I'm The $1,000,000 SECRET SANTA In Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Balance_Frequent 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is a minecraft millionaire server and today me and my friend are playing as millionaire secret santa one of our friends wants crazy expensive items my friend and i disguise ourselves as santa and his reindeer in order to make all his wishes come true but when other players find out about our plan they decide to beat grinch's and try to get in on secret santa's gift can we find a way to get all these crazy expensive presents to our friends on the server let's find out also be sure to like and subscribe thanks oh it's such a beautiful day out today especially the sun and the snow i love it it's pierce what is he doing here whoa wait what ian oh oh oh hell hello there oh how's it going what's up pierce uh ian what hi what what are you doing here just oh nice car by the way bud oh yeah i mean obviously i'm here in my rich fancy uh bidormium car oh it's a great day to be rich isn't it you're so lucky i know anyway i got rich things to do in my rich car later loser as i do these wrecks man he's so lucky i wish i could have a car oh pierce it's okay don't worry yeah i know i know it just it feels selfish i just wish i had a safari or a lamborghini or something like that i mean they're just so cool or like wait a minute oh my gosh santa and i could get one baby buddy but i already asked for something from santa oh i guess i'll just get in my own car and head home where's your car is it around here it's right here hold on let me step in there we go wait turn it on [Music] [Music] peers where are you oh my god oh how am i gonna get that out oh this is gonna cost a fortune which i could totally afford but still i don't wanna all right ian ian i'm gonna need your help all right i need your help with something okay what with what you know how you and i live in millionaire mansions and stuff like that uh yes well i'm about to be everyone's millionaire secret santa oh that's pretty nice of you thank you um what do you need my help for oh you'll see [Laughter] okay i'm i'm scared ian come on come out no this is embarrassing what is embarrassing about what you're doing you're making the dreams of a little child come true there's isn't a little child this would be like a fully grown adult oh my god whatever just you know i just come out fine look at how cute you are okay so um why am i the reindeer well look you like showing things off right like earlier when you made pierce feel bad remember i don't know what you're talking about anyway so what exactly are you planning here look my plan is fairly easy all right so my plan basically involves leaving everyone on the server a book with a quill so they can write to me because i'm secret millionaire santa and they can ask for anything that they want once they write back you know like pierce uh the letters will be delivered and wait what uh that was fast someone already wrote back to me let's find out let's find out what they asked for okay okay let's see uh let's see there's your midori there's a oh my mailbox okay all right let's see who wrote to me who wrote the thing to me what did they write all right so let's see this is as uh it says for santa from pierce okay dear santa thank you so much for letting me pick more gifts there's one thing i'd like to have and that's a fafari please and thinkies whittle pierce wait what you can't just ask for a fafari uh that's expensive that's he yeah and we live in a millionaire mansion all right so we are going to get him a fafari all right come on let's go let's go i got the perfect way we can get there all right gosh you have so many floors in this house yeah no it's trust me it's it's a beautiful beautiful fitting for someone who's very rich oh thank you thank you thank you all right are you gonna drive this can i drive yes yes yes to the reindeer after all go yeah okay hold still so let me get in let me get in make sure this is good uh hey what's this button do oh look at him [Music] oh my gosh okay all right we gotta get him in safari operation give pierce's safari let's go come on let's go you know he's got kind of a small house you know how um how are we going to get that inside the house um that's a really good question why did you thinking this before we brother safari okay right here i do the driving okay well i'm santa i do the whole okay all right you know what uh we're we're minecraft millionaires we know how to solve problems all we got to do absolutely throw money at it and it'll work there we go yeah throw some money there you go big bag of cash yeah big yeah come on get in there this is a work game no no this isn't working at all i have an idea keep the helicopter there i'm gonna run into it with the car and they'll they'll the helicopter pick up the car right uh yeah yeah let's try that all right ready we're gonna hover he's gonna hover here yeah make sure you're on the floor ready okay problem what i think i broke the helicopter all right well you know i'm just gonna drive into it anyway let's give it a shot okay all right i think uh the helicopter in the car in bad shape but it's okay it's okay uh what else do you think we can do uh tnt what we use the tnt to get the car up there into the chimney no don't you dare don't you don't you get it yeah yeah i i i i think it's great don't you no it's great no no it's great it's gonna work it's gonna work i'm telling you no wait i was supposed to put that near the car wasn't we're supposed to do that car okay all right so getting the safari in is a little bit harder than we thought but you know what hey i just realized he has a garage why does he have a garage if he doesn't have