MANNY KHOSHBIN: From Dumpster Diving To Commercial Real Estate Multi-Millionaire

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the one-percenter podcast with sam Bakhtiar bringing you the 1% knowledge to help you reach your full potential learn what it takes to rise above the 99% and become a 1% [Music] hey what's going on this is Sam back here the host of the 1% podcast and I got my really amazing friend for 15 years I know this man this man has inspired me beyond anyone else he has shown me the possibility of what's possible Manny Cochrane thank you so much for coming great seeing you my friend I appreciate you man like I told you off camera you know you've been a great inspiration in my life I remember meeting you fifteen years ago and you're all been always so generous always so home thank you met through a mutual friend yes and I remember you know every time we went out you know you just just took us in and pay for everything and and and even though I was like dead broke I'm like man I don't this doesn't feel right I don't want to not pay for anything you know and all that kind of stuff and and the time flies I know time flies man and I really appreciate you you know as a friend who's always been there we always stayed in touch even though we don't see each other all the time but I know that you're someone that I can always call on if I need something for advice thank you feeling's mutual yeah I don't appreciate you Congrats on your success well it's amazing what you've done in 15 years very amazing thank you so much man thank you for thank you for inspiring me yeah my pleasure Manny I'm gonna get into a little bit of your story sure you know like about maybe 10 15 minutes you know and and then I want to talked about like some real estate stuff you know about about what you're doing with you know with your mastermind you know what you do with the real estate you know and everything else like that so tell me a little bit about your story I know you know we lost Persian brothers yep you know you came here when you were 14 I came here when I was 11 so talk about that you came here when you're 14 yeah yeah I came when I was 14 and my parents and my siblings you know there was total of six of us and it was two weeks before my 14th birthday which at that time you know they kind of forced you to go to army at 14 and my dad decided to bolt and two weeks before the birthday and not really having a time and preparation to liquid anything he had a house and a hardware store so it was like a last-minute decision and you know God bless them you know for doing that because you know yeah you just did everything up yeah I mean I if I was anyone I don't know what I would be doing right now you know I'm sure I would have done something but there's no way nothing like this yeah like this that is a great country and that land of freedom and gives you so many resources to you know drive and achieve your dreams so long story short we went to Turkey my dad was able to get a visa and we after about two weeks we came to us he had a friend in Newport Beach that owned a bunch of gas stations and he had promised them you know giving him a job to pump gas a full service so that didn't pan out and we end up in a motel for a couple of weeks and then my dad did the math he's like we're running out of money he called his buddy he goes hey you you you hung me dry here you know I I got you know a six-month-old daughter my sister was six or six of you yeah yeah four kids here harsh so the guy says you know why don't you come over to this station you know I have a bunch of cars you know he was selling cars off of his lot so my dad bought a ghast I mean station dots on a station wagon 1972 for a few hundred bucks and that became our house for house you know for temporary you know for a few weeks and then until he got a job and so you guys live in that Datsun yeah for two weeks yeah I don't remember how long you everybody you know when you go through trauma yeah you don't remember the exact time we're and how that works you know your subconscious kind of blocks that because it's painful yeah right yeah so but it was for a while and then my dad got a job finally with his first paycheck we when I got an apartment was a two-bedroom apartment in Costa Mesa just really quick I'm just tripping out right I'm just tripping out right now works again so Manny Carson who has some of the most spectacular cars in the world anybody have seen I mean you have we're talking about a mic on my team you have not expected you have one of once you know like you have like you know especially then nobody else can say they have that you know me once live in a Datsun 72 Datsun you know homeless yeah we bought it for a few hundred bucks it was beat-up - OH don't you ever look back and just like trip out yeah sometimes I still don't think it's real I feel like we live in it like a computer game you know I have to stuff I'm signing me to interrupt but no I'm just looking back I'm like gosh man I mean I've been into your garage I've been to your home and and now it's crazy how far you have come okay go ahead yeah no no worries so yeah that obviously all that trauma my family went through this struggle you know at age 14 you know it really I feel like I became a man yeah instantly quickly I all the guilt trip so that became my motivation I wanted to make money by any means of course legally you know I never got into selling drugs oh good so that became my motivation my you know so from that point on I didn't speak any English I had three hours of ESL in high school you know freshmen when we signed in Costa Mesa high school and that was by itself a big challenge for me because I couldn't communicate so you know you get frustrated and you can talk like a two-year-old okay and so I had to learn English and then so that was a challenge because I couldn't really you know use myself to do communicate and do anything but I learned you know from living across from a Orange Coast College we should add swap meets a new weekend yeah I learned that hey everyone's is flea market know everyone's you know bartering selling things so I learned hey that's a business I don't really need to speak you know you just buy those so high yeah so I picked up you know people leftovers by the trash cans throughout the week and then put it in my patio I was 14 years old I got my brother here's 12 - wait a second you know I read in your book yep dad you got in a fight over some trash oh yeah when people look as I read your book and one night you one night you know you got actually somebody wanted a chat and you were right to fight somebody tries and dead go tell the story well you know you know me I used to get up early in the morning like at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning is still dark before the dumpster trucks come to pick up their trash so we we jump in the trash first we pick whatever is outside the dumpster and then we you know if there is anything you know we inside the dumpster you like you know toasters or what have you so this one early morning I see a bunch of whiners hanging out like great it's gotta be something like Tronics in there so I dive in there and then it's dark so I'm pulling on the wires and I I see someone else pulling like I hear noises in there like [ __ ] somebody else in the dumpster TV we're coming back how important that he comes up and then I seize my dad's friend oh yeah this was so embarrassing what the [ __ ] your dad's right yeah I think it was morning better than music okay so at this point nobody's a grown man anyway long story short but no so I we need to compile this stuff because it costs of goods is zero you know I'm picking up stuff and then we just haul it across the street on Saturdays Sundays and you don't have to speak any English you know we took masking you know duct tape masking tape just tear it up with the magic market $2 $1 you know and that was my first job like my first business really you know I learned how to like negotiate with people who make money out of thin air that's it yeah money out of thin air you made out of money out of garbage well you know 100 150 bucks a weekend that's a lot of money for you know you know space was like 10 bucks per space you know to pay rent so it was it was great far from $40 property yeah so I think two years later I obviously was you know 16 and I was able to get a job legally so I start working at Kmart as a clerk and like cleaning clerk and picking up shopping carts in the parking lot watching the toilets you know mopping the stockroom and the sales floor and that was a great experience and is that it 16 watch the first card no no I bought my first time when I was 17 something that was a Hondo court yeah yeah yeah I saved my money the minute I got the job at Kmart I saved most all my paycheck every week they usually pay in cash I Kmart you know I need a lot of envelopes bad kid used to pay people in cash you know that's long yeah yeah I was getting three dollars and fifteen cents an hour yeah they good ol days but it was good you know because you know I you know that you you feel you're sweating you're working then you get paid every Friday and you're saving that money literally under your mattress you know and I was the current duty so you're like a you know I know you know I'm ever since I was like four or five years old you know I play with toy cars and oh yeah always a car enthusiast you know and I know you were always a car enthusiast you know I know some people buy cars to flash that but you are a really car enthusiast and i'm yeah i passionate yeah yeah yeah that's the you know i know you love it i love it i mean so ever since then you're always like you're always looking I'm gonna get the car but yeah alright yeah people always tell me when on interview says hey when you talk about cars two things your your your face you know you like the lights up is cars and then your kids yes exactly boys with toys yeah but no Kmart taught me a lot you know because you know of course it was painful still because there was discrimination you know I used to avoid walk in my cafeteria because all the employees sitting there they used to you know name is all you have this and that so I used to go around and eat my lunch you know in the back of that stockroom you know but kind of isolate myself well that's times went by you know I got promoted to a sporting goods manager but I knew everything in my life is a stepping stone you know even Kmart swapped me even now did you know what then or you know not now you look back and yeah well obviously we know now we know now that everything in your life was a stepping stone yeah but then I don't know I didn't know I'm gonna be a multi-millionaire that's funny right well they knew or when I like you want to progress you want to progress I want