Importing OpenStreetMap data to QGIS with QuickOSM

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hello this is Hans for lacrosse senior lecturer at IIT Delta Institute for water education in this video I'm going to demonstrate how to import OpenStreetMap data into qgs using the quick osm plugin you'll start looking at the rendered OpenStreetMap data from the quick map services plug-in that we have also used in other exercises there it is and the biggest difference with Google is that all these elements that we see here on the online map are also available as points lines and polygons that we can download to QGIS so let me zoom back to the catchment boundary and most important thing is if we build a catchment map is that we also have our hydrography now we can download a plug-in to download quick exam plug-in quick osm is a plugin that uses the overpass API to download of a street map data we can find it in the menu in the vector menu there we have quick osm and it uses keys and values if you want to know what the keys and values are and that's how the data and of a street map is structured we go to help with key value and here we find all the definitions we use including example pictures and the style on the map so let's start with adding the rivers they are with the key waterway and for value will choose river and we are only interested in the extent of our catchment so I use here the rural catchment boundary as the search area and under advanced we always keep node way and relation checked but we are only interested in the river as lines so I only check the box for lines and then I run the query and you will now fetch the data from the overpass server and when it's done we can find the rivers here on the map I will change the colors a bit so you can more clearly see them simple blue line and there it is you can even label it with names and we can do other analysis with it if we want to use it we can save it as a shapefile so export click write exports save features as and we can build a geo package with all this data or we can use it as individual shape files let's save this case to a shapefile make a new folder data and I save this one as rivers and we changed projection to the one of the project there it is okay now it's a shapefile but it is too large it covers more so we're going to clip it so here under factor I go to geoprocessing tools clip and here I choose as an input layer rivers as a clip layer the rural catchment then I save it to a file rivers were safe and I run it in the background and now it's clipped I can remove this one copy the style of this one and then I can remove this one too and then we see we only have the rivers in the rural catchment so I can give this another name rename layer lure reverse the same way I can add the lakes factor Quakerism and the lakes are on natural and then the value water and the lakes are polygons so we only check the polygons and then we run the query there is also here we are only interested in the legs that are within the catchment boundary of the world catchment in this case we are first going to select the areas that are in the catchment boundary we can do that on a factor using the research tools and then select by location we select features from natural water and we choose the ones that are really within our catchment boundary you can see that these layers have different projections but QG s3 can take care of that when I run it it's quite quick click close I see now in yellow highlighted all the lakes that are within the catchment boundary so what I can do now is click write export save selected features as lakes roll shape and we change the projection to UTM save only the selected features there we are let's remove this one and let's change the style and now we have the lakes and the rivers from oka street map what would also be nice to have is where the dams are located so let's use again the quick OSM and let's choose here waterway dam again in the rural catchment who is advanced in this case it will just be a line let me run the query and there with the dams let's style them first simple black line bit thicker it's a bit too thick but they're there they are so in this way we have the lakes and the dams and the waterways also here we can clip it to only the catchment we go to the vector menu choose geoprocessing tools clip and we choose the dam and avoid catchment give it an output name and call it dams for you GS takes care of a different projection and we run it there it is let's copy the style from the original and paste it to the new one remove the original and change the name of the new one and this is our result map so in this video I've demonstrated how to use the quick osm plugin to download the vectors from OpenStreetMap into your catchment map in kuja's if you like to see more videos please subscribe to my YouTube channel to get automatic updates for more free GIS tutorials you can have a look at G is OpenCourseWare dot-org
Channel: Hans van der Kwast
Views: 11,789
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Keywords: GIS, QGIS, OpenStreetMap, QuickOSM, OSM, Open Data, VGI, vector
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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