a car maybe that's why he wanted one to put in his garage look i'll get it in there don't worry give me a second oh no that's not how you drive a safari you gotta be gentle yeah look at oh i gotta move the helicopter helicopter here okay you drive it and then you drive it in oh okay okay oh where are these five dollars perfect perfect you know you know that's good enough okay all right so come here i have another thing i wanted to do i have nothing i want to do okay all right so over here over here you see this see this yeah i saw this in the window he watches a microwave he doesn't have a tv oh pierce that yeah no so we're gonna take away the microwave all right and we're gonna put this on like this like look at that whoa whoa whoa he's got a big tv and now he's gonna need to scoot his chair back that's a little well he's got a tv and he's got a game console look at that look at that all right wake up pierce where's my microwave channel wait oh i guess i just got to get ready for work i'll play with this later on but you know i gotta i still gotta walk i mean it's gonna take a while better go get my walking shoes out of the garage wait a minute someone crashed their car to my house i mean he's not wrong i mean i can't believe them wait a minute wait the keys are inside does that mean it's for me oh i was a good boy apparently [Applause] [Music] sorry mr tree ah so we've made pierce's dream come true look at that roof we got a new skylight but it's okay yeah yeah you know that was at my bed with the helicopter all right so we're pretty much done we don't have to be santa reindeer anymore it was great we just have to oh huh hang on what happened did you hear that the doorbell went off yeah yeah i thought you only gave it out to pierce right i mean it might be the pizza delivery guy you never know it could be somebody else like no pizza maybe mail oh from kauai chan and from noi what oh oh oh let's see what happened um what what did they say to your secret santa millionaire sienna that's uh that's how she says it pierce told me you got him everything he wants and more he told me you uh how you left him of ferraris and a gaming console and even a tv you are so rich i know you aren't the real santa because there's no way that pierce made the nights plus the real santa is probably cooler so maybe what does she mean by cooler what does it mean so maybe you can help me i'd like a comfortable car and a giant teddy bear please leave them both in my house thanks love kauai chan how dare she so wait are we still doing this santa thing i was about to go change yeah same uh let's see what noi has to say uh let's see dear millionaire santa i saw pierce got a fafari you must be loaded kawaii yeah i know why should i already talk of course so if you can get us some gifts that would be nice too or else we may have to call the police because you broke into someone's house but it's okay to do that if you leave us some gifts too [Music] i'd like an aquarium and a car any car thank you noise we go to jail or we just get them their stuff and then we leave um i mean i don't want to go to jail yes same same let's just get them their stuff come on let's go get some stuff okay one more run okay one more run do you think he's gonna like this car yeah this is a good looking car i mean it's it's a little older than what i would like but you know it's classy it's it's it's it's a bright color too you know they didn't have pink but i think the red is gonna be nice yeah yeah i think this is really good all right so she um she left the door but she okay everything looks fine in here all right we're clear half mountain right um we've got an issue what i'm looking at client's house and um she doesn't have a garage [Music] there we go see now our cones are good i'm still racking my brain as to how you did that look look it's all about magic all right lots the door is only this what just trust me trust me all right so so let's let's see what let's make sure she's asleep all right she's she's awake we can't give her stuff all right that's the rule all right see uh where is she is she in here oh she's asleep she's sleeping i see her no it's it's your grandma this is a dream go to sleep kawaii here's some birthday money honey you close your eyes you can keep the birthday money i thought it was christmas christmas birthday bunny gotta gently put the bear next to her lie all right honey we'll see you later go to sleep ocean i won't bring you any presents for your birthday oh grandpa get out of here this isn't your dream oh let's stop i don't know what what i'm gonna leave a coffee machine too there's a coffin hey i'm darren grandma kid get up look at this giant teddy bear oh i love it oh it's so pink and fluffy [Music] that's our problem let's go that's her okay [Laughter] ian where are you i'm on my way i had to stop to get the aquarium and not a lot of places are open right now i know right i didn't see you there all right so let's go we gotta sneak into his house we gotta make sure that we get him and stuff oh he's got guard dogs oh no dora guard dogs these guards dogs wait hang on how how did guard dogs feel about reindeer good question let's ask them yeah hello dogs let me ask you a quick question how do you feel about this guy um oh uh uh hey dougie hey friend how's it going this is a good boy okay let's come back all right hang on hang on down here he's my reindeer down down down puppy down i got him don't worry he's down okay all right good oh the others don't like me either they don't like me either i gotta get away i gotta get away i'm safe with my car no i'm not shh you're sure it's safe this time they seem okay yeah they're good all right let's go make sure noise is okay oh there's a good