to progress I'm gonna be I want to reach of that financial freedom yeah somehow by then there's gonna be this yes you know this yeah I mean on all these cars and homie your new home man oh my god like every morning like you know I want to watch the restoring because I wanna watch the review vicariously that's what a watch that view cuz that view is just a human amazing ya know the new house is much more you know conducive for kids my old house you saw then have a pool yeah you know I had a big fountain yep and then what's funny is my daughter didn't know what's big difference between pool and I found them he used to call my neighbor hey let's go come to my house we go swimming in our pool and I told my dog like that's a fountain see she's swelling there you know yeah question you know you know quick thing I read before I forget you know when I came to your former house which was a huge house - I don't know how big it was that but I remember coming to your house and you know Heidi to be wrapped around ya you know like a you games like a you right so you know I remember coming and you know my firm sized house is so beautiful is that so I walked in I'm like yeah this is really nice but he has neighbors right there yeah and he goes no that's his house all right I'm like oh [ __ ] you know that's our house like that you know I'm like oh that's pretty cool yeah it was an awkward lair the house was ten thousand four hundred square feet so his lot of square footage but the backyard you know had no pool yeah and you know they built it like a Italian Tuscan for it was a holder underground garage was pretty cool oh yeah yeah the only five car garage yeah well they're back to Kmart as soon as I got the Kmart job I knew like this is my first real job so I got a lot of learning to do you know and building my you know experience you know working in America you know is the culture is totally different from you yeah yeah let me go I want it oh thank you I'm not used to talking so much so within a year I buy my first car saving money every week and as soon as I did that I got promoted around the same time to a sporting goods manager and they loved me I became Employee of the Month four times in the first year so that's four out of twelve months is pretty good I was always showing up early and I was always a staying five ten minutes after I'm supposed to clock out and nobody does that nobody doesn't and the HR department that lady I forgot her name but she saw us she pulled me one time said why do you come what do you stay over your you know we're not gonna pay you that five ten minutes you're always clocking out and you're always coming early I would come early and then I would clock out on time so I was working for free you know for a few minutes because I said I wanted to prove myself you know I was so eager to succeed so I didn't care you know I want to start you know for people who are gonna watch this see at the very very no matter what you did you always had a higher standard yeah you know you had a higher standard you know you're just an employee right but you came in early and you left late because you just want to get stuff but you wanted to move up in the world right yeah what I have a problem these days is people these days want to do the minimum but they want to earn the maximum and what they do sometimes they say well I'm just doing this job right now but once I do my own thing I'm gonna crush it it's not you crushed everything you do it becomes a habit absolutely ask everything it becomes a habit right so what I'm picking up from what you did at the variation hustled when you started coming here you hustle you look for opportunities to make money you did whatever it took and even when you work for someone else you showed up early you left late doesn't matter because you want to move up yep you got it putting 200% not 100% yeah all the time 24/7 you know if you're an employee you work for somebody else you put it 200% because once you do your own thing or you want to do anything in life that's the habit that you're gonna build and that's what I'm picking up from you yeah yeah you know building your personality your success habits you know early on obviously it helps because it forms your you know your persona and your credibility and you know just like with anything else you know if you're don't put in the effort you're not going to get the results right say what bodybuilder yeah you can yeah you can work out for 10 minutes and I expect to be a bodybuilder you know you gotta work for an hour yeah so yeah but after that I I became a sporting good assistant manager and then I was getting the newspaper every Sunday you know to check in to help one at section because I knew that's a stepping stone I don't wanna work at Kmart you know at much higher bigger dreams so I started looking and I found this company WWI worldwide industries they said earn $500 a week I'm like wow I'm only making 150 over here 500 bucks is great so it was door-to-door sales multi-level marketing and at that time there was something nuts you know oh yeah oh yeah that's what yeah that's how you renew yourself you you if I remember correct to the story you were something that so you were crushing it yeah then one guy came and bought some nuts from you and he was a healthy okay so I work at that company that WWI and then within three four months I became their top salesman right because again I was working I was covering more area than any other sales man I was working 10 12 hours a day these guys worked for four hours they get tired and I kept on going a cover more area you know and one day I'm shopping with my dad at Price Club back then it was not Costabile price Club and I did a quick math on cashews and trail mix and jujubes and Toffees and all cause that stuff I was selling right I'm like why they're saying three pounds for three bucks that's a dollar a pound this company's selling it to him for two dollars a pound double so I talked to my dad I'm like you know I already have my customers I have all my roots why what for WWI I can just you know buy them nuts put em in a polyester backs on myself you know and I was 18 years old at it cut the middleman baby yeah so that's what I did so I started searching I got the yellow pages out I'd look for polyester bag you know anesthesia you know so I find a company in Santa Ana they sell bags polyester bags and then I found the you know the same company told me where to buy the sealer and it was like few hundred bucks I went into my business you know business for myself it was that your first real business right yeah real business except you know you didn't know you had to get a health department yeah well I didn't know yeah and so that that was a great experience for me because it you know it was a real you know first real business I started to actually hire people had to actually write a check by goods I had to open a business checking account and get an office yeah so it wasn't like swap meet taking stuff on my patio so it was good I was pretty proud of myself I was 18 I was like wow I'm a boss you know I used to go to pay phones and put you know these little tear off sheets you know earn five hundred bucks a week I did the same thing sorry to add you know model success yeah and it was great I was making three four thousand a month cash had four people working for me after three months and then I until I sold nuts to the wrong guy yeah and that was the health inspector shot me down but again you know that wasn't really a failure I think knows not it made you image you know that hey if you don't open up a business you got to do your research of what's required right you can't just open up a business and you know there's there's things required to have a legitimate business that's what I taught you and eighteen who knows that yeah I mean sometimes you learn the hard way yeah and weather is hard way or easy way you're still learning so it to me is like everything's a lesson so I took that and then I had about 20-some thousand dollars saved up after four or five months I had the nut business and then I'm like my dad's friend owned a brokerage firm that they sold gas stations and businesses you said yeah it doesn't all say that from your not business yeah it's pretty damn good yeah you know because at 18 years old most people make money and we'll spend it all oh yeah good for you man yeah you know I when you come here with no money yeah you and then you make some money you're not gonna go on about Latino suits yeah oh yeah I did by a volunteer years later so my my dad's friend says hey you know I could get you guys a gas station with SBA ten percent down and kind of pumped us up and and I'm like really gas station that's amazing I mean it's ironic that my dad was supposed to get his first job at a gas station now you know like 9 20 years old and I'm buying a gas station you know it was like we're so proud amazing like five years prior to that my dad was supposed to work at a gas and now his son is buying her so it was like really really exciting for me and of course it didn't pan out the guy that was somebody got ripped off right yeah no you lied about yeah yeah it was a loan company in LA I went through he charged me all these fees loan never he never did I did it alone but I did became a mobile dealer I went to Rancho Cucamonga for two weeks learn how to measure the tanks run the snack shop all that stuff they do you know as a book to become a mobile dealer so I have my plaque which I paid 3500 bucks for but again that was a failure but it taught me something yeah and you know it Tommy never trust no one verify right yes trust everyone by verifying what they're saying exactly you know and that's that's what I learned you know in life you know you know I don't want to be one of those people I don't trust you I don't trust and on trust you hey everybody is good but let me do some research you know yeah what you got a benefit of the out to people but not exactly do yeah absolutely so I didn't do my homework I just went on this guy's an official from a foreign country and somebody coming in and you know you you know you you know Iran we're worried about you know we're trust everyone everybody's everything yeah yeah you come here you know that guy's like but again you know that was a hard pretty hard hit for me no because he took her money when yeah I mean it's not easy at age 19 to go on make 20 grand cash I mean not make but have 20 grand you know and so I called one of the when sand hire managers where I used to sell nuts to and Ruben Padilla I never forget god bless em I hope he is still alive he was an older gentleman and he really liked me he used to always say hey I love your hustle you know he saw me how I was like trying to sell more nuts to all his employees surrender in the back room you know