Sociopath 666 IQ CORPSE Imposter Plays - Among Us with PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye, Boyinaband and more

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[Music] wait what interesting chris wait so did you turn the tabs down i'm already finished who's all standing here right now it's me felix and i think two other people i've been here as well i saw amber go off the left where was this box i saw that too the body is on top of us where's that oh uh on the map uh the top left i think i don't know this map though i don't know this map at all yeah either reactor decontamination greenhouse it's by okay i see mapping of the table and then i ran to the left and there's there's like a there's like a three-way entrance in the middle where you go up there's two rooms on the left right contamination i was with corpse for sure uh what was it charlie i think i think there's i think so i think there's two other people wait amber how did you get to where we are i think it's amber too very such into reactor i took the determination with you no you didn't just watch me do my body skin all right i say forget ambrose and i saw julian's game in my bay and i walked all the way to reactor so i have two tasks in there and somebody turned the task down so i could be done it takes a long time to go to that you didn't go through decontamination with me i absolutely did so this means one of you is lying yeah ethan's the one that said they were together and or weren't together indeed well we can ethan yeah but not we didn't go through decontamination she appeared did anybody come up here on their own [ __ ] sean did you report the body i was literally about to because i i yeah i did so where did you walk in julian yeah i walked i walked up and i was heading to the the little office on the left and i saw ethan and julian 100 i literally yeah yeah i agree he was accusing amber last time to throw the blame it's definitely sean you were in front of me you went to the body before me because i was walking up to reactor i think it's sean no you were coming back i was following ethan the whole time no you were not i went i was i was next to julian if he if it was me he would have easily saw me do it why would he choose ethan over me i had just seen the body the same time you did so i didn't see anyone kill anyone all right did you see me up there with you no but you you just saw you saw me leaving a body which i didn't so i assumed you're just blaming me you were coming down and i was going i went i went left i went up i went up to the greenhouse up towards the office area to do my task and then because i was looking at you because i thought you were going to kill me and then i went up and i found the ball and was on his way down was even the one what and that's when i saw the body you weren't oh my god you were not julian you were coming i swear guys get out of here well good luck dying everybody so did we vote the other person that was us because if it's not him yeah it's gotta be but then [ __ ] you're right sorry jack all right so we're voting ethan i don't know i think yeah we should do it yeah you're right yeah if you if you want to okay thank you we will then okay thank you [Laughter] what the hell are you doing guys good win i'm just uh i just voted for you because you're the only other person by that body that's fine let's [ __ ] go dude oh [ __ ] oh no ggs guys oh all right we gotta vote okay so we voted sean we voted ethan it's just us for now oh right i forgot about that [ __ ] the game would be over maybe we should just skip now then you can't all just go oh wait if we all go together then they can split us and then just kill that way i i'm kind of sorry dave but i wouldn't how much have you been with felix this i have not seen the whole game to be honest at the end you saw me a little bit at the end of the last round you're skipping don't tell me yeah i have my own eyes yeah that's because we have if we vote someone off then we lose if we're wrong so we have to i thought that's what we were doing no one said [Laughter] let's all go together is it felix oh felix is going to kill julian [Music] it is course ah i just saw david kill julian i believe that it's corpse i already thought it was dave it's corpse i already thought of his name sorry all right all right all right dave give me top top three reasons why it's not you okay number one it's called i literally all right corpse top three reasons i just watched him [ __ ] kill him and he had no reason to give you he just gave you the same thing over and over again so i saw dave kill him what an absolute legend convincing argument it's corpse uh i don't know i don't know it could be an acid dead ass it's 100 i just watched him kill it i don't know what else to tell you i literally just watched what did you see i didn't see anything i was locked out of the vent thing and it locked and then the block was reported and then suddenly i was locked out of the bed you know the decontamination area rather important dude i don't know what else to tell you i have nothing else to tell you should we just all skip [Laughter] they already voted it's 100 days i don't know who it is i think we should skip if you see if we die he's going to win you have to owe him but i you both said the same thing if you skip we're going to i'm going to i'm going to do all that what do you like more about a cough coffin david's here sorry dave oh you've lost [Laughter] thanks for questioning man i it's never been wrong so far [Laughter] [Applause] i'm sorry oh my god god corps shot me in the head in front of three people [Laughter] dave you sounded so