Extracting Data from OpenStreetMap using QGIS & QuickOSM

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everyone spill wine again there are signs is librarian is cu-boulder this time around I want to show you all my favorite secret weapon for data and that's OpenStreetMap if you're not familiar with that what's tree map it's kind of like the Wikipedia of GIS data in that it's crowd-sourced and that people can go in and make their own edits and I'm looking at openstreetmap right now um you ever been to the site you know it's kind of similar to Google Maps except it's all free and open data so it's a it's a web map we can take a look at this I'm looking here at our campus area and you can see they have all this stuff on here and so you might be thinking yourself well there's all this data on here that people can add on their own and how can I use this data so you can use some of the export tools so I don't always tell them to be bette easy to use or come to you in a data format that's ready to just pop into GIS so I'll share with you all my favorite method of exporting OpenStreetMap data and that is to use QGIS okay so I've got QGIS opened right now QGIS is an open source alternative to arcmap it's free and works on Mac it works on other operating systems unlike ArcGIS I've loaded OpenStreetMap as a base map and you can also do that in ArcGIS or arcmap as well when you go to add data at a base map you'll see OpenStreetMap as an option you can do the exact same thing there one thing you can't do in ArcGIS that you can do in queue is actually export the features of this image into vector data so one of the great things about QGIS being that it's open source is that the community of QGIS users can build and submit their own plugins and there's a lot of great plug-ins for QGIS so if you go up to the top of QGIS and click plugins click manage and install plugins it will open up this interface which is the plugin danger and if you search for a plug-in called click osm you'll find it really quickly so quick osm is just a really great plugin for QGIS for pulling out osm data mines already installed so I'm not going to uninstall it and reinstall but if you're doing this for the first time just click install and it will it will install in just a few seconds ok so to use quick osm you just go to the vector menu and you'll find quick osm here and you can click quick OS m to open up the quick OS m dialog now the thing to know is what Keys you're going to query and what values if you're going to create values as well so back in my web browser I have a page open called the QGIS wiki and it's the map features if you were to just google OS and math teachers you can find the same list it's right here same page and you'll find all the different things here in OS m and how they're coded I which is really important so if you wanted to get buildings of a certain type you could go down to building and say hey I only want certain types of building only one commercial buildings only more offices only once churches or government schools university buildings and all of that if you were looking for things like roads you could go to the highway category so the highway key and then you will see that there are these kind of different some groupings under it which are called values of those keys and values so highway is the key for all roads and then values are kind of a sub groupings so primary roads would be major roads things like us 36 in our area motorway would be things like highways and on down tertiary release ignores primary roads residential etcetera so you can query all those things what I'll do you right now with osm is grab just some buildings and I'm just going to do it for this area that we're looking at right now so first I'll type in buildings and it will autocomplete you're you're typing a key it will just autocomplete it for you and then if you want a value you could type in a sub category here I'm just gonna do just buildings and just get all of them and then the next important thing is that under in you basically tell it the area of extent that you want to look for something for and for this example I'm just going to be campus extent that will just grab everything that we can see right here on my screen and that's it so you click run query down here and sometimes this stuff takes a little bit depending on how big of an area my not pretty fast because they zoomed in pretty pretty tight and voila we have our buildings just for the extent that my canvas was zoomed to what its added here I'll turn off my basement what is added here are points lines and polygons for the buildings I really the only one you need is buildings these other ones are kind of I think the points represent like center points for buildings I only care about the polygons so what it has added is something called like a scratch layer or a temporary layer the thing you need to do now is just save it as a shapefile which is really easy to do you just have to right-click on the layer and you can go down to make a permanent and tell it the format that you want to saving in shapefile is always get safe bet click this little three dots button to assign a path to it I'm just going to drop my own desktop and name it campus buildings save and that's it so now you can just click OK and it has saved those and drop them onto my desktop all those shapefile files and I have a new layer here so that's basically how it works I think open street map is a great tool it's really wonderful for especially heavily populated like urban areas the data quality is really good in rural areas it can be a little hit or miss but it can be a great backup for vector data if you're having trouble tracking down something or if you need something kind of more obscure than maybe other you know public entities don't produce sometimes like by paths or bike parking or things like that there's a lot of great stuff in there so definitely check it out and I love QGIS we're pulling some quick data layers out of osm so that's all for this video please feel free to email me at filled out white a Colorado a do you have any questions bye for now
Channel: Philip White
Views: 55,886
Rating: 4.9732261 out of 5
Id: Yxkh2f-3Bj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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