Importing Inkscape Plain SVG file into Fusion 360 to machine a sign

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[Music] once you have fusion open i want you to set up preferences that we can work together on this we're going to go up here to the upper right where your name is that you sign in on and you're going to go to preferences and just set these smaller settings it'll be good enough to work with just that information first thing i want you to do is in here i want you to do default model z up the other one is to change the pan zoom orbit shortcuts to solidworks that'll allow your middle mouse button to rotate your parts the next step i want you to go is to manufacturing enable the cloud that's important for future use for yourself we won't be using that here but it's really important the other thing is we want to come down to default units go to design and change it from millimeters to inch you can do the electronics too manufacturing because the machine will be used as an inch mode and that will be plenty enough and you can change this one also to inches that's fine just set that up and we're ready to go with that now since we set our preferences we can go in and we can all work with the same information to get a little quicker say the interface of the software we have your data panel which hides and saves all your information i'm already in a directory your home buttons usually looks like that i choose other ones and i go in and make some folders on those and we can make always new folders right here we can make folders when in within folders i'm going to go ahead and start this project by choosing in the create area i'm not going to go in depth in how to use software this is just a project if you follow the steps you'll be fine but the first thing we want to do is hit create sketch and we're going to choose this plane down here at the bottom that is the top plane that we're going to choose so i'm going to choose this plane here i'm going to choose two point rectangle and the first thing i'm going to do is create a rectangle starting at the origin here my first point gets locked in in there and i'm going to move it do not hit click the second time you want to put the dimensions and the dimension of our sign that we're going to be using is 12 inches and you hit tab do not hit enter if you hit enter you got to add dimensions i would say start all over again because i'm not going to get into the dimension part so much four inches and then we're just going to go fit the screen down here at the bottom so i have fit the screen at any time i'm going to continue to draw i'm in the sketch information in i have a sketch palette that tells me everything i'm doing i'm just going to put four circles on the corners one circle here and before i click a second time i can actually type in a dimension like one inch and it will lock in there and notice the colors black i'm going to choose circle again and i'm going to add a circle here i don't care what size it is i'm going to grab my panel here and move it over here and then i'm going to add another circle and these are blue and the reason they're they're blue if i hit escape i can touch them and i can adjust them anyway i want them all to be one inch and one of the quick ways and if you want to get into the software start learning about constraints but i'm just going to say i want them all to be equal to that so i'm going to choose my constraint equal touch this circle touch this circle i want this one to be equal to here and this one equal to here what that allows me to do i'll hit escape to get out of the command if i change this at any time they're all driven by that one dimension well the true dimension we want is one inch just to show you that i'm happy with this now we're in our sketch palette i want to extrude this now so i'm going to go to finish and i'm going to create my extrusion and you notice we started here i went here every time we touch that it will allow us a new command to do something so i'm going to choose when i extrude my sine shape looks like this i can pull it up or down i'm going to pull it down at a half inch so i'm using half inch mdf i'm going to say okay and you can see i have my basic shape of my sign there so at this point i want to save it so i'm going to save it i'll give it a name and i'll just call it exactly what it is 4 by 6 sign and hit save and it'll populate my data panel now every time i save it it's just going to update it with different versions so i'm going to go ahead and minimize my hide my data panel by closing that down and now i have my part here i want to work with now i can touch this face right here i want to add some more detail to make it look like my sign i'm trying to develop my canvas of it so i'll select the face here create a sketch on there i'll make it fit the screen so i can see everything in there i'll move my data panel where i can keep it out a little bit on my way and i'm going to use this command called offset and this offset i'll grab the edge and it grabs all the edge curves and i'm going to move it inside and as i move it inside it's giving me a negative value that is required not a positive negative so i'm going to type in minus 0.375 we have a groove there it's already designed in there and the reason i do the groove there just to show that is because all my geometry that i'm going to do is going to be in this area and so i'm going to hit finish sketch i'm happy with that there's my basic layout of my sign now at the bottom here if i ever wanted to change anything i can right button mouse click edit sketch and i can change my sign design if i want if i want it to be four by four i just change one dimension and it'll change it four to by four and when i finish the sketch it will update everything i've done edit the sketch changes back to 12 and it's a good basic sign layout students can work with so i have that done next step i want to do and again here's our extrusion information that we can we can change the extrusion and here's my offset sketch that does that so i have all three i'm going to start a new sketch because i want to be able to put in my my 57 chevy that so i'm going to choose sketch again i'm going to select here now this is all about bringing in a dxf or an svg and i'm using the svg file i'm going to insert you see all these different you can insert an svg a dxf there's a lot of neat things you can work with this so i'm going to just use insert svg and i'm going to go to my computer and try to find where it is and here it is i just haven't put everything in downloads easier for me to find you would have to find me if you put it on a memory stick you could do that and i'll bring it in and you can see i'm going to flip my top around here i just noticed i rotated it it's real tiny what happens i believe and it's upside down so i can flip that around with these two buttons here this will rotate that'll rotate but if i come over here same thing horizontal rotate so if i flip it around you can see it flipping i want it that way okay i'm happy with that the way it's laid out i can flip it i'll do it that way i like it that way better but what happens it comes in as a scale factor