I built up my head of us running into each other that's the sentence and he's like he was 80 years old or 77 screws it was him and that got Ralph Malph but anyway Norma Donald was there and there's like we're standing there as a but there was a lot mostly men there and a couple of women not attractive women to me hmm norm said oh man a lot of real hotties here huh and I'm thinking oh you know norms older than me and you know he probably don't even meet any women so these women are probably very attractive him you know and I was just play Kate and I was like yeah yeah a lot of real lookers you know [ __ ] I'll take my eyeballs out just set him on one of these ladies shoulders you know a lot of real beauties and he goes yeah right and he was joking he was totally joking like he was like oh these are the [ __ ] most boss okay someone for me a nice year l yeah I went to Mel Brooks's huge number one out number one I actually got to meet him that was two weeks after we had played Radio City and he was doing he doesn't live tour every now and again he still doing it 91 years old he shows Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein screens it and then does a Q&A after flunking out ow so we went I took my two sisters we grow up watch and I was like for a Christmas gift I'm like I got this for you so we went the three of us we all grew up watching the movies was great we watch them after we're about to leave and I see the little security guard that I had met weeks before when we play real nice do whatever he goes Joe I said hey he goes you want to go down too you wanna come come in and say hey and I was like yeah of course Millbrook so he takes his downstairs underneath Radio City there's just like old bar that they just keep open for family and friends and it's a big room so we go down we sit in there and here comes Mellie's walking in and he comes behind I'm like oh this is like this is my hero of all time or whatever so I walk up and I'm like you know he's like the guy who she's like this is our friend Joe and he's like hey John was like there's a bruxism huge fan of yours I just wanna say thank you you know I got a comedy because you you know you made me laugh whatever I said me and my sisters or both huge fans and our all fans are and you know we grow watching you and my sisters like well honey goes your sisters I said yeah he goes I go yeah my sisters they're here what may I brought them and it goes okay again my sisters bring the sisters and he pushes me away moisture to me and it gets it he starts taking pictures I kiss my cheeks kiss my cheeks he stops taking pictures my sisters it was so close I can I get one you think he's like I just won and we all got in and I was like that was like the coolest like thing ever like this ninety one old dude is you know he's still going to get the ladies like come here yeah it's so great really good that's beautiful man it was a really really cool moment from her van out a little that age I loved it and I saw Bob Newhart about six years ago oh really or seven years ago in Chicago and it was oh he was I thought the joke so I was like I think he's just reading these jokes off the internet like I think he literally printed so he's all delivery anyway right so yeah and I thought to myself well maybe the guess they were just like internet jokes yeah yeah so but it was pretty wild to see him Don Rickles means a guy really yes I knew we loved Rickles my mom was a big gambler and he was playing in Atlantic City Sarge my mom to get us tickets and I took him and was that awesome probably one of the most unbelievable performance like you can't even like you see it and you're just like and all that it's happening and then it's over before you know it like you can't even was he on stage whole time whole time was ripped apart it was great yeah he was really he was unbelievable yeah that's probably one of the best live performances a day but growing up I loved it like Richard Jeni was big my dad liked Richard Jeni the comic and he got murdered a got murdered yeah they did this before 23andme so we still don't know who did it and so uh he he was begging that Tim Allen we still used to watch his show all that home-improvement yeah there so that was another big one for me um yeah you remember sucrose Supermarket sweet yeah yeah that shows right I love I just got to play $100,000 pyramid me and they invited us to play in the reboot that Strahan oh yeah so we just plated this summer we played it was it fun dude it was so fun so fun it was so it was such a good time yeah and now this is the thing about through misery index like you're playing a game show and it's like that gloss it's like legit it's like a legit like we walked in I was like oh my god this is like spent some money on the set like it's a legit like you think at the big like you know it's the big display that's like super led and like the the buzzers and all that so I was like this is really really cool to being part of like a real like games yeah no yeah because I grew up that I think all our generations like that was huge for that was that was TV oh yeah no whammies all that was the stock market sweep was so good no Suzy had somebody just bite just running