and I told him hey what happened and you know I lost my money this guy scare me I'm like super depressed he was hey you know you're the biggest motivator motivating hustling young guy I've ever met why don't you come here and work for me you know I run this win Center in Montebello where you sell nuts to to all my employees everybody loves you just come here I'll hire you as a manager and I didn't even have to do interview nothing so he hired me on this spot so I worked there because I had no money right I lost all my money so they should become the number one you know salesperson tires and all that of the yeah probably probably number two out of 178 stores that's crazy yeah yeah and then they moved me to another underperforming store in Bonaparte because their sales were closed for me to pump their souls up but everything I'm learning in life is sales yeah doesn't matter what do you do anything so what you know if somebody asks you you know what is the number one key to a sell what would you say I would say genuine you know just being generous being genuine right yeah yeah people will read through [ __ ] you know if you're genuine and you're providing value you know genuinely people will bother these days man everybody knows all the sales techniques and all that all the different things man you've become authentic you know you know you know and and and and be as transparent as possible exactly you know especially if you want to repeat buyer to you know you don't want to say one thing I Meyer and then nobody ever comes back to you yeah you know what I'm done totally you real quick let's let's fast forward to when you bought the grocery store you know you bought it you know you had a grocery store for yes right yes you know and tell me about that you know because that's a huge project right yeah so that one I built it I didn't buy it yeah I believe I'm a scratch I had the once entire job and then after that I started a mortgage company and reality in 93 oh you okay got it okay yeah 93 and then after that when rates went up in 94 and I had about $100,000 save or do you close that right you probably I close it close it and then I had a partner back then I told my partner mark I'm like hey we got you know we got this money saved and let's do something where they goes hey the discount stores are doing good so we opened the first 9 cents plus store in Santa Ana and everything was 98 cents 99 cents plus we did yeah I'm like hey you got to think out of the box and I go lawyer you know of course it's teaser you have some items for 79 but of course things it's so many nine that gets him in the door yeah we did that for a while that did great we open the second location and then we're like hey you know why not just convert it to a supermarket because in Santa Ana you know you know produce and meat is a big you know huge business so we spend another 100,000 put in refrigeration and made into a full-blown supermarket in San the Santa Ana location and we were killing it we were making like 30 40 grand a month and then that's what food for last game right for that that was a second failure he got so bad I mean I think that was actually much harder for me than the last two failures because at that time I was at the taste for success and money at a you know a hundred thousand dollar car at an at a 500sl at a Lexus ls400 I had a nice amazing home in Irvine really quick so yeah what was your first really nice car you know so I know you had a Honda Accord when did you actually go and say you know you bought your very for you but a 300 Mercedes 300 ii mercedes reenter 1893 when i start making money mortgage and and you were how 93 was 22 okay so at 22 you had a 308 that's crazy yeah yeah and I put Lorenzo wheels on it Springs boom box in the trial you Santana gangster right there the good ol days hey you got a suit me a picture I'm sure you have a picture you guys have yeah I do I do all right and then after that in 94 I bought a $100,000 car it was a 500sl which back then it was the epitome of so yes yes yeah yeah that 500 convertible yeah yeah especially I think that's like the Persian you know yeah I bought that and I bought a brand new LS 400 Lexus that was another like yeah cool car back there and got a house in Irvine and then the foot for listing happened yeah and then we then instantly within the first grand opening weekend ourselves like cutting 50% Wow and that was like a I'm like whoa okay it's just because they just opened its grand opening next weekend we gonna back pick up you know sales again right pick back up and that didn't happen it just got worse worse worse eventually my partner says they not not only we're not making 30 40 grand a month we got to put money back in the business and he said hey I'm not interested so you bought him out I bought about my yep yeah and then I had to lay off some people you actually went inside and start working on yourself yeah well I was always working in myself more than you know I hate to say more than my partner and I was working basically five to eight six six days a week but when he was out and I had to save the business because he was losing my order to I was putting seven days a week I was actually doing the cashier so oh okay you know that here's what I wanted enough for the viewers where people were listen to this you weren't a boss that said you know what I'm not gonna work it's gonna fail is gonna fail you know a lot of a lot of people once we get to a certain level yeah I can see you're like what that's beneath me I'm not gonna do that yeah but you did hear you like you know what I don't care I'm a CEO here I'm the owner if I need to clean the toilet I'm gonna couldn't hold it if I need to be a cashier and maybe cashier if I need to work several yeah you did you know you did whatever [ __ ] they took yeah you know me nothing was beneath you you know because your business your house or your money and sometimes men when we climb to the ladder you mean at this point man you know you're pretty sick you were we were pretty successful you know yeah house and earned couple nice cars you know and now you going back to zero you know and you weren't afraid are you went back and you did whatever you could and a lot of times we lose that as we become successful you know some jobs and our Sun are beneath us yeah and that's never been you know no I shouldn't be for anybody that wants to be an entrepreneur a business owner you got something you got to do everything from you know first of all you gain the respect of all your in yes 100% right they see their bosses being you know anything yeah funny right and then second of all it keeps you humble because you know the worst thing you want to get it's become egoistic to a point where your ego takes the best of no truth and I've seen so many people fail true because they become so big and then also and they think they're too big to fail yes that and then next you know you know things change and then yeah but I end up selling my home my two cars he got so bad after a year that you know I basically I was negative net worth you know going from you know having hundreds of thousands of dollars to be negative and I stopped borrowing in my credit cards so already I see three fell businesses right yep the nut business the mortgage business and the supermarket see all the gas stations the guy said yeah I never even started by a triple so I see four times that you got your face smashed in yeah okay that's why your book is called driven yep because you got your face smashed you keep going yeah you have to you don't have a choice you know in my in my life you know it's only one way you know yeah I mean I'm sitting here just absorbing the character you know what what what you have done and I'm serious man I love it I'm just like sitting here just look at them nuggets and stuff like that okay so so then after after that when did you start you know the car spun company yeah so the Akash paint company was forming 2005 but how I got into cars main company and like investing commercial real estate is while I was trying to sell my supermarket because everybody told me file bankruptcy you're losing your ass every month and you've borrowed money I had borrowed money from family friends microcars 180-gram my grade cards paying twenty two percent interest yeah it's many four thousand our money interest give or take per month and I didn't have money I was just borrowing to just keep it you know a stable oh yeah yeah everybody says bankruptcy you've rebuild your credit within three to five years I'm like no this country is built on credit you know I learned early on you know that you know if you learn the system use the system that is all credit base yeah you know and it's all about you know using your credit to leverage you know business opportunities so if I file bankruptcy because seven years yeah you know and it's too and on top of that you know it's a failure you know I can accept failure you know it's okay to you know close a business and go on a better opportunity to me that's not a failure to give up you give up like seven years but yeah I mean yeah it's basically like death yeah you know so I said the business is losing money anyway why don't I just lose you know drop the prices and advertise and get the sails up and just sell it you know and that's what I did it took me eight nine months I almost doubled the sales I was bringing in stuff you know vo5 shampoo Aqua Net hairspray I was selling for fifty cents where food folders was selling for 99 cents so those are teaser items to bring people in and then I was bringing musicians Mexican bands on weekends and giving free tacos so I said you go shop inside when you come out bring your receipt you get a free taco so that like double my sells on weekends so I have to think about to get creative yeah book was it no looking like that is genius yeah doesn't it G you know it's managed to put a lot of good music and they love o food I'm married to a married to a Mexican family so there you are there they are my that is you know it's funny it's funny because I'm gonna tell you really quick when I came to America my uncle had a store in the hood in the worst neighborhood in Sharon Pennsylvania and one time ago san you want you want to see the store get busy you know and he he wouldn't got the boombox he turn it up and he put something he put some you know the latest like rap song at the time you know me and next thing you know we got flooded so so I see the bait now you know yeah well people love you know entertainment yeah food you know so that I did that that sales went up and I ended up selling the business - it was a Persian guy actually that first offered on it so and then he tried to reach rate me and that says all your lease is not favorable your landlord didn't you know negotiate a good lease so he backed