suspicious ethan came up and i almost convinced you that it wasn't me but oh then julian asked me what was the kill animation i was like no one's ever asked me that what the [ __ ] is he talking about that was so well played where's the body no not grease ball [ __ ] he was the one who scanned felix did you kill [ __ ] i can't me felix and julian were all together yeah i was just gonna say that if i said that felix would be like oh look at here's voice it's him and now he's doing it after that last bro i'm with you guys at the top i don't even know where the body is but i'm with you wait so amber you reported the body what give us something thank you now we're playing the game muted what oh oh my music so the body was in cafeteria and the person i literally just saw vent and i can't remember if it was pink or if it was purple so julian i'm sorry if it's not you but i saw an alibi then it must be corpse because i saw somebody vent and it was it was like pink or purple this story is too this tour sucks dude you're done literally i literally saw someone amber did her task at the very beginning and the barrel went up yeah but it doesn't it doesn't work i i don't know how many [ __ ] times i looked at that bar it doesn't work all right that's what an imposter would say yeah i think i'm gonna do it you're really i don't know if it's possible to vent there i don't know it's julian right uh [ __ ] maybe she's saying it's not me yeah i don't want to leave uh yeah i don't know how i ever got away with that to be honest this is such a dog [ __ ] story all right are we voting out amber now oh [ __ ] oh oh oh no but then it's julian right because she they were the one that wait who's in who's in the top decontamination room who's up with the reactor me it's me you and chris right no we're we're before it who's in the room where did you find the body wait who said my name i'm not saying where i found the body i said your name [ __ ] me and dave were walking walking to the reactor i saw you standing in the hallway behind us is there a body no i'm ahead of you it has to be kristin i'm ahead of you and dave and i found the body on the way into the thing because you found an event then because oh you're behind both of us went into decontamination together yeah you were right and i'm literally in front of you i did the wires and you walked by me do the wires and then i went in and found the body because chris came in after us and i thought he was going to kill me so i went in with dave so chris is behind us and he's accusing me of venting where i was literally you walked wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no yeah we're losing precious time all right okay it's it's chris it's chris it's not me it's not why you're literally standing still it's okay because he said i vented but he walked by me doing wires in the hole convince me to vote for someone and i'll do it i i just told you to vote for chris chris and sean and i saw them both go towards like into the decontamination so it's kind of the body is in front of me and you dave it's right he thinks ethan's very quiet by the way when he's quiet yeah everyone's [ __ ] quiet there is not a hope that i could have vented where chris ggs i'm skipping vote because it's not me but that's fine uh what do i vote i haven't voted skip photo if you want no i'm still i'm voting chris he's trying to throw the sentence i skip i don't know sorry thanks man that's it i'm it's okay well those of you who believe me thank you uh chris i'm so sorry i still think it's julian from the vent thing earlier because she's dead now okay i don't think it's chris [Music] hmm okay so i was just trying to type in that code i untype and there's a body right below me and i'm with corpse so i don't know what the [ __ ] happened yes there was a third with us though and they bailed yes that's ethan then because i was with jack yeah i went back up and dave thought i was going to kill him yeah but i could have said i didn't just stay there yeah i was in the i was doing the keypad it was eight four four two three i believe did you see him working the whole time what did you see julian the whole time um we were all stacked up and then ethan i don't know it might have been ethan there you're saying it's ethan there because you and sean are together right right so we were doing the code someone died um someone's gone [Music] i don't know because ethan potentially could have i have no clue honestly either julian or ethan and i'm obsessed with julian because of that thing from the event earlier but i think we should about ethan so i was running up towards office that's it sounds like julian what hello did you hear it yeah okay it's julian records felix was against you last round as well but i don't know that's like three times but if yeah with the whole vent thing i think felix is calling this okay let's see okay it's corpse and ethan if it is then we're done and we [ __ ] it up that's [ __ ] good jesus i meant to kill julian while we were there but i i i was excited i murdered someone i just stood there because i was like we can't get the double kill now where'd he go i just found the body in front of you and dave and you were like itching i didn't because i didn't see the body and you said you were in front of me but i didn't see you in front of me i didn't get paid [ __ ] sake oh no we suck it can't be corpse four times in a row right [Music] i thought he was through d cam corpse and felix were the only two that went up to d cam it's got to be corpse no um i just passed nope i is he moving around a bunch in the event i just saw you in the bottom right cafeteria area i think