QGIS User 0024 - GeoPackage

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hi in this episode I'm going to take a closer look at geo package in qgs [Music] so in this episode I will try to explain why I think that you package is the perfect format for GIS and it's really good with the qgs for instance you can store more or less any format types in a side do package you can store raster data and I will show that later it's a bit fiddly but you can and but it really excels at storing vector data and all of the limitations with the shape file format is managed with the Geo package so it's better in every single way in my opinion to create a new Joe package it's really simple just press the create new gear package then you can create a Geo package we call it test package tests test package like that you can give the table you want a name let's use it to create some points and as you see in a do package you can create a lot of different geometry types points lines polygons multi points lines polygons compound curves curve polygons and multi curve and then also multi surface so let's just create a point layer with one attribute like that and we don't we have a point layer I can edit it add points and so on and you can edit it however you want there's no difference between a Geo package vector layer or any other type of vector layer let's remove that if you create a temporary scratch layer let's make a polygon it's really easy to convert that to do package just press the chip symbol and the default format is Geo package and let's put it in the same geo package as I created before but a new name let's call it polygon like that and we're done you can also really easy package a project the layers in a project into a single geo package there's a processing tool for that do you let's see package layers you just select the layers you want to package let's take both of them and we can opt to save the styles inside the geo package I will get back to that later save to the file let's put it the same plates but new tests like that and now I should have my new test package that's closeness with a world map and my scratch layer so it's really tied into the workflow in qgs working with geo package okay let me open a new project I have connected a Geo package in the Geo package here and here I have a project inside a Geo package file and as you see here I have a raster layer inside the jus package this layer here I also have a elevation layer that is with a hill shade style and I have a few other layers here as well if you have styled a layer and like this point layer I don't have any points but I have labels and with masking enabled I may want to save the styles and I do that in the layer properties and when I save as default I get the option to save in the data source database and that will save the style connected to this layer in a style table inside the Geo package and anytime qgs opens do package layer it checks for the existence of a style inside this style table and if there is that is default then that is applied to the layer you can also save more styles name styles in this table and switch between them but since I also have saved the project inside the Geo package that also includes the default or the specified styles for all the layers and to save project inside a Geo package you go to save and save to do package and here you have your connected your packages or you can create a new your package like let's even you or do a package and give it a project name yeah copy project and if you have more projects inside it you can manage them as well so here we go I have even newer geo package with a copy of the project but right now it points to the layers in the previous geo package so what else can you include in the geo package well since both the styling and the project file can be stored inside the geo package anything you can store inside those two instances can also be stored in the geo package so for instance layouts can be stored so I have already layout inside the project file that is in the Geo package so that is also easy to include if you have complex styling that can also be included since the style is also saved inside the geo package for instance if we take this and create SVG marker and maybe I'm not satisfied with the built-in ones I can pick up a new one then I can embed the SVG file inside the style like that so now the SVG file is embedded in the style which is embedded in the layer which is embedded in the Geo package theoretically a lot of other stuff can also be included inside the Geo package because it is a standalone database and any type of data can be stored in a database so you could store custom Python scripts you could store [Music] raster images not sure about fonts how feasible that would be since you need to install fonts but there are a lot of stuff you can include you can even include models that you create because you can include models inside your project so you can save your model inside your project I haven't had extreme luck with this when it comes to geo package I'm not sure if it's fully supported yet but it should shouldn't be any problem to include models inside the project that is inside a Geo package so how about other GIS well our GIS software for instance support reading of Geo package where with little to no problem at least when it comes to vector data it will not read the symbology since that is QV specific but the data layers the vector layers it can read with no issues there may be some before as differences when reading a new package in RDS but there is no compatibility issues you can probably get better support in obvious through extensions but out of the box you only get read support for your package and of course if you are using safe soft FME and that also supports geo package and no problems other GIS and online services and so on are starting to support geo package more and more I will try to show you some examples of how geo package is used I created my own let's see geo package with a Swedish national answer every data a project file and vector data for the entire country easy to access in one file it's a kind of a large file but let's see if you can pull that up it's almost 12 gigabytes but that's a pretty simple vector project file with all necessary data for the topographic map I also have a UK example and they have an excellent project called open zoom stack and that is actually adapted to several zoom levels as well so there is one project and one file for a lot of different levels so the further in you zoom in into this project the more detail you get let's see we're in the next change oh it's still reading this also is a large file I think it was 12 gigs as well yeah but a lot of effort has gone into this project so it will change and adapt to the zoom level really nice way like this and when everything is in the system and it has read it through a few times it's pretty quick as well compared to loading individual shape files oh and another thing this the Geo package files they really are one single file not like the file geodatabase that Azra software is based around where it's a folder with a lot of files this is one single file and in it everything can be included raster data vector data styling project files print layouts anything more or less and I'm convinced there will be even more support for more things in the future so if you have a project or a simple vector layers that you want to distribute to others even if they don't have QGIS installed do you package is a really good format to do this it's one single file and if they have qgs and they can get the styling that you have selected and created they can even get the project with the print templates and anything like that also included within this single file so let's say you have received a do package file in the mail or you have downloaded it all you have to do is save it to disk and drop it into qgs this is something that could be improved upon because now I get a dialog that finds the raster layers to add so I can select a raster layer and press ok but there it stops if I add it again and click escape or press cancel I get the option to select vector layers like that so there are things that could be improved and for instance I would have liked to see the option to add the project as well anyway and if you know there's a project file inside the your package file you can go to the your package you download it and drag and drop the project inside qgs like that see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Klas Karlsson
Views: 9,365
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Id: 27Mn0aq8e9A
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Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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