out and then I said well your time has lapsed you know it was 15,000 deposit your deposit is non-refundable so he sued me for the 15,000 or we end up going to court while I'm waiting in court with my landlord mr. Williams which was a super wealthy older man and he says you know you remind me so much of my you know young you know early days and you know what are you doing selling you know tacos and meat and stuff I mean give me real estate right yeah I came to Orange County in the 1950s with a small little lemonade stand and now he owned like 700 million dollars worth of real estate guys and he says I you know sell this business when you're done come see me you know so that's what I did that guy defaulted I ended up selling it to two Korean brothers for $185,000 and I didn't pay my credit cards because if I did I put that money in stock market and I got lucky this was December 1998 by September 1999 I'd almost seven hundred grand okay 180,000 went to seven hundred thousand on stock market yeah okay so here's a lesson that I'm you know for people who are watching this okay so you took that money and you invested it so you were willing to take a risk now of course right yeah you know and in life I believe that if you're not willing to take a risk there's you won't go we're gonna get a reward you want to take stupid risk you want to throw your money at a stupid thing but you know stock market is a pretty you know pretty must of the time the trend is up yeah yeah so is real estate over time yeah if you're patient so rather than you know you're like oh my god oh my god oh my god you know you know go let me go pay this you you took that money and invested it and you nearly like what tripled your money yeah well I did my research - I didn't drop either I started investing in March I think February March of 1999 so I waited two three months I I you know logged into my AOL and I started reading about AOL each raid CMG I broke eight communication all these companies that were splitting every quarter on earning announcements you know so I watched my other friends that are also making a lot of a lot of money trading stocks so I was very cautious I took calculated risk and then when it became too good to be true I cashed out which was September all my friends says you're crazy you know you want to make millions if you just keep your money in there that are splitting 3:41 every earning I'm like do it I just came from a two-year beat yeah and I got seven hundred grand I left 80 grand in there I took six hundred some thousand out I'm gonna called mr. Williams my landlord and I said I'm ready so he sent over this time this was 1999 so 2028 okay so 228 years old I have seven hundred grand yeah that's ever had around in 1999 is probably like seven million dollars a day I took that money he sent me his broker he showed me three deals in Orange County shopping centers and then I liked one because the seller was desperate he had multiple price reductions it was in Whittier actually and and he said seller carry back I'm like great I don't have to you know because my income tax return didn't show that well because I still was losing money long story short I end up buying a shopping center for I think six hundred ninety thousand dollars in Whittier so I put some money down there and then I bought two other homes REO in Santana and and then I fixer-upper and and that jump-started my commercial real estate and then I got lucky in 2000 I found that REO shopping center in Santana and ironically you know something you know universe works in a weird way you know you said you said couple of times I got lucky right and I don't think his luck because you wouldn't found that if you weren't looking that's true luck is that guy I'm just sitting here [ __ ] [ __ ] just falls on every date yeah so you know does that quote that says the harder I work the luckier I get yeah me is you know it's not like you found it right yeah and what age did you make your first million I was gonna get to that so okay but that shopping center it was boarded up property right across from post office on First Street in Santa Ana and I used to drive by there all the time it was boarded up I was trying to find out who's the owner I'm like this is a gem it's the whole block it's been boarded up who owns that why nobody's doing nothing with it so one morning I'm checking my mailbox at post office and I see two guys over there with a truck you know doing something to the door it's boarded up building and I you know sprint over there with my car and I'm like hey are you the new owner it was yeah I work for El Dorado Bank we just took it that the trustee sale we to get back like I've been trying to you know find who's the owner I want to buy it because my supermarket was two blocks away and I sold that now I have money like this is a fixer-upper great opportunity so I told him who's gonna enlist that they said Walter pay goal at grubbin Ellis here is his number so I called a guy he goes I don't know what you're talking about but like nobody you want to get the listing when can yeah when can you do lunch yeah me too yeah he's like well I don't even know what you're talking about like nobody let's just do lunch I'm a real estate investor you're gonna get this listing I talk to so-and-so they just took this property and they're gonna send you to listening and so he says let me let me confirm some data I get back to you so you call me two days there he goes yeah you know not too much it's coming so I had lunch with him I said hey I'm a I'm a real estate broker you can keep all the Commission I just want to get a good deal don't list it find out what the bank wants and we'll work out a deal so I end up buying that property for six hundred sixty thousand dollars and I you know did some minor landscaping remodel and I end up type of 1.6 million and that was like first $1,000,000 how did that mean I mean how did that help me seriously how did that feel you know because we're growing up and says hey millionaire millionaire leader I mean you know you're near right yeah you know how did that feel when you first saw seven figures in your bank account it's kind of Independence you might naturally independence you know these right now if you tell somebody a million bucks these a lot of money but it is really not yeah yeah but yeah but back then for me from going from for faith liberty or living in a car for fail you know down to zero failures and then getting to the supermarket and getting beat down 100 hours a week for two years working with no money and then getting to a million bucks two years literally less than two years later it was a like a you know obviously a huge accomplishment exciting I really felt for first time in my life I have power you know yeah I mean I mean this is well we all we all been ever since we were little kids were chasing millionaire millionaire you know right and you know when that happened I remember the first time I hit a million and I literally pulled over to the side of the road and I called some friends that I was like look you know yeah today is what I you know this is this is the day the other day this is the day and I always wanted to know you know I don't know if you ever done this or not you know I always want to know how much 1 million is in in cash uh how much how much does it does it take how much space does it take you know I mean and I went to the bank and I said I want to withdraw a million and they're like look at me they're like well first of all don't call it yeah I call it hell and sit in a wall we can only give it to you at a hundred thousand dollar increments you know that's how if that's what banks require me I'm like what do you need and then they had me sign a waiver that if I get robbed or killed don't think they're not responsible you know and so I have to go back ten times to get ten $100,000 oh my god and I never forget I put in a suitcase I just want to see what it look like I'll get back to the back to see a picture you know cut like Floyd Mayweather stop yeah I just wanted I just like that for my own thing you know I'm it to this day I have a picture of it you know and I'm like man I just you know I've had to do that this yeah that's also so that was then your first that's when you saw the power of you know commercial commercial building you know you know you know getting something fixing it up and send me for a lot more and that's what you went all-in yeah yeah and that was really a point in my life but I started using cash to my power and stop buying apartment buildings in Long Beach and now I've cashed so I can offer you know very quick short-term escrow and non-refundable deposit I saw that yo it's amazing how much you can use that to your power to your advantage because there's a lot of people that are selling property out of desperation and they need the money yeah so if you can act quick so and you know what you're going doing you know you know what you're doing and what you're buying and what you could do to the property the cash is like you you can earn 10 20 percent right up front that's that is so funny you say that because in 2008 or 2009 I came to this development yeah and well here yeah in this example this is this was the development back to they were developing yeah and I wanted to buy a home and and I had like 500 grand save and I thought I was a man yeah and I thought I was a man you know me nobody in my family ever been around that you know meaning and I came in here and this that the smallest home they have here is it just a tract home yes a custom home you know so it was a it was a you know a tract home was one point six so I had like my little pimp stroll you know I thought I was the man I thought I was rich you know me I came here don't you give him 500 high my five hundred round I'm pretty qualified for a loan you know this isn't that you know and every time I get out bit by a cash offer I got lost every bit and and and so a little II went back with my tail behind my legs you know I was like oh my god I lost the house I lost the house because people had cash right so I went back to the drawing board and I said two three years ago I came back and there's really guys like this this one man you know is 3.2 - you know you know I don't want nobody outbid me nobody I learned my lesson so I know exactly what you're talking about yeah yeah cash goes a long ways yeah and so I started doing that using cash to my advantage and I end up you know buying selling over 200 units in Long Beach and then I'm like okay you know I gotta you know pivot you know it in life everything is about pivoting from one thing to another you know stepping stones right so I started looking at office buildings out of its state because California you know it's like I got to expand my territory yeah so I started going on internet Bank