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so once again dudes welcome back to another very unique dropper map by Chu Bala and then of course once we go fight we use one of our old-school combos this is fun so do me a favor says this is a dropper map dropper a like on this video let's get the 70 drops of wipes just hit the like button hope you enjoy the video hi boys it's uncle's versus nan we where did it die that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life but I'll take it i boy so there are 12 matter I think there 12 levels I'm nah there are twelve levels to this map right each to whatever you beat to whoever the team that beats the first two they get what legendary what you guys gonna do this for it listen very our next two will do for what shotgun crap no head where you can go on to the next one you can go on the next one is the first to beat - okay happy who did I make it since I'm at how many bumps does a Durham Derry have what the heck is a drone Gary that's one is that San Jose get here now this is for the legendary AR jute or long-range they are long range doesn't matter come on you don't matter oh I keep hitting the tree anyway I'm catching you boy hey I gotta go back down a hall you can weave this here we go I'm at the second one what is this one what is this dropping out of PEEP Japan dropper medium oh this is sick oh this is such a good driver first try try first try for this match guys listen top Center to Paulo there's the map code use this kind of supportive prayer go this is Sigma V it's like a dropper adventure matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter an ego needs to make it to know you didn't know you didn't do it doesn't matter doesn't matter you got away for Nico you gonna have three boys do don't worry about it you know here we go yeah out here out here and I smear my foot and okay you're pirates wore blindfold to hide a scar it is not too high it has one as one it's one that's fine that's fine that's fine let me go still in the first one we got this you show me the secret I don't know dad this way this way follow me follow me okay I'm telepathetic I'm telepathic one of those oh wait yes yeah that's what you get for changing the bright ain't nobody care about blindfolds did it and I got the coin okay okay so G you gotta get down here get the coin I'm working on Nico's not even here yet dude you went to the wrong yeah well you gotta get it back this is for a our forgiveness yeah we get legendary long range alright boys so next two levels this is gonna be for what because it will you guys get blue a are a long range for the fight Gary this one is a reverse rubber girl it shut me okay okay wait what how do you go fast wait how do you hang your horse oh oh you got to hit the center hit the center to send you flying up come on okay yeah yeah now if I remember this other guy's map you hit the red the red pin and it'll say you flying higher go on the red one oh no I don't get it oh yeah oh yeah how did you make it oh we all made it oh I know who knows Ben Massell yes what is 2 times 6 is 12 divided by 2 is 6 plus 1 7 [Music] we got this we got this we got this is easy this is how biffle sees the world all right is your mom away I'm your dumb math messed me up daddy if you if you guys knew the answer to that right in the chat what is this what is this what is this come on B&W dropper medium oh it means black and white that's what it is so I can't see nothing to you I see through many colors that's my ball I was I got to the bottom of my first attempt Oh boys y'all are gonna get doodoo Don here we go he has a crooked no no I was right there dude this is neck and neck for their for their for the thing you with the thingy this is neck and neck this is army leg this is leg and foot this is ear and whole five or six wait that's fine that's fine [ __ ] still gotta be we still got this Negros how many continents are okay so doesn't matter it doesn't matter you got this you got this you probably make are you gonna get a blue consumer Yeah right you know I don't even care anymore I don't even care I don't care about nothing about nothing sizzles you're a bot I'm replacing you with my foot got him at least I know how to do basic math your basic god of love I just got the next one hi boys next one this is for Sharda [Music] anyway how do you win anyway oh dude this what is this oh so you have to make it in the center of the thingy what is this called rubber five or 12 - it's called cloudy dropper oh gosh it's like a cloudy toilet football you know that thing you do when you open your mouth and you put air through it yeah do that less wear your vocal cords are record Ito uncork it sounds easy I'm gonna do that right now quiet you brat go to your room how did you know you - tell me tell me tell me dad the corner the corner quona quona quona Bona how many people are born every day in the world a billion I'm not a PI tell me it's pretty obvious ok ok ok pretty obvious pretty obvious you pick whichever one do you think it is then do the opposite good credible your questionable [Music] it's 38,000 it's 38,000 38,000 how many people are born every day why were you guys waiting for me you guys are a bad people did you oh did you die to the question I don't know this is for shoddy I never go what is this one called mini dropper easy oh good golly it again I beat it again I beat it again wait no the stupid zone killed me to me it's between me and Nico it's literally between me and Nico this is for Knights that sake me oh