How To Quickly Download OSM Data in QGIS OSM Downloader Pluggin

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel my name is Jessica and in today's video I will show you how to quickly download oil Sankara using OSM tall order plugging into TRS and editing the style of the layers of the SM Java so let's just jam right into it so the first step here after I open my QT has application I can go to these box on the right side of my screen and then I can scroll down and find the XYZ tiles and then I click that I can and then I can see that it has OpenStreetMap data so if I track it down here it will open up the OpenStreetMap onto my Q cheese and then I will zoom in on the location that I want to download so the next thing that I'm gonna do is I will go to plugins and then I'm selecting the manage and install plugins so in the plugins here to go to the not install it not installed psyche and then I'm gonna say I'm gonna look up I am downloaded so this is the plug-in that you want to download if you want to download osm data from qgs so click install plugin so after you successfully installed the OSM downloader plug-in you will see this little I can here so you click on the icon and then you drag to your mouse and then drag on the bluffs that you want to download so I'm gonna download this much area here so I'm tracking these on bounding box and then I click and then it will show you this dialog box and then just save the file on to your folder so i have created the folder here i'm just gonna set the file as melbourne CBD here and then i click ok and then if you download the awesome data based on the location that you have selected using the awesome time downloader plugin so after it successfully download the awesome data you can go to the folder where you saved some data and then on there and the awesome data you can find these osm data that you can drag onto two tees so when you drag that you will be shown this little box here where you can select which layer that you want to display on your own custom map here so i'm gonna select the lines multi strings and multi polygons and then i'm gonna click okay so here it will show me the oil same data that i just downloaded from the area that I have selected using that little plug in there so here after I have T's I can actually change the style of the data that I have here so for example if I can go to polygon here I'm gonna hide this OpenStreetMap so if I'm double click on that layer it will show me these um these dialog box where I can choose which one I want to set so if I go to symbology here I can change the color of the piece of polygons um style here so if I just so for example if I select that color here it will change the color based on the selection so and if I go to the Melbourne CBD line so this will be the road if I double click on that as well I can also change the color - probably why and then I can also change the width of the lines so if I click apply so as you can see here it is changing the color of the road here and then if I double click on that CVD movie strings I can also add a levels on that so for example if I cook here on levels and then I choose the single levels it will show me these box of which of the levels that I want to show in unto my bed so if I choose for example name I can also change the format of the text that is going to be shown on to the screen so here if I click here I can change first of all the size and then I can also add the buffer for the tag so we can clearly see what it says on the map so if I click apply so as you can see here it's displaying the data that it has that it already has from that particular layer from OpenStreetMap so as you can see this kind of the Transportation Road as well as if you also want to display the name of the road here in this layer on the Melbourne CBD lines you can also go to levels and then you can also select a single levels and then you can also choose which of these levels that you want to to be shown on the on your customer so for example if I choose highway and then I click apply it will also talk about all the data from OpenStreetMap that that is contained in that in that specific data that you want to display so as you can see here it actually shows all the name of the street along those area that you have downloaded so you can turn these labels on and off and you can also change the size of that text that is shown on this map so that is how you can download osm data straight from QGIS and how you can create that spell and select the layers that you want to be displayed on to your custom map you can also change the color you can also add new names and labels that is already contained in that osm data that you download the downside here is you cannot actually edit that labels name that you already have from west and the only way to do that is if you edit that straight from open treatment because this data is actually downloaded from OpenStreetMap and in OpenStreetMap you can edit what is there and you can also contribute to what these data that it has from OpenStreetMap so yeah so that's how you use the OSM downloader m2t is [Music]
Channel: Jessica Lupita
Views: 46,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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