The *RANDOM* PEELY SKIN Challenge in Fortnite

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so dudes we got a different style of challenge this time this is the peely challenge we got five different presets this first preset is gray the fifth preset is legendary look how clean that is we're gonna enable shuffle whatever we get those are the guns we can use so dudes do me a favor the like button below the video right did you know if you hit that it'll turn yellow like peely i hope you enjoyed the video dude look at my skin i'm a naked banana put some clothes on hold on let me see what happened let me see what i mean ah great i'm green i'm green bye bye dude i'm going to caddy corner i'm going to kitty cat i'm a kitty cat you're only a kid you're probably going to go somewhere else because you're scared and cat no you're a scaredy guy got him all right so my lo look at my loadout dude i got bananas coming out my hands i got banana i'm a naked banana i gotta look at my glider look at my glider where are you i'm a chicken dude are you a chicken quack quack any green guns any green guns any green guns no crap crap i got a green gun oh nice almost almost died one you gotta get kills on people before they even land dude i did 24 times four or whatever that is oh gosh i just died who's infinity is that your friend yeah hi infinity do you want to be your best friends ever all right so how this works i i can only use greens aside from the mythic uh movement speed ones right here all right yeah sorry i was looking at this i got you this dude what'd you give me yeah what'd you give me oh dang dude all right let's go get these guys so i can use the mythic stuff flico can use anything but his main goal is to be my support he's gonna be my support i'm gonna carry he's the support okay oh gosh you can stop him clap him hit the shot i don't even i don't think he hit him they're shocking at him hit the shots it says give me that oh yeah here use that drink that no my gosh do i have enough you bought i don't need your foot gotta i'm the support dude i'm over here healing you you're supposed to be healing me how do i have a flare gun oh you're a flare gun alright take back everything i said you're a good support now i like you now i like you know that's what i thought dude all right we need to go get that mythic dude that's the only thing i can use can i use the shotgun too it's your challenge uh there's this shock in here nope i'm not using that one that shotguns doo-doo when we're playing on west coast don't you whammy it's too late are we dead don't you whammy all right do you have any shotgun ammo give me oh gosh oh the thing is here the cat's here meow meow kitty kitties i'm a cat if you mess with me you're gonna get fat oh that's a person up here are you tired on the second floor yeah second floor shoot another flare cracked one where i don't see a person oh there's a person what if they what if they do i'm so confused i got a knock down how did i get a knock down i got got the girl right here oh i didn't mean to shake this guy everything's on fire and i'm shaking i don't want to shake anything down oh no ow oh no oh no flico flick i'm scared i'm currently scared i'm currently crappy i got the card okay what do we do now i think we go you give me that yes got it okay okay okay we should right that was for you thanks dad no i'm not using that i'm not using that unless it's a blue or higher i'm not using the shotgun can't flico can i have an exception can i use a better shotgun yes or no you're your challenge uh yeah no got him you're a oh gosh oh god oh gosh i got it where's that person come from they went inside yeah i'm gonna break the inside dude go ahead go ahead oh get out golf i'm gonna shake him down oh gosh all right i need a gun i need a gun i need a gun i need a gun it's a whole team it's a whole team okay okay well i need guns oh crap okay okay i got that gun got that i can't use that gun can't use that gun i can use that gun when i knocked i can't use that gun oh crap oh crap right here okay coming up coming up oh my gosh my thing landed on me did it all right you just built over the top right here sorry it was the thing was on me oh no i got him dude i got him hello hello that was kind of me oh it was just me edited him dude poor fella all right all right let's go open the thing dude alright you go ahead and open that i gotta heal okay okay why do you have to heal dude i gotta heal my naked banana self this is such a gross skin dude i love it all right where are you at you good everything good i'm up in the fall dude about time dude let me get this dude i need mats dude i only have four kills flicka how many you got i got two dude that's not even a 50 bomb fleeco all right flicko i'm trying to get 50 kills what are you waiting on come on some mats dude thanks dude hey look at you you're a good support you know what i wouldn't replace you with my own foot what