Impractical but FUN Terraria Items

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there are quite a few items in terraria there's at least like five in the game and a lot of them are used for combat the majority of them are just fine they work for the most part and well they're just good at murdering things really with so many choices there are bound to be a few that don't meet the same standards as the rest i have a question for you if you've ever been playing terraria and thought to yourself hmm i sure wish i was more worthless then yeah this video is for you i'll be reviewing some of these in practical items who knows maybe i'll find a use for them so if you're a ranger using headache inducing stormbow abusing gigachad now is your time to leave most swords aren't that interesting all you do is swing them around and help you cut whatever gremlin is harming you into pieces sure some of them may have a special effect maybe they fire projectiles or inflict a debuff but do those little features change the way you use each sword nope not really that's where the brand of the inferno comes in assuming you've beaten a mech boss this sword is dropped by the ogre during the old ones army event except for one other thing this is the only weapon in the game that lets you parry attacks if you have a shield equipped you can right click to bring it up if you time things perfectly you can deflect the enemy's attack and gain a massive increase in damage for your next melee strike this isn't an insignificant boost either you'll deal 5 times the amount of damage that's enough to decimate most regular enemies so go out there and get those parries land some reposts just remember to be careful or your own confidence can be your demise lance's they're neat they were added in 1.4 and though they have seen some time in the spotlight most folks don't really use these things they're kind of like spears but worse and that's saying something the gimmick with lances is that their damage actually scales with your movement speed the faster you're going the harder you'll be hitting now you could be boring and get a running start or you could use items that give you a nice burst of speed dashing items like the shield cthulhu or the master ninja gear will let you reach high speeds almost instantly so there's no need for a run up mounts can raise our top speed and allow you to deal more damage per attack the hex branch is the fastest mount on the ground but you could also use the slime mount bounce and fall speed bonuses to pester enemies from above finally there's the inner tube you may look ridiculous while wearing this inflatable ring but you can exploit its floating mechanic and deal i kid you not millions of damage in a single hit that's right a children's toy is the key to destroying the universe you'll never look in a pool the same way again boulders need no introduction they are the peak of comedy in terraria what can i say getting crushed by tons of rock is funny the majority of boulder-related deaths in your world will probably be caused by your lack of perception skills but we can change that you can harness the power of boulders for yourself and turn them into weapons to be feared by everyone if you want to mass produce them you'll need to bring a bunch of stone to a heavy workbench once you have an adequate amount start placing them down wherever to safely activate them place some actuators under the tiles the boulders are sitting on they will roll away on their own once the actuators are given a signal you could also whack them with a pickaxe but be very careful boulders like to roll in random directions so you could end up squashing yourself if boulders aren't enough for you try rolling cacti you could find them growing naturally in the underground desert but you can also make them with cacti at a heavy workbench what makes these different from boulders is that whenever they hit the ground spikes are released and these spikes also do damage anything in its way will be shredded to pieces just don't shoot the cacti or they will get very angry [Music] all of these items have been somewhat usable so far sure a lot of them are dangerous for your own health or are really hard to get but if you tried you could make them work that is absolutely not the case with this next one though the lawnmower the lawnmower this is an item that exists and it makes me very angry if you somehow survive the underground desert you can buy the lawnmower from the golfer but honestly why would you do that this thing is somehow less usable than the copper short sword and the copper shorts it was hard buffed at 1.4 so the short sword is actually a good item now there's nothing funny about repeating the same joke over and over you'd be better off using pretty much anything else the lawnmower has no range does little damage and makes all the grass look ugly sure mowing the lawn reduces enemy spawn rates but look how awful this is you somehow took one of the most repulsive tiles in the game and made it worse how do you even do that there's only one upside to the lawnmower and that's the fact that you get to kill things in the lawnmower it's fun running around being an absolute buffoon trying to go on a murderous rampage with one of the worst items in the game yeah the lawnmower is better than the mega shark [Music] do you like explosions of course you do and if you don't we can't be friends landmines i forgot these were in the game land mines are a trap you could buy from the demolitionist npc you don't need to wire it up and could just place it on the ground anything that steps on it will take huge damage which includes npcs enemies and yourself most weapons at this stage of the game will be able to shred things faster however they are best to use against other players seeing as they have a health pool of maybe 500 at the most two or three landmines are enough to take out even the tankiest of builds contrary to popular belief people do in fact have eyes landmines have a bright red glow so they're easy to make out even at a distance you can conceal them better by painting them using certain colors can make them really hard to spot depending on the terrain this works so well that you might actually forget where you place them and fall victim to your own track before i get to the last thing here's a bit of a quick fire round consisting of things i couldn't dedicate an entire section to the proximity mine launcher is a post-plantera item that uses rockets to place mines on the ground that explode when something gets near it they are kind of like regular landmines except somehow even worse the key brand is dropped by hard mode dungeon skeletons it used to be a really bad sword with no gimmicks whatsoever but as of 1.4 it has the ability to dish out more damage the lower the enemy's health is it also now has a critical sparkle effect that i really like the ruler used to be a helpful accessory that would assist builders with measuring distances and such but in journey's end anyone can access this feature by clicking up here this made the ruler pretty redundant so re-logic turned it into a very fast little stabby knife it actually does decent enough damage but the range is so short that using it might as well be suicide is moving around too hard for you are you tired of using your brain do you just feel like not playing the video game well i have the build for you the thorns class uses a lot of those seemingly worthless when an enemy hits or gets near you items and combines them to make the ultimate build for the laziest players all you have to do is get hit and everything around you dies for this playstyle the bee cloak is a necessity every time you get hit you release a bunch of stars that will hunt down your attacker the spore sack constantly generates homing spores around you and the volatile gelatin makes you uncontrollably vomit orbs around turtle armor is the cherry on top of this pretty crappy kick any enemy that touches you will have twice its damage reflected back at itself while this isn't great for tankier enemies or bosses it's superb for dealing with smaller targets using all this you don't have to do anything and the game will just kill any nuisances for you you'd probably be better off playing summoner and having minions control the entire screen but that's no fun masochism is obviously the best option
Channel: Aggressive Bungee
Views: 549,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, aggressive, bungee, impractical, item, fun, boss, actual clickbait hahahah, zenith, is, bad, brand, of, inferno, lance, lances, boulder, cactus, cacti, lawn, mower, eye, damage, landmine, explosion, destructive, keybrand, ruler, turtle, spore, bee, cloak, star, oh no, what have i done, this is a few too many tags, so, what now, i hope you have a good day, if you are reading this
Id: PHNwQ4Yl2hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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