I'm Too Nice, I Gave Everything To My Sister

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hi I'm Princess Leia from Liechtenstein before I continue please hit like And subscribe the moment my mom gave birth to me everyone in the village instantly fell in love with me I was the World's friendliest baby and loved attention then when I was two years old my sister Emily was born and she was a little different every time Emily was around people she would scream and find somewhere to hide one day when I was eight and Emily was six mom and dad had a Royal Garden Party I loved talking to all the grown-up guests but Emily was terrified Leah I don't want to be with all these people you want to be in my room but Mom isn't letting me here you can hide underneath my gown then no one will see you and I'll sneak you out but hiding my sister underneath my dress wasn't the best idea I ended up tripping over the refreshment table spilling a chocolate fountain over some Lady's dress mom and dad were horrified and my Clumsy accident ended up being all over the news but my parents didn't blame me for what happened they were just worried and confused why is Emily so anxious and afraid of everyone was it something we did it just doesn't make any sense Emily's anxiety only got worse over the years by the time she was eight she refused to even leave our bedroom everyone in the village still adored me but they were convinced something was seriously wrong with Emily I hear she just stares out her window all day it's a shame she's not more like her sister Leia worst of all Emily wanted me to stay with her in our room all the time I couldn't even go downstairs for dinner without Emily crying please don't leave me I'm so lonely and you're the only person that I actually like it was so hard saying no to her my parents tried enrolling her in therapy but nothing seemed to work and as time passed I got tired of being cooped up in her room and wanted to go and have a life one night when I was 16 I took a walk around the castle to get some fresh air then suddenly I looked up and almost had a heart attack there was a guy trying to climb onto the roof hey what do you think you're doing uh climbing onto the roof what does it look like excuse me but this happens to be the king and queen's castle you better climb down before I tell my parents about this the guy jumped down from the roof Landing inches away from me there I came down you're welcome with that he just walked off and I felt my blood boil I just knew he'd been trying to cause trouble the next day I came down for breakfast and I was shocked to see my parents with the guy who climbed the roof oh darling you're awake I'd like you to meet Nico he's the Duke's son and a lovely young man but but I saw him climbing onto the roof of the castle last night he's dangerous he was up to no good no no no Nico just likes lying on her roof to watch the stars at night what my parents were crazy what king and queen would let some weirdo climb their castle walls at night and believe such a stupid lie fine be naive and let this Intruder do his thing but when he puts all our lives in danger don't come crying to me I was gonna sneak up on Nico and see what he was up to I would have one of our guards bring me up to the roof with a harness and a rope but that night as I rose up to the castle roof I saw Nico sitting with tears in his eyes he didn't even look surprised to see me Nico are you okay I I came to check on you but I figured you'd check on me sooner or later and I haven't been okay for years what do you mean I'm not really the Duke's son I'm adopted when I was 10 years old my parents left me and they never came back wow I didn't know that my parents were friends with your parents so they'd take me up here a lot when I was young my mom and I used to sit here together and watch the star cars once she told me if I ever got lost to come up to this spot and she'd know where to find me I know she'll never come here but hanging out at this spot makes me feel closer to her your dad's a saint he was the one who convinced the Duke to adopt me I just wish I didn't miss my parents so much I was too stunned to speak I had totally misjudged him we ended up talking for hours and before I knew it the sun had come up I should go but this was really fun maybe we can do this again tomorrow night I'd like that you're a good listener Leah then one day something crazy happened I was having lunch at school when suddenly a few girls came up to me with smirks on their faces according to one of your Maids your weirdo sister threw a chair at a new mate of yours this morning we didn't know she was that crazy oh God I wanted to disappear they should just lock her up forever you shouldn't have said that I yanked the girl's hair hard and she started to scream just then someone and push the girl backwards and I saw it was Nico you forgot you're speaking to our future Queen girls come on Leah let's go for a walk Nico led me away from the girls and that's when I asked him how he was in my school I've been homeschooled my whole life but my Dad decided it was time I started studying with other Royals I was really happy Nico had transferred but his words made me think of Emily she had never been able to go to a normal school all of a sudden I had tears in my eyes and I told Nico everything about Emily how she never came out of her room how my parents were ashamed of her and how I always needed to stay with her what if the curls are right what if Emily really is crazy and she starts losing her mind I don't know but you shouldn't have to sacrifice your life for her Emily probably just needs someone outside her family to feel safe with if you want I'll come over and talk to her I hugged Nico and immediately agreed that night I brought him into our bedroom and Emily started having a panic attack hey it's okay Nico's a friend then suddenly Emily stood up to really get a look at Nico and seconds later she was swooning I never knew Leah had such handsome friends you know I'm a princess too right Emily started flirting with Nico like crazy but as the night went on Nico got her to start opening up about her issues