spot price aquarium over here oh perfect okay okay oh oh i don't know oh he's talking about his dogs oh he's gonna see his aquarium and he's gonna see his car and it's gonna be awesome uh do you think he just wanted any car maybe you think he wanted a different type of car yeah it'll be fine the crashed car huh i want ian's doritos i paid a lot of money for that we're millionaire secret santa all right come on come on come on we got we gotta let's let's just give him your card come on let's go oh the dogs have claimed the car anyway yeah come on let's get in the car we're taking the car back this is the crashed car i'm driving don't worry we are gonna crash in this car oh it's broken i don't want the crashed car and it's fine geez just truck whoa whoa it's okay it's okay we're going back we're going back don't worry everything will be perfectly fine you can trust me i know how to drive i've gone to driving school are you sure perfectly fine it'll be perfectly fine okay all right so i think are you okay by the way um a little uncomfortable not gonna lie oh i see see that was the deer that didn't listen to me i'm just kidding it's fake it's fake it's fake it's not real anyway uh uh so so we're done with the secret santa stuff right i can go change now um my house is catching on fire all right oh the house is not on fire would you stop bringing the doorbell down there geez we're coming who is it now i don't even know uh well wait this is a leak i will pay someone for it later who's here if there's mail in here i swear there's mail in here i swear what is it this time more is what it says what dear secret millionaire santa what gives you left me what i asked for and nothing more what i left your coffee machine what i'd like more please surprise me if you don't then i'll tell pierce the real santa didn't visit him and he'll be sad sneaky kawaii channel why chin oh damn don't make that so sneaky oh my god she's so sneaky right now i can't believe this all right so let's quiet you what is this what is this noise dear secret millionaire santa what kauai chan's letter said but also leave something nice for my dogs please thanks yeah boy okay i i don't want to go near the dogs again not dress like this it's fine we don't have to pierce is fine he's happy we haven't pierced forever he should be good what's his last letter dear santa thank you so much for everything you are the best i didn't think i made the nice list so i'm so happy thank you thank you forever loving santa pierce oh you know what we can't let kawhi chan tell him that's we're not the real santa [Music] all right let's go this standard let's go do it let's go buy more things to give away this is millionaires millionaires let's go it's a blessing and a curse okay your squad chance houses hurry up and get in there all right yeah just put the stuff in we just got lots of money hey look here's here's the new thing yeah uh what's what's that a fridge get rid of that you get a big fancy fridge now there oh nice nice thing on a home assistant bam the vanity there you go yeah right that's right oh that's a nice bathtub there that's it that's great yes it's a great bathtub it's really really great it's really really good hey quite yet better than that bed it's a there's a giant bed there you go what's happening she didn't see me she knows i'm saying let's go see you later all right next house next house let's go open this up okay again uh uh bam pool table there we go uh he's got one tv why not two hey here we go [Applause] [Music] okay let's give um a room oh that's great hey hang on hang on all right we gotta go we gotta go whoa whoa whoa up here christmas what's going on okay all right dogs i bought you something i brought his dog something because he asked me look dogs you can play with the roomba you ready oh they're staring at me they're staring at me i don't like this it's fine it's fine it's fine the dogs they just want my car back the dogs get the roof roof bug get it get some of these gaming chair here's your piano too you will probably like the piano setup there he goes right there oh that's cute look at this would go great in this orange house an orange jet pack oh nice nice how about a helicopter uh yeah and a tv for you tv for oh a helicopter what helicopter that's right here's a phone uh here's another i'm gonna get him with snowballs there we go oh i'm stuck in the aquarium let's go get out get out check it out let's go let's go let's go you know what one more hang on hang on we'll block him in there we go perfect all right he's got some toilets oh gosh there you [Music] i know it's so cool check it out hot red color no oh i don't even know how to pilot one that's why that one works well go ahead take off i'm so excited to find mine right yeah let's go for a ride and oh what does this button do oh no what's up oh no it's not canceling you're supposed to take out car but fine hey you wanna get something to eat i'm hungry yeah let's go to millionaire mcdonald's yeah yeah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,630,158
Rating: 4.8797197 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft millionaire server, minecraft millionaire aphmau, i became a millionaire in minecraft, how to become a millionaire in minecraft, rich minecraft server, the richest minecraft server, i found a secret minecraft millionaire server, secret minecraft millionaire sever, how to be rich in minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft millionaire challenge, minecraft millionaire server funny moments, minecraft no swears, minecraft aphmau, minecraft santa, secret santa minecraft
Id: hDV3Oc4-eZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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