got to internet now and kind of get on there and search anything you want so I start looking at Houston fourth largest city in the nation a lot of movement a lot of liquidity in real estate a lot of you know product to cherry-pick from so I started you know teaching myself researching different zip codes you know and and I realized the area closer to airport is very active at businesses for a lot of cool fly meaning so I stopped buying smaller buildings and not three four storey buildings I bought three buildings I think my first visit I flew there in 2004 I remember the broker he show me five buildings I bought three of them on the spot we went to his office wrote the offer and I flew back the same day I whatever I think nine point seven million dollars I put three million dollars down but the nice thing is you know I had the experience already with negotiating and adding a flipping so I really knew there is meat on the bone on this properties because I've already done it you know four three four years prior and what was nice is I bought the buildings and then California had kind of plateaued 2004 to 2007 you didn't get a huge price appreciation and people were selling in that time and doing 1031 exchange where they want to take their money yeah Arizona and he's done Miami New York so Houston was one of the cities where I got a lot of California money moving into it and I was ahead of the curve so we started friend yeah so by 2007 I had one hundred thirty million dollars worth of real estate all in Houston mostly all of it in Houston and I sold in 2007 most of em California buyers yeah so you know I was a contrarian I bought when people were selling in Houston I bought from Houston you know Oh No well that's what it does right Warren Buffett says you know if you want to be successful look at what people are doing do the opposite yeah most people yeah and you and your book the contrarian yeah it was the exact you know one percenter yeah so so I know you know you learn a very expensive lesson at one time even though after you had a lot of success you know you learned that a single tenant building you know yeah don't bring that up you know you know I remember I remember we we were really we at that time we were hanging out a lot you know at that time we were hanging out a lot you know it was over your house a lot of times and you know I know that was some rough times with you you know and all that kind of stuff you rut you know you're going through a lot of rough times you know and and the cool things you know every successful entrepreneur goes through up and of course yeah but people don't be a lot of people can't handle that yeah you know me a lot of you say of course because you know it and you've been through it but a lot of people want to get they get an entrepreneurship they thing is this lavish lifestyle you know it's not this is that's a lot of ups and downs and ups and downs so tell me about the lesson that you learn in real estate about a single tenant building yeah well single tenant building is all all in basically is all or none so at this particular investment we bought a building for seventeen million dollars in Houston and it was a subsidiary of Boeing that tenant that occupied the building and they handle all the communication with the discovery shuttle and I'm like they spent 20 million bucks fiber-optics this means so much infrastructure they're putting the building they're not going to go anywhere that's what the broker was telling me right so we bought the building that had five year lease with three five-year option and the cap rate was like eight and a half so we put five million dollars down and our return was like twenty eighteen to twenty percent cash-on-cash whether you know Boeing you know as your credit tenant it was like how can you go wrong and what are the chances of bull you know NASA not giving him the contract you know renewing their contract you know it's a government contract because they're the main you vendor for NASA and guess what happened space X you know came by Elon Musk and he got awarded the contract three years after I bought it I got a FedEx letter and from our tenant USA which was the name of the tenant they said oh we didn't get the contract from NASA renewed we're gonna be moving out of the building and my heart just dropped I'm like wow I just got punched in the gut oh my god and that's all or none it was none at that point and sadly I had some partners in there I was 50% partner I put 2.5 money on my own money then I had like 18 19 other family friends that put money in there which one of them you know yeah and that was a hard thing for me to swallow not I didn't care so much about my money to be honest with you I felt more pressure and guilt for all these other 18 because you know I can always make the money back but some of these people like my own sister she borrowed money on our home five hundred grand and she put in there so all our money was you know gone they got the distribution for couple years so they got some of that money back but people always look at their equity they put oh yeah they don't care you know you could make give them money for 10 years distribution if they put a million bucks they want a million back after ten years doesn't matter you know so that was the expensive lesson so now I never buy a single tenant I don't care if it's God occupying you know you know this really quick you know going back you know I'm you know you know I know you went through this and I'm going through this you know in a smaller scale sometimes as I climb the ladder of successor you know I know you know you have helped so many people make us so much money you know you have literally made so many people millionaires you know and and and and I'm happy to hear that I mean you know yeah it made many people millionaires yeah I'm a people so much money some of them that I know like I said I know that you know they pretty much didn't do shits at home I'm just collect a bunch of checks and you know that's yeah I didn't even care about progressing anymore yeah I saw a regress you know and and then when the gold is good everybody is your friend yeah that long time yeah well the one time all signs something doesn't turn like NASA doesn't renew then you get also and all these people harping at you and and next you know they're turned against you you know um you know I've had several wrecks per my track I'm going through you know that kind of experience right now you know mean how did that I mean that's kind of crushing right and then what did you learn from that yeah but you know what you learn from you know people do you have so much in you know over the years yeah if one thing goes wrong also enter your enemy yeah well unfortunately it's the nature of doing business with you know with people and sadly when you're doing business with family and friends is even worse yeah because their expectations are even more yeah you know they're like come on you got so much money you know this particular person in that LLC that suit me was an old friend of mine you know and they I took their thirteen thousand dollars from their 401k I bought my four Plex I turn into 1.3 million dollars within six years and they took seven hundred thousand dollars putting in this deal which you know we know what happened to it and they took the rest of the six hundred thousand and put it with some developer that I had no idea and that was complete fraud I mean they lost that money but long story short is he turned around sued me for a million dollars you know I'm like I made all this money a lot of these buildings you know that I've left for them they didn't even end up seeing the building you know but anyway long story short what I learned from it is to expect that yeah because I'm so good right now for lawsuits you know it's my attorney says just put this bunch of site for legal fees per year a guy in your you know a snatcher you have to expect that you know all these businesses that have legal department that have budget for ya you know Selma's I have a DA this that's guy Phil down you know one guy didn't like the color of my t-shirt is swing I'm just I think I see you for anything there's no when I first started my business you know you know I got like a small claims you know you know Clint bucks 500 bucks it crushed me I was like oh my god you know I was hurt and now that you said I just expect it you know as you climb the humming the motor area you know [ __ ] yeah you know what do you do now you know you know because obviously you are a very successful very very wealthy man you know you're obviously you're all over social media people see you know that they see the cars they see the mansions and the buildings and you know all that kind of stuff what do you do to protect yourself because now it's not only you I mean look if everything goes away from you you're okay now you have to show ya protect for life yeah you know what you know what you know what systems what do you have in place you just want a mosque the important thing is you know get your legal documents in order so have a very good state you know planning in place so I have a great law firm that only handles you know estate planning protection everything's in LLC's I got umbrella after amber laughs I've teary you know of insurance yeah and then lastly I don't do business with anybody I own everything myself I used to have partners but after that loss of a row that check - everybody knows that I don't need this I was trying to help people you know yeah so you learn what you know every deal you make I remember you turning me down I remember calling you calling you you know I'm like you know my man you know you know you know I got a couple of million now I'm gonna own it I don't invest in stuff like that he goes bro I Love You Man but right now I'm not dealing with nobody as a businessman is not good weight is not a good way to look at you know those type of incidences because you don't want to be jaded and I closed or yeah so I mean I'm I am gonna come out with my own fund but it's gonna have a full disclosure this that I mean I was doing it basically a you know our friends let's do this together let's grow together as a good thing but now you have to make sure everything everybody knows everything you know what's going on if you'll just sign you know this ahead of time oh yeah yeah I then have these closures before because they were all family friends yeah you know I didn't tell me hey this could go down to zero but you know when you invest money you have to accept the fact they're taking some rest it's not a hundred percent nothing is hundred percent right yeah not good I could get out here and you get head with their car on the freeway right now you know he's a hunter person I want to get back you know perfect awesome and now I want