all right chad here's the deal we got four kills i need to get a 50 bomb for this video to count if i don't get a 50 bomb russell i put a 50 over the number also if i ever get to 999 wood you can you know what you gotta do you gotta hit the like button if i ever get the match but i don't make the i don't make the rules we should have gone to the secret those are those are marauders right no there's people cranking dude i see these people crap these guys are cranky dudes are they at height they're at height they're currently at height where are you hit it for 25 hitting for 25. oh there's another flare gun over here there's a lot of people wow okay going in i'm down dude oh somebody just launched what the heck crack them crack them hit him one more time i'm coming in i'm right on you are you fighting this poor fella i i was but she just kept building oh did she build on you dude on top of us oh god knocked one oh gosh you had nine health hey oh no how much help do you have okay we're fine we're fine oh god okay i killed this good goo dude i got lit up are you shaking them down dude yeah dude i'm saying i'm saving dude all right i'll see you later wow toxic she did backed up so i couldn't get her friends were really that's cheating dude let's report him to aspca all right here we go ready hey oh hey why are we like this mostly you though you just you just did you do it down dude oh we're down there north go i have 200 maps cracked one cracked one hit your shots game i need to start like timing my feet better you know what i mean oh loot crap can't use that loot though crap there's somebody that died over here dude are you good yeah got him get out of my house damn okay okay good job good job oh gosh i'm on fire uh right there yep oh cracked i'm going in go go go coming in dude ouch flick i'm trying to get a 50 i'm trying to get a 50 mom i know i'm no i'm trying to get let you get a 50 ball here we go hit him for six where where are my shots go okay i got this oh flick oh i i i stopped taking my kill i didn't i actually don't know how i felt that what do you mean you don't know how you shot that you literally pointed your gun at her and shot her you're the worst support ever hashtag worst support ever in the chat maybe i was making hashtag kill fast worst support ever in the chat chat tell the worst support ever then how did i get you that got me what all right you're a better support now but i still don't like you got them oh there you go dude you got a frog all right all right guys hashtag best support ever i want to see it okay i need some mats dude do you have mats oh i forgot if you drop your guns and pick them up you reload them that seems like a glyph that i need to fix right oh i don't wait hold on i almost have max brick chat you know what you gotta do anytime you see a max anything at max damn shooting materials too like if you have mac shooting materials you gotta hit that like button especially max brick you gotta hit it twice three times you gotta hit it like one three times a few max brick i don't make the rules wow i don't like the rules dude can't believe you've stolen my kills dude it's only 12 people left how am i gonna get how is there only 50 people left what how am i going to get a 50 bomb fleeco huh i have a boat dude i'm coming are you coming to give me dude i'm a banana i'm a naked banana doing it muscle flooring dude i'm a naked man i'm doing a hanky sack dude if i get shot this is totally worth it all right let's go dude hey all right 11 people left that is it dude all the water's gone what's that yeah don't go under oh there's people up there i think i have two flare gun shots left do you that's not enough dude you need a billion oh no i'm trying come on flico you need a million i can't believe you took my kill dude i would if you all right here's the deal i would have gotten a 50 bomb if you didn't take that kill right well then that's your fault no no you're the one that shot him while i'm over here fighting him you know i'm over here fighting dude i'm fighting for my life you know you got to fight for your right to party you know what i mean yeah you know if you don't party or dude did you just jump out dude that's my favorite boat i really don't have mats here take my middle take my medal wow that's so kind you pooped it out yeah i pooped wait here's a shotgun uh a shotgun helicopter they jumped out there's just one person here i don't know no it's not why was that their first reaction to jump out they got scared i could immediately jump out i have a launch pad but i'm scared okay one for 20 blue hike oh my gosh the monster dude oh i'm hitting him like crazy flicko nice shot i've seen 116. all right you ready you're ready to go oh somebody's behind them shooting at them should i go in oh i just what here i have a mini for you it's all good i got minis for me people who are right missed every shot i'm a bot there's people there yep yeah