to get a hand and yelling with them because they get rice right there's one where somebody had a stroke during and I remember two really I don't know that one you can't they don't really know it on the show but it seemed like they think the guys just kind of having a blast but you could tell he had a stroke I know a stroke you know don't bruise easy one I mean yeah I think I do I had one about 20 minutes ago I like to pace him out pretty sure the guy glass is a question with the wet lip was in the middle of one any more questions that came in we just had one patreon question Marisa Bruno asked how did you become so passionate about animals especially senior dogs my wife she introduced me to that we bought a dog I have five dogs I have a cannoli biscotti tartufo spumoni and pignoli right now oh yeah I would put yoli's into routines that a dessert that's like that's oh they're all at some fan time so I name all we also had zeppeli and Michigan who are not with us anymore god bless but we have like she we bought our first dog cannoli together when she was living here because um she needed something and I was like let's get a dog together so we got her we bought the dog and then it instantly was like all sick and we spent like in the first year we spent like two grand on like tests and surgeries and stuff like that and she just like started doing research and realize how bad puppy mills are mm-hmm and then like how much adopt and how good how many dogs are uneaten but once you found a lot of good of adoption agencies so we just started adopting so it was really because of her and then I fell in love with it on my own and then I honestly believe that no dog loves you like a rescue dog it sincerely feels like okay yeah cuz Canole be walking around the house kind of entitled like you'll call them I'm last universally like I'm here now you know like that right you know but like the other ones like they're so always so happy to see when I go home it's insane because I'm on the road you know yes I when I come home for my ten days or whatever on the day it's I can't get them off me it's insane like they just attack you and want to be on y'all you sit down they're all jumping on you you know you lay in the bed they're all on you dance crazy yeah yeah it's not spud it's it's good and do you trust all of them no there's one I know that [ __ ] man really no it's actually it gets easy when you have a pack like biscotti who's my favorite they listen if they're listening they know so this guy he's my favorite she's the second one and she's like the the pack leader it's easier what if I like I'll bring in a dog once biscotti shows what to do they it's insane they just alright we all go we'll go in this room now we all return to go outside they wait they just follow her really crazy as she looked up at little little pack later and for them to be able to pack like that do they have to be the same breed of dog or anything Wow no there's a couple of tricks that you do for do if you're gonna introduce a new dog in the house it's better to have the dog in the house by itself for a day and then when the dogs come home the dogs there so it's like a great trick that we had found out in the beginning so I'll send the dogs away to daycare or whatever and they'll sleep out and then we'll have the dog make it move around the house or whatever they come home is Dalton house that's it it's insane you know it's just okay they're part of the family that's it and do they have any like racial or kind of territorial issues between them the animals just one there's one it's time to go to bed Wow who sleeps where yeah cuz I lay we have a you know we have a king bed and my wife's on one side and then little pignoli who was like I got a picture up in your lab that animal out here bro you could draw it too always had something like this this is this I just want your reaction when you see pignoli because pignoli something special but pignoli is in our rotating spot we have we have a fifth dog spot which is this senior spot and that's open yo Lee can yo Liam working I always got one out yeah we used to work on the highway basically roadkill that's his role no my house sweetest dog in the world man super cuddly but she they found her in a tenement building just in the ball matted in the in the lobby I've been living under the stairs so they don't know they think it just maybe just came out of somebody's apartment and whatever but she's got no teeth she's deaf blind one eye a little bit dementia oh wow one of these wrecks but she's she's super cute and cuddly so we just we'd like to for the senior dog we just kind of give him a good way out like we had a couple dogs before this that one lasted seven months one lasted a year in a little bit and pignoli we have four about what I got pignoli two months now yeah about two months now have you this last question I have so is there have you noticed like that like your success and stuff was there any point in your career where you felt like it started to kind of change you and you had to kind of like see what was going on with yourself or was there like where you got like no I think that in a bad way no no just in a way anyway yeah yeah yeah it's