uh charlie is self-reporting it and saying went up there with amber wait what were you going up there to do i was going up there to check if corpse or felix was still alive because i had a hunch it was one of the two because those two went up there and they were the only two in the area so they just went up there and i found the body after i could go up it's a hundred percent they just saw me in cafeteria because that literally isn't me like i just walked you you said you saw me but i honestly can't say i said i think i saw you with julian i saw corpse at the top right of the y but i don't know when or how you got that i just ran i just ran from cafeteria okay well i'm voting because i already know for a fact because there was only him he looks that one up there and felix is dead i'm voting him because i think he's self-reporting but he also could have seen the wrong person so it's plausible that it's not him but i literally just sean i wouldn't know you were in the cafeteria area unless i was there right and you are over there right that's true that is true very true why does that matter felix is dead and he was the only one that went up there with him so he vented out and then saw you i don't know why i'm voting if it's not corpse then it's charlie charlie i'm i'm voting charlie really oh it's very suspicious oh my god nutty okay well i think it is corpse saying because felix just called in is corpse that [ __ ] good i said we vote corpse this time so we get both of those i was on my way back i was going to do my wires and come back and hit the button because there's this yeah i'm sorry because i've been fooled by corpses every time i think he's a god-tier liar all right yeah i feel like you guys are wrong i think he's that good [Music] that's why dave voted me because he hates that excuse but literally it couldn't be me three times in a row i don't know what else to say i think he's just that good at lying about i don't even know what to think yeah you get him dave hit him with more science and it's 100 you that's because i haven't seen anyone i haven't seen any dead bodies doing tasks i don't know it's not me are we getting too late in the game and we're all losing it yeah we'll see um it's amber vote for amber it's amber amber amber good shot she was up in the admin room doing absolutely nothing i literally did i came down and found the body and she was chasing me i just watched order dave and now he's trying to palm it off for me all right gg triangular trust all right didn't even make any good points because they saw you in the cafeteria you're like what [ __ ] i wasn't there i i almost didn't go back up to check but i was like julian and amber up there and i want to make sure there's not a body [Music] uh what the [ __ ] it's down in balcony and i don't know how nobody else saw that yeah i reported it but where no you didn't oh okay i could press the report sorry so you're not near it i just saw the report thing and i press error or my keyboard that's all i know where is it where's the body i literally don't know i literally saw the report button and i thought i pressed the button [ __ ] okay it sounds like wait i i that sounds really so so wait the body's down right down from the cafeteria we were a ton of people in the cafeteria i literally saw you do the leaf thing and then i did it as well and then i went down and then i thought i pressed report but apparently i didn't i saw pretty much everybody here besides like i think there were two people at the top or something yeah maybe amber were just doing like uh tasks the whole time was the only one that's called god damn chris i saw you twice and you were alone both times i didn't see you with amber [Music] you and charlie or charlie and amber were in that room together you were doing the the com part when it got sabotaged you were trying to fix it yeah sorry i thought you were talking about at the end of the round yeah i just left from california okay we have 15 seconds are we voting are we skipping who was in the cafeteria region i i want to know because obviously says he saw the body and he's nowhere no i didn't say i saw the body i said i saw the report button that's i'll skip for now but i'm watching you you're really pinning it on me and that's kind of sus to be honest even changing that right there bro dave was quiet and i did see dave running around at the door i was just trying to make sure i understand who was there did we not make the same mistake i just watched corpse commit the kill so can we just not okay uh there's two people dead i couldn't i don't want to use the math excuse again but i don't think it could be i i just don't want to win again so i'm happy to put him out just from that okay all right charlie walked into it and then he killed somebody he was literally still like kill animation i came in as it was like fresh i got splattered there was like four of us standing on top of each other and so two dies right now that means yeah yeah so it's it's is it dave has to be one of them i think someone else walked in yes me chris and amber were all in there the reactor they i don't know what the [ __ ] happened when the lights were out but we were all like in each other's little light spot so i could vouch for those guys i'm voting charlie charlie vote me or go the other way around kill me don't do this again i watched corpse i was literally in his ass all right i didn't want to pull this card anymore uh um triangle of trust is either charlie or dave i think it's dave next [Music] dave was gonna kill me 100 yeah it's definitely dave i believe they was literally chasing me to kill me why were you following