stop it stop it dude i think this is like the light dude this spot is lit over here dude this is lit this is dab i'm just spraying and praying spraying and praying how come if i pick up for a second they shoot at me what do you mean i'm blowing up the helicopter dude blowing up the helicopter for the bands and memes for the bands and the memes he jumped out what a foot should i push those people or just hang out what do you think people in front of us yeah i have a launch pad what do you want to do here dude do you want to go to the zone and post up i don't know man i get shot this guy's got a grappler yeah the people up there oh gosh behind me behind me focus him focus him hit him 24 oh wait dude how are these guys destroying my walls in two seconds you know how we might have to go take those guys out dude we're pinched right now oh no i have a launch pad do you want to go push those guys and and die him to death oh dude they have endless amounts of oh they're not looking how did i get sniped i told you we gotta go dude i'm here pranking with this guy i guess cranking cranking cranking crank are you still alive what he fell because he's sad how he's on you oh i got knocked no nice oh there's a thingy there too revive me take you gotta take your time take your time take your time get your every time to make sure we were safe dude here touch my banana skin touch it touch my banana skin you're all nice you're fine you're fine they're not shooting at you they're not shooting at you oh yeah they're not for sure i'm retreating i'm retreating i got treats i got treats in my back pocket we're getting launched padded on okay let me just get this chug jug off they're not gonna know i'm here five three two one two launch pads i got it off you wanna come to me i gotta reload my shotgun dude you ever hear right here what okay coming in it's gonna mess you up but we'll go oh no gotta go whoa he shot it out with a thingy gosh all right we're fine you want to launch that again i mean i have impulse nades dude shockwave grenades how you looking on health dude you want to use this chug jug oh gosh get away sorry did i send you flying no not this time sorry watch padding that sucks i hit a wall a roof guys these guys are sweaty dude we just gotta kill him dude that's all i didn't think of that i gotta get this tree i gotta get this tree out of the way dude was that your flare yeah my flair i see him crack them crack them crack them i uh i have no mat you don't oh no got one got one oh no got two got two oh no oh no i got high ground oh got one got one nice i think there should be one left i got high ground on this guy nice i know zero mats my mat situation's not looking good do you have a flare i have zero flares oh no oh no flicko these are the last few people pliko i know i'm scared oh gosh it's you drop me the truck jug please oh here sorry sorry right there right there thank you can we go get the zone now okay let's go to the zone i have 129 mats oh i don't have much oh yeah they're up top there i see them did they risk their teammate i'd lit one of them so it's 3v2 dude oh gosh we go i'm the naked mole rat i'm about to get a 50 bomb guys it's your last chance to hit that like button if you don't hit it people will poop oh gosh this guy sniped that can you watch that away or whatever dinked one all right i see two of them to my uh west i can't pin it where are you going gosh stop running okay i think we need to get close there's two of them together here there's a uh grappler over there dude i got full health nice i hate one for 23. one's weak dude are they yeah i have no math so do you yeah i have a little there the guy behind you died guy behind you died yeah yeah right there if you want to go get that that guy pushing up on me here yep he went up for 26. this guy doesn't hear me he's trying to fight me knocked him dude what do i do dude do i push him he's trying to shoot he's trying to shoot my my banana head hold on let me see if he'll snipe my banana head hold on snap my banana head no dude snipe my banana head dude snipe it snipe my banana it snipe banana yeah dude teleport to here dude oh he smiled my banana i needed such a ball dude i didn't think he could see it or i didn't think it would work like the top of the banana head just kill him dude such a bad dude i wanted to test it like the top of the banana head i didn't know if you could like snipe the top of it or not dude all right dude hey russell you know what to do oh that only says three eliminations i had like twenty yeah i had fifty i had fifty eliminations guys hit the like button fifty eliminations also do me another favorite subscribe button and click this next video to watch the next one
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,434,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N3JUFKwwTd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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