a huge thing man there's a thing about when you become famous and strangers want to want your time and energy right and you have a family I think that was a thing for me like it's like Hado and I still struggle with that me my wife are very open honest about like I don't know like when I have my daughter with me if if you see me when I'm out with my family you don't get the same me when I'm not with my family right right because I'm trying to be protective of my family unit right and this is spend time and energy with them you know so I think that's the one thing that I've always been trying to figure out and my wife we never I wasn't trying to be famous right I'm we met and got married like I wasn't doing this you know when we got together you know I got married we were in it but when we when we got together I was a Salesman so this kind of got thrust upon her as well to be like oh your husband's gonna be famous yeah so now you have to share them with the world so it was like [ __ ] yeah you know I'm just trying to get 20% that's it you know you bond you know now now she's got to deal with this so I think that's probably the biggest challenge but the good thing about getting famous together with your friends is everybody keeps each other in check yeah you know your your boys see that on you smack you know what you doing yeah I could see that well that's one thing I seen about improvident that then one thing is a little bit different and abusers kind of buy yourself a lot so with improv the error with your group you know with with the tenderloins and with the Joker's it's like you guys have that group yeah the group mentality helps because if somebody starts going their own way it's like compass God is like hey if this guy brings back then I'm like you know yeah uh Joe thank you so much is God o or gado-gado yeah yeah no this is great man I really appreciate it dude thank you so much man you've always been just one of the every time I see you I just remember what a console you are so appreciate you coming man thank you yeah it's an honor and uh yeah you guys have so many friends dude how do you keep everybody I know y'all's friends yeah you know we tried you know that's not like I'm not that way when I'm out in LA like especially if I'm able to get together some social stuff I try to make sure I see and there's some people I like to see when I'm out here because it's good to keep in contact with people like I said earlier you know this there's a commonality between us that it's kind of fun and I'm enjoying that like I'm in the being in the comedy world what people that make me laugh and yeah stuff this is we have cool opportunities like they had people work with us and work with people you know it's fun yeah it's cool man yeah it's a good point too I love it man well I'm grateful you came here today can I ask you for one favor yeah my cousin Michael palana was a huge fan of yours yes yes a huge friend Michael Pollan Oh Michael Polanyi he works in yourself yeah he's he's a he's my cousin and he's a cameraman and isn't it true that you guys know everybody for your neighborhood work on your show such a nepotism is really literally like as so many like people well somebody work for us for free for so many years I was like had to be like love that though it's so great Michael Pollan Oh huh that hitter grow up to send us something nice and you one day he actually almost blew out here in a calm yeah he's a teacher where in where he's in Jersey where at Ocean Township High School just be in Salyersville coming up sometimes you know how far away they know it's not that far it isn't yeah yeah and he said he's at the said gang gang he did what does he teach television production does he go that's awesome going on there that's great it's great on the kid there mr. Paul Anka that's his name pal I know mr. Palin oh yeah that's awesome man I would take his class like what if he in there Gang Gang Mike thank you thank you for sending a thank you for sending gentle my way Mike I appreciate it man and uh whenever I get over there the jury's out to pop in yeah you know pop in the class I might be cool oh that was they would lose their mind you kidding me yeah well now kind of sentence well no I mean I'm all the way here from New York yeah all right we'll figure it out where we'll make something work I love you dude you're all love you too man thank you so much bro you got [Music] [Music] little time for me to set that parking brake oh ma [Music] [Music]
Channel: Theo Von
Views: 2,967,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Theo von, this past weekend, theo von podcast, this past weekend podcast, tpw, joe rogan, joe rogan experience, jre, joe rogan podcast, brendan schaub, bryan callen, the fighter and the kid, below the belt, tfatk, theo von brendan schaub, king and the sting, king and the sting podcast, chris delia, chris delia podcast, joey diaz, bert kreischer, tom segura, bobby lee, tigerbelly, joe gatto, impractical jokers, the tenderloins, sal vucano, murr, tru tv
Id: H7qa8RnuUm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 3sec (5283 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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