My Childhood Bestie Turned Out to Be Someone Else

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hey everyone my name is Tiana from France please don't forget to like And subscribe because MSA will give two thousand dollars to one lucky winner in the coming seven days the orphanage is the only home I've ever known and honestly it's not as bad as most people think but I always dreamed of having a family a real one I had a big heart but sometimes I'd say mean things without thinking once I saw a girl called Frida and said you look ugly with this lettuce stuck in your teeth open your mouth now so I can take it out but she didn't open it so I grabbed her and made her open her mouth I just wanted her to look pretty but she started screaming and everyone was laughing and the warden came and yelled at me since this Frida was small in size everyone took her side but then suddenly a girl shouted Tiana didn't do anything Frida is lying the warden glared at me and laughed the girl came over to me and said hey my name is hope I'm new to the orphanage and this Frida has already bullied me twice so let's team up and hate her together hey you got it girl you have very big scary eyes cool I like you but my big mouth kept sending us to detention I even once told my teacher that her hair looked like poop and hope defended me and boom detention for us both the happiest one about this was obviously Frida but she never dared talk to us because we were stronger than her but one day when we were 10 she crossed a line it was adoption day and a nice couple came in looking for a really smart girl the warden picked me and while we were still having the interview Frida burst in help me I had lettuce stuck between my teeth again and Tiana pulled my tooth this time look look I lost a tooth because of her please do something I can't take it anymore God knows what else I'm gonna lose I Don't Wanna Die Here I have dreams she threw herself on the floor and started to cry like a lunatic why you think cause you're smarter than all of us you're better okay Freda had been annoying for years but this was the height of it the nice couple was becoming uncomfortable and I had to make free to leave I moved closer and took her hand to lead her out but instantly she fell to the ground and started yelling he pushed me okay that was it I pushed her hard for real this time and poof the couple ran out why would you do this you witch if you think you're gonna get adopted before me think again I was so upset Frida ruined my chance of having a family and I wouldn't forgive her one day hope and I were playing in our room when we got called to the warden's office when we got there we saw this glamorous couple and Frida the woman was so nice and hugged all of us but the man just kept staring at his phone they wanted to adopt two of the prettiest girls and the warden brought us two girls that meant hope and I would get to be sisters forever but the craziest thing happened you all seem lovely but I'm going to adopt Tiana and Frida what this couldn't be happening what her but but what dear sister aren't you excited is something wrong honey I don't don't want but hope spoke up instead she is fine ma'am super excited we stepped out of the room and hope couldn't contain her Joy you finally got a family I'm so happy for you I can't leave you everything is gonna be different now you have a family don't let Frida ruin your dreams again hope was right so I said yes on the day we left the orphanage hope and I cried till we ran out of tears I would miss her so much my new mom's name was Wendy their house looked like it belonged in fairy tales it turned out that she was a big time actress and her husband was a director I was fascinated by the house and soon began to study it mom was happy to show me around the house and I was excited Frida however had different interests she loved mom's clothes and would spend hours raiding mom's wardrobe I always wanted a daughter to pass on my wardrobe too come on Tiana try some clothes on too um I don't want to soon mom and Frida started having mom and daughter photo shoots without me one time they were on the cover of a big magazine I couldn't feel too bad about it but I still felt left out so sometimes I made efforts to join them one time we were having dinner with some celebrities in our home and as always Frida knew what to say to please everyone oh my your hair is so gorgeous and your makeup is divine oh Wendy this one is just like you smart and beautiful thank you Tiana darling do you like the food yeah it tastes nice but it's ugly and it looks like horse poop I could feel everyone's eyes on me Mom laughed and tried to distract the guests but I knew I'd said something wrong one person even stopped eating the food oh God after that day Mom hardly invited me to come out with them not that I blamed her but Frida couldn't hide her Joy at being the favorite my new dad was never her home and when he was he was always locked up in his study one day I was watching TV when I heard a loud argument from Mom's room you don't even try to get to know them they are your kids I never wanted them this was all your idea and I'm supposed to love these kids I just met they're annoying and I can't deal with this not long after that a huge moving truck came to take his things away he had left us mom was sad for some time but she had me and Frida and soon returned to her cheerful self soon we joined school and one day when Mom was away Frida threw a party I think this party is a bad idea not as bad as the idea mom had when she adopted you I spitted her and left our house was packed full and everything was so loud I stayed in my room and while I was reading a magazine someone barged in oh I am so sorry I thought this was the bathroom hey is that magazine about houses and construction my dad has a lot of them and I read them all the time is this the one about the skyscrapers yeah it is his name was Tom we had so much in common and ended up talking all night a while later someone kicked down the door see Mom I told you Tiana planned this dumb party just so she could spend time with her boyfriend boyfriend that's not true and why would I throw a party I don't have friends then