for some reason it does metric so if i type in 25.4 which is a metric conversion in skeleton i'll make it fit the screen there's my part but that's one to one in other words now it's not the red original size i can also and if yours does this you're just adjusting this whatever you need i'm going to times that by five okay and by timesing it by five you can see i can kind of get it about the size i want it and it looks pretty close if it's not i'll scale it down again um let's go four times four that looks a little better looks like it'll fit and you can adjust it and place it in your drawing area i'm gonna just guesstimate here i like where it's at right there so i'm grabbing this piece to move it anywhere i want and remember we could flip it upside down mirror it right and there's many deals you can do but remember once you get it in there this is your best bet to move things around if you hit finish uh okay at any time it's a little harder to move i'm not going to cover that so much so we're going to practice that so now we have our 57 chevy i'll finish sketch now the sign is ready to engrave that 57 chevy bel air image on it i'm going to go to home here so i can see it at a nice metric view this view allows me to to see it at a different angle i can hold my middle mouse button rotate it around all i want and that makes it very very easy to do it if it doesn't you didn't check change your preferences you need to hold down shift to do it with the old way so i'm just going to go to isometric the home view and then save this and it's going to update it's going to say uh version description all you do is hit save under here is our workspace area we're going to click on our workspace area and we're going to go to manufacturing this is where we're going to do the cnc stuff so i'm going to go manufacturing and here's how we get to go machining this the first thing we're going to do is select a setup and we're going to do a new setup this allows us to make the dummy material that we're going to use for machining so i choose that and now at this point you can see it has my x and my y depending on how your machine is laid out your x may go this way your x may go you know different ways i'm going to believe that the long area on the machine is the x if it isn't then i can rotate that any time by choosing different informations but if i had to change my x direction i can come in here and choose x and y model orientation and i can say for the x i want it to go on this one you see how i changed it and that's one way of doing that i'm not going to do that because i like it the way it is so just to give you a heads up there's whole videos on how to set where you want to this the model box point is where we can place our origin anywhere on the box if you feel comfortable putting your sign in the corners you're welcome to do that and those are based off quadrants i'm going to keep it here in the center it's easy to start from the center and the next step is to set my stock well my stock is basically the model and if i wanted to do it relative to size it's going to give me relative size information i don't want to go in depth on this but probably the easiest one to use is to use your stock model you're from your solid if i want to do that now it's giving my material the same finish part i have i'm going to choose that and then over here i'm going to give it a 1 for my work offset g54 you can give it a program number or name right here if i call this right now 19 57 chevy bel air that's what my file is going to be called so again review on this real quick you can always watch that our box point tells us where we want our origin i'm going to go back to where i want it in the middle machine gives us our stock as you can see if i did a fixed size then i can actually do a 4 by 12 by half inch and the last tab gives us our name of our file and we must set a work offset and hit ok now we just set up our stock model to match what we're working with the next step is to create a tool path now we're going to create the tool path we'll go up here to 2d and we're going to look at engrave engrave is the tool path that we're going to be using this setup so we'll go in here and the first thing we do is take a look at dialog box and we have different tabs we have tool which we have to design our tool geometry heights that means your depth your retracts how you want to do your passes from radio to axial depth to cut and linking information choose select and again it may vary uh with a tool the first thing we're going to do is select our tool i have one set here i don't know if i want to use that one or not let me see if i can delete that tool we'll start fresh here i'll delete that tool so we'll go through the whole process now definitely we're using milling tools and then when this is our filter button and our filter button we're trying to find a tool we have engrave which makes the most sense we have spot drill that's very similar to what is to me it's not that so much a tool because i develop it as i go but if i just choose engraving you'll see what we do with engraving tools and chamfer tools they're a little different you can choose sample inch it'll give you a variety of them you can choose your fusion library now your library may look different than mine because um i have a little bit more that i got hidden here i have collected a lot of tools from the internet to bring in here and i just use their their numbers but for the simplest of it we're just looking for real real simple uh information here and what we're going to do is we would like to have a quarter inch but i never see one in this yours may have it i have older tools but we're just going to choose any one tool that says chamfer and engraving type and that's that's all we want to do i can just just choose the 60 and change all that information as i go on i'll choose the 45 because that's what we're going to be using and there's an you can see it down here and it doesn't even have a bottom down here and no pointing able to cut with if i choose this one has a wider one if i choose this one same concept it's the same type and if i come over and choose this tutorial one it has more of a shape than i'm looking for i don't know what years would show it doesn't matter because i'm going to show you how to modify that i'll end up taking this one and i'll say select okay it has everything i have but it's not completed yet at this point i'm going to come over here and choose select and i'm going to find my tool that's in my document program now i have this tool i'm going to right button mouse click on it and i'm going to edit that tool editing that tool i can look at the cutter definitions this looks like a great engraving bit but it's a little different here so what i want to do is go through the whole process well it says a half inch most of the routers that we'll be using will probably have a quarter or an eighth inch i'll just stay with a quarter inch diameter as i go through and the shaft will be quarter inch as well don't worry this won't modify and change now as i come to the overall length the information here below the shoulder length it's just a half inch the flute length is a