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that's a lot of people stick with me come on ray get off the computer is [Music] that was [ __ ] i didn't think that was gonna work oh please please please stop team team 95 team team i'm getting concerned team i'm getting concerned no no no you had one job let's go let's go that's how we go over there we've got jump it's a wrap go for it i stand mistaken um any questions um yes are you going to finish that question quack quack quack quack so i fell in and he fell on top of me [Music] am i dead [Music] one of my favorite moments of this game so far has to be when we got onto this stage and leah was like oh see jason are gonna need help because he's old and bad memory right guys and then she [ __ ] fell off that's good karma hey listen to this containment failure in panopticon cell 69. get it 69. i do not see what is humorous about an escaped paranatural entity originating from cell 69 sir but you just said it come on you guys it's funny no i'm insecure what the [ __ ] is going on [Music] what's happening because in the final there's no timer does the game just just never end does the server eventually like time out or what i hope that's what happened to them i hope the two of them are like locked in a jewel at the moment where it's just two of them locked on a final and neither one of them wants to leave the game so they just end up having to hold like a button on their controller for the next 45 minutes and then their moms come into the room be like johnny your fish fingers are ready but man my mom wants to wait in full guys i don't care you know i bet you that's what's happening i'm pretty pretty confident okay where's she trying to go oh manny lunga i really love your content he loved them avm streams and the gwent gameplay my only complaint is that you constantly take these personal breaks booty understand if you need to do it with the lack of girlfriend in these corona times emoticons first whoa wow
Channel: CeeJaey
Views: 3,460
Rating: 4.985507 out of 5
Keywords: Stream Highlights, Team Fortress 2, Among Us, Fall Guys, Monster Hunter, Tell Me Why
Id: bwYHHCu4Ofk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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