me dave then because i also wanted to press the button i didn't agree guys it comes to me i ran for my [ __ ] life it could be pewds too so maybe we'll vote david would be after then both day first please don't stop making this mistake we need to learn is this a win i hope so yeah oh my god [Applause] i'm so down i cannot handle this game with you guys thank you well done yeah i panicked because i was like wait what if he wants me to double kill and then i was like [ __ ] i was like no we can't double kill but if someone kills him yeah i knew that double kill was super weird hey corpse it was you again yeah yeah i don't want you jackie you need to review the footage i want you to impossible to rally the truth against corbin i [Music] yeah i thought it was felix because he said he saw the report button but i literally didn't see you anywhere near the body we were next to each other were we [ __ ] half a minute ago when you said triangle of trust i knew it was over there's no way it's game breaking but it's necessary i don't know why i didn't just report the body i saw charlie kill sean what the [ __ ] are you talking about yes in reaction i don't know why the [ __ ] we're all of a sudden accusing me what do you mean you didn't report the body i came from the top of left and i went straight down so you yeah so you got from top left and went down to reactor and then killed no i went through a reactor i didn't go into any of the locations i went down towards the storage coming out of that corridor watching security i think i saw orange go through top left right no i went by amber i would buy amber on the way down i thought amber like twice and she didn't kill me that's all i got yeah i loved him kill cool down so you literally saw him like murder them is what you're saying like why are you sitting on cams when you should be doing your towels there's no way you could be finished what are you doing at your own security camp how about this who reported the body since ethan said he didn't report the body but saw me kill him who reported the body then because i walked in there and that's when i saw him walking the camera so why do you think it's me that killed him and then he shifted to corps something's fishy yeah i don't understand why you're accusing me if ethan's saying i walked past orange orange ran down reported the body and then said they were sure that charlie killed them if they're 100 sure let me to wait hold up hold up okay why do you i don't understand why you think it's me when i'm in med bay i walked past you that's why i thought it was you um who did i just see let's follow corpse he might try and kill one of them here and then accuse the other one i just watched him murder him all right it's either it's either it's either corpse or paladin hammer and that's that's it yeah i'm telling you right now this is a deciding vote it's corpse i just watched him murder ethan literally just watched i told you i called it right before it happened i'm getting you guys to vote me it's her joy what do you think i don't know i was looking at cams watching you i don't even well here's the deal do we lose if if we get this wrong no no because i'm pretty sure we got at least one out right i'm pr i'm pretty sure no we did yeah yeah we had to have gotten one out right did we lose if we get this one wrong because no we don't corpse corpse so so dead ass you saw her [ __ ] dead ass i saw her hey wait wait wait like dead ass b that s b chris convince me okay okay so listen ethan came to me in cafeteria he was very very scared i followed him all the way down to navigation to do his last task and that's where he slaughtered him he hit self-report i was with him no no no no no he got my attention because he was scared of you and then i watched him he can't keep getting away with this yeah me and julia me and julian were together like pretty much the whole time i was with what a [ __ ] god-tier imposter came along we ran together from top left either he's a really good body fat where's his body were you guys on security we were all the way on the right it's her i'm telling you i like i don't know what else to say other than the fact that you got me i don't know what else to say i watched her kill him i don't know what else to tell you like there's nothing let's go from amber and if it's not her then it's corpse and we just [ __ ] slaughtered ethan i don't know i don't know what to do if i'm wrong i don't know [ __ ] god they're dead they're so dead they survive but they're dead [Music] oh my god all right it's corpse god damn well one of them has to go turn off the thing he only has to kill one person but they both have to go turn off the thing so as long as he finds him oh my [ __ ] god again why is he the killer every round i've been the killer in 20 years oh he's scott has seen that you almost got away with it you almost got away with you almost got away with it i just saw charlie kill someone in bent someone what's wait where you saw him oh no there's no possible way i went through nav and then i went down to shields i don't even know where the [ __ ] body is that's pretty good my corpse where is the body it's in the cockpit he took the vent at the top i'm pretty sure it was him it was in the shadows but it was it was blue for sure i'm pretty sure so it's it so it's either charlie or a corpse i think i might know the other killer as well who's the other killer um i saw uh sean doing the card task and he walked away before the green bar went up at all he did so david i was scared to leave admin because i thought sean was just camping by the door to kill me and i just no i didn't leave because