to ask you you know about what you're doing you know because for years you know I've been bugging you yeah nobody has a Manny you need to tell your story Manny you're inspirational Manny you know you need to have a mastermind Mandy you need to do zero I've been telling you that yeah because because you know I mean I look up to you you know you can inspired me you know you inspire me you know and you know I'm like man you you need to help other people when all that kind of stuff then all of a sudden you know you decided okay maybe I'm gonna do that right so why don't you change your mind what are you do right now with every millionaire mastermind and what are what are what you know what you know what are because obviously I know for a fact you don't need the money you know yeah I know I know yeah you know you know but tell me like why all of a sudden now you know you decided that you know you you you know did what changed well it really is all the emails and direct messages I get everybody says okay they all have questions about real estate hey is it time to buy is it not time to money I have two homes 12m are paid off should I get a HELOC on one or should I sell one and um you know I don't have time to respond to each one I'm like okay maybe I can put a group together and then just kind of do videos where you will address most you know comment questions they have kind of like you know private Facebook Griffin and that was one way I wanted to really help people and pass on my knowledge and of course you know I'm charging a small monthly membership a subscription but now I'm realizing it's taking so much time it's like I you know I thought it's gonna be a couple hours a week but now you gotta shoot content this you know how it is you know absolutely editing all that stuff people think oh it's easy you know you're just gonna go on there and and do a selfie and do a video so it's a little bit of a learning curve for me because up to now I didn't have to teach no you know I was learning you know like a sponge you know just knowledge and trying different businesses and fail learn improve go back out there do it again but now I gotta actually teach it and when you know teaching is an art you know it's you know you can you know to make somebody understand what you're trying to do especially when real estate that gets complicated with different types of assets and financing and leverage and risk and all this stuff so but I'm putting the content together I'm excited to build courses you know for you know beginners intermediate and then people that are already investors in commercial real estate but they want to scale up and yeah you know real estate really is simple and it's not you know what 99% of it is timing yeah you know yeah you know you could you could throw a dart in you know 2009/2010 buy any property just throw any property you make and wait for years you double your money you know and then you could you know work so hard to find the best deal in 2007 and you lose your ass yeah so 99% is timing and I've been fortunate to be able to spot the cycles so so would you say would you say that it is it's potable easy not easy but you can't pinpoint where the shit's gonna hit the fan but by your there writing's on the wall yeah yeah I mean you can see it's kind of like you know someone's doing a marathon you know they're running out of air right yeah you know right now 10 years the economy's been going up and you can see it's getting tired you know you can see it in this stock market for 18 months you know the Wilshire 5000 hasn't hit new I you know you can you can see it's getting tired companies are you know revising down award their earnings you know a stock market it's been one of the great indicators point because it's always forward-thinking people are always putting assumptions you know if economy's gonna get better stock markets already ahead right so that employment as small businesses you know people really don't have money and the housing expense has doubled you know in the past ten years double and then forget food cost I mean you used to buy a loaf of bread you know for a 99 cents you know seven eight years ago nice five bucks you know eggs milk you go to grocery store I mean I don't know how people are doing our minimum wage and you know and then the number of homeless people you hear you know so the news you know and for most part of solar is fake news you know tell you how bad things get they just talk about me because I just you know for a minute I turn on the news yesterday yeah this says homeless population right now it's going up in LA yeah you know it's funny you just say that it went up 16% yes a year ago you know what I noticed you know what I noticed about you you know the actual data you look at data yeah you know you study data it's not I mean you know 16% you know you know you study so you know what exactly to look for well yeah this is how I you know basically get my you know intuition yes you know it's not you know I don't know but nobody tells me my dreams or you know I I watched a stock market I study all the economy creep orts and you know and then I see what's going on with people's businesses you know and of course having you know properties in four different states but a lot of them all being businesses you know it helps to because when I see my tenant start bouncing tricks you know all over the place and their tummy business is this low hey I'm hearing it firsthand yeah you know and you know a lot of times people will you know let go off their home you know way before they close their business down yeah right so housing gets hit first and you can see the housing has already it's going down so the writing's on the wall so in your prediction in the next year or two we're gonna have we're gonna have to say do you think is gonna be as bad as 2008 everybody asked me there is two sides of that story so not as bad okay but it all depends with corporate credit we're at the all-time high corporate credit a student loans all-time high one point six trillion dollars a student loans but the caveat to that is the interest rate was at 6% when we had 2008 so the Fed had 6% to drop to zero to give a really boost you know to the businesses you know by dropping the rate 6% to zero but now it's at two point five there's no much there's not enough there's not enough bullets in there you know to kind of jumpstart the economy if it gets really bad okay so so it all depends how bad it's gonna get I don't know about how much ammunition the Fed has not much okay so that's that's that so I think what man you say for you guys are listening you know right now it's probably a good time to put some money inside 100% because this storm is coming the storm is coming Reno's a good time for me or my tea decide because you know from what I study when I study the rich when I study people like Manny you know what he does he stacks money aside and when everything is on sale yet recession yeah by lucky said like in 2007 you throw a dart and any property you double your money right yeah so your money is on sale yo so you're gonna pick it up and then you just sit back and just you know you know you know let the market do its work yeah yeah you know and that the thing is you make your money on the buy you know if you buy a property well historically always go up like a stock market if you look at a chart you know there was periods of obviously Great Depression where things were a stagnant ladder going down and that's 73 74 was a bad bear market where I stuck when I didn't go anywhere but if you zoom out and look at it as a you know 60 hundred year chart which how everyone should look at it because you're living it for your kids your descendants you know then you know what things are always going up so if you buy something that was a you know a hundred thousand for sixty-five thousand thirty five percent you won't go to one hundred and go higher absolutely so you just you know it's all about the patient you have to be patient yeah you know you know the biggest volts have always been made in bear markets and recessions you know for it that is so true that is so true and actually be patient actually Tony Robbins you know confirms that mean unshakable he's booking shakable so really quick for for people who are you know watching this or listening to this you know take me through you know let's just say we wanted to buy a commercial real estate right now you know let's just say we want to buy for people you know because yesterday when I when I asked you know everyone what what you know you know met you know question you have I got flooded a wonder thing that came out you know was how do you go you know what is like the ABCs of say you buying buying a commercial real estate so so take me through exactly like what you looking for if you were gonna go buy commercial real site right now sure well first things first I look at a property that I can add value if there's a property let's say brand-new shopping center with four tenants a star bar squeeze no seminal event and cleaners you know I don't buy that property there's nothing I can do to it fully leased its new shopping center so I've never bought anything like that you know so I look out for property that's got some vacancy you need some TLC and they're loving care and I can the rents are below market price pet food is below market so basically there's got to be some kind of a value at play to the property and once you identify that and you can check the comps and see okay this is the property now and this is what a block away similar properties you know getting rent and maybe a newer commercial building exactly so you just kind of check out the comps and if there is enough meeting the meat on the bone then I make an aggressive offer and then you know art of negotiation is a whole different subjects ahold of you know how to get the most discount and you use the best you know way to leverage against the seller but so how I identify the property they can add value okay okay and then purchase it and then have a game plan but more importantly back to what I said you know you got to be at buying it at the right time right even if you identify that in 2007 right yeah nobody wants to lease in a recession people are you know backtracking you know they're downsizing so first first first wait for the right time when the right time is here you'll know because you'll see everyone you know talking about the very recession unemployment going up people are losing their homes there's a lot of foreclosures that's the time you start looking and then find something that you can add value and then go to work okay so let's say somebody you know because a lot of people think that like that you really need to have a lot of money mm-hmm you know to be able to like do things like this do you or can