MATTES IN FUSION | DaVinci Fusion 101 | EPISODE 2

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today we're looking at what the equivalent to adobe's alpha mattes is in davinci resolve's fusion [Music] to get started open a fusion composition if you're new to fusion check my tutorial on fusion basics in fusion make a rectangle node let's make the corners a bit softer and shape the rectangle how we want it [Music] now let's go ahead and make a background note and give it a nice color then parent the rectangle to the background the reason for doing it like this instead of coloring the rectangle is that you need the background to determine the size of the canvas as the rectangle itself has no real value after this add a text note and write whatever you like to display the text and the rectangle create a merge note and draw lines from the background and text to it now let's make an animation to give the text box some life i'm thinking a shine animation on the background let's arrange the notes to make our workflow a bit easier [Music] now create another rectangle shape it and angle it to look like the shine we want right now to the animation so open up the spline window and select your rectangle node go to the end point and change the position to right before the text box and make a keyframe for the center x and y go to the out point on your timeline and move the rectangle to animated now we have a linear animation for the rectangle as you can see the keyframes have appeared in the spline window navigate the window with the middle mouse button or by scrolling whilst holding control [Music] you can move the keyframes by selecting both of them and simply dragging them vertically in time and horizontally in space use the cursor to know on what frame you place your keyframes let's make the animation start a bit after frame 0. nice now the shine still isn't visible on the final output so here comes today's lesson using merge layers as mattes if you click a node and press shift space it will make a new node from the previous node's output in this case make a merge add the background to the merge node and remember to pick the right inputs on the merge layer for both nodes right now we have the animation of the rectangle on top of the text box to really make it a shine choose your merge and go to the inspector window change the operator mode when apply mode is normal choose in to only show the shine node using the textbook as its alpha matte choose held out for the equivalent of an inverted alpha matte choose a top to display both the background and the shine whilst the shine is using the text box as an alpha matte choose x or to show both notes whilst displaying it as an inverted alpha matte in this case we need the atop operator change the blend mode to make the shine a little more transparent there we go now we have a shine animation remove the line from the background to the first merge and instead rearrange your workspace and set a line from the merge 2 to merge 1. now we have the text and the shine animation visible at the same time okay now it's time to animate the entire text box to give it an in animation and out animation to get going create a new background node and from that mode make a transform node this will be used as an alpha matte for the shining textbox the transform node is used to control the position of the otherwise static background choose the transform and go to your desired endpoint move the background all the way to the left just outside the frame and keyframe its position go to where you want the textbox to be fully complete and set the position of the background to its default position go to where you want the text to start disappearing and make a keyframe move to the final out point and move the background all the way to the right now we have animated the background to go in stay there and move out again [Music] now let's apply this map to the text box i'm rearranging my workspace for better overview make a new merge node just like before [Music] add the textbox and the transform node to the merge go to the inspector of the merge node and this time use in as the operator as you see the background is using the text box as it's matte and not the other way around so let's change the order of the inputs you can change the order of the inputs in the merge node with ctrl t boom there we go look at that beautiful animation but can be better open the spline window to smoothen out the keyframes making a nicer animation isolate the transform node in the spline window change the keyframes as desired i'm making the velocity slow in the beginning and slowing the end for both sections and there we go wow now we're not quite finished yet drag a line from the last merge to the media out to be able to see it on the timeline and there we go and that wraps it up for this tutorial make sure to like and subscribe stay tuned for more graphics machinery [Music] you
Channel: Graphics Machine
Views: 250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XmvsaNGhPMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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