who is he and why is he in your room we should be asking you this is your party mom look at her ugly revealing clothes these are the clothes of wannabe bimbos throwing parties and smoking all night ugh how I wish I could burn all your clothes you disgust me stop it I'm so disappointed in you bringing strange people in my house and you Mr boyfriend get out and never come back I told your mom you shouldn't have adopted her you're a successful actress you need a pretty delicate daughter like me for your image Mommy and to my shock mom said nothing to that she just left Frida had become a full-blown villain she was always setting me up and no matter how hard I tried mom always believed her because next to me Frida looked like an aunt and I was a giant but mom always forgave me in the end and it drove Freedom mad and soon she snapped one day I was watching TV with Mom when we heard Frida scream we ran to her room and found her on the floor crying it's all ruined all of it next to her was a pile of clothes that had been cut up and stained with mud I've done everything to make Tiana love me but look what she did to my clothes she said she'd ruined them the other day Mom you heard her yeah but I'd have burnt them not cut them and thrown mud at them ain't nobody got time for that except you immediately Frida pounced on me and we got into a cat fight till Mom stepped in and separated us okay I am tired of all of this if you both cannot live in this house in peace then we need to change this up I think you both need a break from each other the next day when I got back from school mom had moved my things to a room all the way across the hall I was happy to be away from Frida but it meant I was far from Mom too my fights with Frida stopped but then bigger fights started between her and Mom one day we were having dinner when Mom said Tiana your teacher called your college aptitude test score was amazing so proud of you honey thanks Mom and Frida what about yours oh I didn't write that I figured that since I'm just gonna be an actress I don't need it you're going to be a what just get one of your friends to cast me it should be a movie that shows how pretty I am no I'm not doing that I don't want that life for you you will go to college and when you are older you can make better decisions what you don't get to tell me what to do I will be an actress actually I can tell you what to do I am your mom you adopted me just so you could be the boss of me Frida shut up mom is trying to help you you shut up my life would have been better if I didn't end up with a dumb sister and a failed actress as a mom before she could blink I gave her a hard slap how dare you if it wasn't for Mom I'm sure you would have ended up working as a waitress for the rest of your life you ungrateful brat apologize now I was ready to fight her but instead she moved to the mantle and threw down all our pictures I hate you both and after that Frida got worse she skipped school and was like a tiger ready to attack if anyone talked about it she failed our last year in high school and wasn't gonna graduate with me what is wrong with you Frida I told you I don't want to go to school anymore well this is my house and if you're under my roof you will do as I say well I guess I'll just leave your house then Frida stop it but the next day she was gone we looked everywhere but she just seemed to have disappeared a few days before my graduation I walked in on mom crying in the living room what's wrong Mom I'm a terrible mom I think Frida was right your lives would have been so much better if I'd never adopted you oh no don't say that you're the best thing that happened to me I'm sure of it funny how things work out isn't it I always favored Frida because she seemed more like me and I found it easier to bond with her I didn't make the effort to understand you better and you've been nothing but amazing I'm really sorry if I made you feel ignored I should have tried harder I did feel overlooked at times and I wished we had a better Bond but I still love you mom well let me start fixing things let's go get you a graduation dress whatever you want on graduation day mom's smile was the widest in the room I went off to college soon after and graduated top of my class to become an architect one day after work I stepped out of the office and noticed it was raining cats and dogs and I had no umbrella just then a man with the most beautiful smile walked up to me hey do you need this as he got closer I realized I knew him Tom oh my God it's you the girl with the magazines I'm really happy to see you again we went on a date the next day and it wasn't long before we were in love A year later we got married and moved to another city and soon I was pregnant one night Tom and I were sleeping when we heard a loud crash downstairs Tom immediately ran down holding a baseball bat with me right behind him who is that show yourself wait Frida Tiana yes it's me I'm not feeling well and she fell with a loud crash we called an ambulance and took her to the hospital immediately throughout the ride I couldn't help thinking how weak she looked at the hospital the doctor told us she had fainted because she hadn't eaten in days and needed rest where am I you're in the hospital but you're gonna be okay I'm right here I'm sorry about last night but I didn't know where else to go oh Tiana I've really messed up I understand why mom didn't want me to go into acting it's really hard but I was foolish and ungrateful and now I'm jobless and alone and believe me I've really missed you and Mom I'm so sorry will you give me a second chance please will you beg mom to forgive me she must hate me so much it's okay well you're really messed up but everything will be fine now of course I forgive you and Mom could never hate you I'm sure she'll be really happy to see you how always mom she's far ouch oh I I think I'm having my baby now oh my god really I'm gonna be here the whole time Tiana yeah and call Mom [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 22,682,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X0UpaW-ucZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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