quarter inch 45 degrees and so i have all this about where i want it the only thing i want to look at is this tip information if i analyze tip information i know most of our tools go down to a very close point and there is a ground point on there because a sharp point is cut into zero so we're going to call that five thousandths of an inch and it won't change and modify this at all as you can see it just shows what it has and there's our tool over here some more tabs you can go to shaft holder and cutting data cutting data basically sets your feeds and speeds i'm not going to mess with that post processor is what we name the tool most routers don't have tool number problems but i'm going to turn that on look at cutting data again everything looks good i could turn off coolant i forgot about coolant it'll put a a coat in there that most routers won't have so i'll disable that so again we went to cutter we developed it you could pause the video anytime quarter inch quarter inch half uh tip is a five thousandths that's point zero zero five two inches overall length and if i had the tool in front of me i can look at it but the 45 is what we're cutting with the number of flutes it actually is two flutes on it you can change that too you just need to study what you have and uh some of you might say it's not high speed still it's carbide you can change that it really won't take too much effect of what we're going to be using so we'll accept that so we developed our tools it's going to update based off the 2 2 flute and here's my feeds and speeds i'll set my it's going to cut about 40 inches a minute that's fine with me the key thing here now is the geometry what are we selecting that's the main thing we have to select all this geometry in here and sometimes it's kind of hard to make sure you get it all i like to come over here go to my model expanded my model over here on the edge i want to turn off the body so i can just see the 2d geometry i want to just see the sketches a lot easier to see i turn that model back on turn it off if i chose the model it would turn off my sketches too we don't want to turn off our sketches we want to leave our sketches active the ones we want to see and we would just turn off the body so now i can come over and see if i select everything i select that one i select that one i select that one and it may you may have an issue if you double click on it because if you accidentally double click on it it's going to give you this little floating box here you can trash it that means unselect it or you can open it and leave it an open console if you ever had to control that you just hit plus if you accidentally double select it so just single select everything that is the color of the geometry you want to cut some of them like this really won't make a difference but i'm going to do it anyway because it came through on my model i'm just touching them remember if i double click accidentally it's that little box will come up and i just hit the plus and select the whole thing that will happen if you're click too fast or double click and that's okay so i'm just going to choose everything sometimes you can eliminate some stuff but i'm just going to go ahead and use this everything that came in it and see what happens so i selected everything i can turn back on that body anytime i want and you can see that that's what the engraving information is since i have 37 change now i'm going to choose the height one so the first we chose the tool we selected the geometry and then the height the depth i want to go down in there is very very minimal 50 thousandths of an inch minus fifty thousands i'll choose okay that's all i did let's choose okay so there's three little tabs i set i'll turn off the model so i can see what the tool path there's my tool following that and it makes it like a v-groove bit as you can see there now that we have our tool path done you can see it right here i will go ahead and turn off my body again so i can see the tool path in it now i want to be able to see this and how it would move with the tool so i'm going to use this button over here called simulate it will give me a digital information of the toolpath and how the machine would run here's my geometry here's my toolpath information i'm going to take the defaults i'll take the speed down here at the bottom i'll slow it down and i'll play it i'll slow down a little bit more and we can speed it up so we can see it cut if i want to turn off the 2d geometry i can hit the sketch button turn it off and you can see it actually cutting in in the raw material as you can see it's making the shape that we took originally off the internet put it into inkscape create a plane svg file a scalable vector file brought it into fusion create the geometry for the part itself the the the sign inserted the geometry created stock setup added a tool path developed the tool and its depth and now we verified it and here's what we have a finished part that will come out through our our cnc wood router and we're developing our first little sign i'll close this down i'll turn back on my body so i can see it and my sketches so i'm going to see those the last step what we're going to do is we're actually going to post processes for the machine we'll come up under actions actions has the simulation what we just saw and g1 is for post processing here we want to be able to choose our machine so under the machine post area right here the first button we'll choose is this and we're looking for one that will work with a mach 3 system airsoft mach 3 is the one i'm going to use that's the controller on zenbot machines and any home home built machines can use that so we'll use the mach3 we'll select that one we can put our name of our part here mine's already generated and we can locate where we want to save this this is important you want to choose where you want to save this and so i'm just using it in this information right here and i'll put it right here and you can see that's the folder i'm going to select so i know where it's at this could be my memory stick and from this process we're just going to go ahead and hit post we'll hit post and it's going to ask us where do we want to save our information well i told it to save it in this directory i got the name and so i'm going to save this and this information is is for the machine it's a g m code and this is the code that we're going to be using at the machine it's as simple as that to go through a process the only thing we need to do at this point and i'll shut this down it's saved where i can get to it is to remember one thing that's important where our origin is if i jog my machine to the middle of this material that i'll be putting in there and i zero x y and z at the top of the part and run that code it will follow both x positive y positive values x negative values y negative values and the z depth will be in the process any any as far as just 50 000 and that should be it we're ready to run the part and the machine
Channel: iMarkCNC
Views: 179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bcRzy5P77Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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