you start with like a little you know smaller amount of money or whatever cuz people see you're like oh my but how do you need to have millions of dollars and you know I mean you can start with almost no money I mean get your license first and dive into that real estate community and sometimes you don't have money but you find it you know diamond in a row yes and then but by then you build your network of investors people that you know they're looking for a diamond in a rough say hey I found this you here's my commission I want to put my commission into the deal plus I'll manage it I'll do the construction management T is 10 and I'll do all the leasing I'm a broker and Boeing 20 percent of the upside plus my commission I've done that before when I had no money and now you just got your foot in the door and then you take that money you're in the LLC as a partner with the investor and you do 1031 exchange two years later you still up for profit now it's on you have two or three hundred four hundred grand and you jump-start look you know what you just said was way complicated from my brain right oh you know no no no no no but no no no but because because this is for me look this is me like explain nutritional pathways to you yeah yeah we know what they're talking about how do you know you know creatine it breaks me down so so so this right here what you just said it's like worth a million dollars yeah because a lot of people don't know that you could really if you you could do anything with nothing and yeah and that's why that's why you know if you are looking to you know get into commercial real estate we need to build some wealth and do what you want to do they have to you have to you know sign up for your m3 millionaire my son thank you so much the [ __ ] month yeah because I saw it I saw my do it's like three bucks down like man is this right yeah well you know I'm changing the name too because a lot of people think mastermind they think is like a one week or two week mastermind and they're gonna learn everything in real estate so I'm trying to you know mask them I'm going to keep it for like a group mastermind which we talked about yes and then I'm gonna change the mentorship because really the real estate mentorship you know mindset success habits how to get started and basically be just discipline you know and it stick to the action plan because a lot of people their families they get comparable in their routine and they meet their friends in afternoon after work have a martini come home we can just you know watch a football they're getting that routine and they don't grow and then next thing you know I hate ten years one bite nothing happened and cost of living is going up and you know paying yeah yeah payroll wages is not going up as much as inflation and the next you know is ending to their savings their negative savings there you know piling up on craik or des and recession hits yep that times yeah now if you listen to this if and you many of you have messaged me on Instagram about how it is how this get started on a commercial you know building how to start buying and selling then you wanted to pick Manny's brain like look he just give away seriously like at like a million dollar advice on how to get started and commercial real estate with zero money you know if you just if that sort of stumbling block and and that's a [ __ ] excuse and not do anything then let it mean but now he told you what he has done before himself he came here with nothing right live in his car he actually made money out of thin air garbage yeah and you know and it so so get into the game he told you what to do if you didn't hear him to invest in yourself ninety seven dollars man you know if you're not if your future is not worth $97 then I don't know I don't know what to tell you I don't get a red cent from this I don't care but I believe in what he's doing what he has done he has done it over and over again and you know if you want to if you want to be successful study success man you know and and so I appreciate you you know you know we you know I appreciate you break in here yeah no I got personal questions for you you know sure have personal questions for you so so we are car enthusiasts right yes out of all the cars that you have had out of all the cars now which one is your favorite one that's a hard one because everyone you know every one of them has got a favorite part yeah I like yeah like Pagani the Hermes Edition Pagani I would say probably is my favorite one because it's got the most detail and it took me two years to collaborate and build it but how did you like collaborate or mess like you know like there's other people like hyper ghani's and stuff like that but you actually flew down and collaborate it Hermes and I'm like you got that yeah whoa you know you never hurts to ask right yeah yeah I shop at Hermes southwest balls all the time so I told the manager says hey you know do you guys have I do any collaboration and you know other than built sand bags you know they said oh yeah we have a deal that does Planes Trains cars but on a super high level of course and I'm look great can you put me in touch so that's how I started I you know they do they email intro and I told them I'm building a car in Italy it's called Pagani Huayra and would you guys collaborate with mr. Pagani they said well we don't do new cars we do vintage cars and airplanes and like you know Gulf streams and big planes but we're more than happy to go visit with them and sit down at the table and talk maybe thirty thousand euros I'm like okay yeah yeah like I is like constitute like thirty eight grand you know for them to fly out so that to designers and the director of hermas horizon flew out to Italy met with mr. Pagani for a whole day and then they email me says you know I think we could you know come to terms mr. Pagani is gonna give up some of the design interior and some of the grille exterior and then you know we'll work in the interior in Paris and he's gonna build a car in Italy and they're gonna we're gonna ship in and they're gonna do all that assembly so but it all this happened you know months and months I mean it didn't have that quick take about a year and a half but I think that's my favorite car because I just put so much sweat and and time and it's not so much just a detail that car yeah is beautiful yeah after me is my P cos on wheels yeah that that is just a masterpiece yeah I'm working on better ones though oh my god I saw you I saw yeah I saw you in France oh man I believe me when I'm like living through you vicarious laughs yeah the bugatti chiron is gonna be unbelievable no one's gonna like they're making a batch of silk fabric only for me we're messy is making it so they're running like it's all horses so nobody else will have that fabric it's going to be in the ceiling and the doors it's gonna be like amazing and obviously one-off design of the seats and a custom paint color there Hermes makes it's called Cray kind of like Cornish white so I'm excited for that one and then I have we're also I have that super unique I think Boogedy Siwon is gonna be my most unique and then you have that and you have the all carbon fiber Bugatti that I've never seen in my life you know that's all carbon fiber from I mean everything yeah that says that's the man sorry yeah yeah I've seen that car yap yap seen it you seen it yeah yeah but then the new one I bought is a Rembrandt Bugatti that's also all carbon fiber but because it's in bronze 10th you don't really the Carson doesn't matter yeah but that's my idea so alright so I'm gonna name the car and you wanna tell you the horsepower no no you go tell me the word that comes to your mind alright ok so let's talk about p1 I would say cheetah okay it's super fast but it's hybrid you know yes what was that Carrera GT GT I'm kind of Bulldog Bulldog because he bites if you don't know what you're doing yeah well we know what you know as much of a pot water yeah you know things like that I never I never forget I've actually told EJ that story you know um you know we were at your house one time and and you went you went to start it started up because I'm sitting there for a while and it didn't start you know and he like you just got out he's stuck here because I need to save up for a battery now yeah I have two cars right now they need batteries they didn't start yeah you tore my SLR so I was like yeah okay speaking of SLR tilt you know yeah SLR what work comes to your mind shark yeah I mean they're friends on the side the hood I mean to me these every car has its own character and you know SLR for me you know it takes a good place in my heart because it's just so much went into it between McLaren Mercedes for that six years they build these cars and it's never gonna get repeated because McLaren is building their own cars now and it has a lot of Formula One technology and what I love more than anything is value right just like real estate so SLR is I'm buying it for half price you know based on a sticker you know I have like twist a large and there's gonna appreciate they're gonna appreciate them eventually you know eventually because you know it's a it's a super limited supercar built in that era where Kari GT and Enzo was born and Ford GT and this is the only corner of those group that hasn't really appreciate it and I think it's been 15 years now I think another five ten years it becomes a classic and you know just like the gall wings you know they're selling for 1.5 million and these are saying for 200 to 300 grand half their sticker like I bought a SLR - but 300 miles on it I paid 300 and there's like a 560 beautiful from 560 to 300 so I look at it as a value and I'm parking my money and you know sometimes you know it's a it's a it's a expensive habit you know collecting cars now but I'm a strategic I don't just go out and buy any corner pay premium or so I'm as smart as I am you have to remove course of course how about how about the Bugatti there Rembrandt no what is it not not the man Serena I'm sorry the ministery Bugatti mmm that's an interesting one because it's not factory was it was aftermarket done I would call it a Russian as years I don't know what to call ours I mean you wouldn't you drive a Bugatti from what I know is very smooth but this also picks up really fast oh yeah it's a private jet on wheels it's already yeah 16 cylinders four turbos the biggest you know manufacturer tires they make for a road car on the rear so a lot of grip four-wheel drive and you got all that trust and you know torque behind you right sitting right behind your seat so you can feel you know all the turbos and spools kicking it yeah it's my favorite it's the most exhilarating car to drive you know and still feel safe yeah feel safe yeah yeah so like the p1 is extremely exact but makes my hand sweat