I get what you're going through sometimes I get so depressed I don't even want to leave my bed but sometimes being alone makes it worse how about I introduce you to some of my friends from school we can start slow to my shock Emily agreed Nico and I started out by taking her for walks in the park and once in a while introducing her to people I was so grateful for Nico and as time passed we grew really close and I secretly started having feelings for him then one night the three of us were walking along the pier when suddenly Nico tripped and fell sideways into the lake hitting his head on a rock then he started sinking into the water I jumped into the lake to get him when I managed to pull him out he was unconscious luckily I knew CPR and within an hour he started to wake up he was saved the next day I went to visit Nico at his house to see how he was when I got there he was lying on the couch and he looked super out of it hey how are you feeling I just remember that I hit a rock and almost drowned and that someone special saved my life you have no idea how much it means to me Leah I haven't felt this loved in years my heart soared I was just about to lean in and kiss him when Emily came over and Nico took her hand Emily told me she dove into the water to get me and then did CPR she's an absolute Angel to my horror Nico pulled Emily close and kissed her I felt like I was gonna throw up I yanked Emily's arm and pulled her into the other room how take credit for saving Nico's life he's been my best friend for the past year and you know what I'm in love with him Leah I've been miserable my whole life I don't know if any guy will want to be with me ever considering all the issues I have this could be my once in a lifetime chance at happiness but I guess that doesn't matter so go tell Nico the truth and be the Village Hero I'll just lock myself away in this bedroom forever Emily stormed off into the bathroom and slammed the door I couldn't think straight I ran out of Nico's Palace to clear my head I wanted to tell Nico the truth so badly but what if Emily was right what if this was her one chance at a normal life in the end I decided to let Emily take the credit it probably wouldn't be a big deal she'd get to be the Village Hero for once plus it wasn't like she and Nico were gonna get married overnight I had time to think things over except Emily's Fame lasted for more than a week worst of all she and Nico were getting close close the two of them even went out together he comforted her every time she had a panic attack and congratulated her every time she left the castle God was he her boyfriend or her babysitter then one night my parents invited Nico over for dinner and dad made an announcement that sent me over the edge after much thought and discussion we would like for Nico to be our new king we love him like our own son and we can't think of who'd be a better husband for our daughter my jaw dropped I was gonna be with Nico after all everything was gonna work out but Emily was fuming you're just gonna take Nico away from me like that you mean I'm gonna marry Leah actually you're going to marry Emily and she's going to be the queen instead of Leah you two make such a beautiful couple and it was truly a miracle that Emily was able to save your life even with all her challenges and that's remarkable I felt like I'd been punched in the face that's insane I'm the eldest daughter I've been preparing to be Queen my whole life and you know what I'm the one who saved Nico I should have never let Emily lie and take the credit for it and I'm not letting her take my crown or marry Nico either before anyone could react I fled from the table and into my bedroom then suddenly I felt someone standing over me and it was Emily with fire in her eyes why would you rat me out like that you can still have any guy you want as long as it's not Nico I've Loved Nico for over a year Emily I've sacrificed everything for you I spent days on end locked in this room so you wouldn't feel scared and alone is this the thanks I get so you're saying I owe you in some way I never asked you to sacrifice yourself for me you could have left me for a few hours if it was too much it's not my fault you don't know how to set boundaries sorry but I'm only responsible for my own happiness that was it without thinking I slapped Emily across the face hard Emily turned around and was about to push me but instead she tripped and fell backwards tumbling down the stairs everyone called for help and an ambulance came what had I done I went with everyone to the hospital but I wasn't able to see Emily yet I felt sick to my stomach suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder it was Nico hey Emily's gonna be okay she'll be in a cast for a few weeks but don't worry I think there's something seriously wrong with me how could I hurt my sister like that maybe because you were fed up with letting her take what's yours the servants overheard your conversation with Emily that it was you who saved me and how you let her take the credit I was totally silent I hadn't really thought of it that way but Nico had a point also I need to confess something I'm in love with you too I've been in love with you for ages I Thought I Loved Emily because she saved my life but we don't have that connection that you and I have I want to be with you Leah not your sister suddenly Nico leaned in to kiss me oh God I wanted to kiss him so bad but what about Emily I couldn't do this to her I ran away from Nico at that second I had to talk to Emily I went out to bring her flowers and then apologized for everything actually I'm the one who owes you an apology I went way too far by stealing both Nico and your crown from you I know Nico doesn't see me like that it's okay Emily it's in the past now everything is gonna be all right I'm so glad you're okay honestly me too I hugged my sister tight today I'm married to Nico as the queen of Liechtenstein and Emily is married too with three kids foreign
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 12,370,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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