here we go here we go okay stay in the middle stay in the middle stay in the middle save the middle would say their fruit or vegetable is it a fruit or vegetable no hello San Joel says that I'll throat our vegetable vegetable as a vision was visible anyway no no it's not it's a fruit it's fruit it's proven so I did it okay okay okay we got a legendary we're gonna we got a leg shotgun boys we got a leg shotgun next round yeah we're gonna go for another consume what is this what is it okay no drama no oh no this is a volcano dropper dude I don't I don't whoa this is hog holy dude and you gotta make it in the center somehow oh no oh no mom I don't want to do this anymore can I leave following you following usage ease following you following you following you following you following you so you're a bot your bod well I was trying something fancy well don't be fancy the word oh and we don't like you yeah I'm the trouble king like come on you're the trouble I'm feeling more like I got him but I don't say it's not even hard when the only reason is that you tubers because of dropper maps which star shines the most in the sky Sirius right are you serious Sirius XM that's a radio speed the next one all you have to do wait Nico beat this one too that's cheating he cheated Nico I'm racing you I'm gonna fart and you're gonna piss sniffing well I'm going down this little tube looks like an airtight tube it's just you're gonna be eating my fart I'm just wait so I don't have to do that ooh here we go okay okay okay so you got to hit the green ones you gotta hit the green ones no dab on your dad with a baseball bat damn on your dad gab on your dad how do you not see the arrows there we go we go here we go here we go here we go did you I'm here I'm here what's the question - what's the answer 71 71 71 71 71 go so do 1% and do it now yes I did it okay I'll be right there and boys we get legendary consumables goddamn we got legs we got legs for days boy he goes a body [ __ ] have fun alright next one what do we want to do this one for we have two more loot thingies what do we want to do this before no I boys - last rat last two levels we're gonna do it for the kids choice of Lords got it yeah Biff essentials your Apple now go I am NOT don't hit don't hit the water teleport wait what I need the water aim for water oh you oh you have to hit the water we are idiots this is cool even don't get too scared cuz they know it's water you look like water really did it I did it okay guys first one I did you feed it feed it is slightly flat the Pentagon has a plan to fight a zombie apocalypse but you beat it the pit wait no we it's fine it's fine everybody says we gotta get okay the Pentagon has a plan to fight zombie apocalypse yes or no yeah I feel like yes yes they do no wait wait what how do you how does this guy a true Paula how do you know that hey chapala have your people reach into my people will talk about things cause people know people about people who knows peepholes wait who's people yes it was yes okay we gotta beat this next one beat this x1 before Nico does we get new legendary guitarist morons Gabon your dad with a football bat what is this true Pallas drop her hard oh no oh no I don't wanna be a hard one and one nailed it nailed it nailed it oh I almost beat it already are you kidding me yeah this one's not too difficult just do it anyway you're having a mild to moderate dude I could put this one already oh just got the question rule because I you know clearly I was right there I could taste the mouth juice no I was there no Nico the earth is slightly flat Oh - Paula knows nothing about nothing this mission is ready find dr. Waite any boy Oh give me that leg leg kids choice Florence fweet nail how you gonna nail it I said you so here's what I'm thinkin you get you get any shotgun and long-range that you want I'm gonna get I'm gonna get the sculptor revolver and the combat shotgun do you want to do shock wave dance bomb and clinger combo both of them free guy free new guys around here we hit him with the dance Crenn aid yeah well their dance we're hitting with two cleaners GG game over let's do this boys all right boys first six kills in three what you thinking what have we called again oh crap balls crankin you broke up you you crank to the dregs I've always got to start the videos with cranks Oh No oh no gas grenades oh no where are you but oh there you are there you are where is he where is he where is he where is he he's on me got it oh that didn't stop it oh yeah we hit these enjoy enjoy from me to you now my stink where I'm in as fart oh it smells bad what did you eat what did you feel good yeah are you cranking up here where is he where is he where is he where is he I just like need go for 1:32 right over there where the bread marker where Wow your fart smelling wittenberger cheese oh hey skate pool go well I shot you out of midday I'm like a duck gunnery dog it kind of I didn't hear it I was yelling oh you know what you know what you know what you know what we got this boy we got this we hit those yeah we hit those I'll bring you down I'll bring ya [Music] [Music] that's a good cop guy that like my new combos are dab ful what also give me another fairy hit the subscribe button and click this next video to watch the next one that was a fun map
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,164,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Em9g_A7MJUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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