i wanted to make sure ethan did it and it took him all day and nothing happened until the body was well like i said no green bar for charlie corpse then sure i'm gonna go with sean on this one i haven't seen so i don't know what to say about that [Music] i literally saw him jump in a vent why are you guys hesitating that's true i'm down to go for charlie this time no no no i'm voting charlie i'll go charlie sorry charlie all right big [ __ ] mistake well if it's not him then it's corpse it doesn't tell us i say sean then corpse yeah okay any last words sean you're that determined that it's me jesus christ yeah you really think it's to be me and charlie again twice in a row i literally saw the green bar not go you just walked away isn't it delayed that's not what lindsay said yesterday we're about to find out are we really my god you're really just all gonna [ __ ] you're all gonna throw me to the walls like that i'll do it i'm [ __ ] skipping the [ __ ] possible the bar does delay i think you [ __ ] [ __ ] well played god damn let's go feel like you're not muted killing time [Laughter] what the [ __ ] he always forgets i'm hitting this as soon as that's fixed wait is nobody gonna fix it i had to get both of them yeah i was at the button ready to swap for the emergency because i was going to press the emergency button too because like i was so sure that it was i was thinking like but no one was going for the oxygen thing you came from near the oxygen thing back to the cafeteria i think yeah dave where is the body whoever whoever killed felix that was so silly because i thought it was him the way he said i thought it was killing time it was killing time he was about to die anyway there's absolutely no tactic as to why he would lie about that and not mute yeah okay i'm skipping i don't really have anything to add i was over by admin with somebody all right how did you all just walk past that body what body what body okay uh there's a body what is this room called from election where the fuel is no no no the one next to storage it's by you're leaving oxygen right that was you uh at the top right i don't know the names of things because we're going from top right to bottom right right yes okay i can't i can't say that i can clear dave because the bar went up and both of us did the card but i didn't see it go up for ethan but we were also together pretty much the entire time it's storage charlie who did you see with us in in the right way but i didn't see the color it might have been ethan or it could have been ethan down below as well i i came from storage i was heading to do the shields i saw jack come from the left i saw it but you said how did you not see that body i literally did not see anything my report didn't come up or anything yeah nobody's where you were you wouldn't be able to see it i'm not even lis i'm falling i'm following anywhere what are they talking about [Laughter] at least we didn't okay we need to start voting people though um because it kind of added up with oxygen but i don't know i saw him maybe corp self-reported who knows oh wow bye guys charlie maybe okay i skipped because i literally didn't know but i don't know if ethan skip because he [ __ ] it doesn't tell us i keep forgetting i'm changing the push-to-talk damn i just realized that julian said [ __ ] all that keeping round such a good tactic [Music] yo who called that okay chris okay yes i saw [ __ ] julian kill chris i believe that kidding me i was we walked by each other for like two seconds what do you mean yes and you went explain what you thought explaining wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we can solve this easily ethan triangle of trust triangle of course okay it's it's just good enough for me he said crushed of truth means nothing because you [ __ ] killed me last uh last round oh yeah but when it was did i ask triangle of trust did i ask for angular trust no i didn't did i i would never frank who did you vote for uh you left that room before me so if you reported the body you killed him what do you mean that was a thing this wasn't a report for the body this was an emergency meeting so if you saw him kill why didn't you put the body why did you run to the emergency that's a very good point the violation of the triangle of trust is a criminal offense that's a capital crime an ejectable effect that's a red card so are we going for ethan yeah [Music] i just totally saw corpse kill on camera how do you know um i don't remember whoever was killed this round but i saw him on the camera you saw who blew he's saying he saw me uh i don't know i i couldn't see where it was i saw the camera thing but i didn't know where the camera was related corpse triangle of trust yes or no i don't even know what a triangle truck all right it's corporate doesn't even know anymore we don't know if it's you do we no the game ends we know but if it doesn't there could be someone else left god have mercy on us all which is you dave dave trent yeah oh [ __ ] hey sorry dave sorry for that last jab that i didn't mean i can't break the triangle i don't know how to lie we broke the game guys
Channel: CORPSE Husband Gaming & Clips
Views: 6,920,720
Rating: 4.9685578 out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, CORPSE Among Us, among us corpse, funny among us, best among us, among us funny moments, among us gameplay, among us imposter, among us IQ, among us best, pewdiepie among us, jacksepticeye among us, cr1tikal among us, cinnamontoastken among us, julien among us, corpse among us streamer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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