oh my god you know yeah I'm gonna crash yeah you're done I mean Bugatti is 46 hundred pound four-wheel drive that car is 3,000 horsepower and they detune it to 1,001 because they want to make it you know say yeah you know where's those other cars they'll push it over them and then you blow the engine you do this you do that blow transmission how about how about you Quincy coyness sake well I sold that one but I would call that an eagle eagle yeah yeah that was that that was a better sweet moment for me to sell it but you know yes yes business means it may to my awesome yeah I made 1.9 million dollar in the car and you know with cars you know they're always making better ones you don't have so it's not like you can't get emotionally attached too much yeah especially I'm gonna make money right never never getting emotionally attached to anything other than your family yeah Porsche and because you know material things come and go yeah and you know if a window of opportunity opens where you can make a couple of million bucks in short period of time you know maybe idiotic to say no no no I can you know they don't make this anymore they're making better ones you know I'm not yeah so how about Tesla cuz I never thought okay yeah you know that you you know for me I like it Carter when I step on it I don't make some noise yeah but I know you have a couple of Tesla's yeah it was a hard switch okay so so tell you about how do you feel about those and and you know what was the word are you associated with it I would call it a dolphin no it's very quiet it's very quiet but you know what I like what Tesla is obviously now that I'm doing more you know what social media all stuff and I'm on the call all the time with my team so it's makes it more practical for me when I'm commuting to like get business done yeah you know it's very clear the technology voice and data even the navigation and it's a smooth quiet comparable so for me I feel for a daily driver know yes there as a businessman plus is super but a stuff for you yeah it's you get the fast ones oh yeah but I do miss my daily driver which is the drop head the Roy Choi's drop head so I noticed that day's I Drive the drop head I'm much more happier a Frank Sinatra like you know what maybe this is why I was depressed are there there yeah they have no noise yeah all right Manny so now I'm gonna go through some pictures and you tell me where's pictures are about so it's oh this is when you got me no no no this was no that's just a you know fun shoot we had on one of my tenants yachts at my marina oh that's right your your your your building where you have your your honor oh yeah yep what a beautiful building that is thank you okay what we have here oh okay this was at Mohamed Hadid house I think was Shiva's birthday actually okay yeah oh look at that oh my god that's when Enzo was six month old this is my my old house which you've been okay Oh Priscilla yeah that's Priscilla and of course my wife Leila oh look at that straw and Enzo I know that a stroller is made in England handmade just like my royal don't let my wife see that because you already have like a really expensive stroller I don't know my wife right now but like Google what you know what you know and I told you this off camera you know and I'm gonna say it on camera I don't all your accomplishments you know this here is this is this is what I was rewarding I'm mostly out of you you know I'm so proud that you know you you're such an awesome amazing were you always been given to some people around you and you deserve to have a beautiful family like thank you and I know you know 15 years ago you were looking for that yeah you know yeah you were looking for that and and when I saw you get married and and I saw that you know it back I was rooting for you spawn for you know and some Priscilla thank you like waits for you look at you hustling right now oh yeah thank tussles how were you here yeah when I say it was a team business when I was doing my nut business you were the boss yeah that's actually my dad's PC he bought it at RadioShack okay back then but I was using it to print my labels you know for my not yeah so yeah so we showed that but you know it's funny how my desk I'm sure was both foldable you know well well you know look at the desk in the chair that you have now yeah and I came to your office and I saw your desk and I'm like holy [ __ ] yeah you know it's that it's there what is that is there 52 it's still by itself on verse yeah you know and you told me you know tell me just to just like take 30 seconds and tell me about that desk because it's fascinating that desk is fascinating yeah that desk comes with bigger blueprints and some homes I mean it's got over 2,000 pieces its took eight months to build six guys worked on it designing it and it's got 40,000 cuts of CNC machine cuts on it's a thirteen hundred pound aluminum with two thousand of screws all bolted but you don't see their screws it's all done from up underneath and then they had to build a carbon fiber tube to support their weight because I didn't want the third wheel to support you know on the under tip of it so I wanted to look like it's flying stealth bomber so it took eight months and lots of money but I'm extremely proud and happy about it it's super unique and they only made two discs in sixty years the company that does this yeah yeah and I think that desk yeah literally is kind of resembles your life you know as a stealth bomber you stayed humble yeah under the radar and you just kept going and you kept pushing yeah I mean that's I mean lie on there there a there you did yeah that's all that's an old picture of the garage but yeah I have the Pagani I sold the blue Bugatti but I bought the Rembrandt Bugatti which was a lot a lot more you know rare and a better car and more horsepower 1,200 horsepower I have that's a Mansouri Bugatti and then I sold a saline to only because it saved my life I as you told me you almost you spun out in it right twice yeah I almost kill myself in a car like okay you know if I don't want to keep it car that I can't take out once in a while I need ya you see scary that's just not practical it's raw power not nothing you know just it's not safe you know it too much horsepower but yeah so my favorite one is the one with the doors open that is I mean look at that car man oh Jesus that's my favorite too no way I mean I mean I mean look it it's an art it's another detail and you know it's difficult to make a car look good in like brown yeah that car looked like a liquid chocolate ya know and then with some exposed carbon look at the interior of it matches it quickly how fast have you gone you know you have it in five have you taking the car I don't know I don't wanna go to jail no I'm not 200 you have done 200 yeah you makes me wonder yeah yeah man I got it yeah well you know in the Bugatti you know it's not it is like a little over a mile a stretch away yeah the way your eyes all right now for where's the chelo kabab where is it could be there now I'm just getting them so for people for people who for whatever reason don't know who you are what where they can find out about you also meet your handle sure your your website and if somebody wants to get into your m3 mask I mean m3 coaching program sure you know I mean yes yeah my websites many cars wo minna crush me calm and then on there there's a mentorship tab they can click and go down to the mastermind program and sign up and then my Instagram is where I'm very active I inspire motivate as much as I can you know what having two kids is difficult oh man really I love your Instagram I mean I'm watching oh you know I'll watch it and what what's what's awesome about you is that your families or your kids are there yeah I mean and I try to share my life solutely well yeah not just business a little bit of everything and whatever I'm in the mood for if I'm smoking a cigar or I'm taking a joyride you know and it's real it's real it's not just like you know fabricated business so yeah I appreciate it that's just my name man econ Mattie Cochran yeah I do have a Facebook page too but I'm not that there I have like 200 I think 50 thousand likes on it but I focus on Instagram but I am developing more content on my youtube channel which is gonna be focused more on my cars toys and my collection oh man I want yeah you know you know Manny I want to come one day just to hang out and just look at the cars and it'd be my pleasure if we bring the thing you know come on down you know and I'm gonna start them up and all that stuff I know you're busy but I'm gonna hit you up yeah so so hopefully we can we can come up now they don't like collisions for people who are watching this or listening this I mean if you're not inspired right now seriously need to go check your [ __ ] pulse you know mean I mean I mean I mean I think you I've known many for years but every time I hear her story you know I'm just more and more inspired I just read his book you know after I finished that you a week week and a half ago and I just texted man I'm like gosh you know I was just so pumped up you know so make sure you get his book driven it's absolutely inspiring thank you inspiring man and man that came she comes here 14 you know basically live in a hotel you know living a dachshund you know you know when and and tried so many different places we work at Kmart you know Phil at four or five six different businesses literally you know made money went broke made money went broke and now sitting here with with a beautiful first of all the the most important possession the beautiful family then right here you know beautiful mansion you know some of the most exotic cars the one of ones that nobody's ever seen before you know and also not only that you know he's helped so many people along the way become millionaires and become real estate moguls so make sure you check him out he's a real guy you know humble and down-to-earth thank you so much and make sure you listen to us on youtube and all the channels and share with all your friends god bless thank you [Music]
Channel: Sam Bakhtiar
Views: 176,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manny khoshbin interview, manny khoshbin story, Sam Bakhtiar, who is manny khoshbin, manny khoshbin worth, Manny khoshbin, Manny Khoshbin car collector, Interview, One percenter podcast, one percent, The passionate few, Podcast, Millionaire, Mentality, Relentless, Business, CEO, success, Manny Khoshbin net worth, manny khoshbin wife, real estate, leyla milani, car collector, never give up, bugatti, mclaren senna, manny khoshbin cars, luxury, 1 of 1 cars, manny khoshbin house
Id: Yu56zx4rkMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 39sec (5259 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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